Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Volume CXLVIII, No. 16
April 17, 2008
The British Columbia Gazette
Published by Authority


Call for tenders for the right to explore and develop private petroleum and natural gas resources.

Take notice that, pursuant to section 71 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, MACKENO Ventures, a division of 588255 B.C. Ltd. (representative of a number of Mineral Title holders), will accept sealed bids addressed to MACKENO Ventures, Comp. 23, Site 13, SS 2, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M7, up to and including Friday, June 13, 2008, for the privilege of obtaining petroleum and natural gas rights as outlined below. Accepted offers will be announced no later than 11:00 a.m., Friday, June 20, 2008.

All parcels are within: Map 94A-7, North Pine; including petroleum and natural gas; all zones. Parcels are within the Agriculture Land Reserve: restoration of the surface soil on disturbed areas is required. It should be noted that the surface land owners are not the same owners as the mineral right tenure holders. Potential for archeological resources exists; overview assessment may be required.

Term: Five years.

Annual rental upset: $75.00 per hectare and 15% of produced sales (royalty). The bid will form two parts. This includes a bonus bid based on a value per hectare, and a rental/royalty bonus bid (bonus over and above upset).

In addition to any restrictions listed in this notice, successful bidders must be aware that they will be required to abide by the various acts and regulations governing exploration and development whether or not specific restrictions are listed in this notice. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved.

Parcel 100: 129.5 hectares; North Half of Section 8, Township 85, Range 18, W6M.

Note: South Half of Section 8 is not available at this time.

Parcel 101: 194.25 hectares; Northeast Quarter of Section 9, and North Half of Section 10, Township 85, Range 18, W6M.

Parcel 107: 129.5 hectares; South Half of Section 20, Township 85, Range 18, W6M.

Parcel 108: 129.5 hectares; North Half of Section 20, Township 85, Range 18, W6M.

Parcel 112: 194.25 hectares; Southeast Quarter of Section 9, and South Half of Section 10, Township 85, Range 18, W6M.

Further information and maps can be obtained by telephone 250 785-5365, fax 250 785-5353, or email [ap17X]