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This page contains information for the period November 18, 2024 to December 31, 2024. The information is from Order in Council 596/2024, as amended by Orders in Council 613/2024 and 623/2024.
Column 1 ACT |
Column 2 DETAILS |
Column 3 MINISTER |
Family Compensation Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Family Day Act | Labour | |
Family Law Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Family Maintenance Enforcement Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Farm Income Insurance Act | Agriculture and Food | |
Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act | Agriculture and Food | |
Farmers and Womens Institutes Act | Agriculture and Food | |
Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act | Agriculture and Food | |
Federal Courts Jurisdiction Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Federal Port Development Act | Energy and Climate Solutions | |
Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2011 | Sections 142 – 145. | Finance |
Financial Administration Act | Finance | |
Financial Disclosure Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Financial Information Act | Finance | |
Financial Institutions Act | Sections 242.1 and 242.2. | Attorney General and Deputy Premier |
Financial Institutions Act | Provisions of the Act as they relate to the establishment and operation of the Corporate Registry. | Citizens' Services |
Financial Institutions Act | The Act except the following: (a) provisions of the Act as they relate to the establishment and operation of the Corporate Registry; (b) sections 242.1 and 242.2. |
Finance |
Financial Services Authority Act | Finance | |
Fire and Police Services Collective Bargaining Act | Labour | |
Fire Department Act | Labour | |
Fire Safety Act | The following: (a) section 48 (2) (b) as that provision relates to the portfolio of the Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs; (b) section 48 (3) (b); (c) section 48 (3) (d) and (e) as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs; (d) section 48.1. |
Housing and Municipal Affairs |
Fire Safety Act | The Act except the following: (a) section 48 (2) (b) as that provision relates to the Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs; (b) section 48 (3) (b); (c) section 48 (3) (d) and (e) as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs; (d) section 48.1. |
Public Safety and Solicitor General |
Firearm Act | Public Safety and Solicitor General | |
Firearm Violence Prevention Act | Public Safety and Solicitor General | |
Fireworks Act | Public Safety and Solicitor General | |
First Nations Education Act | Education and Child Care | |
First Nations Mandated Post-Secondary Institutes Act | Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills | |
First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Act | Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation | |
Fish and Seafood Act | The Act except provisions of the Act as they relate to licensing respecting the growing of aquatic plants and the harvesting of wild aquatic plants. | Agriculture and Food |
Fish and Seafood Act | Provisions of the Act as they relate to licensing respecting the growing of aquatic plants and the harvesting of wild aquatic plants. | Water, Land and Resource Stewardship |
Fishing Collective Bargaining Act | Labour | |
Flathead Watershed Area Conservation Act | Water, Land and Resource Stewardship | |
Flood Relief Act | Water, Land and Resource Stewardship | |
FNCIDA Implementation Act | Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation | |
Food and Agricultural Products Classification Act | Agriculture and Food | |
Food Delivery Service Fee Act | Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation | |
Food Donor Encouragement Act | Public Safety and Solicitor General | |
Food Safety Act | Provisions of the Act as they relate to food establishments where animals are slaughtered for food purposes. | Agriculture and Food |
Food Safety Act | The Act except provisions of the Act as they relate to food establishments where animals are slaughtered for food purposes. | Health |
Foreign Arbitral Awards Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Foreign Money Claims Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Forensic Psychiatry Act | Health | |
Forest Act | The following: (a) the Act as it relates to (i) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (ii) the administration of deposits and securities payable; (b) sections 142.93, 142.931 and 164.01. |
Finance |
Forest Act | The Act except the following: (a) as it relates to (i) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (ii) the administration of deposits and securities payable; (b) sections 142.93, 142.931 and 164.01. |
Forests |
Forest and Range Practices Act | The following: (a) Part 8.1; (b) section 166 as that provision relates to the portfolio of the Attorney General and Deputy Premier. |
Attorney General and Deputy Premier |
Forest and Range Practices Act | The following: (a) sections 56, 57, 118 (2) (d) and 148; (b) section 58 as that provision relates to recreation resources and the management of public recreation use on Crown land; (c) sections 142, 146 and 147 as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Environment and Parks. |
Environment and Parks |
Forest and Range Practices Act | The Act as it relates to (a) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (b) the administration of deposits and securities payable. |
Finance |
Forest and Range Practices Act | The Act except the following: (a) as it relates to (i) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (ii) the administration of deposits and securities payable; (b) sections 56, 57, 118 (2) (d), Part 8.1 and sections 148 and 150.2; (c) section 58 as that provision relates to recreation resources and the management of public recreation use on Crown land; (d) sections 141 and 143 as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship; (e) sections 142, 146 and 147 as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Environment and Parks; (f) section 166 as that provision relates to the portfolio of the Attorney General and Deputy Premier. |
Forests |
Forest and Range Practices Act | The following: (a) Sections 141 and 143 as those provisions relate to the portfolio of the Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship; (b) Section 150.2. |
Water, Land and Resource Stewardship |
Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act | Provisions of the Act as they relate to (a) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (b) the administration of deposits and securities payable. |
Finance |
Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act | The Act except provisions of the Act as they relate to (a) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (b) the administration of deposits and securities payable. |
Forests |
Forest Stand Management Fund Act | Provisions of the Act as they relate to (a) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (b) the administration of deposits and securities payable. |
Finance |
Forest Stand Management Fund Act | The Act except provisions of the Act as they relate to (a) the collection of public money, as defined in section 1 of the Financial Administration Act, other than a fine, or (b) the administration of deposits and securities payable. |
Forests |
Forestry Revitalization Act | Forests | |
Forestry Service Providers Protection Act | Forests | |
Franchises Act | Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation | |
Fraudulent Conveyance Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Fraudulent Preference Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act | Citizens' Services | |
Frustrated Contract Act | Attorney General and Deputy Premier | |
Fuel Price Transparency Act | Energy and Climate Solutions |
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