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"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Independent School Act

Independent School Regulation

B.C. Reg. 262/89

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Section 1 June 25, 2012
Section 2 September 10, 2010
September 10, 2010
July 1, 2011
June 25, 2012
June 23, 2014
September 20, 2016
November 28, 2016
Section 2.1 April 30, 2020
March 30, 2022
Section 3 September 10, 2010
June 25, 2012
July 1, 2013
June 23, 2014
Section 4 September 10, 2010
June 25, 2012
Section 4.1 June 25, 2012
July 1, 2013
July 1, 2020
Section 5 June 25, 2012
Section 6 June 25, 2012
March 11, 2021
Section 8 June 25, 2012
September 20, 2016
Section 11 November 24, 2014
July 1, 2015
Section 12 September 20, 2016
Section 13 September 20, 2016
November 28, 2016
Section 14 September 20, 2016
Section 15 September 20, 2016
Section 16 September 20, 2016
Section 17 September 20, 2016
September 2, 2017
Appendix 1 September 10, 2010
September 10, 2010
July 1, 2011
Appendix 2 September 10, 2010
June 23, 2014
September 20, 2016

 Section 1 definition of "public distributed learning school" was added by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

 Section 2 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

(1)  Subject to subsection (3), in order to qualify for a grant under the Act in respect of an independent school, an authority holding a group 1 or 2 certificate for the independent school must file the following with the inspector:

(a) by October 15 of the school year for which a grant is claimed, a report, in the form specified by the inspector, stating

(i)  the number of eligible students enrolled in and in attendance at the school as of September 30 of that school year in an educational program that is not delivered through distributed learning,

(ii)  the number of eligible students enrolled at the school as of September 30 of that school year who are in kindergarten and grades 1 to 9 in an educational program delivered in whole or in part through distributed learning, and

(iii)  the total number of eligible students enrolled at the school in each grade 10 to 12 course delivered through distributed learning as of September 30 of that school year, multiplied by 1/8;

(b) by February 28 of the school year for which a grant is claimed, a report, in the form specified by the inspector, stating

(i)  the number of eligible students enrolled in the school after September 30 of that school year but on or before February 15 who are in kindergarten and grades 1 to 9 in an educational program delivered in whole or in part through distributed learning, multiplied by 1/2, and

(ii)  the total number of eligible students enrolled at the school in each grade 10 to 12 course delivered through distributed learning after September 30 of that school year but on or before February 15, multiplied by 1/8;

(c) by May 31 of the school year for which a grant is claimed, a report, in the form specified by the inspector, stating

(i)  the number of eligible students enrolled in the school after February 15 of that school year but on or before May 15 who are in kindergarten and grades 1 to 9 in an educational program delivered in whole or in part through distributed learning, multiplied by 1/3, and

(ii)  the total number of eligible students enrolled at the school in each grade 10 to 12 course delivered through distributed learning after February 15 of that school year but on or before May 15, multiplied by 1/8;

(d) by June 15 of the school year for which a grant is claimed, an audited report, in the form specified by the inspector, stating

(i)  the number of eligible students enrolled in and in attendance at the school as of May 15 who have completed at least 600 hours of instruction after July 1 but before May 15 of that school year in an educational program that is not delivered through distributed learning,

(ii)  the number of eligible students enrolled in and in attendance at the school as of May 15 who have completed fewer than 600 hours of instruction after July 1 but before May 15 of that school year in an educational program that is not delivered through distributed learning, and

(iii)  the total number of hours of instruction received through the school by the students referred to in subparagraph (ii), divided by 600.

 Section 2 (1.1) was added by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

 Section 2 (1.1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 90/2011, effective July 1, 2011.

(1.1)  For the purposes of subsection (1),

(a) kindergarten students enrolled in an independent school listed in column 2 of Appendix 1 are classified as

(i)  FTE kindergarten students up to the number of full-day kindergarten spaces allocated to that independent school in column 3 of Appendix 1, if the students are enrolled in an educational program that offers at least 850 hours of instruction,

(ii)  1/2 FTE kindergarten students if the students are enrolled in an educational program that offers fewer than 850 hours of instruction, or

(iii)  1/2 FTE kindergarten students in excess of the number of full-day kindergarten spaces allocated to that independent school in column 3 of Appendix 1 regardless of how many hours of instruction the students are offered in their educational program, and

(b) kindergarten students enrolled in an independent school not listed in column 2 of Appendix 1 are classified as 1/2 FTE kindergarten students.

 Section 2 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

(3)  Where the inspector accepts the filing of a report after the date it is due under subsections (1) and (2), the report shall be deemed to be filed on time for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be.

 Section 2 (2.1) and (2.2) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 125/2014, effective June 23, 2014.

(2.1) Except in respect of an eligible student enrolled in an educational program in any of grades 10 to 12 that is delivered in whole or in part through distributed learning, a grant must not be paid to an authority with respect to a student enrolled in an educational program provided by a board.

(2.2) Except in respect of an eligible student enrolled in more than one educational program in any of grades 10 to 12 delivered in whole or in part through distributed learning, only one grant will be paid with respect to a student enrolled in more than one independent school or enrolled in more than one educational program offered by the same independent school.

 Section 2 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

(4) A report referred to in subsection (1) (d) or subsection (2) must be audited by a person qualified under section 205 of the Business Corporations Act to be an auditor of a reporting company.

 Section 2 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 221/2016, effective November 28, 2016.

(4) A report referred to in subsection (1) (d) or subsection (2) must be audited by a person qualified under section 42 of the Society Act to be an auditor of a reporting society.

 Section 2.1 was enacted by BC Reg 92/2020, effective April 30, 2020.

 Section 2.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 79/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

Reporting requirements — 2019/2020 school year

2.1   (1) For the purposes of applying section 2 (1) (d) in relation to the school year commencing July 1, 2019,

(a) in that provision, the reference to "June 15" is to be read as a reference to "May 1" and the reference to "an audited report" is to be read as a reference to "a report",

(b) in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of that provision, a reference to "May 15" is to be read as a reference to "March 15",

(c) in subparagraphs (i) and (iii) of that provision, a reference to "600 hours of instruction" is to be read as a reference to "450 hours of instruction",

(d) in subparagraphs (ii) and (iv) of that provision, a reference to "320 hours of instruction" is to be read as a reference to "240 hours of instruction",

(e) in subparagraph (v) of that provision, the reference to "divided by 600" is to be read as a reference to "divided by 450", and

(f) in subparagraph (vi) of that provision, the reference to "divided by 320" is to be read as a reference to "divided by 240".

(2) Despite section 2 (1.1), for the purposes of applying section 2 (1) (d) as modified by this section, kindergarten students enrolled in an independent school in an educational program that is not delivered through distributed learning, are classified as

(a) FTE kindergarten students if the students are enrolled in an educational program that offers at least 450 hours of instruction, and

(b) 1/2 FTE kindergarten students if the students are enrolled in an educational program that offers fewer than 450 hours of instruction.

(3) For greater certainty, section 2 (4) does not apply to a report referred to in section 2 (1) (d) as modified by this section.

(4) In applying section 3 (1) (a) for the purposes of the school year commencing July 1, 2019, the reference in that provision to "section 2 (1) (d) (i), (ii), (v) and (vi)" is to be read as a reference to section 2 (1) (d) (i), (ii), (v) and (vi) as modified by this section.

[en. B.C. Reg. 92/2020.]

 Section 3 (1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

(a) the total sum of the amounts described in section 2 (1) (a) (ii) and (iii), (b) (i) and (ii), (c) (i) and (ii) and (d) (i) and (iii),

 Section 3 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

 Calculation of grants

3  (1)  For the purposes of section 12 (1) of the Act, a grant for a school year to an authority for each group 1 or 2 classification independent school it operates is the product of the following:

(a) the total sum of the amounts described in section 2 (1) (a) (ii), (iii) and (iv), (b) (i), (ii) and (iii), (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) and (d) (i), (ii), (v) and (vi),

(b) the per FTE student grant for the school year of the public school district in which the independent school is located, and

(c) the percentage applicable to the school under section 4.

(2)  No grant shall be paid to an authority with respect to a student whose education is fully or substantially funded by the government of Canada.

(3)  Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 208/93, s. 2.]

(4)  The per FTE student grant in subsection (1) (b) shall be calculated by the following formula:

per FTE student cost =A — [B + C + D]


where, in relation to the public school district,

Ais the sum of
(i)the amount of the operating grant under section 106.3 of the School Act, and
(ii)if in the school year a special grant is payable under section 115 (1) (a) of the School Act to all boards of all public school districts in the Province for operating expenses, the amount of that special grant paid to the public school district;
Bis the "annual facility grant" as defined in section 1 of the School Act;
Cis the total for local capital expenditures as defined by paragraph (b) of the definition of "local capital expenditure" in section 1 of the School Act;
Dis the allocation by the minister made under section 106.3 (1) (b) of the School Act in respect of students eligible for supplementary special needs funding;
Eis the number of the school district's FTE students as determined as of September 30 of the school year by the minister.

[am. B.C. Regs. 447/90; 208/93, s. 2; 193/94; 1995-22-6; 220/2002;
B.C. Regs. 271/2002; 305/2004; 228/2006, App. 2, s. 3; 259/2010, s. 2.]

 Section 3 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 125/2013, effective July 1, 2013.

(4)  The per FTE student grant in subsection (1) (b) must be calculated using the following formula:

per FTE student grant =(A+B) - C


where, in relation to the school district,

A=the amount of the operating grant under section 106.3 of the School Act for the school year, estimated by the minister as of December 30 of the school year;
B=if in the school year a special grant is payable under section 115 (1) (a) of the School Act to all boards of all school districts in the Province for operating expenses, the amount of that special grant paid to the school district;
C=the allocation by the minister made under section 106.3 of the School Act in respect of students eligible for supplementary special needs funding for the school year, estimated by the minister as of December 30 of the school year;
D=the number of the school district's FTE students for the school year, estimated by the minister as of December 30 of the school year.

 Section 3 (6) and (7) were added by BC Reg 125/2014, effective June 23, 2014.

 Section 4 (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

(a) 100% for an independent school listed in the Appendix,

 Section 4 (b) (ii) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

(ii)  that is not listed in the Appendix, and

 Section 4 (c) (ii) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

(ii)  that is not listed in the Appendix.

 Section 4 (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.


4  The percentage that is applicable for the purposes of section 3 (1) (c) for the school year commencing July 1, 2009 and for each subsequent school year is

 Section 4.1 was enacted by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

 Section 4.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 125/2013, effective July 1, 2013.

 Percentages — distributed learning independent schools

4.1  The percentage that is applicable in respect of a distributed learning independent school for the purposes of section 3 (2) (c) for the school year commencing July 1, 2012 and for each subsequent school year is

(a) 62% for a distributed learning independent school for which an authority has been issued a certificate of group 1 classification, and

(b) 43.4% for a distributed learning independent school for which an authority has been issued a certificate of group 2 classification.

[en. B.C. Reg. 172/2012, s. 5.]

 Section 4.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 97/2020, effective July 1, 2020.

Percentages — distributed learning independent schools

4.1   The percentage that is applicable in respect of a distributed learning independent school for the purposes of section 3 (2) (c) for the school year commencing July 1, 2013 and for each subsequent school year is

(a) 63% for a distributed learning independent school for which an authority has been issued a certificate of group 1 classification, and

(b) 44.1% for a distributed learning independent school for which an authority has been issued a certificate of group 2 classification.

[en. B.C. Reg. 172/2012, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 125/2013, Sch. s. 2.]

 Section 5 (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

 Expiry of certificate of group classification

5  A certificate of group classification for an independent school shall be granted for a term not exceeding

 Section 6 (1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

(a) shall offer, free of charge, the evaluation and assessment services normally offered to students by the independent school in which the child is registered, and

 Section 6 (1) (b) (i) and (ii) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(i) authorized and recommended educational resource materials provided by the Ministry of Education that, in the school's opinion, are sufficient to enable the child to pursue his or her educational program, or

(ii) learning materials used by the students of the independent school that, in the school's opinion, are sufficient to enable the child to pursue his or her educational program.

 Section 8 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 172/2012, effective June 25, 2012.

 Authority to provide information about bond

8  An authority holding a group 4 certificate for an independent school shall include in its school calendar detailed information concerning the protection afforded by a bond acquired by the authority pursuant to the Bonding Regulation.

 Section 8 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

Authority to provide information about bond

8   An authority holding a group 4 certificate for an independent school must include in its school calendar detailed information concerning the protection afforded by a bond acquired by the authority pursuant to the Bonding Regulation.

[en. B.C. Reg. 260/93, Sch. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 172/2012, s. 8.]

 Section 11 was enacted by BC Reg 206/2014, effective November 24, 2014.

 Section 11 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 262/89, effective July 1, 2015.

Special rules for 2014/2015 school year

11   (1) Despite section 2, for the purposes of applying section 2 (1) to the 2014/2015 school year,

(a) the reference to "October 15 of the school year for which a grant is claimed" must be read as a reference to "November 30, 2014", and

(b) all references to "September 30 of that school year" must be read as references to "October 17, 2014".

(2) Despite section 3, for the purposes of applying section 3 (4) and (5) to the 2014/2015 school year, the references to "September 30 of the school year" must be read as references to "October 17, 2014".

(3) This section is repealed on July 1, 2015.

[en. B.C. Reg. 206/2014, App. 2.]

 Section 12 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 13 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 13 (3) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 221/2016, effective November 28, 2016.

(b) the authority is a society incorporated under the Society Act or a company incorporated under the Business Corporations Act and provides the inspector with a certificate of good standing issued by or on behalf of the Registrar of Companies, not more than 30 days before the application;

 Section 14 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 15 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 16 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 17 was enacted by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.

 Section 17 (3) and (4) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 2, 2017.

(3) Despite subsection (2) of this section and section 8 of the Bonding Regulations, for the period of time that starts on the date this section comes into force and ends on September 1, 2017, acceptable security for a bond for the purposes of the Act must consist of one or more of the following types of security:

(a) short term deposits, not to exceed 3 years, issued by a savings institution and registered in the name of the minister, the interest from which may be payable to the depositor;

(b) registered marketable bonds that are

(i) in fully registered form, issued or guaranteed by the government of Canada or the government of a province, with a maturity date of not longer than 3 years, and

(ii) accompanied by a duly executed, irrevocable power of attorney that authorizes the minister to realize the security;

(c) treasury bill notes issued by the government of Canada or the government of a province;

(d) irrevocable letters of credit, issued by a savings institution, with a termination date beyond the required term of security and containing a promise to pay the minister a specified sum on written demand;

(e) surety bonds issued by a person authorized under the Financial Institutions Act to carry on insurance business.

(4) Subsection (3) and this subsection are repealed on September 2, 2017.

 Appendix BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.


ItemName of Schools
1?A'q'amnik Primary School
2Aatse Davie School
3Acwsalcta Band School
4Bella Bella Community School
5Chalo School
6Coast Tsimshian Academy
7Gitsegukla Elementary School
8Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw School
9Haahuupayak School
10Kispoix Elementary-Junior Secondary School
11Klappan Independent Day School
12Lower Nicola Band School
13Maaqtusiis School
14Moricetown Elementary School
15N'kwala School
16Nak'albun Elementary School
17Seabird Island School
18Sen*Pok*Chin School
19Sensisyusten House of Learning
20Sk'elep School of Excellence
21Stein Valley Nlakapamux School
22Stu''ate Lelum Secondary School
23T'lisalagi'lakw School
24Yaqan Nukiy School
25Yunesit'in ?Esgul School

 Appendix 1 was enacted by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

 Appendix 1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 90/2011, effective July 1, 2011.

Appendix 1

[en. B.C. Reg. 259/2010, s. 4.]

[section 2]

ItemColumn 1
Column 2
Name of Independent Schools
Column 3
Full Day
1BC Muslim AssociationBC Muslim School50
2BC Muslim AssociationSurrey Muslim School20
3Bella Bella Community School SocietyBella Bella Community School16
4Bethel Chapel SocietyCariboo Christian Academy10
5Canyon Springs Montessori School SocietyCanyon Springs Montessori School17
6Catholic Independent Schools Kamloops DioceseOur Lady of Perpetual Help School20
7Catholic Independent Schools Kamloops DioceseSacred Heart Elementary School15
8Catholic Independent Schools Kamloops DioceseSt Ann's Academy18
9Catholic Independent Schools Kamloops DioceseSt. Ann's Elementary School20
10Catholic Independent Schools Kamloops DioceseSt. James Elementary School15
11Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseHoly Cross Elementary School16
12Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseOur Lady of Lourdes Elementary School20
13Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseSt. Joseph Elementary School (Kelowna)30
14Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseSt. Joseph Elementary School (Nelson)18
15Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseSt. Mary's Elementary School22
16Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson DioceseSt. Michael's Elementary School24
17Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince GeorgeImmaculate Conception School24
18Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Prince GeorgeNotre Dame School20
19Catholic Independent School Diocese of Prince GeorgeSacred Heart School12
20Catholic Independent School Diocese of Prince GeorgeSt. Anthony's School20
21Catholic Independent School Diocese of Prince GeorgeSt. Joseph's School26
22Catholic Independent School Diocese of Prince GeorgeSt. Mary's School24
23Catholic Independent School Diocese of Prince GeorgeVeritas School22
24Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseAssumption School20
25Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseHoly Trinity School23
26Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseImmaculate Conception School (Delta)48
27Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseImmaculate Conception School (Vancouver)23
28Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseOur Lady of Good Counsel Elementary School30
29Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseOur Lady of Mercy Elementary School26
30Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSacred Heart Elementary School40
31Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt Andrew's Elementary School24
32Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Anthony of Padua Elementary School24
33Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Anthony's Elementary School26
34Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Augustine's Elementary School26
35Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Edmund's Elementary School25
36Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Francis of Assisi Elementary School17
37Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Francis Xavier Elementary School35
38Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Joseph's Elementary School17
39Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Jude's Elementary School20
40Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Mary's Elementary School (Chilliwack)11
41Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Mary's Elementary School (Vancouver)28
42Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Michael's Elementary School25
43Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Patrick's Elementary School (Maple Ridge)20
44Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Patrick's Elementary School (Vancouver)21
45Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseSt. Paul Elementary School31
46Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver ArchdioceseStar of the Sea Elementary School45
47Catholic Independent Schools of Diocese of VictoriaJohn Paul II School13
48Catholic Independent Schools of Diocese of VictoriaQueen of Angels School35
49Catholic Independent Schools of Diocese of VictoriaSt Andrew's Elementary School25
50Catholic Independent Schools of Diocese of VictoriaSt Joseph's School13
51Chief & Councillors of the Iskut BandKlappan Independent Day School12
52Chief & Council of the Stone Indian BandYunesit'in ?Esgul5
53Christian Outreach of CanadaCornerstone Christian School14
54Christian School Association of SurreySurrey Christian School37
55Concordia Lutheran Church of PentictonConcordia Lutheran School10
56Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist ChurchCornerstone Christian Academy15
57Dawson Creek Christian Education SocietyRon Pettigrew Christian School13
58Delta Christian School SocietyDelta Christian School4
59Evangelical Free Church of Williams LakeMaranatha Christian School10
60Ganges Educational SocietySalt Spring Centre School12
61Grace Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGood Shepherd Christian School8
62Guru Nanak Education Society of BCSikh Academy80
63Hands On Summer Camp SocietyElizabeth Buckley School8
64Haney-Pitt Meadows Christian SchoolMaple Ridge Christian School20
65Islamic Heritage SocietyIqra School51
66Island Montessori House SocietyIsland Montessori House School16
67Kamloops Christian School AssociationKamloops Christian School16
68Kelowna Christian Centre SocietyHeritage Christian Online School125
69Kelowna Christian Centre SocietyHeritage Christian School20
70Kelowna Society for Christian EducationKelowna Christian School30
71Kyah Wiget Education SocietyMoricetown Elementary School15
72Lighthouse Christian Academy SocietyLighthouse Christian Academy12
73Lions Gate Christian Academy AssociationLions Gate Christian Academy19
74Lower Kootenay Indian Band Education SocietyYaqan Nukiy School9
75Mind Montessori in Delta SocietyBoundary Bay Montessori House School10
76Namgis Education SocietyT'lisalagi'lakw School14
77Nanaimo Christian School (1988) SocietyNanaimo Christian School14
78Okanagan Montessori Elementary School SocietyOkanagan Montessori Elementary & Preschool30
79Pacific Pentecostal Education & Communication SocietyPacific Academy100
80Penticton Community Christian SocietyPenticton Community Christian School8
81Powell River Christian School SocietyPowell River Christian School5
82Queenswood Montessori SocietySt. Christopher's Montessori School20
83Quesnel Christian School SocietyNorth Cariboo Christian School8
84Richmond Christian School AssociationRichmond Christian School56
85Satnam Education Society of BCKhalsa School (Surrey)325
86Satnam Education Society of BCKhalsa School (Vancouver)25
87SDA Church — BC ConferenceDeer Lake SDA School20
88SDA Church — BC ConferenceFraser Valley Adventist Academy10
89SDA Church — BC ConferencePeace Christian School9
90Senpokchin Education SocietySen*Pok*Chin School20
91Shia Muslim Community of BCAz-Zahraa Islamic Academy15
92Terrace Calvin Christian School SocietyCentennial Christian School10
93UBC Society for Young ChildrenS7umux Kindergarten28
94Urban Academy SocietyUrban Academy22
95Vancouver Christian School AssociationVancouver Christian School40
96Vancouver College LimitedVancouver College26
97Vancouver Hebrew Academy SocietyVancouver Hebrew Academy14
98Vancouver Talmud Torah SocietyVancouver Talmud Torah Elementary School70
99Vancouver Waldorf SocietyVancouver Waldorf Early Childhood School46
100West Coast Montessori SocietyLangley Montessori School12
101Western Communities Montessori SocietyWest-Mont School20
102Westside Preparatory SocietyWestside Preparatory School15
103Wind and Tide Kindergarten SocietyWind and Tide Kindergarten20
104Wondertree FoundationSelfDesign Learning Community78

 Appendix 2 was enacted by BC Reg 259/2010, effective September 10, 2010.

 Appendix 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 125/2014, effective June 23, 2014.

Appendix 2

[en. B.C. Reg. 259/2010, s. 4.]

[section 4]

ItemName of Schools
1?A'q'amnik Primary School
2Aatse Davie School
3Acwsalcta Band School
4Bella Bella Community School
5Chalo School
6Coast Tsimshian Academy
7Gitsegukla Elementary School
8Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw School
9Haahuupayak School
10Kispiox Elementary-Junior Secondary School
11Klappan Independent Day School
12Lower Nicola Band School
13Maaqtusiis School
14Moricetown Elementary School
15N'kwala School
16Nak'albun Elementary School
17Seabird Island School
18Sen*Pok*Chin School
19Sensisyusten House of Learning
20Sk'elep School of Excellence
21Stein Valley Nlakapamux School
22Stu''ate Lelum Secondary School
23T'lisalagi'lakw School
24Yaqan Nukiy School
25Yunesit'in ?Esgul School

 Appendix 2, item 26 "'Na Aksa Gyila̱k'yoo School" was added by BC Reg 221/2016, effective September 20, 2016.