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2001 Legislative Session: 5th Session, 36th Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational
purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Whereas Deputy Ministers, Presidents and Chief Executive Officers of Crown Corporations, and Chairs of Commissions have recently been awarded staggering compensation increases;
Whereas this was done unilaterally and without any public process;
Whereas most employees of the Public Service in British Columbia received only a 2% wage increase over the last 3 years.
HER MAJESTY, by and with the consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:
"senior civil servants" shall mean all individuals earning in excess of $100,000 per year and whose income is derived totally from provincial government sources including salary, pension, non taxable benefits, perquisites, allowances and severance.
"remuneration" shall mean salary, pensions, non taxable benefits, perquisites, allowances and severance.
"adjustments" shall mean reduce, freeze, or raise remuneration levels.
1 (a) The government shall create a citizens' panel to review January 7, 2000 increases to Senior Civil Servants earning in excess of $100,000.
(b) Further, to review annually such remuneration.
2 (a) The panel shall consist of one representative each appointed from the business community, the trade union sector, and the public at large and a chair.
(b) The chair shall be appointed from the list of arbitrators used by the Ministry of Labour.
(c) The panel shall be appointed by the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations.
3 (a) The panel is required to consult broadly with the public.
(b) The panel will have the authority to examine all employment contracts and agreements established by Order in Council, approved by Crown Corporations and by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
(c) The panel will have the authority to examine all employment contracts and agreements that apply to senior civil servant positions under review.
(d) The panel shall identify criteria for evaluating appropriate remuneration levels.
(e) In their deliberations, the panel must be cognizant of wage and benefit increases accorded to Provincial Government and Crown Corporation unionized personnel.
(f) The panel shall make recommendations on appropriate adjustments to remuneration levels.
4 The panel shall submit their recommendations by way of a written report to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations on or before November 1, 2000 and every November 1, thereafter.
5 The panel recommendations are binding.
6 The panel recommendations shall be made public.
7 The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations.
8 This Act comes into force by regulations of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Copyright © 2001: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada