Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Volume CXLVIII, No. 51
December 18, 2008
The British Columbia Gazette
Published by Authority


Take notice that Black Mountain Energy Corporation intends to make application on or after December 20, 2008, to the Oil and Gas Commission (Pipelines and Facilities, Safety Engineering Group and Applications and Approvals Branch) for leave to construct a pipeline in northeastern British Columbia from wellsite a-67-A / 94-G-8 in the Laprise Creek field to tie in to b-64-A / 94-G-8, for the purpose of transporting sour natural gas.

Comments regarding this project may be directed to Trevor Klassen of Onstream Engineering Ltd at 1260, 630 Sixth Avenue SW., Calgary, AB T2P 0S8, telephone 403 503-3372 or fax 403 503-3340. [de18]


Take notice that Black Mountain Energy Corporation intends to make application on or after December 20, 2008, to the Oil and Gas Commission (Pipelines and Facilities, Safety Engineering Group and Applications and Approvals Branch) for leave to construct a pipeline in northeastern British Columbia from wellsite c-31-F / 94-A-14 in the N Buick field to tie in to c-54-F / 94-A-14, for the purpose of transporting sour natural gas.

Comments regarding this project may be directed to Trevor Klassen of Onstream Engineering Ltd at 1260, 630 Sixth Avenue SW., Calgary, AB T2P 0S8, telephone 403 503-3372 or fax 403 503-3340. [de18]


Take notice that Canbriam Energy Inc. intends to make application on or after December 16, 2008, to the Oil and Gas Commission (Pipelines and Facilities, Safety Engineering Group and Applications and Approvals Branch) for leave to construct a pipeline in northeastern British Columbia from wellsite C-64-H / 94-B-8 in the Altares field, to tie in to a wellsite located at d-44-H / 94-B-8, for the purpose of transporting natural gas.

Comments regarding this project may be directed to Jim Chan of Canbriam Energy Inc. at 500, 521 Third Avenue SW., Calgary, AB T2P 3T3, telephone 403 269-2874 or fax 403 269-7637. [de18]


Take notice that Storm Gas Resource Corp. intends to make application on or after December, 2008, to the Oil and Gas Commission (Pipelines and Facilities, Safety Engineering Group and Project Assessment Branch) for leave to construct a pipeline in the Gote field, on Crown land, from wellsite d-20-D / 94-P-12 to wellsite d-37-D / 94-P-12, for the purpose of transporting natural gas.

Comments regarding this project may be directed to Altec Inspection, Fort St. John, BC, telephone 250 785-6295 or 250 785-5295. [de18]