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1997 Legislative Session: 2nd Session, 36th Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:
1 Section 1 (b) of the Industrial Development Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 220, is repealed and the following substituted:
(b) make other arrangements regarding the future operations of that industry the Lieutenant Governor in Council believes to be in the best interest of British Columbia including arrangements for the sale or transfer of electricity to that person from sources other than the hydro electric development and works and facilities made and constructed by that person and on terms and for a price the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers advisable.
[This Bill amends the Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996. The Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996 came into force on April 21, 1997.]
SECTION 1: [Industrial Development Act, repeals and replaces section 1 (b)] clarifies that the Lieutenant Governor in Council's powers, relative to the establishment or expansion of the aluminum industry, include the discretion to make arrangements for the supply of electricity from a source other than an aluminum industry proponent's own hydro electric facilities.
Copyright © 1997: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada