Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | Licence Disclaimer |
B.C. Reg. 145/86 Rules of Court of Appeal Justices | Deposited July 2, 1986 |
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 176/91]
1 These rules may be cited as the British Columbia Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1986.
[en. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 2.]
"appeal" includes an application for leave to appeal;
"appellant" includes an applicant for leave to appeal;
"court" means the Court of Appeal;
"defendant" means the person who has been convicted, sentenced or had some other order, finding or determination made against him;
"file" means to file with the registrar in a registry of the court;
"justice" means a justice of appeal;
"notice of appeal" includes a notice of application for leave to appeal;
"order under appeal" means the conviction, acquittal, sentence, finding, determination or other order in respect of which the appeal is brought;
"registrar" includes
(a) an assistant, associate or deputy registrar of the court, and
(b) any person appointed by the chief justice to temporarily carry out the duties of the registrar;
"respondent" means
(a) the prosecutor, where the appellant is the defendant, and
(b) the defendant, where the appellant is the prosecutor.
(2) The definitions in sections 2 and 673 of the Criminal Code apply to these rules.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 3.]
2 (1) The Court of Appeal Rules (Civil), B.C. Reg. 303/82, as amended from time to time, apply to appeals on matters that are not expressly provided for in these rules.
(2) The court may issue practice directives on any matter respecting appeals.
(3) On an appeal, the court or a justice may give all directions respecting the conduct of the appeal that it or he considers necessary.
(4) The court and a justice have, in relation to an appeal, all of the powers that they have under the Court of Appeal Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 77, and the rules made under that Act, with any necessary changes as may be applicable.
Part 1 — Commencement of Appeals
3 (1) A person who wishes to appeal against conviction, sentence, or conviction and sentence, shall, within 30 days after the imposition of the sentence, commence the appeal by filing an original and 4 copies of
(a) Form 1 or 1A, where the defendant is represented by counsel, or
(b) Form 2, where the defendant is not so represented.
(2) Where more than 30 days have lapsed since the imposition of the sentence, a defendant may apply for an extension of the time to appeal by filing an original and one copy of Form 7.
(3) The registrar shall forward a copy of the filed Form 1, 1A, 2 or 7 to the prosecutor.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 4.]
4 (1) Where the prosecutor wishes to appeal, he shall, within 30 days after the pronouncement of the order under appeal,
(a) file 5 copies of the notice of appeal in Form 3, and
(b) serve the respondent or proposed respondent with the notice, either before or after it is filed.
(2) Where the prosecutor is unable to personally serve the notice of appeal on the respondent, the court or a justice may authorize the prosecutor to serve the respondent in the manner that the court or a justice directs.
(3) On compliance by the prosecutor with an order under subrule (2), the respondent shall be deemed to be served with the notice of appeal.
5 (1) The notice of appeal shall be in Form 1, 1A, 2 or 3, as the case may be.
(2) The appellant shall state his address for service on the notice of appeal and any document respecting the appeal that is delivered to that address shall be deemed to have been served on the appellant.
(3) Where an appellant, who is not represented by counsel, is in custody at the time he files notice of appeal, he shall state the name of the institution in which he is in custody together with another address for service other than that institution.
(4) The registrar shall forward a copy of the notice of appeal to the judge who made the order under appeal.
(5) A notice of appeal may be amended at any time by consent or with leave of the court or a justice.
(6) A notice of appeal may be amended without leave
(a) at any time up to 14 days before an appeal is set to be heard, where factums are not required, or
(b) at any time before the appellant files his factums in an appeal, where factums are required.
(7) Where the notice of appeal is amended, the appellant shall file and serve the amended notice of appeal.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 5.]
Part 2 — Appeal Book and Transcript — Appeals Other than Sentence Appeals
6 Rule 9 of this Part does not apply to an appellant or respondent who is not represented by counsel.
7 Unless otherwise ordered by the court or a justice, the appellant shall, within 60 days after filing the notice of appeal,
(a) file 4 copies each of an appeal book and transcript or such additional copies as may be required by the registrar, and
(b) deliver one copy of the appeal book and transcript to the respondent.
8 (1) The appeal book shall be bound separately in a volume having a blue cover and shall be in Form 4 and comply with the requirements of that form.
(2) The transcript shall be bound separately in a volume having a red cover and shall be in Form 5 and shall comply with the requirements of that form.
(3) The appeal book and transcript shall be printed
(b) only on the left side of the page, and
(c) on durable white paper having dimensions of 21.5 cm by 28 cm.
(4) The arguments of counsel shall not be reproduced in the transcript without good reason.
(5) Where the number of pages exceeds 300, an appeal book or transcript shall be bound into 2 or more volumes, numbered consecutively with each volume containing not more than 200 pages.
(6) Each volume of the appeal book or transcript shall show
(a) what pages it contains, and
(b) an index in accordance with page 2 of Forms 4 and 5.
(7) The appeal book shall contain
(b) a copy of the information or indictment,
(c) a copy of all exhibits that are capable of reproduction,
(d) a list of all exhibits and affidavits that have been excluded under Rule 9,
(e) a copy of the order under appeal,
(f) a copy of the notice of appeal, and
(g) where there will be no transcript prepared for the appeal, the statement referred to in paragraph (8) (c).
(8) The transcript shall contain
(a) an index and, where there is more than one volume, the complete index shall be included in each volume,
(b) all rulings of the trial judge, his reasons for judgment or charge to the jury, as the case may be, and
(c) a statement of the evidence that has been excluded under Rule 9.
(9) The transcript shall not contain
(a) proceedings on the challenge for cause of the array or of a juror,
(b) the opening address of the judge,
(c) the opening and closing addresses of counsel,
(d) all proceedings in the absence of the jury except
(i) rulings on the admissibility of evidence following a voir dire or otherwise, or
(ii) objections to the judge's charge, and
(e) objections to the admissibility of evidence other than a statement that an objection was made
(f) the grounds of appeal relate to a matter referred therein,
(g) in respect of the items in paragraphs (a) to (e), the court or a justice orders that one or more of those items be included, or
(h) the appellant and respondent agree that one or more of the items be included.
(10) Unless the registrar directs, where the appellant and respondent agree on a statement of facts that are relevant to the appeal, the appellant may, instead of filing a transcript, include the agreed statement of facts
(b) in a separately bound volume with a red cover
as the parties agree or the registrar directs.
(11) The registrar may reject an appeal book or transcript that does not comply with the rules or any order made under them and, on making a rejection, he shall promptly advise the appellant and the respondent of his rejection and the reasons for it.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 6.]
9 (1) The appellant and respondent shall attempt to reduce the bulk of the appeal book and transcript by excluding from them material, including evidence, that is unnecessary for a proper hearing of the appeal.
(2) The appellant or respondent may suggest to the other party what material ought to be excluded from the appeal book or transcript.
(3) The appellant or respondent, on 2 days' notice, may take out an appointment with the registrar to settle the appeal book or transcript.
(4) The registrar may give directions respecting what should be included or deleted from the appeal book or transcript.
(5) The appellant or respondent may appeal a direction of the registrar to a justice and the justice may refer the question to the registrar of the court appealed from or to a judge of that court.
10 (1) Unless otherwise directed by the registrar, the appellant shall file 4 copies of his factum and deliver a copy of it to the respondent within 30 days of filing the appeal book and transcript.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by the registrar, the respondent shall file 4 copies of his factum and deliver a copy of it to the appellant within 30 days of receiving the appellant's factum.
(3) Where the appellant wishes to reply to the respondent's factum, he shall file his factum in reply within 7 days of receiving the respondent's factum and promptly deliver a copy of it to the respondent.
(4) Factums shall comply with Form 6 and the requirements set out in that form.
(5) The registrar shall not accept a factum for filing that does not substantially comply with Form 6.
(a) contain irrelevant material, or
(b) reproduce any matter that is contained in the appeal book or transcript, where reference to the material or matter will reasonably suffice.
(7) The index page of the appellant's factum shall, where counsel estimates the hearing of the appeal will exceed one day, contain the following endorsement:
"After consultation with counsel for the respondent, I consider that the hearing of this appeal should take ............... . I consider that the presentation of my argument will take ....................".
11 In an appeal against sentence, the appellant shall file 4 copies of the sentence appeal material as may be required by the registrar and serve one copy of the material on the respondent.
12 The court may order preparation of a post sentence report relating to a person in respect of whom an appeal against sentence has been brought.
