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Take notice that Russell Crawford, of Mid-Island Aggregate Ltd., has filed with the Chief Inspector of Mines pursuant to section 10 (1) of the Mines Act, RSBC 1996, c. 293, a proposed mine plan, together with a program for the protection and reclamation of the land and watercourses related to the proposed gravel pit and quarry located at Lot 2, District Lot 132, Malahat District, Plan VIP85007, Stebbings Road.
Any person affected by or interested in this program has 30 days to make written representation to Mid-Island Aggregate Ltd., 824 Kangaroo Road, Victoria, BC V9C 4E2 with a copy to the Chief Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, c/o Maryann Bouffard, Operations Coordinator, Southwest Region, Mining and Minerals Division, 340, 1675 Douglas Street (PO Box 9395, Stn Prov Govt), Victoria, BC V8W 9M9, facsimile 250 953-3878. [de18]