BILL Pr 401 – 2014


  1 Definitions
  2 Society restored
  3 Society continued
  4 Rights
  5 Commencement

WHEREAS Donna Harms of the City of Armstrong, in the Province of British Columbia, has by her petition represented

(a) that the Armstrong-Spallumcheen Student Assistance Association (the "Society") was incorporated in British Columbia on June 29, 1965 under Certificate of Incorporation No. S-0007178 issued under the Societies Act, R.S.B.C. 1960, c. 362, in effect on that date,

(b) that a notice of intent to dissolve was published on July 18, 2002 in the British Columbia Gazette stating that the Society would be struck from the register and dissolved unless, within one month after publication of the notice, cause was shown to the contrary,

(c) that the Society was struck off the register on August 30, 2002,

(d) that a notice was published in the British Columbia Gazette on September 12, 2002 stating that the Society was struck from the register and dissolved on August 30, 2002,

(e) that, despite the notice referred to in paragraph (d), the Society, having no knowledge of the publication of that notice, continued to carry on the affairs of the Society as if it had not been dissolved,

(f) that it will not be possible to continue carrying on the affairs of the Society unless the Society is restored, and

(g) that since there is no provision in the Society Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 433, for the restoration of a society more than 10 years after it has been dissolved, the Society cannot be restored except by a special Act of the Legislature of British Columbia;

AND WHEREAS Donna Harms has by her petition requested that it be enacted as follows, and it is expedient to grant the request in the petition;

NOW THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:


1  In this Act:

"Registrar" means the Registrar of Companies;

"Society" means the Armstrong-Spallumcheen Student Assistance Association.

Society restored

2  The Society is restored to the register, under the corporate name of the Armstrong-Spallumcheen Student Assistance Association, commencing on the date that a copy of this Act, certified by the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, is filed with the Registrar, for the limited period of one year.

Society continued

3  On its restoration, the Society is deemed to have continued in existence as if it had never been dissolved.


4  Nothing in sections 2 and 3 prejudices the rights of any person that were acquired before the date on which the Society is restored to the register.


5  This Act comes into force on the date of Royal Assent.