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B.C. Reg. 349/2004 O.C. 798/2004 | Deposited July 23, 2004 effective September 1, 2004 |
[Last amended March 30, 2022 by B.C. Reg. 76/2022]
Part 1 — Definitions and Application
1 In this regulation:
"Act" means the Food Safety Act;
"animal" means, except in section 31, an animal raised for food;
"animal unit" means a combined animal weight, when measured alive, of 455 kg (1 000 lbs);
"carcass" includes a part of a carcass in respect of which no further processing has occurred;
"condemned" means, for an animal or carcass, determined by an inspector to be contaminated or otherwise unfit for human or animal consumption;
"emergency slaughter approval form" means the form specified by the minister for the purposes of section 14 or 14.1, as applicable;
"equipment" means a non-food article that is used in the operation of a slaughter establishment;
"farmgate slaughter establishment" means a slaughter establishment in respect of which a farmgate plus licence or farmgate licence has been issued;
"food premises" means "food premises" as defined in the Food Premises Regulation;
"food safety plan", in relation to a slaughter establishment, means
(a) the written food safety plan submitted under section 6 (1) (c), if no revisions to the plan have been made under section 9.1 (3), or
(b) if revisions have been made under section 9.1 (3), the most recent written food safety plan for the slaughter establishment;
"handwashing station" means a hand basin provided with
(a) hot and cold running water,
(c) a forced air hand dryer or a method of hand drying that uses products that are designed to be used only once and then discarded;
"held" means, for an animal or carcass, detained for examination or inspection under this regulation by an inspector;
"ID number" means one or both of the following, as applicable:
(a) the identifying number issued by the minister with respect to a licensed slaughter establishment;
(b) if a licence holder is participating in a traceability program, a unique identifier, composed of a series of numbers and letters, issued by the minister with respect to the premises on which the holder's slaughter establishment is located;
"inedible" means, for a carcass, determined by an inspector to be contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption but suitable for use for animal food;
"inspection legend stamp" means the stamp that an inspector imposes or causes to be imposed on a carcass at the time of inspection to indicate that the carcass is not contaminated and is fit for human consumption;
"licence" means a licence, referred to in section 5 of the Act, issued under this regulation;
"licence holder" means a person who holds a licence for a slaughter establishment;
"licensed abattoir" means a slaughter establishment in respect of which an abattoir licence has been issued;
"livestock area" means the yards or pens of a slaughter establishment where animals are received and contained before slaughter;
"meat product" means
(a) anything derived from a carcass, or
(b) organs, intestines or blood from an animal;
"passed" means, for an animal or carcass, determined by an inspector to be fit for human consumption;
"pests" includes insects;
"poultry" includes domesticated chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, ratites, squab and pheasants;
"sanitizing station" means a rust resistant metal basin provided with a continuous flow of hot water maintained at a minimum temperature of 82°C;
"slaughter area" means an area of a slaughter establishment in which animals are slaughtered, eviscerated and sectioned;
"slaughter establishment" means a food establishment at which animals are slaughtered, but does not include the following food premises if they are in the same building or on the same property:
(a) food premises where carcasses are processed into meat products for human consumption following applicable carcass preparation steps;
(b) food premises where meat products for human consumption are sold directly to the public;
"storage area" means the area of a slaughter establishment in which carcasses are stored;
"temporary food market" means a food establishment operated at a fixed location on a temporary basis in connection with a charitable or public event, and includes, without limitation, a farmers' market;
"veterinarian" means a person who is registered under the Veterinarians Act.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 1; 102/2010, s. 1; 80/2011, s. 1; 58/2013, Sch. s. 1; 205/2014, s. 1; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 1.]
2 (1) The Act does not apply to a slaughter establishment that is registered under the Safe Food for Canadians Act (Canada).
(2) The Act does not apply to the slaughter of an animal if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) the slaughter occurs on the premises of the animal's owner;
(b) the slaughter is for the purposes of the personal consumption of the animal by
(i) the owner or the owner's immediate household or immediate family members, or
(ii) the owner's employees, if the employees are employed on the premises where the slaughter occurs;
(c) no part of the animal is sold to or otherwise made available for consumption by the public.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 2.]
Part 2 — Designation and Licensing
4 (1) Slaughter establishments are designated as being subject to Part 2 of the Act.
(2) A person must not operate a slaughter establishment unless the person holds a licence.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
5 (1) A person may apply for an abattoir licence by submitting to the minister all of the following:
(b) any additional information the minister requires for the purpose of evaluating the application.
(2) An applicant must submit records and information required under this section in the form and manner specified by the minister.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
6 (1) A person may apply for a farmgate plus licence or a farmgate licence by submitting to the minister all of the following:
(b) evidence of having successfully completed training that, in the opinion of the minister, is relevant to the operation of a farmgate slaughter establishment;
(c) a written food safety plan that identifies
(i) possible sources of contamination in the slaughter establishment before, during and after slaughter, and
(ii) the steps to be taken to ensure that carcasses in the slaughter establishment are not contaminated or are not otherwise made unfit for human consumption;
(d) any additional information the minister requires for the purpose of evaluating the application.
(2) In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), a person applying for a farmgate plus licence must submit to the minister a feasibility study report prepared in accordance with section 6.1.
(3) An applicant must submit records and information required under this section in the form and manner specified by the minister.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
6.1 (1) For the purpose of conducting a feasibility study, an applicant for a farmgate plus licence must do all of the following:
(i) all licence holders operating licensed abattoirs within 100 km of the applicant's proposed slaughter establishment, and
(ii) the municipality and regional district within which the proposed slaughter establishment is to be located;
(b) determine the need for slaughter capacity of the species proposed to be slaughtered in the area in which the proposed slaughter establishment is to be located, including
(i) whether any existing licensed abattoirs can provide slaughter services in the area,
(ii) whether animals must be transported over marine waters to a licensed abattoir if not slaughtered at the proposed slaughter establishment, and
(iii) the need for specialized slaughter capacity in the area, if specialized slaughter is proposed to be offered;
(c) determine whether a licensed abattoir would be viable in the area in which the proposed slaughter establishment is to be located.
(2) An applicant for a farmgate plus licence must prepare a feasibility study report that includes a description of all of the following:
(a) the geographic location of the proposed slaughter establishment;
(b) the consultations referred to in subsection (1) (a);
(c) the determinations made under subsection (1) (b) and (c) and the reasons for those determinations.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
6.2 (1) In this section, "compliance year" means the one-year period that
(i) in the case of a new licence, on the date that the licence is issued, and
(ii) in any other case, on the anniversary of the licence issue date, and
(b) ends immediately before the next anniversary of the licence issue date.
(2) A holder of a farmgate plus licence must ensure that, in any compliance year, no more than 25 animal units are slaughtered at the licence holder's slaughter establishment.
(3) A holder of a farmgate licence must ensure that, in any compliance year, no more than 5 animal units are slaughtered at the licence holder's slaughter establishment.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
7 A licence holder must post the holder's licence in a conspicuous location in the holder's slaughter establishment.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
7.1 A licence expires on the earliest of the following dates that applies:
(a) the date that is 5 years from the date on which the licence was
(i) issued, if subparagraph (ii) does not apply, or
(b) the date stated in the licence;
(c) the date that the licence is cancelled under the Act.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
"deemed licence" means a licence that, under subsection (2), is deemed to be an abattoir licence or a farmgate plus licence;
"former Part 2" means Part 2 as it read immediately before its repeal on the transition date;
"transition date" means the date on which this section came into force.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), a person is deemed to hold a licence issued under Part 2 if, immediately before the transition date, the person held a licence issued under the former Part 2 as follows:
(a) a Class A or B licence is deemed to be an abattoir licence;
(b) a Class D or E licence is deemed to be a farmgate plus licence.
(3) A person who holds a deemed licence continues to be subject to all terms, restrictions and conditions imposed under the person's Class A, B, D or E licence except a restriction or condition with respect to
(a) the area in which meat products from the person's slaughter establishment are sold to consumers, and
(b) the types of persons to whom meat products from the person's slaughter establishment may be sold.
(4) A person continues to hold a deemed licence until the earliest of the following dates that applies:
(a) in the case of a person who held a Class A or B licence, the date that is 5 years from
(i) the date that the Class A or B licence was issued, if issued less than 5 years before the transition date, or
(ii) the transition date, if subparagraph (i) does not apply;
(b) in the case of a person who held a Class D or E licence, the date that the Class D or E licence was to expire;
(c) the date that the person's deemed licence is cancelled under the Act.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 3.]
Part 3 — Obligations of Operator
8 (0.1) This section applies to the construction or alteration of a slaughter establishment that is intended to be a licensed abattoir.
(1) A person must not construct or alter a slaughter establishment or cause a slaughter establishment to be constructed or altered unless an inspector has approved the plans and specifications for the construction or alteration.
(2) Before starting the construction or alteration of a slaughter establishment, an applicant for approval under subsection (1) must
(a) submit to an inspector a copy of the complete plans and specifications for the proposed construction or alteration, and
(b) provide the inspector with any other information respecting the proposed construction or alteration that the inspector reasonably requires.
(3) The inspector may approve the plans and specifications submitted under subsection (2) if a slaughter establishment that is constructed or altered in accordance with the plans and specifications is, in the opinion of the inspector, capable of being operated in compliance with the requirements of section 9.
[am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 4.]
9 (1) A person must not operate a licensed abattoir unless the person
(a) ensures that the construction of the licensed abattoir is and remains sound,
(b) operates the licensed abattoir in a manner that ensures that the animals and carcasses are handled in a sanitary manner and without risk of contamination or spoilage of any carcass produced or stored by the licensed abattoir,
(c) ensures that materials from which the licensed abattoir is constructed
(i) are and remain suitable for their intended purpose, and
(ii) are durable, easily cleaned and free from any noxious or toxic substances,
(d) ensures that the licensed abattoir is separate from and without direct access to
(ii) any area in which activities are carried out that are incompatible with the sanitary handling of animals or carcasses,
(e) supplies water to the licensed abattoir from a source that is both potable and not capable of contaminating a carcass,
(f) ensures that the licensed abattoir is connected at all times to a waste disposal system,
(g) supplies an adequate quantity of hot and cold water under the pressure necessary to meet the water needs of the establishment,
(h) provides artificial lighting that is adequate in intensity so as to enable the sanitary operation and maintenance of the establishment,
(i) provides staff dressing rooms that allow staff to change their clothing in a private and clean environment,
(j) maintains and uses ventilation equipment so as to prevent any accumulation of smoke, grease, water vapour and objectionable odours, and
(k) maintains and uses the equipment necessary so as to ensure that the slaughter of animals and the storage and processing of carcasses is done in a manner that is sanitary and poses no risk of contamination or spoilage of any carcasses produced or stored by the licensed abattoir.
(2) A person must not operate a licensed abattoir unless the person
(a) ensures that at all times there is a segregation of activities so that contamination of the animals or carcasses is prevented, including the segregation of all of the following from each other:
(i) livestock areas of the licensed abattoir;
(ii) slaughter areas of the licensed abattoir;
(iii) storage areas of the licensed abattoir;
(iv) food premises in the same building as the licensed abattoir, if applicable,
(b) maintains and ensures that separate rooms, spaces and equipment are used solely for the segregation and disposal of held, inedible or condemned animals and carcasses, and
(c) maintains and uses a sufficient number of sanitizing stations to ensure the effective sanitizing of knives.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 8; 58/2013, Sch. s. 6; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 5.]
9.1 (1) A person must not operate a farmgate slaughter establishment unless the person ensures that all of the following requirements are met:
(a) if water is used during slaughter, that only potable water is used;
(b) that an animal in the slaughter establishment is kept before slaughter and slaughtered in a humane manner;
(c) that the slaughter establishment is operated in a manner that ensures that animals and carcasses are handled, slaughtered and stored in a sanitary manner and without risk of contamination or spoilage of any carcass produced or stored by the slaughter establishment;
(d) that each carcass stored by the slaughter establishment is stored at a temperature sufficient to prevent the risk of spoilage;
(e) that pests are not present during the handling, slaughter or storage of animals or carcasses;
(i) maintained in a sanitary condition, and
(ii) operated in a manner that is sanitary;
(g) that each employee, while working in the slaughter establishment,
(i) wears clean clothing and footwear,
(ii) does not smoke in any area where carcasses are prepared, stored or distributed, and
(iii) washes the employee's hands as often as necessary to prevent the contamination of carcasses;
(h) that an animal slaughtered in the slaughter establishment is in good health.
(2) A farmgate plus or farmgate licence holder must complete training, as specified by the minister, relevant to the operation of a farmgate slaughter establishment.
