Note: This regulation has been placed in the Regulations Point in Time collection. This regulation is not repealed.
B.C. Reg. 53/90 O.C. 238/90 | Deposited February 15, 1990 effective April 1, 1990 |
Land Title Act
Land Title (Transfer Forms) Regulation
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 339/2010, January 1, 20111]
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 332/2010, s. (b) (iv).]
1 | Effective January 1, 2011 the following provisions were removed from this regulation as they concerned matters over which the Lieutenant Governor in Council [LGiC] no longer has regulation-making authority: section 1, other than the definition of "Act", sections 2 to 6, 8 (1) and (2), 10 and 11, and Schedule A. Please see the Land Title and Survey of British Columbia website [] for information regarding forms and other requirements for Land Title Act applications. |
[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Land Title Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 250, section 385]
Section 1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 332/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
1 In this regulation:
"Act" means the Land Title Act;
"instructions" means everything in Schedule A other than the user guide and Forms A to E;
"transfer form" means a form of instrument prescribed under this regulation as
(a) a transfer of a freehold estate,
(b) a mortgage, or
(c) a general instrument,
and includes any schedule or other documentation attached to the transfer form;
"user guide" means those parts of Schedule A entitled "User Guide".
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 1.]
Sections 2 to 6 BEFORE repealed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority, effective January 1, 2011.
Prescribed forms
2 (1) Forms numbered A to E in Schedule A are prescribed for the purposes of the Act.
(2) A transfer form that is
(a) a transfer of a freehold estate shall be in Form A,
(b) a mortgage shall be in Form B, or
(c) a general instrument shall be in Form C.
(3) Nothing shall be attached to a transfer form except
(a) one or more additional execution pages in Form D,
(b) one or more schedules in Form E,
(c) any affidavit of execution required under Part 5 of the Act,
(d) in the case of a mortgage in Form B, a set of express mortgage terms constituting Part 2 of the mortgage, and
(e) in the case of a general instrument in Form C, a set of express charge terms constituting Part 2 of the general instrument.
(4) Every transfer form shall be executed and completed
(a) in compliance with the instructions, and
(b) in substantial compliance with the user guide.
(5) An attachment to a transfer form that is a schedule in Form E shall be completed in compliance with the instructions and in substantial compliance with the user guide.
(6) A transfer form may contain an identification number or customer or client file number so long as the number is not placed on the form in a manner that
(a) obscures any part of the printed form,
(b) renders any completed part of the form illegible,
(c) prevents the land title office from using that part of the form designated for land title office use only, or
(d) may tend to mislead a person as to the contents or legal effect of the form.
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 2.]
Completion of transfer form
3 (1) Every transfer form, including attachments, and every set of standard terms filed under section 228 or 235 of the Act shall be on durable paper 8 1/2" x 11" in size.
(2) The transfer form shall be completed
(a) by printing or typing in legible characters of 10 or 12 pitch, but not smaller than 12 point, and
(b) by printing or typing in black or dark ink that is compatible for electronic scanning, optical character recognition or micrographic technology of the kind used in the land title office.
(3) The transfer form shall contain a blank space not less than 1 1/2" deep and 6" wide in the top right corner of the first page for use by the land title office.
(4) The vertical lines separating the year, month and day columns in the execution segment of a transfer form and in the payment provisions segment of Form B are not mandatory.
(5) The name, address and professional capacity of the officer witnessing the signature of a transferor or other party shall be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the officer.
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 3.]
4 (1) The space provided for the completion of any item of the transfer form may be expanded or reduced as the circumstances require so long as
(a) in the case of a transfer form in Form A, the expansion does not make the instrument longer than one page, or
(b) in the case of a transfer form in Form B or C, the expansion does not make the instrument longer than 2 pages or result in printing part of an item on one page with the balance of the item on another page.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) operates to limit the effect of section 2 (3).
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) (b), items 1 to 5 on Form B must appear either on page one of the form or in a schedule in Form E that is attached to the form in accordance with the instructions and user guide.
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 4.]
Section 8 (1) and (2) BEFORE repealed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority, effective January 1, 2011.
Section 8 (3) and (4) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 339/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Filed mortgage terms and filed charge terms
8 (1) A set of standard terms filed under section 228 or 235 of the Act shall
(a) in the case of a set of standard mortgage terms have the following heading at the top of the first page:
Filed By: ..................................................................................,
(b) in the case of a set of standard charge terms have the following heading at the top of the first page:
Filed By: .................................................................................,
(c) have page numbers at the bottom of each page,
(d) have numbered or lettered paragraphs, and
(e) have the words "END OF SET" at the bottom of the last page immediately above the page number.
(2) The headings referred to in subsection (1) (a) and (b) shall be at least 2" below the top of the page and the 2" space shall be used for land title office purposes only.
(3) An application to file a set of standard mortgage terms or a set of standard charge terms may be in any form acceptable to the registrar.
(4) A set of standard mortgage terms or standard charge terms shall be delivered for filing in duplicate, and the duplicate copy shall be labelled "DUPLICATE COPY" on the first page.
[en. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 5.]
Section 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 332/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Excluded instruments
9 (1) Division 6 of Part 14 of the Act does not apply to
(a) an instrument that, without the signature of the owner of an interest, operates to transfer, assign, charge or otherwise affect the interest,
(b) an instrument the form of which is prescribed under B.C. Reg. 334/79 or another enactment, or
(c) an instrument creating a floating charge that does not also create a mortgage of specific land.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) operates to disapply Division 6 of Part 14 of the Act to instruments that create or constitute
(a) an assignment of rents that is not part of a mortgage,
(b) an easement,
(c) an equitable charge other than a floating charge,
(d) an agreement to extend a registered mortgage or charge over other land,
(e) an agreement to modify a charge,
(f) a lease, option to lease or agreement to renew a lease,
(g) an option to purchase,
(h) a right of first refusal,
(i) a right to purchase,
(j) a statutory right of way,
(k) a positive or negative covenant, other than a statutory building scheme in Form 35 of B.C. Reg. 334/79,
(l) an assignment of a registered charge other than an assignment in Form 27 or 28 of B.C. Reg. 334/79, or
(m) a release or discharge of a charge or interest.
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 6.]
Sections 10 and 11 BEFORE repealed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority, effective January 1, 2011.
Other forms
10 (1) Forms 24, 27 and 28 of B.C. Reg. 334/79 are modified to the extent necessary to accommodate the execution and officer certification by striking out "SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF" and substituting "OFFICER CERTIFICATION", and by adding the following immediately below the signatures of the executing parties and the witness:
"OFFICER CERTIFICATION: Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument."
(2) Any other instrument that is required to be witnessed under Part 5 of the Act and that is not required to be in a form prescribed under the Act shall, where the witness is an officer, contain the officer certification statement set out in subsection (1) and the witness shall sign the instrument under a column headed "Officer Signature(s)" in the same manner as required in Item 7 of Form A.
(3) Where an instrument to which subsection (2) applies is not witnessed by an officer, the words "SEE AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION" shall be entered in the Officer Signature column in the same manner as required by the instructions and user guide for Form A and an affidavit of execution shall be attached to the instrument.
[am. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 7.]
Schedule A BEFORE repealed as there is no longer Lieutenant Governor in Council authority, effective January 1, 2011.
(Section 185 (1))
Province of
British Columbia
FREEHOLD TRANSFER | (This area for Land Title Office use) | PAGE 1 of ... pages |
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
1. | Application: (Name, address, phone number and signature of applicant, applicant's solicitor or agent) | |||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
2. | (a) Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land:* (PID) (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) | |||||||||
(b) Market Value: $ | ||||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
3. | Consideration: | |||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
4. | Transferor(s):* | |||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred:* | |||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
6. | Transferee(s): (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |||||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | ||||||||||
7. | Execution(s):** The transferor(s) accept(s) the above consideration and understand(s) that this instrument operates to transfer the freehold estate in the land described above to the transferee(s). | |||||||||
| ||||||||||
Officer Certification: Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument. | ||||||||||
* | If space insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and attach schedule in Form E. | |||||||||
** | If space insufficient, continue executions on additional page(s) in Form D. |
Freehold Transfer Form
[am. B.C. Regs. 165/90, s. 1; 33/92, s. 8; 300/94.]
(1) Upon submission of a freehold transfer in Form A to the land title office, a separate application is not necessary unless the transfer also contains an exception, reservation or condition in favour of or for the benefit of the transferor that is an interest in land capable of registration under the Land Title Act, in which case the transferor shall apply to register that interest in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
(2) Please ensure that every item of Form A is completed in accordance with the instructions and the user guide.
(3) The transfer document includes
(a) the freehold transfer in Form A,
(b) any additional pages to accommodate transferor and officer signatures in Form D,
(c) all pages attached to the transfer as a schedule in Form E, and
(d) an affidavit of execution, if any,
and the transfer document shall be arranged in that order.
(4) Enter the total number of pages that comprise the freehold transfer inclusive of the transfer form, in the space provided.
(5) Number each page after the first page of the transfer document consecutively. At the end of the transfer document, type or print "END OF DOCUMENT".
ITEM 1 Application
(1) Enter the name, address (including postal code) and phone number of the applicant or applicant's solicitor or agent. This must be followed by the signature of that person.
User Guide
(1) Under the Land Title Act, the "applicant" is the person who is entitled to be the registered owner of the estate transferred. This item constitutes the application to register the estate transferred and must be completed by the applicant or the solicitor or agent of the applicant either before or after execution of the instrument. Any refusal notice will be sent to the person named in the application at the address specified.
(2) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is an individual, his or her name, address (with postal code) and phone number, followed by his or her signature, must be entered.
(3) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is not an individual, the name, address (with postal code), phone number and signature of an individual who is authorized to do all acts necessary to effect registration of the freehold transfer must be entered.
ITEM 2 (a) Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land
(1) Enter the 9 digit parcel identifier number (PID) of the parcel to be transferred in the space provided in Item 2 (a), followed by the legal description of the land matching the PID number. The PID number is not required if not yet assigned.
(2) Sections 158 (1) and 178 (2) of the Land Title Act allow the registrar to limit the number of parcels on a freehold transfer to one parcel. Except in exceptional circumstances, a freehold transfer shall not include more than one parcel of land. If circumstances require more than one parcel, dispensation should be sought from the registrar in advance.
User Guide
(1) The legal description consists of everything shown in the "Description of Land" segment of a computer title printed below the PID number.
(2) Preambles such as "All and singular that certain parcel..." in the legal description are not required. Similarly, reference to a strata lot owner's share in the common property is not required in the legal description. Preambles such as "That part of Lot 4.... shown on... " may be used where required.
(3) State Lot and Plan numbers in figures only. In addition, the following abbreviations are acceptable:
N | = | North | W | = | West | |
S | = | South | E | = | East | |
Rge | = | Range | Tp | = | Township | |
Bl | = | Block | Dist | = | District | |
Gp | = | Group | Sec | = | Section |
DL | = | District Lot |
LD | = | Legal Subdivision |
W6M | = | West of the Sixth Meridian |
Frac | = | Fractional |
THSL | = | Town of Hastings Suburban Lands |
KDYD | = | Kamloops Division, Yale District |
NWD | = | New Westminster District |
ODYD | = | Osoyoos Division, Yale District |
QCD | = | Queen Charlotte District |
SDYD | = | Similkameen Division, Yale District |
TID | = | Texada Island District |
YDYD | = | Yale Division, Yale District. |
(4) It is not necessary to include references to a water, assessment or improvement district, or legal notations such as "hereunto annexed is Easement No. ...".
(5) The legal description with parcel identifier number must be recorded entirely within Item 2 (a) and must not continue onto a schedule.
(6) If the space is not sufficient for the complete parcel identifier number and legal description, set out the complete parcel identifier number and legal description in a schedule and enter "SEE SCHEDULE" in Item 2 (a).
2. (a) | Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land:* | ||
(7) If a PID number has not been assigned to the parcel, enter "NO PID NUMBER" followed by the legal description.
(8) Please note that land title office mark up of the parcel being transferred is done by PID number only.
(9) Please ensure that the legal description is entered opposite the PID number of the parcel it describes.
2. (a) | Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land: * | ||
(PID) NO PID NUMBER | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 3, Sec 5, Esquimalt Dist, Plan 4532 | ||
(10) If less than the entire interest in the land is being transferred, the fractional interest shall be noted with the legal description.
2. (a) | Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land:* | ||
(PID) 079 345 232 | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) An undivided 1/2 interest in: Lot 1, Sec 44, Nanaimo Dist, Plan 3727 | ||
(11) The fraction must, in all cases, be a fraction of the whole interest being transferred as follows:
(a) if the owner owns an undivided 1/2 interest, and all his interest is transferred, enter "1/2", as in the above example;
(b) if the owner owns an undivided 1/2 interest and is only transferring 1/2 of that interest, enter "1/4";
(c) if an owner, together with 3 others, owns an undivided 1/2 interest and that owner is transferring 1/2 of his interest, enter "1/16".
(12) To determine the fraction being transferred, the simple test is: What fraction of the whole is being transferred?
(13) Any qualifications or exceptions under section 186 (2) of the Land Title Act may be set out in this Item below the legal description.
2. (a) | Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land:* | ||
(PID) 123 456 789 | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 1, Sec 4, Rge 4 E, Plan 8690 | ||
The words contained in covenants 2 and 3 of column 1 of Schedule 2 of the Land Transfer Form Act are excepted. | |||
(14) Do not use decimal fractions. A 1/3 interest must not be expressed as 33.33% or .333.
(15) Any registered encumbrance to which the transfer will be subject may be set out below the legal description.
2. (a) | Parcel Identifier and Legal Description of Land:* | ||
(PID) 123 456 789 | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 1, Sec 4, Rge 4 E, Plan 8690 | ||
Subject to: Mortgage No. 88605 and SRW No. 778046L | |||
(16) The land title office will not examine "SUBJECT TO" provisions or verify them against the state of the title.
ITEM 2 (b) Market Value
(1) Enter the market value of the property expressed in figures.
User Guide
(1) The market value must be stated whether or not it is the same amount as the consideration.
ITEM 3 Consideration
(1) Enter the consideration expressed in figures or by description.
User Guide
(1) If the consideration is non-monetary, enter a description of the consideration. The expression "...and other good and valuable consideration" is not considered to be an accurate description.
3. | Consideration: $1 and natural love and affection. |
3. | Consideration: 60 troy ounces of gold. |
(2) If there is no valuable consideration expressed in this Item, a transfer in Form A is not registrable.
ITEM 4 Transferor(s)
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name of the transferor.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its name and its B.C. incorporation or registration number, if any.
(3) It is not necessary to set out addresses or occupations in this Item.
User Guide
(1) If the transferor is an individual, his or her name should be set out in full as it appears on the title.
(2) Preference is that transferor names be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the examples.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
(3) In the case of a corporation that is a B.C. company or that is registered extraprovincially or continued in B.C., enter the B.C. registration number.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
ABC LTD., (Inc. No. 12556), DEF INC., (Reg. No. A72645) and IDF CORP., (Reg. No. 654321) | ||
(4) If there is insufficient space to enter the names of all the transferors, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out the names of all the transferors in a schedule. Do not set out some names in Item 4 and some in a schedule.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
(5) The name of the governing jurisdiction of a corporate transferor may be entered in this Item.
ITEM 5 Freehold Estate Transferred
(1) Enter appropriate words to create the type of freehold estate to be transferred.
User Guide
(1) Section 186 (4) to (8) of the Land Title Act contemplates 4 categories of freehold estate, namely:
(a) fee simple estate;
(b) life estate;
(c) determinable fee simple;
(d) fee simple on condition.
(2) If it is intended to transfer an estate in fee simple, enter the words "Fee Simple" to complete Item 5. Section 186 (4) of the Land Title Act operates to transfer the estate of the transferor without any words of transfer or limitation.
(3) In the case of a life estate, determinable fee simple and fee simple on condition, enter the appropriate words in Item 5.
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred:* | Fee Simple |
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred: * | For the life of the transferee. |
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred:* | |
For as long as the Church of St. Andrews shall stand. | ||
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred:* | |
On condition that the land be used as a public park. | ||
(4) Item 5 can also be used to qualify the nature of the freehold passing by entering an exception or reservation from the grant.
5. | Freehold Estate Transferred:* | |
Fee Simple, excepting and reserving to the transferor all minerals and precious metals. | ||
(5) If there is insufficient space to enter the entire exception or reservation, enter "FOR EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS SEE SCHEDULE" and set out the exception and reservation in a schedule.
(6) Rights or interests of the transferor in this Item must be capable of registration as a charge and the transferor must concurrently apply for registration under section 181 of the Act in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
(7) If at the time the transfer is executed, it is intended to register the title subject to a certificate of pending litigation, the appropriate entry may be made in this Item or in Item 2. If that decision is made after execution, file a separate election as required under section 216 (2) (b) of the Land Title Act.
ITEM 6 Transferee(s)
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name and occupation of each transferee (and, if applicable, information respecting joint tenancy). A postal address (with postal code) must also be entered.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its name and its B.C. incorporation or extraprovincial registration number, if any. If it is not incorporated or registered in B.C., enter a description of its governing jurisdiction. In either case, a postal address for the transferee must be entered in this Item.
(3) In the case of a transferee which has branch offices, a branch office address may be included as part of the description of the transferee, but a postal address must also be given.
User Guide
(1) In all cases the postal address must include a postal code. It is not sufficient to state only the name of the city, town or village.
6. | Transferee(s): (Including occupation(s), postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
JOHN PAUL SMITH, Merchant and MARY LEE SMITH, Manager, as JOINT TENANTS, both of 925 Eden Street, Victoria, B.C. V9A 6P4 | ||
(2) In the case of a corporation that is a B.C. company or that is registered extraprovincially or continued in B.C., enter the B.C. registration number.
6. | Transferee(s): (Including occupation(s), postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
JACK MAX JONES, Dentist, of 7749 Blanshard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8L 3R9, as to an undivided 1/4 interest, and ABC CO. LTD., (Inc. No. 2378), having an office at 778 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. T4X 3Z8, as to an undivided 3/4 interest. | ||
6. | Transferee(s): (Including occupation(s), postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
ABC CO. LTD., (Inc. No. 123456), DEF INC., (Reg. No. A654321), and GHI CORP., (Reg. No. 759367), all of 789 Seymour Street, Burnaby, B.C. 3P8 X1A | ||
(3) Where transferees are taking unequal fractional interests, this information must be shown immediately after the transferees' names. This requirement does not apply where transferees are taking either as joint tenants or tenants in common in equal shares. Where transferees take in unequal shares, their respective interests must be shown as fractions of the interest being transferred and not as fractions of the whole land. For example, if Item 2 (a) refers to an "undivided 1/2 interest" and it is intended to apportion that interest among 3 transferees in unequal shares, the fractional shares shown in this Item must total to 1.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3), assuming that of the undivided 1/2 interest being transferred, one transferee is to take 1/2 and the others are to take 1/4 each, Item 6 would be completed as shown in the example.
6. | Transferee(s): (Including occupation(s), postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
JOHN JONES, Taxi Driver, of 1234 Yew Street, Vancouver, B.C. V9J 3P6 as to an undivided 1/2 interest, BILL JONES, Manager, of 5432 Elm Street, Vancouver, B.C. V8L 3R9 as to an undivided 1/4 interest, and SARA JONES, Teacher, of 999 Maple Street, Vancouver, B.C. V4X 3Z8 as to an undivided 1/4 interest. | ||
(5) Do not use decimal fractions. A 1/3 interest must not be expressed as 33.33% or.333.
(6) Preference is for transferee names to be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the above examples.
(7) If there is insufficient space to enter names, occupations, addresses and postal codes of all of the transferees, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" set out all the names, occupations, addresses and postal codes in a schedule.
6. | Transferee(s): (Including occupation(s), postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
(8) If the corporation is neither incorporated nor registered in British Columbia, the name of the governing jurisdiction of a corporate transferee must be shown in this Item.
ITEM 7 Execution(s)
(1) Item 7 is to be used for execution of the freehold transfer by the transferor and for officer certification.
(2) If the space provided is not sufficient for execution by all transferors, then an additional page for execution may be added without reference to the registrar. The additional page must be in Form D. Where a transferor's signature has been certified by an officer, the certification must appear on the same page as the execution.
(3) The date of execution, given in year, month and day, must be indicated in the space provided in Item 7. Years shall be entered using the last 2 digits (e.g. "89" for 1989). Months should be designated by number (e.g. "2" for February).
User Guide
(1) For natural persons, under the "Transferor(s) Signature(s)" column, the transferor name must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the transferor.
(2) Under the "Officer Signature(s)" column, the name, address and professional capacity (e.g. solicitor, notary or commissioner) must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the certifying officer.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) "Ian Jack Smith" Ian Jack Smith 100 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A1 Solicitor |
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) "John Peter Doe" John Peter Doe |
(3) Please note that the definition of an officer is limited to a person before whom an affidavit may be sworn under the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, sections 60, 63 and 64.
(4) The officer signature must appear directly opposite the transferor signature certified by the officer. If one officer is certifying more than one transferor signature, add "as to all signatures" or "as to the signatures of . ." immediately below the officer signature.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) "William Jack Johns" William Jack Johns 101 Douglas Street Victoria, B.C. V8A 1A2 Notary Public (as to all signatures) |
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) "John Peter Allan" John Peter Allan "Mary Lynn Glen" Mary Lynn Glen |
(1) In the case of a transfer executed by a corporation, use the format shown in the following example and ensure that the name of the authorized signatory is typed or printed immediately below the signature. Please note that the affixation of a corporate seal is no longer required for Land Title Act purposes. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR also apply to this form of execution.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jim Joe Brown" Jim Joe Brown 2500 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. V7C 2P4 Notary Public |
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) ABC Limited by its authorized signatory "John Lee Doe" John Lee Doe |
(2) If a company seal is affixed, it must not obliterate or obscure any signature or information entered in this Item. In the case of a corporate attorney, it is the seal of the attorney that is to be affixed rather than that of the transferor.
(1) In the case of a transfer executed by an attorney, use the appropriate format shown in the following example. If a power of attorney is already filed in the land title office, enter the filing number immediately below the signature. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR also apply to this form of execution.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) "Sue Mary Love" Sue Mary Love 2727 — 1499 4th Avenue Prince George, B.C. V2C 4Y9 Solicitor |
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney JOHN JOE SMITH "John Joe Smith" D.F. 667801 |
(1) In the case of a transfer executed by a corporate attorney, it must be clear that the signatory is an authorized signatory of the corporate attorney and that the corporate attorney is acting as the attorney for the transferor. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR also apply to this form of execution.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jane Sue Brown" Jane Sue Brown 1700 — 1250 2nd Avenue Kamloops, B.C. V9C 9Y5 Solicitor |
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney ABC LIMITED by its authorized signatory "John Joe Smith" John Joe Smith |
(1) If the transferor signature cannot be certified by an officer, enter "SEE AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION" and attach an affidavit that complies with Part 5 of the Land Title Act. Note that the affidavit will be part of Form A and must have a page number.
(2) The affidavit must state the reason why officer certification cannot be obtained. The reason must be sufficient for the registrar to accept the affidavit in lieu of the officer certification. In those cases where the affidavit evidence of execution is submitted, the registrar is not likely to exercise his discretion unless officer certification is simply impossible to obtain under the circumstances or the transfer was executed outside British Columbia.
(3) In those cases where the freehold transfer document is executed outside British Columbia, the registrar will accept that it is difficult to obtain an officer's certification in all cases and will accept the affidavit of execution in lieu of an officer certification.
7. Executions(s):**
Execution Date | |||||
| Transferor(s) Signature(s) "John Charles Doe" John Charles Doe |
(Section 225)
Province of
British Columbia
MORTGAGE PART 1 | (This area for Land Title Office use) | PAGE 1 of ... pages |
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
1. | Application: (Name, address, phone number and signature of applicant, applicant's solicitor or agent) | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Mortgaged Land:* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
3. | Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]: (including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
4. | Lender(s) [Mortgagee(s)]: (including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
5. | Payment Provisions:** |
(a) Principal Amount: $ | (b) Interest Rate: | (c) Interest Adjustment Date: | Y | M | D |
(d) Interest Calculation Period: | (e) Payment Dates: | (f) First Payment Date: | |||
(g) Amount of each payment: | (h) Interest Act (Canada) Statement: The equivalent rate of interest calculated half yearly not in advance is % per annum. | (i) Last Payment Date: | |||
(j) Assignment of Rents which the applicant wants registered? YES ![]() ![]() If YES, page and paragraph number: | (k) Place of payment: | (l) Balance Due Date: |
* | If space insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and attach schedule in Form E. |
** | If space in any box insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and attach schedule in Form E. |
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
6. | Mortgage contains floating charge on land? YES ![]() ![]() | 7. | MORTGAGE secures a current or running account? YES ![]() ![]() | ||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
8. | Interest Mortgaged: Freehold ![]() Other (specify) ![]() | ||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
9. | Mortgage Terms: Part 2 of this mortgage consists of (select one only): | ||||||
(a) Prescribed Standard Mortgage Terms | ![]() | ||||||
(b) Filed Standard Mortgage Terms | ![]() | D.F. Number: | |||||
(c) Express Mortgage Terms | ![]() | (annexed to this mortgage as Part 2) | |||||
A selection of (a) or (b) includes any additional or modified terms referred to in Item 10 or in a schedule annexed to this mortgage. | |||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
10. | Additional or Modified Terms:* | ||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
11. | Prior Encumbrances Permitted by Lender:* | ||||||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||||||
12. | Execution(s):** This mortgage charges the Borrower's interest in the land mortgaged as security for payment of all money due and performance of all obligations in accordance with the mortgage terms referred to in Item 9 and the Borrower(s) and every other signatory agree(s) to be bound by, and acknowledge(s) receipt of a true copy of, those terms. | ||||||
Execution Date Officer Signature(s) Borrower(s) Signature(s)
| |||||||
Officer Certification: Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument. | |||||||
* | If space insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and attach schedule in Form E. | ||||||
** | If space insufficient, continue executions on additional page(s) in Form D. |
Mortgage Form Part 1
Completion Instructions
[am. B.C. Regs. 165/90, s. 2; 33/92, s. 9; 300/94.]
(1) Upon submission of a mortgage in Form B to the land title office, a separate application is not necessary unless the mortgage also creates a floating charge, capable of registration under the Land Title Act, that the lender wants to register concurrently against other land. In that case the lender shall apply to register the floating charge in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
(2) Please ensure that every item of Form B is completed in accordance with the instructions and the user guide.
(3) The mortgage document includes
(a) all pages of the mortgage in Form B,
(b) any additional pages to accommodate borrower and officer signatures in Form D,
(c) all pages attached to the mortgage as a schedule in Form E,
(d) all pages of the express terms, if any, attached to the mortgage as Part 2, and
(e) an affidavit of execution, if any,
and the mortgage document shall be arranged in that order.
(4) Enter in the space provided the total number of pages that comprise the mortgage document.
(5) Do not include the number of pages contained in a filed or prescribed set of standard mortgage terms that are to be incorporated by reference. Although incorporated by reference, they are not part of the actual mortgage form.
(6) Number each page consecutively after page 2 of the mortgage document. At the end of the mortgage document, type or print "END OF DOCUMENT".
ITEM 1 Application
(1) Enter the name, address (including postal code) and phone number of the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent. This must be followed by the signature of that person.
User Guide
(1) Under the Land Title Act, the "applicant" is the person who is entitled to be the registered owner of the charge. This item constitutes the application to register this mortgage and must be completed by the applicant or the solicitor or agent of the applicant either before or after execution of the instrument. Any refusal notice will be sent to the person named in the application at the address specified.
(2) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is an individual, his or her name, address (with postal code) and phone number, followed by his or her signature, must be entered.
(3) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is not an individual, the name, address (with postal code), phone number and signature of an individual who is authorized to do all acts necessary to effect registration of the mortgage must be entered.
ITEM 2 Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Mortgaged Land
(1) Enter the 9 digit parcel identifier number (PID) of each parcel to be charged in the space provided in Item 2, followed by the legal description of the land matching the PID number. The PID number is not required if not yet assigned.
User Guide
(1) The legal description consists of everything shown in the "Description of Land" segment of a computer title printed below the PID number.
(2) Preambles such as "All and singular that certain parcel..." in the legal description are not required. Similarly, reference to a strata lot owner's share in the common property is not required in the legal description. Preambles such as "That part of Lot 4.... shown on... " may be used where required.
(3) State Lot and Plan numbers in figures only. In addition, the following abbreviations are acceptable:
N | = | North | W | = | West | |
S | = | South | E | = | East | |
Rge | = | Range | Tp | = | Township | |
Bl | = | Block | Dist | = | District | |
Gp | = | Group | Sec | = | Section |
DL | = | District Lot |
LD | = | Legal Subdivision |
W6M | = | West of the Sixth Meridian |
Frac | = | Fractional |
THSL | = | Town of Hastings Suburban Lands |
KDYD | = | Kamloops Division, Yale District |
NWD | = | New Westminster District |
ODYD | = | Osoyoos Division, Yale District |
QCD | = | Queen Charlotte District |
SDYD | = | Similkameen Division, Yale District |
TID | = | Texada Island District |
YDYD | = | Yale Division, Yale District. |
(4) It is not necessary to include references to water, improvement or assessment districts, or legal notations such as "hereunto annexed is Easement No. ...".
(5) The legal description(s) with parcel identifier number(s) must be recorded entirely within Item 2 and must not continue onto a schedule.
(6) If the space is not sufficient for the parcel identifier number(s) and legal description(s), set out the parcel identifier number(s) and legal description(s) in a schedule and enter "SEE SCHEDULE" in Item 2.
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Mortgaged Land:* | ||
(7) If a PID number has not been assigned to the parcel, enter "NO PID NUMBER" followed by the legal description.
(8) Please note that land title office mark up of the parcel being charged is done by PID number only.
(9) Please ensure that the legal description is entered opposite the PID number of the parcel it describes.
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Mortgaged Land:* | ||
(PID) 000 123 456 456 798 076 NO PID NUMBER | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 1, Sec 44, Victoria Dist, Plan 4444 Lot 2, Bl 5, DL 42, Gp 1, NWD, Plan 4434 Lot 3, Sec 5, Rge 4E, KDYD, Plan 4532 | ||
ITEM 3 Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name of the borrower and a postal address to which the lender may send notices.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its name and its B.C. incorporation or registration number, if any, and a postal address to which the lender may send notices.
(3) It is not necessary to set out occupations in this Item.
User Guide
(1) A city, town or village by itself is not a sufficient postal address. Where appropriate, it must contain a street or route number, post office box number or general delivery designation as required by Canada Post. In all cases the postal address must include a postal code.
(2) If the borrower is an individual, his or her name should be set out in full as it appears on the title.
3. | Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]: (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
JOHN PAUL SMITH, and MARY JANE SMITH, both of 925 Eden Street, Victoria, B.C. V9A 6P4 | ||
(3) In the case of a corporation that is a B.C. company or that is registered extraprovincially or continued in B.C., enter the B.C. registration number.
3. | Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]: (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
JACK MAX JONES, of P.O. Box 7, Stewart, B.C. L2T 4H7 and ABC CO. LTD., (Inc. No. 2378), 778 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. T4X 3Z8 | ||
3. | Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]: (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
ABC CO. LTD., (Inc. No. 123456), DEF INC., (Reg.No. A654321) and GHI INC., all of 789 Seymour Street, Burnaby, B.C. 3P8 X1A | ||
(4) Preference is that borrower names be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the above examples.
(5) If there is insufficient space to enter the names and postal addresses of all of the borrowers, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out all the names and postal addresses in a schedule. Do not enter some names and postal addresses in Item 3 and some in a schedule.
3. | Borrower(s) [Mortgagor(s)]: (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
(6) If the corporation is neither incorporated nor registered in British Columbia, the name of the governing jurisdiction of a corporate borrower must be shown in this Item.
ITEM 4 Lender(s) [Mortgagee(s)]
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name and occupation of each lender (and, if applicable, information respecting joint tenancy). A postal address (with postal code) must also be entered.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its name and its B.C. incorporation or extraprovincial registration number, if any. If it is not incorporated or registered in B.C., enter a description of its governing jurisdiction. In either case, a postal address for the lender must be entered in this Item.
(3) In the case of a lender which has branch offices, a branch office address may be included as part of the description of the lender, but a postal address must also be given.
User Guide
(1) In all cases, the postal address must include a postal code. It is not sufficient to state only the name of the city, town or village.
(2) In the case of a lender that has branch offices, a branch office address may be included in the description of the lender, but a postal address must also be given. If the branch office address and postal address are the same, this should be stated. The name of the governing jurisdiction of a corporate lender must always be entered unless the corporation is incorporated or registered in British Columbia.
4. | Lender(s) [Mortgagee(s)]: (including occupation(s), postal addresses(es) and postal code(s))* | |
FOREIGN LOAN COMPANY INC., a Hong Kong corporation having an office at 7000 Stanley Place, Kowloon, Hong Kong and a postal address of Postal Box 755600, Kowloon, Hong Kong | ||
(3) If the lenders are taking fractional interests, the shares must be expressed as whole fractions. For example, an undivided 1/3 interest expressed as 33.3% is not permitted.
4. | Lender(s) [Mortgagee(s)]: (including occupation(s), postal addresses(es) and postal code(s))* | |
CTM, a Canadian chartered bank, having a branch office and postal address at 910 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C. V9T 7J8, as to an undivided 1/4 interest and MAX ALLEN JONES, Sailor, of 650 Seymour Street, Victoria, B.C. V7A 8Y9, as to an undivided 3/4 interest. | ||
(4) Preference is for lender names to be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the above examples.
(5) If there is insufficient space to enter the names, occupations and addresses of all the lenders, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out all the names, occupations and addresses in a schedule.
4. | Lender(s) [Mortgagee(s)]: (including occupation(s), postal addresses(es) and postal code(s))* | |
ITEM 5 Payment Provisions
(1) Complete the boxes in Item 5 as follows:
(a) Principal Amount:
Enter the principal amount expressed in figures only. If the principal amount is not a sum certain, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out the obligation in a schedule.
(b) Interest Rate:
Enter the interest rate expressed as a percentage. Decimals or fractions are acceptable. If a definition of "Prime" or similar reference rate is included in the mortgage terms, interest can be stated as "Prime +2%" or words to like effect.
(c) Interest Adjustment Date:
Enter the interest adjustment date by "year, month, day" in the respective columns.
If there is no interest adjustment date, enter "N/A".
(d) Interest Calculation Period:
Enter interest calculation period using dates if necessary (e.g. quarterly, semi-annually, May 15 and Nov. 15).
If there is no interest calculation period enter "N/A".
(e) Payment Dates:
Enter the date and frequency of payments (e.g. "1st day of each month", "1st and 15th day of each month" or "every second Tuesday").
If there are no payment dates, enter "N/A".
(f) First Payment Date:
Enter the date on which the first periodic payment is to be made.
If there are no periodic payments, enter "N/A".
(g) Amount of Each Periodic Payment:
Enter the amount of each periodic payment (expressed in figures only).
If there are no periodic payments, enter "N/A".
If the periodic payments are of accrued interest only, enter "Interest only".
(h) Interest Act (Canada) Statement:
Enter the appropriate percentage in figures.
If space is insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out the equivalent percentage in a schedule.
If it is not necessary to make a Interest Act (Canada) Statement, enter "N/A".
(i) Last Payment Date:
Enter the date on which the last periodic payment is to be made.
If there are no periodic payments enter "N/A".
(j) Assignment of Rents Statement:
If the mortgage contains an assignment of rents which the applicant wishes registered, enter "X" in the "Yes" box.
If the assignment is contained in a set of filed mortgage terms, enter the filing number of the set and the section or paragraph number of the assignment of rents provision.
If the assignment is contained in a schedule, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and the page number on which the assignment is set out.
If the mortgage does not contain an assignment of rents, or if it does and the applicant does not want to register it, enter "X" in the "No" box.
(k) Place of Payment:
Enter the address at which payment of the mortgage money is to be made.
If payment is to be made at the lender's postal address shown in Item 4, enter "POSTAL ADDRESS IN ITEM 4".
(l) Balance Due Date:
Enter the date on which the unpaid balance is due.
If the mortgage is payable on demand, enter "ON DEMAND".
User Guide
(1) It is anticipated that the payment provisions of most mortgages can be accommodated in Item 5. In those situations where a particular box of this Item cannot be completed conveniently in the space provided, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" in that box and set out the provision in a schedule.
(2) Please ensure that every box in Item 5 is completed by
(a) entering the appropriate information, or
(b) entering "N/A" or "SEE SCHEDULE"
as the circumstances require.
5. Payment Provisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Payment Provisions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(3) Where the contents of one or more boxes in Item 5 are deferred to a schedule, they shall be set out in the schedule under the same headings and in the same order as they appear in Item 5.
(4) If the mortgage secures a non-monetary obligation and "SEE SCHEDULE" has been entered in box (a), the obligation may be described in the schedule under the heading "Obligation Secured" rather than the heading "Principal Amount".
ITEM 6 Floating Charge
(1) If the mortgage contains a floating charge on land, enter "X" in the "YES" box. If it does not, enter "X" in the "NO" box.
ITEM 7 Current or Running Account
(1) If the mortgage is made to secure a current or running account, enter "X" in the "YES" box. If it is not, enter "X" in the "NO" box.
ITEM 8 Interest Mortgaged
(1) Enter "X" in the box that indicates the interest of the borrower that is to be charged. At least one of the boxes must be marked in this manner.
User Guide
(1) If the mortgaged interest is a fee simple interest, enter "X" in the "Freehold" box. If the mortgaged interest is an interest less than the fee simple, enter "X" in the "Other" box and describe the charge and specify its registration number.
8. | Interest Mortgaged: | ||
Freehold Other (specify) | ![]() ![]() | ||
(2) If the mortgaged interest is an interest less than the fee simple that is to be registered concurrently with the mortgage, enter a description of the instrument creating the interest that is sufficient for the registrar to identify it as the interest mortgaged.
8. | Interest Mortgaged: | ||
Freehold Other (specify) | ![]() ![]() | ||
(3) If the mortgaged interest is a fee simple and one or more lesser interests, both boxes may be selected. If there is insufficient space to describe the other specified interests, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and describe them in a schedule.
ITEM 9 Mortgage Terms
(1) Part 2 of the mortgage consists of one of
(a) prescribed standard mortgage terms,
(b) filed standard mortgage terms, or
(c) express mortgage terms appended to the mortgage form.
(2) Since the list in subsection (1) is exhaustive, only one item may be selected.
(3) Where the prescribed standard mortgage terms or the filed standard mortgage terms are selected, they are considered to be Part 2 of the mortgage. Where express mortgage terms are used, these must be entitled "MORTGAGE TERMS PART 2" and be attached to Part 1 of the mortgage immediately after any schedules to the mortgage form.
User Guide
(1) There are 3 options for completing Item 9:
(a) if the prescribed standard mortgage terms are to be incorporated, enter "X" in the appropriate box,
(b) if a set of filed standard mortgage terms is to be incorporated, enter "X" in the appropriate box and enter the filing number assigned to the set by the land title office, or
(c) if the express mortgage terms are to be attached, enter "X" in the appropriate box and annex them as Part 2.
(2) A selection of either the prescribed standard mortgage terms or the filed standard mortgage terms will automatically include any addition, deletion or modification to those terms referred to in Item 10.
ITEM 10 Additional or Modified Terms
(1) Where the prescribed standard mortgage terms or filed standard mortgage terms are to be added to, deleted or modified, the addition, deletion or modification may be entered in Item 10 or in a schedule.
(2) If all the additional, deleted or modified mortgage terms can be accommodated in the space provided, enter them in Item 10.
(3) If all of the additional, deleted or modified mortgage terms cannot be accommodated in the space provided, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set all of them out in a schedule.
(4) Do not use Item 10 to summarize any mortgage terms or to add to, delete or modify express mortgage terms.
ITEM 11 Prior Encumbrances Permitted by Lender
(1) If desired, enter a description of any prior encumbrances the lender will permit.
User Guide
(1) Completion of this Item is not mandatory and the registrar will not examine any information contained in it or verify it against the register.
(2) If it is intended to make the mortgage subject to an interest which will be registered after the registration of the mortgage, do not enter a description of it in this Item. Instead, an appropriate form of consent and postponement may be included in the mortgage terms.
11. | Prior Encumbrances Permitted by Lender: | ||
(a) | SRW | K9473 | |
(b) | Mortgage | Z47934 | |
(c) | Mortgage in the principal sum of $285 000 in favour of The Royal Bank of Canada | ||
(d) | Certificate dated November 15, 1989 in the sum of $15 397.43 issued pursuant to the Employment Standards Act. | ||
(3) If, at the time the mortgage is executed, it is intended to register the mortgage subject to a certificate of pending litigation, the appropriate entry may be made in this Item. If that decision is made after execution, file a separate election as required under section 216 (2) (b) of the Land Title Act.
ITEM 12 Execution(s)
(1) Item 12 is to be used for execution of the mortgage document by the borrower and for officer certification.
(2) If the space provided is not sufficient for execution by all borrowers, then an additional page for execution may be added without reference to the registrar. The additional page must be in Form D. Where a borrower's signature has been certified by an officer, the certification must appear on the same page as the execution.
(3) The date of execution, given in year, month and day, must be indicated in the space provided in Item 12. Years shall be entered using the last 2 digits (e.g. "89" for 1989). Months shall be designated by number (e.g. "2" for February).
User Guide
(1) For natural persons, under the "Borrower(s) Signature(s)" column, the borrower name must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the borrower.
(2) Under the "Officer Signature(s)" column, the name, address and professional capacity (e.g. solicitor, notary or commissioner) must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the certifying officer.
12. Execution(s):
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Ian Jack Smith" Ian Jack Smith 100 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A1 Solicitor |
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) "John Peter Doe" John Peter Doe |
(3) Please note that the definition of an officer is limited to a person before whom an affidavit may be sworn under the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, sections 60, 63 and 64.
(4) The officer signature must appear directly opposite the borrower signature certified by the officer. If one officer is certifying more than one borrower signature, add "as to all signatures" or "as to the signatures of ..." immediately below the officer signature.
12. Execution(s):*
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "William Jack Johns" William Jack Johns 101 Douglas Street Victoria, B.C. V8A 1A2 Notary Public (as to all signatures) |
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) "John Peter Allan" John Peter Allan "Mary Lynn Glen" Mary Lynn Glen |
(1) In the case of a mortgage executed by a corporation, use the format shown in the following example and ensure that the name of the authorized signatory is typed or printed immediately below the signature. Please note that the affixation of a corporate seal is no longer required for Land Title Act purposes. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL BORROWER also apply to this form of execution.
12. Execution(s):
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jim Joe Brown" Jim Joe Brown 2500 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. V7C 2P4 Notary Public |
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) ABC Limited by its authorized signatory"John Lee Doe" John Lee Doe |
(2) If a company seal is affixed, it must not obliterate or obscure any signature or information entered in this Item. In the case of a corporate attorney, it is the seal of the attorney that is to be affixed rather than that of the borrower.
(1) In the case of a mortgage executed by an attorney, use the appropriate format shown in the following example. If a power of attorney is already filed in the land title office, enter the filing number immediately below the signature. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL BORROWER also apply to this form of execution.
12. Execution(s):
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Sue Mary Love" Sue Mary Love 2727 - 1499 4th Avenue Prince George, B.C. V2C 4Y9 Solicitor |
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney JOHN JOE SMITH "John Joe Smith" D.F. 667801 |
(1) In the case of a mortgage executed by a corporate attorney, it must be clear that the signatory is an authorized signatory of the corporate attorney and that the corporate attorney is acting as the attorney for the borrower. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading INDIVIDUAL BORROWER also apply to this form of execution.
12. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jane Sue Brown" Jane Sue Brown 1700 - 1250 2nd Avenue Kamloops, B.C. V9C 9Y5 Solicitor |
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney ABC LIMITED by its authorized signatory "John Joe Smith" John Joe Smith |
(1) If the borrower signature cannot be certified by an officer, enter "SEE AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION" and attach an affidavit that complies with Part 5 of the Land Title Act. Note that the affidavit is part of Form B and must have a page number.
(2) The affidavit must state the reason why officer certification cannot be obtained. The reason must be sufficient for the registrar to accept the affidavit in lieu of the officer certification. In those cases where the affidavit evidence of execution is submitted, the registrar is not likely to exercise his discretion unless officer certification is simply impossible to obtain under the circumstances or the mortgage was executed outside British Columbia.
(3) In those cases where the mortgage document is executed outside British Columbia, the registrar will accept that it is difficult to obtain an officer certification in all cases and will accept the affidavit of execution in lieu of an officer certification.
12. Execution(s):
Execution Date | ||||||
| Borrower(s) Signature(s) "John Charles Doe" John Charles Doe |
(1) A covenantor or guarantor may sign the document within Item 12. The covenantor's or guarantor's name must be typed or printed below the signature. The signature of the covenantor or guarantor need not be certified by an officer for Land Title Act purposes.
(Section 233)
Province of
British Columbia
GENERAL INSTRUMENT PART 1 | (This area for Land Title Office use) | PAGE 1 of ... pages |
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
1. | Application: (Name, address, phone number and signature of applicant, applicant's solicitor or agent) | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Mortgaged Land: * | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
3. | Nature of Interest:* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
4. | Terms: Part 2 of this instrument consists of (select one only) | ||
(a) Filed Standard Charge Terms | ![]() | ||
(b) Express Charge Terms | ![]() | ||
(c) Release | ![]() | ||
A selection of (a) includes any additional or modified terms referred to in Item 7 or in a schedule annexed to this instrument. If (c) is selected, the charge described in Item 3 is released or discharged as a charge on the land described in Item 2. | |||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
5. | Transferor(s):* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
6. | Transferee(s): (including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
7. | Additional or Modified Terms:* | ||
....................................................................................................................................................... | |||
8. | Execution(s): This instrument creates, assigns, modifies, enlarges, discharges or governs the priority of the interest(s) described in Item 3 and the Transferor(s) and every other signatory agree to be bound by this instrument, and acknowledge(s) receipt of a true copy of the filed standard charge terms, if any. | ||
Execution Date Officer Signature(s) Y M D | |||
Officer Certification: Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument. | |||
* | If space insufficient, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and attach schedule in Form E. |
[en. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 10.]
General Instrument Form Part 1
Completion Instructions
[en. B.C. Reg. 33/92, s. 11; am. B.C. Reg. 300/94.]
(1) Upon submission of a general instrument in Form C to the land title office, a separate application is not necessary unless it also creates, excepts or reserves an interest in land in favour of the transferor that is capable of registration under the Land Title Act, in which case the transferor shall apply to register that interest in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
(2) Please ensure that every Item of Form C is completed in accordance with the instructions and user guide.
(3) The general instrument includes
(a) the general instrument in Form C,
(b) any additional pages to accommodate party and officer signatures in Form D,
(c) all pages attached to the general instrument as a schedule in Form E,
(d) all pages of the express terms, if any, attached to the general instrument as Part 2, and
(e) an affidavit of execution, if any,
and the general instrument shall be arranged in that order.
(4) Enter the total number of pages that comprise the general instrument in the space provided. Number each page after page 1 of the general instrument consecutively.
(5) Do not include the number of pages contained in a set of filed standard charge terms that are to be incorporated by reference. Although incorporated by reference, they are not part of the actual general instrument form.
(6) At the end of the general instrument type or print "END OF DOCUMENT".
ITEM 1 Application
(1) Enter the name, address (including postal code) and phone number of the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent. This must be followed by the signature of that person.
User Guide
(1) Under the Land Title Act, the "applicant" is the person who is entitled to be the registered owner of the charge or a release of it. This item constitutes the application to register the general instrument and must be completed by the applicant or the solicitor or agent of the applicant either before or after execution of the instrument. Any refusal notice will be sent to the person named in the application at the address specified.
(2) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is an individual, the name, address (with postal code) and phone number of the individual, followed by his or her signature, must be entered.
(3) If the applicant or the applicant's solicitor or agent is not an individual, the name, address (with postal code), phone number and signature of an individual who is authorized to do all acts necessary to effect registration of the general instrument must be entered.
ITEM 2 Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of the Charged Land
(1) In the space provided in Item 2, enter the 9 digit parcel identifier number (PID) of each parcel that is to be charged or that is encumbered with the charge being assigned, modified, enlarged, released, partially released or postponed, followed by the legal description of the land matching the PID number. The PID number is not required if not yet assigned.
User Guide
(1) The legal description consists of everything shown in the "Description of Land" segment of a computer title printed below the PID number.
(2) Preambles such as "All and singular that certain parcel..." in the legal description are not required. Similarly, reference to a strata lot owner's share in the common property is not required. Preambles such as "That part of Lot 4.... shown on... " may be used where required.
(3) State Lot and Plan numbers in figures only. In addition, the following abbreviations are acceptable:
N | = | North | W | = | West | |
S | = | South | E | = | East | |
Rge | = | Range | Tp | = | Township | |
Bl | = | Block | Dist | = | District | |
Gp | = | Group | Sec | = | Section |
DL | = | District Lot |
LD | = | Legal Subdivision |
W6M | = | West of the Sixth Meridian |
Frac | = | Fractional |
THSL | = | Town of Hastings Suburban Lands |
KDYD | = | Kamloops Division, Yale District |
NWD | = | New Westminster District |
ODYD | = | Osoyoos Division, Yale District |
QCD | = | Queen Charlotte District |
SDYD | = | Similkameen Division, Yale District |
TID | = | Texada Island District |
YDYD | = | Yale Division, Yale District. |
(4) It is not necessary to include references to water, improvement or assessment districts, or legal notations such as "hereunto annexed is Easement No. ...".
(5) The legal description(s) with parcel identifier number(s) must be recorded entirely within Item 2 and must not continue onto a schedule.
(6) If the space is not sufficient for the parcel identifier number(s) and legal description(s), set out the parcel identifier number(s) and legal description(s) in a schedule and enter "SEE SCHEDULE" in Item 2.
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of Land:* | ||
(7) If a PID number has not been assigned to the parcel, enter "NO PID NUMBER" followed by the legal description.
(8) Please note that land title office mark up of the parcel affected is done by PID number only.
(9) Please ensure that the legal description is entered opposite the PID number of the parcel it describes.
(10) In the case of a partial release, ensure that the land described in this Item is the only land that is to be released from the charge.
2. | Parcel Identifier(s) and Legal Description(s) of Land:* | ||
(PID) NO PID NUMBER 169 740 266 | (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 3, Sec 5, Esquimalt Dist, Plan 4532 Lot 1, Sec. 44, Rge 4E, ODYD, Plan 4532 | ||
ITEM 3 Nature of Interest
(1) Enter a brief description of the interest and the name of the person entitled to the interest.
(2) If the general instrument is intended to operate as a release of a registered charge, enter a description of the charge and its registration number and enter "N/A" for the document reference. In most cases the person entitled to the interest will be the registered owner.
3. | Nature of Interest:* | ||
DESCRIPTION Release of Mortgage No. M1160 | DOCUMENT REFERENCE (page and paragraph) N/A | PERSON ENTITLED TO INTEREST Registered Owner | |
(3) While the above example states "Release of Mortgage No. M1160" in the Description Column, the words "Discharge of Mortgage No. M1160" are acceptable. In the case of a lease, the words "surrender of Lease No. L1160" will be appropriate.
(4) Where a charge (e.g. an easement) only affects part of the land described in Item 2, there must be a statement to that effect in the Description of Interest column.
(5) Where there is a dominant tenement associated with the charge, a description of the dominant tenement, including the PID number, must be set out in the Person Entitled to Interest column.
3. | Nature of Interest:* | ||
DESCRIPTION Easement over part shown on Plan 1160 | DOCUMENT REFERENCE (page and paragraph) | PERSON ENTITLED TO INTEREST Registered Owner of Lot 1, Sec 5, Rge 4E, ODYD, Plan 4523 (PID No. 170 772 622) | |
User Guide
(1) The following classes of instrument that create or constitute any of the following must be in Form C:
(a) an assignment of rents that is not part of a mortgage;
(b) an easement;
(c) an equitable charge other than a floating charge;
(d) an agreement to extend a registered mortgage or charge over other land;
(e) an agreement to modify a registered charge;
(f) a priority agreement;
(g) a lease, option to lease or agreement to renew a lease;
(h) an option to purchase;
(i) a right of first refusal;
(j) a right to purchase;
(k) a statutory right of way;
(l) a positive or negative covenant, other than a declaration of building scheme in Form 35 of B.C. Reg. 334/79;
(m) an assignment of a charge other than an assignment in Form 27 or 28 of B.C. Reg. 334/79;
(n) a release or discharge of a charge or interest.
(2) As a general rule, any instrument that creates a voluntary charge agreed to by the parties or that voluntarily releases a charge must be in Form C. If the signature of the owner of the land affected by the charge is not necessary to create the charge, do not use the general instrument form. Similarly, where the signature of the charge holder is not necessary to effect a release of it, do not use the general instrument form.
(3) Please note the following:
(a) a debenture security or security agreement that creates a mortgage of specific land must be in Form B;
(b) a debenture security or security agreement that does not create a mortgage of specific land must be in Form C where it creates an equitable charge other than a floating charge;
(c) if the equitable charge created by the debenture or security agreement is a floating charge, the instrument need not be in Form C (in which case the application to register shall be in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79);
(d) a floating charge on land is not registerable until it has crystallized;
(e) if the instrument is a supplemental debenture or a supplemental security agreement, and it purports to modify or extend a registered charge, the instrument must be in Form C;
(f) if the instrument is a supplemental debenture or a supplemental security agreement that creates a mortgage of specific land in circumstances where the principal debenture or security agreement is unregistered, the instrument must be in Form B.
(4) For document reference, enter the general instrument page number and the paragraph number where the interest is created (the words of grant). Where the words creating the interest are contained in a set of filed standard charge terms, enter the filing number of the set and the page and paragraph number where the interest is created.
3. | Nature of Interest:* | ||
Lease No. ST88 | Standard Charge Terms | Transferee | |
Page 2 - 10, Paragraph 4 - 19 | |||
Easement | Page 6 Paragraph 6.08 | Transferee | |
(5) The following list contains examples of instruments that shall not be in Form C (the list is not exhaustive):
(a) builder's lien;
(b) caveat;
(c) change of name application;
(d) court order;
(e) tax sale notice;
(f) transmission;
(g) any other instrument, the form of which is prescribed
(i) under the Act, or
(ii) under any other enactment,
where applied for in Form 17 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
(6) Generally, the instruments listed in subsection (5) create involuntary charges or are already prescribed under B.C. Reg. 334/79. Unless a form of application is dispensed with by the registrar, or is otherwise prescribed, application to register them shall be in Form 17.
(7) If at the time the general instrument is executed it is intended to register the interest subject to a certificate of pending litigation, the appropriate entry may be made in this Item. If that decision is made after execution, file a separate election as required under section 216 (2) (b) of the Act.
(8) Where the general instrument is intended to
(a) assign a charge,
(b) modify a charge,
(c) postpone a charge, or
(d) release a charge
please enter a brief description of the nature of the transaction and the charges affected by it.
3. | Nature of Interest:* | ||
Release of Mortgage M-1234 | N/A | Registered Owner | |
Modification of Lease L4567 | Page 6 Paragraph 7 - 9 | Landlord/Tenant | |
Assignment of Lease L7654 | Entire Instrument | Assignee | |
Priority Agreement granting Mortgage 4321 priority over Mortgage 7655 and Lease 7742 | Page 1 - 3 Paragraph 4 - 10 | Owner: Mortgage No. 4321 | |
ITEM 4 Terms
(1) Part 2 of the general instrument that creates, assigns, modifies, enlarges or governs the priority of a charge consists of one of
(a) filed standard charge terms, or
(b) express charge terms appended as Part 2.
(2) Since the list in subsection (1) is exhaustive, only one may be selected.
(3) Where filed standard charge terms are selected, they are considered to be Part 2 of the general instrument. Where express charge terms are used, these must be entitled "TERMS OF INSTRUMENT - PART 2" and be attached to Part 1 of the general instrument immediately after any schedules to Form C.
(4) In the case of a release, the general instrument will be in Part 1 only. There will be no Part 2. Any saving language describing rights not specifically released may be set out in Item 7.
(5) In the case of a modification agreement, a priority agreement or surrender of lease, the terms of the modification, priority or surrender of lease are to be treated as express charge terms and are to be appended as Part 2 of the general instrument.
User Guide
(1) There are 3 options for completing Item 4:
(a) if a set of filed standard charge terms is to be incorporated, enter "X" in the appropriate box and enter the filing number assigned to the set by the land title office;
(b) if express terms are to be attached, enter "X" in the appropriate box and annex them as Part 2;
(c) if the instrument is intended to release a charge, enter "X" in the appropriate box.
(2) A selection of filed standard charge terms will include any addition, deletion or modification to those terms referred to in Item 7.
ITEM 5 Transferor(s)
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name of the transferor.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its name and its British Columbia incorporation or registration number, if any.
(3) It is not necessary to set out occupations or addresses in this Item.
User Guide
(1) The "transferor" is the person who
(a) transfers, assigns, grants or otherwise creates an interest,
(b) postpones an interest,
(c) releases or discharges an interest, or
(d) in the case of the modification of a charge, granted the charge or is the owner of the estate, charge or interest that is encumbered by the charge being modified.
(2) If the transferor is an individual, his or her name should be set out in full as it appears on the title.
(3) The address of the transferor need not be entered as part of the description.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
(4) In the case of a corporation that is a British Columbia company or that is registered in British Columbia, enter the British Columbia incorporation or registration number. If it is neither incorporated nor registered in British Columbia, the name of its governing jurisdiction may be entered in this Item.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
ABC CO. LTD., (Inc. No. 2378) and DEF LIMITED, a company incorporated in California, U.S.A. | ||
(5) Preference is for transferor names to be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the above examples.
(6) If there is insufficient space to enter the names of all of the transferors, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out all the names in a schedule. Do not set out some names in Item 4 and some in a schedule.
4. | Transferor(s):* | |
(7) In the case of a release of charge, enter the full name of the charge holder in this Item.
(8) In the case of a priority agreement, enter the full name of the charge holder granting the priority in this Item.
(9) In the case of a modification agreement, enter the name of the registered owner of the estate, charge or interest that is encumbered by the charge being modified in this Item.
ITEM 6 Transferee(s)
(1) In the case of an individual, enter the full name and occupation of the transferee (and, if applicable, information respecting joint tenancy), together with a postal address for the transferee.
(2) In the case of a corporation, enter its full name and British Columbia incorporation or registration number. If it is not incorporated or registered in British Columbia, enter a description of its governing jurisdiction. In either case, a postal address for the transferee must be entered in this Item.
User Guide
(1) In all cases, the postal address must include a postal code. It is not sufficient to state only the name of the city, town or village.
(2) In the case of a transferee which has branch offices, a branch office address may be included as part of the description of the transferee, but a postal address must also be shown. The name of the governing jurisdiction of a corporation must always be entered unless the corporation is incorporated or registered in British Columbia.
5. | Transferee(s): (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
CTM, a Canadian chartered bank, having a branch office at 910 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C. and a postal address of P.O. Box 99, Station A, Victoria, B.C. V9T 7J8 | ||
(3) If the transferees are taking fractional interests, the shares must be expressed as a whole fraction. For example, an undivided 1/3 interest expressed as 33.3% is not permitted.
(4) Preference is that transferee names be printed or typed in capitals and underlined as shown in the above examples.
(5) If there is insufficient space to enter the names, occupations and addresses of all the transferees, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set out all the names, occupations and addresses in a schedule.
5. | Transferee(s): (Including postal address(es) and postal code(s))* | |
(6) In the case of a release of charge, enter the full name of the owner of the encumbered estate or interest in this Item. Where that person is the fee simple owner, the words "Registered Owner" will be sufficient. It is not necessary to specify that person's occupation, postal address and postal code.
(7) In the case of a priority agreement, enter the name of the holder of the charge or interest for which the priority is given in this Item.
(8) In the case of a modification agreement, enter the name of the registered owner of the charge being modified or the registered owner of the estate or interest benefiting from the charge being modified.
ITEM 7 Additional or Modified Terms
(1) Where the filed standard charge terms are to be added to, deleted or modified, the addition, deletion or modification may be entered in Item 7 or in a schedule.
(2) If all of the additional, deleted or modified charge terms can be accommodated in the space provided, enter them in Item 7.
(3) If all of the additional, deleted or modified charge terms cannot be accommodated in the space provided, enter "SEE SCHEDULE" and set all of them out in a schedule.
(4) Do not use Item 7 to summarize any charge terms or to add to, delete or modify express terms.
(5) Saving language may be added where appropriate. For example, in a release of mortgage, the mortgagee may wish to add express words to set out that the contractual obligation to pay is not affected in those cases where only the security is to be released.
ITEM 8 Execution(s)
(1) Item 8 is to be used for the signature of all persons required to execute the general instrument and for officer certification.
(2) If the space provided is not sufficient for the signature of all persons required to execute the general instrument, then an additional page may be added to accommodate the additional signatures. The additional page must be in Form D. Where a signature of a party is certified by an officer, the certification must appear on the same page as the party signature.
(3) The date of execution, given in year, month and day, must be indicated in the space provided in Item 8. Years shall be entered using the last 2 digits (e.g. "89" for 1989). Months shall be designated by number (e.g. "2" for February).
User Guide
(1) For natural persons, under the "Party(ies) Signature(s)" column, the party name must be printed or typed immediately below the signature.
(2) Under the "Officer Signature(s)" column the name, address and professional capacity (e.g. solicitor, notary public or commissioner) must be typed or printed immediately below the signature of the certifying officer.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Ian Jack Smith" Ian Jack Smith 100 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A1 Solicitor |
| Party(ies) Signature(s) "John Peter Doe" John Peter Doe | ||||
(3) Please note that the definition of an officer is limited to a person before whom an affidavit may be sworn under the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, sections 60, 63 and 64.
(4) The officer signature must appear directly opposite the party signature certified by the officer. If one officer is certifying the signature of more than one party, add "as to all signatures" or "as to the signatures of....." immediately below the officer signature.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "William Jack Johns" William Jack Johns 101 Douglas Street Victoria, B.C. V8A 1A2 Notary Public (as to all signatures) |
| Party(ies) Signature(s) "John Peter Allan" John Peter Allan "Mary Lynn Glen" Mary Lynn Glen |
(1) In the case of a general instrument executed by a corporation, use the format shown in the following example and ensure that the name of the authorized signatory is typed or printed immediately below the signature. Please note that affixation of a corporate seal is no longer required for Land Title Act purposes. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading "INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR OR TRANSFEREE" also apply to this form of execution.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jim Joe Brown" Jim Joe Brown 2500 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. V7C 2P4 Notary Public |
| Party(ies) Signature(s) ABC Limited by its authorized signatory "John Lee Doe" John Lee Doe |
(2) If a company seal is to be affixed, please ensure that it does not obliterate or obscure any signature or information entered in this Item. In the case of a corporate attorney, it is the seal of the attorney that is to be affixed rather than that of the party for whom the attorney acts.
(1) In the case of a general instrument executed by an attorney, use the appropriate format shown in the following example. If a power of attorney is already filed in the land title office, enter the filing number immediately below the signature. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading "INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR OR TRANSFEREE" also apply to this form of execution.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Sue Mary Love" Sue Mary Love 2727 - 1499 4th Avenue Prince George, B.C. V2C 4Y9 Solicitor |
| Party(ies) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney JOHN JOE SMITH "John Joe Smith" D.F. 667801 |
(1) In the case of a general instrument executed by a corporate attorney, it must be clear that the signatory is an authorized signatory of the corporate attorney and that the corporation is acting as the attorney for the party. The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) under the heading "INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR OR TRANSFEREE' also apply to this form of execution.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
Officer Signature(s) "Jane Sue Brown" Jane Sue Brown 1700 - 1250 2nd Avenue Kamloops, B.C. V9C 9Y5 Solicitor |
| Party(ies) Signature(s) JOHN LEE DOE by his Attorney ABC LIMITED by its authorized signatory "John Joe Smith" John Joe Smith |
(1) If the transferor(s)/transferee(s) signature(s) cannot be certified by an officer, enter "SEE AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION" and attach an affidavit that complies with Part 5 of the Land Title Act. Note that the affidavit is part of Form C and must have a page number.
(2) The affidavit must state the reason why officer certification cannot be obtained. The reason must be sufficient for the registrar to accept the affidavit in lieu of the officer certification. In those cases where the affidavit evidence of execution is submitted, the registrar is not likely to exercise his discretion unless officer certification is simply impossible to obtain under the circumstances or the general instrument was executed outside British Columbia.
(3) In those cases where the general instrument is executed outside British Columbia, the registrar will accept that it is difficult to obtain an officer certification in all cases and will accept the affidavit of execution in lieu of an officer certification.
8. Execution(s):**
Execution Date | ||||||
| Party(ies) Signature(s) "John Charles Doe" John Charles Doe |
Execution Date | |||||
Officer Signature(s) |
| Transferor/Borrower/Party Signature(s) |
Officer Certification:
Your signature constitutes a representation that you are a solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 124, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument.
Schedule Form
Completion Instructions
(1) Each page of the schedule must be numbered in the top right corner.
(2) The page numbers assigned to the schedule must be in sequence with the numbers assigned to the preceding page(s) of the transfer form.
User Guide
(1) Attachments to a freehold transfer or mortgage form must be in the following order:
(a) additional page or pages to accommodate additional signatures and officer certifications, if any, in Form D;
(b) one or more schedules, in Form E;
(c) express mortgage terms, if any;
(d) affidavit of execution, if any.
(2) Attachments to a general document form must be in the following order:
(a) additional page or pages to accommodate additional signatures and officer certifications, if any, in Form D;
(b) one or more schedules, if any, in Form E;
(c) attachment containing the terms of the instrument;
(d) affidavit of execution, if any.
(3) Entries in a schedule in Form E must be
(a) labelled by subheadings identical to those in the freehold transfer, mortgage or general document form to which Form E is attached, and
(b) made in the same order as they would have been in the freehold transfer, mortgage or general document form to which Form E is attached.
(4) The schedule in Form E is only to be used to set out information that, due to limited space, cannot be accommodated in the freehold transfer, mortgage or general document form.
(5) The schedule in Form E is not to be confused with the attachment to the general document form that contains the terms of the instrument. This attachment may be labelled "TERMS OF INSTRUMENT" and attached immediately after any schedule.
(6) Do not assign number or letter designations (such as "Schedule A" or "Schedule 1") to different pages or parts of the schedule. These are not necessary.
(7) All labelled subheadings must be in block capitals and be numbered in accordance with the item number of the transfer form to which Form E is attached.
(8) Special covenants (such as those of a guarantor) that do not correspond to an item of a transfer form may be set out at the end of the schedule and labelled accordingly.
(9) At the bottom of the last page of the last attachment to the transfer form, type or print "END OF DOCUMENT".
Schedule B BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 332/2010, effective January 1, 2011.
Prescribed Standard Mortgage Terms
Mortgage Terms Part 2
These mortgage terms are considered to be included in and form a part of every mortgage which incorporates prescribed standard mortgage terms, either by an election in the mortgage form or by operation of law.
1 (1) In these mortgage terms:
"borrower" means the person or persons named in the mortgage form as a borrower;
"borrower mailing address" means the postal address of the borrower set out in the mortgage form or the most recent postal address provided in a written notice given by the borrower to the lender under these mortgage terms;
"borrower's promises and agreements" means any one or more of the borrower's obligations, promises and agreements contained in this mortgage;
"court" means a court or judge having jurisdiction in any matter arising out of this mortgage;
"covenantor" means a person who signs the mortgage form as a covenantor;
"default" includes each of the events of default listed in section 7 (1);
"interest" means interest at the interest rate shown on the mortgage form;
"interest adjustment date" means the interest adjustment date shown on the mortgage form;
"interest calculation period" means the period or periods for the calculation of interest shown on the mortgage form;
"interest rate" means the interest rate shown on the mortgage form;
"land" means all the borrower's present and future interest in the land described in the mortgage form including every incidental right, benefit or privilege attaching to that land or running with it and all buildings and improvements that are now or later constructed on or made to that land;
"lease" means the leasehold interest, if any, of the borrower referred to in the mortgage form;
"lender" means the person or persons named in the mortgage form as a lender and includes any person to whom the lender transfers this mortgage;
"lender mailing address" means the postal address shown on the mortgage form or the most recent postal address provided in a written notice given by the lender to the borrower under these mortgage terms;
"loan payment" means the amount of each periodic payment shown on the mortgage form;
"maturity date" means the balance due date shown on the mortgage form and is the date on which all unpaid mortgage money becomes due and payable, or such earlier date on which the lender can lawfully require payment of the mortgage money;
"mortgage form" means Form B under the Land Title (Transfer Forms) Regulation and all schedules and addenda to Form B;
"mortgage money" means the principal amount, interest and any other money owed by the borrower under this mortgage, the payment of which is secured by this mortgage;
"payment date" means each payment date commencing on the first payment date shown on the mortgage form;
"place of payment" means the place of payment shown on the mortgage form or any other place specified in a written notice given by the lender to the borrower under these mortgage terms;
"principal amount" means the amount of money shown as the principal amount on the mortgage form as reduced by payments made by the borrower from time to time, or increased by the advance or readvance of money to the borrower by the lender from time to time, and includes all money that is later added to the principal amount under these mortgage terms;
"receiver" means a receiver or receiver manager appointed by the lender under this mortgage;
"taxes" means all taxes, rates and assessments of every kind which are payable by any person in connection with this mortgage, the land or its use and occupation, or arising out of any transaction between the borrower and the lender, but does not include the lender's income tax;
"this mortgage" means the combination of the mortgage form and these mortgage terms.
(2) In this mortgage the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
What this mortgage does
2 (1) In return for the lender agreeing to lend the principal amount to the borrower, the borrower grants and mortgages the land to the lender as security for repayment of the mortgage money and for performance of all the borrower'spromises and agreements.
(2) If the interest mortgaged is described in the mortgage form as a leasehold interest, the grant in subsection (1) shall be construed as a charge of the unexpired term of the lease less the last month of that term.
(3) This means that
(a) this mortgage shall be a charge on the land, and
(b) the borrower releases to the lender all the borrower's claim to the land until the borrower has paid the mortgage money to the lender, in accordance with these mortgage terms, and has performed all of the borrower's promises and agreements.
(4) The borrower may continue to remain in possession of the land as long as the borrower performs all of the borrower's promises and agreements.
(5) When the borrower has paid the mortgage money and performed all the borrower's promises and agreements under this mortgage and the lender has no obligation to make any further advances or readvances, the lender will no longer be entitled to enforce any rights under this mortgage and the borrower will be entitled, at the borrower's cost, to receive a discharge of this mortgage. The discharge must be signed by the lender and must be registered by the borrower in the land title office to cancel the registration of this mortgage against the land.
3 (1) Interest is chargeable on the mortgage money and is payable by the borrower.
(2) Interest is not payable in advance. This means that interest must be earned before it is payable.
(3) Interest on advances or readvances of the principal amount starts on the date and on the amount of each advance or readvance and accrues on the principal amount until the borrower has paid all the mortgage money.
(4) Interest payable on any part of the principal amount advanced before the interestadjustment date is due and payable to the lender on the interestadjustment date.
(5) At the end of each interest calculation period, unpaid accrued interest will be added to the principal amount and bear interest. This is known as compound interest.
Payment of the mortgage money
4 The borrower promises to pay the mortgage money to the lender at the place of payment in accordance with the payment provisions set out in the mortgage form and these mortgage terms.
Promises of the borrower
5 (1) The borrower promises
(a) to pay all taxes when they are due and to send to the lender at the place of payment, or at any other place the lender requires, all notices of taxes which the borrower receives,
(b) if the lender requires the borrower to do so, to pay to the lender
(i) on each payment date the amount of money estimated by the lender to be sufficient to permit the lender to pay the taxes when they are due, and
(ii) any money in addition to the money already paid towards taxes so that the lender will be able to pay the taxes in full,
(c) to apply for all government grants, assistance and rebates in respect of taxes,
(d) to comply with all terms and conditions of any charge or encumbrance that ranks ahead of this mortgage,
(e) to keep all buildings and improvements which form part of the land in good condition and to repair them as the lender reasonably requires,
(f) to sign any other document that the lender reasonably requires to ensure that payment of the mortgage money is secured by this mortgage or by any other document the borrower has agreed to give as security,
(g) not to do anything that has the effect of reducing the value of the land,
(h) not to tear down any building or part of a building which forms part of the land,
(i) not to make any alteration or improvement to any building which forms part of the land without the written consent of the lender,
(j) if the borrower has rented the land to a tenant, to keep, if required by the lender, records of all rents received and of all expenses paid by the borrower in connection with the land and, at least annually, have a statement of revenue and expenses for the land prepared by a professional accountant if the lender requires and to give a copy of the statement to the lender if the lender requires the borrower to do so,
(k) to insure and keep insured against the risk of fire and other risks and losses that the lender asks the borrower to insure against, with an insurance company licensed to do business in British Columbia, all buildings and improvements on the land to their full insurable value on a replacement cost basis and to pay all insurance premiums when due,
(l) to send a copy of each insurance policy and renewal certificate to the lender at the place of payment,
(m) to pay all of the lender's costs, including legal fees on a solicitor and client basis, to
(i) prepare and register this mortgage, including all necessary steps to advance and secure the mortgage money and to report to the lender,
(ii) collect the mortgage money,
(iii) enforce the terms of this mortgage, including efforts to compel the borrower to perform the borrower's promises and agreements,
(iv) do anything which the borrower has promised to do but has not done, and
(v) prepare and give the borrower a discharge of this mortgage when the borrower has paid all money due under this mortgage and the borrower wants it to be discharged,
(n) if the lender requires the borrower to do so, to
(i) give the lender in each year post-dated cheques for all loan payments due for that year and for taxes, and
(ii) arrange for all loan payments to be made by pre-authorized chequing,
(o) to pay any money which, if not paid, would result in a default under any charge or encumbrance having priority over this mortgage or which might result in the sale of the land if not paid, and
(p) to pay and cause to be discharged any charges or encumbrances described in subsection (2) (b) which are not prior encumbrances permitted by the lender under this mortgage.
(2) The borrower declares to the lender that
(a) the borrower owns the land and has the right to mortgage the land to the lender,
(b) the borrower's title to the land is subject only to
(i) those charges and encumbrances that are registered in the land title office at the time the borrower signed the mortgage form, and
(ii) any unregistered charges and encumbrances that the lender has agreed to in writing, and
(c) subject to paragraph (b), the borrower
(i) has not given any other charge or encumbrance against the land, and
(ii) has no knowledge of any other claim against the land.
(3) The insurance policy or policies required by subsection (1) (k) shall contain a mortgage clause approved by the lender that states that payment of any loss shall be made to the lender at the place of payment or any other place the lender requires and, if this mortgage is not a first mortgage, the amount of any payment made by the insurance company shall be paid to the borrower's lenders in the order of their priorities.
(4) The borrower gives up any statutory right to require the insurance proceeds to be applied in any particular manner.
Agreements between the borrower and the lender
6 (1) The lender will use the money paid to the lender under section 5 (1) (b) to pay taxes unless there is a default in which case the lender may apply the money in payment of the mortgage money.
(2) By this mortgage the borrower grants and mortgages any additional or greater interest in the land that the borrower may later acquire.
(3) Any money paid to the lender under this mortgage shall,
(a) prior to a default, be applied first in payment of interest, secondly in payment of the principal amount and thirdly in payment of all other money owed by the borrower under this mortgage, and
(b) after a default, be applied in any manner the lender chooses.
(4) The lender may at any reasonable time inspect the land and any buildings and improvements which form part of it.
(5) If the lender takes possession of the land the lender will not be responsible for maintaining and preserving the land and need only account to the borrower for any money which the lender actually receives in connection with this mortgage or the land.
(6) The lender may spend money to perform any of the borrower's promises and agreements which the borrower has not performed and any money so spent shall be added to the principal amount, bear interest from the date that the money was so spent, and be immediately due and payable to the lender.
(7) If the borrower wants to give any notice to the lender, the borrower must do so by having it delivered to the lender personally or by sending it by registered or certified mail to the lender mailing address or to any other address later specified in writing by the lender to the borrower.
(8) If the lender wants to give any notice to the borrower, the lender must do so by having it delivered to the borrower personally or by sending it by registered or certified mail to the borrower mailing address or to any other address later specified in writing by the borrower to the lender.
(9) Any notice sent by mail is considered to have been received 5 days after it is mailed.
(10) Any notice to be given by the borrower to the lender or vice versa during a mail strike or disruption must be delivered rather than sent by mail.
(11) The borrower is not released from the borrower's promises and agreements only because the borrower sells the land.
(12) If the borrower has mortgaged anything else to the lender better to secure payment of the mortgage money, the lender may take all lawful proceedings under any of the mortgages in any order that the lender chooses.
(13) The lender does not have to advance or readvance the principal amount or the rest or any further part of the principal amount to the borrower unless the lender wants to even though
(a) the borrower has signed this mortgage,
(b) this mortgage is registered in the land title office, or
(c) the lender has advanced to the borrower part of the principal amount.
(14) The lender may deduct from any advance of the principal amount
(a) any taxes that are due,
(b) any interest that is due and payable to the date of the advance,
(c) the legal fees and disbursements to prepare and register this mortgage including other necessary steps to advance and secure the mortgage money and to report to the lender, and
(d) any insurance premium.
(15) The lender's right of consolidation applies to this mortgage and to any other mortgages given by the borrower to the lender. This means that if the borrower has mortgaged other property to the lender the borrower will not have the right, after default, to pay off this mortgage or any mortgage of other property unless the borrower pays the lender all money owed by the borrower under this mortgage and all of the mortgages of other property.
7 (1) A default occurs under this mortgage if
(a) the borrower breaks any of the borrower's promises and agreements,
(b) the borrower breaks any promise or agreement which the borrower has made to the lender in a mortgage of any other land or other property or in any other agreement the borrower has made with the lender even though the borrower may not have broken any of the borrower's promises and agreements,
(c) the borrower becomes bankrupt,
(d) the land is abandoned or is left unoccupied for 30 or more consecutive days,
(e) the land or any part of it is expropriated,
(f) the borrower sells or agrees to sell all or any part of the land or if the borrower leases it or any part of it without the prior written consent of the lender,
(g) the borrower gives another mortgage of the land to someone other than the lender without the prior written consent of the lender,
(h) the borrower does not discharge any judgment registered in the land title office against the land within 30 days after receiving notice of its registration, or
(i) the borrower allows any claim of builders lien to remain undischarged on title to the land for more than 30 days unless the borrower
(i) diligently disputes the validity of the claim by taking all necessary legal steps to do so,
(ii) gives reasonable security to the lender to pay the claim in full if it is found to be valid, and
(iii) authorizes the lender to use the security to pay the lien in full.
(2) If a default occurs under this mortgage, it will have the same effect as though a default had occurred under any other mortgage or agreement between the borrower and the lender.
Consequences of a default
8 (1) If a default occurs, all the mortgage money then owing to the lender will, if the lender chooses, at once become due and payable.
(2) If a default occurs the lender may, in any order that the lender chooses, do any one or more of the following:
(a) demand payment of all the mortgage money;
(b) sue the borrower for the amount of money due;
(c) take proceedings and any other legal steps to compel the borrower to keep the borrower's promises and agreements;
(d) enter upon and take possession of the land;
(e) sell the land and other property by public auction or private sale, or lease the land on terms decided by the lender
(i) on 30 days notice to the borrower if the default has continued for 30 days, or
(ii) without notice to the borrower if the default has continued for 60 days or more;
(f) apply to the court for an order that the land be sold on terms approved by the court;
(g) apply to the court to foreclose the borrower's interest in the land so that when the court makes its final order of foreclosure the borrower's interest in the land will be absolutely vested in and belong to the lender;
(h) appoint a receiver of the land;
(i) enter upon and take possession of the land without the permission of anyone and make any arrangements the lender considers necessary to
(i) inspect, lease, collect rents or manage the land,
(ii) complete the construction of any building on the land, or
(iii) repair any building on the land;
(j) take whatever action is necessary to take, recover and keep possession of the land.
(3) Nothing in subsection (2) affects the jurisdiction of the court.
(4) If the lender sells the land by public auction or by private sale the lender will use the amount received from the sale to pay
(a) any real estate agent's commission,
(b) all adjustments usually made on the sale of land,
(c) all of the lender's expenses and costs described in subsection (6), and
(d) the mortgage money
and will pay any surplus
(e) according to an order of the court if the land is sold by an order of the court, or
(f) to the borrower if the land is sold other than by an order of the court.
(5) If the money available to pay the mortgage money after payment of the commission, adjustments and expenses referred to in subsection (4) (a) to (c) is not sufficient to pay all the mortgage money, the borrower will pay to the lender on demand the amount of the deficiency.
(6) The borrower will pay to the lender on demand all expenses and costs incurred by the lender in enforcing this mortgage. These expenses and costs include the lender's cost of taking and keeping possession of the land, the cost of the time and services of the lender or the lender's employees for so doing, the lender's legal fees and disbursements on a solicitor and client basis, unless the court allows legal fees and disbursements be paid on a different basis, and all other costs and expenses incurred by the lender to protect the lender's interest under this mortgage. These expenses and costs will be added to the principal amount, be payable on demand and bear interest until they are fully paid.
(7) If the lender obtains judgment against the borrower as a result of a default, the remedies described in subsection (2) may continue to be used by the lender to compel the borrower to perform the borrower's promises and agreements. The lender will continue to be entitled to receive interest on the mortgage money until the judgment is paid in full.
(8) If the lender does not exercise any of the lender's rights on the happening of a default or does not ask the borrower to cure it, the lender is not prevented from later compelling the borrower to cure that default or exercising any of those rights in connection with that default or any later default of the same or any other kind.
Construction of buildings or improvements
9 (1) The borrower will not construct, alter or add to any buildings or improvements on the land without the prior written consent of the lender, and then only in accordance with accepted construction standards, building codes and municipal or government requirements and plans and specifications approved by the lender.
(2) If this mortgage is intended to finance any construction, alteration or addition, the lender may make advances of the principal amount to the borrower based on the progress of construction. The lender will decide whether or not any advances will be made, the amount of the advances, and when they will be made.
Leasehold mortgage
10 (1) This section applies if the interest mortgaged shown in the mortgage form is or includes a leasehold interest.
(2) The borrower represents to the lender that
(a) the lease is owned by the borrower subject only to those charges and encumbrances that are registered in the land title office at the time the borrower signs the mortgage form,
(b) the lease is in good standing,
(c) the borrower has complied with all the borrower's promises and agreements contained in the lease,
(d) the borrower has paid all rent that is due and payable under the lease,
(e) the lease is not in default, and
(f) the borrower has the right to mortgage the lease to the lender.
(3) The borrower will
(a) comply with the lease and not do anything that would cause the lease to be terminated,
(b) immediately give to the lender a copy of any notice or request received from the landlord,
(c) immediately notify the lender if the landlord advises the borrower of the landlord's intention to terminate the lease before the term expires, and
(d) sign any other document the lender requires to ensure that any greater interest in the land that is acquired by the borrower is charged by this mortgage.
(4) Any default under the lease is a default under this mortgage.
(5) The borrower promises the lender that the borrower will not, without first obtaining the written consent of the lender,
(a) surrender or terminate the lease, or
(b) agree to change the terms of the lease.
(6) The lender may perform any promise or agreement of the borrower under the lease.
(7) Nothing done by the lender under this section will make the lender a mortgagee in possession.
11 (1) The borrower appoints both the lender and any agent of the lender as the borrower's attorney to appoint a receiver of the land.
(2) The lender or the lender's agent may, if any default happens, appoint a receiver of the land and the receiver
(a) will be the borrower's agent and the borrower will be solely responsible for the receiver's acts or omissions,
(b) has power, either in the borrower's name or in the name of the lender, to demand, recover and receive income from the land and start and carry on any action or court proceeding to collect that income,
(c) may give receipts for income which the receiver receives,
(d) may carry on any business which the borrower conducted on the land,
(e) may lease or sublease the land or any part of it on terms and conditions that the receiver chooses,
(f) may complete the construction of or repair any building or improvement on the land,
(g) may take possession of all or part of the land,
(h) may manage the land and maintain it in good condition,
(i) has the power to perform, in whole or in part, the borrower's promises and agreements, and
(j) has the power to do anything that, in the receiver's opinion, will maintain and preserve the land or will increase or preserve the value or income potential of the land or the borrower's business on the land.
(3) From income received the receiver may do any of the following in any order the receiver chooses:
(a) retain a commission of 5% of the gross income or any higher commission approved by the court;
(b) retain enough money to pay or recover the cost to collect the income and to cover other disbursements;
(c) pay all taxes and the cost of maintaining the land in good repair, completing the construction of any building or improvement on the land, supplying goods, utilities and services to the land and taking steps to preserve the land from damage by weather, vandalism or any other cause;
(d) pay any money that might, if not paid, result in a default under any charge or encumbrance having priority over this mortgage or that might result in the sale of the land if not paid;
(e) pay taxes in connection with anything the receiver is entitled to do under this mortgage;
(f) pay interest to the lender that is due and payable;
(g) pay all or part of the principal amount to the lender whether or not it is due and payable;
(h) pay any other money owed by the borrower under this mortgage;
(i) pay insurance premiums.
(4) The receiver may borrow money for the purpose of doing anything the receiver is authorized to do.
(5) Any money borrowed by the receiver, and any interest charged on that money and all the costs of borrowing, will be added to and be part of the mortgage money.
(6) A receiver appointed by the lender may be removed by the lender and the lender may appoint another in the receiver's place.
(7) The commission and disbursements of the receiver will be a charge on the land and will bear interest at the interest rate.
(8) Nothing done by the receiver under this section will make the lender a mortgagee in possession.
Strata lot provisions
12 (1) This section applies if the land described in the mortgage form is or becomes a strata lot created under the Condominium Act.
(2) The borrower will fulfill all of the borrower's obligations as a strata lot owner under the Condominium Act and the bylaws, rules and regulations of the strata corporation and will pay all money owed by the borrower to the strata corporation.
(3) The borrower gives to the lender the right to vote for the borrower under the bylaws of the strata corporation, but the lender is not required to do so or to attend or vote at any meeting or to protect the borrower's interest.
(4) At the request of the lender, the borrower will give the lender copies of all notices, financial statements and other documents given by the strata corporation to the borrower.
(5) The borrower appoints the lender to be the borrower's agent to inspect or obtain copies of any records or other documents of the strata corporation that the borrower is entitled to inspect or obtain.
(6) If the strata corporation transfers, charges or adds to the common property, or amends its bylaws without the consent of the lender, and if, in the lender's opinion, the value of the land is reduced, the mortgage money shall, at the lender's option, immediately become due and payable to the lender on demand.
(7) Nothing done by the lender under this section will make the lender a mortgagee in possession.
13 (1) If the land is subdivided
(a) this mortgage will charge each subdivided lot as security for payment of all the mortgage money, and
(b) the lender is not required to discharge this mortgage as a charge on any of the subdivided lots unless all the mortgage money is paid.
(2) Even though the lender is not required to discharge any subdivided lot from this mortgage, the lender may agree to do so in return for payment of all or a part of the mortgage money. If the lender discharges a subdivided lot, this mortgage will continue to charge the subdivided lot or lots that have not been discharged.
Current and running account
14 If the mortgage form states that this mortgage secures a current or running account, the lender may, on one or more occasions, advance and readvance all or part of the principal amount and this mortgage
(a) will be security for payment of the principal amount as advanced and readvanced and for all other money payable to the lender under this mortgage,
(b) will not be considered to have been redeemed only because
(i) the advances and readvances made to the borrower have been repaid, or
(ii) the accounts of the borrower with the lender cease to be in debit, and
(c) remains effective security for further advances and readvances until the borrower has received a discharge of this mortgage.
Covenantor's promises and agreements
15 (1) As the lender would not have agreed to lend the principal amount to the borrower without the promises of the covenantor and in consideration of the lender advancing all or part of the principal amount to the borrower at the request of the covenantor, the covenantor promises
(a) to pay all the mortgage money when due, and
(b) to keep and perform all the borrower's promises and agreements.
(2) The covenantor agrees that, with or without notice, the following shall in no way affect any of the promises of the covenantor or the liability of the covenantor to the lender:
(a) a discharge of the land or any part of the land from this mortgage;
(b) any disregard or waiver of a default;
(c) the giving of extra time to the borrower to
(i) do something that the borrower has agreed to do, or
(ii) cure a default;
(d) any other dealing between the borrower and the lender that concerns this mortgage or the land.
(3) All the covenantor's promises shall be binding on the covenantor until all the mortgage money is fully paid to the lender.
(4) The covenantor is a primary debtor to the same extent as if the covenantor had signed this mortgage as a borrower and is not merely a guarantor or a surety, and the covenantor's promises and agreements are joint and several with the borrower's promises and agreements. This means that the covenantor and the borrower are both liable to perform all the borrower's promises and agreements.
(5) If more than one person signs the mortgage form as covenantor, the promises are both joint and several.
16 (1) This mortgage binds the borrower and the covenantor and their successors, executors, administrators and assigns.
(2) Each person who signs this mortgage as a borrower is jointly and severally liable for all of the borrower's promises and agreements as though each such borrower had been the only borrower to sign.
(3) If any part of this mortgage is not enforceable all other parts will remain in effect and be enforceable against the borrower and any covenantor.