Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Volume CXLVI, No. 49
December 7, 2006
The British Columbia Gazette
Published by Authority


Take notice that 1 Wilderness Realty Inc., 900, 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90025, intends to make application to the Province of British Columbia, for private moorage residential purposes adjacent to District Lot 1460, Range 1, Coast District, situated on Provincial Crown Land located in Bute Inlet.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, 200, 10428 — 153 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. File 2409236.

Comments will be received by Integrated Land Management Bureau until December 31, 2006. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. More information is available at under Search Crown Land Applications.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. For more information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the ILMB's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that FrontCounterBC, Cranbrook, has accepted applications made by BHEX Contracting Ltd., of Revelstoke, BC, on behalf of the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Kootenay Region, for licences of occupation for the purposes of quarrying and upgrade and use of an existing roadway situated on Provincial Crown land in the vicinity of Galena Bay and covering 4.2 hectares, more or less.

Written comments concerning these applications should be directed to the Natural Resource Officer, FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1, or email to File 4404553.

Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until January 24, 2007. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website and follow the link to Crown Land Applications — Applications and Reason for Decision Database for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Blue Canyon Concrete Ltd., of Fort Nelson, BC, has made application to the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Peace Sub-region, for an amendment to a licence of occupation for quarry purposes covering approximately 2.5 hectares situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Prophet River (within Unit 79, Block J, 94-J-77), Peace River District.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Lynn Norman, Natural Resources Officer, 370, 10003 — 110 Avenue, Fort St. John, BC V1J 6M7. File 8004878.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 17, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information under Applications and Reason for Decision Database for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. [de7]


In the Newcastle Land Title District in the vicinity of Cowie Creek and Fanny Bay between Alberni and Comox.

Take notice that British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, of Vancouver, BC, intends to make application to the Integrated Land Management Bureau, Regional Office, for a right of way for an electric power line utility situated on Crown land located at District Lot 88, Newcastle District Plan 1871, except part in Plan 293RW, and except part lying to the east of the westerly boundary of Lot 48, Newcastle District, produced southerly to southerly boundary of said Lot 88, and except parts in Plans VIP62249 and VIP67926.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication, 142, 2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9. File 1412888.

Comments will be received by ILMB until the 23rd day of December 2006. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, of Vancouver, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau, Crown Land Adjudication (ILMB), for a statutory right of way for an electrical distribution line over unsurveyed Crown land lying south of Distirct Lot 6618, Group 1, NWD, situated on Provincial Crown land located on Bowen Island.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, ILMB, 200, 10428 — 153 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. File 2409234.

Comments will be received by ILMB until December 31, 2006. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Search Crown Land Applications for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Bute Inlet and Homathco Icefield Adventure Tours Ltd., Box 365, Sooke, BC V0S 1N0, intends to make application to the Province of British Columbia, for a commercial recreation licence of occupation for boat tours, fishing, hiking and helicopter purposes covering that parcel or tract of land in the vicinity of Homathko Icefield, together with unsurveyed foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Hamathko and Southgate Rivers, Ranges 1 and 2, Coast District.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, 200, 10428 — 153 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. File 2409219.

Comments will be received by Integrated Land Management Bureau until December 31, 2005. Integrated Land Management Bureau may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Search Land Applications for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Terry Bryan Evancio and Colleen Elizabeth Evancio, of Delta, BC, intend to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Southern Service Region, Kamloops Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication office, for a licence for road access purposes covering unsurveyed Crown land adjacent to Block X, District Lot 1953, KDYD, situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Barrière.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication, Third Floor, 145 Third Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3M1. File 3411459.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 22, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at >> Search >> Search by File Number: Insert lands file number for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. [de7]


Take notice that Robin Gibbs, of Summerland, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Southern Service Region, Kamloops Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication office, for public road access purposes covering unsurveyed right of way over Parcel C, District Lot 1072, ODYD, Plan A67, situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Summerland.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication, Third Floor, 145 Third Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3M1. File 3411452.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 14, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at >> Search >> Search by File Number: Insert lands file number for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. [de7]


Take notice that James P. Hurlburt, 923 Belmont Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, intends to make application to the Province of British Columbia, covering unsurveyed foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Mannion Bay, Group 1, NWD, for a licence of occupation for residential private moorage purposes in the vicinity of Mannion Bay, Bowen Island.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, 200, 10428 — 153 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. File 2409255.

Comments will be received by Integrated Land Management Bureau until January 7, 2007. Integrated Land Management Bureau may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the Applications and Reasons for Decision Database on the ILMB website at for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that K&S Builders Ltd., of Malakwa, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Southern Service Region, Kamloops Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication office, for a licence for quarrying purposes covering that part of District Lot 653, KDYD, and containing 6.10 hectares, more or less, situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Seymour Arm Village.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication, Third Floor, 145 Third Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3M1. File 3411379.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 12, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Search >> Search Land Applications for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. [de7]


Take notice that FrontCounter BC has accepted an application made by William Keith Machin and Shelagh Marie Machin, of Victoria, BC, for a licence for residential private moorage purposes located at Gossip Island, Cowichan District.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Natural Resource Officer, FrontCounter BC, G7, 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2C5. File 1413881.

Comments will be received by Integrated Land Management Bureau until January 5, 2007. Integrated Land Management Bureau may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website and follow the link to Crown Land Applications — Applications and Reason for Decision Database for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by Ice Creek Lodge Inc., of Winlaw, BC, on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts, Kootenay Region, for a licence of occupation for the purposes of a helicopter staging site situated on Provincial Crown land in the vicinity of Burton, BC, and covering 0.2 hectare, more or less.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Natural Resource Officer, FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1, or email to File 4403893.

Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until January 15, 2007. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website and follow the link to Crown Land Applications — Applications and Reason for Decision Database for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Northern Rockies Regional District, of Fort Nelson, BC, has made an application to the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Peace Sub-region, for a licence of occupation for sand and gravel quarry purposes covering approximately 3.75 hectares situated on Provincial Crown land in the vicinity of Fort Nelson, Peace River District.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Marianne Novotny, Natural Resources Officer, 370, 10003 — 110 Avenue, Fort St. John, BC V1J 6M7, telephone 250 787-3438. File 8014667.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 12, 2006. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information under Application and Reason for Decision Database, for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. [de7]


Take notice that Pan Fish Canada Ltd., of Campbell River, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Coast Region office, for an amendment to our current licence of occupation for the purpose of fin fish aquaculture situated on Provincial Crown land located on the south shore of Hardwicke Island.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Integrated Land Management Bureau, 142, 2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9. File 1409321.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 10, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Rogers Wireless Inc., of Burnaby, BC, intends to make application to the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Smithers-Skeena Sub-region, Regional Client Services Division, for a licence of occupation for the purposes of a communication site situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Endako, BC, adjacent to an existing communication tower site in the Glenannan area.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, Smithers-Skeena Sub-region, 3726 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0. File 6407802.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 7, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Crown Land Applications for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that the Corporation of the Village of Tahsis, of Tahsis, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Coast Region office, for an industrial licence situated on Provincial Crown land located at Tahsis Inlet.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Integrated Land Management Bureau, 142, 2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9. File 200484.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 8, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that the Corporation of the Village of Tahsis, of Tahsis, BC, intends to make application to Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Coast Region office, for a commercial wharf situated on Provincial Crown land located at Tahsis Inlet.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Integrated Land Management Bureau, 142, 2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9. File 1412889.

Comments will be received by ILMB until January 8, 2007. ILMB may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website at under Tenure Overview & Program Information for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be considered to be part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]


Take notice that Douglas Ward and Esther Tiessen, of 2544 Dahlia Court, Coquitlam, BC, intend to make application to the Province of British Columbia, for a licence of occupation for a residential private moorage purposes, covering unsurveyed foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Jervis Inlet, Group 1, NWD, situated on Provincial Crown land located in front of Lot 40, Hardy Island.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer, 200, 10428 — 153 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. File 2409246.

Comments will be received by Integrated Land Management Bureau until January 14, 2007. Integrated Land Management Bureau may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the Applications and Reasons for Decision Database on the ILMB website at for more information.

Be advised that any response to this notice will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Integrated Land Management Bureau's regional office. [de7]