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This Act is current to February 4, 2025 | |||
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force. |
Adams Lake Park – Bush Creek Site
Atlin/a Téix'gi Aan Tlein Park
Buckinghorse River Wayside Park
Dala-Kildala Rivers Estuaries Park
Dune Za Keyih Park [a.k.a. Frog-Gataga Park]
Háthayim Marine Park [a.k.a. Von Donop Marine Park]
Jáji7em and Kw'ulh Marine Park [a.k.a. Sandy Island Marine Park]
Khutzeymateen Park [a.k.a. Khutzeymateen/K'tzim-a-deen Grizzly Sanctuary]
Little Andrews Bay Marine Park
North Thompson Oxbows East Park
North Thompson Oxbows Manteau Park
Santa Gertrudis-Boca del Infierno Park
Saysutshun (Newcastle Island Marine) Park
Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Park
Sx̱ótsaqel/Chilliwack Lake Park
Sxˇwəxˇwnitkw Park [a.k.a. Okanagan Falls Park]
Tā Ch'Ilā Park [a.k.a. Boya Lake Park]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Poplar Point Site
The described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1778.
The whole site containing approximately 8 hectares.
Refuge Bay Site
The described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 18 Tube 1853.
The whole site containing approximately 43 hectares (30 hectares of upland and 13 hectares of foreshore).
Spillman Beaches Site
The described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1778; except the Forest Service Road identified as Road 9865.01.
The whole site containing approximately 211 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 262 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1853.
The whole park containing approximately 100 hectares (61 hectares of upland and 39 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at Boundary Monument 272, which marks the southeast corner of the Province;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the Province to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Starvation Creek;
thence in a northeasterly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Starvation Creek, passing through Starvation Peak, and continuing northeasterly along the southeasterly boundaries of the watersheds of those unnamed creeks flowing northwesterly into Kishinena Creek to a point on the Starvation Creek watershed boundary lying due West of the headwaters of Ord Creek;
thence due East to the left bank natural boundary of Ord Creek;
thence northeasterly along the left bank natural boundary of Ord Creek to the left bank natural boundary of Beavertail Creek;
thence northerly along the natural boundary of Beavertail Creek to a point lying due West of the right bank natural boundary of Way Creek;
thence due East to the right bank natural boundary of Way Creek;
thence northeasterly along the natural boundary of Way Creek to its intersection with a 6 200 foot (1 890 metre) contour;
thence in a general northerly and southeasterly direction along the 6 200 foot (1 890 metre) contour to its intersection with the left bank natural boundary of Per Creek;
thence southeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of approximately 132° a distance of approximately 1.2 kilometres to a point lying 800 metres due South and 250 metres due West of the southwest corner of District Lot 11078;
thence due South 1.2 kilometres;
thence due East approximately 2.3 kilometres, crossing Grizzly Gulch, to the 6 200 foot (1 890 metre) contour;
thence in a general northerly and southeasterly direction along the 6 200 foot (1 890 metre) contour to its intersection with the left bank natural boundary of the mainstream of Biscuitboard Creek;
thence northeasterly along the left bank natural boundary of the mainstream of Biscuitboard Creek, crossing a northeasterly flowing unnamed tributary, and continuing northeasterly along the left bank natural boundary of Wall Creek, produced to the right bank natural boundary of Alkamine Creek;
thence easterly along the right bank natural boundary of Alkamine Creek to the right bank natural boundary of Zur Creek;
thence northeasterly along the right bank natural boundary of Zur Creek to its intersection with the 6 200 foot (1 890 metre) contour;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along that contour to a point lying due North of the middle line of Kishinena Creek, at the headwaters of Kishinena Creek;
thence due North to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Kishinena Creek;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Kishinena Creek to the easterly boundary of the Province;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along the easterly boundary of the Province to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 10 921.5 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Yale Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1919.
The whole park containing approximately 51 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1898; except the Garibaldi Highway No. 99 right of way as shown on Plans 15522 and HWY Plan 151.
Secondly: District Lot 6861.
The whole park containing approximately 411 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1989.
The whole park containing approximately 132 hectares (89 hectares of upland and 43 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1902; except the Merritt – Princeton Highway, No. 5A, shown on Ministry of Transportation's Plan A573.
The whole park containing approximately 21 hectares (13 hectares of upland and 8 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Texada Island District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 31 Tube 1768; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Texada Forest Service Road, Project 5829-03; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Road Use Permit 01-5829-98; and (3) the land that is the subject of District Lot 514 - Aquatic Licence 235778, File 2401569.
The whole park containing approximately 35 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in the Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1978; except a 20 metre right of way centred on the travelled surface of Hazelton Station Road, No. 112.
The whole park containing approximately 99 hectares (83 hectares of upland and 16 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1906.
The whole park containing approximately 12 hectares (8 hectares of upland and 4 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanoose District and contained within the following described boundaries:
That part of Lot 1, Block 681, Plan 18711 lying south of Ministry of Transportation's Drawing No. R1-81-6 RW.
The whole park containing approximately 22 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1932; except (1) the land that is subject to a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road, Permit R3906, Sections D, E and G; and (2) District Lot 13029 shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1894.
The whole park containing approximately 13 887 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 2005; except the land subject to the licence of occupation for a communication site identified in file 6408080, Document No. 635852, on file at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Smithers.
The whole park containing approximately 229 894 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Hook (Deep) Bay Site
In Range 5, Coast District, the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1875.
The whole site containing approximately 179 hectares (161 hectares of upland and 18 hectares of foreshore).
Pendleton Bay Site
In Range 5, Coast District, the following boundaries described as:
District Lots 7581 and 7584, except Babine Lake Road;
District Lots 7631 and 7632;
Blocks A & B of District Lot 6684;
Foreshore lot District Lot 7823.
The whole site containing approximately 36.8 hectares (31.5 hectares of upland and 5.3 hectares of foreshore).
Pierre Creek Site
In Range 5, Coast District, the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1875.
The whole site containing approximately 35 hectares (29 hectares of upland and 6 hectares of foreshore).
Pinkut Creek Site
In Range 5, Coast District, the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1875.
The whole site containing approximately 66 hectares (49 hectares of upland and 17 hectares of foreshore).
Sandpoint Site
In Range 5, Coast District, the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1875.
The whole site containing approximately 54 hectares (41 hectares of upland and 13 hectares of foreshore).
Smithers Landing Site
In Cassiar District, the following boundaries described as:
Firstly: District Lot 3748, except Plan 3553;
Lots 16 to 26 of District Lot 3748 Plan 3553;
the unnamed roads adjoining the southerly boundaries of Lots 16, 21, 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Plan 3553 of District Lot 3748;
the unnamed roads adjoining the westerly boundaries of Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 26 of Plan 3553 of District Lot 3748;
Lot 1 of District Lot 3750, Plan 3553;
Lot 1 of District Lot 3750, Plan 3729.
Secondly: commencing at the northeasterly corner of Lot 26 of District Lot 3748, Plan 3553;
thence due West to the point of intersection with the southerly shore natural boundary of Babine Lake;
thence in a general southeasterly then northeasterly direction along the natural boundary of Babine Lake to the point of commencement.
The whole site containing approximately 121.0 hectares (110.0 hectares of upland and 11.0 hectares of foreshore).
The whole park containing approximately 491.8 hectares (421.5 hectares of upland and 70.3 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1851; except (1) Wood Lot 1506; and (2) a 15 metre road right of way centred on Driftwood Road No. 23 to the entrance of the Sunny Point parking lot.
The whole park containing approximately 31 146 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1813; except (1) Forest Licence A16831 - CP441, Blocks 7, 32, 43 and 48b; (2) Forest Licence A16831 - CP 417, Block 35; (3) Forest Licence A16829 - CP 161, Blocks 354A, 354D and 354E; and (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road, Permit RO 3780.
Secondly: the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 28 Tube 1866; except (1) District Lot 7042; and (2) a 10 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road Nilkitkwa, FSR 5897.00.
The whole park containing approximately 15 359 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Malahat District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1920.
The whole park containing approximately 27 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 16 Tube 1779.
The whole park containing approximately 6 hectares.
[BARKERVILLE PARK. Description repealed 2006-15-33.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1902.
The whole park containing approximately 158 hectares (151 hectares of upland and 7 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the intersection of the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway (Highway 37A) with the middle line of an unnamed creek that flows southwesterly into Bear River, with the intersection lying on a bearing of 101°15'00" a distance of approximately 708 metres from the most northerly northeast corner of District Lot 5364, being the "Some Fraction" Mineral Claim;
thence on an approximate bearing of 214°04'00" a distance of approximately 900 metres to the most easterly corner of District Lot 5362, being the "Heather 6" Mineral Claim;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of District Lot 5362 to the most southerly southeast corner of District Lot 5362;
thence on a bearing of 226°58'00" a distance of 764 metres;
thence on a bearing of 192°44'00" a distance of 662 metres;
thence on a bearing of 182°47'00" a distance of 348 metres;
thence on a bearing of 103°22'00" a distance of 609 metres;
thence on a bearing of 58°13'00" a distance of 2 346 metres;
thence on a bearing of 102°56'00" a distance of approximately 596 metres to the middle line of the unnamed creek that flows in a general northerly direction into Strohn Lake;
thence northeasterly and northerly along the middle line of that unnamed creek a distance of 854 metres;
thence on a bearing of 94°52'00" a distance of approximately 389 metres to the middle line of the unnamed creek that flows northeasterly into Strohn Creek;
thence northeasterly along the middle line of that unnamed creek a distance of approximately 800 metres to the right bank natural boundary of Strohn Creek;
thence on a bearing of 0°00'00" a distance of approximately 115 metres to the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway (Highway 37A);
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway (Highway 37A) to the point of commencement; except Ministry of Transportation "25 Mile South Pit", more particularly described as commencing at the intersection of the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway (Highway 37A) with the southerly boundary of Bear Glacier Rest Area Access Road;
thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of Bear Glacier Rest Area Access Road a distance of 325 metres;
thence on a bearing of 163°00'00" a distance of 125 metres;
thence on a bearing of 79°00'00" a distance of 325 metres;
thence on a bearing of 338°00'00" a distance of approximately 248 metres to the point of commencement, and containing approximately 6.6 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 542 hectares.
[BEATTON PARK. Description repealed 2021-28-1.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1785.
The whole park containing approximately 185 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1836; except (1) Highway No. 16 right of way shown on Ministry of Transportation's Plan 4167 and Plan 4170 (also shown on Official Plans deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 575 and Plan 3 Tube 575); (2) Canadian National Railway right of way Plan 1152 (also shown on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 226 Rlys); (3) Ministry of Transportation's Nautley Road No. 48 shown on Ministry of Transportation's Plan 4436; (4) British Columbia Hydro right of way Plan 5692 (also shown on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 28 Tube 807); (5) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's Fraser Mountain Road No. 122, a section 42 Transportation Act highway; and (6) Plan 4967 (also shown on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 771 Rlys).
The whole park containing approximately 178 hectares (164 hectares of upland and 14 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cowichan District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1, Section 5, Galiano Island, Plan 16867.
The whole park containing approximately 2.5 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1906.
The whole park containing approximately 368 hectares (333 hectares of upland and 35 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 2004.
The whole park containing approximately 619 hectares (267 hectares of upland and 352 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 17 Tube 1926; except the right of way of the British Columbia Railway, Block A, District Lot 11775, Peace River District as shown on the preliminary plan prepared by Tom J. Tryon, BCLS, the survey completed November 8, 2000, a copy of which is on file with Crown Land Registry as 7RY307.
The whole park containing approximately 30 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1989.
The whole park containing approximately 10 439 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District, Range 1, Coast District and Range 2, Coast District, and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1836.
The whole park containing approximately 19 947 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 26 Tube 1802.
The whole park containing approximately 318 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in the Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 2023.
The whole park containing approximately 236 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 19 Tube 1780.
The whole park containing approximately 28 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1844.
The whole park containing approximately 1 360 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1841.
The whole park containing approximately 1 142 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Galiano Island, Cowichan District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2011; except a 20 metre right of way centred on Porlier Pass Drive.
The whole park containing approximately 397 hectares (321 hectares of upland and 76 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1867.
The whole park containing approximately 814 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1788; except Boulder Creek Road to Sultana Group listed on the Mine Road Data Base as 93-M/8.
The whole park containing approximately 53 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained with the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point on the westerly limit of the right of way of Highway No. 3 lying 201.2 metres south and 191.14 metres east of the northwest corner of Lot 1012;
thence westerly in a direction parallel to the northern boundary of Lot 1012 to the left bank of Boundary Creek;
thence northerly and easterly along the left bank of Boundary Creek to its intersection with the westerly limit of the right of way for Highway No. 3;
thence southerly along the westerly limit of the right of way for Highway No. 3 to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 2 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1999; except British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority right of way Plan 2083RW, as also shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 973.
The whole park containing approximately 188 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1979; except (1) "Cheakumus" Indian Reserve No. 11; (2) "Yookwitz" Indian Reserve No. 12; (3) "Pohquiosin and Skamain" Indian Reserve No. 13; (4) "Waiwakum" Indian Reserve No. 14; (5) "Aikwucks" Indian Reserve No. 15; (6) "Seaichem" Indian Reserve No. 16; (7) "Yekwaupsum" Indian Reserve No. 19; and (8) Baynes Island Ecological Reserve.
The whole park containing approximately 765 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1999; except (1) the land shown on Highway Plan H-105, LTO Plan BCP 31821 and LTO Plan BCP 40130, except that part included within "Reference Plan of Closed Road Dedicated on Highway Plan H-105 and BCP 31821, D.L. 4098, and as shown on Highway Plan H-104, D.L. 4099, Group 1, New Westminster District", as shown on Bunbury & Assoc. drawing W-3551-1, on file at the Ministry of Environment, Parks and Protected Areas Division, Victoria; (2) District Lot 2945; and (3) LTO Plan BCP24386.
The whole park containing approximately 420 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1899; except road right of way shown on Plan 13641.
The whole park containing approximately 33 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 2020.
The whole park containing approximately 434 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1913; except (1) Highway No. 3, shown on Plans H909 and H10305 and also shown on plans deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 798 and Plan 23 Tube 1038; (2) a 20.1168 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's Old Princeton-Hedley Road, No. 116, a section 42 Transportation Act highway; and (3) telephone right of way shown on Plan A797 of District Lot 4067S.
The whole park containing approximately 154 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1901.
The whole park containing approximately 11 751 hectares (2 061 hectares of upland and 9 690 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1999.
The whole park containing approximately 45 hectares (0.5 hectares of upland and 44.5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southeast corner of District Lot 2148;
thence due East 540.4 metres;
thence due South approximately 225 metres to a point lying due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 585;
thence due East approximately 750 metres to the point of intersection with the left bank natural boundary of Buckinghorse River;
thence on a bearing of 135° a distance of approximately 40 metres to the middle thread of the Buckinghorse River;
thence southerly, westerly, and northerly along the middle thread of the Buckinghorse River to a point lying on a bearing of 225° at a distance of approximately 40 metres from the southeast corner of District Lot 585;
thence on a bearing of 225° a distance of approximately 40 metres to the southeast corner of District Lot 585;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 585 to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 55 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 16427;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 16427 to the northwest corner of District Lot 16427;
thence due West a distance of 300 metres;
thence due North a distance of 800 metres;
thence due West a distance of approximately 1.85 kilometres to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the unnamed creeks that include Cobalt Lake within their drainage;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the unnamed creeks and continuing northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Vowell Creek to Triangulation Station Monument 122 (67), being a point;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 250° a distance of approximately 6.25 kilometres to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Malloy Creek;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Malloy Creek, passing through Mount Malloy, to the northerly boundary of the watershed of East Creek;
thence in a general easterly and southerly direction following the East Creek watershed boundary, passing through Spear Spire, Snafflehound Spire, Mount Kelvin, Wallace Peak, Howser Spire, Flattop Peak and Thimble Peak, respectively, to Howser Peak;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along Sextet Ridge, passing through Rock Ridge Peak, Anniversary Peak and Frenchman Mountain, to its intersection with the 7 400 foot (2 255 metre) contour;
thence northeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 46° to the 5 100 foot (1 555 metre) contour;
thence due North a distance of 350 metres;
thence due West to a point lying due South of the southwest corner of District Lot 16427;
thence due North to the southwest corner of District Lot 16427, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 13 646.6 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1898; except (1) Ministry of Transportation's Quarrying Reserve No. 84650 lying in Block B of District Lot 147, as shown on File No. 6401981 on deposit at the Skeena Land and Water British Columbia Inc. Regional Office in Smithers; and (2) a 20 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's Hazelton-Kitwanga Road No. 113.
The whole park containing approximately 169 hectares (120 hectares of upland and 49 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 36 Tube 1809; except (1) Highway 20, as shown on Plan 31767, on deposit in the Prince George Land Title Office; and (2) a gravel quarry, held by Ministry of Transportation, contained within District Lot 6698 as shown on Crown Lands File 5402442.
The whole park containing approximately 343 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 25 Tube 1802.
The whole park containing approximately 404 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 23 Tube 1866.
The whole park containing approximately 65 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1841; except Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenures (1) 41421; (2) 10360; (3) 14544; (4) 14545; (5) 44475; (6) 41422; (7) 44272; (8) 44274; and (9) a 40 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's 12 Mile Road [a.k.a. Dunlevy Road].
The whole park containing approximately 6 024 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 20 Tube 1853.
The whole park containing approximately 153 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1788; except (1) Lot A, Plan PRP 13410, filed in the Prince Rupert Land Title Office; and (2) the 15 metre wide part of the bed and foreshore of Call Lake fronting the waterfront portion of Lot A, Plan PRP 13410, filed in the Prince Rupert Land Title Office.
The whole park containing approximately 60 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 32 Tube 1894.
The whole park containing approximately 2 691 hectares.
[CANAL FLATS PARK. Description repealed 2009-19-2.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1907; except Ministry of Transportation's Road, Plan H-10743 and shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 491.
The whole park containing approximately 8.2 hectares (3.6 hectares of upland and 4.6 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2016.
The whole park containing approximately 22 300 hectares (17 328 hectares of upland and 4 972 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1904; except (1) the right of way of the Caribou Highway No. 97 as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 435; (2) the new right of way for Highway No. 97 shown on Ministry of Transportation plans titled "For Right-of-Way Acquisition, Highway No. 97, Wright Station Curves, Drawing No. R2-640-103RW and Drawing No. R2-640-104RW" on file with the Ministry of Transportation Kamloops Regional Office; and (3) the transmission line right of way as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 528.
The whole park containing approximately 89 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Renfrew District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1921.
The whole park containing approximately 16 365 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1906; except (1) District Lots 10121 and 10122, being "Carp Lake" Indian Reserve No. 3; (2) District Lot 10120, being "War Lake" Indian Reserve No. 4; (3) Canadian Forest Products Road, RO 1860-Sec. H1; and (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on Canadian Forest Products Road Permit R7645 A1 Sec. E.
The whole park containing approximately 38 149 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nootka District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 29 Tube 1899.
The whole park containing approximately 955 hectares (259 hectares of upland and 696 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1915; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Ashnola River Forest Service Road 6296-01; (2) District Lot 2056S; (3) District Lot 2200S; and (4) District Lot 3235S.
The whole park containing approximately 33 077 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1912.
The whole park containing approximately 1 452 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1959; except the Crown land that is the subject of the right of way of the Alaska Highway as shown on Plan A1027 and Plan RS 3845.
The whole park containing approximately 176 hectares (167 hectares of upland and 9 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1873.
The whole park containing approximately 36 226 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Seymour District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1914; except (1) Plan 384 right of way, also shown on Plan 16 Tube 328 deposited in the Crown Land Registry; (2) Plan 405 right of way; (3) Plan 335 right of way, also shown on Plan 3RY202 and Plan 10RY207; and (4) Ministry of Forests' Road No. 1059.
The whole park containing approximately 119 hectares (117 hectares of upland and 2 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 2, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: that part of District Lot 439 described as commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 6 of District Lot 499, Plan 24589;
thence north along the east boundaries of Lot 6, "Road", Lot 1, all of District Lot 499, Plan 24589 and District Lot 792 to the south boundary of the road shown on Plan 53768;
thence in a general easterly direction along the south boundary of the road shown on Plan 53768 to the west boundary of Lot 3 of District Lot 780, Plan 37705;
thence South along the west boundaries of Lots 3 and 5 of District Lot 780, Plan 37705 to the southwest corner of Lot 5;
thence South along the southerly production of the west boundary of Lot 5 to the north boundary of District Lot 843;
thence West along the north boundary of District Lot 843 to the northwest corner of District Lot 843;
thence in a general southeast direction along the south boundary of District Lot 843 to the southeast corner of District Lot 843;
thence North along the east boundary of District Lot 843 to the point of intersection with the south boundary of District Lot 217;
thence East along the south boundary of District Lot 217 to the northeast corner of the remainder of Lot 2 of District Lot 439, Plan 33276;
thence South along the west boundary of Lot 52 to the natural boundary of Chilliwack River as determined in 1973 and shown in red on the plan filed with Parks and Outdoor Recreation, File 2-7-4-6;
thence in a general westerly direction along the natural boundary of Chilliwack River to the point of intersection with the east boundary of District Lot 499, as shown on Plan on File 2-7-4-6;
thence in a general northeast direction along east boundary of District Lot 499 to the southwest corner of Lot 4 of Plan 24589;
thence due South 35.05 metres;
thence East in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 6 of District Lot 499, Plan 24589, being the point of commencement.
Secondly: Lot 52 of District Lot 439, Plan 33276, except Plan 36920.
The whole park containing approximately 23.1 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 36 Tube 1866.
The whole park containing approximately 52 hectares.
[CHRISTIE MEMORIAL PARK. Description repealed 2012-32-2.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 2021.
The whole park containing approximately 9 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 19 Tube 1779.
The whole park containing approximately 108 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1912.
The whole park containing approximately 738 hectares (536 hectares of upland and 202 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1907; except the roads adjacent to the westerly boundary of the park in Tree Farm Licence 54 under Road Permit No. RO7674.
The whole park containing approximately 3 491 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1907.
The whole park containing approximately 3 132 hectares (3 125 hectares of upland and 7 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1803.
The whole park containing approximately 30 330 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 35 Tube 1839.
The whole park containing approximately 414 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1970.
The whole park containing approximately 867 hectares (520 hectares of upland and 347 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1907.
The whole park containing approximately 49 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Yale Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1945.
The whole park containing approximately 69 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Galiano Island, Cowichan District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lots A and B, District Lot 8, VIP 75577;
The whole park containing approximately 23.68 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1902; except Lot 1, Plan 3043.
The whole park containing approximately 290 hectares (275 hectares of upland and 15 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2017.
The whole park containing approximately 725 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point in the Strait of Georgia lying 152.5 metres (500 feet) due South of Triangulation Station "COPE", being marked with a brass cap numbered 82H4765 and located in the vicinity of the most southerly point of District Lot 1422;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 60° a distance of 2.10 kilometres to a point in Thulin Passage, at the southerly entrance of Thulin Passage;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 330° a distance of 5.30 kilometres to a point in the Strait of Georgia lying off Turner Bay;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 240° a distance of 503 metres;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 150° a distance of 2.0 kilometres;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 240° a distance of 603.5 metres;
thence in a straight line on a bearing of 150° a distance of 2.10 kilometres;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the Strait of Georgia lying 152.5 metres due South of Triangulation Station "COPE", being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 423 hectares (145 hectares of upland and 278 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Yale Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly, commencing at the southwest corner of Legal Subdivision 13 of Section 6, Township 5, Range 25, W6M;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Legal Subdivision 13 to the middle line of Coquihalla River;
thence in general westerly and northwesterly directions along the middle line of Coquihalla River to the southerly production of the westerly boundary of the southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5, Range 26, W6M;
thence northerly to and along the westerly boundary of the southeast 1/4 of Section 12 to the northwest corner of Section 12;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of the southeast 1/4 of Section 12 to the westerly boundary of Parcel N of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan A152;
thence in general northerly and northeasterly directions along the westerly and northwesterly boundaries of Plan A152 to the easterly boundary of Legal Subdivision 9 of Section 12, Township 5, Range 26, W6M;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Legal Subdivision 9 to the right bank natural boundary of Coquihalla River;
thence in a general southwesterly direction along the right bank natural boundary of Coquihalla River to the southerly boundary of Legal Subdivision 9;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Legal Subdivision 9 to the left bank natural boundary of Coquihalla River;
thence northeasterly along the left bank natural boundary of Coquihalla River to the easterly boundary of the west 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 12 of Section 7, Township 5, Range 25, W6M;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the west 1/2 of Section 12 to the westerly boundary of Coquihalla Highway, Plan 36646;
thence in general southerly and southeasterly directions along the westerly and southwesterly boundaries of Plan 36646 to the easterly boundary of Legal Subdivision 4 of Section 7, Township 5, Range 25, W6M;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Legal Subdivision 4 of Section 7 and continuing southerly along the easterly boundary of Legal Subdivision 13 of Section 6, Township 5, Range 25, W6M to the northwesterly boundary of Hope-Princeton Highway, Plan 37730;
thence southwesterly along the northwesterly boundary of Plan 37730 to the southerly boundary of Legal Subdivision 13 of Section 6, Township 5, Range 25, W6M;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Legal Subdivision 13 to the southwest corner of Legal Subdivision 13, being the point of commencement.
Secondly: the East 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 16, Section 12 as shown on a Plan of said Township dated at Ottawa the 11th of February, 1919: Township 5, Range 26, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division, Yale District.
Thirdly: that part of the Fractional East 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 9 of Section 12 lying to the north and west of the Kettle Valley Railway Right of Way Plan A152 as shown on a Plan of said Township dated at Ottawa the 11th of February, 1919: Township 5, Range 26, West of the 6th Meridian, Kamloops Division, Yale District.
Fourthly: Plan A152, that part of Fractional Legal Subdivision 9, Section 12, Township 5, Range 26, West of the 6th Meridian, Yale Division, Yale Land lying between the Kettle Valley Railway Right of Way Plan A152 and the Coquihalla River shown on Plan of the southeast 1/4 of said Township.
The whole park containing approximately 159 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1898.
The whole park containing approximately 775 hectares (245 hectares of upland and 530 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1887.
The whole park containing approximately 29 hectares (1 hectare of upland and 28 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 8590.
The whole park containing approximately 66 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1846; except (1) the British Columbia Railway right of way as shown on Plan CG 2264; (2) Davie Lake Forest Road, Project 7719.03; and (3) John Hart Highway right of way as shown on Plans H 181 and 34934.
The whole park containing approximately 963 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1 of District Lot 4588, Plan 4240, except Plan 7204.
The whole park containing approximately 46.11 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 2, New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1999; except (1) a 50 foot (15.24 metre) right of way centred on Lindell Avenue as shown on Subdivision Plan 8335, Section 15, Township 22; (2) all land on which a provincial public undertaking, as defined in the Transportation Act, related to Columbia Valley Road is located; and (3) a 20 metre right of way centred on Edmeston Road.
The whole park containing approximately 2 729 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1841.
The whole park containing approximately 21 812 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1887; except (1) "Thala" (Kildala) Indian Reserve No. 4; (2) District Lot 3130; (3) District Lot 3131; and (4) District Lot 3082.
The whole park containing approximately 741 hectares (111 hectares of upland and 630 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 1378;
thence due West a distance of 804.67 metres;
thence due South a distance of approximately 4 968.42 metres to a point lying due West of the southwest corner of District Lot 3761;
thence due East to the southwest corner District Lot 3761;
thence in a northerly then easterly then southerly direction along the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of District Lot 3761 to the southeast corner of District Lot 3761;
thence due East a distance of approximately 1 106.42 metres to a point lying due South of the southeast corner of District Lot 3924;
thence due North to the southeast corner of District Lot 3924;
thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of District Lots 3924, 3923 and 1379 to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 1378;
thence due West to the northeast corner of District Lot 1378;
thence westerly along the north boundary of District Lot 1378 to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 1 470 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Township 4, Range 2, W7M, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Fractional Legal Subdivisions 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16 of Section 8.
Fractional Legal Subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11 of Section 17.
The Fractional west 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 1, the south 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 12 and the northeast 1/4 of Legal Subdivision 12 of Section 17.
The whole park containing approximately 192 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 1163;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1163 a distance of approximately 300 metres to the easterly watershed boundary of Dawley Passage;
thence in a general northeasterly and northwesterly direction along the easterly watershed boundary of Dawley Passage to a point lying due North 940 metres and due West approximately 690 metres from the northeast corner of District Lot 1163;
thence in a northwesterly direction on a bearing of 322° a distance of 607 metres;
thence in a southwesterly direction on a bearing of 265° a distance of 240 metres;
thence in a southwesterly direction on a bearing of 215° a distance of 568 metres;
thence in a southwesterly direction on a bearing of 233° a distance of 752 metres;
thence in a southeasterly direction on a bearing of 154° a distance of approximately 520 metres to a point lying due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 1163;
thence due East to the northwest corner of District Lot 1163, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 154.1 hectares (61.6 hectares of upland and 92.5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northeast corner of District Lot 4186, being a point on the southeasterly shore natural boundary of Homfray Channel;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 4186 to the southeast corner of District Lot 4186;
thence due East to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of the unnamed creek which flows northwesterly into Homfray Channel passing through the northeasterly portion of District Lot 4186;
thence southeasterly along the watershed boundary of the unnamed creek to its intersection with the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Theodosia River;
thence southwesterly along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Theodosia River and Theodosia Inlet to the northerly boundary of District Lot 4926;
thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of District Lot 4926 to the southeast corner of District Lot 4926, being a point on the natural boundary of Theodosia Inlet;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 280° a distance of 1.6 kilometres;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 185° a distance of 3.2 kilometres;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 240° a distance of 1.6 kilometres;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 298° a distance of 2.0 kilometres;
thence due West to a point due North of the most easterly northeast corner of District Lot 1476;
thence due South to the northeast corner of District Lot 1476, being a point on the southwesterly shore natural boundary of Malaspina Inlet;
thence southerly, westerly, northerly and easterly along the easterly, southerly, westerly, and northerly boundaries of District Lot 1476 to the most northerly northeast corner of District Lot 1476, being a point on the natural boundary of Malaspina Inlet;
thence due North a distance of 810 metres;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 320° a distance of 3.2 kilometres;
thence due North a distance of 810 metres;
thence due East a distance of 2.4 kilometres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 60° a distance of 4.1 kilometres;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 322° a distance of 2.75 kilometres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 20° a distance of 3.5 kilometres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point lying 400 metres due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 4186;
thence due South to the northeast corner of District Lot 4186, being a point on the southeasterly shore natural boundary of Homfray Channel, and being also the point of commencement;
except (1) "Kahkaykay" Indian Reserve No. 6; and (2) District Lots 518, 1474, 2839, 4184, 4186, 4600, and 4933.
The whole park containing approximately 8 449 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point on the southerly limit of the Highway 16 right of way, being the intersection of the southerly limit of the Highway 16 right of way with the westerly boundary of District Lot 972, as shown on Plan 7138;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 972 a distance of 66 metres;
thence North 68°05'35" East to the southerly limit of the Highway 16 right of way;
thence southeasterly along the southerly limit of the Highway 16 right of way a distance of 33 metres;
thence South 68°05'35" West to a point on the westerly boundary of District Lot 972;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 972 to the southwesterly corner of District Lot 972;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 972 a distance of 457 metres;
thence South 11° West a distance of approximately 2 210 metres to the natural boundary of Diana Lake;
thence northwesterly, southwesterly and southerly along the natural boundary of Diana Lake to its intersection with the southerly boundary of District Lot 2226;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 2226 and the westerly prolongation of the southerly boundary of District Lot 2226, a total distance of 457 metres;
thence due North approximately 1 615 metres to a point on the northerly boundary of District Lot 2228;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 2228 to the northeasterly corner of District Lot 2228;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 233 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Galiano Island, Cowichan District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1899.
The whole park containing approximately 141 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Victoria District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1901.
The whole park containing approximately 67 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 23 Tube 1914; except (1) the Crown land that is the subject of Licence of Occupation, Land and Water British Columbia Inc. File 1406671; and (2) Woodlot Licence W1613.
The whole park containing approximately 164 hectares (113 hectares of upland and 51 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 19 Tube 1919; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's Pavilion-Clinton Road, Cariboo District Road No. 11, a section 42 Transportation Act highway; and (2) British Columbia Railway right of way shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 RY172 and shown on Land Title Plan A 179 as District Lot 4572.
The whole park containing approximately 139 hectares (96 hectares of upland and 43 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 34 Tube 1802.
The whole park containing approximately 26 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1, Section 13, Township 2A.
Block A, Section 12, Township 2A.
That portion of Driftwood Creek shown on Crown Grant Map 1324/484 contained within Lot 1, Section 13, Township 2A, Plan 4806, and lying outside of the road right of way designated by survey.
The whole park containing approximately 23 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 40 Tube 1899.
The whole park containing approximately 56 hectares (21 hectares of upland and 35 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 35 Tube 1802; except a 20 metre right of way centred on Dry Gulch Campsite Road.
The whole park containing approximately 29 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1990; except the Crown land that is the subject of Duffey Lake Road, Highway District Plan 26-99-403.
The whole park containing approximately 4 048 hectares.
DUNE ZA KEYIH PARK [a.k.a. Frog-Gataga Park]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and Cassiar District contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1880; except (1) Mineral Claim "Chodi 1" 384009; and (2) Mineral Claim "Chodi 3" 384011.
The whole park containing approximately 330 774 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1887.
The whole park containing approximately 262 hectares (196 hectares of upland and 66 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 22 Tube 1780.
The whole park containing approximately 10 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 23 Tube 1780; except (1) Mineral Claim "Luc 4" 218172; (2) Mineral Claim "Luc 6" 218174; (3) Mineral Claim "Luc 8" 218176; and (4) Eakin Creek Road, a section 42 Transportation Act highway, identified on the Highway Road Register as Road 1071.
The whole park containing approximately 123 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the following described boundaries:
District Lot 1470 except the Crown land that is the subject of Plans 11758, 13656 and A 1818.
Lots 1 to 9 of District Lot 1470, Plan 11758.
Lots 10 to 15 of District Lot 1469, Plan 11758.
The unnamed road on Plan 11758 generally described as lying north and west of a line which joins the most easterly point of Lot 14, Plan 11758, and the most southerly point of Lot 15, Plan 11758.
That part of Lot 16 of District Lot 1471, Plan 3973 lying south of Plan A1818.
The whole park containing approximately 14.2 hectares.
[E. C. MANNING PARK. Description repealed 2012-32-1.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 2027.
The whole park containing approximately 0.9 hectares (0.4 hectares of upland and 0.5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 2021.
The whole park containing approximately 219 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1873; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road Finlay-Russel No. 7829-00.
The whole park containing approximately 5 568 hectares.
[ELK FALLS PARK. Description repealed 2021-28-2.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1927.
The whole park containing approximately 18 006 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1 of Lot 4588, Plan 4241.
The whole park containing approximately 81 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1913; except Eastside Road as shown on Plan EPP94824.
The whole park containing approximately 220 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1783.
The whole park containing approximately 1 618 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Yale Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1903.
The whole park containing approximately 29 hectares (15 hectares of upland and 14 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point lying 3.18 kilometres due West and 301.8 metres due South of the northwest corner of District Lot 1378;
thence due North a distance of 3.22 kilometres;
thence due West a distance of 3.22 kilometres;
thence due South a distance of 3.22 kilometres;
thence due East a distance of approximately 3.22 kilometres to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 1 036 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1877.
The whole park containing approximately 337 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanoose District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1908.
The whole park containing approximately 97 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1978; except Mineral Claim "CAP" 238045.
The whole park containing approximately 126 023 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 27 Tube 1779; except the Canadian National Railway right of way, as shown on Plan A462 on deposit in the Kamloops Land Title Office.
The whole park containing approximately 74 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1831.
The whole park containing approximately 1 011 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1904.
The whole park containing approximately 15 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1847.
The whole park containing approximately 4 044 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1904; except a 20 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road No. 7697-00.
The whole park containing approximately 33 hectares (27 hectares of upland and 6 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1836.
The whole park containing approximately 1 473 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1887.
The whole park containing approximately 20 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
That part of the Fractional north 1/2 of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 4, Range 27, W6M, lying to the east of the Fraser River and to the west of Plan A718.
That part of the south 1/2 of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 4, Range 27, W6M, bounded on the west by the left bank of the Fraser River and the west boundary of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 4, Range 27, W6M and on the east by the west boundary of Plan 25402AK.
That part of the north 1/2 of Legal Subdivision 13 of Section 18, Township 4, Range 27, W6M, lying to the west of Plan A714.
That part of Legal Subdivision 16 of Section 13, Township 4, Range 28, W6M, lying to the east of the east bank of a certain surveyed slough and to the west of Plan A714.
That part of Legal Subdivision 1 of Section 24, Township 4, Range 28, W6M, lying east of a certain surveyed slough and west of Plan A714.
Those portions of Fractional Legal Subdivision 11 of Section 19, Township 4, Range 27, W6M, lying to the northwest of Plan A718, except that part lying north of the most northerly channel of Wahleach Creek.
The whole park containing approximately 8.5 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Denman Island, Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1929.
The whole park containing approximately 26 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1902.
The whole park containing approximately 109 214 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 2012.
The whole park containing approximately 380 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 2016.
The whole park containing approximately 357 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point lying due North 530 metres and due West 630 metres from the northeast corner of District Lot 1373, and being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Sydney Inlet;
thence due East a distance of 1.63 kilometres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 147° a distance of 175 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 159° a distance of 600 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 151° a distance of 340 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 142° a distance of 815 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 125° a distance of 205 metres;
thence due East a distance of 815 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 125° a distance of 190 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 149° a distance of 375 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 136° a distance of 300 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 172° a distance of 1.20 kilometres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 242° a distance of 895 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 225° a distance of 195 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 219° a distance of 705 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 238° a distance of 675 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 188° a distance of 140 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 141° a distance of 510 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 130° a distance of 440 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 151° a distance of 175 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 188° a distance of 255 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 203° a distance of 1.30 kilometres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 178° a distance of 210 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 152° a distance of 275 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 125° a distance of 350 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 139° a distance of 1.40 kilometres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 129° to the intersection with the westerly boundary of District Lot 1565;
thence easterly in a straight line to the northwest corner of District Lot 1562;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1562 to the northwest corner of District Lot 1064;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1064 a distance of 350 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 105° a distance of 655 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 120° a distance of 770 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 146° a distance of 1.10 kilometres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 161° a distance of 955 metres;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 15° a distance of 695 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 194° to the southerly shore natural boundary of Flores Island;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the natural boundary of Flores Island to the southwest corner of District Lot 1370, being on the easterly boundary of Gibson Marine Park;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 155° a distance of 1.30 kilometres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 235° a distance of 5.04 kilometres;
thence northwesterly on a bearing of 303° a distance of approximately 10.60 kilometres to a point lying due South 510 metres from Rafael Point, and being a point parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the westerly shore natural boundary of Flores Island;
thence in a general northerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Flores Island to a point lying due North 40 metres and due West approximately 1.68 kilometres from the northeast corner of District Lot 1373;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Sydney Inlet lying due North 530 metres and due West approximately 630 metres from the northeast corner of District Lot 1373, being the point of commencement;
except "Tootoowiltena" Indian Reserve No. 28.
The whole park containing approximately 7 113.3 hectares (4 144.5 hectares of upland and 2 968.8 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1887; except (1) District Lot 2576 "Misgatlee" Indian Reserve No. 14; (2) District Lot 2577 "Giltoyees" Indian Reserve No. 13; (3) Crown granted Mineral Claim, District Lot 2591; (4) District Lot 2592, Mineral Claim No. 250452; (5) Crown granted Mineral Claim, District Lot 2595; and (6) Foch-Gilttoyees Protected Area as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1898.
The whole park containing approximately 61 089 hectares (58 338 hectares of upland and 2 751 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 40 Tube 1839.
The whole park containing approximately 178 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1904.
The whole park containing approximately 52 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Renfrew District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1907.
The whole park containing approximately 55 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 19 Tube 1926.
The whole park containing approximately 6 hectares (2 hectares of upland and 4 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: that part of District Lot 3677, Group 1 lying to the south and west of Garden Bay Road.
Secondly: all those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries: commencing at the southwest corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 2998) of District Lot 2226, being a point on the northerly shore natural boundary of Garden Bay;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Parcel "A" and continuing northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 3991 a distance of 201.2 metres;
thence due East to the easterly boundary of District Lot 3991;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 3991 to the northeast corner of District Lot 3991;
thence due East a distance of 804.7 metres;
thence due North to the southerly boundary of District Lot 4336;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 4336 to the northwest corner of District Lot 419;
thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 419 to a point on the southerly boundary lying due North of the northwest corner of District Lot 5359;
thence due South to the northwest corner of District Lot 5359 and continuing southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 5359 to the northerly boundary of District Lot 3990;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 3990 to the northeast corner of Block B of District Lot 3990, being a point on the northerly boundary of District Lot 3990;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Block B of District Lot 3990 a distance of 201.2 metres;
thence due West to the easterly boundary of District Lot 2226;
thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 2226 to the northeast corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 2998) of District Lot 2226;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel "A" to the southeast corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 2998), being a point on the northerly shore natural boundary of Garden Bay;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 209° a distance of 141 metres;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 299° a distance of 362 metres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the southwest corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 2998) of District Lot 2226, being a point on the southerly shore natural boundary of Garden Bay, and being the point of commencement;
except "Sawquamain" Indian Reserve No. 19A and the B.C. Hydro right of way as shown on Reference Plan 6245.
The whole park containing approximately 163 hectares (158 hectares of upland and 5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 2022.
The whole park containing approximately 188 667 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanoose District and contained within the following described boundaries:
District Lot 55-G.
The whole park containing approximately 12 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1808.
The whole park containing approximately 143 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point on the left bank of Gilnockie Creek lying 2.5 kilometres due North and approximately 200 metres due East from the junction of the left bank natural boundaries of Ward and Gilnockie Creeks;
thence southerly along the left bank of Gilnockie Creek to a point lying 1.74 kilometres due North and approximately 40 metres due East from the junction of Ward and Gilnockie Creeks;
thence due West to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Gilnockie Creek;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Gilnockie Creek to a point lying 3.46 kilometres due East and approximately 1.05 kilometres due South of the junction of the right bank natural boundaries of Norge Creek and Yahk River;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 335° a distance of approximately 145 metres to the left bank natural boundary of an unnamed creek, at the headwaters, that flows in a general easterly direction into Gilnockie Creek;
thence easterly along the natural boundary of an unnamed creek to the right bank natural boundary of Gilnockie Creek;
thence southeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 111° a distance of 1.0 kilometre;
thence southeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 174° a distance of 1.0 kilometre;
thence southeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 127° a distance of approximately 1.2 kilometres to the intersection of the 5 400 foot (1 646 metre) contour with the height of land immediately East of the mainstream of Gilnockie Creek;
thence southerly along the height of land immediately East of the mainstream of Gilnockie Creek produced to the left bank natural boundary of an unnamed creek, with the unnamed creek flowing westerly into Gilnockie Creek at a point lying 2.5 kilometres due North and approximately 200 metres due East of the junction of the left bank natural boundaries of Ward and Gilnockie Creeks;
thence westerly along the left bank natural boundary of an unnamed creek to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 2 842.2 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1886.
The whole park containing approximately 57 698 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1977; except (1) the Balfour-Kaslo-Galena Bay Highway No. 31 as shown on Plan 674P; (2) Bridge Street as shown on Plan 892; (3) those parts of District Lot 5704 shown as road on Plans EPP68064, EPP75369, EPP75370 and EPP75371; (4) that part of District Lot 17191 shown as road on Plan EPP80429; (5) that part of District Lot 189 shown as road on Plan EPP68063; (6) the part of 3rd Street Plan 892 lying south of Lot A Plan 892; (7) the part of 1st Street Plan 892 lying north of that part of District Lot 5704 shown as road on Plan EPP68064 and south of that part of District Lot 5704 shown as road on Plan EPP75369; (8) the part of Riverside Avenue Plan 892 lying north of that part of District Lot 17191 shown as road on Plan EPP80429 and south of both Bridge Street Plan 892 and that part of District Lot 5704 shown as road on Plan EPP68064; (9) the forest service roads Craig Creek FSR 8432, Healy Creek FSR 7051 and Hope Creek FSR 9600.
The whole park containing approximately 79 123 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: commencing at the intersection of the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake with the northeasterly boundary of District Lot 5579, being Mineral Claim "Pioneer";
thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the northeasterly and southeasterly boundaries of District Lot 5579 to the most northerly corner of District Lot 3177, being Mineral Claim "Viking";
thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of District Lot 3177 to the intersection with the northerly boundary of District Lot 7074;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 7074 to the northeast corner of District Lot 7074;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 7074 to the most southerly southwest corner of District Lot 7074, being a point on the easterly boundary of District Lot 6110;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 6110 to the most southerly southeast corner of District Lot 6110;
thence southerly in a straight line to the northwest corner of the northeast 1/4 of Section 27, Township 12, ECM;
thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of the northeast 1/4 of Section 27 to the northeast corner of Section 27;
thence easterly in a straight line to the northwest corner of Section 26, Township 12, ECM;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Section 26 to the right bank natural boundary of Alouette River;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the right bank natural boundary of Alouette River to the intersection with the southerly boundary of Fractional Section 32, Township 3, Range 4, W7M;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Fractional Section 32 to the southeast corner of the west 1/2 of Fractional Section 32;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the west 1/2 of Fractional Section 32 to the northeast corner of Fractional Section 32;
thence due North a distance of 402.4 metres;
thence due East a distance of 402.4 metres;
thence due North a distance of 201.2 metres;
thence due East to the westerly boundary of the southwest 1/4 of Section 4, Township 4, Range 4, W7M;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the southwest 1/4 of Section 4 to the northwest corner thereof;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of the southwest 1/4 of Section 4 a distance of 402.4 metres;
thence due North a distance of 402.4 metres;
thence due East a distance of 402.4 metres;
thence due North to the southerly boundary of District Lot 5423;
thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 5423 to the westerly shore natural boundary of Alouette Lake;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the westerly shore natural boundary of Alouette Lake to the easterly boundary of Section 15, Township 5, Range 3, W7M;
thence North to UTM North 5474638 metres East 549441 metres;
thence East to the natural boundary of Stave Lake at UTM North 5474838 metres;
thence northerly and easterly along the natural boundary of Stave Lake to its intersection with the east boundary of Section 1, Township 6, Range 3, W7M;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Section 1 and the westerly boundary of Section 7, Township 6, Range 2, W7M to the northwest corner of the Section 7;
thence North to the middle thread of the Stave River at UTM East 552625 metres;
thence northerly along the middle thread of the Stave River to UTM North 5487320 metres;
thence to UTM North 5487297 metres East 549359 metres;
thence to UTM North 5488504 metres East 549350 metres;
thence to UTM North 5488895 metres East 547737 metres;
thence to UTM North 5489297 metres East 547735 metres;
thence to UTM North 5489297 metres East 547503 metres;
thence to UTM North 5489700 metres East 542373 metres;
thence to UTM North 5493920 metres East 542373 metres;
thence to UTM North 5493920 metres East 538553 metres;
thence to UTM North 5504062 metres East 538553 metres;
thence to UTM North 5504062 metres East 543450 metres;
thence to UTM North 5508927 metres East 543396 metres;
thence to UTM North 5508935 metres East 545052 metres;
thence North to the southeast corner of Garibaldi Park;
thence West along the southerly boundary of Garibaldi Park a distance of 17.38 kilometres;
thence due South a distance of 5.81 kilometres;
thence due East a distance of 4.83 kilometres, of which the portion crossing the natural boundary of Corbold Creek is surveyed under Plan 14 Tube 1742 on file with the Surveyor General of British Columbia;
thence due South to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fish Hatchery Creek;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fish Hatchery Creek a distance of approximately 2.1 kilometres to the summit of an unnamed mountain (elevation 1 728 metres);
thence on a bearing of 184° a distance of 1.06 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 212° a distance of approximately 450 metres to the right bank natural boundary of Fish Hatchery Creek;
thence southerly in a straight line a distance of approximately 1.25 kilometres to the summit of an unnamed mountain, being a point on the southerly boundary of the watershed of Fish Hatchery Creek;
thence in general southeasterly, easterly and northeasterly directions along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Fish Hatchery Creek to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 4916;
thence due East a distance of 740 metres;
thence due South to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 2043;
thence due East to a point lying due North of the northwest corner of District Lot 2109;
thence due South to a point lying due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 3124;
thence due East to the northwest corner of District Lot 3124 and continuing easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 3124 to the northeast corner of District Lot 3124;
thence due East to a point lying due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 2889;
thence due South to the northeast corner of District Lot 2889;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 2889 to the most southerly southwest corner of District Lot 2889, being a point on the easterly boundary of Section 20, Township 6, Range 4, W7M;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Section 20 to the theoretical southwest corner of Section 20;
thence due South to the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake to the northwest corner of the north 1/2 of Fractional Legal Subdivision 3, Section 8, Township 6, Range 4, W7M;
thence easterly, southerly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly boundaries of the north 1/2 of Fractional Legal Subdivision 3 to the southwest corner of Fractional Legal Subdivision 3, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake to the southwest corner of District Lot 2722, being Mineral Claim "Silicon No. 2", with the southwest corner being shown on Plan 11861;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 2722 a distance of 114.3 metres;
thence southeasterly in a straight line, on a bearing of 94°57' to the easterly boundary of District Lot 2722;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 2722 to the northeast corner of District Lot 2724, being Mineral Claim "Pitt Fraction";
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 2724 to the southeast corner of District Lot 2724, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake to a point lying due West of Lead Plug No. 9 as shown on the Official Plan of District Lot 6530 on file with the Surveyor General of British Columbia;
thence due East a distance of 165 metres;
thence due South a distance of 402.3 metres;
thence due West a distance of 402.3 metres;
thence due South a distance of approximately 402.3 metres to a point lying due East of the northwest corner of the Fractional northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 5, Range 4, W7M;
thence due West to the northwest corner of the Fractional northwest 1/4 of Section 29, being a point on easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake to the northwest corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 17367) of the southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5, Range 5, W7M;
thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of Parcel "A", Reference Plan 17367 to the northeast corner of that portion of the southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5, Range 5, W7M, as shown on Plan 23376;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Plan 23376 to the southwest corner of Plan 23376, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Pitt Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the natural boundary of Pitt Lake to the northeast corner of District Lot 5579, being the "Pioneer" Mineral Claim, and the point of commencement; except Block A, District Lot 2722 and District Lot 8028 as shown on Crown Land Registry Plan 24 Tube 1937.
Secondly: commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 5929, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Alouette Lake;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 5929 to the northeast corner of District Lot 5423;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 5423 a distance of 207.3 metres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line on a bearing of 49°45' to the southwesterly boundary of District Lot 7226;
thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of District Lot 7226 to the most westerly corner of District Lot 7226, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Alouette Lake;
thence in a general southwesterly direction along the easterly shore natural boundary of Alouette Lake to the southwest corner of District Lot 5929, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 62 539 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1908.
The whole park containing approximately 5.6 hectares (2.1 hectares of upland and 3.5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Goldstream District, Highland District and Malahat District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1910; except (1) the British Columbia Hydro right of way as shown on Plan 2161 R/W; and (2) Trans Canada Highway No. 1 as shown on Plans 671 R/W and 1000 R/W.
The whole park containing approximately 477 hectares (454 hectares of upland and 23 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cowichan Lake District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: Lot A of Section 15, Plan 1501.
Section 19.
Secondly: that part of Block 178 described as commencing at the northeast corner of Section 19, being a point on the high water mark on the south shore of Cowichan Lake;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Section 19, 201.2 metres;
thence due North 301.8 metres;
thence due East approximately 643.7 metres to the high water mark of Cowichan Lake;
thence southerly and southwesterly along the high water mark of Cowichan Lake to the point of commencement.
Thirdly: Lot 1, Section 37, Plan VIP82826.
The whole park containing approximately 104 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1868.
The whole park containing approximately 9 313 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1908.
The whole park containing approximately 33 hectares (15 hectares of upland and 18 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Arrowhead Site
That part of District Lot 3402 lying south of North Bonaparte Waggon Road.
The whole site containing approximately 2 hectares.
Black Bear Site
Block B of District Lot 3406.
The whole site containing approximately 5.3 hectares.
Blue Spring Site
That part of District Lot 3388 lying south of North Bonaparte Waggon Road.
The whole site containing approximately 4 hectares.
Boyd Bay Site
Commencing at a point on the natural boundary of Green Lake lying 603.5 metres due West and 221.28 metres due North of the southeast corner of District Lot 1502, Lillooet District;
thence due South a distance of 221.28 metres to the south boundary of District Lot 1502;
thence easterly along the south boundary of District Lot 1502 a distance of 201.17 metres;
thence due North approximately 1 126.54 metres to the natural boundary of Green Lake;
thence in a general westerly then southerly direction along the natural boundary of Green Lake to the point of commencement, except Plan CG480.
The whole site containing approximately 27 hectares.
Buckside Hill Site
Block O of District Lot 3794, except North Bonaparte Waggon Road.
The whole site containing approximately 42 hectares.
Emerald Bay Site
Commencing at the northeast corner of District Lot 1501;
thence westerly along the north boundary of District Lot 1501 a distance of 603.5 metres;
thence due South to the point of intersection of the natural boundary of Green Lake, on the northerly shore of Green Inlet;
thence in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Green Lake to the southeast corner of District Lot 1501;
thence North along the east boundary of District Lot 1501 to the northeast corner, being the point of commencement, except North Bonaparte Waggon Road.
The whole site containing approximately 29 hectares.
Green Lake Islands Site
All Crown islands situated in Green Lake, including: unnamed islands, Ant Island, 1 Mile Island, Twin Islands, Proposition Island, Sand Island, Hat Island and Lot 3886.
The whole site containing approximately 119 hectares.
Little Arrowhead Site
That part of District Lot 3403 lying south of North Bonaparte Waggon Road.
The whole site containing approximately 3.2 hectares.
Nolan Creek Site
Lot 54 of District Lot 4540, Plan 17200.
Lots 58 to 63 of District Lot 4540, Plan 18206 except a 20.12 metre strip lying on either side of Nolan Creek.
The whole site containing approximately 2.4 hectares.
Sunset View Site
Commencing at the southeast corner of Block A, Lot 4630;
thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the easterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of Block A, Lot 4630, to the southwest corner Lot 4630;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 4630 to the southwest corner of Lot 4630;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 4630 to the northwest corner of Lot 4630, being a point on the southerly shore natural boundary of Green Lake;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along natural boundary of Green Lake to the northeast corner of Lot 4544;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 4544 to the southeast corner of Lot 4544;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 4544 to the southeast corner of Block A, Lot 4630, being the point of commencement, except the subdivision access road through Lots 4630 and 4544, commencing at the most westerly terminus of the road shown on Plan 17199 and terminating at the most easterly terminus of the road shown on Plan 17200.
The whole site containing approximately 113 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 346.9 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1908.
The whole park containing approximately 10 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1846; except (1) Highway 29, Plan 32141; and (2) Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenures 13187, 41875 and 42081.
The whole park containing approximately 32 326 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1887.
The whole park containing approximately 323 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1914.
The whole park containing approximately 448 hectares (293 hectares of upland and 155 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1913.
The whole park containing approximately 25 137 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1915.
The whole park containing approximately 14 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Group 1, New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 2020.
The whole park containing approximately 46 hectares (10 hectares of upland and 36 hectares of foreshore).
HÁTHAYIM MARINE PARK [a.k.a. Von Donop Marine Park]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cortes Island, Sayward District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 18 Tube 1919; except (1) Block A of District Lot 744; (2) subdivided District Lot 1168 including dedicated 20 metre road right of way in District Lot 747 as shown on Plan 38607 and also shown on Plan 9 Tube 1168 deposited in the Crown Land Registry; and (3) Ministry of Forests' Recreation Site designated as Block A on File 900-2-3-3012.
The whole park containing approximately 1 291 hectares (1 039 hectares of upland and 252 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1873; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Parsnip West Forest Service Road, File No. 6143.0; and (2) Ministry of Forests' Gravel Pits 5 and 6 File No. 11250-32/6143.00.
The whole park containing approximately 5 786 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanaimo District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: that part of the Fractional northeast 1/4 of Section 8 shown dedicated as Park on Plan 21814, and the south 1/2 of Section 7 as shown coloured red on plan attached to Crown Grant DD129208I, except that part in Plan 18395, all on Hornby Island.
Secondly: Section 35, (Flora Islet).
Thirdly: commencing at the most northerly point of Savoie Rocks, located in Lambert Channel;
thence southwest on a bearing of 225° a distance of 650 metres;
thence on a bearing of 125° a distance of 6.0 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 64° a distance of 10.0 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 304° a distance of 2.0 kilometres;
thence due West to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Hornby Island;
thence in a general southeasterly then westerly direction along the natural boundary of Hornby Island to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary of that part of the northeast 1/4 of Section 8, shown on Plan 21814 and designated as Park;
thence on a bearing of approximately 197° a distance of approximately 1.475 kilometres to the most northerly point of Nash Banks;
thence on a bearing of approximately 244° a distance of approximately 3.750 kilometres to the most northerly point of Heron Rocks;
thence on a bearing of approximately 273° a distance of approximately 350 metres to the most northerly point of Toby Island;
thence due West 500 metres;
thence on a bearing of approximately 320° a distance of approximately 1.100 kilometres to the most southerly point of Maude Reef;
thence in a general northwesterly direction a distance of approximately 500 metres along the southwesterly boundary of Maude Reef to the most northerly point;
thence on a bearing of approximately 317° a distance of approximately 1.4 kilometres to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 2 872 hectares (69 hectares of upland and 2 803 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cedar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1919.
The whole park containing approximately 109 hectares (94 hectares of upland and 15 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: the east 1/2 of the northeast 1/2 of Section 17, Township 21, Range 9, W6M;
except access easement Plan A2833 and the area lying west of access easement Plan A2833 and south and east of Sunnybrae and Canoe Point Road.
Secondly: the Fractional west 1/2 of Section 16, Township 21, Range 9, W6M.
Thirdly: the Crown land covered by water in Kamloops Division, Yale District described as commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 5597 lying on the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake;
thence southeasterly 100 metres along the westerly boundary of Lot 5597;
thence in a general southwesterly direction 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake to a point lying 100 metres due South of the most southerly corner of the southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 21, Range 9, W6M, lying on the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake;
thence North in a straight line 100 metres to the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake to the northwest corner of Lot 5597, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 79.1 hectares (65.6 hectares of upland and 13.5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the most westerly northwest corner of District Lot 666, being on the easterly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Lake;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 666 and continuing due South a distance of approximately 1.10 kilometres to a point lying due East of the headwaters of an unnamed creek flowing southwesterly into Hesquiat Lake;
thence due West approximately 90 metres to the right bank natural boundary of that unnamed creek;
thence in a general southwesterly direction along the natural boundary of that unnamed creek to the intersection with the easterly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Lake;
thence in a general northerly direction along the natural boundary of Hesquiat Lake to the most westerly northwest corner of District Lot 666, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 61.7 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at Escalante Point on the northerly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula lying due North 20 metres and due West approximately 1.68 kilometres from the northeast corner of the south 1/2 of Section 30, Township 2;
thence in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula to the intersection with the northerly boundary of the south 1/2 of Section 30;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary a distance of approximately 1.04 kilometres to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Escalante River (as established on TRIM Digital Elevation Model 092E058);
thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Escalante River to the intersection with the northerly boundary of Section 20;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Section 20 to a point lying 800 metres due East of the northwest corner of Section 20;
thence due South a distance of approximately 8.0 kilometres to a point lying due East 800 metres from the northeast corner of Section 30, Township 1;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point of intersection with the westerly boundary of Section 28, Township 1, lying due West of the northwest corner of "Teahmit" Indian Reserve No. 3;
thence due East to the northwest corner of "Teahmit" Indian Reserve No. 3;
thence northeasterly on a bearing of 37° to the intersection with the northerly boundary of Section 35, Township 1;
thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Sections 35 and 36 to the southwest corner of "Maahpe" Indian Reserve No. 4;
thence northerly along the westerly boundaries of "Maahpe" Indian Reserve No. 4 and District Lot 1598 to the northwest corner of the Lot;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1598 to the westerly limit of Pacific Forest Products road right of way R01008, Section 38;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along the westerly limit of Pacific Forest Products road right of way R01008, Sections 38 and 18, to UTM North 5482729 metres in UTM Zone 9;
thence southwesterly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 1146;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1146 to the northwest corner of District Lot 1146, being a point on the easterly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Harbour;
thence due West to a point lying parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the easterly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Harbour;
thence in a general northerly, westerly, southerly and westerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the Hesquiat Peninsula on the easterly, southerly and westerly shores of Hesquiat Harbour, to a point lying South of Estevan Point Lighthouse;
thence due North to the southerly shore natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula, on the westerly shore of Hesquiat Harbour, to the southeast corner of "Homais" Indian Reserve No. 2;
thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of "Homais" Indian Reserve No. 2 to the southeast corner of Section 18A, Township 1;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Section 18A to the natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula, on the westerly shore of Hesquiat Harbour;
thence in a general northerly direction along the natural boundary of Hesquiat Peninsula, on the westerly shore of Hesquiat Harbour, to Escalante Point, being the point of commencement;
except (1) "Hesquiat" Indian Reserve No. 1; (2) "Teahmit" Indian Reserve No. 3; (3) "Maahpe" Indian Reserve No. 4; (4) the south 1/2 of Fractional Section 11, Township 1; and (5) the foreshore area defined by commencing at UTM North 5482806 metres East 687631 metres in UTM Zone 9, thence clockwise to UTM North 5482798 metres East 687523 metres, thence to UTM North 5482760 metres East 687442 metres, thence to UTM North 5482656 metres East 687413 metres, thence to UTM North 5482486 metres East 687400 metres, thence to UTM North 5482415 metres East 687272 metres, thence to UTM North 5482522 metres East 687140 metres, thence to UTM North 5482840 metres East 687319 metres, thence to UTM North 5482938 metres East 687417 metres, thence to UTM North 5482960 metres East 687559 metres, thence to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 7 888 hectares (6 689 hectares of upland and 1 199 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1777.
The whole park containing approximately 570 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 1535, being a point on the northeasterly natural boundary of Waddington Harbour;
thence southwesterly along the bed of Waddington Harbour on a bearing of 252° a distance of 2.20 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 328° a distance of approximately 1.35 kilometres to the left natural boundary of the main stream of Homathko River;
thence in a general northerly direction along the left bank natural boundary of the main stream of Homathko River, and continuing in a general northerly direction along the left bank natural boundary of Homathko River to the most southerly corner of "Homalco" Indian Reserve No. 2A, being District Lot 1047;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of "Homalco" Indian Reserve No. 2A a distance of 360 metres;
thence due East a distance of 1.0 kilometre;
thence on a bearing of 213° a distance of 760 metres;
thence due South a distance of 600 metres;
thence due East a distance of 1.16 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 138° a distance of approximately 980 metres to the northeasterly natural boundary of Waddington Harbour;
thence southeasterly along the northeasterly natural boundary of Waddington Harbour to the northwest corner of District Lot 1535, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 450 hectares (234 hectares of upland and 216 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1914; except the road shown on Plan 5 Tube 1722 deposited in the Crown Land Registry.
The whole park containing approximately 186 hectares (157 hectares of upland and 29 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered in water, situated in Helmcken District and Malahat District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot A, Blocks 291 and 932, as shown on Plan EPP79926.
The whole park containing approximately 143 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: commencing at the point of intersection of the northerly limit of the right of way for the Alaska Highway with the high water mark on the left bank of Hyland River;
thence easterly along the northerly limit of the right of way for the Alaska Highway a distance of 611.73 metres;
thence North 25°10' West a distance of 441.96 metres;
thence South 64°50' West a distance of approximately 594.36 metres to the high water mark on the left bank of Hyland River;
thence southerly following the high water mark on the left bank of Hyland River to the point of commencement;
except Lot 6372.
Secondly: commencing at a point on the high water mark on the right bank of Hyland River, being the northeasterly corner of Lot 6370;
thence South 60°41' West along the northerly boundaries of Lots 6370 and 6369 to the northwesterly corner of Lot 6369;
thence North 30° West a distance of 301.75 metres;
thence North 60°41' East a distance of approximately 313.94 metres to the high water mark on the right bank of Hyland River;
thence southerly following the high water mark on the right bank of Hyland River to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 34 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 2002.
The whole park containing approximately 16 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1913; except Ministry of Forests' Road Permit RO 7100.
The whole park containing approximately 2 757 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1867.
The whole park containing approximately 6 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 39 Tube 1839.
The whole park containing approximately 615 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1970.
The whole park containing approximately 67 hectares (38 hectares of upland and 29 hectares of foreshore).
JÁJI7EM AND KW'ULH MARINE PARK [a.k.a. Sandy Island Marine Park]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1918.
The whole park containing approximately 30 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: that part of District Lot 267 shown on Plan 1143 described as:
Lots 8 to 14 and Lot 21 of Block 22, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 3 and Lots 5 to 32 of Block 23, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 32 of Block 24, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 31 of Block 25, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 14 of Block 26, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 9 and Lots 16 to 26 of Block 27, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 9 and Lots 13 to 21 of Block 28, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 8 and Lots 13 to 20 of Block 29, Plan 1143;
Lots 1 to 8 and Lots 13 to 20 of Block 30, Plan 1143.
Secondly: the Road rights of way shown on Plan 1143 described as:
Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue lying south of Mulock Road;
Marion Street, Gordon Street, Cook Street and Lake Street lying east of the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way and west of Third Avenue;
the "lanes" shown in Blocks 23, 24, 25 and 26;
those parts of the "lanes" shown in Blocks 27, 28, 29 and 30 lying east of the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way;
that part of the "lane" in Block 22 lying east of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 22 and south of the easterly production of the northerly boundary of Lot 10.
that part of District Lot 267 generally described as bounded on the west and north by Plan 1143, on the east by Plan 2139, and on the south by the natural boundary of Windermere Lake.
Thirdly: the unsurveyed foreshore and land covered by the water of Windermere Lake described as commencing at the most southerly southwest corner of Assigned Parcel "C" of Plan 2139;
thence South 40°55' East to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Windermere Lake as shown on Plan 1143;
thence South 40°55' East a distance of 100 metres;
thence southwesterly along a line parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Windermere Lake to a point, being the point of intersection with the southerly production of the west boundary of Fourth Avenue as shown on Plan 1143;
thence northerly along southerly production of the west boundary of Fourth Avenue to the natural boundary of Windermere Lake;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the natural boundary of Windermere Lake to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 14 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Nanaimo District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1961; except Licence of Occupation 109748, Site A and Site B, described on Integrated Land Management Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, file 1406851.
The whole park containing approximately 603 hectares (293 hectares of upland and 310 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 2018.
The whole park containing approximately 49 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1809.
The whole park containing approximately 13.7 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 34 Tube 1894.
The whole park containing approximately 1 487 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2018.
The whole park containing approximately 44 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Renfrew District, and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: District Lot 158, except that part shown as road on Plan 1786 RW and on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1047.
Secondly: District Lot 710 except that part shown as road on Plan 1786 RW and on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1047 and the foreshore fronting District Lot 710 described as, commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 444, being a point on the natural boundary of Port San Juan;
thence due West 400 metres;
thence in a general northerly direction along a line parallel to 400 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Port San Juan to a point lying northwesterly on a bearing of 315° from the most northerly point of District Lot 710;
thence southeasterly on a bearing of 135° to the most northerly point of District Lot 710;
thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of District Lot 710 to the northwest corner of District Lot 444, being the point of commencement.
District Lot 448, except that part shown as road on Plan 1786 RW and on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1047.
District Lot 108, except that part shown as road on Plan 1786 RW and on Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1047.
District Lot 109, including that part of District Lot 109, shown coloured red on plan in Absolute Fees Parcel Book 10, Folio 375, No. 6459C and the foreshore fronting District Lots 108 and 109 described as, commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 108, being a point on the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence due South a distance of 100 metres;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 225° a distance of approximately 350 metres to the point of intersection with a line that is parallel to and 400 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along a line parallel to and 400 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to a point lying due south of the southeast corner of District Lot 109;
thence to the southeast corner of District Lot 109;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southerly boundaries of District Lots 109 and 108 to the southwest corner of District Lot 108, being the point of commencement.
District Lots 110, 206, 815 and 204.
Thirdly: commencing at the southeast corner of District Lot 250, being a point on the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 250 to a point lying 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence in a general westerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to a point lying due West a distance of 795 metres and due North a distance of approximately 370 metres from the southeast corner of District Lot 247;
thence due South crossing the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait and continuing due South along the bed of Juan de Fuca Strait to a point lying 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence in a general easterly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to a point lying due South of the southeast corner of District Lot 250;
thence due North to the southeast corner of District Lot 250, being the point of commencement.
Fourthly: District Lot 189 including Lot 'A', District Lot 189, Plan 15632, and shown on Plan VIP 70616.
Fifthly: Commencing at the southeast corner of District Lot 189, being a point on the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 189 to a point lying 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to a point lying 300 metres North of the northerly boundary of District Lot 446;
thence due East to a point lying 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Loss Creek;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Loss Creek to the easterly boundary of District Lot 563;
thence North 306 metres along the easterly boundary of District Lot 563;
thence due East 705 metres;
thence due South to the left bank natural boundary of Loss Creek;
thence southwesterly to the intersection of the east boundary of DL 563 and the left bank natural boundary of Loss Creek;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 563 to a point lying parallel to and 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the left bank natural boundary of Loss Creek;
thence in a general southwesterly direction along a line parallel to and 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Loss Creek to the intersection with the easterly boundary of District Lot 446;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 446 to a point lying 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the left bank natural boundary of Loss Creek;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 75 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Loss Creek to a point lying 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait, said point lying due North 165 metres and due East approximately 40 metres from the northwest corner of District Lot 447;
thence southeasterly along a line drawn parallel to and 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to the westerly boundary of District Lot 564;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 564 to the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to the southeast corner of District Lot 189, being the point of commencement;
except a 16.76 metres (55 foot) right of way lying South of the left bank of Loss Creek and East of the public road and a public road identified as the West Coast/Renfrew Road on Parks Plan 6-1-31 and dated October 1978.
Sixthly: Block A, District Lot 564 and Block A, District Lot 565 as shown on Plan EPC1657 deposited in the Crown Land Registry.
Block A, District Lot 566, Block A, District Lot 567 and Section 64, and Block B, Section 64 as shown on Plan EPC1656 deposited in the Crown Land Registry.
Lot 'A' of District Lots 568, 569 and 570 as shown on Plan VIP63205.
District Lot 113 and that part of District Lot 113, described as a 20.12 metres (1 chain) strip measured from the high water mark.
Section 10, including Lot 1, Section 10, Plan 16029; except (1) the West Coast Road (Highway No. 14) right of way; and (2) a 30 metre right of way on TimberWest Road 30 RO5414.
District Lot 114 and that part of District Lot 114, described as a 20.12 metres (1 chain) strip measured from the high water mark; except (1) the West Coast Road (Highway No. 14) right of way; and (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on TimberWest Road North Main R05414.
Seventhly: Commencing at the point of intersection of the left bank natural boundary of Lines Creek and the northerly boundary of District Lot 564;
thence northeasterly along the left bank natural boundary of Lines Creek to the intersection with the southerly boundary of the right of way of the West Coast Road, being Highway No. 14;
thence northwesterly along the southerly boundary of the right of way of the West Coast Road a distance of approximately 100 metres to the intersection with the left bank natural boundary of an unnamed creek flowing southwesterly into Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence southwesterly along the natural boundary of that unnamed creek to the intersection with the easterly boundary of District Lot 564;
thence southerly and easterly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 564 to the intersection of the left bank natural boundary of Lines Creek, being the point of commencement.
Eighthly: Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 567, being a point on the easterly boundary of District Lot 566;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 566 to a point lying 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence southeasterly along a line drawn parallel to and 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to the intersection with the northerly boundary of District Lot 567;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 567 to the northwest corner of District Lot 567, being the point of commencement.
Ninthly: Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 113, being a point on the easterly boundary of District Lot 570;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 570 to a point lying 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait;
thence southeasterly along a line drawn parallel to and 150 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait to the intersection with the northerly boundary of District Lot 113;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 113 to the northwest corner of District Lot 113, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 1 533 hectares (1 386 hectares of upland and 147 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 14, Township 21, Range 33, W6M;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Section 14, Township 21, Range 33, W6M to the northwest corner of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Township 21, Range 33, W6M;
thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Township 21, Range 33, W6M produced to the middle thread of the Thompson River;
thence in a general westerly direction along the middle thread of the Thompson River to a point due south of the southeast corner of Lot 584;
thence due north to the southeast corner of Lot 584;
thence northerly along the east boundary of Lot 584;
thence westerly to the westerly boundary of the east 1/2 of Section 15, Township 21, Range 33, W6M;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the east 1/2 of Section 15, Township 21, Range 33, W6M to the northeast corner of the east 1/2 of Section 15, Township 21, Range 33, W6M;
thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Sections 15 and 14, Township 21, Range 33, W6M to the northeast corner of Section 14, Township 21, Range 33, W6M, being the point of commencement;
except (1) Canadian National Railway Plan B-337; (2) Trans-Canada Highway No. 1 / No. 97 as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 582; and (3) "Mauvais Rocher" Indian Reserve No. 5.
The whole park containing approximately 248 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cariboo District and Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1981.
The whole park containing approximately 171 973 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: that part of Lot 1 of Sections 6 and 7, Township 9, Plan 29934 lying south of Highway No. 97, except (1) Plan 31173; and (2) Plan 37599.
Secondly: the unsurveyed foreshore described as commencing at the point of intersection of the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake and the southeasterly production of the northerly boundary of Plan 31173, having a bearing of South 50°48'50" East;
thence South 50°48'50" East a distance of 100 metres;
thence in a general easterly direction along a line parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant to the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake to a point lying due South of the easterly boundary of the southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 9;
thence due North to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake;
thence in a general westerly direction along the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake to the point of commencement.
Thirdly: commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly production of the north boundary of Lot A, Plan 37286 and the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake;
thence due East 100 metres;
thence in a general northerly direction along a line parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake a distance of 174 metres;
thence due West to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake;
thence in a general southerly direction along the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake to the point of commencement, except Plan A641.
The whole park containing approximately 57 hectares (52 hectares of upland and 5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1918.
The whole park containing approximately 241 hectares (165 hectares of upland and 76 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Clayoquot District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point lying 501 metres North and approximately 882 metres East from the northeast corner of Lot 1423, also being on the westerly limit of an unnamed road right of way intersecting the northerly limit of the right of way of the Kennedy River Road at a point lying 23 metres North and approximately 945 metres East from the northeast corner of Lot 1423;
thence due North to the left bank natural boundary of Kennedy River;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the left bank natural boundary of the Kennedy River to a point lying 78 metres West and approximately 1.130 kilometres North from the northeast corner of Lot 1423;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 269°30' a distance of approximately 239 metres to a point on the left bank natural boundary of Kennedy River lying 317 metres West and approximately 1.128 kilometres North from the northeast corner of Lot 1423;
thence in a general westerly direction along the left bank natural boundary of Kennedy River to a point lying 394 metres West and approximately 1.122 kilometres North from the northeast corner of Lot 1423;
thence southwesterly on a bearing of 256°30' a distance of approximately 75 metres to a point on the left bank natural boundary of Kennedy River lying 467 metres West and approximately 1.104 kilometres North from the northeast corner of Lot 1423;
thence in a general westerly direction along the left bank natural boundary of Kennedy River to a point lying 86 metres East and approximately 269 metres North from the northeast corner of Lot 1497;
thence due South approximately 269 metres to the northerly limit of the right of way of Kennedy River Road lying due East of the northeast corner of Lot 1497;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northerly limit of the right of way of the Kennedy River Road to the intersection of the westerly limit of the right of way of unnamed road;
thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly limit of the right of way of that unnamed road to the point of commencement;
except Sections 81 and 82, Alberni District (situated in Clayoquot District).
The whole park containing approximately 11 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1904; except road right of way shown on Plan 4 Tube 1516 deposited in the Crown Land Registry.
The whole park containing approximately 190 hectares (144 hectares of upland and 46 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Similkameen Division, formerly Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 2963;
thence due North 402.4 metres;
thence due East 503 metres;
thence due South approximately 402.4 metres to the northerly boundary of Lot 2963;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 2963 to the northwest corner of Lot 2963, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 20 hectares.
[a.k.a. Khutzeymateen/K'tzim-a-deen Grizzly Sanctuary]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1970; except (1) "Carm Creek" Indian Reserve No. 38, District Lot 3969; (2) "Kateen River" Indian Reserve No. 39, District Lot 3968; and (3) "Khutzeymateen" Indian Reserve No. 49, District Lot 3966.
The whole park containing approximately 45 052 hectares (44 588 hectares of upland and 464 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the north corner of Lot 5099, being on the high water mark of Okanagan Lake and the easterly limit of Highway 97 right of way;
thence 201.2 metres northerly on a perpendicular to the high water mark of Okanagan Lake;
thence following a line southerly 201.2 metres perpendicular distance from the high water mark of Okanagan Lake to a point 201.2 metres perpendicular distance from the south corner of Lot 5097 lying on the easterly limit of Highway 97 right of way;
thence northerly along the east side of Highway 97 right of way to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 48.76 hectares (2.83 hectares of upland and 45.93 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 2027.
The whole park containing approximately 702 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 2 of Section 27, Township 3, Range 30, W6M, Plan 22952;
Lot 3 of Section 22, Township 3, Range 30, W6M, Plan 22952;
The road, shown on Plan 22952, lying west of the northerly production of the east boundary of Lot 3 of Plan 22952.
The whole park containing approximately 3 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the northeast corner of District Lot 4546, being a point on the southerly shore natural boundary of Kinaskan Lake;
thence easterly along the southerly shore natural boundary of Kinaskan Lake to its intersection with the westerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar (Stewart Watson Lake) Highway right of way, as shown on Plan 2 Tray 7 Prince Rupert, Sheets 46, 47 and 48 on file with the Surveyor General of British Columbia;
thence in a general southwesterly direction along the westerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar (Stewart Watson Lake) Highway right of way to a point lying 1 300 metres due South and approximately 650 metres due East of Triangulation Station "Knuts";
thence due West to a point on a line drawn parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Iskut River;
thence northerly along a line drawn parallel to and 500 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Iskut River to a point lying due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 6545;
thence due East to the northwest corner of District Lot 6545;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 6545 to the southwest corner of District Lot 6545, being a point on the right bank natural boundary of Iskut River;
thence southwesterly along the natural boundary of Iskut River to a point lying due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 6545;
thence due East to the left bank natural boundary of Iskut River;
thence easterly along the natural boundary of Iskut River to the northwest corner of District Lot 6546, being a point on the natural boundary of Iskut River;
thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of District Lot 6546 to the northeast corner of District Lot 6546, being a point on the southerly shore natural boundary of Kinaskan Lake, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 1 800 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Sub Lot 149, Township 9-A, registered Plan X-63.
The whole park containing approximately 161.88 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1838.
The Fractional southeast 1/4 of Section 27, Township 80, Range 17, W6M, except the right of way of the Alaska Highway as shown on Plan A938, and the proposed easement for the transmission of electrical energy as shown on Plan 7T504.
The whole park containing approximately 58 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1885.
The whole ecological reserve containing approximately 57 hectares (55 hectares of upland and 2 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the point lying due North 100 metres from the most northerly point on the natural boundary of Kitson Islet;
thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on a line drawn parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the most northerly point on the natural boundary of Kitson Island, being District Lot 1257;
thence in a general southwesterly, southerly, easterly and northeasterly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Kitson Island to a point lying due East of the most easterly point on the natural boundary of Kitson Island;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point lying due East 100 metres from the most easterly point on the natural boundary of Kitson Islet;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point lying due North 100 metres from the most northerly point of the natural boundary of Kitson Islet, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 44.7 hectares (20 hectares of upland and 24.7 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 6733 lying on the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum Lake;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 6733 to the southeast corner of District Lot 6733;
thence southerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 1400;
thence southerly along the east boundary of District Lot 1400 a distance of 402.336 metres (20 chains);
thence due West approximately 764.438 metres (38 chains) to the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum River;
thence northerly along the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum River and then along the natural boundary of Kitsumkalum Lake to the point of commencement;
except the Crown land that is the subject of Number 3 Kalum Lake Road (Gazetted Oct. 21, 1982) and Area for Acquisition both shown on Ministry of Transportation's Plan 52-3-3-B, dated July 13, 1983.
The whole park containing approximately 40 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southwest corner of District Lot 3951;
thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 3951 to the westerly boundary of District Lot 1411;
thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 1411 to a point on the northerly boundary of District Lot 1411 lying due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 3950;
thence due North a distance of 350 metres;
thence on a bearing of 300° a distance of 2.80 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 256° a distance of 1.55 kilometres;
thence on a bearing of 152° a distance of 1.15 kilometres;
thence due South a distance of 600 metres;
thence on a bearing of 130° a distance of 750 metres;
thence on a bearing of 110° to a point lying due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 2349;
thence due South to the northeast corner of District Lot 2349;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 2349 to the northwesterly boundary of District Lot 1197, being the Canadian National Railway right of way as shown on Plan 1228;
thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of District Lot 1197 to the westerly boundary of District Lot 2392;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 2392 to the southwest corner of District Lot 3951, being the point of commencement;
except Cedarvale-Kitwanga Road, a section 42 Transportation Act highway, identified as Road No. 17 on the Highway Road Register.
The whole park containing approximately 720 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 2011.
The whole park containing approximately 220 hectares.
[KLEDO CREEK PARK. Description repealed 2006-15-33.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1971.
The whole park containing approximately 1 800 hectares (1 508 hectares of upland and 292 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southeast corner of District Lot 255, being a point on the natural boundary of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake, on the northerly shore of Kootenay Lake;
thence southeasterly in a straight line for a distance of 201 metres, being drawn perpendicular to the general trend of the natural boundary of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 184° a distance of 966 metres;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 249° a distance of 1.01 kilometres;
thence northwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 315° a distance of approximately 765 metres to the intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly boundary of Lot 5 of District Lot 790, Plan 2628;
thence northeasterly to and along the southeasterly boundary of Lot 5, Plan 2628, to the most easterly corner of Lot 5, Plan 2628;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the most southerly corner of Lot 20 of District Lot 790, Plan 2628;
thence northeasterly along the southeasterly boundaries of Lots 20 and 32, Plan 2628, and continuing northeasterly along the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly boundary of Lot 32, produced to the northerly limit of Southern Trans-Provincial Highway No. 3 (Nelson-Balfour Highway);
thence northwesterly along the northerly limit of Southern Trans-Provincial Highway No. 3 to the southeast corner of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 103536-I) of Lot 6 of District Lot 790, Plan 813, being a point on the northerly limit of Southern Trans-Provincial Highway No. 3;
thence northeasterly, northwesterly and southwesterly along the southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly boundaries of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 103536-I) to the most southerly southwest corner of that portion of Lot 8 of District Lots 790 and 791, shown on Reference Plan 46654I, lying to the west of Kokanee Creek;
thence northerly along the westerly boundary of that part of Lot 8 shown on Reference Plan 46654I to the northwest corner of Lot 8, being a point on the southerly boundary of District Lot 791;
thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of District Lot 791 to the northwest corner of District Lot 791;
thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of District Lots 791 and 255 to the northeast corner of District Lot 255;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 255 to the southeast corner of District Lot 255, being the point of commencement, except Public Road No. 179, Southern Trans-Provincial Highway No. 3 and the power transmission line right of way as shown on Plan RW 56.
The whole park containing approximately 260 hectares (171 hectares of upland and 89 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the summit of Blacktail Mountain, being a point on the northerly boundary of the watershed of Blacktail Creek;
thence northeasterly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Blacktail Creek to the summit of Nasokwen Mountain, being a point;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of the left bank natural boundary of Keen Creek with the southerly boundary of District Lot 819;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to the summit of Kyawats Mountain;
thence northeasterly in a straight line on a bearing 20° a distance of approximately 2.2 kilometres to a point on the right bank natural boundary of Klawala Creek lying due South of the most southerly point of District Lot 14369, surveyed as the "Spokane" Mineral Claim;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the summit of Satisfaction Peak;
thence northeasterly along the northeasterly prolongation of a straight line drawn between the summits of Kyawats Mountain and Satisfaction Peak, being produced to the right bank natural boundary of Ben Hur Creek;
thence due East a distance of approximately 1.0 kilometre to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Ben Hur Creek;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to the point where the easterly boundary of the watershed of Deer Creek meets the southerly boundary of the watershed of Kemp Creek, lying 2.4 kilometres due South and approximately 500 metres due West of the summit of Mount Kemp;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Kemp Creek to a point lying 1.90 kilometres due West and approximately 500 metres due South of the summit of True Blue Mountain;
thence due South to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fletcher Creek;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fletcher Creek to a point lying due South of the summit of Trafalgar Mountain;
thence due South a distance of 800 metres;
thence southwesterly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 10058, surveyed as the "White Eagle" Mineral Claim;
thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Pontiac Creek lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 2261, surveyed as the "Tecumsie" Mineral Claim;
thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Pontiac Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Lendrum Creek;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Lendrum Creek to a point lying 800 metres due West and approximately 300 metres due South of the southwest corner of District Lot 9267, surveyed as the "Grant" Mineral Claim;
thence due South to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Cedar Creek;
thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Cedar Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of an unnamed creek that is tributary to and that flows southerly into Coffee Creek;
thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of that unnamed creek produced to the left bank natural boundary of Coffee Creek;
thence southerly in a straight line, crossing Coffee Creek, to the point where the natural boundary of Coffee Creek meets the natural boundary of an unnamed creek that flows northerly into Coffee Creek, on the right banks of Coffee Creek;
thence southerly along the right bank natural boundary of the unnamed creek to the headwaters of the unnamed creek;
thence southeasterly in a straight line on a bearing 152° a distance of approximately 400 metres to the southerly boundary of the watershed of that unnamed creek;
thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundaries of those unnamed creeks, that are tributary to and that flow northerly into Coffee Creek, to a point lying 1.92 kilometres due South and approximately 4.45 kilometres due East of the southwest corner of District Lot 11486;
thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point lying 600 metres due North and 1.3 kilometres due West of the southwest corner of District Lot 11486;
thence southwesterly in a straight line on a bearing of 227° a distance of 350 metres;
thence due West a distance of approximately 6.95 kilometres to the natural boundary of the first unnamed creek lying to the west of Alpine Creek that flows northwesterly into Lemon Creek, on the left bank of Lemon Creek;
thence northwesterly along the left bank natural boundary of that unnamed creek to the left bank natural boundary of Lemon Creek;
thence due North to the right bank natural boundary of Lemon Creek;
thence easterly a distance of approximately 400 metres along the right bank natural boundary of Lemon Creek to the right bank natural boundary of the unnamed creek, with the unnamed creek being tributary to and flowing southerly into Lemon Creek;
thence in a general northerly direction along the right bank natural boundary of the unnamed creek to the headwaters of the unnamed creek;
thence due North a distance of approximately 350 metres to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Crusader Creek;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Crusader Creek to the summit of Mount Ruppel, being a point;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the summit of Mount Robert Smith, being a point on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Timber Creek;
thence northwesterly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Timber Creek, produced to the point where the right bank natural boundary of Timber Creek meets the left bank natural boundary of Enterprise Creek;
thence northerly in a straight line on a bearing 1° a distance of approximately 3.6 kilometres to the intersection of that straight line with a 6 000 foot (1 830 metre) contour on the Fennell Creek watershed, and with that contour being located near the headwaters of Fennell Creek;
thence northeasterly along that contour line to a point lying due West of the summit of Blacktail Mountain;
thence due East to the summit of Blacktail Mountain, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 32 035.4 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Helmcken District and Malahat District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1913.
The whole park containing approximately 230 hectares (229 hectares of upland and 1 hectare of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Campbell Bay Site
District Lot 7393, except a 20 metre Ministry of Forests' right of way described as Murphy Creek Road, Project 7475.
The whole site containing approximately 25 hectares.
Coffee Creek Site
District Lot 185 except Plans 58 R/W, 15244, Coffee Creek Road (being a Ministry of Forests' Road Project 125), the right of way described in D.D. 17306-D and Highway No. 31 right of way (as shown on Ministry of Transportation's Drawing No. 2211).
The whole site containing approximately 52 hectares.
Davis Creek Site
The land as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 2024.
The whole site containing approximately 14 hectares.
Lost Ledge Site
The land within District Lot 896 and shown on Plan 11178 described as Lot 1 and that part of the road allowance adjacent to Lot 1 shown on Plan attached to Ministry of Crown Lands' Ministerial Order M40016.
The whole site containing approximately 38 hectares.
Midge Creek Site
Firstly: District Lot 895, except right of way Plan 1760.
Secondly: commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of District Lot 895 and the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake;
thence East along the easterly prolongation of the north boundary of District Lot 895 a distance of 281 metres;
thence South 2 010 metres to the point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of the south boundary of District Lot 895;
thence West along the easterly prolongation of the south boundary of District Lot 895 a distance of approximately 160.8 metres to the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake;
thence in a northerly direction along the elevation of the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake to the point of commencement.
The whole site containing approximately 223 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 343 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1928.
The whole park containing approximately 130 279 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1908; except right of way of Cariboo Highway No. 99, shown on Ministry of Transportation's Plan H-948.
The whole park containing approximately 28 hectares (23 hectares of upland and 5 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 2019.
The whole park containing approximately 350 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1886; except (1) a 10 metre road right of way centred on the non-status road accessing District Lot 683 from the south and east; and (2) the railway right of way shown on Plan 2RY236.
The whole park containing approximately 1 214 hectares (1 105 hectares of upland and 109 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1849.
The whole park containing approximately 5 556 hectares (1 950 hectares of upland and 3 606 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in North Saanich District and South Saanich District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 1 of Sections 1, 2 and 3, Range 1 East, North Saanich District, Plan 13307.
Lot 2 of Section 1, Range 1 East, South Saanich District, Plan 13307.
Lot 3 of Section 1, Range 1 West, South Saanich District, Plan 13307.
Section 1, Range 1, West, North Saanich District.
Lots 1 and 2, Section 1, Range 2 West, North Saanich District, Plan 10164.
That part of Section 1, Range 2 West, North Saanich District lying east of Plan 10164.
The southerly 91.4 metres of the westerly 121.9 metres of Section 1, Range 1 East.
The road right of way, known as Thompson Road, within Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Range 1 East, North Saanich District.
The road right of way, known as Thompson Road, within Section 1 of Range 1 West, North Saanich District.
The road right of way, known as Thompson Road, within Section 1 of Range 1 East, South Saanich District.
The road right of way, known as Thompson Road, within Section 1 of Range 1 West, South Saanich District.
The whole park containing approximately 173 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1868.
The whole park containing approximately 7 463 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1896.
The whole park containing approximately 594 hectares (521 hectares of upland and 73 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1816.
The whole park containing approximately 1 082 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1788.
The whole park containing approximately 102.1 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Alberni District, Cameron District and Newcastle District and contained within the following described boundaries
Firstly: in Alberni District and Cameron District;
District Lot 17.
Secondly: in Cameron District;
District Lot 16 together with Blocks 400, 940 and 941.
Thirdly: in Cameron District and Newcastle District;
Block 388.
Fourthly: in Newcastle District;
Parcel A of Block 359, as shown on Plan 182R together with that part of District Lot 92 lying to the south and West of a straight line drawn between Post 13, set on the easterly boundary of Parcel A and shown on Plan 182R, and Post 8, set on the northerly boundary of Block 388, Cameron District, as shown on Plan and field notes of the survey of Block 388 on file with the Surveyor General of British Columbia.
The whole park containing approximately 440 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: District Lot 15516; except a 20.117 metre right of way centred on Highway 3A.
Secondly: a 100 metre wide foreshore area fronting District Lot 15516.
The whole park containing approximately 8 hectares (4 hectares of upland and 4 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at the southeast corner of District Lot 15727;
thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 15727 to the northwest corner of District Lot 15727;
thence northerly in a straight line to the southeast corner of District Lot 14391, and continuing northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 14391 to the southerly boundary of District Lot 12834;
thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of District Lot 12834 to the southerly boundary of District Lot 197;
thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 197 to the southeast corner of District Lot 197;
thence due East a distance of approximately 600 metres to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Lockhart Creek;
thence in a general easterly, southerly and westerly direction along the northerly, easterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Lockhart Creek to a point on the southerly boundary of the watershed of Lockhart Creek lying due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 15727;
thence due West to the southeast corner of District Lot 15727, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 3 750.6 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2021.
The whole park containing approximately 5.9 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Sayward District and contained within the following described boundaries:
That part of Block "C" of Lot 51, more particularly described as commencing at a point on the high water mark on the easterly shore of Loveland Bay of Lower Campbell Lake lying 2 434.52 metres north and approximately 1 710.2 metres West of the northwest corner of Lot 93;
thence due East 160.96 metres;
thence due North 543.24 metres;
thence due West 804.8 metres;
thence due South 201.2 metres;
thence due West 201.2 metres;
thence due South 342.04 metres;
thence due East approximately 140.84 metres to the northwesterly shore of Loveland Bay;
thence in a general northeasterly and southerly direction along the shore to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 30 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1971; except (1) "Kumowdah" Indian Reserve No. 3; and (2) District Lot 2.
The whole park containing approximately 765 hectares (555 hectares of upland and 210 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: commencing at the northeasterly corner of "Otsawlas" Indian Reserve No. 5, being a point on the right bank natural boundary of the Nimpkish River;
thence due North to a point on the middle line of the Nimpkish River;
thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along that middle line to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 1134;
thence due West to the northeast corner of District Lot 1134;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1134, 300 metres;
thence on a bearing of 21° approximately 650 metres to a point lying 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the left bank natural boundary of Nimpkish River;
thence in a general northerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Nimpkish River to a point lying due West from the easterly boundary of Section 28, Township 15;
thence due North to a point lying 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the left bank natural boundary of Nimpkish River;
thence in a general northerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Nimpkish River to the easterly boundary of Section 33, Township 15;
thence southerly along easterly boundary to the intersection with the left bank natural boundary of Nimpkish River;
thence due South to a point on the middle line of Nimpkish River;
thence in general southerly and northerly directions along that middle line to the intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of Section 34, Township 15;
thence easterly along that prolongation and northerly boundary to the intersection with the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577;
thence southeasterly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577 to the intersection with the easterly boundary of Section 34;
thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Section 34 to the intersection with the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577;
thence in a southwesterly direction along the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577 approximately 650 metres to a point lying 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Nimpkish River;
thence in a general southerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Nimpkish River to the intersection with the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577;
thence in a southeasterly and southwesterly direction along the westerly boundary of District Lot 1577 to the intersection with the easterly boundary of "Otsawlas" Indian Reserve No. 5;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary of "Otsawlas" Indian Reserve No. 5 to the northeast corner of "Otsawlas" Indian Reserve No. 5, being the point of commencement.
Secondly: all Crown islands and islets within the natural boundaries of Nimpkish River lying north of the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of District Lot 1134 and south of the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of Section 34, Township 15.
The whole park containing approximately 200 hectares.
Exstew Site
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1886.
The whole site containing approximately 188 hectares.
Kasiks River Site
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1886.
The whole site containing approximately 394 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 582 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Rupert District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1849.
The whole park containing approximately 3 745 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Osoyoos Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1902; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Lumby – Mabel Lake Road, No. 1111-01.
The whole park containing approximately 193 hectares (173 hectares of upland and 20 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Alberni District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1962; except the right of way of Highway No. 4, shown on Plan 5 Tube 696 deposited in the Crown Land Registry.
The whole park containing approximately 301 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Sayward District on Quadra Island and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1913; except (1) the Crown land that is the subject of the Crown Granted Mineral Claim, District Lot 1358; (2) the Crown land that is the subject of the Crown Granted Mineral Claim, District Lot 1370; and (3) that part below the natural boundary of Okisollo Channel.
The whole park containing approximately 3 530 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Sayward District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: District Lot 64 except (1) Plan 2761 O.S; and (2) Seaford Road right of way; and (3) that part of Sutil Road right of way lying south of a line drawn due West from the point of intersection of the east boundary of Sutil Road and the north boundary of Seaford Road as shown on SRW Plan 46391.
That part of District Lot 64 known as Lake Road as shown on Plan 2761 O.S.
Secondly: all that unencumbered Crown foreshore and Crown lands covered by tidal waters situated in the Sayward District and more particularly described as commencing at the southwesterly corner of Lot 64, Cortes Island, being a point on the westerly shore natural boundary of Cortes Island;
thence due West 241.44 metres;
thence North 30° East approximately 1.63 kilometres to a point on the westerly shore natural boundary of Cortes Island;
thence southeasterly, southwesterly, northerly and southwesterly along the natural boundary of Cortes Island to the southwesterly corner of Lot 64, being the point of commencement and containing approximately 53 hectares.
The whole park containing approximately 100.3 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 39 Tube 1899.
The whole park containing approximately 13 hectares (7 hectares of upland and 6 hectares of foreshore).
[MARBLE CANYON PARK. Description repealed 2010-13-3.]
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Township 29, Range 23, W5M, Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
The Fractional south 1/2 of Section 29, including river islands.
The Fractional northwest 1/4 of Section 20.
The 0.04 hectare portion of Island No. 2 contained within Legal Subdivision No. 8 of Section 20.
Except the Crown land that is the subject of the Canadian Pacific Railway right of way, as shown on Plans 633 and 9113, within the northwest 1/4 of Section 20.
The gazetted road right of way, as per road survey 1818, within the south 1/2 of Section 29.
The whole park containing approximately 167 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Commencing at a point of intersection of the westerly boundary of Nakusp-Mica Creek Highway 23, Plan 17891, with a line drawn parallel to and 30 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Martha Creek;
thence in a westerly direction along a line drawn parallel to and 30 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Martha Creek to the intersection with the easterly shore high water level of Lake Revelstoke, being the 573 metre contour;
thence due West to a line drawn parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the high water level of Lake Revelstoke;
thence southerly along a line drawn parallel to and 100 metres perpendicularly distant from the high water level of Lake Revelstoke to a point lying due West of the middle line of an unnamed creek flowing westerly through the northeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 25, Range 2, W6M, into Lake Revelstoke;
thence due East to the middle line of that unnamed creek and continuing easterly along the middle line of the unnamed creek to the intersection with the westerly boundary of Nakusp-Mica Creek Highway 23, Plan 17891;
thence in a northerly direction along the westerly boundary of Highway 23, Plan 17891 to a point lying parallel to and 30 metres perpendicularly distant from the right bank natural boundary of Martha Creek, being the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 71 hectares (49 hectares of upland and 22 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8, Tube 1839.
The whole park containing approximately 603 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kootenay District and contained within the following described boundaries:
District Lot 8036 except Plan 1383 and Sketch Map 19766A.
Parcel A of District Lot 8036 as shown on Sketch Map 19766A.
The road allowance as shown on Sketch Map 19766A of District Lot 8036.
Lots 1 to 4 of District Lot 8036, Plan 1383.
The road allowances as shown on Plan 1383 of District Lot 8036.
Blocks 1 to 5 of District Lot 8036, Plan 1085.
Lots 61, 62, 65 to 80, 84 to 89, and 96 to 98 all of District Lot 8033, Plan 1037.
Those parts of Lots 90, 91, 92, 93, 93A, 94, 94A, 95, 99, 100 and 101A all of District Lot 8033, Plan 1037 lying east of Can Cel Logging Road as shown on Ministry of Forests' File 0274815; except that part of Lot 100 identified as "Easement Area" as shown on Plan EPP22925.
All those road allowances shown on Plan 1037 of District Lot 8033 lying east of Can Cel Logging Road as shown on Ministry of Forests' File 0274815.
That part of Parcel A (see DD174368I) of District Lot 8033 lying east of Can Cel Logging Road as shown on Ministry of Forests' File 0274815.
Lots 1 to 15, Lots 28 to 34, Lots 37 to 41, Lots 54 to 58 and Lots 135 to 153 of District Lot 8033, Plan 1182.
All those road allowances and lanes shown on Plan 1182 of District Lot 8033.
That part of District Lot 7106 lying west of Plan 8809 except Plan 2101 and Reference Plan 6680I.
Block 1 of District Lot 7106, Reference Plan 6680I.
The road allowance as shown on Reference Plan 6680I.
Block 2 of District Lot 7106, Plan 2101.
The travelled road as shown on Plan 2101 of District Lot 7106.
Lots 1 to 11 of District Lot 8035, Plan 1606 except Plans 1809 and 11874.
Lots 12 to 19 of District Lot 8035, Plan 1606 except Plan RW130 and Plan 11874.
That part of Lot 20 of District Lot 8035, Plan 1606 lying west of Plan 1809.
Those road allowances shown on Plan 1606 of District Lot 8035 which lie west of Plan 1809.
That part of Lot 21 of District Lot 8049, Plan 1606 lying west of Plan 1809.
That part of District Lot 8511 lying west of Plan 1809.
The whole park containing approximately 468 hectares (268 hectares of upland and 200 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Shawnigan District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Lot 171.
The whole park containing approximately 0.915 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the following described boundaries:
District Lot 2471.
That part of District Lot 2464 lying west of Highway 37, except plans 7035 and 5197.
Those parts of District Lots 2470 and 2478 described as commencing at the point of intersection of the natural boundary of Meziadin Lake and the south boundary of District Lot 2478;
thence East along the south boundaries of District Lots 2478 and 2470 to the point of intersection with the west boundary of Highway 37;
thence North along the west boundary of Highway 37 a distance of 604 metres;
thence due West a distance of approximately 1 270 metres to the natural boundary of Meziadin Lake;
thence in a general southeast direction along the natural boundary of Meziadin Lake a distance of approximately 1 200 metres to the point of commencement.
The whole park containing approximately 335 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Comox District and Nanaimo District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: the northeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5, Comox District, Plan 552D.
Secondly: the southeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 5.
Thirdly: that part of the northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 5 shown outlined in red on Plan 1425R.
Fourthly: that part of the northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 5 lying to the South of a line which runs on a bearing of 83°2' commencing at a point described as lying on the westerly boundary 301.7 metres (15 chains) northwesterly from Post No. 299, as shown on Plan 552D.
Fifthly: Lot 1, Plan 25715, all of Section 8, Township 5, Comox District, Plan 552D.
Sixthly: District Lot 283, Nanaimo District.
The whole park containing approximately 137 hectares (109 hectares of upland and 28 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Sayward District and contained within the following described boundaries:
Firstly: District Lot 403, being Mitlenatch Island and an unnamed island immediately East of Mitlenatch Island.
Secondly: all that foreshore, or land covered by water, situated in the Strait of Georgia and lying between the natural boundary of District Lot 403 and a line drawn parallel to and 305 metres perpendicularly distant from that natural boundary.
The whole park containing approximately 155 hectares (36 hectares of upland and 119 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 2022.
The whole park containing approximately 99 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1778; except Adams West Forest Service Road as shown on Ministry of Forests' Files 942-7458.15, 942-7458.12 and 942-7458.18.
The whole park containing approximately 1 605 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1928; except (1) Monck Park Road RS 2679, established by Gazette notice, March 23, 1969; (2) Monck Park Road, shown on Plans KAP73064 and KAP73062; and (3) a 20 metre right of way centred on the road identified as non-status road, Ministry of Forests and Range file 0334705 and shown in red on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1928.
The whole park containing approximately 118 hectares (92 hectares of upland and 26 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 2013.
The whole park containing approximately 63 119 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cowichan District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 38 Tube 1899; except a 20 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Transportation's Porlier Pass Drive Road.
The whole park containing approximately 102 hectares (70 hectares of upland and 32 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Kamloops Division, Yale District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 18 Tube 1926.
The whole park containing approximately 5 hectares.
Contents | Sections 1 to 19 | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedule C | Schedule C (cont'd) | Schedule D | Schedule E | Schedule F
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada