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View Complete Regulation

B.C. Reg. 261/93
O.C. 1030/93
Deposited July 30, 1993
effective October 1, 1993
This consolidation is current to February 4, 2025.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)
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Court Rules Act and Small Claims Act

Small Claims Rules

[Last amended October 3, 2022 by B.C. Reg. 161/2022]

Schedule A

[en. B.C. Reg. 74/98; am. B.C. Regs. 10/2003, s. 2; 172/2003, s. 8; 458/2004; 459/2004; 285/2005; 371/2008; 120/2017, Sch. 2, s. 51; 126/2020.]


You must pay these amounts for the following services:

Registry Services$
1For filing a notice of claim
(a) for claims up to and including $3 000
(b) for claims over $3 000

1.1For filing an application for exemption125
2For filing a reply, unless the defendant has agreed to pay all of the claim
(a) for claims up to and including $3 000
(b) for claims over $3 000

3For filing a counterclaim or a revised reply containing a new counterclaim
(a) for counterclaims up to and including $3 000
(b) for counterclaims over $3 000

4For filing a third party notice25
5For filing an application for a default order25
5.1For returning confirmation of acceptance or refusal of a filing transmitted to a fax filing pilot project registry by fax, by mail or fax10
5.2For filing a request for judgment or for dismissal25
5.3For filing an application for a mediation compensation order25
6For a search of a record, other than
(a) an electronic search conducted from outside the registry, or
(b) a search of a record of a proceeding by
(i) a party to that proceeding, or
(ii) the party's solicitor
6.1For returning by mail, fax or electronic mail the results of a search of an existing case, the aggregate of the following:
(a) fee for returning the results
(b) cost per page faxed or mailed

6.2For accessing from outside the registry, including, without limitation, viewing, printing or downloading, any record that is found by or created in response to an electronic search or request, including, without limitation, an index of cases produced in response to a search query6
7For copies, per page1
8For a certified copy of a record
(a) for 10 pages or less
(b) for each additional page over 10 pages

9For filing or issuing a certificate of judgment or any other certificate, except for filing a certificate issued under section 56.2 of the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act30
10For filing
(a) a certified copy of an order from another registry of the court, except for a Restitution Order made under the Criminal Code
(b) a copy of an order of an arbitrator under the Residential Tenancy Act
(c) a validated copy of an order giving effect to a final decision of the civil resolution tribunal under the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act

11For taking or swearing an affidavit for use in the court, except for taking or swearing an affidavit in the course of a person's duties as a peace officer or as an agent or officer of British Columbia or an affidavit of non-compliance under Rule 7 (20)
12For filing the records required for the issue of a garnishing order40
13Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 10/2003, s. 2 (c).] 
14For resetting a trial or hearing with less than 30 days' notice before the date of the proceeding as set on the trial list, unless the matter must be reset due to the unavailability of a judge100
Sheriff Services
15For personal service by the sheriff
(a) for receiving, filing, personally serving one person, and returning the document together with a certificate or affidavit of service or attempted service
(b) for each additional person served at the same address
(c) for each additional person served not at the same address


(a) receiving, filing, serving one person by registered mail and returning the document together with a certificate of service or attempted service
(b) each additional person served by registered mail at the same address

17For enforcing orders for seizure and sale
(a) for each order
(b) for attending, investigating, inventorying, cataloguing, taking possession, preparing for sale, per hour for each sheriff involved
(c) as commission on the sum realized, or on the sum settled for, as the case may be, after deducting disbursements properly incurred
(d) the amount of the commission payable under paragraph (c) must be reduced by 50% if an auctioneer, broker or other individual sells the goods and chattels for the sheriff and receives a fee or commission for doing so

18In lien and recovery actions,
(a) for enforcing a lien other than a repairer's lien, or for recovering goods, if the enforcement or recovery is completely or partly accomplished
(b) for attending, investigating, inventorying, cataloguing, taking possession, per hour for each sheriff involved

19In respect of items 17 and 18, for each kilometre travelled0.50
20For a search, including a certificate of result5
21For taking or swearing an affidavit for use in the court, except for taking or swearing an affidavit in the course of a person's duties as a peace officer or as an agent or officer of British Columbia30
22All disbursements properly incurred to carry out items 15 to 21 

In addition to any other fees payable under this Schedule, a further fee of $7.00 must be paid for transmitting a document package to a registry through the electronic filing service of Court Services Online. For the purposes of this provision, a "document package" is any document or, if a group of documents is transmitted at one time in relation to the same court file, that group of documents.

Despite anything in this Schedule, if, after consultation with the Chief Judge, the Crown enters into an agreement with a person under which the person is authorized to access one or both of registry records and specified registry services and is exempted from payment of any or all of the fees provided under Items 6, 6.1, 6.2 and 7 for such access, the person may, on payment of any fee required under the agreement and on compliance with any other terms and conditions imposed by the agreement, access, during the term of the agreement, the registry records and registry services to which the agreement applies without payment of the fees from which the person is exempted under the agreement.

Contents | Rules 1 to 5 | Rules 6 to 10.2 | Rules 11 to 15 | Rules 16 to 22 | Schedule A | Schedule B | Schedules C, D and E