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The printed version remains the official version.
WHEREAS it appears by Message from the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor and the main Estimates accompanying the Message, as laid before the Legislative Assembly at the present session, that provision is required to defray certain expenses of the public service of the Province, and for other purposes connected with the public service, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015;
AND WHEREAS the budget documents, as laid before the Legislative Assembly at the present session, disclose that the most likely forecast of a surplus of the government reporting entity for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 is $384 000 000;
AND WHEREAS those budget documents include a $200 000 000 forecast allowance to provide for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenses of the government reporting entity that decreases the forecast surplus of the government reporting entity for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 to $184 000 000;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:
1 From and out of the consolidated revenue fund there may be paid and applied in the manner and at the times the government may determine the sum of $35 737 087 000 as set forth in Schedule 1, towards defraying the charges and expenses of the public service of the Province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, the sum to include that authorized to be paid under section 1 of the Supply Act (No. 1), 2014.
2 From and out of the consolidated revenue fund there may be paid and applied in the manner and at the times the government may determine the sum of $778 784 000 towards
(a) capital expenditures referred to in Schedule C of the main Estimates as laid before the Legislative Assembly at the present session, and
(b) the disbursements for loans, investments and other requirements referred to in Schedule D of those main Estimates,
as set forth in Schedule 2, towards defraying the charges and expenditures of the public service of the Province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, the sum to include that authorized to be paid under section 2 of the Supply Act (No. 1), 2014.
3 This Act comes into force on the date of Royal Assent.
2014/2015 Schedule of Voted Expenses
Sums granted to Her Majesty for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 and the purposes for which they are granted
Vote Number | Ministry/Office or Minister/Program | $ |
1 | Legislation | 69 565 000 |
2 | Auditor General | 16 621 000 |
3 | Conflict of Interest Commissioner | 567 000 |
4 | Elections BC | 8 210 000 |
5 | Information and Privacy Commissioner | 5 526 000 |
6 | Merit Commissioner | 1 039 000 |
7 | Ombudsperson | 5 615 000 |
8 | Police Complaint Commissioner | 3 124 000 |
9 | Representative for Children and Youth | 7 917 000 |
10 | Office of the Premier | 9 008 000 |
11 | Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation – Ministry Operations | 36 495 000 |
12 | Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation – Treaty and Other Agreements Funding | 42 454 000 |
13 | Ministry of Advanced Education – Ministry Operations | 1 935 671 000 |
14 | Ministry of Agriculture – Ministry Operations | 64 217 000 |
15 | Ministry of Agriculture – Agricultural Land Commission | 3 516 000 |
16 | Ministry of Children and Family Development – Ministry Operations | 1 356 419 000 |
17 | Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development – Ministry Operations | 210 718 000 |
18 | Ministry of Education – Ministry Operations | 5 350 361 000 |
19 | Ministry of Energy and Mines – Ministry Operations | 19 107 000 |
20 | Ministry of Environment – Ministry Operations | 101 243 000 |
21 | Ministry of Environment – Environmental Assessment Office | 11 714 000 |
22 | Ministry of Finance – Ministry Operations | 127 361 000 |
23 | Ministry of Finance – Gaming Policy and Enforcement | 19 819 000 |
24 | Ministry of Finance – Public Service Agency | 50 807 000 |
25 | Ministry of Finance – Benefits | 1 000 |
26 | Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Ministry Operations | 372 345 000 |
27 | Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Direct Fire | 63 165 000 |
28 | Ministry of Health – Ministry Operations | 16 788 820 000 |
29 | Ministry of International Trade – Ministry Operations | 36 135 000 |
30 | Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training – Ministry Operations | 183 688 000 |
31 | Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training – Labour Programs | 14 697 000 |
32 | Ministry of Justice – Ministry Operations | 1 025 193 000 |
33 | Ministry of Justice – Judiciary | 68 109 000 |
34 | Ministry of Justice – Crown Proceeding Act | 24 500 000 |
35 | Ministry of Justice – Independent Investigations Office | 8 100 000 |
36 | Ministry of Justice – British Columbia Utilities Commission | 1 000 |
37 | Ministry of Justice – Emergency Program Act | 14 478 000 |
38 | Ministry of Natural Gas Development – Ministry Operations | 20 249 000 |
39 | Ministry of Natural Gas Development – Housing | 368 691 000 |
40 | Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation – Ministry Operations | 2 529 819 000 |
41 | Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services – Ministry Operations | 64 213 000 |
42 | Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services – Shared Services BC | 425 540 000 |
43 | Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services – Government Communications and Public Engagement | 37 255 000 |
44 | Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure – Ministry Operations | 812 293 000 |
45 | Minister of Finance – Management of Public Funds and Debt | 1 285 466 000 |
46 | Minister of Finance – Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs | 300 000 000 |
47 | Various Ministers – Capital Funding | 1 048 243 000 |
48 | Various Ministers – Commissions on Collection of Public Funds | 1 000 |
49 | Various Ministers – Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts | 1 000 |
50 | Minister of Finance – Tax Transfers | 778 000 000 |
51 | Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development – Auditor General for Local Government | 2 600 000 |
52 | Minister of Justice and Attorney General – Electoral Boundaries Commission | 2 500 000 |
53 | Minister of Justice and Attorney General – Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission | 2 075 000 |
54 | Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Forest Practices Board | 3 815 000 |
TOTAL | 35 737 087 000 |
2014/2015 Schedule of Voted Financing Transactions
Sums granted to Her Majesty for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 and the purposes for which they are granted
$ | |
Schedule C – Capital Expenditures | 401 046 000 |
Schedule D – Loans, Investments and Other Requirements | 377 738 000 |
TOTAL | 778 784 000 |