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B.C. Reg. 68/2022
Chief Electoral Officer
Deposited March 18, 2022
This consolidation is current to August 27, 2024.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)

Election Act

Voting Opportunities Regulation

2Voting in another voting area
3Voting in another electoral district
4Special voting in another electoral district


1   In this regulation, "Act" means the Election Act.

Voting in another voting area

2   For the purposes of section 96 (6) (a) of the Act, when an individual attends to vote at a final voting opportunity established for another voting area in the same electoral district as the voting area in which the individual is resident, the election procedures set out in section 96 (2) to (5) of the Act apply, and if an electronic voting book is not used at the final voting opportunity, the election official responsible must also proceed as follows:

(a) before the ballot is given to the individual, the election official responsible must complete a certification envelope by recording the applicable information specified on the certification envelope;

(b) before the ballot is deposited in the appropriate sealed ballot box, the election official responsible must

(i) place the ballot in a secrecy envelope, and

(ii) place the secrecy envelope in the certification envelope.

Voting in another electoral district

3   (1) For the purposes of section 96 (6) (b) of the Act, when an individual attends to vote at a final voting opportunity established for another electoral district for which an election is being conducted at the same time as the election in which the individual is voting, the election procedures set out in section 96 (2) to (5) of the Act apply, and the election official responsible must also proceed as follows:

(a) if the ballot is a write-in ballot, the election official responsible must, when issuing the ballot, provide the individual with a copy of the list of candidates, indicating the names of the candidates for the electoral district for which the individual is a voter and, as applicable, the status of the candidates as representatives of specific registered political parties or as independent candidates;

(b) if an electronic voting book is not used at the final voting opportunity, the election official responsible must, before the ballot is given to the individual, complete a certification envelope by recording the applicable information specified on the certification envelope;

(c) if an electronic voting book is used at the final voting opportunity, but it is not connected to an electronic network, the election official responsible must, before the ballot is given to the individual, complete a certification envelope in accordance with the procedures established under section 79.02 (2) (e) of the Act;

(d) in any of the circumstances described in paragraphs (a) to (c), the election official responsible must, before the ballot is deposited in the appropriate sealed ballot box,

(i) place the ballot in a secrecy envelope, and

(ii) place the secrecy envelope in the certification envelope.

(2) For certainty, subsection (1) also applies when an individual attends to vote at an advance voting opportunity established for another electoral district for which an election is being conducted at the same time as the election in which the individual is voting.

Special voting in another electoral district

4   For the purposes of section 98 (7) of the Act, when an individual attends to vote at a special voting opportunity established for another electoral district for which an election is being conducted at the same time as the election in which the individual is voting, section 98 (3) and (4) applies, the procedures set out in section 96 (4) and (5) apply unless other procedures have been established under section 77, and the election official responsible must also proceed as follows:

(a) before the ballot is given to the individual, the election official responsible must complete a certification envelope by recording the applicable information specified on the certification envelope;

(b) before the ballot is deposited in the appropriate ballot box, the election official responsible must

(i) place the ballot in a secrecy envelope;

(ii) place the secrecy envelope in the certification envelope.

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Election Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 106, ss. 96 (6) and 98 (7).