Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Volume CLVI, No. 42
October 20, 2016
The British Columbia Gazette
Published by Authority


In the matter of Certificate of Title PP28527, covering PID 009-215-492, Lot 4, District Lot 3599, Range 5, Coast District, Plan 7475, issued in the name of Eivind Magne Aasen.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Victoria, BC, this 11th day of October 2016. — Carlos MacDonald, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title AA215491, covering PID 008-531-692, Lot 46, District Lot 54, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 21443, issued in the names of Kenneth Walter Antoniuk and Violet Elaine Antoniuk.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC, this 4th day of October 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title EF126721, covering PID 000-907-260, Lot 4, Section 15, Range 1 North, North Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Plan 5754, issued in the names of Cecil Ormond Dunboyne Branson and June Branson.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Victoria, BC, this 11th day of October 2016. — Carlos MacDonald, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title T8564, covering Block A, Section 34, Township 26, Range 20, W5M, Kootenay District, issued in the name of Anthony Arthur Dyck.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 4th day of October 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title 56683W, covering Lot 10, Section 12, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District, Plan 23365, issued in the names of William Dyck and Elizabeth Dyck.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Victoria, BC, this 17th day of October 2016. — Carlos MacDonald, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title KG24634, covering Lot 3, Section 29, Township 26, Osoyoos Division, Yale District, Plan KAP49263, issued in the name of Marange Orchards Ltd.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 12th day of October 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title KG24635, covering Lot 4, Section 29, Township 26, Osoyoos Division, Yale District, Plan KAP49263, issued in the name of Marange Orchards Ltd.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 12th day of October 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title KF97012, covering Strata Lot 12, District Lot 71, Osoyoos Division, Yale DistrictStrata Plan K496, issued in the name of Hazel Opal Lillian Peterson.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 28th day of September 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title A69793, covering PID 004-542-681, Lot 3, District Lot 40, Newcastle District, Plan 15818, issued in the name of W.N. Poole.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above name, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Victoria, BC, this 14th day of October 2016. — Carlos MacDonald, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title 155133I, covering Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, District Lot 4588, Kootenay District, Plan 734, issued in the names of Ferris Donald Rahal and Sandra Jane Rahal.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Kamloops, BC, this 11th day of October 2016. — Larry Blaschuk, Registrar. [oc20]


In the matter of Certificate of Title Y16881, covering Lot 1, District Lot 3960, Cariboo District, Plan 21362, issued in the names of Irwin Earl Sellars and Linda May Sellars.

Whereas proof of the loss or destruction of the above numbered duplicate certificate of title to the above described lands, issued in the above names, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that at the expiration of two weeks from the date of this publication, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title in lieu of the said certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing.

Dated at the Land Title Office, Victoria, BC, this 7th day of October 2016. — Carlos MacDonald, Registrar. [oc20]