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In the matter of Certificate of Title GB33829, covering PID 003-080-412, Strata Lot 3, District Lot 274, Strata Plan VR. 29, together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as shown on Form 1, issued in the name of Mary-Ann Hurley.
Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.
Dated at the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC, this 23rd day of March 2018. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [ap5]
In the matter of Certificate of Title P37162, covering Lot 3, Block 15, Section 69, Comox District, Plan 480-B, issued in the names of Olga Pawluk and David George Pawluk.
Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.
Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 23rd day of March 2018. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [ap5]