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B.C. Reg. 107/2024
Chief Electoral Officer
Deposited May 16, 2024
This consolidation is current to August 27, 2024.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)

Election Act

Third Party Sponsor Regulation

2Information to be included in application for registration
3Classes of election advertising
4Additional information to be included in election advertising disclosure report


1   In this regulation, "Act" means the Election Act.

Information to be included in application for registration

2   An application under section 240 of the Act to be registered as a third party sponsor must include the following information:

(a) the email address of the applicant;

(b) in the case of an applicant organization with principal officers,

(i) the full residential address of each principal officer, and

(ii) a telephone number and email address at which each principal officer can be contacted;

(c) in the case of an applicant organization without principal officers,

(i) the full residential address of each principal member, and

(ii) a telephone number and email address at which each principal member can be contacted.

Classes of election advertising

3   For the purposes of section 245 (1) (a) of the Act, the value of the election advertising sponsored by a third party sponsor must be reported according to

(a) the following classes of pre-campaign period election advertising:

(i) commercial canvassing in person or by telephone or other means of electronic communication;

(ii) printed newspapers and periodicals;

(iii) promotional materials, including newsletters, brochures, buttons and novelty items;

(iv) radio and podcasts;

(v) new signs;

(vi) reused signs;

(vii) social media;

(viii) television and video;

(ix) online other than social media;

(x) other forms of advertising, and

(b) the following classes of campaign period election advertising:

(i) commercial canvassing in person or by telephone or other means of electronic communication;

(ii) printed newspapers and periodicals;

(iii) promotional materials, including newsletters, brochures, buttons and novelty items;

(iv) radio and podcasts;

(v) new signs;

(vi) reused signs;

(vii) social media;

(viii) television and video;

(ix) online other than social media;

(x) other forms of advertising.

Additional information to be included in election advertising disclosure report

4   For the purposes of section 245 (1) (d) of the Act, an election advertising disclosure report must include the number of contributors who made one or more sponsorship contributions that in total have a value of $250 or less.

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Election Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 106, s. 283.]