Section 7 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 146/2019, effective September 1, 2020.
Section 8 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 146/2019, effective September 1, 2020.
Deemed non-vaccination
8 For the purpose of taking an action under the Act or the School Act in respect of a communicable disease that is preventable by a scheduled vaccine, a student is deemed not to have been vaccinated with the scheduled vaccine if any of the following circumstances apply:
(a) a vaccination status report or proof of vaccination with respect to that scheduled vaccine is not provided as required under section 5 [guardian's duty to report];
(b) a vaccination status report is provided as required but
(i) does not meet a requirement of section 6 [content of vaccination status report] in respect of that scheduled vaccine, or
(ii) is incomplete with respect to, or otherwise fails to address, that scheduled vaccine;
(c) a medical health officer refuses to confirm the student's non-vaccination with that scheduled vaccine under section 7 (b) [if student not vaccinated].