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This Act is current to September 10, 2024 | |||
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force. |
Assented to May 31, 2018
WHEREAS Kevin L. Boonstra of the City of Abbotsford, in the Province of British Columbia, has by his petition represented that Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver Society incorporated under the Societies Act desires to continue a school of theology for Canadian and international students;
AND WHEREAS Kevin L. Boonstra has by his petition requested that it be enacted as follows, and it is expedient to grant the request in the petition;
NOW THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:
1 In this Act:
"academic council" means the academic council of the college;
"board" means the board of directors of the college;
"bylaws" means the bylaws of the college;
"college" means the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver continued under section 2;
"degree in theology" means recognition of academic achievement in theological studies or in respect of preparation for a religious vocation that is specified in writing to be an associate, baccalaureate, masters or doctoral degree;
"principal" means the principal of the college;
"society" means the society incorporated under the Societies Act as Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver Society.
2 (1) The society is continued under this Act as a corporation under the name "Canadian Chinese School of Theology Vancouver".
3 The objects of the college are to
(a) advance Christian theological education in both the English and Chinese languages,
(b) advance and teach religious tenets, doctrines, observances and culture associated with the Christian faith, and
(c) establish and maintain a Christian theological school of instruction in both the English and Chinese languages.
4 (1) Until new members of the board are elected or appointed under subsection (2), the members of the board of directors of the society are the persons who, on the coming into force of this Act, are the directors of the board of the college referred to in section 2.
(2) The members of the board must be elected or appointed in accordance with the bylaws.
5 (1) Subject to this Act, the college must have bylaws for the governance of the college, including, but not limited to, bylaws respecting the following:
(a) the objects of the college;
(b) the appointment or election of the members of the board;
(c) the conduct of meetings of the board, including notices and consents prerequisite to those meetings, quorums and voting rights at those meetings and all other matters in connection with those meetings.
(2) The bylaws of the society on the coming into force of this Act, so far as not inconsistent with this Act, are the bylaws of the college and may be amended as set out in the bylaws.
6 (1) Subject to this Act and the bylaws, the board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the affairs, business, revenue and property of the college.
(2) Without limiting the general powers conferred on or vested in the board by this Act, the board may do the following:
(a) establish committees of the board and delegate authority to those committees;
(b) employ and remunerate faculty, administrative and other staff of the college and define the duties and tenure of office associated with each role or position;
(c) engage consultants, legal counsel and auditors as may be required;
(d) acquire, accept, solicit, transfer and dispose of title to and interests in real and personal property;
(e) borrow, raise or secure payment of money and mortgage or pledge any or all of its properties or assets to secure amounts borrowed;
(f) draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable and transferable instruments;
(g) invest any funds of the college, not immediately required for any of its charitable and lawful objects, in a manner or on security as may from time to time be determined by the board to be advisable, and the board is not limited to making investments in which trustees are authorized to invest by law;
(h) raise funds to promote the objects of the college, subject or not to any specific charitable trusts or conditions;
(i) establish, terminate and determine the rules and policies of academic programs and courses of study;
(j) establish and levy registration and other fees and assessments, their amounts and the requirements regarding their payment;
(k) regulate the admission of students and set admission standards;
(l) enter into agreements with any university, college or other institution of higher learning or with any person respecting and providing for the cooperation in the exercise of any right, power, privilege or function of the college, including in respect of an affiliation with a university, college or other institution of higher learning;
7 Despite the University Act, the college may grant
(a) degrees in theology, including honorary degrees in theology,
in its own right or jointly with any university, college or other institution of higher learning.
8 The board must appoint a principal and may, subject to the bylaws, replace the principal.
9 The principal is the chief executive officer of the college and must, subject to the direction of the board,
(a) supervise and direct the work of the college, the faculty, administrative staff and other staff of the college,
(b) be responsible for the discipline of students,
(c) represent the college in its dealings with its constituencies and with the community at large, and
10 (1) There must be an academic council of the college, composed of
(c) representative faculty members appointed in accordance with the bylaws, and
(d) one or more additional persons as may be appointed by the board.
(2) The academic council is responsible for regulating the conduct of its meetings and proceedings, including the appointment of committees and other bodies necessary for its work.
(3) The academic council may do the following:
(a) advise and make recommendations to the principal and the board on the admission standards, curriculum design and academic programs of the college;
(b) deal with all matters of academic concern as specified in the bylaws or assigned to it by the principal or the board.
(4) The principal, or designate, is the chair of the academic council.
12 (1) On dissolution or winding-up of the college, the funds and assets of the college remaining after all debts have been paid or provisions for their payment have been made must be transferred and delivered to one or more qualified donees, as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), in accordance with the bylaws.
(2) The provisions of the Societies Act relating to the dissolution and winding-up of societies apply to the college, except that a reference in that Act to a special resolution is to be read as a resolution of the board.
13 The provisions of this Act referred to in column 1 of the following table come into force as set out in column 2 of the table:
Item | Column 1 Provisions of Act | Column 2 Commencement |
1 | Anything not elsewhere covered by this table | The date of Royal Assent |
2 | Section 11 | On the coming into force of sections 88 and 89 of the Private Training Act, S.B.C. 2015, c. 5 |
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada