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B.C. Reg. 281/2008 M241/2008 | Deposited October 15, 2008 effective October 17, 2008 |
[Last amended September 1, 2020 by B.C. Reg. 167/2020]
1 In this regulation:
"Act" means the Health Professions Act;
"compound" means to mix with one or more other ingredients;
"dispense" has the same meaning as in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act, but excludes a sale as defined in that Act;
"Drug Schedules Regulation" means the Drug Schedules Regulation, B.C. Reg. 9/98;
"hospital" has the same meaning as in the Hospital Act;
"Indigenous" means relating to the aboriginal peoples of Canada within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982;
"Indigenous midwifery" means
(a) traditional Indigenous midwifery practices including the use and administration of traditional herbs and medicines and other cultural and spiritual practices,
(b) contemporary Indigenous midwifery practices which are based on, or originate in, traditional Indigenous midwifery practices, or
(c) a combination of traditional and contemporary Indigenous midwifery practices;
"midwifery" means the health profession in which a person provides the following services during normal pregnancy, labour, delivery and the postpartum period:
(a) assessment, monitoring and care for patients, newborns and infants, including carrying out appropriate emergency measures when necessary;
(b) counselling, supporting and advising persons, including providing advice and information regarding care for newborns and infants;
(c) conducting internal examinations of patients, performing episiotomies and amniotomies and repairing episiotomies and simple lacerations;
(d) contraceptive services for patients during the 3 months following a birth;
"midwifery diagnosis" means a clinical judgment of a patient's mental or physical condition, or that of the patient's newborn, to determine whether
(a) the condition can be ameliorated or resolved by services that the registrant is authorized to provide, or
(b) consultation with, or transfer of responsibility for care to, another health professional is necessary or appropriate;
"narcotic" has the same meaning as in the Narcotic Control Regulations made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada);
"parenteral instillation" means instillation directly into the blood stream;
"patient" means a person who
(b) is in labour or is delivering a child, or
(c) is in the postpartum period;
"prescribe" means to issue a prescription as defined in the Pharmacy Operations and Drug Scheduling Act, except a prescription issued in respect of an animal;
"registrant" means a registrant who is authorized under the bylaws to practise midwifery;
"reserve" means a reserve as defined in the Indian Act (Canada);
"substance" includes air and water, but excludes
(a) a drug specified in Schedule I, IA, II or IV of the Drug Schedules Regulation, and
(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 274/2016, s. 1 (c).]
[am. B.C. Regs. 155/2009, s. 1; 274/2016, s. 1; 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 1.]
2 The name of the college responsible for carrying out the objects of the Act in respect of midwifery is "British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives".
[en. B.C. Reg. 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 2.]
4 (1) A registrant may practise midwifery.
(2) A registrant who is Indigenous may practise Indigenous midwifery.
[en. B.C. Reg. 155/2009, s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 3.]
4.1 The college is authorized to establish, under section 19 (1) (i) of the Act, a class of provisional registrants for the purposes of section 20 (4.3) of the Act.
[en. B.C. Reg. 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 4.]
5 (1) A registrant in the course of practicing midwifery may do any of the following:
(a) make a midwifery diagnosis identifying a condition as the cause of signs or symptoms of an individual;
(b) perform a procedure on tissue below the dermis or below the surface of a mucous membrane, for the purposes of
(i) performing episiotomies or amniotomies,
(ii) repairing episiotomies or simple lacerations, or
(iii) taking a swab or specimen required for a screening or diagnostic test;
(c) insert acupuncture needles under the skin for the purpose of pain relief during labour or the postpartum period;
(d) for the purpose of collecting a blood sample, perform venipuncture;
(e) for the purpose of wound care during the postpartum period, administer a solution by irrigation;
for the purposes of
(v) preventing or treating dehydration or blood loss,
(vi) resuscitation or other emergency measures, or
(vii) other purposes as required for midwifery practice;
(g) put an instrument or a hand or finger
(i) beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow, for the purpose of suctioning a newborn,
(ii) beyond the pharynx, for the purpose of intubating a newborn,
(iii) beyond the opening of the urethra, for the purpose of catheterization of a patient during labour or the postpartum period,
(iv) beyond the labia majora, for the purposes of
(A) conducting internal examinations of patients,
(B) performing episiotomies or amniotomies,
(C) repairing episiotomies or simple lacerations, or
(D) conducting the vacuum-assisted emergency delivery of a baby,
(v) beyond the anal verge, for the purposes of
(A) assessing perineal repairs,
(B) administering a substance, or
(C) assisting in the emergency delivery of a baby, or
(vi) into an artificial opening into the body, for the purpose of assisting in the surgical delivery of a baby;
(h) manage labour or normal, spontaneous vaginal delivery of a baby;
(i) apply ultrasound for the purpose of fetal heart monitoring;
(j) give an instruction or authorization for another person to apply, to a named individual, ultrasound for diagnostic or imaging purposes, including any application of ultrasound to a fetus;
(k) in respect of a drug specified in Schedule I or IA of the Drug Schedules Regulation that is prescribed by a medical practitioner or a nurse practitioner,
(iii) administer the drug by any method;
(l) in respect of a drug specified in Schedule I or IA of the Drug Schedules Regulation,
(iv) administer the drug by any method;
(m) in respect of a drug specified in Schedule II of the Drug Schedules Regulation,
(iv) administer the drug by any method.
(1.1) Only a registrant may provide a service that includes the performance of an activity set out in subsection (1).
(2) Subsection (1.1) does not apply on a reserve to an Indigenous person who practised Indigenous midwifery prior to March 15, 1995.
[am. B.C. Regs. 155/2009, s. 3; 274/2016, s. 2; 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 5.]
6 (1) A registrant must consult with a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner regarding any deviations from the normal course of pregnancy, labour, delivery and the postpartum period that indicate pathology and transfer responsibility for care to another health professional when necessary or appropriate.
(2) A registrant may provide a service that includes the performance of an activity described in section 5 (1) (c), (g) (iv) (D) or (vi) or (l) only if the registrant has successfully completed a certification program established, required or approved under the bylaws to ensure registrants are qualified and competent to provide the service and perform the activity.
(3) A registrant may perform an activity described in section 5 (1) (k) only after consulting with a medical practitioner or a nurse practitioner, unless the registrant is authorized under section 5 (1) (l) and subsection (4) of this section to perform the activity.
(4) A registrant may perform an activity described in section 5 (1) (l) in respect of a drug included in a category of drugs set out in
(a) Column 1 of Schedule A, only for a purpose shown opposite in Column 2 of Schedule A, and
(b) Column 1 of Schedule B, only for a purpose shown opposite in Column 2 of Schedule B.
(5) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 274/2016, s. 3 (d).]
(6) A registrant may perform an activity described in section 5 (1) (k) to (m) only in respect of a patient or the patient's newborn, as the case may be, during pregnancy, labour, delivery or the postpartum period.
[en. B.C. Reg. 155/2009, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 274/2016, s. 3; 167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 6.]
7 The college is designated for the purposes of section 16 (2) (f) of the Act.
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 155/2009, s. 5.]
[en. B.C. Reg. 155/2009, s. 5; am. B.C. Regs. 274/2016, s. 4;167/2020, Sch. 1, s. 7.]
Column 1 Category Description | Column 2 Purposes |
Antibiotics | intra-partum chemoprophylaxis for Group B strep treatment of topical infection treatment of breast infection treatment of urinary tract infection prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum |
Anaesthetics | performance of episiotomies repair of episiotomies and lacerations treatment of topical inflammation localized pain prophylaxis |
Anti-coagulants | prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism |
Anti-fungals | treatment of candidiasis |
Anti-nauseants / Anti-emetics | treatment of nausea and vomiting |
Anti-virals | suppression of viral infections during pregnancy and the postpartum period, excluding HIV/AIDS management |
Benzodiazepines | therapeutic rest in prodromal labour short term management of excessive anxiety in the postpartum period |
Corticosteroids | treatment of skin inflammation and haemorrhoids |
Galactagogues | enhancement of breast milk production |
Histamine antagonists | treatment of anaphylaxis related to the administration of drugs, vaccines or sera |
Immune globulins | prophylaxis in the neonate prophylaxis or treatment of the patient in pregnancy or the postpartum period |
Inhalants | pain relief in labour or the immediate postpartum period |
Narcotic antagonists | reversal of narcotic-induced depression |
Narcotics | pain relief in labour or the postpartum period |
Nitrates | treatment of hypertonic uterine contractions with non-reassuring fetal status |
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories | relief of inflammation and pain |
Sympathomimetics | treatment of anaphylaxis or allergic reaction following the administration of a drug, vaccine or serum neonatal resuscitation |
Uterotonic agents | prophylaxis and treatment of uterine atony and postpartum haemorrhage |
Vaccines | establishing an immune response |
Vitamin and mineral supplements | nutritional therapy and support |
[en. B.C. Reg. 155/2009, s. 5.]
Column 1 Category Description | Column 2 Purposes |
Antibiotics | treatment of infection not included in Schedule A |
Anti-virals | HIV/AIDS management |
Cervical ripening agents | induction of labour |
Contraceptives | prevention of conception |
Epidural analgesia (continuous infusion maintenance) | pain relief during labour and delivery, in a hospital only |
Oxytocin (intravenous infusion) | induction or augmentation of labour, in a hospital only |
[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Health Professions Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 183, s. 12 (2).]
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada