BILL M 222 – 2007


This Act establishes a set parliamentary schedule for the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

Fixed Calendar Established

1  (1) In each calendar year the Legislative Assembly shall meet:

(a) the second Tuesday in February to the last Thursday in May inclusive; and

(b) the first Monday in October to the last Thursday in November inclusive.

(2) The Legislative Assembly shall stand adjourned during the week of Spring Vacation as provided in the School Act, the week of Good Friday, the week of Easter Monday, the fourth week after Easter (if Easter falls in March), the week of Victoria Day, the week of Thanksgiving Day and the week of Remembrance Day.

Conflict with Standing Orders

2  In the event of a conflict between this Act and the Standing Orders, this Act prevails.

Powers of Speaker Preserved

3  Nothing in this Act restricts the rights and privileges of the Assembly and/or the Speaker on behalf of Members to convene, adjourn or otherwise suspend proceedings of the Assembly at any time with the unanimous consent of the Members.


4  This Act comes into force upon Royal Assent.

Explanatory Notes

This Act establishes a set parliamentary schedule for the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.