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Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 550457 BC Ltd. (550457).
Dated at New Westminster, BC, this 15th day of January 2016. — Gerald Cruickshank, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 0693536 B.C. Ltd. (693536).
Dated at Hong Kong SAR, China, this 7th day of March 2016. — Stars Finance International Ltd., Shareholder. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 0766724 BC LTD (766724).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 15th day of March 2016. — Sun Shen Lin, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 782119 BC Ltd. (782119).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Sat D. Harwood, Lawyer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 0893049 BC Ltd. (893049).
Dated at New Westminster, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Vladimir Kolosov, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 0894346 B.C. Ltd. (894346).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — Rutsu Shikano, Richards Buell Sutton LLP, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 0899769 B.C. Ltd. (899769).
Dated at Richmond, BC, this 3rd day of March 2016. — Thomas W. Russell, Solicitor. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore 3RA Entertainment Ltd.(939560).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Albert Abrantes, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Advanced Steel Structures Inc. (612546).
Dated at Chilliwack, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Trevin B. Rogers, Solicitor. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Alan R. Vigoda Development Corporation (506738).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 15th day of March 2016. — Alan Richard Vigoda, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Arconn Contracting Ltd. (901942).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — Senthuran Senthivel, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Bevann Enterprises Ltd. (120459).
Dated at Quesnel, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Brad K.P. Chudiak, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Bill Ramsay Drywall Ltd. (828795).
Dated at Courtenay, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Paul Rodney Ives, Solicitor. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Black Horse International Publication Company Inc. (773098).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Qing Xia Dong, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Bobbie Burgers Inc. (663390).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Robertina Burgers, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Briscott Holdings Inc. (878200).
Dated at Shawnigan Lake, BC, this 2nd day of March 2016. — Grace Wise, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Cedar Cottage Medical Services Inc. (910750).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — M. Childs, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore C-POTK Consulting Ltd. (789929).
Dated at North Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Bahnan Jashnivand, Managing / Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore D.B.J. Consulting Ltd. (553586).
Dated at Surrey, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Rand L. Buckley, Solicitor for the Company. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Dynamic House Design Inc. (757953).
Dated at Kamloops, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Julie Orser, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore East Kootenay Polycoat Co. Ltd. (739715).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Sat D. Harwood, Lawyer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore GET Management Inc. (841762).
Dated at West Vancouver, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — Gregory Foweraker, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore G.R. Brand & Associates Ltd. (385503).
Dated at West Vancouver, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Glenn Brand, C.E.O and Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Go Auto Classic & Muscle Car Specialist Ltd. (722761).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Aydin Bird Business Lawyers, Solicitors. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Good Earth Enterprises Ltd. (111733).
Dated at Victoria, BC, this 12th day of March 2016. — Victor Cheke, President / CEO /CFO. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Hesketh Enterprises Ltd. (561388).
Dated at Osoyoos, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Gerald Hesketh, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore High Pressure Mobile Welding Limited (978113).
Dated at Kelowna, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Una Gabie / Touchstone Law Group LLP, Solicitor. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Joe Myers Investments Ltd (793999).
Dated at Duncan, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Joe Myers, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Khanijon Investments Ltd (861518).
Dated at White Rock, BC, this 15th day of March 2016. — Surinder Khanijon, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore KTH Consulting Ltd (815277).
Dated at Winnipeg, MB, this 8th day of March 2016. — Keren E. Taylor-Hughes, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Lipa Holdings Ltd. (969862).
Dated at Quesnel, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — MaryAnne Morrison, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore O.B. Development (Wilson) Corp. (778757).
Dated at Vancover, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Sat D. Harwood, Laywer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Orange Capital Corp. (976391).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 8th day of March 2016. — William Macdonald, Solicitor. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Oxygen Oasis Holdings Inc. (914761).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Garth Curtis Wasson, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Pargov Properties Ltd. (792605).
Dated at Parksville, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Milena Pargov, Secretary. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Perfect Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd. (975299).
Dated at Surrey, BC, this 8th day of March 2016. — Gurjant Singh, President & Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore RIJ Homes Limited (733949).
Dated at Langley, BC, this 8th day of March 2016. — Rajinder Sandhu, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore RJ Safety Demo Services Ltd. (965253).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Liming Cai, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Seat Cover Centre (2005) Ltd. (722714).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Aydin Bird Business Lawyers, Solicitors. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Shorsan Trucking Ltd. (425898).
Dated at Quesnel, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Brad K.P. Chudiak, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Sinco Construction Ltd. (802892).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Hassan Naraghi, Accountant. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Sogno Development (Wilson) Corp. (778758).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Sat D. Harwood, Lawyer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Sonoma Development (Wilson) Corp. (778739).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Sat D. Harwood, Lawyer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Starlife Financial Inc. (629454).
Dated at Langley, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — Daniel G LaPointe, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Storrs and Associates Consulting Ltd. (860911).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 11th day of March 2016. — DioGuardi Tax Law, Lawyers. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Sunbelt Commercial R.E. Ventures Inc. (825399).
Dated at Nanimo, BC, this 15th day of March 2016. — Michael Naprawa, President / Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore TBK Mechanical Ltd (2116349180).
Dated at Camrose, AB, this 15th day of March 2016. — Jessica Omoth, Agent. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Terra Firma Development Company, Ltd. (27659).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — John Drove, Solicitor for Company. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Triax Holdings Ltd. (155021).
Dated at Duncan, BC, this 1st day of March 2016. — Gary LaCroix, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Trinity House Corp (978775).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Mehdi Russel, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore United Republic Consulting Group Incorporated (676682).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — John C Chao, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Versatek Surveys Ltd. (653475).
Dated at Penticton, BC, this 8th day of March 2016. — William Oliver of Kampman Oliver Keene McAndrews, Company Lawyer. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Wesley Gainer Contracting Ltd. (787749).
Dated at Williams Lake, BC, this 10th day of March 2016. — Julian S. Tryczynski, Solicitor for the Company. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Well Living Home Inspection Inc. (888329).
Dated at Burnaby, BC, this 14th day of March 2016. — Jiangnan Peng, President. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Wilson Art Ltd. (314520).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 15th day of March 2016. — Rabinder Nijjar, Director. [mh17]
Take notice that a restoration application will be made to the Registrar of Companies to restore Yousefi Law Corporation (979302).
Dated at Vancouver, BC, this 9th day of March 2016. — Douglas Mordy, Agent. [mh17]