Section 3 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 339/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Original instruments or documents
3 If an instrument or document in a land title office can be requested electronically, no person, other than an employee of the land title office, may inspect or copy the original instrument or document or a microfilm duplicate of the instrument or document without the consent of the registrar on terms the registrar considers appropriate.
[en. B. C. Reg. 89/98, s. 2.]
Section 9 (b) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 171/2019, effective November 15, 2019.
(b) submits to the approving officer a subdivision plan that shows the new parcel and outlines in a manner that complies with the rules made by the Association of British Columbia Land Surveyors or, in the case of an electronic plan, that complies with section 168.721 of the Land Title Act
Section 10 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.
Access by air or water
10 Where the subdivision affects land that has practical access only by air or water the approving officer shall include in his written approval a statement to that effect, and the registrar shall endorse on the register of the title to the newly created parcel, after the description thereof, the following note: "(See plan as to limited access)".
[am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 2.]
Section 11 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.
(3) If any part of the land subdivided is subject to a charge that does or may under any circumstances entitle the holder or his successors to possession, that charge must be extended to include the lands proposed to be combined with the charged land.
Section 12 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.
Access via shared interest in common lot
12 Subject to this regulation, an approving officer may approve a subdivision where the subdivider is a registered owner in fee simple of an existing parcel together with an undivided share or shares in one or more parcels that individually or collectively are contiguous to the existing parcel and he submits a subdivision plan showing
Section 13 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 332/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Amendments to section 158 of the Act
13 (1) A person who is the registered owner in fee simple of an existing parcel together with an undivided share or shares in one or more parcels that individually or collectively are contiguous to the existing parcel may, with the approval of
(a) the municipality, if the lands are situate in a municipality, or
(b) the Ministry of Transportation and Highways, if the lands are situate in unorganized territory,
apply to the registrar for a new indefeasible title to his lands.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be made pursuant to the appropriate provisions of section 192 of the Act.
(3) The lands shall be described in the indefeasible title in the manner set out in section 11 (10) and together they shall constitute a single parcel.
(4) Where the parcels are shown on different subdivision plans, the registrar may require the applicant to deposit an explanatory plan.
[am. B.C. Reg. 366/79, s. 5; 267/83, s. 4.]
Section 15 (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 4/2010, effective January 14, 2010.
(1) Where a subdivision plan tendered under section 83 of the Act affects land where the only connection with such land to the general highway system of the Province is by a forest service road established under the Forest Act, an approving officer may approve the subdivision plan where
(a) if the road is not less than 9 m wide, a regional engineering officer, Ministry of Forests certifies in writing to the approving officer that the load limits restrict the maximum width of vehicles to 4.27 m,
(b) if the road is between 7.5 m and 9 m wide, a regional engineering officer, Ministry of Forests certifies in writing to the approving officer that the load limits restrict the maximum width of vehicles to 3.05 m, or
(c) the road meets the requirements of paragraph (a) or (b) except for a single lane bridge, cattle guard or culvert and a regional engineering officer, Ministry of Forests certifies that the bridge, cattle guard or culvert is adequate for the proposed use.
(2) The approving officer shall not approve a plan referred to in subsection (1) unless the plan has been endorsed with the consent of a regional engineering officer, Ministry of Forests in the following form:
Section 15 form BEFORE amended by BC Reg 4/2010, effective January 14, 2010.
Land Title Act[s. 75 (3)] | ||
Consent | ||
Pursuant to section 15 (2) of B.C. Reg. 334/79, consent is given to this plan of subdivision. The giving of this consent shall not imply an obligation of the Crown in right of the Province to improve, maintain or repair the forest service road shown on this plan. | ||
___________________________ Regional engineering officer, Ministry of Forests |
Section 16 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 4/2010, effective January 14, 2010.
(2) Where the Province has granted financial assistance to a hospital
(a) as defined in section 1, 5 or 251of the Hospital Act, or
(b) under the Hospital District Act,
the Minister of Health shall file with the registrar a notice in writing indicating that the land is subject to section 48 (1) (c) and (d) of the Hospital Act.
Section 24 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.
(2) Where the grantee of the right of way referred to in subsection (1) applies for registration of his title to the right of way, the registrar shall, on compliance with the Act, register the title to the right of way by endorsing a memorandum of it on the register.
Section 25.1 (1) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.
(b) on his or her own initiative, detach the document from the certificate,
Section 26 BEFORE removed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority effective January 1, 2011.
Exemptions from the name records
26 The registrar shall not enter in the records referred to in section 374 (1) of the Act the names of the following:
(a) banks incorporated in Canada;
(b) the Crown in right of the Province or in right of Canada, or a statutory agent;
(c) credit unions incorporated in Canada or in a province;
(d) municipalities, regional districts and improvement districts incorporated in the Province;
(e) insurance companies incorporated in Canada or in a province;
(f) railway companies incorporated in Canada or in a province;
(g) trust companies incorporated in Canada or in a province.
[am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 13.]
Section 27 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 339/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
(b) an approving officer requests the consent of the Deputy Minister of Environment under section 82 (1) of the Act,
Section 28 BEFORE removed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority effective January 1, 2011.
28 (1) The forms numbered 1 to 42 in Schedule A are prescribed for the purposes of the Act and subject to section 30 shall be used where applicable.
(2) Where an indefeasible title is stored by electronic means, the duplicate indefeasible title issued under section 176 of the Act shall be in Form 21 (a) of Schedule A.
(3) Where an indefeasible title is not stored by electronic means, the duplicate indefeasible title issued under section 176 of the Act shall be a true copy of the certificate of indefeasible title.
[am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 14.]
Section 30 BEFORE removed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority effective January 1, 2011.
Section 33 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 339/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Storage of records
33 Approval is given to the registrar storing his records
(a) where they are stored other than by electronic means, in the land title office, and
(b) where they are stored by electronic means, in the land title office or in a location approved by the Board of Directors.
[en. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 15; am. B.C. Reg. 17/2005, Sch. 1 s. 4.]
Schedule A, Form 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 4/2010, effective March 1, 2010.
Land Title Act
(section 67 (t))
I, ................................., a British Columbia land surveyor, of .................................................................., in British Columbia, certify that I was present at and personally superintended the survey represented by this plan, and that the survey and plan are correct. The field survey was completed on the ......... day of ............................, 20....... . The plan was completed and checked, and the checklist filed under #......................., on the .......... day of ......................, ......... .
................................................................................ | |
Schedule A Form 33 BEFORE repealed by the Director of the Land Title and Survey Authority effective July 1, 2010.
(section 215 (6))
LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S): ................................................................
Address of person entitled to register this certificate of pending litigation: ..................................................
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
I certify that the title to an estate or interest in the land above mentioned could change as an outcome of the proceeding mentioned below.
No.: ........................................................................
IN THE ................................................. COURT OF ............................................................................
I CERTIFY that this proceeding claims a dissolution of marriage or judicial separation, or a declaration that a marriage is null and void, or a declaratory judgment under Part 5 of the Family Relations Act that spouses have no reasonable prospect of reconciliation with each other. A copy of the document by which the claim is made may be obtained from the Court Registry.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court at ..................................................................., British Columbia, this ....... day of ..................................., 20......
Schedule A BEFORE removed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority effective January 1, 2011.
[am. B.C. Regs. 546/2004, App. s. 21; 17/2005, Sch. 1, s. 5; 158/2010.]
List of Forms
FORM 1 (Sec. 36) | Memorandum of Registration |
FORMS 2 to 7 (a) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.] |
FORM 8 (Sec. 57 (1)) | Notice of Revocation of Power of Attorney |
FORM 9 | Repealed. [per Director of Land Titles.] |
FORM 10 (Sec. 92 (1) (a)) | Application to Deposit a Subdivision Plan [am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 17.] |
FORM 11 (Sec. 100 (4) (a)) | Application for Deposit of Reference or Explanatory Plan (Fee Simple) on the Consolidation of Surveyed Parcels [am. B.C. Regs. 366/79, s. 15; 267/83, s. 18.] |
FORM 11 (a) (Sec. 99 (1) (e) (j) (k)) | Application for Deposit of Reference or Explanatory Plan (Charge) |
FORM 12 (Sec. 115 (2)) | Certificate as to Highrway in Statutory Right of Way Plan [am. B.C. Reg. 546/2004, App. s. 21.] |
FORM 13 (Sec. 115 (4)) | Notice of Amendment of Land Title Records to Show Receipt of Notice of Establishment of Land in Statutory Right of Way Plan as Highway and of Vesting in the Crown [am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 19.] |
FORM 14 (Sec. 131 (1)) | Application for Cancellation of Interior Lot Lines [am. B.C. Reg. 77/87, s. 3.] |
FORM 15 (Sec. 149 (2)) | Notice of Change of Address |
FORM 16 (a) to (d) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 15/99.] |
FORM 17 (Sec. 154, 155 (1), 241) | Application [en. B.C. Reg. 94/87, s. 2.] |
FORM 18 (Sec. 160) | Summons to Produce Documents |
FORM 19 (Sec. 163) | Notice of Intention to Register on Non-Production of Instrument |
FORM 20 (Sec. 174 (1)) | Application by Owner of Absolute Fee for Indefeasible Title [am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 20.] |
FORM 21 (Sec. 176 (1)) | Certificate of Indefeasible Title [am B.C. Reg. 300/94, s. 4.] |
FORM 21 (a) (Sec. 176 (3)) | Duplicate Indefeasible Title [en. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 23; am. B.C. Reg. 300/94, s. 5.] |
FORM 22 (Sec. 176 (1)) | Application for Duplicate Indefeasible Title [am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 22.] |
FORM 23 (Sec. 185 (1)) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.] |
FORM 24 (Sec. 155 (3), 207 (1)) | Postponement Agreement [am. B.C. Reg. 77/87, s. 6.] |
FORM 25 (Sec. 208 (1)) | Certificate of Charge |
FORM 26 (Sec. 208 (1)) | Certificate of Title to Minerals [am. B.C. Reg. 267/83, s. 23.] |
FORM 27 (Sec. 209) | Transfer of Mortgage [am. B.C. Reg. 94/87, s.4.] |
FORM 28 (Sec. 211 (3)) | Assignment of Judgment [am. B.C. Regs. 426/79; 77/87, s. 8.] |
FORM 29 (Sec. 212) | Notice to Judgment Creditor of Intention to Register Free of Judgment [am. B.C. Reg. 300/94, s. 6.] |
FORM 30 (Sec. 214) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 34/92 (a).] |
FORM 31 (Sec. 215 (1)) | Certificate of Pending Litigation [am. B.C. Regs. 77/87, s. 9; 300/94, ss. 7 & 8.] |
FORM 32 (Sec. 215 (5)) | Certificate of Pending Litigation [am. B.C. Regs. 77/87, s. 9; 300/94, s. 7.] |
FORM 33 (Sec. 215 (6)) | Repealed. [per Director of Land Titles.] |
FORM 34 (Sec. 215 (7)) | Certificate of Pending Litigation [am. B.C. Regs. 77/87, s. 9; 300/94, s. 7.] |
FORM 35 (Sec. 220 (1)) | Declaration of Building Scheme [en. B.C. Reg. 34/92, s. (b).] |
FORM 36 (Sec. 242 (2)) | Notice of Objection to Registration Free from Mortgage |
FORM 37 (Sec. 259) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 34/92 (a).] |
FORM 38 (Sec. 286 (1)) | Caveat |
FORM 39 (Sec. 290 (1)) | Withdrawal of Caveat |
FORM 40 (Sec. 293 (2)) | Notice to Caveator |
FORM 41 (Sec. 200 and 385 (1) (f)) | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.] |
FORM 42 | Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 17/2005, Sch. 1, s. 5.] |
FORM E | Notice to Registered Owner of Registration of Certificate of Judgment |
Land Title Act
(section 36)
Registered on application received on the day and at the time hereon.
Registrar, | |
........................................ Land Title Office |
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.]
Land Title Act
(section 57 (1))
TO: Registrar
........................................ Land Title Office, British Columbia.
The POWER OF ATTORNEY filed in your office on the ....................... day of .................................., 20....., under No. ........................, is hereby revoked.
Dated the ......... day of ........................, 20.......
............................................................................................. | ............................................................................................. | |||
............................................................................................. | ............................................................................................. | |||
............................................................................................. | ............................................................................................. | |||
NOTE: | 1. | Where principal is a corporation, its seal should be affixed in presence of an authorized signatory. |
2. | Execution of this form should be proved by compliance with section 43, 44 or 46. | |
Filing fee: Nil |
Land Title Act
Spent. [per Director of Land Titles.]
see now
Land Title Act
(section 92 (1) (a))
I, ...................................................................................................................................................................
..............................................................................................................., [full name, address and occupation]
apply, on behalf of .........................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................., [full name, address and occupation]
to deposit a plan of the subdivision of .............................................................................................................
I enclose: | ||
1. | The subdivision plan (original transparency or original linen). | |
2. | The reproductions of the subdivision plan required by section 67 (s) (see below). | |
3. | Fees of $ ................................... | |
4. | Duplicate Indefeasible Title No. .......................... If a duplicate indefeasible title does not accompany this application, I certify that I have, before making this application, checked that there is no duplicate indefeasible title. |
Dated the .......... day of .............................., 20........
................................................................................ SIGNATURE |
NOTE: | (i) | Under section 67 (s) the following reproductions of the plan must accompany this application: | |
(a) | one blue linen original (alternatively white linen or original transparency). | ||
(b) | one duplicate transparency. | ||
(c) | one whitelar (white mylar print) for each taxing unit requiring returns. | ||
(d) | one whiteprint for the Assessment Authority of British Columbia (to be addressed to the primary taxing unit shown on title). | ||
(e) | one whiteprint for the appropriate regional district identified on the plan. | ||
(f) | one whiteprint for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways when the plan is in unorganized territory or where the ministry has approved the plan under the Controlled Access Highway Regulations. | ||
In addition, one whiteprint is required as a worksheet for the land title office. |
Land Title Act
(section 100 (4) (a))
I, ...................................................................................................................................................................
..............................................................................................................., [full name, address and occupation]
the agent for ..................................................................................................................................................
..............................................................................................................., [full name, address and occupation]
the owner in fee simple apply to deposit reference/explanatory plan of ............................................................
[and acknowledge as or on behalf of the owner in fee simple that, if the plan is a consolidation of surveyed parcels, the deposit of the plan will extend all mortgages of the fee simple so as to coincide with the boundaries of the new parcel as shown on the plan].
I enclose: | ||
1. | The reference/explanatory plan. | |
2. | The reproductions of the plan required by section 67 (s) (see below). | |
3. | Fees of $ ....................... | |
4. | Duplicate Indefeasible Title No. ........................ If a duplicate indefeasible title does not accompany this application, I certify that I have, before making this application, checked that there is no duplicate indefeasible title. | |
Dated the ........ day of .............................., 20....... | ||
................................................................................ SIGNATURE |
(NOTE: A consent by a holder of a registered mortgage of the fee simple operates, on deposit of the plan, to extend the mortgage to the whole of the new parcel shown on the plan.)
I/We .............................................................., of ......................................................................................., the holders of the following registered charges, consent to the deposit of the plan mentioned above.
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... | ||
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... | ||
. |
NOTE: | (i) | Under section 67 (s) the following reproductions of the plan must accompany this application: | ||
(a) | one blue linen original (alternatively white linen or original transparency). | |||
(b) | one duplicate transparency. | |||
(c) | one whitelar (white mylar print) for each taxing unit requiring returns. | |||
(d) | one whiteprint for the Assessment Authority of British Columbia (to be addressed to the primary taxing unit shown on title). | |||
(e) | one whiteprint for the appropriate regional district identified on the plan. | |||
(f) | one whiteprint for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways when the plan is in unorganized territory or where the ministry has approved the plan under the Controlled Access Highway Regulations. | |||
In addition, one whiteprint is required as a worksheet for the land title office. | ||||
(ii) | The following further requirements may be necessary: | |||
(a) | If the parent property is in an Agricultural Land Reserve, a release is required unless the parent property is less than 2.0 acres (app. .8094 hectares) or where, for permitted uses, an approving officer has signed the plan under section 1 (1) (a) and (b) of the Subdivision and Land Use Regulation (B.C. Reg. 7/81) under the Agricultural Land Commission Act. | |||
(b) | Controlled access approval must be evident on the plan where parent property adjoins a highway that is designated as a controlled access highway. | |||
(c) | Where a restrictive covenant or right of way is to be registered under section 24 (1) and a certificate appears on the plan relating to it, the document must be produced simultaneously with the plan. |
Land Title Act
(section 99 (1) (e), (j) and (k))
I, ...................................................................................................................................................................
. .................................................................................................................,[full name, address and occupation]
owner of a registered charge (or agent of ......................................................................................................
................................................................................................................., [full name, address and occupation]
the owner of a registered charge) apply to deposit reference/explanatory plan
I enclose: | ||
1. | The reference/explanatory plan. | |
2. | The reproductions of the plan required by section 67 (s) (see below). | |
3. | Fees of $ ............................ | |
Dated the ...... day of ............................, 20........ | ||
................................................................................ SIGNATURE |
NOTE: | (i) | Under section 67 (s) the following reproductions of the plan must accompany this application: | |
(a) | one blue linen original (alternatively white linen or original transparencies). | ||
(b) | one duplicate transparency. | ||
(c) | one whiteprint is required as a worksheet for the land title office. | ||
(ii) | The following further requirements may be necessary: | ||
(a) | If the parent property is in an Agricultural Land Reserve, a release is required unless the parent property is less than 2.0 acres (app. .8094 hectares) or where, for permitted uses, an approving officer has signed the plan under section 1 (1) (a) and (b) of the Subdivision and Land Use Regulation (B.C. Reg. 7/81) under the Agricultural Land Commission Act. | ||
(b) | Where a notice respecting a grant under the Home Purchase Assistance Act is endorsed on title, an extra white print must accompany the application, unless the Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing agrees otherwise in writing. This extra print must contain the following endorsement: "The eligible residence as defined by the Home Purchase Assistance Act is located on lot .......................... created by this plan. | ||
................................................................................ B.C.L.S. or solicitor for the owner" | |||
(c) | Controlled access approval must be evident on the plan where parent property adjoins a highway that is designated as a controlled access highway. | ||
(d) | Where the plan refers to a restrictive covenant to be made under section 219, the instrument containing the covenant must be tendered with the plan., |
Land Title Act
(section 115 (2))
TO: Registrar
.......................... Land Title Office, British Columbia.
I CERTIFY that the land (or the part described in this certificate) in Statutory Right of Way Plan No. and containing ............ hectares more or less, has been established as a highway and the title vested in the Crown under the Transportation Act.
(If this certificate relates to part only of the land in the Statutory Right of Way Plan, describe the part to which this certificate applies).
(Supersedes D.D. filing Plan ...................)
[Delete words in brackets if not applicable]
Dated at ....................., British Columbia, this ........ day of ..................... 20.......
................................................................................ DEPUTY MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS |
NOTE: Two extra copies of this form should be sent to the registrar, one of which the registrar will return after noting the action taken:
(a) Filed under No. ......................
(b) Noted on Register (S115(3)): Yes .......... No ..........
(c) Notice sent to the registered owner in fee simple (S115(4)): Yes ......... No ..........
Dated ..................................................., 20.......
Land Title Act
(section 115 (4))
Attached is a copy of a certificate I have received under section 115 (2). I have made the following endorsement on Indefeasible Title No. ............................
"Notice of establishment as highway and of vesting in Crown received the ............... day of .................................., 20..........., of lands specified in the notice.
Signed and sealed at ....................................... British Columbia, this ............................ day of ..............................., 20.......
Land Title Act
(section 131 (1))
[legal descriptions]
TO: Registrar
..................................................... Land Title Office, British Columbia
I/We, ...............................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................... (full name, address and occupation)
the owner(s) in fee simple of the above described lots, free from any charges (save only as appears hereunder) apply for the cancellation of the lines dividing the lots. Herewith fee of
Dated at ....................................... British Columbia, this ...................... day of ............................., 20.......
Where the lots are subject to a charge add:
.................................................................................................... (full name, address and occupation)
the holder(s) of the following registered charge(s) consent to the above application:
................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... |
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... |
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... |
Application granted/refused
Applicant to deposit Explanatory Plan/Reference Plan: Yes/No
New Description ...........................................................................................................................................
Dated this .......... day of ............................., 20.......
NOTE: | 1. | Certain classes of charge (e.g. mortgages) must be extended by an appropriate instrument executed by the fee simple owner (see section 131 (1) (b)) to coincide with the boundaries of the new parcel. |
2. | The consent of charge holders may be on separate Form(s) 14. |
Land Title Act
(section 149 (2))
TO: Registrar
................................................... Land Title Office, British Columbia
I, ..................................................................., am the registered owner of the fee simple or a charge on the following land(s). My address has changed to
................................................................................ | ................................................................................ | |
................................................................................ | ................................................................................ | |
................................................................................ | ................................................................................ |
Dated at ....................................... British Columbia, this ...................... day of ............................., 20.......
FEE: Nil
NOTE: | 1. One form may combine fees simple and charges. |
2. If a receipt for this form is desired, this form should be accompanied by an extra copy. |
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 15/99.]
Land Title Act
(sections 154, 155 (1), 241)
NOTE: Before submitting this application for interests under (1) and (2), applicants should check and satisfy themselves as to the tax position, including taxes of the Crown Provincial, a municipality and Improvement, Water and Irrigation Districts.
................................................................................ | |||||
(1) FEE SIMPLE | [ ] | MARKET | VALUE: | ||
................................................................. | |||||
........................................ | |||||
..................................................................................................................................................................... | |||||
(2) CHARGE | [ ] | PARCEL | IDENTIFIER | NO. | (S): |
........................................ | |||||
................................................................. NATURE OF CHARGE | |||||
..................................................................................................................................................................... | |||||
................................................................. NATURE AND NUMBER OF CHARGE CANCELLED | |||||
..................................................................................................................................................................... |
HEREWITH FEES OF: $ .....................................
As to (1) and (2) ADDRESS of person entitled to be registered as owner, if different than shown in instrument: .......................................................................................................................................................
As to (3) FULL NAME of person entitled to cancellation who or on whose behalf the application is made: .......................................................................................................................................................
LEGAL DESCRIPTION, if not shown in instrument being submitted with this application: .......................................................................................................................................................
FULL NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER of person presenting application:
Land Title Act
(section 160)
BRITISH COLUMBIA | ) | IN THE MATTER OF: ........................................ | |
........................... LAND TITLE DISTRICT | ) | ..........................................................................................) | |
) | [state legal description] | ||
................................................................... | ) | AND IN THE MATTER OF: | |
................................................................... | ) | .......................................................................................... | |
................................................................... | ) | [state the number and particulars of the application (if any)] |
TO: .......................................................
YOU ARE required to appear before the Registrar of the Land Title Office at ....................., British Columbia, on the ...... day of ....................., 20......., at .....................AM/PM, and to bring with you and produce
[described instrument to be produced]
[add, if applicable]
and you are required to deposit the instrument with me to enable me to complete registration of application No. .......................
SIGNED AND SEALED by me this ......... day of ..........................., 20...........
Land Title Act
(section 163)
TO: ...............................................
Unless you make valid objection in writing, I shall, at the expiration of ...... days from the service of this notice, register the title of .................................................................................................. ........................................................... to ........................................................................ in respect of the following lands:
....................................................................................................................................................................., notwithstanding the non-production of ............................................................. [describe the instrument]
SIGNED AND SEALED the ....... day of ..................................., 20........
Land Title Act
(section 174 (1))
I, ...................................................................................................................................................................
. .................................................................................................................,[full name, address and occupation]
solemnly declare that I am (or solicitor for or the duly authorized agent of .................................................., the registered owner of the absolute fee in the following lands and apply, under the Land Title Act, for an Indefeasible Title to them.
The full name, address and occupation of the owner is .................................................................................
I am not aware of any mortgage or other encumbrance affecting the land or that any other person has any estate or interest in it at law or in equity, in possession, remainder, reversion or expectancy (other than as follows:
...............................................................................................................................................). [if applicable]
The absolute fee is registered in Vol. ..............., Fol. .................., of Absolute Fees.
And I solemnly declare that the title deeds mentioned hereon are all those in my custody, possession or power, relating to the land [add in the case of a solicitor or agent], and to the best of my belief there are no other title deeds in the custody, possession or power of the owner, relating to it; and I am duly authorized by the above named owner to make this application, [add in the case of an agent], and I reside in the Province of British Columbia, and am of the age of 19 years or more.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.
Declared before me at ..............................................) .................................................................(Signature)
...................................................... British Columbia)
this ........... day of ........................................, 20........)
* ................................................................................
* Write name and qualifications under section 48, e.g. A commissioner for taking affidavits for British Columbia.
(CREST) | Title No. ........................... | |
From Title No. .......................... |
Land Title Act
(section 176 (1))
Land Title Office, ..............................., British Columbia
The undermentioned registered owner in fee simple is indefeasibly entitled to an estate in fee simple, subject to such charges, liens and interests as are notified by endorsement on this certificate, and subject to the conditions, exceptions and reservations set out on the back hereof, to the land in British Columbia described below.
Registered owner in fee simple: (Application for registration received on .................................................).
Description of land: ..........................................................................................................................
Nature of Charge; Number; Date and Time of Application | Registered Owner of Charge | Remarks |
Signed and sealed by me, this ................ day of ....................., 20.......
Date Issued | Name and Address of Person to Whom Delivered | Filing Reference of Request for Duplicate Certificate of Title | Date of Cancellation of Duplicate Certificate of Title | |
Title Cancelled and Interests Disposed of as Follows | Date | Signature of Registrar | ||
* Each endorsement affects all the land described, unless otherwise indicated in "Remarks" column. See back for abbreviations, etc.
This certificate of title is subject to | |
(a) | the subsisting conditions, provisos, restrictions, exceptions and reservations, including royalties, contained in any other grant or disposition from the Crown, |
(b) | a Federal or Provincial tax, rate or assessment at the date of the application for registration imposed or made a lien or which may after that date be imposed or made a lien on the land, |
(c) | a municipal charge, rate or assessment at the date of the application for registration imposed or which may after that date be imposed on the land, or which had before that date been imposed for local improvements or otherwise and which was not then due and payable, including a charge, rate or assessment imposed by a public body having taxing powers over an area in which the land is situated, |
(d) | a lease or agreement for lease for a term not exceeding 3 years where there is actual occupation under the lease or agreement, |
(e) | a highway or public right of way, watercourse, right of water or other public easement, |
(f) | a right of expropriation or to an escheat under an Act, |
(g) | a judgment or assignment of it registered since the date of the application for registration of the certificate, |
(h) | a caution, caveat, charge, claim of builder's lien, condition, entry, exception, judgment, certificate of pending litigation, notice, reservation, right of entry, transfer or other matter noted or endorsed on the certificate or which may be noted or endorsed subsequent to the date of the issue of the certificate, |
(i) | the right of a person to show that the whole or a portion of the land is, by wrong description of boundaries or parcels, improperly included in the certificate, |
(j) | the right of a person to show fraud, including forgery, by which the registered owner, or the person from or through whom the registered owner derived his right or title otherwise than bona fide for value, has participated in any degree, and |
(k) | a restrictive condition, right of reverter or obligation imposed by the Forest Act, endorsed on the certificate. |
AR | = | assignment of rents | PA | = | priority or postponement agreement | |
CBL | = | claim of builder's lien | RC | = | restrictive covenant | |
CPL | = | certificate of pending litigation | RFR | = | right of first refusal | |
CVT | = | caveat | RP | = | right to purchase | |
E | = | easement | RW | = | right of way | |
J | = | judgment | SC | = | statutory charge | |
L | = | lease | SBS | = | statutory building scheme | |
LE | = | life estate | SRW | = | statutory right of way | |
M | = | mortgage | TA | = | timber agreement | |
OP | = | option to purchase | TSN | = | tax sale notice | |
U | = | undersurface rights |
Title No. ...........................
From Title No. ..........................
Land Title Act
(section 176 (1))
Land Title Office, | British Columbia | |
Title No. | ||
From Title No. |
The undermentioned registered owner in fee simple is indefeasibly entitled to an estate in fee simple, subject to such charges, liens and interests as are notified by endorsement on this certificate, and subject to the conditions, exceptions and reservations set out on the back hereof, to the land in British Columbia described below.
Certified by me as an accurate statement of the information stored in the register this ................. day of ........................., 20......
BACK OF FORM 21 (a) | |
This indefeasible title is subject to | |
(a) | the subsisting conditions, provisos, restrictions, exceptions and reservations, including royalties, contained in any other grant or disposition from the Crown, |
(b) | a Federal or Provincial tax, rate or assessment at the date of the application for registration imposed or made a lien or which may after that date be imposed or made a lien on the land, |
(c) | a municipal charge, rate or assessment at the date of the application for registration imposed or which may after that date be imposed on the land, or which had before that date been imposed for local improvements or otherwise and which was not then due and payable, including a charge, rate or assessment imposed by a public body having taxing powers over an area in which the land is situated, |
(d) | a lease or agreement for lease for a term not exceeding 3 years where there is actual occupation under the lease or agreement, |
(e) | a highway or public right of way, watercourse, right of water or other public easement, |
(f) | a right of expropriation or to an escheat under an Act, |
(g) | Repealed. [1981-10-24.] |
(h) | a caution, caveat, charge, claim of builder's lien, condition, entry, exception, judgment, certificate of pending litigation, notice, reservation, right of entry, transfer or other matter noted or endorsed on the title or which may be noted or endorsed subsequent to the date of registration of the title, |
(i) | the right of a person to show that the whole or a portion of the land is, by wrong description of boundaries or parcels, improperly included in the title, |
(j) | the right of a person to show fraud, including forgery, in which the registered owner, or the person from or through whom the registered owner derived his right or title otherwise than bona fide for value, has participated in any degree, and |
(k) | a restrictive condition, right of reverter or obligation imposed on the land by the Forest Act, endorsed on the title. |
Land Title Act
(section 176 (1))
I/We, .............................................................................................................................................................
. .................................................................................................................,[full name, address and occupation]
the registered owner(s) in fee simple of the following land under Indefeasible Title No. ..................... or, having applied so to be registered, apply for a duplicate indefeasible title to be
(a) mailed to ................................................................. of ...............................................................
(b) delivered to me (or to .................................................. of ..................................................) by hand.
I/We certify that the land is not subject to a registered mortgage or agreement for sale.
The description of the land is ................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................[insert legal description]
Dated the ............... day of .................... , 20........
............................................................................... | ................................................................................ | |
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.]
Land Title Act
(sections 155 (3) and 207 (1))
Address of person entitled to be registered as owner if different than shown on instrument:
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
THIS AGREEMENT is made the ............... day of ......................, 20..........
BETWEEN: .................................................................................................................................................
AND: ............................................................................................................................................................
WHEREAS by an instrument registered in the land title office at ......................................... in British Columbia, on the .......... day of ..................., 20......., under No. ........................................., the prior chargee was granted a ..................................................[nature of charge].................................................... ("the prior charge") in respect of the following land in the .................... of ......................................... described as: .................................................................................. ("the Land").
AND WHEREAS by an instrument (a copy of which is attached, or) registered in the land title office at ................................, on the ......... day of .............................., 20........., under No. ........., the subsequent chargee was granted a ..................................................[nature of charge].................................................... ("the subsequent charge") on the land.
AND WHEREAS the parties agree that the subsequent charge shall have priority over the prior charge.
THEREFORE in consideration of ............... dollars (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), the prior chargee grants to the subsequent chargee priority over the interest of the prior chargee in the land and postpones the right, title and interest of the prior chargee in the land to the subsequent chargee as if the prior charge had been registered immediately after the registration of the subsequent charge and notwithstanding the respective dates and time of execution and registration of the charges or the respective dates of advancement of moneys under them.
EXECUTED by the party(ies) on the day and year first above written.
................................................................................ ................................................................................
NOTE: | 1. | If the agreement is executed by a corporation, it must be sealed, see section 16 of the Property Law Act. |
2. | This agreement must be witnessed and the execution proved in the manner prescribed by Part 5. | |
3. | The agreement must be executed by the prior chargee and must also be executed by the subsequent chargee unless the application forms signed by or on behalf of the subsequent chargee and that part is so stated on the application form. |
Land Title Act
(section 208 (1))
No. ..........................
Date of application for registration, the ......... day of ......................., 20........., at ....................................
........................................................ is the owner of a ........................................................ under No. ................... on the land known as ................................................................................................................
SIGNED AND SEALED by me this ........ day of ............................., 20......., at the ..................................................... Land Title Office British Columbia.
Land Title Act
(section 208 (1))
No. ..........................
Date of application for registration, the ....... day of ......................., 20........., at ....................................
........................................................ is the owner of *........................................................ in respect of the land in ........................................................, British Columbia, described as ................................................
The title to the surface of the land is registered under indefeasible title no ...................................................... and the title of ...................................................... is registered by endorsement on it as a charge under No. ............................
SIGNED AND SEALED by me this ....... day of .................................., 20........, at the ....................................................... Land Title Office British Columbia.
*Set out rights e.g. "all minerals, precious or base (other than coal), lying thereunder."
Land Title Act
(section 209)
CHARGE: TRANSFER OF MORTGAGE NO. ............................ PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S):............................
HEREWITH FEE OF $.............................
Address of person entitled to be registered as owner if different than shown on instrument:
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application:
I/We ................................................................................................................ (name, address and occupation) (the "transferor"), the owner(s) of a mortgage registered in the ............................................................. Land Title Office under No. ............. in respect of the land situate in ............................................................. and described as: .............................................................................
in consideration of .............. dollars paid to me/us by .............................................................
................................................................................................................. (full name, address and occupation) (the "transferee") transfer the mortgage to the transferee.
EXECUTED by the transferor at .......................................... in the Province of ............................, this ......... day of ..................................., 20........
................................................................................ ................................................................................
NOTE: | 1. If the instrument is executed by a corporation, it must be sealed, see section 16 of the Property Law Act. |
2. This transfer must be witnessed and the execution proved in the manner prescribed by Part 5. |
Land Title Act
(section 211 (3))
CHARGE: TRANSFER OF MORTGAGE NO. ............................ PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S):............................
HEREWITH FEE OF $.............................
Address of person entitled to be registered as owner if different than shown on instrument:
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application:
I/We................................................................................................................ (name, address and occupation) (the "assignor"), the owner(s) of a judgment registered in the ............................................................ Land Title Office at ........................................ British Columbia under No. ............. in respect of the following lands: ..........................................................................................................................................................
in consideration of ............. dollars paid to me/us by
................................................................................................................. (full name, address and occupation) (the "assignee") transfer the judgment to the transferee.
EXECUTED by the assignor at .......................................... in the Province of ............................................., this .......... day of ..........................., 20......
................................................................................ ................................................................................
NOTE: | 1. If the instrument is executed by a corporation, it must be sealed, see section 16 of the Property Law Act. |
2. This transfer must be witnessed and the execution proved in the manner prescribed by Part 5. |
Land Title Act
(section 212)
Re Application No. ...........................
Re Judgment No. ...........................
The above application was made on ......................................................................................., 20..........., by ....................................................................... to register a ................................................................... from ......................................................................... to .............................................................................. dated ........................................., 20......., in respect of the following land: ............................................................
........................................................................................................................................... (legal description)
I intend at the expiration of ............ days from the service on you of this notice to effect registration free from the above numbered judgment. A copy of the certificate of judgment and of the application for registration of the judgment are enclosed.
Your attention is called to subsection (3) of section 212, Land Title Act, which reads as follows:
"If a judgment creditor claims a lien on land because of the judgment, the judgment creditor must within the time set by the registrar's notice, follow the procedure provided in Part 5 of the Court Order Enforcement Act for enforcing the judgment creditor's charge, and register a certificate of pending litigation; otherwise the registrar may effect registration or cancellation, as applied for, free from the judgment, and cancel the judgment as to the estate or interest in the land so registered or as to the charge so cancelled."
Dated at the Land Title Office, ..........................................................., this ....... day of ..........................................., 20............
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 34/92.]
Land Title Act
(section 215 (1))
LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S): ................................................................
Address of person entitled to register this certificate of pending litigation: ...............................................
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
No.: ........................................................................
IN THE ................................................. COURT OF ............................................................................
I CERTIFY that in a proceeding commenced in this court a claim is made for an estate or interest in land or a right of action in respect of land is given by an enactment other than the Land Title Act. The particulars are set out in the attached copy of the document by which the claim is made.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court at ..................................................................., British Columbia, this ....... day of ..................................., 20......
*Fee not applicable where certificate of pending litigation relates to proceedings under the Builders Lien Act or Repairers Lien Act.
Land Title Act
(section 215 (5))
LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S): ................................................................
Address of person entitled to register this certificate of pending litigation: ...............................................
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
No.: ........................................................................
IN THE ................................................. COURT OF ............................................................................
I CERTIFY that in this action to enforce a restrictive covenant or building scheme it is alleged that a breach has occurred in respect of the lands specified in the attached document.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court at ..................................................................., British Columbia, this ....... day of ..................................., 20......
Land Title Act
Repealed. [per Director of Land Titles.]
see now
Land Title Act
(section 215 (7))
LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PARCEL IDENTIFIER NO.(S): ................................................................
Address of person entitled to register this certificate of pending litigation: ..................................................
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
No.: ........................................................................
IN THE ................................................. COURT OF ............................................................................
I CERTIFY that an action has been commenced under the Wills Variation Act and that the lands described in the attached document by which the action was commenced may be affected.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court at ..................................................................., British Columbia, this ....... day of ..................................., 20......
Land Title Act
(section 220 (1))
Address of person entitled to register this building scheme: ................................................................
Full name, address, telephone number of person presenting application: .....................................................
I, ........................................................................................................................................... declare that:
1. | I am the registered owner in fee simple/lessee of the following land (hereinafter called "the Lots) |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
............................................................................................................................................................... | |
2. | I hereby create a building scheme relating to the Lots. |
3. | A sale of any of the Lots is subject to the restrictions enumerated in the schedule attached or annexed hereto. |
4. | The restrictions shall be for the benefit of all the Lots. |
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... | ||
Officer Signature | Execution Date Y/M/D | Charge holder Signature(s) | ||
Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument.
I/We, ................................................................................, of ......................................................................, the holders of the following registered charges, consent to the registration of the above Declaration of Building Scheme and agree that it shall have priority over our respective charges.
.................................................... | .................................................... | .................................................... | ||
Officer Signature | Execution Date Y/M/D | Charge holder Signature(s) | ||
Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument.
NOTE: | 1. | The consent and grant of priority of charge holders may be in separate counterparts of Form 35. |
2. | The execution of all declaring or consenting parties must be witnessed in accordance with Part 5 of the Land Title Act. | |
3. | The type and registration number of the charge must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the owner of the charge. |
Land Title Act
(section 242 (2))
[full name, address and occupation]
the mortgagee in respect of the following lands situate at .............................................................................., British Columbia, and described as: .............................................................................. under a mortgage registered in the land title office at .............................................................................. on the ....... day of .............................., 20........, under No. ................................, objects to the registration free of the mortgage described above of .......................
......................................................................................................................, [name of purchaser, optionee, subpurchaser, as case may be] under pending application No. ............................. .
In support of this objection I allege as follows:
[Here set out in numbered paragraphs the grounds of the objection.]
DATED this ........ day of .................................., 20........ .
I, the above named ............................................................................. [name of mortgagee] (or ............................................................................. [name of solicitor or agent] solicitor or agent for the above ............................................................................. make oath (or affirm, as the case may be) and say, that the statements in the above notice of objection are true in substance and in fact (and if no personal knowledge, add: as I have been informed and verily believe).
Sworn before me at ......................... | ) | |
in British Columbia, this ....... day | ) | |
of ............................, 20....... | ) |
*Write name and qualifications under section 48, e.g., a commissioner for taking affidavits for British Columbia.
FEE: Nil
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 34/92 (a).]
Land Title Act
(section 286 (1))
TO: Registrar
................................................ Land Title Office, British Columbia
I, ...................................................................................................................................................................
[full name, address and occupation]
forbid the registration of any transfer or other instrument or subdivision plan or other change in boundaries dealing with the land described in paragraph 1 until this caveat is withdrawn by me or is discharged by the order of a court of competent jurisdiction or a judge of it, or until after the lapse of 21 days from the date of the service of notice under section 293 of the Land Title Act on me or my solicitor or agent, as the case may be, to withdraw the caveat or take proceedings in court to establish my title.
1. The land against which this caveat is to be lodged is:
2. The nature of the estate or interest claimed in the land is:
3. The grounds on which the claim is founded are:
[Here set out in numbered subparagraphs the facts relied on and the alleged consequence of these facts under the law.]
4. My address in the Province for service of notices on me is:
DATED this ....... day of ..............................., 20...... .
I, the above name AB ................................................................................... (or CD solicitor or agent, as the case may be, for the above AB) make oath (or affirm, as the case may be) and say that the allegations in the above caveat are true in substance and in fact (and, if no personal knowledge, add, as I have been informed and verily believe).
Sworn before me at ......................... | ) | |
in British Columbia, this ....... day | ) | |
of ............................, 20....... | ) |
*Write name and qualifications under section 48, e.g., a commissioner for taking affidavits for British Columbia.
NOTE: | 1. The verifying oath must be made by the signatory to the caveat. | ||
2. Compensation where caveat lodged wrongfully: | |||
Section 294 of the Land Title Act reads: | |||
(1) | If a caveator wrongfully and without reasonable cause lodges or causes to be lodged with the registrar a caveat, the caveator is liable to pay to the person who sustains damage by it such compensation as the Supreme Court considers just. | ||
(2) | This section does not apply to a caveat lodged by the registrar. |
FEE: (includes notices)
Land Title Act
(section 290 (1))
TO: Registrar
.............................................................. Land Title Office, British Columbia
Caveat No. .........................., lodged in your office against the following land,
is withdrawn.
DATED the ......... day of .............................., 20......... .
................................................................................ SIGNATURE ................................................................................ ADDRESS ................................................................................ OCCUPATION | ................................................................................ SIGNATURE OF CAVEATOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OR SOLICITOR WHERE CAVEAT IS SIGNED BY SOLICITOR |
NOTE: | This withdrawal may be executed by: | |
(1) | the caveator; | |
(2) | the personal representative of a deceased caveator on proof of his status satisfactory to the registrar; or | |
(3) | where the caveat was signed by a solicitor, by that solicitor. | |
In cases (1) and (2), the signature must be witnessed and the execution proved in the manner prescribed by Part 5; and if the withdrawal is executed by a corporation, it must be sealed, see section 16 of the Property Law Act. |
Land Title Act
(section 293 (2))
IN THE MATTER OF the Land Title Act;
AND IN THE MATTER OF a caveat lodged under No. ............................................................ in the ............................................... Land Title Office;
AND IN THE MATTER OF .........................................................................................................................
[here set out legal description of land]
TO: ...............................................................................................................................................................
If you do not, within 21 days after the service of this notice on you,
(a) withdraw Caveat No. ...................................., or
(b) take proceedings in a court to establish the claim made in the caveat, and register a certificate of pending litigation in respect of the proceedings against the land described above,
the caveat will lapse and cease to affect my title to the land, and I propose on such lapse to apply to the registrar of title to cancel the caveat in his records without further notice to you.
DATED the ....... day of ............................, 20........ .
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 53/90.]
Land Title Act
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 17/2005, Sch. 1, s. 5.]
Schedule C BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 332/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Kamloops Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly boundary of the Province with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River and Christina Lake; thence northerly along said watershed boundary to the point thereon which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 968, Similkameen Division of Yale Land District; thence west to said corner, thence northerly and westerly along the boundaries of Lot 968 to the easterly limit of the right of way of the Columbia and Western Railway; thence northerly along said limit to the westerly boundary of the watershed of the Arrow Lakes; thence northerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of Lot 4252, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District; thence easterly along said boundary of Lot 4252 to the southeast corner thereof; thence due east to the meridian through the southeast corner of Lot 2151, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District; thence north to said corner; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2151 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due north to the westerly boundary of the watershed of the Arrow Lakes; thence northerly along said boundary and that of the watershed of Columbia River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River; thence westerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of Township 22, Range 7, west of the sixth meridian; thence westerly along said boundary to the easterly boundary of Lot 497, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 497 to the northeast corner thereof, being a point on the southerly bank of Eagle River; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 497 to the westerly boundary of Township 22, Range 7, west of the sixth meridian; thence northerly along the said westerly boundary of said township to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River; thence northeasterly along said boundary to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River; thence northerly along said boundary to and along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Canoe River to the point thereon which lies due east of the northeast corner of Lot 3103, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District; thence west to said corner; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 3103 and the southerly boundary of Lot 7383, Cariboo Land District, to the southwest corner of Lot 7383; thence due west to the northerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River; thence northwesterly along said boundary and that of Clearwater River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Clearwater River above the mouth of Mahood River; thence southerly along said boundary to the point thereon which lies due east of the northeast corner of Lillooet Land District, said corner being 940.46 m (forty-six and seventy-five hundredths chains), more or less, easterly from Mile-post Sixty as set on the surveyed fifty-second parallel of the north latitude; thence west to said corner; thence westerly along said parallel to the easterly boundary of Lot 85A; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of Lot 85A to the surveyed fifty-second parallel; thence westerly along said parallel to the easterly boundary of Lot 128; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of Lot 128 to the surveyed fifty-second parallel; thence westerly along said surveyed parallel to the easterly boundary of Lot 539 all the lots herein above mentioned, beginning with Lot 7383, being in Cariboo Land District; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of Lot 539 to the surveyed fifty-second parallel aforesaid; thence westerly along said parallel to the intersection thereof with the surveyed one hundred twenty-fourth meridian of west longitude; thence northerly along said surveyed meridian to the fifty-second parallel; thence westerly along said parallel to the middle line of Tatla Lake; thence southwesterly along said middle line to a point thereon due south of the southwest corner of Lot 561, Range 3, Coast Land District; thence north to and northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 561 produced to the fifty-second parallel; thence westerly along said parallel to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Charlotte Lake; thence southerly along said boundary and the westerly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini Lake (crossing Klinaklini Lake at its outlet) to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek; thence southerly along said boundary produced to the middle line of Homathko River; thence northeasterly along said middle line to the point thereon closest to the left bank of Doran Creek; thence to and southeasterly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek to and easterly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Homathko River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Chilko Lake, being a point on the Cascade Mountains, as defined by the Interpretation Act; thence southerly along the Cascade Mountains to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly and southerly into Toba and Jervis Inlets and into Howe Sound; thence southeasterly along said boundary to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Soo River; thence easterly along said boundary to the point of intersection thereof with the line drawn N. 45 W. from the post set by survey and purporting to mark the parallel of north latitude of 50 14' about 160.93 m (eight chains) west of Soo River; thence S. 451 E. to said post; thence east to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Green River; thence southerly along said boundary to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Billygoat Creek; thence southeasterly along said boundary to the point thereon which lies due west of the northwest corner of Lot 5536, Group 1, New Westminster Land District; thence east to said corner; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 5536 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due east to the Cascade Mountains aforesaid; thence southerly along the Cascade Mountains to the southerly boundary of the Province; thence easterly along said boundary to the point of commencement.
Nelson Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly boundary of the Province with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River and Christina Lake; thence northerly along said watershed boundary to the point thereon which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 968, Similkameen Division of Yale Land District; thence west to said corner; thence northerly and westerly along the boundaries of Lot 968 to the easterly limit of the right of way of the Columbia and Western Railway; thence northerly along said limit to the westerly boundary of the watershed of the Arrow Lakes; thence northerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of Lot 4252, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District; thence easterly along said boundary of Lot 4252 to the southeast corner thereof; thence due east to the meridian through the southeast corner of Lot 2151, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District; thence north to said corner; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2151 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due north to the westerly boundary of the watershed of the Arrow Lakes; thence northerly along said boundary and that of the watershed of Columbia River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River; thence westerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of Township 22, Range 7, west of the sixth meridian; thence westerly along said boundary to the easterly boundary of Lot 497, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 497 to the northeast corner thereof, being a point on the southerly bank of Eagle River; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 497 to the westerly boundary of Township 22; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said township to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River; thence northeasterly along said boundary to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River; thence northerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek; thence easterly along said boundary to Canoe River and continuing easterly across Canoe River to and along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Baker Creek and Hugh Allan Creek to the easterly boundary of the Province; thence in a southeasterly direction along said Provincial boundary to the southeast corner of the Province; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the Province to the point of commencement.
New Westminster Land Title District
All that portion of the Province which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the Cascade Mountains, as defined by the Interpretation Act with the southerly boundary of the Province; thence westerly along said boundary to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence northwesterly along said middle line to the point thereon which lies due west of the most northerly corner of Lot 5740, Group 1, New Westminster Land District; thence east to said corner; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 5586; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly boundaries of Lots 5586, 5548, and 5547 to the most southerly corner of Lot 5547; thence southeasterly in a straight line to that point which lies 247.32 m (nine hundred feet) due south from the southeast corner of Musqueam Indian Reserve No. 2, being a point in the North Fork of the North Arm of the Fraser River; thence in a general southeasterly direction in said North Fork [passing to the South of Deering Island (Lot 306), Stewart Island (Lot 308), and Cowan Island (Lot 307), and to the north of Iona Island (Lot 236), Woods Island (Lot 309), and Richmond Island] and continuing easterly to and along the middle line of said North Arm to the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Lot 311; thence northerly along said prolongation to the line drawn parallel to and at a perpendicular distance of 60.96 m (two hundred feet) measured southerly from low-water mark of the northerly shore of said North Arm; thence easterly along said mark of the northerly shore of said North Arm; thence easterly along said line [but passing to the south of Rowling Island (Lot 2100) and along the middle line of the waterway separating Mitchell Island (Lot 527) from the northerly shore of said North Arm] to the southerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Lot 331; thence northerly along said prolongation to and along said easterly boundary and the easterly boundaries of Lots 335, 339, 49, 36, and of the Hastings Townsite produced to the middle line of Burrard Inlet; thence easterly along said middle line to the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Indian Arm; thence northerly along said prolongation and said middle line and that of Indian River (passing to the east of Lot 177 and Croker Island and to the west of Boulder and Racoon Islands) to that point on said middle line of Indian River which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 2029; thence due east to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the Indian River; thence northerly along said boundary and that of the watershed of the Mamquam, Cheakamus and Green Rivers to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Billygoat Creek; thence southeasterly along said boundary to the point thereon which lies due west of the northwest corner of Lot 5536, Group 1, New Westminster Land District; thence east to said corner; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 5536 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due east to the Cascade Mountains aforesaid; thence southerly along the Cascade Mountains to the southerly boundary of the Province; thence westerly along said boundary to the point of commencement all the lots herein above mentioned being in Group 1, New Westminster Land District.
Prince George Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allan Creek with the easterly boundary of the Province of British Columbia; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the Province to the one hundred and twenty-sixth meridian of west longitude; thence south along said meridian to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River; thence westerly, southerly and southeasterly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of the Peace River to the point thereon which lies due north of Mile-post Thirty-four as set on the fifty-fifth parallel of north latitude as established by survey upon the ground; thence south to said mile-post; thence easterly along said parallel to the one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian of west longitude as defined by survey upon the ground; thence southerly along said meridian to the northerly boundary of Lot 3166, Cariboo Land District; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 3166 to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the westerly boundaries of Lots 3166, 3165, 3164, 3163, 3174R and 3179R, all of Cariboo Land District, to the southwest corner of Lot 3179R; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 3179R to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence southerly along said meridian to the northerly boundary of Lot 4036, Range 5, Coast Land District; thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 4036 and 4039 to the northeast corner of Lot 4039; thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 4039, 4038, 4040, 2951, 2953, 2830, 2823, 2803 and 2790 to the southeast corner of Lot 2790 and continuing southerly across Stuart River to and along the easterly boundary of Lot 2787 to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 2787 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due west to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence southerly along said meridian to the northerly boundary of Township 11; thence easterly along said boundary and that of Township 10 to the northeast corner of Township 10 all the lots and townships herein above mentioned, beginning with Lot 4036 and Township 11, being in Range 5, Coast Land District; thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of said Township 10 and of Townships 1 and 8, Range 4, Coast Land District, to the southeast corner of Township 8; thence westerly along the theoretical south boundaries of Township 8 and of Township 7, Range 4, Coast Land District, to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence southerly along said meridian to the northerly boundary of Lot 9463, Cariboo Land District; thence westerly and southerly along the boundaries of Lot 9463 to the southwest corner thereof, being a point on the northerly shore of Batnuni Lake, and continuing southerly in a straight line across said lake to the northwest corner of Lot 9464, Cariboo Land District; thence southerly and easterly along the boundaries of Lot 9464 to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence southerly along said meridian to the fifty-third parallel of north latitude as established by survey upon the ground; thence westerly along said parallel to Mile-post Ninety-three as set thereon; thence due west to the Cascade Mountains, as defined by the Interpretation Act, thence southeasterly along the Cascade Mountains to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Charlotte Lake; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said watershed to the westerly boundary thereof; thence southerly along said boundary (crossing Charlotte Lake at its outlet) to the fifty-second parallel of north latitude; thence east along said parallel to the point thereon which lies due north of the northwest corner of Lot 561, Range 3, Coast Land District; thence south to said corner; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 561 produced to the middle line of Tatla Lake; thence northeasterly along said middle line to the fifty-second parallel; thence east along said parallel to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence southerly along said surveyed meridian to the surveyed fifty-second parallel of north latitude; thence easterly along said parallel to the westerly boundary of Lot 539, Cariboo Land District; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly along the boundaries of Lot 539 to the surveyed fifty-second parallel; thence easterly along said parallel to the westerly boundary of Lot 128; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the boundaries of Lot 128 to the surveyed fifty-second parallel; thence easterly along said parallel to the westerly boundary of Lot 85A; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the boundaries of Lot 85A to the surveyed fifty-second parallel; thence easterly along said parallel to the easterly extremity thereof; thence due east to the westerly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing into Clearwater River above the mouth of Mahood River; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly, and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Clearwater River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River; thence easterly along said northerly boundary to the nearest point thereon due west of the southwest corner of Lot 7383, Cariboo Land District; thence east to said corner; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said lot and the northerly boundary of Lot 3103, Kamloops Divison of Yale Land District, to the northeast corner of Lot 3103; thence due east to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Canoe River; thence southerly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek; thence easterly along said boundary to Canoe River and continuing easterly across Canoe River to and along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Baker Creek and that of Hugh Allan Creek to the point of commencement.
Prince Rupert Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the Province; thence in a southeasterly direction along the westerly boundary of the Province to the fifty-first parallel of north latitude; thence northerly in a straight line to the point of junction of the southerly prolongation of the middle lines of Milbanke Sound and Hecate Strait; thence northeasterly to and along the middle lines of Milbanke Sound, Finlayson Channel and Oscar Passage and continuing easterly across Mathieson Channel to and along the middle line of Salmon Bay to the head of said bay; thence due east to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Mathieson Channel; thence north easterly along said boundary and that of the watershed of Gardner Canal to the Cascade Mountains, as defined by the Interpretation Act; thence southeasterly along the Cascade Mountains to the first point thereon which lies due west of Mile-post Ninety-three set on the fifty-third parallel of north latitude as established by survey upon the ground; thence east to said mile-post; thence easterly along said parallel to the one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian of west longitude as defined by survey; thence northerly along said meridian to the southerly boundary of Lot 9464, Cariboo Land District; thence westerly and northerly along the boundaries of Lot 9464 to the northwest corner thereof, being a point on the southerly shore of Batnuni Lake; thence northerly in a straight line across said lake to the southwest corner of Lot 9463, Cariboo Land Distict; thence northerly and easterly along the boundaries of Lot 9463 to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence northerly along said meridian to the theoretical south boundary of Township 7, Range 4, Coast Land District; thence easterly along the south boundary of Township 7 and that of Township 8, Range 4, Coast Land District, to the southeast corner of Township 8; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Townships 8 and 1, Range 4, Coast Land District, and of Township 10, Range 5, Coast Land District, to the northeast corner of Township 10; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Townships 10 and 11 to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence northerly along said meridian to the point thereon which lies due west of the southwest corner of Lot 2787, Range 5, Coast Land District; thence east to said corner; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 2787 to the southeast corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2787 to the northeast corner thereof and continuing northerly across Stuart River to and along the easterly boundaries of Lots 2790, 2803, 2823, 2830, 2953, 2951, 4040, 4038 and 4039 to the northeast corner of Lot 4039; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 4039 and 4036 to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian all the townships and lots herein above mentioned, beginning with Township 10 and Lot 2787, being in Range 5, Coast Land District; thence northerly along said meridian to the southerly boundary of Lot 3179R, Cariboo Land District; thence westerly along said boundary of Lot 3179R to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly boundaries of Lots 3179R, 3174R, 3163, 3164, 3165 and 3166, all of Cariboo Land District, to the northwest corner of Lot 3166; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 3166 to the surveyed one hundred and twenty-fourth meridian; thence northerly along said meridian to the fifty-fifth parallel of north latitude as defined by survey upon the ground; thence westerly along said parallel to Mile-post Thirty-four as set thereon; thence due north to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of the Peace River; thence northwesterly, northerly and easterly along the boundary of the watershed of the Peace River to the one hundred and twenty-sixth meridian of west longitude; thence north along said meridian to the northerly boundary of the Province; thence westerly along said boundary to the point of commencement.
Vancouver Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at that point on the middle line of the Strait of Georgia which lies due west of the most northerly corner of Lot 5740, Group 1, New Westminster Land District; thence east to said corner; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 5586; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly boundaries of Lots 5586, 5548 and 5547 to the most southerly corner of Lot 5547; thence southeasterly in a straight line to that point which lies 274.32 m (nine hundred feet) due south from the southeast corner of Musqueam Indian Reserve No. 2, being a point in the North Fork of the North Arm of the Fraser River; thence in a general southeasterly direction in said North Fork [passing to the south of Deering Island (Lot 306), Stewart Island (Lot 308), and Cowan Island (Lot 307), and to the north of Iona Island (Lot 236), Woods Island (Lot 309), and Richmond Island] and continuing easterly to and along the middle line of said North Arm to the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Lot 311; thence northerly along said prolongation to the line drawn parallel to and at a perpendicular distance of 60.96 m (two hundred feet) measured southerly from low-water mark of the northerly shore of said North Arm; thence easterly along said line [but passing to the south of Rowling Island (Lot 2100) and along the middle line of the waterway separating Mitchell Island (Lot 527) from the northerly shore of said North Arm] to the southerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Lot 331; thence northerly along said prolongation to and along said easterly boundary and the easterly boundaries of Lots 335, 339, 49, 36, and of the Hastings Townsite produced to the middle line of Burrard Inlet; thence easterly along said middle line to the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Indian Arm; thence northerly along said prolongation and said middle line and that of Indian River (passing to the east of Lot 177 and Croker Island and to the west of Boulder and Racoon Islands) to that point on said middle line of Indian River which lies due east of the southeast corner of Lot 2029; thence due east to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the Indian River; thence northerly along said boundary and that of the watershed of the Mamquam, Cheakamus, and Green Rivers to the point thereon which lies due east of the survey-post set about 160.93 m (eight chains) west of the Soo River and purporting to mark the parallel of 50 14'; thence west to said post; thence N. 45 W. to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Soo River; thence westerly along said boundary to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly and southerly into Howe Sound and Jervis Inlet; thence northwesterly along said boundary to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Toba River; thence southwesterly along said boundary and that of the watershed of the streams flowing northerly into Toba Inlet and continuing southwesterly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Daniels (West Fork of Powell) River to the westerly boundary thereof; thence southerly along said boundary and the easterly boundary of the watershed of Forbes Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Forbes Creek; thence westerly along said boundary to the easterly shore of Homfray Channel; thence southwesterly along said shore to Bohn Point; thence due west to the middle line of Homfray Channel; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said middle line and middle lines of Pryce Channel and North Passage produced to the middle line of Calm Channel; thence southerly along said middle line and the middle lines of Lewis Channel and False Passage (passing to the west of Kinghorn Island and to the east of the Powell Islands) produced to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence southeasterly along said middle line to the point thereon due east of the northerly end of Hornby Island; thence in a straight line to the northerly end of the middle line of Sabine Channel; thence southeasterly along said middle line (passing to the east of Jervis and Jedidiah Islands) and the extension thereof to the point due east of the southerly end of Lasqueti Island; thence due south to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence southeasterly along said middle line to the point of commencement all the lots herein above mentioned being in Group 1, New Westminster District.
Victoria Land Title District
All that portion of the Province of British Columbia which is contained within the following boundaries:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the middle line of Finlayson Channel with the westerly prolongation of the middle line of Oscar Passage; thence easterly along said prolongation and middle line and continuing easterly across Malthusian Channel to and along the middle line of Salmon Bay to the head of said bay; thence due east to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Mathieson Channel; thence northeasterly along said boundary and that of the watershed of Gardner Canal to the Cascade Mountains, as defined by the Interpretation Act; thence southeasterly along the Cascade Mountains to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Charlotte Lake; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said watershed to the westerly boundary thereof; thence southerly along said boundary (crossing Charlotte Lake at its outlet) to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini Lake, thence southeasterly along said boundary (crossing Klinaklini Lake at its outlet) to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek; thence southerly along said boundary produced to the middle line of Homathko River; thence northeasterly along said middle line to the point thereon closest to the left bank of Doran Creek; thence to and southeasterly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek to and easterly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Homathko River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Chilko Lake, being a point on the Cascade Mountains aforesaid; thence southerly along the Cascade Mountains to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Toba River; thence southwesterly along said boundary and that of the watershed of the streams flowing northerly into Toba Inlet and continuing southwesterly along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Daniels (West Fork of Powell) River to the westerly boundary thereof; thence southerly along said boundary and the easterly boundary of the watershed of Forbes Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Forbes Creek; thence westerly along said boundary to the easterly shore of Homfray Channel; thence southwesterly along said shore to Bohn Point; thence due west to the middle line of Homfray Channel; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said middle line and the middle lines of Pryce Channel and North Passage produced to the middle line of Calm Channel; thence southerly along said middle line and the middle lines of Lewis Channel and False Passage (passing to the west of Kinghorn Island and to the east of the Powell Islands) produced to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence southeasterly along said middle line to the point thereon due east of the northerly end of Hornby Island; thence in a straight line to the northerly end of the middle of Sabine Channel; thence southeasterly along said middle line (passing to the east of Jervis and Jedidiah Islands) and the extension thereof to the point due east of the southerly end of Lasqueti Island; thence due south to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia; thence southeasterly along said middle line to the first point of contact with the southerly boundary of the Province; thence southerly and westerly along said southerly boundary and northwesterly along the westerly boundary of the Province to the fifty-first parallel of north latitude; thence northerly in a straight line to the point of juncture of the southerly prolongation of the middle lines of Milbanke Sound and Hecate Strait; thence northeasterly to and along the middle lines of Milbanke Sound and Finlayson Channel to the point of commencement.