This archived statute consolidation is current to November 10, 1992 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date.

Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund Repeal Act

[SBC 1982] CHAPTER 30

[Act administered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food]

Assented to June 7, 1982

  1.  Assets of Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund
  2.  Transitional
  3-5.  Spent
  6.  Commencement

Assets of Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund

1.  All the assets of the Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund are transferred to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, and may be dealt with by it for its purposes as part of its own assets.

Historical Note(s): 1982-30-1.


2.  (1) The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia has, notwithstanding the repeals effected by this Act, the power and capacity to litigate or otherwise dispose of any claim against and the duty to discharge any liability of

(a) the Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund, and

(b) the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia

that would otherwise be extinguished by those repeals.

(2) Notwithstanding the repeals effected by this Act, all liabilities of the Group Two members of the Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund that would otherwise be extinguished by the repeals are preserved and shall, subject to subsection (3), continue to exist to the same extent as if the repeals had not been effected, and nothing in subsection (1) affects or prejudices any right that any person has or may have against the Group Two members of the Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund.

(3) Nothing in this section prevents the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia from relying on the Limitation Act.

(4) This section is retroactive to the extent necessary to give full effect to its provisions.

Historical Note(s): 1982-30-2.

Consequential Amendments


3-5.  [Spent. 1982-30-3 to 5.]


6.  This Act comes into force by regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Historical Note(s): 1982-30-6; 1983-10-25, effective October 26, 1983 (B.C. Reg. 393/83).

[Editorial Note(s): Act proclaimed in force April 1, 1983, B.C. Reg. 140/83, Part II Gazette Vol. 26, p. 187.]