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Discontinuing and closing a portion of North Lake Forest Service Road and right of way, Coast Forest Region, Sunshine Coast Forest District.
Notice is given, pursuant to section 121 (9) (a) of the Forest Act, that the portion of North Lake Forest Service Road shown in red on Exhibit A sketch dated May 15, 2008, filed on Ministry of Forests and Range File 10640-30/8058-00 located in the office of Real Estate Operations, Resource Tenures and Engineering Branch, 1675 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, has been discontinued and closed as a Forest Service Road.
File: 10640-30/8058-00.
Dated June 9, 2008. — Rich Coleman, Minister of Forests and Range. [je12]
Discontinuing and closing portions of Sechelt Gray Branch 09 and Sechelt Gray Branch 11 Forest Service Roads and rights of way, Coast Forest Region, Sunshine Coast Forest District.
Notice is given, pursuant to section 121 (9) (a) of the Forest Act, that the portions of Sechelt Gray Branch 09 and Sechelt Gray Branch 11 Forest Service Roads each shown in red on Exhibit A sketches dated May 15, 2008, filed on Ministry of Forests and Range File 10640-30/7575-00 located in the office of Real Estate Operations, Resource Tenures and Engineering Branch, 1675 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, has been discontinued and closed as a Forest Service Road.
File: 10640-30/7575-00.
Dated June 9, 2008. — Rich Coleman, Minister of Forests and Range. [je12]