Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | Licence Disclaimer |
B.C. Reg. 206/2015 Chief Electoral Officer | Deposited November 6, 2015 |
[Last amended February 19, 2020 by B.C. Reg. 27/2020]
1 In this regulation:
"Act" means the Election Act;
"BC identification card" has the same meaning as in the Identification Card Regulation;
"personal health number" means the unique identity number issued by the Medical Services Commission under the Medicare Protection Act to a beneficiary under that Act.
2 An application form referred to in section 35 [application for registration] or 51.02 [list of future voters] of the Act may request the following information:
(b) the applicant's driver's licence number;
(c) the applicant's BC identification card number;
(d) the last 6 digits of the applicant's social insurance number;
(e) the last 6 digits of the applicant's personal health number;
(f) a telephone number at which the applicant may be contacted;
(g) a cellular telephone number at which the applicant may be contacted;
(h) an email address at which the applicant may be contacted.
[am. B.C. Reg. 27/2020, s. 1.]
3 If an application referred to in section 35 or 51.02 of the Act is made online through the Elections BC website or orally by telephone, the application must include one of the following:
(a) the applicant's driver's licence number;
(b) the applicant's BC identification card number;
(c) the last 6 digits of the applicant's social insurance number;
(d) the last 6 digits of the applicant's personal health number.
[am. B.C. Reg. 27/2020, s. 2.]
[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Election Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 106, s. 283]
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada