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"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Environmental Management Act; Public Health Act

Organic Matter Recycling Regulation

B.C. Reg. 18/2002

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Section 1 February 28, 2019
March 30, 2022
Section 3 February 28, 2019
Section 3.1 June 9, 2016
Section 7 November 1, 2017
Section 9 November 1, 2017
Section 15 November 1, 2017
Section 21 July 27, 2018
Section 22 July 27, 2018
Section 23 March 30, 2022
Section 24 March 30, 2022
Section 26 March 30, 2022
Section 33 June 9, 2016
July 19, 2016
Section 34 November 1, 2017
Schedule 7 March 30, 2022
Schedule 9 November 1, 2017
Schedule 10 November 1, 2017
Schedule 10.1 November 1, 2017
Schedule 12 February 28, 2019

 Section 1 (1) definition of "agricultural waste" (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 7/2019, effective February 28, 2019.

"agricultural waste" means agricultural waste that is subject to the Code attached to the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation, B.C. Reg. 131/92, but does not include

 Section 1 (1) definition of "qualified professional" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

"qualified professional" means a person who

(a) is registered in British Columbia with his or her appropriate professional association, acts under that professional association's code of ethics, and is subject to disciplinary action by that professional association, and

(b) through suitable education, experience, accreditation and knowledge may be reasonably relied on to provide advice within his or her area of expertise as it relates to this regulation;

 Section 3 (1) definition of "agricultural waste composting" BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 7/2019, effective February 28, 2019.

"agricultural waste composting" means the composting of agricultural waste in accordance with Part 5 of the Code made under the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation, B.C. Reg. 131/92;

 Section 3 (1) definition of "agricultural composting processes" was added by BC Reg 7/2019, effective February 28, 2019.

 Section 3 (2) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 7/2019, effective February 28, 2019.

(c) agricultural waste composting;

 Section 3.1 was enacted by BC Reg 132/2016, effective June 9, 2016.

 Section 7 (2) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

(b) the soil substance concentrations specified in Schedules 9 and 10.

 Section 9 (2) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

(c) the soil substance concentrations specified in Schedules 9 and 10, or the site-specific criteria approved by a director.

 Section 15 (1) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

(c) the soil substance concentrations specified in Schedules 9 and 10, or the site-specific numeric soil standards approved by a director.

 Section 21 definition of "medical health officer" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 167/2018, effective July 27, 2018.

"medical health officer" has the meaning given to it in section 1 of the Health Act;

 Section 22 (1) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 167/2018, effective July 27, 2018.

(b) to the medical health officer having jurisdiction at least 30 calendar days before the land application of managed organic matter to agricultural land or in a watershed;

 Section 22 (4) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 167/2018, effective July 27, 2018.

(4) The medical health officer having jurisdiction may, within 30 days after receipt of the information required by subsection (1) (b), provide written directions to the discharger that the application of managed organic matter

 Section 22 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 167/2018, effective July 27, 2018.

(5) If there is agreement between the discharger and the director and, in the case of land application to agricultural land or in a watershed, the medical health officer having jurisdiction, the parties may agree to amend the time limit under subsection (3) or (4).

 Section 23 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(5) The director may request additional information with respect to the environmental impact study that he or she considers necessary for the protection of human health and the environment, and may specify particular concerns or questions that the impact study must address.

 Section 24 (3) (a) (i) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(i) affixes his or her professional seal or signature, or both, to the plans and specifications for the composting facility, and

 Section 24 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(4) The director may request additional information with respect to the plans and specifications that he or she considers necessary for the protection of human health and the environment, and may specify particular concerns or questions that the plans and specifications must address.

 Section 26 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(5) A director may request additional information with respect to the environmental impact assessment that he or she considers necessary for the protection of human health and the environment, and may specify particular concerns, questions, standards or monitoring that the assessment must address.

 Section 33 was enacted by BC Reg 132/2016, effective June 9, 2016.

 Section 33 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

(5) A discharger to which subsection (1) applies is exempt from section 3.1 (1) until the date the director makes a decision in relation to the discharger's application under subsection (1) (a) of this section.

 Section 34 was enacted by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

 Schedule 7, Section 1 (g) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(g) written authorization of registered owner(s) or his or her agent(s) for the land application of managed organic matter;

 Schedule 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

Schedule 9

Generic Soil Standards for Cobalt, Molybdenum, Nickel and
Selenium Where Managed Organic Matter Has Been Applied

1   Site-specific numeric soil standards for a land application plan for managed organic matter may be developed using protocols approved by the director.

2   The following soil standards, expressed in µg/g dry weight, must not be exceeded in soil to which managed organic matter has been applied in accordance with a land application plan that does not include site-specific standards:

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6
Land (AL)
Urban Park
Land (UPL)
Land (RL)
Land (CL)
Land (IL)

 Schedule 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

Schedule 10

Matrix Soil Standards for Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead,
Mercury (Inorganic) and Zinc Where Managed Organic Matter Has Been Applied

1   Site-specific numeric soil standards for a land application plan for managed organic matter may be developed using protocols approved by the director.

2   Soil standards, expressed in µg/g dry weight in the following tables, must not be exceeded in soil to which managed organic matter has been applied in accordance with a land application plan that does not include site-specific standards.

Table 1 — Soil Standards: Arsenic1

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil1001001003003,4
Groundwater used for drinking water15151515155
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates
and plants
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder25
Major microbial functional impairmentNS6
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life
Groundwater used for live stock watering155
Groundwater used for irrigation watering2525255

Table 2 — Soil Standards: Cadmium7

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil3 or 353 or 353 or 351009,10,11
Groundwater used for drinking water
pH <,13
pH 6.5 - < 7.03333312,13
pH 7.0 - < 7.5151515151512,13
pH 7.5 - < 8.020020020020020012,13
pH > 8.01 0001 0001 0001 0001 00012,13
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants707070500500
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder9
Major microbial functional impairmentNS14
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life Freshwater
pH < 7.02222212,13
pH 7.0 - <,13
pH 7.5 - < 8.0252525252512,13
pH > 8.015015015015015012,13
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life Marine
pH < 7.02222212,13
pH 7.0 - <,13
pH 7.5 - < 8.0353535353512,13
pH > 8.020020020020020012,13
Groundwater used for livestock watering
pH < 6.02.512,13
pH 6.0 - < 6.5612,13
pH 6.5 - < 7.03012,13
pH 7.0 - < 7.520012,13
pH 7.5 - < 8.03 00012,13
pH > 8.020 00012,13
Groundwater used for irrigation watering
pH < 6.522212,13
pH 6.5 - < 7.033312,13
pH 7.0 - < 7.515151512,13
pH 7.5 - < 8.020020020012, 13
pH > 8.01 0001 0001 00012,13

Table 3 — Soil Standards: Chromium15

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil10010010030017,18
Groundwater used for drinking water606060606019, 20
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants30030030070070019
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder150
Major microbial functional impairment5019,22
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life
Groundwater used for livestock watering6023
Groundwater used for irrigation watering60606023

Table 4 — Soil Standards: Copper24

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil15 00015 00015 00050 00026
Groundwater used for drinking water
pH < 5.025025025025025027,28
pH 5.0 - < 5.540040040040040027,28
pH 5.5 - < 6.01 5001 5001 5001 5001 50027,28
pH 6.0 - < 6.515 00015 00015 00015 00015 00027,28
pH > 6.5350 000350 000350 000350 000350 00027,28
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants150150150250250
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder15029
Major microbial functional impairmentNS30
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life
pH < 5.0909090909027,28
pH 5.0 - < 5.510010010010010027,28
pH 5.5 - < 6.020020020020020027,28
pH 6.0 - < 6.51 5001 5001 5001 5001 50027,28
pH > 6.530 00030 00030 00030 00030 00027,28
Groundwater used for livestock watering
pH < 5.010027,28
pH 5.0 - < 5.515027,28
pH 5.5 - < 6.050027,28
pH 6.0 - < 6.55 00027,28
pH > 6.590 00027,28
Groundwater used for irrigation watering
pH < 5.010010010027,28
pH 5.0 - < 5.515015015027,28
pH 5.5 - < 6.035035035027,28
pH 6.0 - < 6.53 5003 5003 50027,28
pH > 6.575 00075 00075 00027, 28

Table 5 — Soil Standards: Lead31

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil5005005001 00033, 34
Groundwater used for drinking water
pH < 6.010010010010010035,36
pH 6.0 - < 6.525025025025025035,36
pH > 6.54 0004 0004 0004 0004 00035,36
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants1 0001 0001 0002 0002 000
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder350
Major microbial functional impairmentNS37
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life
pH < 5.515015015015015035,36
pH 5.5 - < 6.025025025025025035,36
pH 6.0 - < 6.52 0002 0002 0002 0002 00035,36
pH > 6.540 00040 00040 00040 00040 00035,36
Groundwater used for livestock watering
pH < 5.515035,36
pH 5.5 - < 6.025035,36
pH 6.0 - < 6.51 50035,36
pH > 6.530 00035,36
Groundwater used for irrigation watering
pH < 5.515015015035,36
pH 5.5 - < 6.040040040035,36
pH 6.0 - < 6.53 5003 5003 50035,36
pH > 6.5100 000100 000100 00035,36

Table 6 — Soil Standards: Mercury (inorganic)38

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil1515154040
Groundwater used for drinking waterNSNSNSNSNS41
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants100100100150150
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder0.6
Major microbial functional impairment2042
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life Freshwater or MarineNSNSNSNSNS41
Groundwater used for livestock wateringNS41
Groundwater used for irrigation wateringNSNSNS41

Table 7 — Soil Standards: Zinc43

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Note
Site-specific FactorAgricultural
Urban Park
Human Health Protection
Intake of contaminated soil10 00010 00010 00030 00045
Groundwater used for drinking water
pH < 5.015015015015015046,47
pH 5.0 - < 5.520020020020020046,47
pH 5.5 - < 6.030030030030030046,47
pH 6.0 - < 6.51 0001 0001 0001 0001 00046,47
pH 6.5 - < 7.07 5007 5007 5007 5007 50046,47
pH > 7.015 00015 00015 00015 00015 00046,47
Environmental Protection
Toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants450450450600600
Livestock ingesting soil and fodder200
Major microbial functional impairment32048
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life Freshwater
pH < 6.015015015015015046,47,49
pH 6.0 - < 6.530030030030030046,47,49
pH 6.5 - < 7.01 5001 5001 5001 5001 50046,47,49
pH > 7.03 0003 0003 0003 0003 00046,47,49
Groundwater flow to surface water used by aquatic life Marine
pH < 6.515015015015015046,47,49
pH 6.5 - < 7.030030030030030046,47,49
pH 7.0 - < 7.52 0002 0002 0002 0002 00046,47,49
pH > 7.535 00035 00035 00035 00035 00046,47,49
Groundwater used for livestock watering
pH < 5.515046,47
pH 5.5 - < 6.020046,47
pH 6.0 - < 6.550046,47
pH 6.5 - < 7.03 00046,47
pH > 7.07 00046,47
Groundwater used for irrigation watering
pH < 6.015015015046,47
pH 6.0 - < 6.550050050046,47
pH 6.5 - < 7.03 0003 0003 00046,47
pH > 7.015 00015 00015 00046,47

Consult director for further advice.

Notes to Table 1

1All values are in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
2The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
3Standard has been derived based on results of clinical studies at sites. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the soil ingestion clinical study factor. For AL, PL and RL the soil ingestion clinical study factor is 80 µg/g. For CL soil ingestion the clinical study factor is 240 µg/g.
4Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
5Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concentration is 14.9 µg/g.
6NS - no standard. Insufficient acceptable scientific data exists, so no standard is calculated.

Notes to Table 2

7All values in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
8The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
9If land is used to grow produce for human consumption, the standard is 3 µg/g; if not, the standard is 35 µg/g.
10The 3 µg/g standard has been derived based on results of clinical studies at sites. It represents the rounded remainder of the toxicologically-based value, 35 µg/g, minus the soil ingestion clinical study factor, 32 µg/g.
11Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
12The pH is the pH of the soil at a site.
13Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concentration is 1.3 µg/g.
14NS - no standard. Insufficient acceptable scientific data exists, so no standard is calculated.

Notes to Table 3

15All values in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
16The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
17Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
18Standard is for chromium+6.
19Standard is for chromium (total).
20Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concentration is 58.9 µg/g.
21Standard is for chromium+3.
22Standard is set equal to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999 - Nutrient and energy cycling check value.
23Standard is applicable to both chromium+3 and chromium+6.

Notes to Table 4

24All values in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
25The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
26Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
27The pH is the pH of the soil at a site.
28Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concentration is 74.0 µg/g.
29Standard is applicable to livestock other than sheep. Consult director for further advice.
30NS - no standard. Insufficient acceptable scientific data exists, so no standard is calculated.

Notes to Table 5

31All values in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
32The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
33Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
34Standard has been derived based on clinical studies at sites. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value, 115 µg/g, plus the soil ingestion clinical study factor, 385 µg/g. For CL soil ingestion the clinical study factor is 650 µg/g.
35The pH is the pH of the soil at a site.
36Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concen-tration is 108.6 µg/g.
37NS - no standard. Insufficient acceptable scientific data exists, so no standard is calculated.

Notes to Table 6

38All values are in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
39The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
40Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
41NS - no standard. Insufficient acceptable scientific data exists, so no standard is calculated.
42Standard is set equal to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999 - Nutrient and energy cycling check value

Notes to Table 7

43All values in µg/g unless otherwise stated. Substances must be analyzed using methods specified in protocols approved under section 53 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C. Reg. 375/96, or alternate methods acceptable to the director.
44The site-specific factors of human intake of contaminated soil and toxicity to soil invertebrates and plants specified in this matrix apply at all sites.
45Intake pathway of exposure modeled is inadvertent ingestion of soil.
46The pH is the pH of the soil at a site.
47Standard has been adjusted based on a reference provincial background soil concentration. Standard represents the rounded sum of the toxicologically-based value plus the reference provincial background soil concentration. For all land uses, the reference provincial background soil concentration is 138.1 µg/g.
48Standard is set equal to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999 - Nutrient and energy cycling check value.
49Standard varies with receiving water hardness (H). H = 100 - < 200 mg/L as CaCO3 is assumed.

 Schedule 10.1 was enacted by BC Reg 243/2016 (as amended by BC Reg 195/2017), effective November 1, 2017.

 Schedule 12 table items "manure" and "plant matter derived from processing plants" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 7/2019, effective February 28, 2019.

manureanimal excreta from pets, animals in zoological facilities, fish held in commercial aquaculture or aquarium facilities, livestock, farmed game or poultry, this does not include the management of animal excreta (manure) on farms as defined as agricultural waste in B.C. Reg. 131/92 but does include animal excreta (manure) not included within the scope of B.C. Reg. 131/92.
plant matter derived from processing plantsfruit, vegetable and vegetative material derived from fruit and vegetable processing plants, these are materials which have been removed from an agricultural operation and no longer fit within the definition of agricultural waste (agricultural vegetation waste) as defined in B.C. Reg. 131/92.