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This Act is current to February 4, 2025 | |||
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force. |
Banks Nii Łuutiksm Conservancy
Bella Coola Estuary Conservancy
Bishop Bay – Monkey Beach Conservancy
Broughton Archipelago Conservancy
Burnt Bridge Creek Conservancy
Dzawadi/Klinaklini Estuary Conservancy
Ecstall Headwaters Conservancy
Esté-Tiwilh/Sigurd Creek Conservancy
Ethelda Bay – Tennant Island Conservancy
Forward Harbour/ƛǝxˇǝwǝyǝm Conservancy
Gitxaała Nii Łuutiksm/Kitkatla Conservancy
Golden Gate/Xáat Yádi Aani Conservancy
Hǝnʎǝmdzi Mǝkola/Yorke Island Conservancy
Hotsprings-No Name Creek Conservancy
Huchsduwachsdu Nuyem Jees/Kitlope Heritage Conservancy
Hunwadi/Ahnuhati – Bald Conservancy
I7loqaw7/100 Lakes Plateau Conservancy
Indian Lake – Hitchcock Creek/Át Chi'îni Shà Conservancy
K'distsausk/Turtle Point Conservancy
Khutzeymateen Inlet Conservancy
Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy
K'mooda/Lowe-Gamble Conservancy
K'nabiyaaxl/Ashdown Conservancy
Ksgaxl/Stephens Island Conservancy
Ksi xts'at'kw/Stagoo Conservancy
Ktisgaidz/MacDonald Bay Conservancy
Kts'mkta'ani/Union Lake Conservancy
Lady Douglas – Don Peninsula Conservancy
Lax ka'gaas/Campania Conservancy
Lax Kul Nii Łuutiksm/Bonilla Conservancy
Lax Kwaxl/Dundas and Melville Islands Conservancy
Lax Kwil Dziidz/Fin Conservancy
Mahpahkum-Ahkwuna/Deserters-Walker Conservancy
Maxtaktsm'aa/Union Passage Conservancy
Moksgm'ol/Chapple – Cornwall Conservancy
Monarch Mountain/a Xéegi Deiyi Conservancy
Monckton Nii Łuutiksm Conservancy
Mount Minto/K'iyán Conservancy
Nakina – Inklin Rivers/Yáwu Yaa Conservancy
Nlháxten/Cerise Creek Conservancy
Outer Central Coast Islands Conservancy
Phillips Estuary/ɂNacinuxw Conservancy
Polkinghorne Islands Conservancy
Q'Altanaas/Aaltanhash Conservancy
Qudǝs/Gillard-Jimmy Judd Island Conservancy
Qwalímak/Upper Birkenhead Conservancy
Qwiquallaaq/Boat Bay Conservancy
SG̱aay Taw Siiwaay K'adjuu Conservancy
Shearwater Hot Springs Conservancy
Taku River/T'akú Téix' Conservancy
Tsa-latĺ/Smokehouse Conservancy
Tutshi Lake/T'ooch' Áayi Conservancy
Ugwiwa'/Cape Caution Conservancy
Upper Elaho Valley Conservancy
Upper Kimsquit River Conservancy
Upper Rogers Kóḻii7 Conservancy
Ẁaẁley/Seymour Estuary Conservancy
Wilkinson-Wright Bay Conservancy
Xwaḱwǝɂnaxdǝɂma/Stafford Estuary Conservancy
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1971.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 8 463 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1963; except (1) District Lot 2043, Range 4, Coast District; and (2) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 19 121 hectares (15 585 hectares of upland and 3 536 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 317 hectares (186 hectares of upland and 131 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1975.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 269 hectares (138 hectares of upland and 131 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1972; except (1) timber harvesting areas A77633, Block A and 77634, Block A, Monkey Beach Development; and (2) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 3 374 hectares (2 832 hectares of upland and 542 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1967; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 8387; and (2) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 4 111 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1967; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 121 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1967; except (1) the right of way of Highway 20; and (2) Ministry of Transportation Quarry Reserve/Notations identified in Integrated Land Management Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands files 0325778 and 0337728.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 691 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1987.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 8 081 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2 and Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1963; except (1) District Lot 715, Range 2, Coast District; (2) District Lot 871, Range 2, Coast District; (3) District Lot 875, Range 2, Coast District; (4) Block A, District Lot 1036, Range 2, Coast District; and (5) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 18 558 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1967; except (1) "Skowquiltz River" Indian Reserve No. 3, District Lot 1376; (2) "Elcho" Indian Reserve No. 6; (3) District Lot 1361, Sir Alexander Mackenzie Park; and (4) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 121 482 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1967.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 7 249 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1967; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 9029-01.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 5 047 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1970.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 218 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1963.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 12 789 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1967; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 95 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1994; except a 30 metre right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R06086-174.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 116 275 hectares (70 490 hectares of upland and 45 785 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1994; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range permit road, R06206-201, Copper Bay Main; (2) Tree Farm Licence 58, Timber Licence T0024, Cutting Permit 250, Blocks SAND30 and SAND31; (3) Mineral Claim "Sandspit" 559788; (4) Mineral Claim "Sani West" 572163; and (5) Mineral Claim "Sani 5" 572188.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 829 hectares (822 hectares of upland and 7 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1968.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 56 096 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 2007; except (1) Commercial Lease V899472, District Lot 3090, covering foreshore, being the bed of Henslung Bay, containing approximately 2.33 hectares, on Land Act file 0104419 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte; (2) Commercial Recreation Lease 240935, District Lot 3073, containing approximately 0.39 hectares, on Land Act file 6405327 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte; (3) Commercial Lease V900086, District Lot 3070, containing approximately 0.4 hectares, on Land Act file 6402891 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte; and (4) Commercial Lease 240940, covering foreshore as shown on the Legal Description Schedule of the Lease, containing approximately 2 hectares, on Land Act file 6402150 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 229 107 hectares (144 934 hectares of upland and 84 173 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1968.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 808 hectares (259 hectares of upland and 549 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1973.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 13 109 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1971.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 40 577 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1971.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 10 110 hectares (9 697 hectares of upland and 413 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1967; except (1) "Clatse" Indian Reserve No. 5; (2) "Hoonees" Indian Reserve No. 2; (3) "Noota" Indian Reserve No. 3; (4) "Quartcha" Indian Reserve No. 3; (5) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Ocean Falls-Shack Bay road; and (6) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 50 137 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1967; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 230 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1988.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 112 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1971; except that part lying below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 61 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1971.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 8 940 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1963; except District Lot 1372, Range 3, Coast District, "Oatswish" Indian Reserve No. 13.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 84 417 hectares (76 825 hectares of upland and 7 592 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1968; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 306 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1975; except (1) Dolphin Island, Indian Reserve No. 1; (2) "Grassy Islet" Indian Reserve No. 2; (3) "Sand Island" Indian Reserve No. 4; (4) the marine foreshore 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of Dolphin Island, Grassy Islet and Sand Island; (5) the land that is the subject of the Crown Granted Mineral Claims, District Lots 6514, 6519, 7188 and 7312; (6) that part of Sub-Area B lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea; and (7) that part of Sub-Area C below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 29 539 hectares (13 821 hectares of upland and 15 718 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 2007; except Mineral Claim 828322.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 5 981 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1971; except (1) Crown Granted Mineral Claim District Lot 2967; and (2) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 29 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1970; except (1) the reserve established under the Land Act in favour of Canada at Fanny Island and identified in Integrated Land Management Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands file 1403072; and (2) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 39 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1901; except (1) "Yellertlee" Indian Reserve No. 12; (2) "Werkinellek" Indian Reserve No. 11; (3) Mineral Claim "WH7052" 253525; (4) Mineral Claim "WH7054" 254284; and (5) Mineral Claim "WH7052" 254285.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 121 051 hectares (51 914 hectares of upland and 69 137 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 2011; except (1) the Highway 37 right of way as shown on the Official Plans deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1742, Plan 15 Tube 1985 and Plan 5 Tube 1081, and that portion of Highway 37 located south and east of the portion shown on that Plan 15 Tube 1985; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on FSR R03781, Tintina Main; (3) a 30 metre right of way centred on FSR R03781, Pine Flats; (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on FSR 10255, Meziadin; (5) all roads that access the Legal Subdivision as shown on Land Title Office Plan PRP7577 and Plan BCP 5432; (6) the former disposal site accessed through DL 2450A assigned 'B' as shown on the sketch dated October 2012 on file at BC Parks, Victoria; and (7) those portions of Mineral Claim 880129, Mineral Claim 880209, Mineral Claim 880309, Mineral Claim 889550 and Mineral Claim 889551 lying outside the boundary of the mineral reserve established under B.C. Reg. 61/2009 as Hanna-Tintina Watershed and by reference to site number 1003602.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 23 702 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1970; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 22 752 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1900; except (1) "Wekellals" Indian Reserve No. 15; (2) "Kitlope" Indian Reserve No. 16; (3) Mineral Claim "Goldmine 1" 325961; (4) Mineral Claim "Goldmine 4" 326032; (5) Mineral Claim "XK1012" 253947; (6) Mineral Claim "XK1014" 253948; and (7) Mineral Claim "XK1212" 241411.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 322 020 hectares (321 572 hectares of upland and 448 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1 and Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1976; except (1) District Lot 1527, Range 1, Coast District, "Ahnuhati" Indian Reserve No. 6; and (2) the land that was subject to timber licences TL7848P and TL6465P; (3) "Ahta" Indian Reserve No. 3; and (4) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 55 423 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1992.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 030 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 2009.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 60 619 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1968; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 37 444 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 2004; except (1) a 20 metre right of way centred on the non-status road accessing Lot 1, District Lot 792, Queen Charlotte District, Plan 2034 and Lot 2, District Lot 792, Queen Charlotte District, Plan 2034; (2) that part of District Lot 1825, Licence of Occupation 635679, containing approximately 0.06 hectares, on Land Act file 6406761 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte; and (3) that part of District Lot 1825, Transportation Inclusion Roadway 634910, containing approximately 0.236 hectares, on Land Act file 6406072 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Queen Charlotte.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 722 hectares (1 896 hectares of upland and 826 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1973; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 142 hectares (106 hectares of upland and 36 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1971; except (1) District Lot 6415; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 9666-01; (3) Cut Blocks 1, 2 and 3 of Timber Sale Licence A81676; and (4) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 4 970 hectares (4 382 hectares of upland and 588 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1972.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 13 638 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1972.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 12 947 hectares (10 366 hectares of upland and 2 581 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1972; except (1) "Ksagwisgwas" Indian Reserve No. 62, District Lot 3977; (2) "Ksagwisgwas" Indian Reserve No. 63, District Lot 3930; and (3) "Kyex" Indian Reserve No. 64, District Lot 3928.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 41 404 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1968.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 376 hectares (206 hectares of upland and 170 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1968.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 126 hectares (96 hectares of upland and 30 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3 and Range 4, Coast District and contained within the boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1963; except (1) District Lot 1357, Range 3, Coast District, "Quckwa" Indian Reserve No. 7; (2) District Lot 1358, Range 3, Coast District, "Goo-Ewe" Indian Reserve No. 8; (3) District Lot 1722, Range 3, Coast District; (4) District Lot 1362, Range 4, Coast District, "Kinmakanksk" Indian Reserve No. 6; (5) District Lot 1363, Range 4, Coast District, "Dil-Ma-Sow" Indian Reserve No. 5; (6) District Lot 1365, Range 4, Coast District, "Saint Joe" Indian Reserve No. 10; (7) District Lot 1366, Range 4, Coast District, "Ulthakoush" Indian Reserve No. 11; (8) District Lot 1367, Range 4, Coast District, "Lattkaloup" Indian Reserve No. 9; (9) "Canoona" Indian Reserve No. 2; and (10) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 102 875 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1971.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 6 785 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1965; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 18 272 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1964.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 14 454 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1963; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 727 hectares (454 hectares of upland and 273 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1964; except (1) District Lot 2, Range 2, Coast District; (2) District Lot 1329, Range 2, Coast District; (3) District Lot 1330, Range 2, Coast District; (4) District Lot 1336, Range 2, Coast District; (5) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests' Road Permit RO3588, Road Sections Coldmain, Osbornemn and Nootummain; and (6) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 18 752 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1963; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 34 168 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1973; except (1) "Rushton Island" Indian Reserve No. 90, District Lot 3915; (2) "Squaderee" Indian Reserve No. 91, District Lot 3914; (3) "Avery Island" Indian Reserve No. 92, District Lot 3917; (4) "Edye" Indian Reserve No. 93, District Lot 3916; (5) District Lot 6412; and (6) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 14 018 hectares (9 446 hectares of upland and 4 572 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1972; except (1) "Knames" Indian Reserve No. 45, District Lot 3970; (2) "Knames" Indian Reserve No. 46, District Lot 3971; and (3) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 33 581 hectares (33 382 hectares of upland and 199 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1964.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 11 647 hectares (11 522 hectares of upland and 125 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1972; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 482 hectares (419 hectares of upland and 63 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1972; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 6 338 hectares (6 331 hectares of upland and 7 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 2004; except (1) "Cumshewas" Indian Reserve No. 7; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit roads R06206-294 and 334 from the westerly boundary of the conservancy to District Lot 167; and (3) Mineral Claim 645847.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 15 718 hectares (3 360 hectares of upland and 12 358 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 2005; except (1) "Skedance" Indian Reserve No. 8; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R13328-1, South Main; (3) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R13328-2, Louise Main; and (4) District Lot 2786.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 15 259 hectares (2 104 hectares of upland and 13 155 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1968.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 330 hectares (257 hectares of upland and 73 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1988; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road In-SHUCK-ch, FSR 7343; and (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on the non-status road situated adjacent to UTM North 5565000m East 537200m.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 095 hectares (2 089 hectares of upland and 6 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1968; except (1) "Tankeah" Indian Reserve No. 5; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 8994-01; (3) the log dump and sort area shown on Integrated Land Management Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands file 998406; and (4) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 11 190 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1972.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 311 hectares (220 hectares of upland and 91 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1963; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 20 504 hectares (17 075 hectares of upland and 3 429 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1963; except (1) "Kul" Indian Reserve No. 18; (2) District Lot 2536, Range 4, Coast District; and (3) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 584 hectares (741 hectares of upland and 843 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1971; except (1) "Prince Leboo Island" Indian Reserve No. 32, District Lot 3918; (2) "Zayas Island" Indian Reserve No. 32A, District Lots 3926, 3959 and 3960; (3) "Dundas Island" Indian Reserve No. 32B, District Lots 3919, 3923, 3924, 3925, 3927, 3961, 3962, 3972 and 3973; (4) "Channel Islands" Indian Reserve No. 33, District Lots 3921 and 3922; (5) "Far West Point" Indian Reserve No. 34, District Lot 3920; and (6) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 33 082 hectares (23 482 hectares of upland and 9 600 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1963; except (1) District Lot 2575, "Lachkul-jeets" Indian Reserve, No. 6; and (2) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 902 hectares (1 234 hectares of upland and 668 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1969; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 24 501 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 850 hectares (447 hectares of upland and 403 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 2022.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 338 hectares (31 hectares of upland and 307 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1968; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 7588; (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 8326; (3) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range Road Permit RO 6075; (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range Road Permit RO 6375; (5) the land in District Lot 397 that is subject to the Licence of Occupation described on Integrated Land Management Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands file 5405687; and (6) the land developed as an airstrip that lies parallel to the Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 7588.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 814 hectares (1 735 hectares of upland and 79 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 2005; except (1) Mahpahkum Indian Reserve 4; and (2) Licence of Occupation 109973, containing approximately 0.27 hectares, on Land Act file 141270 at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nanaimo.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 7 369 hectares (931 hectares of upland and 6 438 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1973; except (1) "Tsimtack" Indian Reserve No. 7; (2) a 30 metre road centred on Tack Mainline and branch roads 110 and 130, Forest Licence A16841; (3) a 30 metre road centred on Moore Mainline, Forest Licence A16841; (4) Cutting Permits, Road Permit, and silvicultural prescriptions or plans for cutblocks 26215, 26258, 26148, H26142, 26154, H26139, H26136, H26263, H26112, 26166, 26109, 26103, Forest Licence A16841; and (5) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 519 hectares (1 825 hectares of upland and 694 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1980; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 7979-01; and (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R08887, Section SM-ML.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 3 874 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3 and Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1963; except (1) District Lot 1195, Range 3, Coast District, "Lackzuswadda" Indian Reserve No. 9; (2) District Lot 2230, Range 4, Coast District, "Kahas" Indian Reserve No. 7; (3) District Lot 2574, Range 4, Coast District, "Kayel" Indian Reserve No. 8; (4) a 60 metre right-of-way centred on the existing road, shown in red on the Official Plan, accessing District Lot 3212 and District Lot 3213 from Whale Channel; (5) District Lot 3212, Range 4, Coast District; (6) District Lot 3213, Range 4, Coast District; and (7) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 29 116 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 2009; except Mineral Claim 389658.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 424 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1964; except (1) "Toowartz" Indian Reserve No. 8; and (2) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 24 775 hectares (22 251 hectares of upland and 2 524 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 2007.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 5 657 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 2005; except Taku Indian Reserve 6, District Lot 5476.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 167 259 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1969; except (1) Mineral Claim "Hvidsten1" 400123; and (2) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road Draney Mainline FSR 10502; and (3) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 10 312 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 2005; except (1) Yan Indian Reserve 7; (2) Meagwan Indian Reserve 8; and (3) Saouchten Indian Reserve 18, District Lot 174.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 16 695 hectares (6 897 hectares of upland and 9 798 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 2011; except (1) Horse Ranch Pass Indian Reserve 4, DL 5466; and (2) Mosquito Creek Indian Reserve 5, DL 5469.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 233 304 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1987.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 272 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1969.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 603 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 19 hectares (10 hectares of upland and 9 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1969; except (1) "Koqui" Indian Reserve No. 6; and (2) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 14 839 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1969; except (1) "Katit" Indian Reserve No. 1; (2) District Lot 162; and (3) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range road FSR 6489.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 70 569 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1972; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 4 768 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1970; except (1) "Cockmi" Indian Reserve No. 3; (2) District Lot 1583; (3) Kvamus Forest Licence A65223, Cutting Permit 4, Cutblock RIP 3, Cutting Permit 6, Cutblock 5, Cutting Permit 7, Cutblock 4 and Cutting Permit 8, Cutblock RIP1; (4) Forest Licence A16850; and (5) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 229 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1969; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range Road Permit RO 2049, Tree Farm Licence 45.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 461 hectares (1 382 hectares of upland and 79 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1969; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 154 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 6 Tube 1964; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 3 269 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 342 hectares (294 hectares of upland and 48 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1964; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 18 767 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1968; except (1) District Lot 1748; and (2) that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 45 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1988; except (1) Mineral Claim "GK NORTH 4" 517504; (2) Mineral Claim "GK NORTH 3" 517476; (3) Mineral Claim "GK NORTH 1" 517468; (4) Mineral Claim "Gold King Six" 509091; (5) Mineral Claim "Gold King Four" 509089; and (6) Mineral Claim "Gold King Eight" 509093.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 4 888 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1967; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Road A as shown and identified on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1967.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 375 hectares (639 hectares of upland and 736 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1969; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 221 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1969; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 826 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1985; except (1) Mineral Claim "Babine 9" 543117; (2) Mineral Claim "Babine 10" 543118; and (3) Mineral Claim "Babine 16" 543124.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 820 hectares (380 hectares of upland and 440 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 11 hectares (5 hectares of upland and 6 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1994.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 597 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 1972; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 33 hectares (18 hectares of upland and 15 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 2012.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 015 hectares (812 hectares of upland and 203 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 14 Tube 1972.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 54 hectares (22 hectares of upland and 32 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1972.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 594 hectares (51 hectares of upland and 2 543 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 1968; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 56 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 1973; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 932 hectares (861 hectares of upland and 71 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 13 Tube 2004; except (1) Mineral Claim 502815; (2) Mineral Claim 513821; and (3) that portion of Mineral Claim 846867 lying outside the boundary of the mineral reserve established as site number 1005143 under B.C. Reg. 280/2007.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 80 592 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 1 Tube 2023.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 3 528 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 3, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 2025.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 8 490 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1973; except (1) a 30 metre right of way centred on the non-status road known as Old Thulme Main; and (2) that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 64 hectares (53 hectares of upland and 11 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1964; except (1) District Lot 734, Range 2, Coast District, "Halowis" Indian Reserve No. 5; and (2) Mineral Claim "Triangle" 513763.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 37 886 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Peace River District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 2022.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 5 306 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Cassiar District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 2009; except (1) Mineral Claim 941309; and (2) that portion of Mineral Claim 941287 lying outside the boundary of the mineral reserve established as site number 1005122 under B.C. Reg. 280/2007.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 19 640 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 2008; except (1) Nathlegalis Indian Reserve 3, District Lots 726, 727, 728, 729, 730 and 731; (2) Saagoombahlah Indian Reserve 6; (3) Khazisela Indian Reserve 7; (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on FSR 10335 (MB2000), Greaves Island; and (5) all those islands and islets and Ann Island Indian Reserve 7 within Area A, as Area A is shown and identified on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 11 Tube 2008.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 25 685 hectares (10 241 hectares of upland and 15 444 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1988.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 10 253 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 4, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 15 Tube 1969.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 10 588 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 1988; except (1) Mineral Claim "Coben50" 563209; (2) Mineral Claim "Sonny Mo 9" 562044; (3) Mineral Claim "Sonny Mo 11" 562046; (4) Mineral Claim "Coben53" 563212; (5) Mineral Claim "Coben20" 562868; (6) Mineral Claim "Coben18" 562866; (7) Mineral Claim "Coben45" 563204; and (8) Mineral Claim "Coben48" 563207.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 3 605 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Lillooet District and New Westminster District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1990; except (1) Mineral Claim 512764; (2) Forest Licence A19217 Cutblock 90; and (3) a 30 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range permit road BR 90-3, Forest Licence A19217.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 11 306 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 2 Tube 1970; except that part below the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 189 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1970.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 304 hectares (179 hectares of upland and 125 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1973; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 666 hectares (345 hectares of upland and 321 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 2, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 10 Tube 1969; except the land subject to the Ministry of Forests and Range Special Use Permit S22747.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 326 hectares (289 hectares of upland and 37 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 3 Tube 1985.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 1 664 hectares (900 hectares of upland and 764 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 8 Tube 1973; except that part lying beyond a line drawn parallel to and 200 metres perpendicularly distant from the natural boundary of the sea.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 30 hectares (11 hectares of upland and 19 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 5 Tube 1973.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 4 436 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 1, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 12 Tube 1969; except (1) a 100 metre right of way centred on Ministry of Forests and Range Road Permit RO 4507, Tree Farm Licence 25; and (2) Mineral Claim "Never Sweat" 520822.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 742 hectares (538 hectares of upland and 204 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 4 Tube 2005; except (1) a 30 metre road right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R13350-35, Port Road (Part 2); (2) a 30 metre road right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit road R13350-40, East Yak Main; (3) a 30 metre road right of way centred on the Ministry of Forests and Range permit roads R13350-107 and 108, Yakoun Main; (4) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Forest Act permit road R13350-395 to junction with the Forest Act permit road R13350-402 at UTM Zone 8 North 5941190 metres+/− East 683083 metres+/−; (5) a 30 metre right of way centred on the Forest Act permit road R13350-402 between UTM Zone 8 North 5941190 metres+/− East 683083 metres+/− and UTM Zone 8 North 5940700 metres+/− East 683645 metres+/−; and (6) a 30 metre right of way centred on Forest Act permit road R13350-403.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 2 689 hectares (2 457 hectares of upland and 232 hectares of foreshore).
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Queen Charlotte District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 7 Tube 1990; except a 30 metre right of way centred on Yakoun Lake Forest Service Road 10922 01.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 7 967 hectares.
All those parcels or tracts of Crown land, together with all that foreshore or land covered by water, situated in Range 5, Coast District and contained within the described boundaries as shown on the Official Plan deposited in the Crown Land Registry as Plan 9 Tube 1973.
The whole conservancy containing approximately 49 hectares (18 hectares of upland and 31 hectares of foreshore).
Contents | Sections 1 to 19 | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedule C | Schedule C (cont'd) | Schedule D | Schedule E | Schedule F
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada