BILL 12 – 2014


HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

Oil and Gas Activities Act

SECTION 1: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 1] adds a definition of "operating area" and amends the definition of "related activity".

1 Section 1 (2) of the Oil and Gas Activities Act, S.B.C. 2008, c. 36, is amended

(a) by adding the following definition:

"operating area" means an area, identified in a permit, within which a permit holder is permitted to carry out an oil and gas activity; , and

(b) in paragraph (b) of the definition of "related activity" by adding "or facilitates" after "is required for".

SECTION 2: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 7] clarifies that designations of officials may be for the purposes of both the Act and the regulations.

2 Section 7 (4) is amended by striking out "provisions of this Act specified by the commissioner in the designation." and substituting "provisions, specified by the commissioner in the designation, of this Act or the regulations made under this Act."

SECTION 3: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 24] clarifies that this section does not apply to water source wells.

3 Section 24 (4) is amended by adding "other than a water source well," after "drill or operate a well,".

SECTION 4: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 25] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided.

4 Section 25 (4) is amended by striking out "an oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under the permit." and substituting "an operating area is located."

SECTION 5: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 26] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided.

5 Section 26 (7) is amended by striking out "on which the applicant for the permit intended to carry out an oil and gas activity." and substituting "notified by the applicant under section 22 (2)."

SECTION 6: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 30] clarifies how the commission is to exercise the power referred to in this section.

6 Section 30 is amended by adding ", by order or by imposition of a condition under section 25 (2) (b)," after "The commission".

SECTION 7: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 31] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided and what the notice must include.

7 Section 31 is amended

(a) in subsection (1) by striking out "an oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under the permit," and substituting "an operating area is located,",

(b) by repealing subsection (9) and substituting the following:

(9) If the commission amends a permit under subsection (7), the commission must provide notice to the land owner referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with subsection (10). , and

(c) in subsection (10) (b) by adding "if the amendment changes the effect of the permit on the land of the land owner" after "amend the permit".

SECTION 8: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 44] adds definitions of "former permit holder", "interest holder" and "parties" for the purposes of Part 4 of the Act.

8 Section 44 is amended by adding the following definitions:

"former permit holder" means a person who held a permit that

(a) was cancelled under section 26 or 33,

(b) was declared spent under section 27, or

(c) expired under section 32;

"interest holder", in relation to a permit, means a person who is the owner of the petroleum and natural gas rights or is the holder of the location;

"parties" means a permit holder, a former permit holder and an interest holder; .

SECTION 9: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 45] clarifies what can be designated under this section as an orphan site.

9 Section 45 is amended

(a) by repealing subsection (2) (a) and substituting the following:

(a) a well, facility, pipeline, or oil and gas road if

(i) the permit holder or former permit holder with respect to the well, facility, pipeline, or oil and gas road is insolvent, or

(ii) the commission has not been able to identify the permit holder or former permit holder in respect to the well, facility, pipeline, or oil and gas road, or ,

(b) in subsection (6) by striking out "an operator" and substituting "a permit holder or former permit holder" and by striking out "the operator" and substituting "the permit holder or former permit holder", and

(c) in subsection (7) by striking out "operator referred to in subsection (2)" and substituting "parties, jointly and severally," and by striking out "against the operator" and substituting "against the parties".

SECTION 10: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 46] clarifies from whom the commission may seek compensation for work done respecting orphan sites.

10 Section 46 is amended

(a) in subsection (1) by striking out "operator" and substituting "permit holder or former permit holder", and

(b) by repealing subsection (4) and substituting the following:

(4) If the commission provides compensation to a land owner, the compensation is a debt payable by the parties, jointly and severally, to the commission and the commission has a right of action against the parties for the recovery of that debt.

SECTIONS 11 TO 14: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 69] are consequential to the addition by this Bill of the definition of "operating area" to section 1 of the Act.

11 Section 69 (1) is amended in paragraph (b) of the definition of "determination" and in paragraph (c) of the definition of "eligible person" by striking out "an oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under this Act," and substituting "an operating area is located,".

SECTIONS 11 TO 14: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 69] are consequential to the addition by this Bill of the definition of "operating area" to section 1 of the Act.

12 Section 70 (1) is amended by striking out "an oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under this Act," and substituting "an operating area is located,".

SECTIONS 11 TO 14: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 69] are consequential to the addition by this Bill of the definition of "operating area" to section 1 of the Act.

13 Section 71 (2) (b) is repealed and the following substituted:

(b) a permit is issued that locates an operating area on the land of a land owner, .

SECTIONS 11 TO 14: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 69] are consequential to the addition by this Bill of the definition of "operating area" to section 1 of the Act.

14 Section 72 is amended

(a) in subsections (2) and (5) (b) by striking out "an oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under this Act" and substituting "an operating area is located",

(b) in subsection (5) (c) by striking out "the land owner of the land on which the applicant for the permit intended to carry out an oil and gas activity" and substituting "a land owner notified by the applicant under section 22 (2)", and

(c) in subsection (5) (d) by striking out "oil and gas activity is permitted to be carried out under the permit" and substituting "operating area is located".

SECTION 15: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 99] corrects a cross-reference.

15 Section 99 is amended

(a) in subsections (1) (q) and (2) by striking out ", as defined in section 47.4 (1) of the Forest Act,", and

(b) by adding the following subsection:

(3) In this section, "master licence to cut" has the same meaning as in the Forest Act.

SECTION 16: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 106] authorizes the commission to make regulations authorizing exemptions respecting fees.

16 Section 106 (3) is amended by adding "(c)," after "(b),".

SECTION 17: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 117] deems the specified certificate to be a permit under the Act.

17 Section 117 (2) is amended by adding the following paragraph:

(d) a certificate issued under section 2 of the former Act and in effect immediately before the repeal of the former Act.

SECTION 18: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 118.1] clarifies that this section applies to roads on private lands.

18 Section 118.1 is amended by adding "on private land" after "permit to maintain".

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act

SECTION 19: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 1] adds a definition of "Crown reserve", replaces the definition of "cubic metre" and repeals the definition of "plant liquids".

19 Section 1 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 361, is amended

(a) by adding the following definition:

"Crown reserve" means petroleum and natural gas reserved to the government under section 70; ,

(b) by repealing the definition of "cubic meter" and substituting the following:

"cubic metre" means a cubic metre of a substance measured at 101.325 kPa and 15°C; , and

(c) by repealing the definition of "plant liquids".

SECTION 20: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 5.1] authorizes the director to delegate the director's powers under the Act.

20 The following section is added to Part 2:


5.1  (1) The director may

(a) delegate the exercise of any power or performance of any duty conferred or imposed on the director under this Act to an employee of the ministry of the minister, and

(b) provide, in making a delegation, directions that are binding on the delegate respecting the exercise of the power or the performance of the duty.

(2) A delegation under subsection (1) may be made by name or by designation of the office.

SECTION 21: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 37] repeals the section.

21 Section 37 is repealed.

SECTION 22: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 38] clarifies that the exclusive right referred to in the section is in reference to petroleum and natural gas owned by the government.

22 Section 38 (1) is amended by striking out "petroleum, natural gas or both on land" and substituting "petroleum or natural gas, or both,".

SECTION 23: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 47] removes references to specific penalties and replaces them with a reference to a prescribed penalty.

23 Section 47 (7) is amended

(a) by striking out "a penalty of" and substituting "a prescribed penalty.", and

(b) by repealing paragraphs (a) and (b).

SECTION 24: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 49] authorizes the minister to reduce permit locations.

24 Section 49 is amended

(a) by adding "to an area approved by the minister." after "may be reduced", and

(b) by repealing paragraphs (a) and (b).

SECTION 25: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, Part 5.1] adds a Part respecting drilling licences.

25 The following Part is added:

Part 5.1 – Drilling Licences

Drilling licence

49.1  (1) The holder of a drilling licence has the exclusive right to apply under the Oil and Gas Activities Act to drill for the Crown reserves referred to in the licence.

(2) The issuance of a drilling licence does not prohibit a person other than the holder of the drilling licence from carrying out, in accordance with the Oil and Gas Activities Act, geological work or geophysical exploration in the location described in the licence.

(3) An application for a drilling licence must be made in accordance with the regulations.

(4) The minister may

(a) refuse to issue a drilling licence, or

(b) issue a drilling licence, on payment of the prescribed fee and rent.

(5) The minister's refusal under subsection (4) is final.


49.2  (1) A holder of a drilling licence must pay the prescribed rent in accordance with the regulations.

(2) If a holder of a drilling licence fails to comply with subsection (1), the drilling licence expires on the prescribed date.

(3) If a drilling licence expires under subsection (2), the minister may reinstate the licence if

(a) the minister is satisfied that the former licensee's failure to comply was inadvertent or the result of circumstances, other than financial circumstances, beyond the control of the former licensee, and

(b) the former licensee makes an application under section 49.1 and pays the prescribed reinstatement fee.

(4) If the minister reinstates a drilling licence under subsection (3), the licence is conclusively deemed not to have expired under subsection (2).

Issuance of lease to holder of drilling licence

49.3  Despite section 71, the minister, in the prescribed circumstances, may issue under section 53 a lease to a holder of a drilling licence.

SECTION 26: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 50] clarifies that the section also applies to drilling licences.

26 Section 50 is amended

(a) in subsection (2) (a) by striking out "from the location of the lease," and substituting "referred to in the lease,", and

(b) in subsection (3) by adding "or drilling licence" after "a permit".

SECTION 27: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 52] clarifies the right of permitees to apply for leases respecting the location of the permit.

27 Section 52 (1) is repealed and the following substituted:

(1) A permittee who meets the prescribed requirements may apply, during the term of the permit, for a lease respecting all or part of the location of the permit.

SECTION 28: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 54] requires lessees to pay prescribed rents and amends the section consequential to amendments made by this Bill to section 133 of the Act.

28 Section 54 is repealed and the following substituted:


54 (1) Without limiting section 133, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting annual rental payments for leases.

(2) A lessee must pay the prescribed rent in accordance with the regulations.

SECTION 29: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, sections 55 to 57] repeals 3 sections consequential to amendments made by this Bill to section 133 of the Act.

29 Sections 55 to 57 are repealed.

SECTION 30: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 58] provides that a special project designated under the Oil and Gas Activities Act is an "eligible spacing area" only if the project is prescribed under this Act.

30 Section 58 is amended

(a) in subsection (1) (b) by adding "prescribed" after "subject to a", and

(b) by repealing subsection (2).

SECTION 31: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 62] clarifies the circumstances under which a lease may be continued after expiry.

31 Section 62 is repealed and the following substituted:

Continuation with penalty

62  (1) Subject to regulations, if any, made under section 133 (2) (n.1), the term of a lease not continued under section 58 (3), 61 or 61.1 may be continued, on payment to the government of the prescribed rental and the prescribed penalty, for one year in respect of all or part of its location.

(2) A lease

(a) may not be continued under subsection (1) more than 3 times, and

(b) may be continued under subsection (1) immediately after

(i) the expiry of a previous continuation under that subsection, or

(ii) a continuation under section 58 (3), 61 or 61.1.

SECTION 32: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 63] authorizes the minister to reinstate expired leases in specified circumstances.

32 Section 63 is amended

(a) by renumbering the section as section 63 (1),

(b) in subsection (1) by striking out "or do work required under section 56",

(c) in subsection (1) (a) by striking out "and does the work",

(d) in subsection (1) (b) by striking out "and value of the work", and

(e) by adding the following subsections:

(2) If a lease expires under subsection (1), the minister may reinstate the lease if

(a) the minister is satisfied that the lessee's failure referred to in subsection (1) was inadvertent or the result of circumstances, other than financial circumstances, beyond the control of the lessee,

(b) there has been, during the period starting on the date of the expiry and ending on the date of the reinstatement, no disposition under this Act of rights to petroleum and natural gas that were subject to the lease, and

(c) the former lessee makes an application under section 51 and pays the prescribed reinstatement fee.

(3) If the minister reinstates a lease under subsection (2), the lease is conclusively deemed not to have expired under subsection (1).

SECTION 33: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 64] sets out restrictions respecting new leases issued on surrender of a previous lease.

33 Section 64 is amended

(a) by renumbering the section as section 64 (1),

(b) in subsection (1) by striking out "a new lease issued," and substituting "one or more new leases issued,", and

(c) by adding the following subsection:

(2) A new lease issued under subsection (1)

(a) must be for an area that

(i) falls within the boundaries identified in the surrendered lease, and

(ii) is at least one spacing area in size,

(b) must have the same expiry date as the surrendered lease, and

(c) must not result in a spacing area being divided.

SECTION 34: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 65.1] provides that, despite an order under the Oil and Gas Activities Act to the contrary, a pool or portion of a pool must be considered to be divided into normal spacing areas for the purposes of section 58 of this Act, unless the minister orders otherwise.

34 Section 65.1 is amended by adding the following subsection:

(2.1) Despite any applicable order made under subsection (2), a pool or a portion of a pool on a parcel of land, or a location, must be considered, for the purposes of section 58, to be divided into normal spacing areas in accordance with section 65, unless the minister orders otherwise.

SECTION 35: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 117] repeals redundant provisions.

35 Section 117 (4) and (6) is repealed.

SECTION 36: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, sections 125.1 and 125.2] adds sections that authorize the issuance of tenures in electronic form and that authorize the minister to provide relief from rental obligations under the Act.

36 The following sections are added to Part 13:

Electronic form

125.1  A permit, lease and drilling licence may be issued in electronic form.

Relief respecting rental payments

125.2  (1) On application under subsection (2), the minister may exempt a person from an obligation under this Act to make a rental payment, or relieve the person from a consequence under this Act on failure to make a rental payment, if the minister is satisfied that the person is in the prescribed circumstances.

(2) An application for a reduction under subsection (1) must be made in accordance with the regulations.

SECTION 37: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 133] authorizes the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make regulations respecting the indicated matters.

37 Section 133 is amended

(a) in subsection (2) by repealing paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (n) and (o) and substituting the following:

(c.1) prescribe penalties for the purposes of section 47 (7);

(c.2) make regulations respecting drilling licences and, without limiting this, prescribe fees and rents for the purposes of sections 49.1 and 49.2, dates for the purposes of section 49.2 (2), reinstatement fees for the purposes of section 49.2 (3) (b) and circumstances for the purposes of section 49.3;

(d.2) make regulations respecting the dimensions of locations of permits and leases;

(d.3) prescribe requirements for the purposes of section 52 (1);

(d.4) prescribe rents for the purposes of section 54 (2);

(d.5) prescribe special projects for the purposes of section 58 (1) (b);

(e.1) make regulations respecting the expiry of leases and drilling licences, including, without limiting this, regulations authorizing the minister, in the prescribed circumstances, to extend expiry dates for leases and drilling licences;

(n.1) make regulations respecting eligibility for continuation under section 62;

(n.2) prescribe rentals and penalties for the purposes of section 62, including different penalties for different continuations;

(x) prescribe circumstances for the purposes of section 125.2 (1) and make regulations respecting applications under section 125.2 (2);

(y) make regulations exempting, with or without conditions, a person or a class of persons from a provision of this Act or the regulations. , and

(b) by repealing subsection (3).

SECTION 38: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 134] increases minimum and maximum penalty amounts on conviction for an offence under the Act.

38 Section 134 (1) is amended by striking out "$500 or more than $5 000." and substituting "$5 000 or more than $100 000."

Strata Property Act

SECTION 39: [Strata Property Act, section 1] removes unnecessary words.

39 Section 1 (1) of the Strata Property Act, S.B.C. 1998, c. 43, is amended

(a) in the definition of "contingency reserve fund" by striking out "that usually occur less often than once a year or that do not usually occur", and

(b) in the definition of "operating fund" by striking out "that usually occur either once a year or more often than once a year".

SECTION 40: [Strata Property Act, section 35] requires strata corporations to prepare a list of the storage locker numbers belonging to owners.

40 Section 35 (1) (c) (i) is amended by striking out "parking stall numbers," and substituting "parking stall and storage locker numbers,".

SECTION 41: [Strata Property Act, section 89] allows an owner of a strata lot, who was the purchaser of the strata lot before the conveyance to the owner, to apply for an order as set out.

41 Section 89 (1), (2) and (5) is amended by striking out "the purchaser" and substituting "the purchaser or, if the strata lot is conveyed to the purchaser and the purchaser becomes the owner of the strata lot, that owner".

SECTION 42: [Strata Property Act, section 92] allows the costs of depreciation reports to come out of the operating fund of a strata corporation.

42 Section 92 (a) is repealed and the following substituted:

(a) an operating fund for common expenses that

(i) usually occur either once a year or more often than once a year, or

(ii) are necessary to obtain a depreciation report under section 94, and .

SECTION 43: [Strata Property Act, section 96] requires a majority vote for certain expenditures from the contingency reserve fund as set out.

43 Section 96 is repealed and the following substituted:

Expenditures from contingency reserve fund

96  The strata corporation must not spend money from the contingency reserve fund unless the expenditure is

(a) consistent with the purposes of the fund as set out in section 92 (b), and

(b) approved or authorized as follows:

(i) the expenditure is first approved by a resolution passed by

(A) a majority vote at an annual or special general meeting if the expenditure is

(I) necessary to obtain a depreciation report under section 94, or

(II) related to the repair, maintenance or replacement, as recommended in the most current depreciation report obtained under section 94, of common property, common assets or the portions of a strata lot for which the strata corporation has taken responsibility under section 72 (3), or

(B) a 3/4 vote at an annual or special general meeting if the expenditure is not described in clause (A) (I) or (II);

(ii) the expenditure is authorized under section 98.

SECTION 44: [Strata Property Act, section 109] clarifies who owes a special levy approved before a strata lot is conveyed to a purchaser.

44 Section 109 is amended

(a) in paragraph (a) by striking out "the seller owes" and substituting "the person who is the owner of the strata lot immediately before the date the strata lot is conveyed owes", and

(b) in paragraph (b) by striking out "the purchaser owes" and substituting "the person who is the owner of the strata lot immediately after the date the strata lot is conveyed owes".


45  The provisions of this Act referred to in column 1 of the following table come into force as set out in column 2 of the table:

Item Column 1
Provisions of Act
Column 2
1 Anything not elsewhere covered by this table The date of Royal Assent
2 Section 17 October 4, 2010
3 Section 18 May 31, 2012
4 Sections 19 to 38 By regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council

Explanatory Notes

SECTION 1: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 1] adds a definition of "operating area" and amends the definition of "related activity".

SECTION 2: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 7] clarifies that designations of officials may be for the purposes of both the Act and the regulations.

SECTION 3: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 24] clarifies that this section does not apply to water source wells.

SECTION 4: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 25] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided.

SECTION 5: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 26] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided.

SECTION 6: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 30] clarifies how the commission is to exercise the power referred to in this section.

SECTION 7: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 31] clarifies to whom notice under this section must be provided and what the notice must include.

SECTION 8: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 44] adds definitions of "former permit holder", "interest holder" and "parties" for the purposes of Part 4 of the Act.

SECTION 9: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 45] clarifies what can be designated under this section as an orphan site.

SECTION 10: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 46] clarifies from whom the commission may seek compensation for work done respecting orphan sites.

SECTIONS 11 TO 14: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 69] are consequential to the addition by this Bill of the definition of "operating area" to section 1 of the Act.

SECTION 15: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 99] corrects a cross-reference.

SECTION 16: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 106] authorizes the commission to make regulations authorizing exemptions respecting fees.

SECTION 17: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 117] deems the specified certificate to be a permit under the Act.

SECTION 18: [Oil and Gas Activities Act, section 118.1] clarifies that this section applies to roads on private lands.

SECTION 19: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 1] adds a definition of "Crown reserve", replaces the definition of "cubic metre" and repeals the definition of "plant liquids".

SECTION 20: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 5.1] authorizes the director to delegate the director's powers under the Act.

SECTION 21: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 37] repeals the section.

SECTION 22: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 38] clarifies that the exclusive right referred to in the section is in reference to petroleum and natural gas owned by the government.

SECTION 23: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 47] removes references to specific penalties and replaces them with a reference to a prescribed penalty.

SECTION 24: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 49] authorizes the minister to reduce permit locations.

SECTION 25: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, Part 5.1] adds a Part respecting drilling licences.

SECTION 26: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 50] clarifies that the section also applies to drilling licences.

SECTION 27: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 52] clarifies the right of permitees to apply for leases respecting the location of the permit.

SECTION 28: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 54] requires lessees to pay prescribed rents and amends the section consequential to amendments made by this Bill to section 133 of the Act.

SECTION 29: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, sections 55 to 57] repeals 3 sections consequential to amendments made by this Bill to section 133 of the Act.

SECTION 30: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 58] provides that a special project designated under the Oil and Gas Activities Act is an "eligible spacing area" only if the project is prescribed under this Act.

SECTION 31: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 62] clarifies the circumstances under which a lease may be continued after expiry.

SECTION 32: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 63] authorizes the minister to reinstate expired leases in specified circumstances.

SECTION 33: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 64] sets out restrictions respecting new leases issued on surrender of a previous lease.

SECTION 34: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 65.1] provides that, despite an order under the Oil and Gas Activities Act to the contrary, a pool or portion of a pool must be considered to be divided into normal spacing areas for the purposes of section 58 of this Act, unless the minister orders otherwise.

SECTION 35: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 117] repeals redundant provisions.

SECTION 36: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, sections 125.1 and 125.2] adds sections that authorize the issuance of tenures in electronic form and that authorize the minister to provide relief from rental obligations under the Act.

SECTION 37: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 133] authorizes the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make regulations respecting the indicated matters.

SECTION 38: [Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, section 134] increases minimum and maximum penalty amounts on conviction for an offence under the Act.

SECTION 39: [Strata Property Act, section 1] removes unnecessary words.

SECTION 40: [Strata Property Act, section 35] requires strata corporations to prepare a list of the storage locker numbers belonging to owners.

SECTION 41: [Strata Property Act, section 89] allows an owner of a strata lot, who was the purchaser of the strata lot before the conveyance to the owner, to apply for an order as set out.

SECTION 42: [Strata Property Act, section 92] allows the costs of depreciation reports to come out of the operating fund of a strata corporation.

SECTION 43: [Strata Property Act, section 96] requires a majority vote for certain expenditures from the contingency reserve fund as set out.

SECTION 44: [Strata Property Act, section 109] clarifies who owes a special levy approved before a strata lot is conveyed to a purchaser.