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B.C. Reg. 530/2004
O.C. 1162/2004
Deposited December 3, 2004
effective January 12, 2005
This consolidation is current to February 4, 2025.

Mineral Tenure Act

Mineral Title Online Grid Regulation

3Mineral title online grid
6Quarter units


1   (1) In this regulation, "Act" means the Mineral Tenure Act.

(2) For the purposes of the Act and this regulation:

"block" means an area described in section 4;

"cell" means an area described in section 6 as a quarter unit and used to determine the location in British Columbia of cell claims under the Act;

"group" means an area illustrated in the Schedule;

"quarter unit" means an area described in section 6;

"unit" means an area described in section 5.


2   The mineral title online grid is to be used to determine the location in British Columbia of mineral and placer cell titles under the Act.

Mineral title online grid

3   (1) The mineral title online grid is defined by a set of universal transverse mercator (UTM) map projection coordinates for the northeast corner of each quarter unit, all as illustrated in the Schedule.

(2) The mineral title online grid must be issued and maintained by the Surveyor General, and is available for inspection at the Office of the Surveyor General.

(3) The mineral title online grid quarter unit coordinates are to be based on the North American Datum of 1983 Canadian Spatial Reference System (NAD83 CSRS).

(4) The mineral title online grid takes into account the historical petroleum and natural gas grid using the North American Datum of 1927 system of latitudes and longitudes.

(5) Despite subsection (1), the defining of the mineral title online grid using UTM map projection coordinates does not affect existing rights.


4   (1) A block is to consist of 100 units divided into 10 rows by 10 columns.

(2) The units are to be numbered from 1 to 100, starting in the southeast corner of the block, with the rows numbered consecutively as follows and as illustrated in the Schedule:

(a) the first row numbered consecutively from 1 to 10 from right to left;

(b) the second row numbered consecutively from 11 to 20 from right to left;

(c) the third row numbered consecutively from 21 to 30 from right to left;

(d) the fourth row numbered consecutively from 31 to 40 from right to left;

(e) the fifth row numbered consecutively from 41 to 50 from right to left;

(f) the sixth row numbered consecutively from 51 to 60 from right to left;

(g) the seventh row numbered consecutively from 61 to 70 from right to left;

(h) the eighth row numbered consecutively from 71 to 80 from right to left;

(i) the ninth row numbered consecutively from 81 to 90 from right to left;

(j) the tenth row numbered consecutively from 91 to 100 from right to left.

(3) For the purposes of identification, blocks are to be named by combining their group name and block letter into a single string (for example, 094H16A).

(4) The legal boundaries and area of a block are to be determined by combining the areas of all the units within the block.


5   (1) A unit is to consist of four quarter units divided into 2 rows by 2 columns.

(2) The quarter units are to be identified by the letters a through d, starting in the southeast corner of the unit, with the first row lettered right to left a, b, and the second row lettered left to right c, d, as illustrated in the Schedule.

(3) For the purposes of identification, units are to be named by combining their group name, block letter, and unit number into a single string (for example, 094H16A010).

(4) The legal boundaries and area of a unit are to be determined by combining the areas of all the quarter units within the unit.

Quarter units

6   (1) A quarter unit is an area defined by four straight lines joining the coordinates illustrated in the Schedule for its northeast corner and the coordinates of those quarter units which have their northeast corners common to the northwest, southwest, and southeast corners of the quarter unit.

(2) For the purposes of identification, quarter units are to be named by combining their group name, block letter, unit number and quarter unit letter into a single string (for example, 094H16A010d).


[Provisions of the Mineral Tenure Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 292, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 65]