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"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Park Act

BC Parks Recreation User Fees Regulation

B.C. Reg. 136/2009

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Section 1 January 1, 2011
May 10, 2011
Section 2 April 30, 2010
Section 3 January 1, 2011
Section 4 January 1, 2011
May 10, 2011
September 17, 2024
Section 5 January 1, 2011
Section 7 May 10, 2011
Section 8 May 10, 2011
Section 9 January 1, 2011
Section 10 May 10, 2011
Section 11 May 10, 2011
Section 13 January 1, 2011

 Section 1 definitions "adult", "child" and "group campsite" were added by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

 Section 1 definition "party" (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

"party" means up to 8 persons, of whom at least one, but no more than 4, are 16 years old or older, and who may have with them

 Section 1 definition "youth group" BEFORE amended by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

"youth group" means a group of 12 or more persons

(a) undertaking a camping trip or day use trip organized for the group by a school, not-for-profit society or recreational centre operated by a municipality or regional district for the benefit of the members of the group who are 18 years of age or younger, and

(b) supervised by an adult representative of the school, not-for-profit society or recreational centre;

 Section 1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.


1  In this regulation:

"Act" means the Park Act;

"adult" means a person 16 years of age or older;

"backcountry" means an area in a park, conservancy or recreation area that is not frontcountry;

"Bus Annual Pass" means a ticket showing that a person has paid the fee under section 7 (b);

"camp" means to occupy a campsite, to set up a tent or other shelter or to remain overnight;

"campsite" means an area in a park, conservancy or recreation area developed by the ministry to accommodate persons who wish to camp;

"child" means a person under 16 years of age;

"dock" means a structure connected to dry land and used for the purposes of mooring a vessel;

"frontcountry" means an area in a park, conservancy or recreation area within one kilometre of either side of the centreline of a park road or a highway;

"group" means 15 or more persons;

"group campsite" means a campsite developed by the ministry to accommodate a group or a youth group;

"ministry" means the ministry of the minister charged with the administration of the Park Act;

"mooring buoy" means a float, anchored in water and not connected to dry land, that is used for the purpose of mooring a vessel;

"off season" means the period from the day after Labour Day to June 14 of the following year;

"park" includes any land, trail, path or waterway comprised in an order under section 6 (1) (a) to (g) of the Act;

"party" means up to 8 persons, of whom at least one, but no more than 4, is an adult, and who may have with them

(a) one recreational vehicle,

(b) one non-recreational vehicle, or

(c) one non-recreational vehicle and one legally towed trailer that is not a trailer primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational or travel use;

"recreational vehicle" means a self-propelled vehicle or a trailer, primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational or travel use;

"Recreation Stewardship Annual Pass" means a ticket showing that a person has paid the fee under section 7 (a);

"senior" means a resident of the Province who is 65 years of age or older;

"summer season" means the period from June 15 to Labour Day;

"vessel" means a boat, canoe, kayak or other craft used, or capable of being used, for navigation on water;

"youth group" means a group of 12 or more persons

(a) undertaking a camping trip or day use trip organized by a school, not-for-profit society or recreational centre operated by a municipality or regional district for the benefit of the members of the youth group who are under 19 years of age, and

(b) supervised by a representative of the school, not-for-profit society or recreational centre who is 19 years of age or older;

"youth group free parking pass" means a ticket showing that the youth group has received an exemption after completing the ministry's youth group registration form.

[am. B.C. Reg. 378/2010, s. 1.]

 Section 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 115/2010, effective April 30, 2010.

 Goods and Services Tax

2  All fees include the Goods and Services Tax.

 Section 3, Table 1 items 3 and 4 BEFORE amended by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

Table 1
ItemColumn 1
Use or service
Column 2
Fee range
3minimum group camping fees$50–$60 per night
4youth group camping fees$40–$60 per youth group per night

 Section 4, Table 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

Table 2
ItemColumn 1
Park, conservancy or recreation area
Column 2
Use or service
Column 3
1Cinnemousun Narrowssani-station – up to 115 litres$15 per discharge
2Cinnemousun Narrowssani-station – 116 to 227litres $40 per discharge
3Cinnemousun Narrowssani-station – 228 litres or more$90 per discharge
4Khutzeymateenbackcountry camping$15 per person per night
5Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$5 per person per day
6Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$10 per person per year
7Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$3 per child age 6 to 12 years old per day
8Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$10 per family per day
9Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$20 per family per year
10Maquinna Marineday use area$3 per person per day
11Mount Robson Parkparking for bus that is not used by a youth group$25 per bus per day
12Peace Archgroup picnic building rental$200 per group per use
13Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (Dry Bay take out) between August 31 and July 5$100 per person per trip
14Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (Dry Bay take out) between July 6 and August 30$125 per person per trip
15Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (other than Dry Bay take out)$25 per person per day
16Tweedsmuir (North)camping$50 per vessel or aircraft per trip
17Tweedsmuir (North)use of portage equipment$50 per vessel for each direction of a trip

 Section 4, Table 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.

Table 2
ItemColumn 1
Park, conservancy or recreation area
Column 2
Use or service
Column 3
1-3Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 378/2010, s. 3.]
4Khutzeymateenbackcountry camping$15 per person per night
5Liard River Hot Springsday use area visitDaily:
$5 per adult per day
$3 per child per day
$10 per family per day
$10 per person per year
$20 per family per year
6Liard River Hot Springsday use area visit$10 per person per year
7-9Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 378/2010, s. 3.]
10Maquinna Marineday use area$3 per person per day
11Mount Robson Parkparking for bus that is not used by a youth group$25 per bus per day
12Peace Archgroup picnic building rental$200 per group per use
13Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (Dry Bay take out) between August 31 and July 5$100 per person per trip
14Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (Dry Bay take out) between July 6 and August 30$125 per person per trip
15Tatshenshini-Alsekriver rafting trip (other than Dry Bay take out)$25 per person per day
16Tweedsmuir (North)camping$50 per vessel or aircraft per trip
17Tweedsmuir (North)use of portage equipment$50 per vessel for each direction of a trip

 Section 4, Table 2, item 15.1 was added by BC Reg 264/2024, effective September 17, 2024.

 Section 5 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

 Group camping fees

5  The fee per night for group camping is calculated by multiplying the number of parties in a group and the camping fee per party established in this regulation or by directive by the minister, or the minimum group camping fee established by directive by the minister, whichever is greater.

 Section 7 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.

 Annual parking fees

7  For the purposes of section 23 (1) (b) (iv) of the Park, Conservancy and Recreation Area Regulation, B.C. Reg. 180/90, the parking fee for

(a) a vehicle other than a bus is $25 for the year, and

(b) a bus other than a school bus used by a youth group is $250 for the year.

 Section 8 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.

 Daily parking fees

8  (1)  For the purposes of section 23 (1) (b) (iv) of the Park, Conservancy and Recreation Area Regulation, B.C. Reg. 180/90, the daily parking fee for parking a vehicle other than

(a) a bus,

(b) a school bus used by a youth group, or

(c) a vehicle that displays

(i)  a current Recreation Stewardship Annual Pass,

(ii)  a valid receipt for overnight camping in that park, conservancy or recreation area, or

(iii)  a vehicle that displays a valid youth group free parking pass

in the frontcountry of a park, conservancy or recreation area listed in Table 3 is

(d) $1 for the first hour or part of that hour and $1 for the second hour or part of that hour, or

(e) $3 per day.

(2)  For the purposes of section 23 (1) (b) (iv) of the Park, Conservancy and Recreation Area Regulation, B.C. Reg. 180/90, the daily parking fee for a bus, other than a school bus used by a youth group or a bus that displays a valid Bus Annual Pass, is $25.

Table 3
Alice Lake ParkBamberton Park
Bear Creek ParkBrandywine Falls Park
Coquihalla Canyon ParkCultus Lake Park
Cypress ParkE. C. Manning Park
Ellison ParkEnglishman River Falls Park
French Beach ParkGaribaldi Park
Golden Ears ParkGoldstream Park
Gordon Bay ParkHerald Park
Juan de Fuca ParkKalamalka Lake Park
Kekuli Bay ParkLac Le Jeune Park
Little Qualicum Falls ParkMabel Lake Park
MacMillan ParkMara Park
Miracle Beach ParkMontague Harbour Marine Park
Mount Seymour ParkMurrin Park
Okanagan Lake ParkPaul Lake Park
Porpoise Bay ParkPorteau Cove Marine Park
Rathtrevor Beach ParkRolley Lake Park
Ruckle ParkSasquatch Park
Shannon Falls ParkShuswap Lake Park
Sooke Potholes ParkSproat Lake Park
Sun-Oka Beach Park 

 Section 9 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

 Exemptions for children

9  The fees established in this regulation or in a directive by the minister for backcountry camping or the use of backcountry cabin accommodations do not apply to children under the age of 13.

 Section 10 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.

 Exemptions for persons with disabilities

10  The fees established in this regulation or in a directive by the minister for the use of a frontcountry campsite or for vehicle parking in the frontcountry do not apply to a party containing one or more persons who produce BC Parks approved evidence of receiving federal or provincial income assistance for persons with disabilities.

 Section 11 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 82/2011, effective May 10, 2011.

 Exemptions for volunteers

11  The fees established in this regulation or in a directive by the minister for the use of a frontcountry campsite or for vehicle parking in the frontcountry do not apply to volunteers working on a project or providing a service in a park, conservancy or recreation area that has been approved by a park officer.

 Section 13 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg B.C. Reg. 378/2010, effective January 1, 2011.

 Fees for seniors

13  (1)  The fee for a senior during the off season, excluding when no services and only limited, if any, facilities are available, for the use of a frontcountry campsite is calculated at one half of the summer season frontcountry camping fee established by regulation or directive of the minister for that campsite or is the off season rate, whichever is lower.

(2)  The fees applicable to a senior under this regulation apply to a party if

(a) the party includes one or more seniors, and

(b) no person, other than the senior or the spouse of the senior, is an adult.