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"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act

British Columbia Hog Marketing Scheme

B.C. Reg. 109/80

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Section 1 March 30, 2022
Section 6 September 23, 2011
Section 7 March 30, 2022
Section 8 March 30, 2022

 Section 1, definition of "commercial producer", paragraph (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(a) from which he markets, or

 Section 1, definition of "producer" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

"producer" means a person who operates a farm from which he markets one or more hogs annually for processing;

 Section 6 (4) was added by BC Reg 169/2011, effective September 23, 2011.

 Section 7 (1), (2) and (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(1) Where a commercial producer applies to be registered as a commercial producer, and the commission is satisfied that he qualifies under section 8, it shall enter his name and address in the register as a commercial producer.

(2) Where the commission is satisfied that a person has ceased to qualify as a commercial producer, it shall amend the register to reflect that fact, but unless the person affected requests the amendment the commission shall first mail a notice by registered post to him at his last registered address advising him of the proposed amendment.

(3) Where a commercial producer

(a) is in arrears of his licence fees, or

(b) fails to comply with a provision of the scheme or an order from

the commission, the commission may strike his name from the register.

 Section 8 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

8   A person qualifies to be registered as a commercial producer if he operates a farm

(a) from which he markets, or

(b) on which there are hog production facilities capable of producing for market

300 or more hogs annually, for processing.