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In the matter of the Bank of Montreal (Petitioner) vs. Crystal Marie Jonker (Respondent).
By virtue of an Order issued out of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dated the 22nd day of July 2008, made by the Honourable Master Baker, bearing Vancouver Supreme Court Registry No. S080207, I will sell, by sealed tender to be held at 3120 — 30 Avenue, Vernon, BC, on the 7th day of November 2008, at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, all the right, title and interest of the judgment debtor, Crystal Marie Jonker, in and for the following land, more particularly known and described as follows:
PID 012-673-862, Lot 2, District Lot 301A, Kootenay District Plan 11672.
Registered owner in fee simple: Douglas Wayne Jonker and Crystal Marie Jonker.
Legal notations: Hereto is annexed easement 31204D over lands as therein set out.
Charges, Liens and Interests
Reservation V18720. Registered owner of charge: The Columbia and Western Railway Company. Remarks: See DD2793 and 12981, mines and minerals transferred to P9704.
Undersurface Rights P9704, 1980-05-06, 12:51. Registered owner of charge: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia. Remarks: Mines and minerals.
Mortgage KP165922, 2000-11-03, 09:05. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal.
Assignment of Rents KP165922, 2000-11-03, 09:05. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal.
Judgment LB91369, 2007-08-01,10:56. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal. Remarks: As to the interest of Crystal Jonker.
Certificate of pending litigation: LB157108, 2008-01-16, 13:13. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal. Remarks: As to the interest of Crystal Marie Jonker.
Duplicate indefeasible title: None outstanding.
Transfer: None.
Pending Applications: None.
Conditions of Sale
Sealed tenders marked "Jonker" will be accepted at the office of the Court Bailiff at 3120 — 30 Avenue, Vernon, BC V1T 2C2, until 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, on the 7th day of November, 2008.
Each tender shall be accompanied by a bank draft, drawn in favour of the Court Bailiff for 10% of the bid. The successful bidder is required to pay the balance of the bid within 10 days of the notice of acceptance from the Court Bailiff. Time is of the essence.
If the balance is not paid within 10 days from the date of the sale, the bidder will forfeit their deposit.
All unsuccessful tenders will be re-turned.
The Court Bailiff reserves the right to reject any or all offers, and further reserves the right to adjourn the sale generally or seek the further direction from the Court.
The Court Bailiff shall convey the land to the successful purchaser at the completion of the sale, in the manner and form prescribed in the Court Order Enforcement Act, RSBC 1996, chapter 78. — Okanagan Court Bailiffs Inc., Brett Boulter, Court Bailiff, Area 8, telephone 1 866 549-2727. [oc30]
In the matter of the Bank of Montreal (Petitioner) vs. Jun-Hong Cha (Respondent).
By virtue of an Order issued out of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dated the 12th day of February 2008, made by Master Young, bearing Vancouver Supreme Court Registry No. S074314, I will sell, by sealed tender all the right, title and one half interest of the respondent, Jun-Hong Cha, in and to the following lands and premises, more particularly known and described as follows:
PID 015-370-801, Strata Lot 76, Section 16, Township 2 NWD, Strata Plan NW2903 together an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as shown on Form 1.
Civic Description: 217, 13918 – 72nd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 0T4.
Registered owner in fee simple: Jun-Hong Cha, Technician and Aee-Kyong Cha, Waitress as joint tenants.
Taxation authority: City of Surrey.
Amount of judgment and interest: $34,696.72 plus interest to be calculated and certificate of costs to be applied.
Legal notations: None.
Charges, Liens and Interests
Easement AA42708, 1987-03-18, 12:53. Remarks: Inter alia Appurtenant to Lot 2 Plan 74045.
Covenant AA42709, 1987-03-18, 12:54. Registered owner of charge: District of Surrey. Remarks: Inter alia L.T.A. Section 215.
Mortgage BK304541, 1996-09-26, 10:30. Registered owner of charge: Surrey Metro Savings Credit Union.
Mortgage BA288138, 2006-05-12, 14:17. Registered owner of charge: Coast Capital Savings Credit Union.
Judgment BA138574, 2006-10-10, 11:08. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal. Remarks: As to the undivided one half interest of Jun-Hong Cha. Renewed by BB898396.
Certificate of pending litigation: BB99568, 2007-06-26, 09:35. Registered owner of charge: Bank of Montreal.
Strata Property Act Lien BB694632, 2008-08-06, 11:51. Registered owner of charge: The Owners, Strata Plan NW2903. Remarks: Renewal of BA138574 as to the interest of Jun-Hong Cha.
Caution: Charges may not appear in order of priority. See Section 28, L.T.A.
Conditions of Sale
Sealed tenders marked "Cha" will be accepted at the office of the J.W. Milton Senior Court Bailiff at 8540 Greenall Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5J 3M6, until 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 14th day of November 2008.
Each tender shall be accompanied by a certified cheque, drawn in favour of Active Bailiff Service Ltd. (Court Bailiff Division)for a minimum of 10% of the total bid. The successful bidder is required to pay the balance of the bid within 10 days of the notice of acceptance from the Court Bailiff. Time is of the essence.
If the balance is not paid within 10 days from the date of the sale, the bidder will forfeit their deposit.
The highest cash offer will be accepted unless the offer fails to meet a sufficiency of price in the Court Bailiff's opinion, in which case the Court Bailiff reserves the right to adjourn the sale. Such sale may be subject to Court approval.
Potential bidders are advised that before bidding on this sale, they should obtain information concerning encumbrances registered against the property, transfer of the Title, etc., either personally or through their solicitor from the Land Title Office, New Westminster, B.C.
The Court Bailiff shall convey the land to the successful purchaser at the completion of the sale, in the manner and form prescribed in the Court Order Enforcement Act, RSBC 1996, chapter 78. — J.W. Milton, Senior Court Bailiff, telephone 604 434-7279. E&O.E. [oc30]