(3) A farmgate plus or farmgate licence holder must
(a) have a written food safety plan that
(i) identifies possible sources of contamination in the slaughter establishment before, during and after slaughter, and
(ii) establishes the steps to be taken to ensure that carcasses in the slaughter establishment are not contaminated or are not otherwise made unfit for human consumption,
(b) have the food safety plan posted in a conspicuous location in the slaughter establishment,
(c) at least once each year, review the food safety plan and, if directed by an inspector or if otherwise appropriate for the purposes referred to in paragraph (a), update the food safety plan, and
(d) follow the steps established by the food safety plan.
[en. B.C. Reg. 102/2010, s. 7; am. B.C. Regs. 58/2013, Sch. s. 7; 205/2014, s. 9; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 6; 76/2022, s. 4.]
Part 4 — Operation of Slaughter Establishments
Division 1 — Inspection and Slaughter at Licensed Abattoirs
10 An inspector must have regard to the requirements related to food safety and animal health established under Part 6, Division 7, Subdivisions E, G and H of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (Canada) when doing the following:
(a) conducting an inspection of an animal or carcass in a licensed abattoir;
(b) determining if an animal or carcass in a licensed abattoir is to be passed, held or condemned.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 8.]
11 A person must not remove an animal from the livestock area of a licensed abattoir unless
(a) an inspector permits the removal, or
(b) it is removed in accordance with this Division.
[am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 9.]
12 (1) An abattoir licence holder must ensure that before an animal intended for slaughter leaves the livestock area, it is inspected by an inspector and identified as
(2) Despite subsection (1), an abattoir licence holder may allow poultry or rabbits intended for slaughter to leave the livestock area after an inspector has inspected only a sample of the poultry or rabbits, as the case may be, and has identified the poultry or rabbits as
(3) Subject to subsection (5), an abattoir licence holder may allow an animal to enter the slaughter area only if the animal is identified as passed under subsection (1) or (2).
(4) An abattoir licence holder must move an animal that is identified as held or condemned under subsection (1) or (2) to the area specified by an inspector and keep the animal in that area until the inspector approves the animal entering the slaughter area or provides other instructions.
(5) If the inspector provides approval under subsection (4), the abattoir licence holder may allow an animal in the held area to enter the slaughter area.
(6) If an inspector identifies an animal as condemned under this section, the abattoir licence holder must slaughter the animal as directed by an inspector and remove the animal to the condemned area for disposal.
[am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 10.]
13 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that an animal in the licensed abattoir is kept before slaughter and slaughtered in accordance with the requirements relating to the humane treatment of animals established under Part 6, Division 7, Subdivision C of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (Canada).
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 11.]
13.1 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that, after the slaughter of an animal at the holder's licensed abattoir, the carcass is not removed from the slaughter area until inspection under section 15 is completed.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 11.]
13.2 (1) Despite section 13.1, a carcass may be removed before inspection from the slaughter area of a licensed abattoir if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) the abattoir licence holder applies to the minister, in the form and manner specified by the minister, for an exemption from that section;
(b) the application identifies a temporary holding area that is located separately from the livestock area, storage area, slaughter area or the held area referred to in section 15;
(i) grants the exemption referred to in paragraph (a), and
(ii) approves the temporary holding area identified in the application, with or without directions respecting the storage of the carcass and of the slaughtered animal and of any parts removed from the carcass.
(2) If an exemption is granted, the abattoir licence holder must ensure all of the following:
(a) that carcasses are moved to the temporary holding area only at the direction of an inspector;
(b) that, if any part is removed from a carcass that is moved to the temporary holding area, the carcass and removed part are marked or labelled in a manner that they may be readily linked as coming from the same slaughtered animal;
(c) that a carcass is not removed from the temporary holding area until inspection of the carcass under section 15 is complete.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) (a), an inspector may give directions respecting a single carcass or a class of carcasses.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 11.]
14 (1) Despite sections 12 and 13.1, an animal may be slaughtered at a licensed abattoir when no inspector is present at the licensed abattoir, and the carcass may be held for inspection under section 15, if all of the following requirements are met:
(a) the slaughter is necessary for humane reasons;
(b) before the slaughter, a veterinarian
(i) approves the slaughter, and
(ii) prepares and signs an emergency slaughter approval form;
(c) after the slaughter, the abattoir licence holder
(i) identifies the carcass as held, stores it in a manner that prevents contact with any other carcass and keeps it in that manner until inspection under section 15 is complete, and
(ii) identifies the head and offal from the carcass in a manner that allows this material to be matched with the carcass, stores the material separately from the carcass and retains it for inspection by the inspector who conducts the carcass inspection under section 15;
(d) the abattoir licence holder must provide the emergency slaughter approval form to the inspector before the inspection under section 15 is conducted.
(2) After completing the inspections referred to in subsection (1) (c), the inspector must complete and retain the emergency slaughter approval form.
[en. B.C. Reg. 205/2014, s. 11; am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 12.]
14.1 (1) Despite sections 12 and 13.1, an animal intended for slaughter after inspection under section 12 may be slaughtered and the carcass delivered to a licensed abattoir for inspection under section 15 if all of the following requirements are met:
(a) the slaughter is necessary because the animal
(i) is in a physical condition that precludes it from being transported to a licensed abattoir without undue suffering, or
(ii) poses a high risk of significant injury to humans if it is transported to a licensed abattoir;
(b) before the slaughter, a veterinarian
(i) approves the slaughter as meeting the requirements of paragraph (a), and
(ii) prepares and signs an emergency slaughter approval form;
(c) after the slaughter, the carcass and the emergency slaughter approval form are delivered to the licensed abattoir as soon as practicable;
(d) before accepting delivery of the carcass, the abattoir licence holder for the licensed abattoir, or an authorized employee of the abattoir licence holder, completes and signs the emergency slaughter approval form to indicate that acceptance.
(2) If a carcass has been accepted for delivery under this section, the abattoir licence holder must
(a) notify an inspector of the acceptance as soon as practicable,
(b) deal with the carcass in accordance with section 14 (1) (c), and
(c) provide the emergency slaughter approval form to the inspector before the inspection under section 15 is conducted.
(3) After completing the inspections referred to in section 14 (1) (c), the inspector must complete and retain the emergency slaughter approval form.
[en. B.C. Reg. 205/2014, Sch. s. 11; am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 13.]
15 (1) The inspection of a carcass at a licensed abattoir is completed once
(a) an inspector has inspected the carcass,
(b) the inspector has identified the carcass as
(c) the inspector, or a person authorized by the inspector, has placed an impression of the inspection legend stamp on each half or quarter carcass that is identified as passed under paragraph (b).
(2) Subsection (1) (c) does not apply in respect of the carcasses of poultry or rabbits.
(3) If under subsection (1) an inspector identifies a carcass as held, the abattoir licence holder must
(a) identify the carcass in the manner the inspector directs, and
(b) remove the carcass to the held area until the inspector provides further instructions with respect to that carcass.
(4) If an inspector identifies a carcass under this section as inedible or condemned, the abattoir licence holder must
(a) identify the carcass in the manner the inspector directs,
(b) remove the carcass to the inedible area or condemned area, as the case may be, for disposal, and
(c) dispose of the carcass as directed by the inspector.
[am. B.C. Regs. 205/2014, s. 12; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 14.]
16 (1) An abattoir licence holder must ensure that an impression of the inspection legend stamp is not a part of the name or logo of the holder's licensed abattoir.
(2) Unless authorized by an inspector, a person must not
(a) have an inspection legend stamp in the person's custody or control, or
(b) apply an inspection legend stamp to a carcass.
(a) alter an inspection legend stamp, or
(b) use an inspection legend stamp on any held, inedible or condemned carcasses.
[am. B.C. Regs. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 15; 76/2022, s. 4.]
Division 2 — Protection of Carcasses
18 A licence holder must ensure that all carcasses at the slaughter establishment are
(a) protected from contamination, and
(b) stored, handled, prepared and packaged in a manner that is sanitary and is without risk of contamination or spoilage.
[am. B.C. Reg. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 11.]
19 The licence holder for a slaughter establishment must ensure that each carcass is
(a) continuously cooled until its internal temperature is 4°C, and
(b) stored at a room temperature of 4°C or less.
[en. B.C. Reg. 58/2013, Sch. s. 9.]
20 An abattoir licence holder must immediately notify an inspector of any circumstance at the holder's licensed abattoir that might pose an immediate or significant risk of contamination of a carcass.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 13; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
Division 3 — Equipment and Cleaning
21 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that all equipment in the holder's licensed abattoir is
(a) constructed from materials that are
(i) suitable for their intended purpose, and
(ii) durable, easily cleaned and free from any noxious or toxic substance,
(b) in good working order, and
(c) operated in a manner that ensures that the handling of animals and carcasses is sanitary and is without risk of contamination or spoilage of carcasses.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 14; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
22 (1) An abattoir licence holder must ensure that the holder's licensed abattoir and the equipment in the holder's licensed abattoir are maintained in a sanitary condition.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a licence holder must ensure that the holder's licensed abattoir and the equipment in the holder's licensed abattoir are washed and sanitized in a manner that removes all contamination.
(3) Without limiting subsection (1), a licence holder must provide at the holder's licensed abattoir
(a) the facilities and equipment necessary to meet the requirements of subsections (1) and (2), and
(b) garbage or refuse containers that are
(i) sufficient in size and number to meet the needs of that establishment, and
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 15; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
23 An abattoir licence holder must not permit anything that is not required for the operation of the holder's licensed abattoir to be stored in that holder's licensed abattoir.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 18.]
24 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that all refrigeration equipment in the holder's licensed abattoir
(a) is of a type and capacity that is adequate to meet the needs of that establishment,
(b) is capable of maintaining the temperatures required by section 19, and
(c) is equipped with a thermometer that is accurate to within 1°C.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 16; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
25 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that equipment used in the holder's licensed abattoir to collect inedible or condemned carcasses is clearly identified and used only for the collection or conveyance of inedible or condemned carcasses.
[am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 19.]
26 (1) An abattoir licence holder must ensure that each employee, while working in the holder's licensed abattoir,
(a) wears clean clothing and footwear,
(b) exhibits cleanliness and good personal hygiene,
(c) takes adequate measures to ensure that carcasses are not contaminated by hair,
(d) does not smoke in any area where carcasses are prepared, stored or distributed, and
(e) engages in proper handwashing as often as necessary to prevent the contamination of carcasses.
(2) An abattoir licence holder must supply and maintain in the holder's licensed abattoir an adequate number of handwashing stations and ensure that the handwashing stations are located so that each employee has easy access to at least one handwashing station.
(3) An abattoir licence holder must ensure that the holder's licensed abattoir contains an adequate number of clean and sanitary washrooms for the number of persons working at that holder's licensed abattoir.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 16; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 20.]
Division 5 — Operational Safety Management
"critical control point" means a location in a licensed abattoir, or a step in the licensed abattoir's procedures, where failure to comply with the Act or this regulation might result in the contamination of carcasses or making carcasses otherwise unfit for human consumption;
"critical limit" means food safety standards that must be met at a critical control point.
(2) An abattoir licence holder must develop, maintain and follow written procedures that ensure that carcasses in the holder's licensed abattoir are not contaminated or are not otherwise made unfit for human consumption.
(3) The written procedures required under subsection (2) must include the following:
(a) the identification of all critical control points;
(b) the identification of all critical limits;
(c) the method to be followed to ensure adherence to the critical limits;
(d) the actions to be taken in the event that the critical limits are not adhered to.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 17; 58/2013, Sch. s. 10; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 21.]
28 An abattoir licence holder must develop, maintain and follow written procedures that ensure the holder's licensed abattoir is operated in a manner that is sanitary and poses no risk of contamination or spoilage of carcasses, including, without limitation,
(a) the cleaning and sanitizing requirements for that establishment and for all equipment,
(b) the identification of cleaning and sanitizing agents used in that establishment, including their concentrations and their uses, and
(c) the identification of all pesticides used in that establishment, including their uses and their storage requirements.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 18; 58/2013, Sch. s. 10; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
29 (1) A licence holder of a slaughter establishment must maintain, for each animal that enters the slaughter establishment, records that show
(a) the location from which the animal was shipped to the slaughter establishment, and
(b) the name, address and telephone number of the person who owned the animal at the time it was shipped to the slaughter establishment.
(2) A licence holder of a slaughter establishment need not maintain the records required under subsection (1) for a flock or shipment of poultry or rabbits if the licence holder maintains for the flock or shipment records that show
(a) the location from which the flock or shipment was shipped, and
(b) the name, address and telephone number of the person who owned the flock or shipment at the time it was shipped to the slaughter establishment.
Division 6.1 — Sale of Carcasses and Meat Products
"inspected and passed" means inspected, and passed by an inspector, under the Act or the Safe Food for Canadians Act (Canada);
"store" means to store for the purpose of sale.
(2) An abattoir licence holder must not store or sell
(a) a carcass slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment unless the carcass has been inspected and passed, or
(b) a meat product made from a carcass slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment unless the carcass from which the meat product was made has been inspected and passed.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
29.2 A farmgate licence holder must not sell carcasses slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment or meat products made from a carcass slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment except as follows:
(a) sales must be made directly to consumers only;
(b) sales must be made only from a location that is
(i) a food premises located on the same property as the slaughter establishment,
(ii) a temporary food market located in the regional district in which the slaughter establishment is located, or
(iii) a temporary food market located within 50 km of the slaughter establishment.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
29.3 A licence holder who sells a carcass slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment must ensure that the purchaser is given, in writing, all of the following information:
(a) the name, address and ID number of the slaughter establishment;
(b) the net weight of the carcass.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
29.4 (1) A licence holder who sells a packaged meat product made from a carcass slaughtered at the holder's slaughter establishment must ensure that the package is labelled with all of the following information:
(a) the name and address of the slaughter establishment;
(b) a description of the contents of the package;
(c) the net weight or volume of the contents of the package.
(2) In addition to the requirements under subsection (1),
(a) a farmgate plus licence holder must include a label with
(i) the ID number of the slaughter establishment, and
(ii) the words, "Not Government Inspected", and
(b) a farmgate licence holder must include a label with
(i) the ID number of the slaughter establishment, and
(ii) the words, "Not Government Inspected; For sale only in the regional district of [name of regional district in which the farmgate slaughter establishment is located], or at a temporary food market within 50 km of the slaughter establishment. Not for resale".
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
29.5 A person must not resell either of the following:
(a) a carcass slaughtered at the slaughter establishment of a farmgate licence holder;
(b) a meat product made from a carcass slaughtered at the slaughter establishment of a farmgate licence holder.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
29.6 (1) This section applies if a person purchases either of the following:
(a) a carcass slaughtered at the slaughter establishment of a farmgate plus licence holder;
(b) a meat product made from a carcass slaughtered at the slaughter establishment of a farmgate plus licence holder.
(2) A person who purchases a carcass or meat product referred to in subsection (1) must not resell the carcass or meat product except as follows:
(a) if the carcass or meat product is packaged, the package must be labelled with the ID number of the slaughter establishment and the words, "Not Government Inspected";
(b) if the carcass or meat product is not packaged, the person must advise the purchaser, in writing, that the carcass, or the carcass from which the meat product was made, was not government inspected.
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 22.]
31 An abattoir licence holder must not permit an animal, other than an animal that is raised for food, to enter the holder's licensed abattoir.
[am. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
32 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that the holder's licensed abattoir is
(b) free of conditions that lead to the harbouring or breeding of pests, and
(c) protected against the entrance of pests.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 20; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
33 A licence holder must ensure that chemicals, cleansers and other similar non-food substances that are on the premises of the slaughter establishment are stored in
(a) a room or cabinet separate from any carcasses, and
(b) non-food containers that are clearly labelled to identify the contents.
[am. B.C. Reg. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 21.]
34 An abattoir licence holder must develop and maintain written procedures that, when followed, ensure that the holder is able to comply with an order under section 12 (4) (c) of the Act for the immediate recall of a carcass distributed from the holder's licensed abattoir.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 21; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 24.]
35 An abattoir licence holder must ensure that
(a) an office and a clean and sanitary washroom are conveniently located in or close to the holder's licensed abattoir for easy access by inspectors, and
(b) the office referred to in paragraph (a) contains a locked cabinet and other furniture and equipment that an inspector needs in order to carry out the powers, functions and duties of an inspector under the Act.
[am. B.C. Regs. 299/2007, Sch. B, s. 22; 213/2021, App. 1, s. 17.]
36 A person who contravenes any of the following provisions commits an offence:
(a) section 4 (2) [slaughter establishments must be licensed];
(b) section 6.2 [slaughter maximums for farmgate slaughter establishments];
(c) section 7 [posting licence];
(d) sections 8 (1) and (2), 9 and 9.1 [Obligations of Operators];
(e) sections 11 to 13.1, 13.2 (2), 14 (1) (c), 14.1 (2) (b), 15 (3) and (4) and 16 [Inspection and Slaughter at Licensed Abattoirs];
(f) sections 18 to 29.6 and 30 to 35 [operating, labelling and sale].
[en. B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 25.]
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 205/2014, s. 14.]
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 213/2021, App. 1, s. 26.]
[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Food Safety Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 28, ss. 4 and 23.]
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