Part 4 — Other Pre-hearing Matters
13 (1) Where the appellant fails to
(a) diligently pursue his appeal, or
the respondent may apply to the court or, on an appeal where leave is required, to a justice, for an order that the appeal be dismissed.
(2) On an application under subrule (1) or a reference under subrule (3),
(a) the court may dismiss the appeal or make any other order it considers just, or
(b) where the appeal required leave and leave has not yet been granted, the court or a justice may dismiss the appeal or make any other order that is considered just.
(3) Where the registrar considers that the appellant has failed to diligently pursue the appeal or has failed to comply with these rules, he may refer the matter to the court or a justice.
(4) Where the registrar makes a reference under subrule (3),
(a) he shall serve the appellant and respondent with 2 days' notice of the hearing of the reference, and
(b) the grounds in Rule 17 (3) (a) and (b) for not requiring service on an unrepresented appellant apply.
14 (1) An appellant may abandon an appeal by
(a) signing and filing a notice in Form 11, or
(b) informing the court in person or by counsel that he desires to abandon it.
(2) A signature in a notice under subrule (1) (a) shall be witnessed.
15 (1) At any time after the notice of appeal has been filed, the court or a justice may direct a pre-hearing conference.
(2) Where a direction is made under subrule (1), the parties or their counsel or solicitors shall attend before a justice at the time and place directed to consider
(a) the reduction in the size of the appeal book or transcript,
(b) the simplification or isolation of issues on the appeal,
(c) the fixing of the time for hearing of the appeal,
(d) the conduct of the hearing of the appeal, and
(e) any other matter that might expedite the appeal.
(3) After a pre-hearing conference, the justice who held it may make a direction on any matter referred to in subrule (2) (a) to (e) and that direction shall govern the conduct of the appeal unless the court or a justice otherwise orders.
16 The court or a justice may extend or shorten the time within which the giving of any notice or the doing of any act required by these rules may be done, notwithstanding that the application for the extension or the order granting it is made after the expiry of the time in respect of which the application to extend is made.
17 (1) A party who wishes to make an application to the court or a justice shall do so on 2 clear days' notice to the other party to the appeal, unless the court or a justice otherwise orders.
(2) The applicant shall file a copy of the notice of appeal with his application together with the material upon which he relies, verified by affidavit, unless the court or a justice otherwise orders, and he shall serve all material, including the affidavits, on the other party to the appeal.
(3) Where an appellant is not represented by counsel, the court or a justice may dispense with service of the material where
(a) the appellant did not state any address for service on his notice of appeal, or
(b) the respondent establishes that the appellant's address for service was fictitious.
18 A court or a justice may permit non-compliance with any rule subject to terms and conditions that the court or a justice thinks fit.
19 (1) On an application for release under section 679 of the Criminal Code, the appellant shall file an application in Form 8 and the material referred to in subrule (2) and serve a copy thereof on the prosecutor.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by an affidavit verifying the facts on which the appellant relies in support of his application including the following:
(a) a statement of all places where he has resided for the 3 year period preceding the date that he was sentenced;
(b) the place where he intends to reside if he is released;
(c) the name of his employer and the place of his employment where he was employed before being placed in custody;
(d) his employment prospects if released;
(e) the names and addresses of his relatives or other persons who may serve as prospective sureties;
(f) a statement of any criminal convictions during the 5 years preceding his conviction on the offence from which he is appealing, specifying the offences and sentences imposed.
(3) The appellant may accompany his application with any other material that he considers will be relevant to the application.
(4) Unless a justice otherwise orders, submissions on an application under this section by an appellant who is not represented by counsel shall be in writing.
(5) Upon the appellant complying with an order for release,
(a) the registrar or other person authorized by the registrar, in a case where an undertaking is ordered, or
(b) a justice of the peace who took the recognizance, in any other case,
shall issue a notice of release in Form 9 to the person having custody of the appellant.
(6) The release order, undertaking, recognizance and any money or valuable security deposited under the recognizance shall be filed or deposited with the registrar.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 7.]
20 (1) On an application for a direction under section 680 of the Criminal Code, the appellant shall
(b) submit all material that was before the judge or justice when he made the order that the appellant seeks to have reviewed, and
(c) submit a concise memorandum stating why there should be a review.
(2) The registrar shall deliver a copy of the memorandum submitted under subrule (1) (c) to the prosecutor who may, within 5 days after receiving it, submit a concise memorandum in response.
