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B.C. Reg. 38/2016
O.C. 112/2016
Deposited February 29, 2016
effective February 29, 2016
This consolidation is current to September 17, 2024.

Water Sustainability Act

Water Districts Regulation

Water districts

1   British Columbia is divided into the water districts named and described in the Schedule.


Water Districts

Alberni Water District

That part of Vancouver Island together with adjacent islands lying southwest of a line commencing at the northwest corner of Fractional Township 42, Rupert Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Fisherman Bay;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Dakota Creek, Laura Creek, Stranby River, Nahwitti River, Quatse River, Keogh River, Cluxewe River and Nimpkish River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nimpkish River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nimpkish River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Salmon River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Salmon River to the southwesterly boundary thereof;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Salmon River and Campbell River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Campbell River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Campbell River and Puntledge River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Tsable River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Tsable River, Wilfred Creek, Rosewall Creek, Qualicum River and Cameron River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Nitinat River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Nitinat River and Tsusiat River to the southwest corner of Lot 58, Barclay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary on the west coast of Vancouver Island; together with Scott Islands.

Ashcroft Water District

Commencing at a point on the middle line of Thompson River lying due south of the southeast corner of Lot 2457, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District;

thence in a general westerly direction along the middle line of Thompson River to a point thereon lying due north of the northeast corner of Lot 403;

thence due south to the northeast corner of Lot 403;

thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Lot 403, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District, to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Ranch Creek;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Ranch Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River;

thence in a general westerly, southerly and westerly direction along the northerly, westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Nicola River to the natural boundary of Thompson River on the left bank thereof;

thence due west to the middle line of Thompson River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of Thompson River to a point thereon, lying due north of the point of intersection of the westerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River with the natural boundary of Thompson River, on the left bank thereof;

thence due south to that point of intersection;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Mowhokam Creek;

thence in a general westerly and southwesterly direction along the northerly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Mowhokam Creek to the northerly boundary of Township 12, Range 26, west of the 6th meridian;

thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Township 12 in Ranges 26 and 27, west of the 6th meridian, to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nahatlatch River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nahatlatch River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Churn Creek;

thence in a general easterly and northerly direction along the southerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Churn Creek to a point on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Churn Creek, lying due west of the northwest corner of Lot 3067, Lillooet Land District;

thence due east to that northwest corner;

thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 3067, 3072, 1143, 992 and 1197 to the northeast corner of Lot 1197;

thence due north to the southerly boundary of Lot 842;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of Lot 842 to the southwest corner of Lot 4350;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of Lot 4350, Lillooet Land District, to the northeast corner thereof;

thence easterly in a straight line to the southwest corner of Fractional Section 27, Township 8, Lillooet Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of that Fractional Section 27 to the southwest corner of Lot 194, Lillooet Land District;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of Lot 194 to the southwest corner of Lot 3983;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of Lot 3983 to the southwest corner of Lot 706;

thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 706, 707 and 708 to the northeast corner of Lot 701;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 701 to the northwest corner of Lot 699;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 699, Lillooet Land District, to the northeast corner thereof;

thence due east to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Dog Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Dog Creek and continuing in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Bonaparte River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Tranquille River;

thence in a general westerly and southerly direction along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Tranquille River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Criss Creek;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Criss Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Deadman River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Deadman River to the easterly boundary of Lot 2457, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2457 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence due south to the point of commencement.

Atlin Water District

Commencing at Post 400 on the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary;

thence due south to the natural boundary of Liard River, on the right bank thereof;

thence in a general southerly and northwesterly direction along the easterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of the streams flowing northerly and northeasterly into Liard River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dease River;

thence in a general southerly and southwesterly direction along the easterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Dease River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Stikine River;

thence in a general easterly, southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly direction along the northerly, northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Stikine River to the International Boundary between British Columbia and Alaska;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the International Boundary to the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary;

thence easterly along the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary to Post 400, being the point of commencement.

Cariboo Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the middle line of Milbanke Sound and the southwesterly prolongation of the middle line of Mathieson Channel;

thence in a general northeasterly direction to and along the middle line of Mathieson Channel to the middle line of Kynoch Inlet;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of Kynoch Inlet to the mouth of Lard Creek;

thence in a general southeasterly and northeasterly direction along the southwesterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Lard Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Tezwa River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Tezwa River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kitlope River;

thence in a general southeasterly, northeasterly and northerly direction along the southwesterly, southeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Kitlope River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River to a point due west of the southwest corner of Lot 1507, Range 4, Coast Land District;

thence due east to the southwest corner of Lot 1507;

thence southerly in a straight line to Mile-post 74 as set on the 53rd parallel of north latitude as defined by survey upon the ground;

thence due south to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River;

thence in a general northerly, northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the westerly, northwesterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Chilcotin River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Makin Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Makin Creek to the southwest corner of Lot 6106, Cariboo Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 6106 to the southeast corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the right bank thereof;

thence southeasterly in a straight line to the most southerly southwest corner of Lot 9482;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 9482 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of McLeese Lake to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Beaver Creek;

thence in a general northerly and northeasterly direction along the westerly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Beaver Creek to its confluence with Quesnel River;

thence in a general easterly, northeasterly and northwesterly direction along the northerly, northwesterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Quesnel River to the southwest corner of Lot 9882, Cariboo Land District;

thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 9882 and the prolongation northerly thereof to the northwesterly boundary of Bowron Lake Park;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of Bowron Lake Park to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Wolverine River;

thence in a general northeasterly and southerly direction along the northwesterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Wolverine River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Quesnel River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Quesnel River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Clearwater River;

thence in a general westerly and southerly direction along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Clearwater River to the southerly boundary of Cariboo Land District;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Cariboo Land District to the northeast corner of Lillooet Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to a point due west of the southwest corner of Lot 2882, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District;

thence due east to the southwest corner of Lot 2882;

thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 2882 and 3546 to the southeast corner of Lot 3546;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 3546 to the northeast corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Mahood Lake, on the southerly shore thereof;

thence in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Mahood Lake, on the southerly shore thereof, to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Aqua Creek;

thence in a general southerly and southwesterly direction along the easterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Aqua Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Canimred Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Canimred Creek to the northeast corner of Lot 8424, Lillooet Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Donald Creek;

thence in a general easterly, southeasterly and westerly direction along the northerly, northeasterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Donald Creek to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Lac des Roches;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwest boundary of the watershed of Lac des Roches to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Bonaparte River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Bonaparte River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dog Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly and westerly direction along the southwesterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Dog Creek to the northeast corner of Lot 699;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 699 to the northwest corner thereof;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 701 to the southeast corner of Lot 708;

thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 708, 707 and 706 to the northeast corner of Lot 3983;

thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Lot 3983 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Lot 194 to the southeast corner of Section 27, Township 8, Lillooet Land District;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of that Section 27 to the southwest corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the left bank thereof;

thence westerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of Lot 4350, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the right bank thereof;

thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Lot 4350 to the easterly boundary of Lot 842;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 842 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of Lot 841 to a point due east of the northeast corner of Lot 1197;

thence due west to the northeast corner of Lot 1197;

thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 1197, 992, 1143, 3072 and 3067 to the northwest corner of Lot 3067, all the aforementioned lots being within Lillooet Land District;

thence in a general southwesterly, southerly and northwesterly direction along the southeasterly, easterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Churn Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nostetuko River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nostetuko River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek to the confluence of Mosley Creek with Homathko River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek to the summit of Mount Waddington;

thence northwesterly in a straight line to the summit of Silverthrone Mountain;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Kingcome River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Kingcome River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Wakeman River;

thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along the northeasterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Wakeman River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Seymour River;

thence in a general westerly and southerly direction along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Seymour River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Waump Creek;

thence in a general westerly and southwesterly direction along the northerly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Waump Creek to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Allison Sound;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Allison Sound to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Parson Creek;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of Parson Creek and the streams flowing southerly and easterly into Mereworth Sound and Pack Lake to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Queen Charlotte Sound;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Queen Charlotte Sound to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 748, Range 2, Coast Land District;

thence due west to the southeast corner of Lot 748;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 748 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 241 and 240 to the southeast corner of Lot 240;

thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 240 and 239 to the natural boundary of Silvester Bay;

thence southwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of the 51st parallel of north latitude and the 128th meridian of west longitude.

Cranbrook Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the westerly boundary of the watershed of Moyie River with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Moyie River, St. Mary River and Findlay Creek to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Findlay Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Findlay Creek to the southwest corner of Lot 109, Kootenay Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 109 and the easterly prolongation thereof to the middle line of Kootenay River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of Kootenay River to an intersection with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Moyie River, being the point of commencement.

Fernie Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the middle line of Kootenay River with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of Kootenay River to an intersection with the easterly prolongation of the southerly boundary of Sublot 107 of Lot 4596, Kootenay Land District;

thence due east to a point on the natural boundary of Kootenay River, on the left bank thereof;

thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Lussier River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Bull River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Bull River and Elk River to the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta;

thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the Interprovincial Boundary to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to the middle line of Kootenay River, being the point of commencement.

Golden Water District

Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 109, Kootenay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Kootenay River, on the right bank thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 109 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along the northeasterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Findlay Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kootenay Lake and Duncan River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Duncan River;

thence in a general northwesterly and westerly direction along the northeasterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Duncan River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Incomappleux River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Incomappleux River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Columbia River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly and westerly into Columbia River to a point on the left bank of Columbia River due east of the confluence of Nagle Creek with Columbia River;

thence due west to the mouth of Nagle Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nagle Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and northerly direction along the southeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Foster Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Franchere Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Franchere Creek to the natural boundary of McNaughton Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Harvey Creek, being a point on the natural boundary of McNaughton Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Harvey Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dawson Creek;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dawson Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allan Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allan Creek to the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the Interprovincial Boundary to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Elk River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Elk River and Bull River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Lussier River;

thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along the northeasterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Lussier River to a point on the natural boundary of Kootenay River, on the left bank thereof, that point being due east of the southeast corner of Sublot 107 of Lot 4596, Kootenay Land District;

thence due west to the middle line of Kootenay River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the middle line of Kootenay River to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 109, being the point of commencement.

Grand Forks Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nine Mile Creek with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nine Mile Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River;

thence in a general northerly, northeasterly and southerly direction along the easterly, northeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Kettle River to the International Boundary;

thence easterly along the International Boundary to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nine Mile Creek, being the point of commencement.

Hazelton Water District

Commencing at the most southerly corner of Lot 5187, Range 5, Coast Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Skeena River, on the right bank thereof;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kitsumkalum River and Nass River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nass River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nass River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Stikine River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Stikine River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Skeena River;

thence in a general southeasterly and westerly direction along the northeasterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of the Skeena River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Shovel Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Shovel Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Tatin Creek;

thence in a general easterly and southeasterly direction along the northerly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Tatin Creek to the northeast corner of Lot 3261, Range 5, Coast Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 6381, 3237 and 6339 to the northwest corner of Lot 3239;

thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 3239, 6338 and 3240 to the northeast corner of Lot 3240;

thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 3240, 6337, 3830 and 3831 to the southeast corner of Lot 3831;

thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of Lot 3831 to the southeast corner of Lot 5197;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 5197 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 5996 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 5996 and 5995 to the southwest corner of Lot 5995;

thence in a general westerly and southerly direction along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Stellako River to the northeast corner of Lot 2567;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2567 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of Lot 2569, Range 5, Coast Land District, to the southeast corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Francois Lake, on the northerly shore thereof;

thence in a general easterly and southerly direction along the natural boundary of Francois Lake, on the northerly and easterly shores thereof, to the northwest corner of Lot 72, Range 4, Coast Land District;

thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 72, 73 and 2613 to the northeast corner of Lot 2613;

thence in a general easterly, southerly, southwesterly and westerly direction along the northerly, easterly, southeasterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Nithi River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Knapp Creek;

thence in a general southeasterly and southwesterly direction along the northeasterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Knapp Creek to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Cheslatta Lake and Murray Lake;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Cheslatta Lake and Murray Lake to the most northerly corner of Lot 3088, Range 4, Coast Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 3088 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Nechako River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Cutoff Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Cutoff Creek and Swanson Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Big Bend Creek;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Big Bend Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of West Road River;

thence in a general southerly and southwesterly direction along the westerly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of West Road River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River to Mile-post 74 as set on the 53rd parallel of north latitude as defined by survey upon the ground;

thence due north to the southwest corner of Lot 507, Range 4, Coast Land District;

thence due west to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the northwest corner of Lot 374, Range 5, Coast Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Skeena River, on the left bank thereof;

thence northwesterly in a straight line to the most southerly corner of Lot 5187, being the point of commencement.

Kamloops Water District

Commencing at the most easterly corner of Lot 2457, Kamloops Division of Yale Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Thompson River, on the right bank thereof;

thence in a general northerly and easterly direction along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Kamloops Lake to the westerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Eakin Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Eakin Creek and Lac des Roches to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Donald Creek;

thence in a general easterly, northwesterly and westerly direction along the southerly, northeasterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Donald Creek to the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to the northeast corner of Lot 8424, Lillooet Land District;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Canimred Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Aqua Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and northerly direction along the southeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Aqua Creek to the natural boundary of Mahood Lake on the southerly shore thereof;

thence in a general westerly direction along the natural boundary of Mahood Lake, on the southerly shore thereof, to the northeast corner of Lot 3546, Kamloops Division of Yale District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 3546 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 3546 and 2882 and the prolongation westerly thereof to the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to the northeast corner of Lillooet Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Cariboo Land District to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Clearwater River;

thence in a general northerly and easterly direction along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Clearwater River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Sicamous Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Sicamous Creek to the summit of Mount Mara;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Hummingbird Creek to a point lying due south of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 21, Range 8, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due north to that corner;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of that southwest quarter of Section 13 to the intersection with the natural boundary of Mara Lake on the easterly shore thereof;

thence southwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of the northerly boundary of Section 10, Township 21, Range 8, west of the 6th meridian, with the natural boundary of Mara Lake on the westerly shore thereof;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of that Section 10 to the northwest corner thereof;

thence due west to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mara Lake;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mara Lake, Shuswap River and Okanagan Lake to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Ranch Creek;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Ranch Creek to the northwest corner of Lot 421;

thence due north to the middle line of Thompson River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the middle line of Thompson River to a point due south of the most easterly corner of Lot 2457;

thence due north to the most easterly corner of Lot 2457, being the point of commencement.

Kaslo Water District

Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 12075, Kootenay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 12075 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Queens Creek, Coffee Creek and Kaslo River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kaslo River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Duncan River;

thence in a general northwesterly, northeasterly, easterly, southeasterly and southerly direction along the southwesterly, northwesterly, northerly, northeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Duncan River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Crawford Creek;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of Crawford Creek and Tam O'Shanter Creek to the northeast corner of Sublot 71 of Lot 4595, Kootenay Land District;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Sublot 71 of Lot 4595 and the prolongation westerly thereof to the middle line of Kootenay Lake;

thence in a general southerly direction along the middle line of Kootenay Lake to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 12075;

thence due west to the southeast corner of Lot 12075, being the point of commencement.

Liard Water District

Commencing at Post 400 on the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary;

thence easterly along the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary and the British Columbia-Northwest Territories Boundary to the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta;

thence southeasterly along the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Stikine River;

thence in a general northwesterly and westerly direction along the northeasterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Stikine River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dease River;

thence in a general northeasterly and northerly direction along the southeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Dease River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing northeasterly and northerly into Liard River;

thence in a general southeasterly and northerly direction along and northerly into Liard River to the natural boundary of Liard River, on the right bank thereof;

thence due north to Post 400 on the British Columbia-Yukon Boundary, being the point of commencement.

Nanaimo Water District

Commencing at the most northerly northeast corner of Section 20, Range 4, Chemainus Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Stuart Channel;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of Askew Creek, Chemainus River and Cowichan River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nitinat River;

thence in a general northerly and northwesterly direction along the easterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Nitinat River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Cameron River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Cameron River, Qualicum River, Rosewall Creek, Wilfred Creek and Tsable River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Puntledge River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Puntledge River and Campbell River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Campbell River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Campbell River and Salmon River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Salmon River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Salmon River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nimpkish River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nimpkish River to the southwesterly boundary thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Nimpkish River, Cluxewe River, Keogh River, Quatse River, Nahwitti River, Stranby River, Laura Creek and Dakota Creek to the northwest corner of Fractional Township 42, Rupert Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Fisherman Bay;

thence due north to the 51st parallel of north latitude;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the most westerly corner of Lot 238, Range 2, Coast Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Silvester Bay;

thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 239 and 240 to the southeast corner of Lot 240;

thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 240 and 241 to the northeast corner of Lot 241;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 748 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence due east to the easterly boundary of the watersheds of the streams flowing westerly into Queen Charlotte Sound;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watersheds of the streams flowing westerly into Queen Charlotte Sound to the northerly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing easterly into Pack Lake;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of the streams flowing easterly and southerly into Pack Lake and Mereworth Sound to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Parson Creek;

thence in a general easterly and northeasterly direction along the northerly and northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Parson Creek and the streams flowing southwesterly into Allison Sound to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Waump Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly and easterly direction along the northwesterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Waump Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Seymour River;

thence in a general northerly and easterly direction along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Seymour River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Wakeman River;

thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Wakeman River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Kingcome River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Kingcome River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini River to the summit of Silverthrone Mountain;

thence southeasterly in a straight line to the summit of Mount Waddington;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Homathko River, Bear River, Phillips River and the streams flowing easterly into Phillips Arm to Picton Point, situated on the natural boundary of Cordero Channel;

thence due east to the middle line of Cordero Channel;

thence in a general easterly and southeasterly direction along the middle lines of Cordero Channel, passing to the south of Dent and Gillard Islands, Yuculta Rapids, Calm Channel and Lewis Channel and the southeasterly prolongation thereof (passing to the west of Kinghorn Island and to the east of Powell Islets) to the middle line of Manson Passage;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of the Manson Passage and the southwesterly prolongation thereof to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to a point due east of the northern extremity of Hornby Island;

thence due east to the northerly prolongation of the middle line of Sabine Channel;

thence in a general southerly direction to and along the middle line of Sabine Channel (passing to the east of Jedediah Island and Jervis Island) and the southerly prolongation thereof to a point due east of the southerly extremity of Lasqueti Island;

thence due east to an intersection with the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Malaspina Strait;

thence in a general southerly direction along that southerly prolongation to its intersection with the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to a point due east of the easterly prolongation of the middle line of Porlier Pass;

thence due west to an intersection with the middle line of Porlier Pass to a point due north of Dionisio Point, situated on Galiano Island;

thence in a general westerly direction along the middle line of Porlier Pass and the westerly prolongation thereof to the middle line of the channel separating Thetis Island and Reid Island;

thence in a general southerly direction along the middle line of the channel separating Thetis Island and Kuper Island from Reid Island, Norway Island and Secretary Island and Houston Passage and the southerly prolongation of Houston Passage to an intersection with the middle line of Stuart Channel;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of Stuart Channel to a point due east of the most northerly northeast corner of Section 20, Range 4, Chemainus Land District;

thence due west to the most northerly northeast corner of that Section 20, Range 4, being the point of commencement.

Nelson Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kettle River and Shuswap River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Cranberry Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Cranberry Creek to the southwesterly boundary thereof;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Cranberry Creek and Bannock Creek to the southwest corner of Lot 16284, Kootenay Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 16284 and the easterly prolongation thereof to the middle line of Upper Arrow Lake;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the middle lines of Upper Arrow Lake and Northeast Arm thereof to a point due south of the southeast corner of Lot 7648;

thence due north to the southeast corner of Lot 7648, being a point on the natural boundary of the northeast arm of Upper Arrow Lake, on the northerly shore thereof;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Henrys Creek, Wallis Creek, Dupont Creek and Crawford Creek to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Hadow Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Hadow Creek, Comaplix Creek and Incomappleux River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Incomappleux River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Incomappleux River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Duncan River;

thence in a general southwesterly and southeasterly direction along the northwesterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Duncan River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kaslo River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kaslo River, Coffee Creek and Queens Creek to the southwest corner of Lot 12075, Kootenay Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 12075 and the easterly prolongation thereof to the middle line of Kootenay Lake;

thence in a general northerly direction along the middle line of Kootenay Lake to a point due west of the northwest corner of Sublot 71 of Lot 4595;

thence due east to the northwest corner of Sublot 71 of Lot 4595, being a point on the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of that Sublot 71 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of Tam O'Shanter Creek and Crawford Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of St. Mary River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of St. Mary River and Moyie River to the International Boundary;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River, being the point of commencement.

New Westminster Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of E. C. Manning Park with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to a point thereon lying due west of the most southerly corner of Lot 5547, Group 1, New Westminster Land District;

thence due east to that corner and continuing due east to a point on a line drawn parallel to and 152.4 m perpendicularly distant southerly from the southwesterly boundary of Musqueam Indian Reserve Number 2, being a point on the southwesterly boundary of the City of Vancouver;

thence in a general southeasterly, easterly and northerly direction along the southwesterly, southerly and easterly boundaries of the City of Vancouver to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Coquitlam River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Coquitlam River and Pitt River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Lillooet River;

thence in a general northwesterly and northeasterly direction along the southwesterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Lillooet River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nahatlatch River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nahatlatch River to the northerly boundary of Township 12, Range 27, west of the 6th meridian;

thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of Township 12 in Ranges 27 and 26, west of the 6th meridian to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mowhokam Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and easterly direction along the northwesterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Mowhokam Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Coquihalla River;

thence in a general easterly and southerly direction along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Coquihalla River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Skagit River;

thence in a general easterly and southerly direction along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Skagit River to the northerly boundary of E. C. Manning Park;

thence in a general easterly and southerly direction along the northerly and easterly boundaries of E. C. Manning Park to the point of commencement.

Nicola Water District

Commencing at the confluence of Nicola River with Thompson River;

thence in a general easterly, northerly, southeasterly, southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction along the northerly, westerly, northeasterly, southeasterly, southerly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Nicola River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Anderson River;

thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Anderson River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River to the most westerly corner of Indian Reserve 1 (Kumcheen), being a point on the natural boundary of Thompson River, on the left bank thereof;

thence due north to the middle line of Thompson River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the middle line of Thompson River to a point due west of the confluence of Nicola River with Thompson River;

thence due east to the confluence of Nicola River with Thompson River, being the point of commencement.

Peace River Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River with the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta;

thence southeasterly along the Interprovincial Boundary to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundaries of the watersheds of Fraser River and Parsnip River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Pine River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Pine River and Moberly River to a point due south of the confluence of Farrell Creek with Peace River;

thence due north to and across Peace River to the confluence of Farrell Creek with Peace River;

thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Farrell Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Williston Lake;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Williston Lake to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Finlay River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Finlay River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Peace River to an intersection with the Interprovincial Boundary, being the point of commencement.

Penticton Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Similkameen River with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Similkameen River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Peachland Creek;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Peachland Creek to the southwest corner of Lot 2533, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 2533 to the southeast corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Okanagan Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence easterly in a straight line to the northerly corner of Lot 2726(S), Similkameen Division of Yale Land District, situated at Squally Point, being a point on the natural boundary of Okanagan Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing southwesterly into Okanagan Lake to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River and the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nine Mile Creek to the International Boundary;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to an intersection with the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Similkameen River, being the point of commencement.

Prince George Water District

Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 11996, Cariboo Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the left bank thereof;

thence due north to the middle line of Fraser River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of Fraser River to an intersection with the easterly prolongation of the middle line of West Road River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the middle line of West Road River to a point southwest of the southeast corner of Lot 1469, Cariboo Land District;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 1469, being a point on the natural boundary of West Road River, on the left bank thereof;

thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 1469, 1461 and 1448 to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Chilako River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Chilako River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Big Bend Creek;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Big Bend Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Swanson Creek;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Swanson Creek and Cutoff Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into the Nechako River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into the Nechako River to the southeast corner of Lot 3088, Range 4, Coast Land District;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 3088 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of the streams flowing westerly into Murray Lake and Cheslatta Lake to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Knapp Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and northwesterly direction along the southeasterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Knapp Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nithi River;

thence in a general easterly, northeasterly, northerly and westerly direction along the southerly, southeasterly, easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Nithi River to the northeast corner of Lot 2613;

thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 2613, 73 and 72 to the northwest corner of Lot 72, being a point on the natural boundary of Francois Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the natural boundary of Francois Lake, on the easterly and northerly shores thereof, to the southeast corner of Lot 2569, Range 5, Coast Land District;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of Lot 2569 to the northwest corner thereof;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 2567 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence in a general northerly and easterly direction along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Stellako River to the southwest corner of Lot 5995;

thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of Lots 5995 and 5996 to the southeast corner of Lot 5996;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 5996 to the southwest corner of Lot 5197;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 5197 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundaries of Lot 3831 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 3831, 3830, 6337 and 3240 to the northeast corner of Lot 3240;

thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Lots 3240, 6338 and 3239 to the northwest corner of Lot 3239;

thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 6339, 3237, 6381, 3264, 3263, 3262 and 3261 to the northeast corner of Lot 3261;

thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Tatain Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Shovel Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Shovel Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Skeena River;

thence in a general easterly and northwesterly direction along the southerly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Skeena River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Finlay River;

thence in a general northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly direction along the northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Finlay River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Williston Lake;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Williston Lake to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Farrell Creek;

thence in a general easterly and southerly direction along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Farrell Creek to its confluence with Peace River;

thence due south to the natural boundary of Peace River, on the right bank thereof;

thence southerly to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Moberly River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Moberly River and Pine River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Parsnip River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundaries of the watersheds of Parsnip River and Fraser River to the Interprovincial Boundary between British Columbia and Alberta;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the Interprovincial Boundary to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allan Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allan Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dawson Creek;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dawson Creek to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Harvey Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Harvey Creek to the natural boundary of McNaughton Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence southwesterly in a straight line to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Franchere Creek, being a point on the natural boundary of McNaughton Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Franchere Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly and westerly direction along the southeasterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Foster Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River;

thence in a general northerly and northwesterly direction along the easterly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of North Thompson River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Quesnel River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Quesnel River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Wolverine River;

thence in a general northerly and southwesterly direction along the easterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Wolverine River to the northwesterly boundary of Bowron Lake Park;

thence in a general southwesterly, westerly and southerly direction along the northwesterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of Bowron Lake Park to a point due east of the northeast corner of Lot 9445, Cariboo Land District;

thence due west to the northeast corner of Lot 9445;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Lot 9445 and the prolongation westerly thereof to the northerly boundary of the watershed of West Creek;

thence in a general westerly and northerly direction along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of West Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Stephanie Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly, westerly and northerly direction along the southeasterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Stephanie Creek to the confluence of Stephanie Creek with Willow River;

thence due west to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Willow River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Willow River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Ahbau Creek;

thence in a general southerly and southwesterly direction along the easterly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Ahbau Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Bellos Creek;

thence in a general southerly and westerly direction along the easterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Bellos Creek to the natural boundary of Cottonwood River, on the right bank thereof;

thence due west to the middle line of Cottonwood River;

thence in a general northwesterly and southwesterly direction along the middle line of Cottonwood River to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 8598, Cariboo Land District;

thence due west to the southeast corner of Lot 8598, being a point on the natural boundary of Cottonwood River, on the right bank thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Nelson Kenny Creek to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Whites Landing Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly and northerly direction along the southwesterly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Whites Landing Creek to the northeast corner of Lot 11996, Cariboo Land District, being the point of commencement.

Prince Rupert Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the westerly prolongation of the International Boundary between British Columbia and Alaska with the 133rd meridian of west longitude;

thence in a general easterly, northerly and northwesterly direction along the International Boundary to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Stikine River;

thence in a general northeasterly and easterly direction along the southeasterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Stikine River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nass River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nass River to the easterly boundary thereof;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Nass River and Kitsumkalum River to the most southerly corner of Lot 5187, Range 5, Coast Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Skeena River, on the right bank thereof;

thence southeasterly in a straight line to the northwest corner of Lot 374, being a point on the natural boundary of Skeena River, on the left bank thereof;

thence in a general northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kitlope River;

thence in a general southerly, southwesterly and northwesterly direction along the easterly, southeasterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Kitlope River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Tezwa River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Tezwa River to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Lard Creek;

thence in a general southwesterly and northwesterly direction along the southeasterly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Lard Creek to the mouth of Lard Creek;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of Kynoch Inlet to the middle line of Mathieson Channel;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of Mathieson Channel and the prolongation southwesterly thereof to the middle line of Milbanke Sound;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of Milbanke Sound to an intersection with the middle line of Hecate Strait;

together with Haida Gwaii and all islands adjacent thereto.

Princeton Water District

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly boundary of E. C. Manning Park with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of E. C. Manning Park to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Similkameen River;

thence in a general northerly, northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly direction along the westerly, northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Similkameen River to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America;

thence westerly along the International Boundary to the intersection with the easterly boundary of E. C. Manning Park, being the point of commencement.

Quesnel Water District

Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 11996, Cariboo Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the left bank thereof;

thence in a general southerly and southeasterly direction along the westerly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Whites Landing Creek to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Nelson Kenny Creek;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Nelson Kenny Creek to the southeast corner of Lot 8598, Cariboo Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Cottonwood River, on the right bank thereof;

thence due east to the middle line of Cottonwood River;

thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the middle line of Cottonwood River to a point due west of the southerly boundary of the watershed of Bellos Creek;

thence due east to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Bellos Creek;

thence in a general easterly and northerly direction along the southerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Bellos Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Ahbau Creek;

thence in a general northeasterly and northerly direction along the southeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Ahbau Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Willow River;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Willow River to a point due west of the confluence of Willow River and Stephanie Creek;

thence due east to that confluence;

thence in a general southerly, easterly and northeasterly direction along the westerly, southerly and southeasterly boundaries of the watershed of Stephanie Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of West Creek;

thence in a general southerly and easterly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of West Creek to a point lying due west of the northwest corner of Lot 9445;

thence due east to the northwest corner of Lot 9445;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Lot 9445 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence due east to the westerly boundary of Bowron Lake Park;

thence in a general northerly, easterly and northeasterly direction along the westerly, northerly and northwesterly boundaries of Bowron Lake Park to a point due north of the northwest corner of Lot 9882;

thence due south to the northwest corner of Lot 9882;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 9882 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence in a general southeasterly and southwesterly direction along the southwesterly and northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Quesnel River to the confluence of Beaver Creek with Quesnel River;

thence in a general southwesterly and southerly direction along the northwesterly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Beaver Creek to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of McLeese Lake;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of McLeese Lake to the southeast corner of Lot 9482;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 9482 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence northwesterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 6106, Cariboo Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the right bank thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 6106 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mackin Creek to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Chilcotin River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Dean River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of West Road River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of West Road River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Chilako River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Chilako River to the easterly boundary of Lot 1448, Cariboo Land District;

thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 1448, 1461 and 1469 to the southeast corner of Lot 1469, being a point on the natural boundary of West Road River, on the left bank thereof;

thence southwesterly in a straight line to the middle line of West Road River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the middle line of West Road River and the easterly prolongation thereof to the middle line of Fraser River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the middle line of Fraser River to a point due north of the northeast corner of Lot 11996, Cariboo Land District;

thence due south to the northeast corner of Lot 11996, being the point of commencement.

Revelstoke Water District

Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 16284, Kootenay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Upper Arrow Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Bannock Creek and Cranberry Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Cranberry Creek;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Cranberry Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River;

thence in a general direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Foster Creek to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nagle Creek;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nagle Creek to its confluence with Columbia River;

thence due east to the left bank of Columbia River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of the watersheds of the streams flowing westerly and southwesterly into Columbia River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Incomappleux River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Incomappleux River, Comaplix Creek and Hadow Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Crawford Creek;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Crawford Creek, Dupont Creek, Wallis Creek and Henrys Creek to the southeast corner of Lot 7648, Kootenay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of the northeast arm of Upper Arrow Lake, on the northerly shore thereof;

thence due south to the middle line of that northeast arm;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle lines of the northeast arm of Upper Arrow Lake and Upper Arrow Lake to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 16284;

thence due west to the southeast corner of Lot 16284;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 16284 to the southwest corner thereof, being the point of commencement.

Vancouver Water District

Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 117, Group 1, New Westminster Land District, being a point on the easterly boundary of the City of Vancouver;

thence southerly, westerly and northwesterly along the easterly, southerly and southwesterly boundaries of the City of Vancouver to a point due east of the most southerly corner of Lot 5547;

thence due west to the most southerly corner of Lot 5547 and continuing due west to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to its intersection with the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Malaspina Strait;

thence in a general northerly direction along that southerly prolongation to a point due east of the southerly extremity of Lasqueti Island;

thence due west to the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Sabine Channel;

thence in a general northerly direction along that prolongation to and along the middle line of Sabine Channel (passing to the east of Jedediah Island and Jervis Island) and the prolongation thereof to a point due east to the northerly extremity of Hornby Island;

thence due west to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to the southwesterly prolongation of the middle line of Manson Passage;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along that prolongation to and along the middle line of Manson Passage to the southeasterly prolongation of the middle line of Lewis Channel;

thence in a general northwesterly and westerly direction (passing to and east of Powell Islets and to the west of Kinghorn Island) to and along the middle lines of Lewis Channel, Calm Channel, Yuculta Rapids and Cordero Channel (passing to the south of Gillard Island and Dent Island) to a point due east to Picton Point, situated on the natural boundary of Cordero Channel;

thence due west to Picton Point;

thence in a general northerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of the streams flowing easterly into Phillips Arm, Phillips River, Bear River and Homathko River to the summit of Mount Waddington;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek to the confluence of Mosley Creek with Homathko River;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Doran Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nostetuko River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Nostetuko River to the Cascade Mountains;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the Cascade Mountains to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Lillooet River;

thence in a general southerly and southeasterly direction along the westerly and southwesterly boundaries of the watershed of Lillooet River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Pitt River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Pitt River to the westerly boundary thereof;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundaries of the watersheds of Pitt River and Coquitlam River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Fraser River to the northwest corner of Lot 117, Group 1, being the point of commencement.

Vernon Water District

Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 2533, Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Okanagan Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 2533 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Peachland Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nicola River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Okanagan Lake;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Okanagan Lake, Shuswap River and Mara Lake to a point lying due west of the northwest corner of Section 10, Township 21, Range 8, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due east to that corner;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of that Section 10 to the intersection with the natural boundary of Mara Lake on the westerly shore thereof;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of the northerly boundary of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 21, Range 8, west of the 6th meridian, with the natural boundary of Mara Lake on the easterly shore thereof;

thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of that southwest quarter of Section 13 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence due south to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Hummingbird Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Hummingbird Creek to the summit of Mount Mara;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Sicamous Creek to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Eagle River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River;

thence in a general southwesterly direction along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Penticton Creek;

thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of Penticton Creek and the streams flowing southwesterly into Okanagan Lake to the northerly corner of Lot 2726(S), Similkameen Division of Yale Land District, situated at Squally Point, being a point on the natural boundary of Okanagan Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence westerly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 2533, being the point of commencement.

Victoria Water District

All that part of Vancouver Island, together with adjacent islands lying southeast and south of a line commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 58, Barclay Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of Vancouver Island;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Tsusiat River and Nitinat River to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Nitinat River;

thence in a general southeasterly and southerly direction along the northeasterly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Nitinat River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Cowichan River;

thence in a general easterly direction along the northerly boundaries of the watersheds of Cowichan River, Chemaimus River, and Askew Creek to the most northerly northeast corner of Section 20, Range 4, Chemainus Land District, being a point on the natural boundary of Stuart Channel;

thence due east to the middle line of Stuart Channel;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of Stuart Channel to an intersection with the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Houston Passage;

thence in a general northerly direction to and along the middle lines of Houston Passage and the channel separating Kuper Island and Thetis Island from Secretary Island, Norway Island and Reid Island to the westerly prolongation of the middle line of Porlier Pass;

thence in a general easterly direction to and along the middle line of Porlier Pass to a point due north of Dionisio Point situated on Galiano Island;

thence due east to the middle line of the Strait of Georgia;

thence in a general southeasterly direction along the middle line of the Strait of Georgia to an intersection with the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America.

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Water Sustainability Act, S.B.C. 2014, c. 15, section 126]