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B.C. Reg. 168/2009
O.C. 302/2009
Deposited July 7, 2009
effective July 1, 2010
This consolidation is current to February 4, 2025.
See “Amendments Not in Force” for amendments
effective after February 4, 2025.
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Court Rules Act

Supreme Court Civil Rules

[Last amended September 9, 2024 by B.C. Reg. 165/2024 and includes amendments by B.C. Reg. 166/2024]

Part 1 — Interpretation
Rule 1-1 — Interpretation
(1) Definitions
(2) Interpretation Act and Supreme Court Act
(3) Titles and headings
(4) Reference aids
Rule 1-2 — Citation and Application
(1) Citation
(2) Application
(3) Waiver of rule by agreement
(4) Petitions and applications
(5) Enactments of Canada
Rule 1-3 — Object of Rules
(1) Object
(2) Proportionality
Part 2 — How to Make a Claim
Rule 2-1 — Choosing the Correct Form of Proceeding
(1) Commencing proceedings by notice of civil claim
(2) Commencing proceedings by petition or requisition
(2.1) Estate proceedings
(3) Procedures applicable to particular proceedings
Rule 2-2 — Tribunal Awards
(1) Definition
(2) Tribunal awards may be filed
(3) Filing tribunal awards
Part 3 — Proceedings Started by Filing a Notice of Civil Claim
Rule 3-1 — Notice of Civil Claim
(1) Notice of civil claim
(2) Contents of notice of civil claim
Rule 3-2 — Serving and Renewing the Notice of Civil Claim
(1) Renewal of original notice of civil claim
(2) Further renewal of notice of civil claim
(3) When renewal period begins
(4) After renewal of notice of civil claim
Rule 3-3 — Responding to a Notice of Civil Claim
(1) Filing a response to civil claim
(2) Contents of response to civil claim
(3) Period for filing response to civil claim
(4) Payment into court when tender pleaded
(5) Costs if defence of tender successful
(6) Application for money paid into court
(7) Tender in defamation action
(8) Consequence if fact not responded to
Rule 3-4 — Counterclaim
(1) Counterclaim
(2) Counterclaim against another person
(3) Identification of parties
(4) Service of counterclaim
(5) Response to counterclaim
(6) Application of rules
(7) If action stayed or discontinued
(7.1) Separate trial of counterclaim
(8) Judgment
Rule 3-5 — Third Party Claims
(1) Making a third party claim
(1.1) Plaintiff as defendant to counterclaim
(2) Third party need not be party to original action
(3) Pursuing a third party claim
(4) When leave is required
(5) Court may consider case plan order
(6) Application for leave
(7) Service
(8) Application to set aside third party notice
(9) Response to third party notice
(10) When response to third party notice not required
(11) Application of rules
(12) Response to civil claim
(13) Application for directions
(14) Powers of court
(15) Third party issues
(16) Default of response to third party notice
(17) Relief
Rule 3-6 — Reply
(1) Service of reply
(2) Pleading subsequent to reply
(3) Failure to reply
(4) No joinder of issue
Rule 3-7 — Pleadings Generally
(1) Pleading must not contain evidence
(2) Documents and conversations
(3) When presumed facts need not be pleaded
(4) When performance of a condition precedent need not be pleaded
(5) Matters arising since start of proceeding
(6) Inconsistent allegations
(7) Alternative allegations
(8) Objection in point of law
(9) Pleading conclusions of law
(10) Status admitted
(11) Set-off or counterclaim
(12) Pleading after the notice of civil claim
(13) General relief
(14) General damages must not be pleaded
(15) Substance to be answered
(16) Denial of contract
(17) Allegation of malice
(18) When particulars necessary
(19) Lengthy particulars
(20) Further particulars
(21) Particulars in libel or slander
(22) Order for particulars
(23) Demand for particulars
(24) Demand for particulars not a stay of proceedings
Rule 3-8 — Default Judgment
(1) Default in filing and serving a response to civil claim
(2) Filings required
(3) Claim for specified or ascertainable amount
(4) Interest
(5) Claim for damages to be assessed
(6) Claim for detention of goods
(7) Repealed
(8) Application to judge or associate judge
(9) Judgment in other actions
(10) Application for judgment
(11) Court may set aside or vary default judgment
(12) Method of assessment
(13) Alternative methods of assessment
Part 4 — Service
Rule 4-1 — Address for Service
(1) Required addresses for service of party represented by lawyer
(1.1) Required addresses for service of unrepresented party
(2) Additional addresses for service
(3) Change of address for service
Rule 4-2 — Ordinary Service
(1) Documents normally to be served by ordinary service
(2) How to serve documents by ordinary service
(3) When service by delivery is deemed to be completed
(4) When service by mail is deemed to be completed
(5) When documents may be served by fax
(6) When service by fax or e-mail is deemed to be completed
(7) If no address for service given
(8) Request for copy of document served by e-mail
Rule 4-3 — Personal Service
(1) When documents must be served by personal service
(2) How to serve documents by personal service
(3) Agent may be served
(4) Court may grant leave
(5) Notice to principal
(6) Service on Attorney General
(7) When personal service is deemed to be completed
(8) Date of deemed service
Rule 4-4 — Alternative Methods of Service
(1) Alternative service methods
(2) If an alternative service method is permitted
(3) Service by advertisement
Rule 4-5 — Service outside British Columbia
(1) Service outside British Columbia without leave
(2) Required endorsement
(3) Application for leave to serve outside the jurisdiction
(4) Applications may be made without notice
(5) Service of order and related documents
(6) If service without leave valid
(7) Contract containing terms for service
(8) Contract does not invalidate effective service
(9) Definition
(10) Manner of service abroad
(11) Proof of service abroad
(12) Forms
(13) Certificate
Rule 4-6 — Proving Service
(1) Proof of service
(2) Proof of service by sheriff
(3) Service on member of Canadian Armed Forces
(4) Admissibility of other evidence of service
Rule 4-7 — Relief
(1) If service is alleged to be ineffective
Part 5 — Case Planning
Rule 5-1 — Requesting a Case Planning Conference
(1) Case planning conference may be requested
(2) Case planning conference may be directed
(3) Time for service of notice
(4) Application must be made by requisition
(5) Case plan proposal required
(6) Contents of case plan proposal
Rule 5-2 — Conduct of Case Planning Conference
(1) Case planning conference must be conducted by judge or associate judge
(2) Who must attend
(3) Manner of attendance
(4) Application must be made by requisition
(5) Considerations of the court
(6) Non-attendance at case planning conference
(7) Proceedings must be recorded
Rule 5-3 — Case Planning Conference Orders
(1) Orders
(2) Prohibited orders
(3) Case plan order required
(4) Case plan order
(5) When approval in writing by lawyer not required
(6) Consequences of non-compliance
(7) Application may be made at case planning conference
(8) Amendments to case plan orders
Rule 5-4
Part 6 — Amendment of Pleadings and Change of Parties
Rule 6-1 — Amendment of Pleadings
(1) When pleadings may be amended
(2) How amendments made
(3) Identifying amendments
(4) Service of amended documents
(5) Response of a party to amended document
(6) Failure to serve amended responding document
(7) Responding to amended pleading
(8) Amendment at trial
Rule 6-2 — Change of Parties
(1) Party ceasing to exist
(2) Effect of death
(3) Assignment or conveyance of interest
(4) Change or transmission of interest or liability
(5) Prosecution of proceeding if plaintiff or petitioner dies
(6) Costs on dismissal
(7) Adding, removing or substituting parties by order
(8) Procedure if party added, removed or substituted by order
(9) If case plan order in effect
(9.1) Application without notice
(10) Consent required
(11) Effect of order
Part 7 — Procedures for Ascertaining Facts
Rule 7-1 — Discovery and Inspection of Documents
(1) List of documents
(2) Documents to be enumerated
(3) Insurance policy
(4) Information not to be disclosed
(5) Insurance policy
(6) Claim for privilege
(7) Nature of privileged documents to be described
(8) Affidavit verifying list of documents
(9) Amending the list of documents
(10) Party may demand documents required under this rule
(11) Party may demand additional documents
(12) Response to demand for documents
(13) Application for production of documents
(14) Court may alter requirements
(15) Inspection of documents
(16) Copies of documents
(17) Order to produce document
(18) Documents not in possession of party
(19) Order by consent
(20) Inspection of document by court
(21) Party may not use document
(22) Determination of issue before discovery
Rule 7-2 — Examinations for Discovery
(1) Examination of parties
(2) Limitations
(3) Considerations of the court
(4) Oral examination on oath
(5) Examination of party that is not an individual
(6) Examination of person for whose benefit action brought
(7) Examination of assignor
(8) Examination of guardian and infants
(9) Examination of mentally incompetent person
(10) Examination of bankrupt
(11) Place
(12) Examination before reporter
(13) Service of notice
(14) Person must attend examination
(15) Fees must not be attached
(16) Production of documents
(17) Examination and re-examination
(18) Scope of examination
(19) Scope includes insurance
(20) Information not to be disclosed
(21) Insurance policy
(22) Person must inform self
(23) Response may be provided by letter
(24) If letter provided
(25) Objections
(26) How recorded
(27) Application to persons outside British Columbia
(28) Service of order and notice
Rule 7-3 — Discovery by Interrogatories
(1) Party may serve interrogatories by consent or with leave
(2) If a party is a body of persons
(3) Powers of court
(4) Timing of answer to interrogatories
(5) If more than one person to answer interrogatories
(6) Objection to answer interrogatory
(7) Insufficient answer to interrogatory
(8) Application to strike out interrogatory
(9) Service of interrogatories on lawyer
(10) Lawyer must inform
(11) Continuing obligation to answer
Rule 7-4
Rule 7-5 — Pre-Trial Examination of Witness
(1) Order for examination
(2) Expert
(3) Affidavit in support of application
(4) Application procedure
(5) Subpoena
(6) Identification of documents and objects
(7) Notice of examination
(8) Mode of examination
(9) Time for examination
(10) Application of examination for discovery rules
Rule 7-6 — Physical Examination and Inspection
(1) Order for medical examination
(2) Subsequent examinations
(3) Questions by examiner
(4) Order for inspection and preservation of property
(5) Entry on land or building
(6) Application to persons outside British Columbia
Rule 7-7 — Admissions
(1) Notice to admit
(2) Effect of notice to admit
(3) Copy of document to be attached
(4) Unreasonable refusal to admit
(5) Withdrawal of admission
(6) Application for order on admissions
Rule 7-8 — Depositions
(1) Examination of person
(2) Examination of person
(3) Grounds for order
(4) Time limits
(5) Subpoena
(6) Identification of documents and objects
(7) Place of examination
(8) Application of rule outside British Columbia
(9) If person willing to testify
(10) If person not willing to testify
(11) Letter of request
(12) Filing of undertaking
(13) Notice of examination
(14) Mode of examination
(15) Objection to question
(16) Recording of deposition evidence
(17) Preserving testimony
Part 8 — Applications
Rule 8-1 — How to Bring and Respond to Applications
(1) Definition
(2) How applications must be brought
(3) Notice of application
(4) Contents of notice of application
(5) Date and time of hearing
(6) Date and time if hearing time more than 2 hours
(7) Service of application materials
(8) Time for service
(9) Application response
(10) Contents of application response
(11) Address for service
(12) Repealed
(13) Applicant may respond
(14) No additional affidavits
(15) Application record
(15.1) Additional copy of filed notice of application
(15.2) Application to be removed from hearing list
(15.3) Leave to permit late filing of application record
(15.4) Applicant may apply to reinstate application to hearing list
(15.5) Order for costs
(15.6) Form of application
(16) Written argument
(17) Service of application record index
(18) If application respondent's application is to be heard at the hearing
(19) Application record to be returned
(20) Application record to be returned to the registry
(21) Provision of amended application record
(21.1) Resetting adjourned applications
(22) Application respondent may apply for directions
Rule 8-2 — Place Application Is Heard
(1) Place of hearing of application
(2) If more than one place
(3) If place of hearing is a place other than that at which the proceeding is being conducted
(4) Place of hearing of application with leave of registrar
(5) Notice of application must be endorsed to reflect grant of leave
(6) If place of hearing is a place chosen with leave of registrar
(7)-(8) Repealed
Rule 8-3 — Consent Applications
(1) Application by consent
(2) Consent order
(3) Disposition of referred applications
Rule 8-4 — Applications of Which Notice Is Not Required
(1) Application of which notice is not required
(2)-(3) Repealed
Rule 8-5 — Urgent Applications
(1) Short notice
(2) How to make a short notice application
(3) Normal time and notice rules do not apply
(4) Powers of court on short notice application
(5) Effect of short notice order
(6) Orders without notice
(7) Service of orders required
(8) Setting aside orders made without notice
Rule 8-6 — Applications Made by Written Submissions
(1) Application made by written submissions
Part 9 — Pre-Trial Resolution Procedures
Rule 9-1 — Offers to Settle
(1) Definition
(2) Offer not to be disclosed
(3) Offer not an admission
(4) Offer may be considered in relation to costs
(5) Cost options
(6) Considerations of court
(7) Costs for settlement in cases within small claims jurisdiction
(8) Counter offer
Rule 9-2 — Settlement Conferences
(1) Settlement conference
(2) Proceedings must be recorded
(3) When judge must not preside
Rule 9-3 — Special Case
(1) Statement of special case
(2) Court may order special case
(3) Form of special case
(4) Hearing of special case
(5) Order after hearing of special case
Rule 9-4 — Proceedings on a Point of Law
(1) Point of law may be set down for hearing
(2) Court may dispose of whole action
Rule 9-5 — Striking Pleadings
(1) Scandalous, frivolous or vexatious matters
(2) Admissibility of evidence
(3) Powers of registrar
(4) Reconsideration of order
Rule 9-6 — Summary Judgment
(1) Definitions
(2) Application
(3) Response to application
(4) Application by answering party
(5) Power of court
(6) Claiming party may proceed
(7) Costs consequences
(8) Court may decline to fix costs
(9) Bad faith or delay
Rule 9-7 — Summary Trial
(1) Definition
(2) Application
(3) When application must be heard
(4) Setting application for hearing
(5) Evidence on application
(6) Application of Rule 12-5
(7) Application of Rule 11-6
(7.1) Repealed
(8) Filings with application
(9) Notice of evidence to be used on application
(10) Giving notice
(11) Adjournment or dismissal
(12) Preliminary orders
(13) Ancillary or preliminary orders may be made at or before application
(14) Judge not seized of application
(15) Judgment
(16) No further application without leave
(17) Orders
(18) Right to vary or set aside order
(19) Order if jury notice filed
Rule 9-8 — Discontinuance and Withdrawal
(1) Discontinuance before action set for trial
(2) Discontinuance after action set for trial
(3) Withdrawal by defendant
(4) Costs and default procedure on discontinuance or withdrawal
(5) Third party entitled to costs
(6) Some costs remain recoverable
(7) Proceeding after response is withdrawn
(8) Discontinuance not a defence
(9) Application to counterclaim, third party proceeding and petition.
Part 10 — Property and Injunctions
Rule 10-1 — Detention, Preservation and Recovery of Property
(1) Property that is the subject matter of a proceeding
(2) Fund that is the subject matter of a proceeding
(3) Allowance of income from property
(4) Recovery of specific property
(5) Compensation for wrongful recovery
Rule 10-2 — Receivers
(1) Appointment of receiver
(2) Form of security
(3) Remuneration of receiver
(4) Accounts of receiver
Rule 10-3 — Interpleader
(1) Entitlement to relief by way of interpleader
(2) Claim to real or personal property taken by sheriff
(3) Sheriff to deliver notice
(4) If claim admitted
(5) Sheriff may apply for interpleader relief
(6) Mode of application
(7) Affidavit
(8) Application for interpleader relief
(9) Powers of court on hearing application
Rule 10-4 — Injunctions
(1) Applications for pre-trial injunctions
(2) Applications for pre-trial injunctions before proceeding started
(3) Applications for interim injunctions without notice
(4) Injunction by court order
(5) Undertaking as to damages
(6) Application for injunction after judgment
Part 11 — Experts
Rule 11-1 — Application of Part 11
(1) Application of this Part
(2) Case plan order
Rule 11-2 — Duty of Expert Witnesses
(1) Duty of expert witness
(2) Advice and certification
Rule 11-3 — Appointment of Joint Experts
(1) Appointment agreement
(2) Appointment by parties
(3) Application to court
(4) Application materials
(5) Powers of court
(6) Agreement
(7) Role of expert appointed under this rule
(8) Notice of application
(9) Additional experts
(10) Cross examination
(11) Common experts
Rule 11-4 — Appointment of Own Experts
(1) When each party may retain their own experts
Rule 11-5 — Appointment of Court's Own Expert
(1) Appointment of experts by court
(2) Materials required by court
(3) Court may name different expert
(4) Expert must consent
(5) Previous report not a bar
(6) Consequences of court appointment
(7) Directions to expert
(8) Contents of order appointing expert
(9) Remuneration of expert
(10) Security for remuneration
(11) Reports
(12) Report must be tendered as evidence
Rule 11-6 — Expert Reports
(1) Requirements for report
(2) Proof of qualifications
(3) Service of report
(4) Service of responding report
(5) Supplementary report of joint or court-appointed expert
(6) Supplementary report of own expert
(7) Requirements for supplementary report
(8) Production of documents
(9) Notice of trial date to expert
(10) Notice of objection to expert opinion evidence
(11) When objection not permitted
Rule 11-7 — Expert Opinion Evidence at Trial
(1) Reports must be prepared and served in accordance with rules
(2) When report stands as evidence
(3) Cross-examination of expert
(4) Costs of cross-examination
(5) Restrictions on calling expert as witness at trial
(6) When court may dispense with requirement of this Part
Rule 11-8
Part 12 — Trial
Rule 12-1 — How to Set Trial for Hearing
(1) Application
(2) Notice of trial
(3) Content of notice of trial
(4) Registry
(5) Place of trial
(6) When notice of trial must be served
(7) If trial date unacceptable
(8) Time of trial
(9) Court may make orders respecting trial dates
(10) Duty to inform registry
Rule 12-1.1 — Trial Brief
(1) Plaintiff must file trial brief
(2) Other parties of record must file trial brief
(3) Plaintiff may file amended trial brief
(4) Failure to file or serve trial brief
(5) Trial removed from trial list
(6) Witness list must be amended
(7) Person named in witness list need not testify
(8) New trial briefs required if trial rescheduled
Rule 12-2 — Trial Management Conference
(1) When trial management conference is required
(1.1) Date and place of trial management conference
(2) Trial management conference must be conducted by judge or associate judge
(3)-(3.6) Repealed
(4) Who must attend the trial management conference
(5) Absent parties must be available and accessible by telephone or other means
(6) Application must be made by requisition
(7) Non-attendance at trial management conference
(8) Proceedings must be recorded
(9) Orders at a trial management conference
(10) When approval in writing by lawyer not required
(11) Prohibited orders
Rule 12-3 — Trial Record
(1) Trial record for the court
(2) Powers of registrar respecting trial records
(3) Filing and service of trial record
(4) Amended trial record
(5) Direction as to trial record
Rule 12-4 — Trial Certificate
(1) Trial certificate
(2) When trial certificate must be filed
(3) What trial certificate must contain
(4) Service
(5) Failure to file
(6) Applications prohibited
Rule 12-5 — Evidence and Procedure at Trial
(1) Application
(2) Court may vary order
(3) Failure to prove a material fact
(4) No evidence application
(5) Defendant need not elect whether to call evidence
(6) Insufficient evidence application
(7) Defendant must elect not to call evidence
(8) Notice to produce
(9) Numbering exhibit pages
(10) Opportunity to inspect exhibit
(11) Registrar to take charge of exhibits
(12) Return of exhibits
(13) Other returns
(14) Disposal of exhibits after final disposition
(15) Notice respecting disposal of exhibits before final disposition
(16) Disposal of exhibits before final disposition
(17) If exhibit disposed of
(18) If exhibit destroyed
(19) "Adverse party" defined
(20) Adverse witness
(21) Notice to call adverse witness
(22) Exceptions
(23) Application to set notice aside
(24) Court may make order
(25) Refusal to comply with notice
(26) Adverse party as witness may be cross-examined
(27) Witness to testify orally
(28) Witness must be listed in witness list
(29) Examination of witnesses
(30) Any party may contradict testimony
(31) Party may prepare and serve subpoena
(32) Form of subpoena
(33) Subpoena not to be filed or sealed
(34) Service of subpoena
(35) Fees to accompany subpoena
(36) Production of documents and physical objects
(37) Order for attendance of witness in custody
(38) Failure of witness to attend, etc.
(39) Order setting aside subpoena
(40) Use of deposition evidence
(41) Use of videotape or film
(42) Certified transcript
(43) Video recording of deposition evidence
(44) Video recording of evidence becomes exhibit
(45) Deposition to be given in full
(46) Persons against whom discovery evidence is admissible
(47) Notice required of evidence
(48) Attendance at trial may be required
(49) Court may consider whole examination
(50) Discovery evidence of person under disability
(51) Transcripts of discovery evidence
(52) Use of pre-trial examination of a witness
(53) Court may consider whole pre-trial examination
(54) Use of transcript of other proceedings
(55) Transcript for the court
(56) Objection to transcript evidence at trial
(57) Custody of transcripts
(58) Use of interrogatories at trial
(59) Affidavit evidence
(60) Copy of affidavit must be furnished
(61) Cross-examination
(62) Court may extend or abridge time to require witness attendance
(63) Contents
(64) Cross-examination not limited
(65) Costs where attendance unnecessary
(66) Trial with assessor
(67) Trial of one question before others
(68) Trial by different modes of trial
(69) Calculation of amount by officer of the court
(70) Use of recording device
(71) Evidence of particular facts
(72) Order of speeches
(73) Court may make order respecting submissions
(74) Clerk to note time of trial
(75) Failure of all parties to appear at trial
(76) Failure of one party to appear at trial
(77) Court may set aside judgment
Rule 12-6 — Jury Trials
(0.1)-(0.4) Repealed
(1) Trial without jury generally
(2) Trial without jury in certain proceedings
(3) Notice requiring jury trial
(4) Jury notice not to prevent transfer of proceeding
(5) Court may refuse jury trial
(6) No application for judgment necessary
(7) Judgment impossible on jury findings
(8) Only partial judgment possible on jury findings
(9) Jury failing to reach verdict
(10) Retrial
(11) Continuing trial without jury
(12) Trial may continue without jury
Part 13 — Orders
Rule 13-1 — Orders
(1) Drawing and approving orders
(1.1) Service of order drawn up by party and signing instructions
(1.2) Time limit for approving or objecting to order drawn up by party
(1.3) Approval not required after non-compliance
(1.4) Entry of order after non-compliance
(2) When approval in writing not required
(3) Form of order
(4) Endorsement of order on application sufficient in certain cases
(5) Order granted conditionally on document to be filed
(6) Waiver of order obtained on condition
(7) Order of judge or associate judge
(8) Date of order
(9) Approval of order
(10) Requirement of consent order
(11) Settlement of orders
(12) Appointment to settle
(13) Party failing to attend on appointment to settle
(14) Review of settlement
(15) Registrar may draw order
(16) Special directions for entry or service
(17) Correction of orders
(18) Opinions, advice and directions of the court
(19) Orders on terms and conditions
Rule 13-2 — Enforcement of Orders
(1) Order to pay money to a person
(2) Order to pay money into court
(3) Order for recovery or delivery of land
(4) Order for recovery or delivery of property other than land
(5) Appointment of receiver
(6) Execution by or against person not a party
(7) Remedy on non-compliance with mandatory order
(8) Issue of execution on conditional order
(9) Order when right to relief has arisen
(10) Issue of execution on change of parties
(11) Production of order before execution
(12) Endorsement of writ
(13) Issue of writ of sequestration, possession or delivery
(14) Issue of writ of execution if order to pay money within a period
(15) Issue of writ of execution
(16) When writ of execution is issued
(17) Copy of writ of execution must be left with registry
(18) Term of writ of execution
(19) Renewal of writ of execution
(20) Hearing of writ of execution
(21) Writ of execution to be endorsed
(22) Enforcement costs
(23) Registrar may fix amount
(24) Assessments and accounting
(25) Registrar may certify on accounting
(26) Certificate of same effect as order
(27) Separate writs for costs
(28) Judgment for recovery of property other than land
(29) Acknowledgment of payment
(30) Order that judgment has been paid
(31) Stay of execution
(32) Balance becomes payable if instalment not paid when due
(33) Application for relief
(34) Application for directions
(35) Enforcement of certificate
Rule 13-3 — Subpoena to Debtor
(1) Subpoena to debtor
(2) To whom subpoena must be directed
(3) Service of subpoena
(4) Examination of debtor
(5) Examiner
(6) Examination
(7) Adjournment
(8) Debtor refusing to attend or respond
(9) Creditor failing to attend, etc.
(10) Debtor unreasonably refusing to pay
(11) Order for payment
(12) Notice of application for committal
(13) Order for committal
(14) Costs payable by debtor
(15) Form of order
(16) Term of order
(17) Payment to sheriff
(18) Maintenance money recoverable
(19) Debtor to be brought before court
(20) Application to set aside or vary order
(21) Payment of debt
(22) Receipt for payment
(23) Release from custody
(24) Payment to creditor
(25) Requisition for discharge
(26) Failure to pay sheriff
(27) Liability imposed by order
(28) Repealed
Rule 13-4 — Examinations in Aid of Execution
(1) Definitions
(2) Examination of judgment debtor
(3) Examination of corporate, partnership or firm judgment debtor
(4) Limitation
(5) Examination of person other than judgment debtor
(6) Order in certain cases
(7) Application of examination for discovery rules
(8) Use of examination
(9) Costs
(10) Service of notice
(11) Production of documents
Rule 13-5 — Sales by the Court
(1) Court may order sale
(2) Sale in debenture holder's proceeding
(3) Conduct of sale
(4) Directions for sale
(5) Application for directions
(6) Certificate of sale
(7) Vesting order
Part 14 — Costs
Rule 14-1 — Costs
(1) How costs assessed generally
(2) Assessment of party and party costs
(3) Assessment of special costs
(4) Assessment officer
(5) Disbursements
(6) Repealed
(7) Directions
(8) Tax in respect of legal services and disbursements
(9) Costs to follow event
(10) Costs in cases within small claims jurisdiction
(11) Costs where party represented by an employee
(12) Costs of applications
(13) When costs payable
(14) Costs arising from improper act or omission
(15) Costs of whole or part of proceeding
(16) Costs payable from estate or property
(17) Set-off of costs
(18) Costs of one defendant payable by another
(19) Unnecessary expense after judgment
(20) Form of bill of costs
(21) Appointment to review a bill, examine an agreement or assess costs
(22) Place for review or examination
(23) Further particulars
(24) Assessment of sheriff's fees
(25) Service of appointment
(26) Costs on default judgment
(27) Certificate of costs
(28) Certificate of fees
(29) Review of an assessment
(30) Form of bill in certain cases
(31) Description of services
(32) Evidence of lawyer
(33) Disallowance of fees and costs
(34) Costs may be ordered without assessment
(35) Notice
(36) Order to be served
(37) Limitation
(38) Refusal or neglect to procure assessment
(39) Referrals
Part 15 — Fast Track Litigation Proceedings
Rule 15-1 — Fast Track Litigation
(1) When rule applies
(2) Subsequent filings
(3) Damages not limited
(4) Rule does not apply to class proceedings
(5) Conflict
(6) When rule ceases to apply
(7) Case planning conference required
(8) Exception
(9) Court may relieve
(10) Trial to be without jury
(11) Oral discovery
(12) When discoveries must be completed
(12.1) Repealed
(13) Setting of trial date
(14) If trial will require more than 3 days
(15) Costs
(16) Settlement offers
(17) Taxes to be added to costs
Part 16 — Petition Proceedings
Rule 16-1 — Petitions
(1) Definitions
(2) Petitions
(3) Service
(4) Response to petition
(5) Contents of response to petition
(6) Petitioner may respond
(6.1) Expert opinion evidence
(6.2) Service of expert reports
(6.3) Application of Rule 11-6
(7) No additional affidavits
(8) Setting application for hearing
(9) Date and time of hearing
(10) Date and time if hearing time more than 2 hours
(11) Petition record
(11.1) Additional copy of filed petition
(11.2) Petition to be removed from hearing list
(12) Service of petition record
(13) If petition respondent's application is to be heard at the hearing
(14) Petition record to be returned
(15) Petition record to be returned to registry
(16) Provision of amended petition record
(16.1) Resetting adjourned hearings
(17) Petition respondent may apply for directions
(18) Powers of court
(19) Amendment of petition or response to petition
(20) Renewal of original petition
(21) Further renewal of petition
(22) When renewal period begins
(23) After renewal of petition
Part 17 — Requisition Proceedings
Rule 17-1 — Requisitions
(1) Proceedings to which this rule applies
(2) Filings required
(3) If proceeding is by consent
(4) If no notice is required
(5) Disposition of referred documents
Part 18 — Other Court Proceedings
Rule 18-1 — Inquiries, Assessments and Accounts
(1) Direction for inquiries, assessments or accounts
(2) Certificate as to result
(3) Report and recommendation
(4) Application to vary or confirm recommendation
(5) Time and place of hearing
(6) Appointment
(7) Witnesses
(8) Certificate or recommendation to be filed and served
(9) Party may file certificate
(10) Opinion of the court
(11) Accounts of executor, trustee, etc.
(12) Special directions
(13) Court may appoint lawyer
(14) Varying directions
(15) Account to be verified by affidavit
(16) Form of account
(17) Particulars of errors in account
(18) Notice of order
(19) Person bound as if party
(20) Dispensing with service
(21) Person may apply to vary or rescind
(22) Person may file a notice of interest
Rule 18-2 — Stated Cases
(1) Definitions
(2) Application
(3) Material to be filed
(4) Identification of parties and others
(5) Contents
(6) Delivery of notice of stated case
(7) Powers of court
(8) Requirement for notice of interest
(9) Notice of hearing of stated case
Rule 18-3 — Appeals
(1) Application
(2) Form
(3) Directions
(4) Conduct of appeal
(5) Application for directions
(6) Service of notice of appeal
(7) Powers of court
(8) Filing notice of interest
(9) Notice of hearing of appeal
(10) Notice of abandonment of appeal
Part 19 — Judgments from Other Courts
Rule 19-1 — Transfer of Proceedings from Provincial Court
(1) Definition
(2) These Supreme Court Civil Rules apply to transferred proceedings
(3) Repealed
(4) Pleadings
(5) Plaintiff must file and serve amended notice of civil claim
(6) Amended reply and counterclaim
(6.1) Application of Rule 6-1
(7) Previous address for service
(8) Filing fees
Rule 19-2 — Canadian Judgments
(1) Definition
(2) Registration requirements for Canadian judgments
Rule 19-3 — Foreign Judgments
(1) Definitions
(2) Application under Court Order Enforcement Act
(3) Affidavit in support
(4) Applications for reciprocal enforcement of judgment
(5) Form of order to register
(6) Notice of registration
(7) Setting aside registration of judgment under convention
(8) Stay of enforcement
(9) Stay of proceeding in action on foreign judgment
Rule 19-4 — Transfer of Proceedings from Foreign Courts
(1) Court may require translation for transferred proceeding
(2) Entry prohibited until security given
(3) Translation and security expenses may be claimed as disbursements
Rule 19-5 — Documents Required by Judicial Authority of Other Jurisdictions
(1) Request for certified copy with additional formalities
(2) Required supplies
(3) Request for production of certification or formal documentation
(4) Request must include document
(5) Filing request
Part 20 — Special Rules for Certain Parties
Rule 20-1 — Partnerships
(1) Partners may sue or be sued in firm name
(2) Service on firm
(3) Responding pleading
(4) Affidavit naming partners
(5) Court may order service
(6) Execution against partnership property
(7) Execution against partners
(8) Execution against other persons
(9) Liability may be determined
(10) Action against person carrying on business in a name other than the person's own
Rule 20-2 — Persons under Disability
(1) Interpretation
(2) Start of proceedings by person under disability
(3) Role of litigation guardian
(4) Lawyer must be involved
(5) Litigation guardian
(6) Committee as litigation guardian
(7) Consent of litigation guardian
(8) Certificate of fitness
(9) Certificate for a litigation guardian
(10) Party becoming incompetent
(11) Removal of litigation guardian
(12) Party attaining age of majority
(13) Effect of filing affidavit
(14) Step in default
(15) Service
(16) Litigation guardian must be appointed
(17) Compromise by person under disability
(18) Approval of compromise
Rule 20-3 — Representative Proceedings
(1) Representative proceeding
(2) Court may appoint representative
(3) Enforcement of order made in representative proceeding
(4) Application for leave
(5) Court order
(6) Representation of interested person who cannot be ascertained
(7) Appointment order binding
(8) Order affecting non-party
(9) Person bound
(10) Representation of beneficiaries by trustees
(11) Additional powers of the court
(12)-(13) Repealed
(14) Person as relator
(15) Conduct of a proceeding
Rule 20-4 — Declaratory Relief
(1) Declaratory order
Rule 20-5 — Persons Who Are Not Required to Pay Fees
(1) Court may order that no fees are payable
(2) Application of order
(3) How to apply
(4) Review, variation or rescission of order
(5) No fee payable
Rule 20-6 — Litigation Representatives
(1) Definition
(2) Application of rule
(3) Starting, conducting or defending a proceeding on behalf of deceased's estate
(4) Notice of application required
(5) Procedure for application
(6) No authorization to distribute proceeds
(7) Substitution required
(8) When personal representative is appointed
Part 21 — Special Rules for Certain Proceedings
Rule 21-1 — Admiralty Matters
(1) Actions to which rule applies
(2) What actions may be brought in rem
(3) Notice of civil claim — actions in rem
(4) Notice of civil claim — when started with action in personam
(5) Special service rules for notices of claim issued under subrule (3) or (4)
(6) Response to civil claim may be filed in name of ship
(7) Response to civil claim
(8) Arrest — "Affidavit to Lead Warrant"
(9) Issue of warrant
(10) Form of warrant
(11) Service of warrant
(12) Proof of service
(13) When arrest takes effect
(14) Property not to be moved
(15) Order for safety and preservation
(16) Possession of property arrested
(17) Security
(18) Filing of caveat
(19) Withdrawal of caveat
(20) Damages for wrongful filing of caveat
(21) Application for damages
(22) Summary determination of damages
(23) Release of property arrested
(24) Bail bond or guarantee
(25) Amount of bail
(26) Service of the application
(27) Bail information required
(28) Release
(29) When release occurs
(30) Application of subrules (31) to (35)
(31) Pleadings and particulars
(32) The "preliminary act"
(33) Form of preliminary act
(34) Preliminary act not to be opened
(35) Preliminary act to form part of pleading
Rule 21-2 — Carriage by Air Act
(1) Carriage by Air Act
Rule 21-3 — Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Habeas Corpus
(1) Proceeding to be started by petition
(2) Writs abolished
(3) Person affected may take part in proceeding
Rule 21-4 and Rule 21-5
Rule 21-6 — Wills, Estates and Succession Act Wills Variation Proceedings
(1) Proceedings under the Wills, Estates and Succession Act
(2) Parties
(3) Response to civil claim
(4) These Supreme Court Civil Rules apply
Rule 21-7 — Foreclosure and Cancellation
(1) Starting the proceeding
(2) Parties
(3) Joinder of claim or party
(4) Person filing interest after certificate of pending litigation
(4.1) Information must accompany petition
(5) Powers of the court
(6) Final order
(7) Order for sale
(8) Inquiry to settle terms of sale
(9) Order confirming sale
(10) Notice to assess costs
(11) Agreement for sale
Rule 21-8 — Jurisdictional Disputes
(1) Disputed jurisdiction
(2) Order declining jurisdiction may be sought
(3) Disputed pleading or service
(4) Powers of court pending resolution
(5) Party does not submit to jurisdiction
Rule 21-9 — Negligence Act Claims
(1) Contribution or indemnity claimed under the Negligence Act
(2) Apportionment of liability claimed under the Negligence Act
Part 22 — General
Rule 22-1 — Chambers Proceedings
(1) Definition
(2) Failure of party to attend
(3) Reconsideration of order
(4) Evidence on an application
(5) Hearing of application in public
(6) Adjournment of application if applications not heard on date set
(7) Power of the court
(8) Powers of court if notice not given
(9) Urgent chambers proceeding
(10) Adjournment
(11) Notes of applications
Rule 22-2 — Affidavits
(1) Affidavit to be filed
(2) Form and content of affidavit
(3) Identifying affidavits
(4) Making affidavit
(5) Statement to be signed
(6) Statement if person swearing or affirming the affidavit unable to read
(6.1) Swearing or affirming affidavit by video conference
(7) Interpretation to person swearing or affirming the affidavit who does not understand English
(8) Exhibit to be marked
(9) Exhibits referred to in affidavits
(10) Numbering exhibit pages
(11) Alterations to be initialled
(12) Limitation on contents of affidavit
(13) Exception
(14) Use of defective affidavit
(15) Affidavit made before proceeding started
(16) Affidavit of patient under the Patients Property Act
Rule 22-3 — Forms and Documents
(1) Forms
(2) Documents
(3) Repealed
(4) Space for stamp
(5) Style of proceeding
(5.1) Exception
(6) Style of proceeding for class proceeding
Rule 22-4 — Time
(1) Computation of time
(2) Extending or shortening time
(3) Extending or shortening time respecting pleadings
(4) Notice of intention to proceed after delay of one year
(5) Want of prosecution
(6) Attendance
Rule 22-5 — Multiple Claims and Parties
(1) Multiple claims
(2) Multiple parties
(3) Joining persons jointly entitled to relief
(4) If persons are jointly liable
(5) Party need not be interested in all relief
(6) Separation
(7) Separating counterclaim or third party claim
(8) Consolidation
(9) Misjoinder or nonjoinder of parties
Rule 22-6 — Change of Lawyer
(1) Change of lawyer
(2) Order that lawyer has ceased to act
(3) Order on application of lawyer
(4) Notice of withdrawal
(5) Filing of objection
(6) Procedure if no objection filed
(7) Service of notice of withdrawal
(8) Service of documents after withdrawal
(9) Procedure if objection filed
(10) Substituted service
(11) Service of copy of order
Rule 22-7 — Effect of Non-compliance
(1) Non-compliance with rules
(2) Powers of court
(3) Proceeding must not be set aside for incorrect originating pleading
(4) Application to set aside for irregularity
(5) Consequences of certain non-compliance
(6) Failure to comply with direction of court
(7) Dismissal for want of prosecution
Rule 22-8 — Contempt of Court
(1) Power of court to punish
(2) Corporation in contempt
(3) Security
(4) Certain acts as contempt
(5) If person may be guilty of contempt
(6) Power of court after apprehension
(7) If corporation may be guilty of contempt
(8) Power of court after apprehension
(9) Release of apprehended person
(10) Order for release
(11) Proceeding for contempt
(12) Affidavit
(13) Hearing
(14) Service of order not necessary
(15) Suspension of punishment
(16) Discharge of person
(17) Weekly review of person in custody
Rule 22-9 — Vexatious Litigants
(1) Leave to file pleading, application or other document
(2) Requisition need not be served
(3) Powers of the court
Part 23 — Court and Registry Matters
Rule 23-1 — Registry Operations
(1) Copy of document filed in registry
(2) When registry open
(3) Hours of registrar
(4) Lunch hours
(5) Use of seal
(6) Name of registry
(7) Signature of registrar
(8) Business not to be conducted out of office hours
(9) Request to registrar by requisition
(10) Incapacity of judge
(11) Powers of substituted judge
(12) Powers of presiding judge
(13) Transfers
Rule 23-2 — Fax Filing
(1) Application
(2) Document may be submitted for filing by fax
(3) Means of transmission
(4) Application of this rule
(5) When a document is filed
(6) Confirmation of filing
(7) Confirmation of filing
(8) Original of document may be required by court
Rule 23-3 — Electronic Filing
(1) Definitions
(2) This rule prevails in event of conflict
(3) Electronic services agreement
(4) Means of transmission
(5) Application of this rule
(6) Affidavits and other signed documents
(7) Retention of documents
(8) Conversion of documents
(9) Inspection of original documents
(10) Requisition
(11) Application of Rule 22-2
(12) Electronic authentication deemed a signature
(13) Filing of documents
(14) Electronic acceptance
(15) Sealing of notice of civil claim
(16) Public access to documents filed electronically
(17) Service of documents
(18) If document does not reach a person
Rule 23-4 — Money in Court
(1) Interpretation
(2) Deposit of funds
(3) Deposit of securities
(4) Transmission of securities
(5) Payment out of court
(6) Interest
(7) No other interest payable
(8) Calculation of interest
(9) Account
(10) Investments
(11) Direction for payment out
(12) Deposit of other money paid into court
(13) No interest on other funds
(14) Money for person under disability
(15) Payment out of money or security
(16) Payment in for infant
(17) Payment out of money held for infant
Rule 23-5 — Sittings and Hearings
(1) Under direction of Chief Justice
(2) Urgency
(3) Hearing by communication medium
(4) Court may direct method of attendance
(4.1) Registrar may direct method of attendance
(5) Application must be made by requisition
Rule 23-6 — Associate Judges, Registrars and Special Referees
(1) Powers of an associate judge
(2) Associate judge as registrar
(3) Repealed
(3.1) Hearing record
(3.2) Dealings with hearing record
(4) Registrar's powers at registrar's hearing
(5) Registrar's directions at pre-hearing conference
(6) Reference by associate judge to judge
(7) Reference by registrar to judge or associate judge
(8) Repealed
(8.1) Notice of appeal
(8.2) Service of notice of appeal and appellant's statement of argument
(8.3) Notice of interest
(8.4) Service of notice of interest and respondent's statement of argument
(8.5) Transcript of reasons for judgment or decision
(8.6) Transcript of oral evidence
(8.7) Date and time of hearing of appeal
(8.8) Appeal record
(8.9) Appeal record to be returned
(8.10) Abridgement or modification of timelines and documents required on appeal
(9)-(10) Repealed
(11) Appeal not to act as stay
Part 23.1 — Method of Attendance and Application Record Pilot Projects
Rule 23.1-1 — Method of Attendance Pilot Project
(1) Method of attendance
(2) Directions may be different
(3) Application to change method of attendance
(4) Application must be made by requisition
(5) Directions apply
Rule 23.1-2 — Electronic Transmission of Application Record Pilot Project
(1) Electronic transmission of application record
(2) Directions may be different
(3) Application of other rules
Part 24 — Transition
Rule 24-1 — Transitional Pleadings
(1) Definitions
(2) These rules apply to transitional proceedings
(3) Pleadings deemed to be a notice of civil claim
(4) Requisition deemed to be a notice of civil claim
(5) Petition
(6) Appearance and statement of defence deemed to be a response to civil claim
(7) Appearance deemed to be a response to petition
(8) Other pleadings
(9) Unserved writ of summons
(10) Demand for amendment
(11) Party must amend
(12) Failure to amend
(13) Address for service
(14) Step in ongoing proceeding
(15) Trial management conference
(16) Court may decide
Part 25 — Estates
Rule 25-1 — Definitions
(1) Definitions
(2) Interpretation
(3) When delivery occurs under this Part
(4) Renunciation of executorship
(5) Solemn form
(6) Parties and parties of record
(7) Electronic wills — originals and digital reproductions
Rule 25-2 — Notice Must Be Provided
(1) Applications for estate grant or resealing
(1.1) Notice of proposed application in relation to estate
(1.2) Recipient of notice entitled to will in original electronic form
(1.3) Demand for will in original electronic form
(1.4) Provision of will in original electronic form
(2) Persons to whom documents must be delivered
(2.1) When application may be made
(3) Form of notice of application
(4) Multiple intended applicants
(5) When delivery occurs under this rule
(6) No delivery by e-mail, fax or other electronic means without acknowledgement
(7) If delivery is effected by e-mail, fax or other electronic means
(8) If person to whom notice is to be delivered is a minor
(9) If testamentary trust exists
(10) If person to whom notice is to be delivered is a mentally incompetent person
(11) How notice may be delivered to a mentally incompetent person
(12) If person to whom notice is to be delivered is dead
(13) Notice to Public Guardian and Trustee
(14) Court may alter or dispense with notice
(15) Public Guardian and Trustee not required to deliver notice under subrule (1)
(16) If application made for solemn form grant
Rule 25-3 — Application for Estate Grant
(1) Definition
(2) Documents to be filed in an application
(3) Filing of wills
(4) Multiple applicants
(5) Documents to be separate
(6) Form of affidavit for application for grant of probate or grant of administration with will annexed
(7) Filing of affidavit of assets and liabilities for estate grant
(8) Affidavit of assets and liabilities for non-domiciled estate grant
(9) Supplemental affidavit of assets and liabilities for estate grant
(10) Filing of affidavit of translator
(11) Delivery to Public Guardian and Trustee
(12) Exceptions to delivery to Public Guardian and Trustee
(13) Sealing of court file
(14) Search for will
(14.1) Copy must be attached
(15) Proof of proper execution of will by affidavit of subscribing witness
(16) Evidence of proper execution of will where subscribing witness unavailable
(17) Proof of proper execution of privileged will by member of military force
(18) Proof of will-maker's knowledge of will
(19) International Wills Convention
(20) Alterations
(21) Words erased or obliterated
(22) Registrar must consider appearance of will
(22.1) Confirmation that will is unaltered
(23) Document referred to in will
(23.1) Fee agreements
(24) Reference to judge or associate judge
Rule 25-3.1 — Amendment of Application
(1) When application may be amended
(2) How amendments made
(3) Identifying amendments
Rule 25-3.2 — Withdrawal of Application
(1) Withdrawal of application before issuance of grant
Rule 25-4 — Procedure After Filing Application Materials for Estate Grant
(1) Approval by registrar of application
(1.1) Estate grant required attachments
(2) When registrar must refuse to approve application
(3) Application must be in relation to will
(4) Registrar must provide notice of refusal
(5) How notice is to be provided
(6) Procedure after refusal by registrar to approve application
(7) Subrules (1) to (6) applicable after filing of revised or additional material
(8) Application by one or more of several co-executors
Rule 25-5 — Corrections, Amendments and Revocations of Estate Documents
(1) Applications to correct
(1.1) Application to correct name of deceased in style of proceeding
(2) Registrar may correct
(2.1) Registrar may correct name of deceased in style of proceeding
(3) Application for amendment
(4) Issue of new grant
(5) Filing of grant in revocation application
(6) When leave may be granted
(7) No revocation by default
Rule 25-6 — Applications for Resealing
(1) Definition
(2) Application for resealing
(3) Multiple applicants
(4) Domicile of deceased on resealing
(5) Documents to be separate
(6) Filing of affidavit of assets and liabilities for resealing
(7) Supplemental affidavit of assets and liabilities for resealing
(8) Filing of affidavit of translator
(9) Delivery to Public Guardian and Trustee
(10) Exceptions to delivery to Public Guardian and Trustee
(11) Search for will
Rule 25-7 — Procedure After Filing Application Materials for Resealing
(1) Approval by registrar of application
(2) Certification of resealing
(3) When registrar must refuse to approve application
(4) Registrar must provide notice of refusal
(5) How notice is to be provided
(6) Procedure after refusal by registrar to approve application
(7) Subrules (1) to (6) applicable after filing of revised or additional material
(8) Notice to issuing court of resealing
(9) Notice of revocation or amendment of resealed grant
Rule 25-8 — Effect of Authorization to Obtain Estate Information or Authorization to Obtain Resealing Information
(1) Authorizations may be delivered
(2) Order to provide information
(3) Powers of court if information or access not provided
Rule 25-9 — Application to Court for Grant or Resealing
(1) Applicant may apply to court
(2) Application materials
(3) Powers of the court
(4) Registrar to issue authorization or grant following disposition of application
Rule 25-10 — Notices of Dispute
(1) Notice of dispute
(2) Only one notice of dispute to be filed
(3) Contents of notice of dispute
(4) Amendment of notice of dispute
(5) Amendment of notice of dispute
(6) Renewal of notice of dispute
(7) Application for renewal of notice of dispute
(8) No grant while notice of dispute in effect
(9) Withdrawal of notice of dispute
(10) Application to remove notice of dispute
(11) Grounds on which notice of dispute may be removed
(12) When notice of dispute ceases to be in effect
Rule 25-11 — Citations
(1) Citation to apply for probate
(2) Alternate executors
(3) Citation to be supported
(4) Answer to citation
(5) Deemed renunciation of executorship
(6) Effect of failure to answer citation or give reason for refusing probate
(7) Affidavit of deemed renunciation for grant of probate
Rule 25-12 — Subpoena for Testamentary Document or Grant
(1) How to obtain a subpoena for testamentary document or grant
(2) Filings required
(3) Subpoena may be issued
(4) Service of subpoena
(5) Certification of non-compliance
(6) Failure of subpoenaed person to file document
(7) Release of apprehended person
(8) Order setting aside subpoena
Rule 25-13 — Remuneration and Passing of Accounts
(1) Remuneration and passing of accounts
(2) Application process
(3) Directions and referrals
(4) Effect of referral to registrar
(5) Certification of results
(6) Affidavit required for passing of accounts and remuneration
(7) Special costs
Rule 25-14 — Applications
(1) How to apply for most applications
(1.1) How to apply by petition for orders
(1.11) Applications by requisition
(1.2) Substitution of personal representative in the event of death
(2) How to apply for spousal home and will deficiencies orders
(3) Address for service
(4) Proceeding for proof of a will in solemn form
(5) Personal representative to be served
(6) When personal service is required
(7) Disputant to receive notice of proceeding relating to a grant
(8) Court may give directions as to procedure
(9) General civil petition rule applies
Rule 25-15 — Miscellaneous
(1) Grant of administration to guardians
(2) Changing address for service
(3) If no address for service given
(4) Costs if only solemn form required
(5) Costs for accessing electronic will in third-party electronic repository
Rule 25-16 — Transition
(1) Definition
(2) Application for grant or resealing under former rule
(3) Caveat filed under former rule
(4) Citation to accept or refuse probate served under former rule
(5) Probate actions under former rule
(6) Court may decide
Appendix A — List of Forms
Appendix A.1 — List of Probate Forms
Appendix B — Party and Party Costs
Appendix C