(3) The chief justice shall, after considering the material before him, inform the registrar of his decision.
(4) Where a review is directed under section 680 of the Criminal Code, the registrar shall advise the applicant and the prosecutor of the time and place where the review hearing will be heard.
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, ss. 8, 9.]
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 12.]
[Paragraph 3 (1) (a) and subrule 5 (1)]
(Where notice is filed by a solicitor on behalf of the appellant)
Lower Court Registry Number: ..........................................
Lower Court Registry Location: .........................................
1 | Place of conviction ..................................................................................................................... |
2 | Name of Judge............................................................................................................................ |
3 | Offence(s) of which appellant convicted....................................................................................... |
................................................................................................................................................... | |
4 | Section of Criminal Code or other Act under which appellant convicted was............................... |
........................................................... (State here if appeal is under the Young Offenders Act.) | |
5 | Plea at trial................................................................................................................................... |
6 | Whether or not jury trial.............................................................................................................. |
7 | Length of trial.............................................................................................................................. |
8 | Sentence imposed....................................................................................................................... |
................................................................................................................................................... | |
................................................................................................................................................... | |
9 | Date of conviction........................................................................................................................ |
10 | Date of sentence.......................................................................................................................... |
11 | If appellant in custody, place of incarceration ............................................................................... |
TAKE NOTICE that the appellant (strike out inapplicable provisions): | |
(a) | appeals against his conviction upon grounds involving question of law alone. |
(b) | applies for leave to appeal his conviction upon grounds involving a question of fact alone or a question of mixed law and fact, and if leave be granted hereby appeals against the conviction. |
(c) | applies for leave to appeal against sentence, and if leave be granted hereby appeals against the sentence. |
The grounds for appeal are ................................................................................................................. | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
(Use additional separate sheet if necessary) | |
The relief sought is............................................................................................................................... | |
The appellant's address for service is.................................................................................................... | |
........................................................................................................................................................... | |
Dated this ......... day of .........................., 19....... | |
......................................................... | |
Solicitor on behalf of appellant | |
To the Registrar | |
[en. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 13.]
[Paragraph 3 (1) (a) and subrule 5 (1)] | |
Summary Conviction Appeal | |
Criminal Code Subsection 839 (1) | |
(Where notice is filed by a solicitor on behalf of the appellant) | |
Lower Court Registry Number: ......................................... | |
Lower Court Registry Location: ........................................ | |
Respondent | |
vs. | |
........................................... | |
Appellant | |
1 | Place of conviction ....................................................................................................................... |
Place of appeal to Supreme Court................................................................................................... | |
2 | Name of Judge — Trial (Provincial Court) .................................................................................... |
— Appeal (Supreme Court)................................................................................... | |
3 | Offence(s) of which the appellant was convicted at trial and with respect to which the appellant's appeal to the Supreme Court was dismissed |
...................................................................................................................................................... | |
...................................................................................................................................................... | |
...................................................................................................................................................... | |
4 | Section(s) of Criminal Code or other Act under which the appellant was convicted |
....................................................................................................................................................... | |
5 | Plea at trial .................................................................................................................................... |
6 | Length of trial ................................................................................................................................ |
Length of appeal proceedings in Supreme Court ............................................................................. | |
7 | Sentence imposed — Trial .............................................................................................................. |
Sentence on appeal (if different) .................................................................................................... | |
8 | Date of conviction at trial .............................................................................................................. |
Date of Supreme Court decision .................................................................................................... | |
9 | Date of sentence ........................................................................................................................... |
10 | If appellant in custody, place of incarceration ................................................................................. |
TAKE NOTICE that the appellant applies for leave to
appeal the decision dismissing the summary conviction appeal on grounds
involving a question of law alone, and if leave be granted, hereby appeals
against the said decision. | |
The grounds of appeal are....................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
(Use additional separate sheet if necessary) | |
The relief sought is.................................................................................................................................. | |
The appellant's address for service is....................................................................................................... | |
Dated this ......... day of .........................., 19....... | |
...................................................... | |
Solicitor on behalf of appellant | |
To the Registrar |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 14.]
[Paragraph 3 (1) (b) and subrule 5 (1)] | ||
(Where appellant not represented by a solicitor) | ||
Lower Court Registry Number: ......................................... | ||
Lower Court Registry Location: ........................................ | ||
To the Registrar: | ||
Name of appellant ........................................................................................................................... | ||
Place of trial .................................................................................................................................... | ||
Name of court1............................................................................................................................... | ||
Name of judge ................................................................................................................................ | ||
Was this a jury trial ......................................................................................................................... | ||
Offence(s) of which convicted2....................................................................................................... | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||
Plea at trial ..................................................................................................................................... | ||
Sentence imposed .......................................................................................................................... | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||
Date of conviction .......................................................................................................................... | ||
Date of imposition of sentence ........................................................................................................ | ||
Name and address of place at which appellant is in custody | ||
or if not in custody, appellant's address ........................................................................................... | ||
If in custody, address other than institution ...................................................................................... | ||
I, the above named appellant, hereby give you notice that I desire to
appeal to the Court of Appeal against my3 .......................................... on the grounds set out on page 3 of this notice. | ||
I desire to present my case and argument whether it be for leave to
appeal4 or by way of appeal where leave is not necessary5, | ||
(a) in writing6. | ||
(b) in person. | ||
If a new trial is ordered and you have a right to trial by jury do you wish trial by jury? .................................. | ||
Dated this ..... day of .........................., 19...... . | ||
(Signed7) ................................................. | ||
Appellant | ||
NOTES | ||
1 | (a) | If your appeal against conviction involves a question of law alone you have a right of appeal. |
(b) | If your appeal against conviction is upon any other ground than a
question of law, then you have no right of appeal unless leave to appeal is
first granted. Your notice of appeal includes an application for leave to appeal where leave is necessary. | |
(c) | You have no right to appeal against sentence unless leave to appeal is
first granted by the Court of Appeal or a justice. Your notice of appeal includes an application for leave to appeal. | |
2 | Further take notice that if you appeal from sentence the Court of
Appeal may increase your sentence. | |
3 | (a) | If your appeal is against conviction or sentence alone, or against
both conviction and sentence, this notice must be filed within 30 days of the date of imposition of the sentence. |
(b) | If this notice is filed beyond this time, then you must apply for an
extension of time by completing Form 7. | |
These must be filled in before notice is sent to the Registrar. The
appellant must here set out the grounds or reasons he alleges why his conviction should be quashed or his sentence reduced. If one of the grounds set out is "misdirection" by the judge, particulars of the alleged misdirection must be set out in this notice. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
.................................................................................................................................................................. | ||
(Use additional separate sheet if necessary) |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 15.]
[Paragraph 4 (1) (a) and subrule 5 (1)] | |
Lower Court Registry Number: .......................................... | ||
Lower Court Registry Location: ......................................... | ||
Respondent | ||
vs. | ||
................................................................ | ||
Appellant | ||
1 | Place of acquittal or sentencing ...................................................................................................... | |
2 | Name of Judge .............................................................................................................................. | |
3 | Offence(s) of which appellant convicted or acquitted, as the case may be | |
...................................................................................................................................................... | ||
...................................................................................................................................................... | ||
4 | Section of Criminal Code (Canada) or other Act under which defendant was convicted or acquitted ........................................................................................................................................ | |
(State here if appeal is under the Young Offenders Act, if applicable) | ||
5 | Plea at trial ....................................................................................................................................... | |
6 | Whether or not jury trial .................................................................................................................... | |
7 | Length of trial .................................................................................................................................. | |
8 | Sentence imposed ........................................................................................................................... | |
......................................................................................................................................................... | ||
9 | Date of conviction or acquittal ........................................................................................................... | |
10 | Date of sentence .............................................................................................................................. | |
11 | If defendant in custody, place of incarceration ................................................................................... | |
TAKE NOTICE that the appellant (strike out inapplicable provisions): | ||
(a) appeals against the acquittal of the respondent upon grounds involving question of law alone. | ||
(b) applies for leave to appeal against sentence, and if leave be granted hereby appeals against the sentence. | ||
(c) (other — e.g. appeals under subsection 676 (3) or (4) of the Criminal Code.) | ||
The grounds for appeal are ......................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
(Use additional separate sheet if necessary) | ||
The relief sought is....................................................................................................................................... | ||
The appellant's address for service is............................................................................................................ | ||
................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
Dated this ......... day of .........................., 19....... | ||
........................................................... | ||
Solicitor on behalf of appellant | ||
To the Registrar |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 16.]
[Rule 8]
Cover Page (coloured blue)
| ||||||||
APPEAL BOOK | ||||||||
Index to Appeal Book
INDEX | |||||||||||||||
DESCRIPTION | DATE | PAGE | |||||||||||||
Part 1 — Information or Indictment
Part 1 — Information or Indictment | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 2 — Exhibits and Affidavits
Part 2 — Exhibits and Affidavits | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 3 — Orders, Judgments and Notice of Appeal
Part 3 — Orders, Judgments and Notice of Appeal | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
[Rule 8]
Cover Page (coloured red)
| |||||||||
TRANSCRIPT | |||||||||
Index to Transcript
INDEX | |||||||||
Part 1 — Evidence
Part 1 — Evidence | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 2 — Rulings, Reasons for Judgment or Charge to the Jury
Part 2 — Rulings, Reasons for Judgment or Charge to the Jury | ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 17.]
[Rule 10]
Cover Page
(Coloured buff for appellant's factum.
Coloured green for respondent's factum.)
| ||||||||||||
(The index is printed on the right side of the factum. All pages in the remainder of the factum are printed on the left. Pages should be numbered consecutively beginning at the first page of Part 1. The factum shall be double spaced, except for excerpts from an authority or a reproduction of an enactment, which shall be single spaced.)
INDEX | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PART | PAGE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Part 1
(In Parts 1 to 4, the left margin shall have printed numbers that correspond
the appropriate line of that page.)
Part 1 — Statements of Facts | ||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 2
Part 2 | ||||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 3
Part 3 | ||||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Part 4
Part 4 | |||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
List of Authorities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 18.]
[Subrule 3 (2) and 3 (3)] |
Respondent |
vs. |
................................................................ |
Appellant |
IN THE MATTER OF ..........................................................................................................(Name) |
convicted at .................................................(Place where convicted) before...................................(Judge) of .............................................................................................................................................(Offence) |
on the ................................... day of .............................................................., 19.... and sentenced to ........................................................................(Length or description of sentence) on the ................ day of .................................., 19.... |
TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made on behalf of the above
to this Court, or a Judge thereof, at such time and place as the Registrar may
direct, for an extension of time within which ("an appeal may be brought" or "an
application for leave to appeal may be made"), upon the following
grounds: ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. |
Dated at ....................................................................................................... |
this .................... day of .................................., 19..... |
................................................................ |
(Signature of appellant or his solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Print name of appellant or solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Name and address for service of solicitor, |
or, if no solicitor, an address, not being a |
prison, where documents may be served on |
the appellant if he is not in custody) |
To the Registrar of the Court at ............................................................................................................. |
[am. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 19.]
[Subrule 19 (1)] |
Respondent |
vs. |
................................................................ |
Appellant |
TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made on ..................(day) at a Justice of the Court for an order that the appellant be released from custody pending the determination of his appeal against his conviction at ..........................................................(location) by .............................................(Judge) of ................................................(Offence) on the ..................... day of ................................, 19.... . |
Or |
against the sentence of ..........................................................................................................(sentence) imposed on him at ..................................................(location) by..............................................(Judge) on the ................................. day of ...................................................... after conviction of the appellant of .......................................................(Offence) |
Dated at ............................................................................. |
this .............. day of .............................., 19.... |
................................................................ |
(Signature of appellant or his solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Print name of appellant or solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Name and address for service of solicitor, |
or, if no solicitor, an address, not being a |
prison, where documents may be served on |
the appellant if he is not in custody) |
To the Registrar of the Court at............................................................................................................. |
(this order to be completed by the registrar) |
Respondent | ||
vs. | ||
................................................................ | ||
Appellant | ||
BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE.............................. | ![]() ![]() ![]() | The ...... day of .................., 19.... . |
IT IS ORDERED that the appellant, unless he is detained for some cause other than the said sentence, be released from custody pending the determination of his appeal as aforesaid upon the appellant giving an undertaking or entering into a recognizance | ||
...................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
("without sureties" or "with sureties") | ||
in the sum of $............ ................................................................................................................................. | ||
("without any conditions" / "with conditions set out in the
attached") | ||
before ...................................................... | ||
(Justice) | ||
...................................................................................................................................................................... | ||
("without depositing any money or other valuable security" or "upon
depositing") | ||
with .................................................................................. | ||
(Justice) |
(a) | The appellant will report at ......................................................................(State time and place) to ............................................................(State name of peace officer or other person designated) |
(b) | The appellant will remain within the .........................................................................................................................................................................................(Designated territorial jurisdiction) |
(c) | The appellant will notify ....................................................................(Name of peace officer or other designated person) of any change in his address, employment or occupation. |
(d) | The appellant will abstain from communicating with
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... |
(e) | The appellant will deposit his passport with
................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... |
(f) | The appellant shall promptly order and pay for a transcript of the proceedings at trial or, in the event that a Court Reporter was not present, attempt to obtain a copy of the Judge's notes, or depositions of the witnesses, as the case may be. |
(g) | The appellant shall surrender himself into custody on ....................................................................... |
................................................... | |
Prosecutor |
[en. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 20.]
[Subrule 19 (5)] |
Respondent |
vs. |
................................................................ |
Appellant |
TAKE NOTICE that the appellant, who was convicted at ....................................................(location) by .........................................................(title of Judge) ............................................................(name of Judge) of ..............................................................(offence) on the .............. day of.........., 19... and who was sentenced to ............................................................(sentence), having complied with the order of the Honourable (Mr./Madam) Justice.................................................... of the Court of Appeal made on the ............................................... day of .............................., 19.... pursuant to section 679 of the Criminal Code, has now the right to be released from custody (unless the appellant is detained for some cause other than the said sentence) pending determination of the appellant's appeal against the said conviction and sentence or both. |
Dated at ..................................................................... |
this ........... day of .........................., 19.... |
............................................................. |
Registrar/Justice |
To ..............................................................(Insert name of person having custody of the appellant) |
[en. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 20.]
[Subrule 20 (1)] |
Criminal Code Section 680 |
Respondent |
vs. |
................................................................ |
Appellant |
To the Honourable the Chief justice of British Columbia: |
I hereby request under section 680 of the Criminal Code that you direct a review by the Court of the decision of the honourable (Mr./Madam) Justice ................................................................. made on the ..................... day of ........................, 19..... . |
Dated at ................................................................... |
this ............ day of ......................, 19..... |
............................................................... |
(Signature of appellant or solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Print name of appellant or solicitor) |
............................................................... |
(Name and address for service of solicitor, |
or, if no solicitor, an address, not being a |
prison, where documents may be served on |
the appellant if he is not in custody) |
To the Registrar |
[en. B.C. Reg. 176/91, s. 20.]
[Paragraph 14 (1) (a)] | |
Court of Appeal File Number:................................ | |
Respondent | |
vs. | |
................................................................ | |
Appellant | |
I hereby give notice that I ...............................................................abandon this appeal for: | |
![]() | |
![]() | |
![]() | |
Dated at ....................................................., British Columbia, | |
this ........ day of ............................, 19...... . | |
............................................................... | |
(Signature of appellant or solicitor) | |
............................................................... | |
(Print name of appellant or solicitor) | |
Where signed by the appellant, this notice was signed in the presence of: | |
........................................................ | |
Witness | |
....................................................... | |
(Print name of witness) | |
To the Respondent | |
To the Registrar | |
Footnotes to Form 2
1 | Provincial Court, Supreme Court |
2 | e.g. theft, forgery (State here if appeal is under the Young Offenders Act.) |
3 | If the appellant wishes to appeal against conviction, he must write the word "conviction". If he wishes to appeal against sentence, he must write the word "sentence". If he wishes to appeal against both conviction and sentence he must write the words "conviction and sentence". If an appellant convicted of more than one offence wishes to appeal against only some of the convictions or sentences, he must state clearly the convictions or sentences against which he wishes to appeal. |
4 | See Note 1 below form. |
5 | Stroke out (a) or (b). |
6 | If you desire to submit your case and argument in writing you may serve your written argument within 14 days after receipt by you of the report of the trial judge. |
7 | This notice must be signed by the appellant. If he cannot write he must affix his mark in the presence of witnesses. The name and address of each attesting witness must be given. |
[Provisions of the Criminal Code (Canada), R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, relevant to the enactment of these rules: section 482]
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada