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1997 Legislative Session: 2nd Session, 36th Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:
1 Section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318, is amended by adding the following definitions:
"convicted" has the same meaning as in section 30.1 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act;
"fine indebtedness" means an indebtedness referred to in section 26 (1) (c);
"motor vehicle indebtedness" has the meaning set out in paragraphs (a) to (f) of the definition of "motor vehicle indebtedness" in section 30.1 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act; .
2 Section 23 is repealed and the following substituted:
23 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe classes of drivers' licences, including classes of drivers' licences for persons who are learning to drive one or more categories of motor vehicles, and may designate any of the following for each class:
(a) the minimum amount of driving experience, minimum driving skills or other qualifications that the holder of the class of licence is required to have;
(b) the ages of the drivers to whom a licence of that class may be issued;
(c) the categories of motor vehicles that the holder of the class of licence is licensed to drive.
(2) The driving experience, driving skills or other qualifications referred to in subsection (1) (a) may be measured by one or more of the following:
(a) the length of time a person has held a valid driver's licence issued under this Act or in another jurisdiction;
(b) a person's driving record, if any, from this or any other jurisdiction;
(c) other prescribed means.
(3) The authority to drive conferred by each class of licence prescribed under this section is confined to the driving of motor vehicles of the category designated for that class.
(4) A regulation made under subsection (1) does not affect a driver's licence issued to a person before the regulation is made, and the driver's licence remains in force until it expires or is suspended, revoked, cancelled or surrendered.
3 Section 24 (4) is repealed.
4 Section 25 is amended
(a) in subsection (3) by striking out "For the purpose of determining an applicant's fitness and ability to drive or operate any category of motor vehicles," and substituting "For the purpose of determining an applicant's driving experience, driving skills, qualifications, fitness and ability to drive and operate any category of motor vehicle designated for that class of driver's licence for which the application is made,",
(b) in subsection (3) by adding the following paragraph:
(b.1) provide the corporation with information required to measure the applicant's driving experience, driving skills and qualifications, ,
(c) in subsection (7) by striking out "on being satisfied as to the fitness and ability of the applicant" and substituting ", on being satisfied as to the driving experience, driving skills, qualifications, fitness and ability of the applicant",
(d) in subsection (8) by striking out "The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the issuance of a driver's licence to a person who is learning to drive, and prescribing" and substituting "The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the issuance of a driver's licence to a person who is learning to drive one or more categories of motor vehicles, prescribing",
(e) in subsection (10) by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (d) and by adding the following paragraphs:
(f) establish the length of time or the method of determining the length of time during which a restriction imposed on or a condition added to the driver's licence under this subsection is to apply, and
(g) empower the superintendent or the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, in prescribed circumstances or for prescribed purposes, to exempt unconditionally or on conditions the superintendent or the corporation, as the case may be, considers desirable, a member of the class of persons from any restriction imposed on or condition added to the driver's licence of that class of persons. , and
(f) by adding the following subsections:
(10.1) Without limiting subsection (10), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, impose a condition on a class of driver's licence, or on the drivers' licences of persons who hold a licence to drive a motor vehicle of a specified category, that the holder of the licence must not operate a motor vehicle, or category of motor vehicle, while having alcohol in his or her body.
(10.2) The condition imposed by a regulation under subsection (10.1) is applicable to and conclusively deemed to be part of the driver's licence of the person on whom the condition is imposed, whether the licence is issued before or after the coming into force of the regulation.
5 The following section is added:
25.1 (1) This section applies if
(a) a person has a driving record that in the opinion of the superintendent is unsatisfactory or the superintendent considers that, with respect to the person's driving skills, fitness or ability to drive and operate a motor vehicle, it is in the public interest for the person to attend one or both of the following:
(i) a prescribed driver training or driver retraining course;
(ii) a prescribed remedial program in relation to his or her consumption of alcohol or drugs,
(b) it is not, in the superintendent's opinion, contrary to the public interest to allow the person to hold a driver's licence while attending a course or program referred to in paragraph (a), and
(c) the person pays any applicable fees charged for a course or program referred to in paragraph (a).
(2) In the circumstances referred to in subsection (1), the superintendent may require a statement in, endorsement on or attachment to the person's driver's licence, adding one or both of the following as conditions of the driver's licence:
(a) the person must attend and successfully complete, before a date specified by the superintendent, a course referred to in subsection (1) (a) (i);
(b) the person must attend and successfully complete, before a date specified by the superintendent, a program referred to in subsection (1) (a) (ii).
(3) Nothing in this section limits the application of sections 25 (12), 92 and 93.
6 Section 26 is amended
(a) by repealing subsection (1) (a),
(b) in subsection (1) (b) by striking out "reimbursement of money paid in respect of a claim," and substituting "any motor vehicle indebtedness,",
(c) in subsection (1) (c) by adding ", or a victim's surcharge levy within the meaning of the Victims of Crime Act," after "a fine",
(d) by repealing subsection (2) (a) (i) and (iii) and by striking out "or" at the end of subsection (2) (a) (ii),
(e) by repealing subsection (2) (b) and substituting the following:
(b) is indebted to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for any motor vehicle indebtedness. ,
(f) in subsection (3) by adding ", or a victim's surcharge levy within the meaning of the Victims of Crime Act," after "a fine", and
(g) by repealing subsection (5) and substituting the following:
(5) Under this section, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia may refuse to issue a licence, number plates or a permit due to a person who is indebted to the corporation for any motor vehicle indebtedness or to the government for any fine indebtedness, until the corporation is satisfied that the amount of the indebtedness has been fully paid or the person makes arrangements satisfactory to the corporation for its payment.
7 The following section is added:
26.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2) but despite any other provision of this Act or the regulations, if a person is indebted to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for a motor vehicle indebtedness or to the government for a fine indebtedness, the corporation may, with or without a hearing or refunding the fees for the licence, cancel the driver's licence of the debtor.
(2) The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia must not exercise a right referred to in subsection (1) unless
(a) the corporation mails to the debtor, by registered mail, at the debtor's most recent address recorded in the corporation's records, a written demand for payment of that motor vehicle indebtedness or fine indebtedness together with a notice of any action the corporation intends to take under this section and of any appeal rights available to the debtor under section 118.7, and
(b) the debtor does not, within 30 days after the date of mailing, pay the motor vehicle indebtedness or fine indebtedness or make arrangements satisfactory to the corporation for its payment.
(3) If a person is notified that his or her driver's licence has been cancelled under this section, the person must,
(a) if notified of the cancellation by mail, immediately send the driver's licence to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, and
(b) if notified of the cancellation by personal service by a peace officer, sheriff or person authorized by the corporation to do anything under this Act, surrender the driver's licence to the serving peace officer, sheriff or person.
8 Section 27 (1) is repealed and the following substituted:
(1) The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia may issue a driver's licence, with a term of more than 90 days but less than 5 years, to a person who has entered into an arrangement with the corporation for the payment of
(a) a fine indebtedness, or
(b) a motor vehicle indebtedness.
9 Section 60 (6) is amended by striking out "or" at the end of paragraph (a), by adding ", or" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following:
(c) the person's driver's licence is or was cancelled under section 92 (d).
10 Section 61 (1) is amended by striking out "referred to in section 60 (6) (a) or (b)." and substituting "referred to in section 60 (6) (a), (b) or (c)."
11 Section 83.1 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by adding the following definitions:
"traffic control signal" has the same meaning as in section 119;
"traffic light safety device" means a traffic light safety device prescribed under subsection (8) that is capable of photographing or capturing one or more images of a motor vehicle and of accurately and simultaneously recording data related to the motor vehicle and a traffic control signal. ,
(b) by adding the following subsection:
(2.1) The owner of a motor vehicle is liable for the contravention of section 129 (1) or (5) (a), 131 (1) (a) or (2) (a) or 134 if evidence of the contravention was gathered through the use of a prescribed traffic light safety device. ,
(c) in subsections (3) and (6) by adding "or (2.1)" after "subsection (2)",
(d) by repealing subsection (8) and substituting the following:
(8) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe
(a) a speed monitoring device for the purpose of subsection (2), and
(b) a traffic light safety device for the purpose of subsection (2.1). ,
(e) in subsection (9) by striking out "Without limiting subsection (2) or (8), evidence that is gathered by a speed monitoring device under subsection (2)" and substituting "Without limiting subsection (2), (2.1) or (8), evidence that is gathered by a speed monitoring device under subsection (2) or by a traffic light safety device under subsection (2.1)",
(f) by repealing subsection (10) and substituting the following:
(10) Data, which may be in an encoded form, may be electronically and simultaneously recorded on the captured image under subsection (9). ,
(g) in subsection (12) (a) by striking out "by reproducing it in paper format, and" and substituting "by reproducing it in electronic format or paper format, or on a record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, and", and
(h) in subsection (12) (b) by striking out "the reproduction in paper format" and substituting "the reproduction referred to in paragraph (a)".
12 Section 83.2 (2) is repealed and the following substituted:
(2) An enforcement officer may provide, by signing a completed certificate in the prescribed form,
(a) evidence of an offence
(i) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2), or
(ii) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a speed monitoring device prescribed for the purpose of that section, or
(b) evidence of an offence
(i) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2.1), or
(ii) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2.1) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a traffic light safety device prescribed for the purpose of that section.
13 Section 90 is amended
(a) by repealing subsection (1) (a) (i) and (iii) and by striking out "or" at the end of subsection (1) (a) (ii),
(b) in subsection (1) (b) by striking out "reimbursement of money paid in respect of a claim," and substituting "any motor vehicle indebtedness,",
(c) in subsection (1) by striking out "or" at the end of paragraph (a), by adding "or" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following paragraph:
(c) is indebted to the government for a fine indebtedness, ,
(d) by repealing subsection (2) (b) and (d), by striking out "or" at the end of subsection (2) (a) and "and" at the end of subsection (2) (c),
(e) by repealing subsection (3) and substituting the following:
(3) If a suspension occurs under subsection (1) due to a person being indebted to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for any motor vehicle indebtedness or to the government for any fine indebtedness, the suspension remains in force until the amount of the indebtedness has been fully paid or until arrangements satisfactory to the corporation have been made for its payment. ,
(f) in subsection (11) by adding "or any other person the corporation considers appropriate" after "peace officer", and
(g) by adding the following subsection:
(12) If the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia orders a person to recover a licence, permit, consent, certificate, windshield sticker or number plate under subsection (11) and the corporation is charged one or both of a fee and disbursements for that recovery, the person from whom the licence, permit, consent, certificate, sticker or number plate is recovered must reimburse the corporation for the fee and disbursements so charged.
14 Section 92 is amended
(a) by striking out "that the person is or may be" and substituting "the person is or may be", and
(b) by striking out "or" at the end of paragraph (a), by adding "or" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following paragraph:
(b.1) the person fails to comply with a condition imposed on his or her driver's licence under section 25.1 (2), .
15 Section 94.6 (9) is amended
(a) by striking out "for the purposes of section 95 (3) (a)." and substituting "for the purposes of section 95 (3) (a) or (b).", and
(b) by striking out "for the purposes of section 95 (4) (a)." and substituting "for the purposes of section 95 (4) (a) or (b)."
16 Section 96 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out "If a person is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle under section 91, 92 or 93, he or she must," and substituting "If a person is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle under section 91, 92 or 93, or if the person's driver's licence is suspended under section 90.1, he or she must,",
(b) in subsection (1) (a) by striking out "if notified of the prohibition by mail," and substituting "if notified of the prohibition or suspension by mail,", and
(c) by repealing subsections (4) and (5) and substituting the following:
(4) If a peace officer serves on a person, who is in control of a motor vehicle on a highway or industrial road, a document containing notice that the person is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle or that his or her driver's licence is suspended, the notice acts as a temporary driver's licence to expire at the time noted on its face, and the prohibition from driving or the licence suspension, as the case may be, starts immediately on the expiration of the temporary driver's licence.
(5) A temporary driver's licence issued under subsection (4) is subject to all restrictions and conditions of the driver's licence of the person who is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle or whose driver's licence is suspended, as the case may be.
17 Section 97 is repealed and the following substituted:
97 (1) A prohibition under section 91 is not invalid and must not be held to be invalid on the grounds that the notice of prohibition sent to the person being prohibited from driving under that section is not signed by an officer of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
(2) A prohibition under section 92 or 93, or a licence suspension under section 90.1, is not invalid and must not be held to be invalid on the grounds that the notice of prohibition or of licence suspension, as the case may be, sent to the person being prohibited from driving under section 92 or 93, or sent to the person whose licence is being suspended under section 90.1, is not signed by the superintendent or deputy superintendent.
18 Section 98 (3) is amended by striking out "under section 83." and substituting "under section 83 or 83.1."
19 Section 104.1 is amended by adding the following subsections:
(4.1) Despite subsection (1), if, at any time before a review is conducted under section 104.6, a peace officer is satisfied that a motor vehicle impounded under subsection (1) of this section is stolen property, the peace officer must
(a) order the person who has custody of the motor vehicle under the impoundment to release the motor vehicle to the owner or a person authorized by the owner, and
(b) promptly give notice to the superintendent of the release of the impounded motor vehicle.
(4.2) After receiving the notice referred to in subsection (4.1) (b), the superintendent must pay to the person who had custody of the motor vehicle under the impoundment the costs and charges referred to in section 104.5 (2).
20 Section 104.92 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (a), by adding ", and" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following:
(c) paying to the superintendent the prescribed impound release fee. , and
(b) in subsection (4) by adding "or by a peace officer under section 104.1 (4.1)" after "or subsection (3) of this section".
21 Section 104.95 (b) is amended by striking out "under section 104.1 (4) (b)," and substituting "under section 104.1 (4) (b) or (4.2),".
22 Section 105.1 is amended by adding the following subsections:
(5) Despite subsection (1), if, at any time before a review is conducted under section 105.5, a peace officer is satisfied that a motor vehicle impounded under subsection (1) of this section is stolen property, the peace officer must
(a) order the person who has custody of the motor vehicle under the impoundment to release the motor vehicle to the owner or a person authorized by the owner, and
(b) promptly give notice to the superintendent of the release of the impounded motor vehicle.
(6) After receiving the notice referred to in subsection (5) (b), the superintendent must pay to the person who had custody of the motor vehicle the impoundment costs and charges referred to in section 105.4 (2).
23 Section 105.91 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (a), by adding ", and" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following:
(c) paying to the superintendent the prescribed impound release fee. , and
(b) in subsection (4) by adding "or by a peace officer under section 105.1 (5)" after "or subsection (3) of this section".
24 Section 105.94 (b) is amended by striking out "under section 105.1 (4) (a)," and substituting "under section 105.1 (4) (b) or (6),".
25 Section 118.7 is amended by adding the following:
(b.1) under section 26.1, cancellation of the person's driver's licence;
(b.2) under section 27, issuance of a short term driver's licence; .
26 The following section is added:
124.1 (1) In this section:
"municipality" includes a regional district and the City of Vancouver;
"traffic light safety device" has the same meaning as in section 83.1 (1);
"traffic light safety device system" means a traffic light safety device and any other thing necessary for the effective use or operation of the traffic light safety device, including, without limitation,
(a) a sensor device, integral to the operation of the traffic light safety device, that is to be implanted in or under, or is to be installed or erected in, on, under or adjacent to, any highway or boulevard, and
(b) a record of a captured image referred to in section 83.1 (9).
(2) The Minister of Transportation and Highways, or a person authorized to do so by the minister, may do anything that the minister considers necessary to install, operate and maintain traffic light safety device systems at any locations in British Columbia that the minister considers appropriate, including, without limitation, on or for any highway within any municipality.
(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transportation and Highways, may make regulations respecting the location, installation, operation, maintenance, removal and replacement of traffic light safety device systems.
27 The following section is added:
135.1 A person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, intentionally obstructs or otherwise interferes with the operation of a speed monitoring device or traffic light safety device, as those terms are defined in section 83.1 (1).
28 Section 148 is repealed and the following substituted:
148 (1) A person who drives a motor vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than 40 km/h over the applicable speed limit set under the authority of an enactment commits an offence and is liable on conviction to not less than the aggregate of the fine amount and the applicable supplemental fine amount, if any, prescribed under section 148.1 for this offence and, subject to those amounts, section 4 of the Offence Act applies.
(2) If a person is charged with an offence under subsection (1) and the evidence does not prove the offence but does prove a contravention of section 140, 146 or 147, the person may be convicted of contravening section 140, 146 or 147, as the case may be, and the person is liable on that conviction to not less than the aggregate of the fine amount and the applicable supplemental fine amount, if any, prescribed under section 148.1 for that offence.
29 The following section is added:
148.1 (1) In relation to a contravention of section 140, 146 (1), (3), (5) or (7), 147 or 148 (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe
(a) a fine amount, and
(b) a supplemental fine amount.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe
(a) different fine amounts for the different contraventions referred to in subsection (1), and
(b) supplemental fine amounts that vary in relation to the degree by which a person, in committing the offence, exceeds, by a prescribed rate of speed, the applicable speed limit established under section 140, 146 (1), (3), (5) or (7), 147 or 148 (1), as the case may be.
(3) A person who contravenes section 140, 146 (1), (3), (5) or (7), 147 or 148 (1) is liable on conviction to a minimum fine of not less than the aggregate of
(a) the fine amount prescribed in relation to the contravention, and
(b) the supplemental fine amount, if any, prescribed in relation to, and applicable to the degree of, the contravention.
(4) If, by means of a violation ticket defined in section 1 of the Offence Act, a person is charged with an offence under section 140, 146 (1), (3), (5) or (7), 147 or 148 (1) of this Act and the evidence proves the offence but to a different degree than that reflected by the supplemental fine amount included in the ticketed amount, as that term is defined in section 1 of the Offence Act,
(a) the person may be convicted of the offence, and
(b) the supplemental fine amount may be varied in accordance with the amount prescribed under subsection (2) (b) to reflect the degree by which the person exceeded the applicable speed limit.
(5) The owner of a motor vehicle who is liable under section 83.1 (2) for a contravention referred to in subsection (1) of this section is liable on conviction to a minimum fine of not less than the aggregate of
(a) the fine amount prescribed in relation to the contravention, and
(b) the supplemental fine amount, if any, prescribed in relation to, and applicable to the degree of, the contravention.
(6) If a violation ticket, defined in section 1 of the Offence Act, is issued to an owner of a motor vehicle in respect of an offence under section 83.1 (2) of this Act and the evidence proves the contravention of section 140, 146 (1), (3), (5) or (7), 147 or 148 (1), as the case may be, but to a different degree than that reflected by the supplemental fine amount included in the ticketed amount, as that term is defined in section 1 of the Offence Act,
(a) the owner may be convicted, and
(b) the supplemental fine amount may be varied in accordance with the amount prescribed under subsection (2) (b) to reflect the degree by which the applicable speed limit was exceeded.
30 Section 210 is amended
(a) in subsection (2) by repealing paragraph (c) and substituting the following:
(c) respecting
(i) the training and retraining of drivers of motor vehicles,
(ii) persons and firms engaged in the training or retraining of drivers of motor vehicles, and
(iii) remedial programs referred to in section 25.1 (1) (a) (ii); , and
(b) in subsection (3.1) by adding the following paragraphs:
(h.1) prescribing the impound release fee for the purpose of section 105.91 (1);
(p) prescribing the impound release fee for the purpose of section 104.92 (1).
31 Section 226 (2) is repealed.
32 The following section is added:
231 (1) The minister may appoint a traffic safety commission, comprising at least 3 persons, for the purposes of providing advice and making recommendations to the minister on matters of traffic safety in British Columbia.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the traffic safety commission may make the inquiries and conduct the research it considers appropriate including, without limitation, seeking and considering input from the public and from law enforcement agencies on matters of traffic safety and conducting research into the success of traffic safety programs in British Columbia and elsewhere.
33 The following Part is added:
Part 5
232 (1) In this section:
"convicted" includes the granting of an absolute or conditional discharge;
"motor vehicle related Criminal Code offence" does not include an offence under section 259 (4) of the Criminal Code.
(2) If a person is convicted of a motor vehicle related Criminal Code offence or under a provision that is enacted by a state of the United States of America and that is designated by the regulation, his or her driver's licence and his or her right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence are deemed to be suspended for the period referred to in subsection (3).
(3) A suspension under subsection (2) is effective from the date of sentencing, the date that the passing of sentence is suspended, the date of being granted an absolute or conditional discharge or the date a court makes a disposition under the Young Offenders Act (Canada) or the Young Offenders (British Columbia) Act, and is, subject to section 233, effective for the following period:
(a) on the first conviction, for one year;
(b) on the first subsequent conviction, whether or not that conviction is under the same provision as the conviction referred to in paragraph (a), for 3 years;
(c) on the second subsequent conviction or an additional subsequent conviction, whether or not that conviction is under the same provision as the convictions referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), indefinitely.
(4) Subsection (3) applies only if,
(a) for subsection (3) (a), the conviction is in respect of an offence committed after the coming into force of this section,
(b) for subsection (3) (b), the first subsequent conviction is in respect of an offence committed after the coming into force of this section and the previous conviction was not more than 5 years before the date on which this section comes into force, and
(c) for subsection (3) (c), the second subsequent conviction or the additional subsequent conviction is in respect of an offence committed after the coming into force of this section and the previous convictions were not more than 5 years before the date on which this section comes into force.
(5) Subsection (3) (b) and (c) does not apply if the subsequent conviction is more than 10 years after the previous conviction.
(6) Despite subsection (3), if the subsequent conviction is within 10 years after the previous conviction, a conviction that preceded the previous conviction by less than 10 years must be taken into account for the purpose of subsection (3) (b) and (c).
233 (1) If the superintendent is satisfied that a person, whose driver's licence is suspended and whose right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is suspended under section 232 (2) and (3) (b), has completed, and has paid any applicable fee for, the prescribed assessments and remedial programs that are applicable to the person, if any, and meets the prescribed requirements that are applicable to the person, if any, the superintendent must notify the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia of the person's right to have the suspended licence reinstated or to apply for a new driver's licence, as the case may be, and the corporation must reinstate the driver's licence, if it has not expired or been cancelled and if the person is otherwise qualified to hold the licence, or allow the person to apply for a new driver's licence on receipt of that notice, subject to any other suspension, cancellation or prohibition under this Act.
(2) If the superintendent is satisfied that a person, whose driver's licence is suspended and whose right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is suspended under section 232 (2) and (3) (c), has completed, and has paid any applicable fee for, the prescribed assessment and remedial programs that are applicable to the person, if any, and meets the prescribed requirements that are applicable to the person, if any, the superintendent must notify the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia of the person's right to apply for a driver's licence at the end of a suspension period of 10 years and the corporation must allow the person to apply for a new driver's licence at the expiry of that period, subject to any other suspension, cancellation or prohibition under this Act.
(3) If, on the expiry of a suspension under section 232 (2) and (3) (a) and (b), the person whose driver's licence is suspended and whose right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is suspended has not satisfied the superintendent that he or she has completed and has paid the applicable fee for the prescribed assessments and remedial programs that are applicable to the person, if any, and meets the prescribed requirements that are applicable to the person, if any, the suspension of the person's driver's licence and of the person's right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is extended until such time as the superintendent is so satisfied.
(4) No action or other proceeding for damages must be instituted against a person authorized or required by the regulations to conduct an assessment or remedial program or to submit a report for the purposes of this section, unless the person was negligent in the conduct of the assessment or remedial program or in the preparation or submission of the report.
(5) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) respecting the assessment and remedial programs required under this section and prescribing what constitutes their completion,
(b) respecting fees for assessments and remedial programs,
(c) authorizing classes of persons to conduct assessments and programs and to prepare and submit reports,
(d) respecting documents required to be filed with the superintendent to satisfy him or her with respect to the completion of assessments and remedial programs,
(e) prescribing the requirements to be met by a person in order to have
(i) his or her suspension reduced, or
(ii) his or her driver's licence reinstated under this section, or
(iii) his or her right to apply for a driver's licence reinstated under this section,
(f) defining classes of persons, based on the nature of the offence or offences for which a driver's licence may be suspended under section 232 and on the number of convictions a person has for offences described in section 232,
(g) providing that this section, or any part of it, applies to a class or classes of persons or exempting any class or classes of persons from this section or any part of it, and
(h) prescribing the form and content of the certificate of service for the purpose of section 234 (4) (c).
234 (1) A person, other than a person who is exempted under section 34 (1) from the requirements as to the holding of a driver's licence issued under this Act while driving or operating a motor vehicle, commits an offence who drives a motor vehicle on a highway or industrial road knowing that the person's driver's licence or the person's right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is suspended under section 232.
(2) A person who commits an offence referred to in subsection (1) is liable,
(a) on a first conviction, to a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $2 000 and to imprisonment for not less than 7 days and not more than 6 months, and
(b) on a subsequent conviction, regardless of when the contravention occurred, to a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $2 000 and to imprisonment for not less than 14 days and not more than one year.
(3) If a person is charged with an offence under subsection (1), the court hearing the charge may admit into evidence a certificate of the superintendent stating the information required by subsection (4) and if the certificate of the superintendent is admitted into evidence it is proof that the defendant had knowledge of the suspension in effect at the time of the alleged offence.
(4) If a person is charged with an offence under subsection (1), the certificate referred to in subsection (3) must state that the suspension was in effect on the date of the alleged offence and that the records of the superintendent
(a) show that a notice of the suspension was mailed by certified mail to the person at the person's most recent address recorded in the records of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and that the superintendent subsequently received a Canada Post certified mail delivery card showing a recipient's signature that, from a comparison with the signature on the records of the corporation, appears to be that of the person to whom the notice of suspension was sent,
(b) contain a document that
(i) indicates that the person so charged
(A) has acknowledged that his or her driver's licence or his or her right to apply for or to obtain a driver's licence is suspended,
(B) has acknowledged that he or she has received from the superintendent a notice of suspension of his or her driver's licence or of his or her right to apply for or to obtain a driver's licence, or
(C) has surrendered his or her driver's licence to the superintendent or the corporation subsequent to receiving from the superintendent a notice of suspension, and
(ii) is signed with a signature that, from a comparison with the signature on the records of the corporation, appears to be that of the person whose driver's licence or right to apply for or to obtain a driver's licence is suspended under this Part, or to whom the superintendent mailed a notice of suspension, or
(c) contain a certificate of service prescribed under section 233 (5) (h) showing that the notice of suspension under section 232 was personally served on the person.
(5) This section applies to any document contained in the records of the superintendent or the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, whether that document was signed before, on or after the date this subsection comes into force.
235 If a person's driver's licence or his or her right to apply for or obtain a driver's licence is suspended under section 232, he or she must,
(a) if notified of the suspension by mail, immediately send his or her driver's licence, or any document issued in another jurisdiction that allows him or her to drive a motor vehicle, to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, and
(b) if notified of the suspension by personal service by a peace officer, sheriff or person authorized by the superintendent, surrender the person's driver's licence, or any document issued in another jurisdiction that allows the person to drive a motor vehicle, to the serving peace officer, sheriff or person for forwarding to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
236 Section 101 applies to any application for a stay of a suspension imposed under this Part and for that purpose
(a) a reference to "prohibition" in section 101 is deemed to be a reference to a suspension under section 232, and
(b) a stay ordered in respect of a prohibition under section 101 operates as a stay of a suspension under section 232 and a stay ordered in respect of a suspension under section 232 operates as a stay of a prohibition under section 101, for so long as the stay remains in effect and with like result.
34 Section 25 (10.1) and (10.2), as enacted by section 6 (b) of the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act, is repealed.
35 Section 82.1, as enacted by section 14 of the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act, is amended
(a) by repealing subsections (1) (b) and (2) (b) and substituting the following in each case:
(b) is necessary for law enforcement or prosecution purposes
(i) respecting an offence
(A) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2), or
(B) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a speed monitoring device prescribed for the purpose of that section, or
(ii) respecting an offence
(A) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2.1), or
(B) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2.1) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a traffic light safety device prescribed for the purpose of that section, ,
(b) by repealing subsections (1) (c) and (2) (c) and substituting the following in each case:
(c) is reproduced in electronic format or paper format, or on a record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, and ,
(c) in subsection (1) (d) by striking out "contains a statement that it is" and substituting "contains a statement to the effect that the record or extract is",
(d) in subsection (3) by striking out "document" wherever it appears and substituting "record",
(e) by repealing subsection (3) (a) and substituting the following:
(a) is necessary for law enforcement or prosecution purposes
(i) respecting an offence
(A) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2), or
(B) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a speed monitoring device prescribed for the purpose of that section, or
(ii) respecting an offence
(A) by an owner of a motor vehicle under section 83.1 (2.1), or
(B) by another person under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2.1) if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a traffic light safety device prescribed for the purpose of that section, and , and
(f) by repealing subsection (4) and substituting the following:
(4) A record or extract of a record, or a certificate, referred to in subsection (1), (2) or (3) must be received in all courts for the purposes of those subsections without proof that the record, extract or certificate was kept or provided with lawful authority.
36 Section 83.2 (7.1) (g), as enacted by section 19 of the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act, is amended
(a) in subparagraph (i) by striking out "by reproducing it in paper format, and" and substituting "by reproducing it in electronic format or paper format, or on a record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, and", and
(b) in subparagraph (ii) by striking out "the reproduction in paper format" and substituting "the reproduction referred to in subparagraph (i)".
37 Section 1 of the Offence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 338, is amended by adding the following definition:
"fine" includes any supplemental fine amount, or other additional monetary penalty, established under an enactment; .
38 Section 14 (2), (6) and (10) is amended by striking out "section 83.1 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act" and substituting "section 83.1 (2) or (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act".
39 Section 14 (2) (g) is amended
(a) in subparagraph (i) by striking out "by reproducing it in paper format, and" and substituting "by reproducing it in electronic format or paper format, or on a record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, and", and
(b) in subparagraph (ii) by striking out "the reproduction in paper format" and substituting "the reproduction referred to in subparagraph (i)".
40 Section 14 (4) is amended
(a) in paragraph (d) by striking out "a statement" and substituting "subject to paragraph (f), a statement",
(b) by adding the following paragraph:
(e) in the case of a violation ticket issued in respect of an offence under section 83.1 (2) or (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act, a statement that if the allegation or fine is disputed in the manner and within the time provided in section 15 (2) of this Act but the person to whom the ticket was mailed fails to appear before the Provincial Court to dispute the allegation or fine on a date referred to in section 15 (11) (a) or (b),
(i) the violation ticket will be treated as not disputed,
(ii) the person will be deemed to have pleaded guilty to the alleged contravention, and
(iii) the fine indicated on the ticket will be payable to the government. ,
(c) in paragraph (e) (iii) by striking out "fine" and substituting "ticketed amount", and
(d) by adding the following paragraph:
(f) in the case of a violation ticket issued in respect of an offence under section 83.1 (2) or (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act, a statement that if the allegation or fine is not disputed in the manner and within the time provided in this Act
(i) the violation ticket will be treated as not disputed,
(ii) the person
(A) on whom the ticket is served, or
(B) to whom the ticket is mailed under subsection (6) (b) of this section,
will be deemed to have pleaded guilty to the alleged contravention, and
(iii) the ticketed amount indicated on the ticket will be payable to the government.
41 Section 15 is amended
(a) in subsection (7) (b) by striking out "a reproduction in paper format of electronically stored information that" and substituting "a reproduction of electronically stored information, whether in electronic or paper format or on any other record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, that",
(b) in subsection (11) by striking out "If a person fails to appear" and substituting "Subject to subsection (12), if a person fails to appear",
(c) by adding the following subsection:
(12) If a person to whom a violation ticket is mailed under section 14 (6) (a) fails to appear before the Provincial Court on a date referred to in subsection (11) (a) or (b) of this section,
(a) the allegation or fine is deemed not to be disputed,
(b) the person is deemed to have pleaded guilty to the alleged contravention, and
(c) the fine indicated on the ticket is immediately payable to the government. , and
(d) in subsection (12) (c) by striking out "fine" and substituting "ticketed amount".
42 Section 16 (1) is repealed and the following substituted:
(1) If a person
(a) is served with a violation ticket under section 14, or
(b) receives a violation ticket in the mail under section 14 (6) (b),
and the person
(c) does not pay all or a portion of the ticketed amount indicated on the ticket or does not dispute the allegation or the fine portion of the ticketed amount in accordance with section 15, and
(d) at least 30 days have elapsed after
(i) the ticket was served on the person, or
(ii) the person is deemed to have received the ticket in the mail,
the person is deemed to have pleaded guilty to the alleged contravention and the ticketed amount indicated on the ticket is immediately payable to the government.
43 Section 16 (3) is repealed and the following substituted:
(3) If a person to whom a violation ticket is mailed under section 14 (6) (a) but on whom the ticket has not been served,
(a) through no fault of the person, has not had an opportunity to dispute the allegation or the amount of the fine, and
(b) was deemed to have pleaded guilty to the alleged contravention on the ticket under section 14 (11) or 15 (12), and not more than 30 days have elapsed since the conviction first came to the attention of the person,
the person may appear before a justice and the justice, on being satisfied of the facts by affidavit in the prescribed form, must strike out the conviction and cause a new date to be set for a hearing or appearance in relation to the violation ticket.
(3.1) For the purposes of a hearing or appearance set in relation to a violation ticket under subsection (3),
(a) the affidavit referred to in subsection (3) constitutes a notice of dispute under section 15 and is deemed to have been given in accordance with section 15 (5) by the person to whom the ticket was mailed, and
(b) section 15 (5) to (10) and (12) applies.
44 Section 17 is amended by striking out "If a person is deemed to have pleaded guilty to an alleged contravention under section 14 (11) or 16 (1)" and substituting "If a person is deemed to have pleaded guilty to an alleged contravention under section 14 (11), 15 (12) or 16 (1)".
45 Section 31 is amended by adding the following subsections:
(3) The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia may electronically convert from paper format to electronic format or store or send in electronic format a certificate of service of a violation ticket issued in respect of an offence under section 83.1 (2) or (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act.
(4) If the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia has stored a certificate of service of a violation ticket in electronic format under subsection (3),
(a) the corporation may provide the certificate of service by reproducing it in electronic format or paper format, or on a record that enables the information to be subsequently displayed or immediately accessible in visible form, and
(b) the reproduction referred to in paragraph (a) has the same effect for all purposes as an original of the certificate of service, if the reproduction
(i) is certified in writing by an officer of the corporation as being a true reproduction of all the information on the certificate of service, or
(ii) contains a statement that it is an authentic reproduction of all the information on a certificate of service stored in a database in electronic format by the corporation.
46 Section 14 (4.1), as enacted by section 3 of the Supplement to the Offence Act, is amended by striking out "section 83.1 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act" and substituting "section 83.1 (2) or (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act".
47 Sections 1, 2, 5 to 7, 9, 10, 12 to 16, 23 and 26 to 28 of the Supplement to the Offence Act are repealed.
48 Section 1 of the Court Rules Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 80, is amended by adding the following subsection:
(8) In addition, in relation to the Provincial Court and the Supreme Court, the rules may
(a) permit or require, or provide to the court or to the parties to a proceeding the ability to permit or require, mediation to be included as part of a proceeding, whether or not the mediation is provided by or in the court, and
(b) govern the conduct of, and all procedures relating to, the mediation.
49 The Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 231, is amended by adding the following immediately before section 1:
Part 1 .
50 Section 1 (1) is amended by adding the following definition:
"motor vehicle action" means an action brought in British Columbia in which damages are claimed for injury, death or loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle or trailer; .
51 The following sections are added:
19.1 If the dominant cause of any injury or death is the use of any weapon or any object used as a weapon,
(a) the corporation is not liable under this Act or the regulations, including, without limitation, under section 20, 21 or 24 or under the plan established under this Act and the regulations, to indemnify or to pay any benefit to or make any other payment to
(i) the person using the weapon or object,
(ii) the person suffering the injury or death, or
(iii) a spouse, child, parent or personal representative of a person referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii), and
(b) the person using the weapon or object is not a designated defendant, as that term is defined in section 52, for the purposes of Part 3.
19.2 (1) This section applies to a person who
(a) suffered injury, death or loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle, and
(b) at the time of the accident as a result of which the injury, death or loss of or damage to property was suffered, was an operator of, or a passenger in or on, a motor vehicle that the person knew or ought to have known was being operated without the consent of the owner.
(2) Despite the Negligence Act and section 56 of this Act,
(a) if 2 or more persons are found at fault for the injury, death or loss of or damage to property referred to in subsection (1), they are liable to the person referred to in that subsection for any damages awarded for that injury, death or loss of or damage to property in the degree to which they are respectively found to have been at fault and are not liable to make contribution to and indemnify each other respecting that liability or any payment made in relation to it, and
(b) a person referred to in subsection (1) is not entitled to any recovery from the corporation under section 20.
52 Section 20 (1) is amended in the definitions of "claimant" and "uninsured motorist" by striking out "ownership,".
53 Section 21 (6) is amended by striking out "If" and substituting "Without limiting section 30.1, if".
54 Section 25 is amended
(a) in subsections (4) and (5) by striking out "and costs", and
(b) in subsection (4) by striking out "ownership,".
55 The following section is added:
30.1 (1) In this section:
"convicted" includes
(a) convicted under the Young Offenders Act (Canada) for contravening section 220, 221, 249, 252, 253, 254 (5), 255 (2) or (3), 322, 334, 335, 354, 355, 430, 434 or 435 of the Criminal Code, and
(b) convicted or subject to a similar result in a jurisdiction of the United States of America under a law similar to the Young Offenders Act (Canada) for contravening a provision of the law of that jurisdiction that is similar to
(i) section 220, 221, 249, 252, 253, 254 (5), 255 (2) or (3), 322, 334, 335, 354, 355, 430, 434 or 435 of the Criminal Code, or
(ii) section 224 or 226 of the Motor Vehicle Act;
"fine indebtedness" means the indebtedness referred to in paragraph (g) of the definition of "motor vehicle indebtedness";
"motor vehicle indebtedness" means
(a) premium, as that term is defined in the regulations, required to be paid to the corporation under this Act or the regulations that is unpaid,
(b) an amount paid by the corporation under section 21 on behalf of an insured if
(i) the amount was, under section 21, paid to a person having a claim referred to in section 21 (1), and
(ii) the insured
(A) is, in relation to the accident that resulted in the injury, death or loss of or damage to property for which the payment was made, convicted of an offence under section 220, 221, 249, 252, 253 (a) or 255 (2) or (3) of the Criminal Code, or of an offence under a provision of the law of the United States of America that is similar to one of those sections, and the offence was committed while the insured was operating or having care or control of a motor vehicle or by means of a motor vehicle,
(B) is convicted of an offence under section 253 (b) of the Criminal Code, section 224 of the Motor Vehicle Act or a provision of another jurisdiction in Canada or the United States of America that is similar to either of those sections and the accident occurred during the person's commission of the offence and while the person was operating a motor vehicle,
(C) is convicted of an offence under section 254 (5) of the Criminal Code, section 226 of the Motor Vehicle Act or a provision of the law of another jurisdiction in Canada or the United States of America that is similar to either of those sections and the accident occurred within the 2 hours preceding the person's commission of the offence and while the person was operating a motor vehicle, or
(D) was, at the time that the accident occurred, operating a motor vehicle when not authorized and qualified by law to operate the motor vehicle,
(c) money in respect of which rights of recovery are assigned to the corporation under section 26 if the person against whom the corporation is entitled to exercise those rights of recovery is, in relation to the injury, death or loss of or damage to property in respect of which the money was paid, convicted of an offence under section 322, 334, 335, 354, 355, 430, 434 or 435 of the Criminal Code or of an offence under a provision of the law of the United States of America that is similar to one of those sections,
(d) money owing to the corporation under
(i) any judgment obtained by the corporation, including any order for costs in favour of the corporation or an insured, or
(ii) any compensation or restitution order made in favour of the corporation under section 42.1 (6) of this Act, under the Criminal Code or under any other enactment,
(e) a fee that is prescribed under the Motor Vehicle Act, and that has not been paid, for
(i) the registration of a motor vehicle or trailer,
(ii) a licence or permit for a motor vehicle or trailer, or
(iii) a driver's licence,
(f) money owing to the corporation under regulations made under section 45 (2) (y), and
(g) indebtedness to the government because of a failure to pay a fine, or a victim's surcharge levy within the meaning of the Victims of Crime Act, imposed as a result of a conviction under
(i) a motor vehicle related Criminal Code offence, within the meaning of the Motor Vehicle Act,
(ii) the Motor Vehicle Act,
(iii) the Commercial Transport Act,
(iv) the Motor Fuel Tax Act,
(v) the Highway Act,
(vi) the Motor Carrier Act,
(vii) the Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act, or
(viii) the regulations made under an Act referred to in subparagraphs (ii) to (vii).
(2) Subject to subsection (4) but despite any other provision of this Act or the regulations, if a person is indebted to the government or the corporation for a motor vehicle indebtedness, the corporation may do one or more of the following for so long as any part of the motor vehicle indebtedness remains outstanding:
(a) recover the motor vehicle indebtedness by action against the debtor in a court of competent jurisdiction;
(b) refuse any application made by the debtor for insurance;
(c) cancel any owner's certificate issued in the debtor's name or any universal compulsory automobile insurance issued in the debtor's name;
(d) issue an owner's certificate or universal compulsory automobile insurance to the debtor with a term of more than 90 days but less than one year;
(e) cancel any driver's certificate issued in the debtor's name;
(f) issue a driver's certificate to the debtor with a term of more than 90 days but less than 5 years.
(3) Subject to subsection (4) but despite any other provision of this Act or the regulations, if a person is required to reimburse the corporation under section 90 (12) of the Motor Vehicle Act, the corporation may exercise one or more of the rights referred to in subsection (2) (a), (b), (d) or (f) for so long as any part of that indebtedness remains outstanding.
(4) Despite subsections (2) and (3), the corporation must not exercise a right referred to in subsection (2) (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) unless
(a) the indebtedness is a fine indebtedness,
(b) the corporation has a judgment in its favour in relation to the indebtedness in respect of which it intends to exercise those rights, or
(c) the corporation mails to the debtor, at the debtor's last address according to the corporation's records, a written demand for payment of that indebtedness together with a notice of any action the corporation intends to take under this section, and the debtor does not, within 30 days after the date of mailing, pay the indebtedness or make arrangements satisfactory to the corporation for payment of the indebtedness.
(5) If money is owed by a debtor to the corporation or the government for a motor vehicle indebtedness, to the corporation for a reimbursement required under section 90 (12) of the Motor Vehicle Act or to the corporation for any other reason, the corporation may deduct the amount of the indebtedness from any insurance money, other than benefits as defined in section 25 (1), payable by the corporation to the debtor, whether or not the corporation has provided a demand to the debtor under subsection (4) (c) of this section.
(6) Nothing in this section limits or qualifies any other collection remedy or right available to the corporation or the government under this or any other enactment in relation to any indebtedness, including a motor vehicle indebtedness, owing by any person to the corporation or to the government.
56 The following section is added:
42.1 (1) In this section, "claim" includes
(a) a claim for damages for injury, death or loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle, if the claim is made against a person who is insured by the corporation for third party legal liability,
(b) an application to the corporation for benefits or insurance money to be paid by the corporation, and
(c) a claim under section 20 or 24.
(2) A person commits an offence who
(a) provides or causes another to provide to the corporation or its representatives information material to a claim that the person knew or ought to have known is false or misleading, whether the information is required under this Act or the regulations or is volunteered, or
(b) makes a statement or representation to the corporation or its representatives that the person knew or ought to have known is false or misleading in order to obtain payment for goods or services provided to a person making a claim, whether or not the goods or services were actually provided to that person.
(3) The time limit for laying an information respecting an offence under this Act is the earlier of
(a) 18 months after the facts on which the information is based first came to the knowledge of the corporation, and
(b) 6 years after the information is provided or the statement or representation is made.
(4) An individual who commits an offence under subsection (2) is liable,
(a) on a first conviction, to a fine of not more than $25 000 or to imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or to both, and
(b) on each subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $50 000 or to imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or to both.
(5) A corporation that commits an offence under subsection (2) is liable,
(a) on a first conviction, to a fine of not more than $100 000, and
(b) on each subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $200 000.
(6) At the time of sentencing a person convicted of an offence under this section, the court may order that, in addition to any other penalty, the offender must pay compensation or make restitution to the corporation for the actual loss or damage caused by or arising out of the commission of the offence including, without limitation, compensation or restitution for
(a) any money paid by the corporation as a result of the commission of the offence, including, without limitation, any money paid to or on behalf of the offender, and
(b) any expenses incurred by the corporation in connection with the claim, including, without limitation, the expenses incurred by the corporation in relation to investigation, file handling and prosecution of the offence.
(7) If an order in favour of the corporation is made under subsection (6), the corporation may, by filing the order in a registry of the Supreme Court, enter as a judgment the amount ordered to be paid and that judgment is enforceable against the offender in the same manner as if it were a judgment rendered against the offender in that court in civil proceedings.
(8) Nothing in this section precludes the corporation or any other person from taking any civil action or exercising any right of recovery against a person who commits an offence under this section.
57 The following section is added:
44.1 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting mediation in motor vehicle actions including, without limitation, regulations
(a) providing to a party to a motor vehicle action the ability to require the parties to engage in mediation and setting out when and how that ability may be exercised and prescribing any other results that flow from the exercise of that ability, and
(b) respecting
(i) the forms or procedures that must or may be used or followed before, during and after the mediation process,
(ii) the disclosure and confidentiality of information,
(iii) the circumstances and manner in which a party to a motor vehicle action may opt out of or be exempted from mediation,
(iv) the costs and other sanctions that may be imposed in relation to mediation, including, without limitation, in relation to any failure to participate in mediation when and as required or otherwise to comply with the regulations,
(v) the mediators' fees and disbursements, and
(vi) the qualifications required for, and the selection and identification of, individuals who may act as mediators in the mediation process contemplated by the regulations.
(2) If and to the extent that there is any conflict between the regulations made under subsection (1) and any other enactment, including, without limitation, the rules of any court, the regulations made under subsection (1) prevail.
(3) Regulations under subsection (1) may provide for a mediation process to be applicable to motor vehicle actions brought out of one or more court registries and may be different for motor vehicle actions brought out of different court registries.
(4) Without limiting subsections (1) to (3) or any other enactment and without limiting the right of the corporation to use any method it considers appropriate to resolve any dispute, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting dispute resolution procedures, including, without limitation, arbitration and mediation procedures, that the corporation may make available to any person who wishes to use them to resolve disputes in relation to any benefits or insurance money claimed or payable under this Act or the regulations or any other disputes in relation to the administration of this Act and the regulations.
58 Section 45 (2) is amended by adding the following paragraph:
(y) requiring an insured to pay to the corporation a prescribed portion of any amount paid by the corporation to indemnify the insured against liability imposed on the insured for loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle.
59 The following section is added to Part 1:
46.1 An insurer must not indemnify a person for liability to the corporation imposed on the person under regulations made under section 45 (2) (y).
60 The following Part is added:
Part 3
52 In this Part:
"accident" means an unintentional mishap occurring in British Columbia as a result of which a person suffers injury, death or loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle;
"designated defendants", subject to section 19.1 (b), means, in relation to an accident, the following persons:
(a) each owner of a motor vehicle involved in the accident;
(b) each operator of or passenger in or on a motor vehicle involved in the accident and each person vicariously liable for that individual;
(c) any other individual who, as a result of that individual's acts or omissions at the scene of the accident, has some involvement in the accident and each person vicariously liable for that individual,
and, in relation to a claim made under section 20 or an action brought under section 24, includes the corporation;
"gross income" has the meaning prescribed in the regulations;
"motor vehicle" includes trailer;
"net income", in relation to a person who, as a result of an accident, suffered injury, death or loss of or damage to property that arises out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle, is, for any period, the person's gross income for that period less the amount that is determined, in accordance with the regulations, to be payable on that gross income for the following:
(a) income tax under the Income Tax Act, as that Act read on December 31 of the calendar year before the calendar year in respect of which net income is to be determined;
(b) income tax under the Income Tax Act (Canada), as that Act read on December 31 of the calendar year before the calendar year in respect of which net income is to be determined;
(c) premiums under the Employment Insurance Act (Canada), as that Act read on December 31 of the calendar year before the calendar year in respect of which net income is to be determined.
53 Sections 54 and 56 apply only to causes of action arising out of an accident that occurs after the date that this Act receives First Reading in the Legislative Assembly.
54 Despite any other enactment or rule of law but subject to this Part, a person who suffers a loss of income as a result of an accident or, if deceased, his or her personal representative, is entitled to recover from designated defendants, as damages for the income loss suffered after the accident and before the first day of trial of any action brought in relation to it, not more than the net income that the person would have earned in that period had the accident not occurred.
55 (1) The court must order that an award for pecuniary damages in a motor vehicle action be paid periodically, on the terms the court considers just,
(a) if the award for pecuniary damages is, after section 25 has been applied, at least $100 000 and the court considers it to be in the best interests of the plaintiff, or
(b) if
(i) the plaintiff requests that an amount be included in the award to compensate for income tax payable on income from investment of the award, and
(ii) the court considers that the order, that the award be paid periodically, is not contrary to the best interests of the plaintiff.
(2) Without limiting the court's right to make an order for periodic payments in any other circumstance or action, in circumstances to which subsection (1) does not apply, the court may, in a motor vehicle action, order that the whole or any part of any award for damages be paid by periodic payments.
(3) The court may make an order under subsection (2)
(a) on the application of a party or on its own motion,
(b) after giving effect to section 25, and
(c) if the court considers it to be in the best interests of the plaintiff.
(4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), the court must not make an order under this section
(a) if one or more of the parties in respect of whom the order would be made satisfies the court that those parties do not have sufficient means to fund the order, or
(b) if the court is satisfied that an order to pay the award periodically would have the effect of preventing the plaintiff or another person from obtaining full recovery for damages arising out of the accident.
(5) If the court does not make an order for periodic payments under this section, it may make an award for damages that includes an amount to offset liability for income tax on income from investment of the award.
56 (1) This section applies in respect of a motor vehicle action in which the court determines that loss of income or earning capacity has been caused by the fault of 2 or more persons at least one of whom is a designated defendant.
(2) Despite the Negligence Act, if, in a motor vehicle action, the plaintiff is found to be entitled to recover damages for loss of income suffered after the accident and before the first day of trial of any action brought in relation to it,
(a) all of the defendants whom the court determines were at fault for that loss of income are liable, in accordance with the Negligence Act, to the plaintiff for the net income that was lost as a result of the accident, and
(b) the court must determine the degree to which defendants who are not designated defendants were at fault for that loss of income, and those defendants
(i) are liable, in accordance with the Negligence Act, for that portion of the difference between the net income that the plaintiff would have earned in that period and the gross income that the plaintiff would have earned in that period that is proportionate to the degree to which they are determined to be at fault for the loss of income, and
(ii) are not entitled to seek contribution or indemnification from designated defendants respecting that liability or any payment made in relation to it.
(3) For the purposes of this section, the liability of all persons who have any liability arising from the accident from which the action arose must be determined as though all of those persons were parties to the action, whether or not each of those persons is actually a party.
61 Section 3 of the Supplement to the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act is amended by striking out "A heading with the words `Part 1' is added immediately before section 2 and the" and substituting "The".
62 (1) Sections 1 to 14, 15 (b), 16, 17, 20 (a), 23 (a), 25 to 30, 32 to 46 and 48 to 59 of this Act, section 55 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act as enacted by section 60 of this Act and section 61 of this Act comes into force by regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
(2) Sections 52 to 54 and 56 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act as enacted by section 60 of this Act are deemed to have come into force on the day this Act receives First Reading in the Legislative Assembly and are retroactive to the extent necessary to give them effect on and after that day.
[This Bill amends the Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996. The Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996 came into force on April 21, 1997.]
Motor Vehicle Act
SECTION 1: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 1] identifies the indebtedness that will allow the corporation to exercise the collection remedies provided for in sections 26, 26.1, 27 and 90 of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted or amended by this Bill.
SECTION 2: [Motor Vehicle Act, re-enacts section 23] provides for regulations respecting driver's licence classification, and authorizes the Lieutenant Governor in Council to designate, with respect to a driver's licence class, minimum driving experience, driving skills and other qualifications required of holders of that class of driver's licence.
SECTION 3: [Motor Vehicle Act, repeals section 24 (4)] removes a provision that would otherwise prevent a person holding a learner's licence from being charged with the offence of driving without being insured under section 24 (3) of the Motor Vehicle Act.
SECTION 4: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 25]
SECTION 5: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 25.1] authorizes the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles, in specified circumstances, to add a condition to the driver's licence of a person that the person attend and successfully complete a prescribed driver training or driver retraining course or a prescribed remedial program.
SECTION 6: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 26] broadens the range of debts for which the corporation may refuse to issue a licence, number plates or a permit, to include a motor vehicle indebtedness as defined in section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill.
SECTION 7: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 26.1] allows the corporation to cancel the driver's licence of a person who owes the corporation or the government a motor vehicle indebtedness or a fine indebtedness as defined in section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill.
SECTION 8: [Motor Vehicle Act, repeals and replaces section 27(1)] broadens the range of debts for which the corporation may issue a limited driver's licence to include a motor vehicle indebtedness as defined in section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill.
SECTIONS 9 and 10: [Motor Vehicle Act, amend sections 60 (6) and 61 (1)] broaden the range of cases where the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles may direct the issuance of a limited driver's licence under section 60 (6) of the Motor Vehicle Act to include cases where the Superintendent exercises licence cancellation powers under section 92 as amended by this Bill, and provide a consequential reference to those cases in section 61 of the Act respecting cancellation of a driver's licence.
SECTION 11: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 83.1]
SECTION 12: [Motor Vehicle Act, repeals and replaces section 83.2 (2)] provides that an enforcement officer may complete and sign a certificate for the purpose of providing evidence of an offence under section 83.1 (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted by this Bill, or under a provision referred to in section 83.1 (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act if evidence of the offence was gathered through the use of a prescribed traffic light safety device.
SECTION 13: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 90] broadens the range of debts for which the corporation may suspend a vehicle licence, number plates or a permit to include the debts referred to in section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill, and allows the corporation to retain any person considered appropriate to recover cancelled licences or plates.
SECTION 14: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 92] authorizes the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles to prohibit from driving, cancel the driver's licence of or cancel and issue a new class of driver's licence to a person who fails to comply with a condition imposed on his or her driver's licence under section 25.1 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 15: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 94.6 (9)] clarifies that a notice of extension, respecting a driving prohibition under section 94.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act may be acknowledged by the recipient other than by way of certified mail.
SECTION 16: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 96]
SECTION 17: [Motor Vehicle Act, re-enacts section 97] provides that a driving prohibition or licence suspension is not invalid if the notice of prohibition or suspension is not signed by an officer of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia or by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles.
SECTION 18: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 98 (3)] clarifies that a court is not permitted to impose a driving prohibition under section 98 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act if a person is convicted of an offence under section 83 or 83.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act.
SECTION 19: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 104.1] authorizes a peace officer to order the release of a motor vehicle impounded under section 104.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act if the peace officer is satisfied that the motor vehicle is stolen property.
SECTION 20: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 104.92]
SECTION 21: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 104.95 (b)] provides a consequential reference to the release of a motor vehicle by a peace officer under section 104.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill.
SECTION 22: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 105.1] authorizes a peace officer to order the release of a motor vehicle impounded under section 105.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act if the peace officer is satisfied that the motor vehicle is stolen property.
SECTION 23: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 105.91]
SECTION 24: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 105.94 (b)] provides a consequential reference to the release of a motor vehicle by a peace officer under section 105.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as amended by this Bill.
SECTION 25: [Motor Vehicle Act, adds section 118.7 (b.1) and (b.2)] allows appeals to the superintendent respecting the cancellation of driver's licences and the issuance of short term driver's licences.
SECTION 26: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 124.1] authorizes the Minister of Transportation and Highways to make operational traffic light safety device systems, and allows regulations to be made respecting the location, installation, operation, maintenance, removal and replacement of traffic light safety device systems.
SECTION 27: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 135.1] makes it an offence for a person to intentionally obstruct or interfere with the operation of a speed monitoring device or traffic light safety device, defined in section 83.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act.
SECTION 28: [Motor Vehicle Act, re-enacts section 148] provides that a person convicted of excessive speeding is liable to not less than the fine amount and the applicable supplemental fine amount prescribed under section 148.1 of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted by this Bill, and provides that speeding offences under sections 140, 146 and 147 are included offences.
SECTION 29: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 148.1]
SECTION 30: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 210] allows regulations to be made
SECTION 31: [Motor Vehicle Act, repeals section 226 (2)] removes an unnecessary provision that inaccurately reflects the driving prohibition period imposed under section 99 of the Motor Vehicle Act.
SECTION 32: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts section 231] provides for the establishment of a traffic safety commission to advise the minister on matters of traffic safety.
SECTION 33: [Motor Vehicle Act, enacts Part 5] provides automatic licence suspensions for specified alcohol related driving offences, requires that assessment and remedial programs be undertaken before licences are available for offenders and imposes penalties for persons driving while suspended.
SECTION 34: [Motor Vehicle Act, repeals section 25 (10.1) and (10.2), as enacted by the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act] repeals not in force provisions rendered unnecessary by this Bill.
SECTION 35: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 82.1, as enacted by the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act] provides for evidentiary use of records of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia in prosecutions respecting an offence by an owner or by another person under section 83.1 (2) and respecting an offence by an owner or by another person under section 83.1 (2.1) enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 36: [Motor Vehicle Act, amends section 83.2 (7.1) (g), as enacted by the Supplement to the Motor Vehicle Act] authorizes certificates under section 83.2 to be reproduced in electronic or paper format or on a specified record, and provides for the reproduced records to have the same effect as an original document under section 83.2 (7.1) (g) (ii).
Offence Act
SECTION 37: [Offence Act, amends section 1] defines "fine".
SECTION 38: [Offence Act, amends section 14 (2), (6) and (10)] provides a consequential reference to section 83.1 (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 39: [Offence Act, amends section 14 (2) (g)] authorizes violation tickets under section 14 (2) of the Offence Act to be reproduced in electronic or paper format or on a specified record, and provides for the reproduced records to have the same effect as an original document under section 14 (2) (g) (ii).
SECTION 40: [Offence Act, amends section 14 (4)]
SECTION 41: [Offence Act, amends section 15]
SECTION 42: [Offence Act, repeals and replaces section 16 (1)] specifies the consequences that follow if a person, who has been served a violation ticket or to whom the ticket is mailed under section 14 (6) (b) of the Offence Act, does not exercise the option of paying the ticket or disputing the ticket in accordance with section 15 of the Offence Act.
SECTION 43: [Offence Act, repeals and replaces section 16 (3) and adds section 16 (3.1)] provides that, in specified circumstances, a justice must strike out a conviction and cause to be set a new hearing date to enable a person to dispute a violation ticket that is mailed but not served under section 14 (6) (a) of the Offence Act.
SECTION 44: [Offence Act, amends section 17] provides a consequential reference to section 15 (12) of the Offence Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 45: [Offence Act, adds section 31 (3) and (4)]
SECTION 46: [Offence Act, amends section 14 (4.1), as enacted by the Supplement to the Offence Act] provides a consequential reference to section 83.1 (2.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 47: [Supplement to the Offence Act, repeals sections 1, 2, 5 to 7, 9, 10, 12 to 16, 23 and 26 to 28] repeals not in force amendments to the Offence Act that
Court Rules Act
SECTION 48: [Court Rules Act, amends section 1] allows rules to be made respecting the alternate dispute resolution process enabled under section 44.1 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act as enacted by this Bill.
Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act
SECTION 49: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, adds heading] identifies sections 1 to 46.1 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act as Part 1 of that Act.
SECTION 50: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, amends section 1 (1)] defines "motor vehicle action".
SECTION 51: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts sections 19.1 and 19.2]
SECTION 52: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, amends section 20 (1)] removes reference to "ownership" as a cause of injury, death, loss or damage.
SECTION 53: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, amends section 21 (6)] harmonizes the language of section 21 of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act with section 30.1 of that Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 54: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, amends section 25 (4) and (5)]
(a) allows the court to refer to the amount of benefits paid after assessment of damages but before assessment of costs, for the purposes of determining the amount of damages for which a plaintiff is entitled to enter judgment, and
(b) removes reference to "ownership" as a cause of injury, death, loss or damage.
SECTION 55: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts section 30.1] provides to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia the right to refuse, cancel or limit insurance coverage to a person who is indebted to the government for motor vehicle fines or who is otherwise indebted to the corporation, and identifies the indebtedness that will allow the corporation to exercise those collection remedies.
SECTION 56: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts section 42.1] makes it an offence to provide false or misleading information to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia or its representatives, and allows the corporation to recover money spent by it as a result of that fraud.
SECTION 57: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts section 44.1] allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make regulations to establish an alternative dispute resolution process in relation to motor vehicle actions.
SECTION 58: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, adds section 45 (2) (y)] allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make regulations requiring insureds to reimburse the corporation for some of the payment made by the corporation for motor vehicle damage caused by the insured.
SECTION 59: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts section 46.1] precludes insurers from offering insurance to indemnify insureds for their liability to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia arising out of required reimbursements imposed under the regulations made under section 45 (2) (y) of the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act as enacted by this Bill.
SECTION 60: [Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, enacts Part 3] provides that recovery for past income loss resulting from a motor vehicle accident is to be paid on a net basis, requires that pecuniary damage awards should be structured in prescribed circumstances, confirms that in other circumstances the court may use structured settlements and details how awards for past income loss are to be apportioned if more than one defendant is at fault for the loss and at least one of those defendants is a designated defendant.
SECTION 61: [Supplement to the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, amends section 3] removes a provision rendered unnecessary by the enactment of this Bill.
Copyright © 1997: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada