Section 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 131/2021, effective May 17, 2021.
2 A person who carries out a class of operation, activity, industry or work referred to in section 3 is exempt from section 6 (2) and (3) of the Environmental Management Act in respect of that class if the person meets the conditions and circumstances set out in section 3 and provides to a director on the director's request information the director considers sufficient to determine the existence and extent of the discharge.
[en. B.C. Reg. 321/2004, s. 22.]
Section 3 (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 131/2021, effective May 17, 2021.
(c) mining production where neither mercury nor chemicals are used to recover a placer mineral, and
(i) the mine is located, as shown on the National Topographic System of Mapping, on Birch Creek 104N/11W, Boulder Creek 104N/11W, Ruby Creek 104N/11W, Otter Creek and its tributaries 104N/11W, Wright Creek 104N/11W, Quartz Creek 104N/11E, Spruce Creek and its tributaries 104N/11W and 104N/12E, Pine Creek between Birch Creek and Atlin Lake 104N/11W and 104N/12E, McKee Creek 104N/5E and 104N/6W, Snowy Creek 104P/5E, or Dease Creek 104J/9E, or
(ii) the mine is not located on a creek referred to in subparagraph (i) and the tailings are discharged to a tailings pond where the water is disposed of as set out in paragraph (b) (iii) and (iv).