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B.C. Reg. 89/97
O.C. 262/97
Deposited March 13, 1997
effective April 21, 1997
This consolidation is current to January 14, 2025.
See “Amendments Not in Force” for amendments
effective after January 14, 2025.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)
Link to Point in Time

Offence Act

Violation Ticket Administration
and Fines Regulation

[Last amended August 7, 2024 by B.C. Reg. 144/2024
and includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 231/2024]

Schedule 3

[en. B.C. Reg. 384/2003, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 113/2005, Sch. 2; 125/2005, App., s. 2; 169/2005; 104/2006; 37/2007; 111/2007; 2008-42-78; 123/2009; 149/2009; 175/2009, s. 2 (c); 309/2009, ss. (a) and (b); 310/2009; 194/2010, s. (c); 237/2010; 353/2010, s. 3; 98/2012; 129/2012; 116/2015, App. 2; 108/2016; 118/2016; 17/2017, App., s. 3; 224/2018; 208/2018, App. 1; 133/2019, App. 1, ss. 3 and 4; 202/2019, App. 2; 192/2020; 91/2021; 238/2021, Sch. 2; 308/2021, s. 3; 40/2023, ss. 3, as am. 181/2023, and 4; 248/2023, App., s. 4; 291/2023, App. 2; 63/2024, App. 2; 179/2023, App. 1, s. 6, as am. 285/2023; 292/2023, Sch. B; 74/2024, Sch. 2; 75/2024, Sch. 2; 144/2024, App.]





Motor Vehicle Act
section 13 (1) (a)No vehicle licence$95$70$14$109$84
section 13 (1) (b)No number plate$95$70$14$109$84
section 13 (1) (c)Wrong number plate$95$70$14$109$84
section 24 (1)No driver's licence$240$215$36$276$261
section 24 (3) (b)No insurance$520$495$78$598$573
section 25 (15)Drive contrary to driver's licence restriction$95$70$14$109$84
The reference to section 25 (15) in Column 1 does not apply to an offence for violating a specific driver's licence requirement, restriction or condition that is set out in another item in Schedule 3.
section 31 (1)Fail to change address$95$70$14$109$84
section 33 (1)Fail to produce driver's licence$70$45$11$81$56
section 33 (1)Fail to produce insurance$70$45$11$81$56
section 68 (1)Fail to remain at scene of accident$320$295$48$368$343
section 68 (2)Fail to stop after collision with unattended vehicle$170$145$26$196$171
section 68 (3)Fail to stop when in accident resulting in damage to property$170$145$26$196$171
section 71Fail to produce vehicle licence$70$45$11$81$56
section 73 (1)Fail to stop for police$125$100$19$144$119
section 73 (2)Fail to state name and address$125$100$19$144$119
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 140Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Fail to obey construction signs if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 140Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Fail to obey construction signs if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed in municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed in municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed outside municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed outside municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (3)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against highway sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (3)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against highway sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (5)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against area sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (5)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against area sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (7)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against municipal sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 146 (7)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed against municipal sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 147 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed in school zone if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 147 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of: Speed in school zone if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$220$195$33$253$228
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 147 (2)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of: Speed in playground zone if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 147 (2)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Speed in playground zone if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 148 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Excessive speed if the speed limit is exceeded by 41 km/hr to 60 km/hr
section 83.1 (2) for the contravention of section 148 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Excessive speed if the speed limit is exceeded by more than 60 km/hr
section 83.1 (2.1) for the contravention of section 129 (1)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of: Fail to obey red light at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 83.1 (2.1) for the contravention of section 129 (5) (a)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Fail to obey red light — no intersection
section 83.1 (2.1) for the contravention of section 131 (1) (a)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Fail to obey flashing red light at intersection
section 83.1 (2.1) for the contravention of section 131 (2) (a)Liable as the owner of the vehicle for the commission of the offence of:
Fail to obey flashing red light — no intersection
section 85Allow unlicensed minor to drive$120$95$18$138$113
section 121Unsafe driving of maintenance or construction vehicle$95$70$14$109$84
section 123Fail to obey peace officer's or sheriff's direction$95$70$14$109$84
section 125Fail to obey traffic control device$105$80$16$121$96
section 127 (1) (a) (ii)Fail to yield to pedestrian$145$120$22$167$142
section 127 (1) (a) (iii)Fail to yield to vehicle$145$120$22$167$142
section 128 (1) (a)Fail to stop for yellow light at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 129 (1)Fail to stop for red light at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 129 (3)Fail to yield on right turn at red light$145$120$22$167$142
section 129 (4) (b)Fail to yield on left turn at red light$145$120$22$167$142
section 129 (5) (a)Fail to stop at red light — no intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 130 (1) (a)Fail to yield on green arrow$145$120$22$167$142
section 130 (1) (a)Fail to obey green arrow$145$120$22$167$142
section 130 (2) (a) (i)Fail to stop on yellow arrow at marked crosswalk$145$120$22$167$142
section 130 (2) (a) (ii)Fail to stop on yellow arrow at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 130 (2) (b)Fail to yield on yellow arrow for pedestrian$145$120$22$167$142
section 131 (1) (a)Fail to stop at red flashing light at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 131 (2) (a)Fail to stop at red flashing light where no intersection$120$95$18$138$113
section 131 (3) (a)Fail to yield at yellow flashing light at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 131 (4) (a)Fail to yield at yellow flashing light where no intersection$120$95$18$138$113
section 131 (5) (a)Fail to yield at green flashing light$145$120$22$167$142
section 134Fail to obey lane direction control signal$105$80$16$121$96
section 135.1Obstruct or interfere with traffic light safety device$220$195$33$253$228
section 140Fail to obey construction signs if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 140Fail to obey construction signs if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$220$195$33$253$228
section 141Fail to obey flagman$170$145$26$196$171
section 143Drive over newly painted lines$95$70$14$109$84
section 144 (1) (a)Drive without due care$320$295$48$368$343
section 144 (1) (b)Drive without consideration$170$145$26$196$171
section 144 (1) (c)Speed relative to conditions$145$120$22$167$142
section 144.1Fail to take proper precautions in respect of vulnerable road user$95$70$14$109$84
section 145 (1)Slow driving$105$80$16$121$96
section 146 (1)Speed in municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$120$95$18$138$113
section 146 (1)Speed in municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 146 (1)Speed outside municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$120$95$18$138$113
section 146 (1)Speed outside municipality if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 146 (3)Speed against highway sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$120$95$18$138$113
section 146 (3)Speed against highway sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 146 (5)Speed against area sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$120$95$18$138$113
section 146 (5)Speed against area sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 146 (7)Speed against municipal sign if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$120$95$18$138$113
section 146 (7)Speed against municipal sign if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 146 (11)Speed on municipal lane$120$95$18$138$113
section 146.1 (2) (a)No speed limiter in heavy commercial vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
section 146.1 (2) (b)Speed limiter in heavy commercial vehicle not activated$320$295$48$368$343
section 146.1 (2) (c)Speed limiter in heavy commercial vehicle not set to prescribed maximum rate of speed$320$295$48$368$343
section 147 (1)Speed in school zone if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 147 (1)Speed in school zone if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$220$195$33$253$228
section 147 (2)Speed in playground zone if the speed limit is exceeded by less than 21 km/hr$170$145$26$196$171
section 147 (2)Speed in playground zone if the speed limit is exceeded by 21 km/hr to 40 km/hr$220$195$33$253$228
section 148 (1)Excessive speed if the speed limit is exceeded by 41 km/hr to 60 km/hr$320$295$48$368$343
section 148 (1)Excessive speed if the speed limit is exceeded by more than 60 km/hr$420$395$63$483$458
section 149Fail to stop for school bus$320$295$48$368$343
section 150 (1)Fail to keep right$95$70$14$109$84
section 150 (2)Fail to keep slow vehicle on right$95$70$14$109$84
section 150 (3)Fail to keep right of rotary traffic island$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (a)Change lanes unsafely$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (b)Change lanes over solid line$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (c)Change lanes without signal$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (d)Left turn from wrong lane$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (e)Right turn from wrong lane$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (f)Illegal pass on laned roadway$95$70$14$109$84
section 151 (g)Slow moving in wrong lane$95$70$14$109$84
section 151.1 (3)Improper use of leftmost lane$145$120$22$167$142
section 154Pass when meeting oncoming vehicle$95$70$14$109$84
section 155 (1) (a)Cross solid double line$95$70$14$109$84
section 155 (1) (b) (i)Fail to keep right of double broken/solid line$95$70$14$109$84
section 155 (1) (b) (ii)Cross solid broken line$95$70$14$109$84
section 155 (1) (c)Fail to keep right of single broken/solid line$95$70$14$109$84
section 157 (1) (a)Fail to pass at safe distance$95$70$14$109$84
section 157 (1) (b)Fail to complete pass safely$95$70$14$109$84
section 157 (2) (a)Fail to yield to passing vehicle$95$70$14$109$84
section 157 (2) (b)Increase speed while being passed$95$70$14$109$84
section 157.1 (1) (a)Fail to safely pass person$320$295$48$368$343
section 157.1 (1) (b) (i)Fail to maintain distance of 1 m when passing person$320$295$48$368$343
section 157.1 (1) (b) (ii)Fail to maintain distance of 1.5 m when passing person on highway with speed limit more than 50 km/h$320$295$48$368$343
section 157.1 (1) (b) (ii)Fail to maintain distance of 0.5 m when passing person on sidewalk or in protected cycle lane$320$295$48$368$343
section 158 (1)Pass on right$95$70$14$109$84
section 158 (2) (a)Pass on right unsafely$95$70$14$109$84
section 158 (2) (b)Pass on right off roadway$95$70$14$109$84
section 159Pass on left unsafely$95$70$14$109$84
section 160Pass without clear view$95$70$14$109$84
section 161Fail to obey traffic sign or signal$105$80$16$121$96
section 162 (1)Follow too closely$95$70$14$109$84
section 162 (2)Commercial vehicle following too closely$95$70$14$109$84
section 162 (3)Fail to leave sufficient space between vehicles$95$70$14$109$84
section 163 (a)Drive over highway divider$95$70$14$109$84
section 163 (b)Fail to keep right on divided highway$95$70$14$109$84
section 164 (1)Enter controlled access highway$95$70$14$109$84
section 164 (2)Leave controlled access highway$95$70$14$109$84
section 165 (5)Improper turn at intersection$95$70$14$109$84
section 166Improper left turn where no intersection$105$80$16$121$96
section 167Improper right turn where no intersection$105$80$16$121$96
section 168 (a)Unsafe U-turn$105$80$16$121$96
section 168 (b) (iii)Prohibited U-turn$105$80$16$121$96
section 168 (b) (iv)U-turn at intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 168 (b) (v)U-turn in business district$105$80$16$121$96
section 169Unsafe start$95$70$14$109$84
section 170 (1)Fail to signal on turn$105$80$16$121$96
section 170 (2)Inadequate signal on turn$105$80$16$121$96
section 170 (3)Fail to signal stop or decrease in speed$105$80$16$121$96
section 171 (2)Drive vehicle without signal device$95$70$14$109$84
section 172 (2)No proper signalling equipment$95$70$14$109$84
section 173 (1)Fail to yield at uncontrolled intersection$145$120$22$167$142
section 173 (2)Fail to obey yield sign$145$120$22$167$142
section 174Fail to yield on left turn$145$120$22$167$142
section 174Fail to yield to left turn vehicle$145$120$22$167$142
section 175 (1)Fail to yield after stop$145$120$22$167$142
section 175 (2)Fail to yield to vehicle leaving stop$145$120$22$167$142
section 176 (1)Emerging vehicle fail to stop$105$80$16$121$96
section 176 (2)Emerging vehicle fail to yield$105$80$16$121$96
section 177Fail to yield for emergency vehicle$95$70$14$109$84
section 179 (1)Fail to yield to pedestrian$145$120$22$167$142
section 179 (3)Pass vehicle yielding for pedestrian$145$120$22$167$142
section 179 (4)Fail to obey school guard$145$120$22$167$142
section 179 (4)Fail to obey school patrol$145$120$22$167$142
section 181Fail to exercise duty to pedestrian$120$95$18$138$113
section 183 (2) (a)Ride cycle on sidewalk$95$70$14$109$84
section 183 (2) (c)Fail to ride cycle on right$95$70$14$109$84
section 183 (6)Ride cycle after dark without lights$95$70$14$109$84
section 183 (14)Careless cycling$95$70$14$109$84
section 183 (14)Cycle without reasonable consideration$95$70$14$109$84
section 184 (1)Cycle without required bicycle helmet$25$25$4$29$29
section 184 (2)Permit cycling without required bicycle helmet$25$25$4$29$29
section 185 (1)Fail to stop at railway crossing$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (1)Leave railway crossing unsafely$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (2)Drive past railway crossing gate$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (3) (a)Fail to obey railway stop sign$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (3) (b)Leave railway stop sign unsafely$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (4) (e)Fail to stop commercial vehicle at railway$95$70$14$109$84
section 185 (5)Fail to proceed with caution at railway crossing$95$70$14$109$84
section 186Fail to obey stop sign$145$120$22$167$142
section 187 (1)Fail to park off roadway$95$70$14$109$84
section 187 (2)Obstruct traffic by parking$70$45$11$81$56
section 189 (1) (a)Park on sidewalk$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (a)Park on boulevard$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (b)Block driveway$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (c)Park in intersection$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (d)Park near hydrant$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (e)Park on crosswalk$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (f)Park near crosswalk$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (g)Park near traffic control device$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (h)Park by exit$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (i)Park near railway crossing$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (l)Double parking$70$45$11$81$56
section 189 (1) (m)Park on bridge$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (m)Park in tunnel$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (n)Park in No Parking zone$35$35$5$40$40
section 189 (1) (n)Park in Restricted Parking zone$35$35$5$40$40
section 190Park on left side$35$35$5$40$40
section 190Park too far from curb$35$35$5$40$40
section 191 (2) (a)Unsecured motor vehicle$70$45$11$81$56
section 193Reverse into intersection$105$80$16$121$96
section 193Reverse when unsafe$95$70$14$109$84
section 194 (1)Operate motorcycle while not on seat$105$80$16$121$96
section 194 (2) (a)Passenger unlawfully on motorcycle$95$70$14$109$84
section 194 (2) (b)Motorcycle passenger not lawfully seated$95$70$14$109$84
section 194 (2) (c)Fail to use foot pegs or floorboards$95$70$14$109$84
section 194 (3)Ride motorcycle without required helmet$120$95$18$138$113
section 194 (4) (a)Permit passenger under 16 to be unlawfully seated$95$70$14$109$84
section 194 (4) (b)Permit passenger under 16 to ride without required helmet$120$95$18$138$113
section 194 (9)Obstruct a peace officer$240$215$36$276$251
section 194 (10)Operate motorcycle more than 2 abreast$95$70$14$109$84
section 195 (1) (a)Drive while control obstructed$95$70$14$109$84
section 195 (1) (b)Drive while view obstructed$95$70$14$109$84
section 195 (2)Obstruct driver$95$70$14$109$84
section 197Coast down grade illegally$105$80$16$121$96
section 198Follow fire truck too closely$70$45$11$81$56
section 198Park near fire truck$70$45$11$81$56
section 199Drive over fire hose$70$45$11$81$56
section 200Drive on sidewalk$70$45$11$81$56
section 203 (1)Open door while unsafe$320$295$48$368$343
section 204 (1)Deposit injurious article on highway$70$45$11$81$56
section 204 (2)Deposit litter on highway$70$45$11$81$56
section 207 (2)Fail to carry required warning devices$70$45$11$81$56
section 207 (3)Fail to use warning devices$70$45$11$81$56
section 208 (4)Driver operates a commercial motor vehicle without equipping the vehicle with chains or a traction device$520$495$78$598$573
section 214.2 (1)Use an electronic device while driving$320$295$48$368$343
section 214.2 (2)Email or text while driving$320$295$48$368$343
section 220 (2)Operate vehicle without seat belts$145$120$22$167$142
section 220 (3)Operate vehicle with inoperative seat belt$145$120$22$167$142
section 220 (4)Fail to wear seat belt$145$120$22$167$142
section 220 (6)Permit passenger without seat belt$145$120$22$167$142
section 231.1 (2)Smoke or hold lighted tobacco in motor vehicle when person under age 16 is present$95$70$14$109$84
section 231.1 (2)Use e-cigarette or hold activated e-cigarette in motor vehicle when person under age 16 is present$95$70$14$109$84
section 303.2 (a)Drive or permit driving of Level 3 automated vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
section 303.2 (b)Drive or permit driving of Level 4 automated vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
section 303.2 (c)Drive or permit driving of Level 5 automated vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
Every provision of the Motor Vehicle Act, the contravention of which constitutes an offence, other than
(a) the sections specifically enumerated in this Schedule, and
(b) sections 24 (6) (a), (b) and (c), 58 (1) and (2), 69 (1) to (3), 70 (1) (a) and (1.1), 74, 95 (1), 100 (1), 102, 122 (4), 234 (1) and 239 (2) of that Act$95$70$14$109$84

Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Project Regulation
section 19Operate electric kick scooter without required helmet$25$25$4$29$29

Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, B.C. Reg. 26/58
section 3.02Improper display of plate$200$175$30$230$205
section 3.03Illegible plate$200$175$30$230$205
section 4.01Drive without lighted lamp$70$45$11$81$56
section 4.02 (1)Unauthorized lamp$70$45$11$81$56
section 4.06 (5)Fail to dim headlamps$70$45$11$81$56
Every provision of Division (6) of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, B.C. Reg. 26/58, the contravention of which constitutes an offence, except section 6.02 (2) (b) of that regulation$120$95$18$138$113
section 6.02 (2) (b)Improper brake performance:
for each service brake not in effective working order
plus an additional penalty if 50% or more of the vehicle's service brakes are not in effective working order$520$495$78$598$573
section 7.05 (1)Windshield or window that impairs driver vision$70$45$11$81$56
section 7.1635Driver operates a commercial motor vehicle without carrying chains or a traction device$170$145$26$196$171
section 7.19Vehicle not properly equipped with dump box warning device$520$495$78$598$573
section 7A.01Unnecessary noise$95$70$14$109$84
section 7E.03 (a)Speed limiter in heavy commercial vehicle not in good working order$320$295$48$368$343
section 7E.03 (b)Inaccurately programmed electronic control module in heavy commercial vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
section 7E.04 (2) (a)Tampering technology in heavy commercial vehicle$320$295$48$368$343
section 7E.04 (2) (b)Tampering technology interacting with speed limiter$320$295$48$368$343
section 7E.05 (a)Participate in contravention of section 146.1 (2) of Act$320$295$48$368$343
section 7E.05 (b)Participate in contravention of section 7E.04 (2) of regulation$320$295$48$368$343
section 10.04 (1)Improper carriage of passengers$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.04 (3)Carriage of more than 2 passengers in a freight vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.041 (2)Carriage of unfit livestock or poultry$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.041 (3)Improper carriage of livestock or poultry$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.041 (4) (a) (i)Transportation of foodstuffs with livestock or poultry$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.041 (4) (a) (ii)Transportation of foodstuffs with freight that could contaminate$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.041 (4) (b)Fail to adequately clean vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.12 (3) (a)Baggage interferes with access to emergency door or window$70$45$11$81$56
section 10.22 (3)Fail to meet equipment standards$270$245$41$311$286
section 10.22 (4)Fail to secure equipment$270$245$41$311$286
section 24.02.01No third party liability insurance coverage$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.04 (2)Improper use of identification card$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.04 (3)Improper use of identification plate$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.07 (1)Fail to display valid certificate$310$285$47$357$332
section 25.09 (1)Unauthorized issue of certificate$270$245$41$311$286
section 25.09 (2)Improper use of certificate$120$95$18$138$113
section 25.10 (3)Unauthorized person signing inspection report$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.10 (4)Alteration of inspection report$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.11Fail to notify change of information$95$70$14$109$84
section 25.12 (1) (c)Fail to deliver inspection report$95$70$14$109$84
section 25.13 (1) (a)Fail to complete inspection report$95$70$14$109$84
section 25.13 (2)Improperly approve vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 25.13 (4)Fail to carry inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 25.27 (1)Improperly issue inspection report$270$245$41$311$286
section 25.28 (a)Fail to complete inspection report$95$70$14$109$84
section 25.29 (3)Unauthorized person signing inspection report$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.29 (4)Alteration of inspection report$520$495$78$598$573
section 25.30 (4)Fail to comply with order$520$495$78$598$573
section 27.04 (1)No Driver Training School licence$270$245$41$311$286
section 27.04 (2)No Driver Training Instructor's licence$270$245$41$311$286
section 27.05 (1)Inadequate bond$270$245$41$311$286
section 27.08 (4)Instruction for unenrolled student$270$245$41$311$286
section 27.08 (5)Instruction for unlicensed driver$270$245$41$311$286
section 27.10 (1)Improper advertising display$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (2) (a)Misrepresentation as agent of government$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (2) (b)Soliciting in ICBC office$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (2) (d)Guarantee licence issuance$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (2) (e)Improper advertising — endorsement$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (2) (f)Improper advertising — name$145$120$22$167$142
section 27.10 (3) (a) (i)Misrepresent successful completion of training course assessment$520$495$78$598$573
section 27.10 (3) (a) (ii)Misrepresent successful completion of training course$520$495$78$598$573
section 27.10 (3) (a) (iii)Misrepresent issuance of declaration of completion$520$495$78$598$573
section 27.10 (3) (b)Alter or improperly issue record of assessment$520$495$78$598$573
section 27.10 (3) (c)Alter or improperly issue declaration of completion$520$495$78$598$573
section 30.10 (2)Fail to display "L" sign in violation of driver's licence condition (section 25 (15) Motor Vehicle Act)$95$70$14$109$84
section 30.10 (4)Fail to display "N" sign in violation of driver's licence condition (section 25 (15) Motor Vehicle Act)$95$70$14$109$84
section 35.03 (2)Carrier permits operation without proper equipment or with insecure cargo$400$375$60$460$435
section 35.03 (3)Driver operates commercial or business vehicle without proper equipment or with insecure cargo$250$225$38$288$263
section 35.03 (4)Driver operates non-commercial or non-business vehicle without proper equipment or with insecure cargo$150$125$23$173$148
section 35.08 (2)Failure to stop or secure cargo$520$495$78$598$573
section 35.09Insecure luggage in bus passenger compartment$150$125$23$173$148
section 37.06 (a)Drive if driving would be likely to jeopardize public safety$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.06 (b)Drive if subject to an out-of-service declaration$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.06 (c)Drive if driving would contravene regulation$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.07 (1)No valid safety certificate$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.07 (4)Use of another person's safety certificate$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.07 (5)Fail to produce safety certificate$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.08 (4)Multiple safety certificates$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.10 (2)Fail to comply with conditions on safety certificate$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.11Fail to notify of change of name$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.11Fail to notify of change of address$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.14 (2)Fail to properly display name on commercial motor vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.15 (a)Fail to provide notice of safety certificate number to owner$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.15 (b)Fail to provide notice of safety certificate number$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.15 (c)Fail to provide notice of safety certificate number change$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.17 (3)Fail to record reason for extending driving$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (2) (a)Fail to require copy of exemption or permit in commercial motor vehicle$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (2) (b)Fail to provide list of commercial motor vehicles with exemption or permit to director$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (2) (c)Fail to produce record of duty status for commercial motor vehicle with exemption or permit$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (2) (c)Fail to produce supporting records for commercial motor vehicle with exemption or permit$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (2) (d)Fail to notify director of accident involving commercial motor vehicle with exemption or permit$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.21 (3)Fail to comply with conditions of exemption or permit$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.24 (1)Fail to comply with daily driving time$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.24 (2)Fail to comply with daily on-duty time$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.25 (1)Fail to comply with 8 consecutive off-duty hours after 13 hours of driving time$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.25 (2)Fail to comply with 8 consecutive off-duty hours after 14 hours of on-duty time$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.25 (3)Drive after 16 hours have elapsed between off-duty periods$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.25 (4)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 24 consecutive hours in 14 days$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.26 (1)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 10 hours in a day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.26 (3)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 2 aside from 8 consecutive hours$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.28 (3) (a)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 10 hours in a day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.28 (3) (b)Fail to comply with 10 consecutive off-duty hours$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.28 (3) (c)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 24 consecutive hours in 14 days$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.28 (4) (a)Fail to maintain accurate and legible records with required information$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.28 (4) (b)Fail to keep records for 6 months$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.30 (2) (b)Fail to comply with off-duty time — after 13 of driving or 15 on-duty$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.30 (2) (c)Drive after 15 hours have elapsed between off-duty periods$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.30 (2) (d)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 24 consecutive hours in 7 days$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.30 (3)Excessive driving or on-duty hours$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.31 (1) (a)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 3 periods off-duty during 24 days$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.31 (1) (b)Fail to comply with off-duty time — at least 72 consecutive hours off-duty$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.31 (3)Fail to comply with off-duty time — include waiting time$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.32 (3)Fail to comply with off-duty time — if not splitting daily off-duty time (single driver)$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.33 (3)Fail to comply with off-duty time — if not splitting daily off-duty time (team of drivers)$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.34Fail to follow cycle 1 or cycle 2$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.35Excessive hours — cycle 1$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.36 (a)Excessive hours — cycle 2$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.36 (b)Fail to comply with off-duty time — 24 consecutive hours after 70 hours on-duty$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.38 (1) (a)Switch from cycle 1 to cycle 2 without required off-duty time$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.38 (1) (b)Switch from cycle 2 to cycle 1 without required off-duty time$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.39 (1) (a)Fail to equip commercial motor vehicle with compliant ELD$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.39 (1) (b)Fail to mount ELD in fixed position, visible to driver$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.39 (2)Carrier allow driver use of more than one ELD for same time period$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.39 (3)Driver use of more than one ELD for same time period$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.40 (1)Carrier fail to require driver to record required information in ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.40 (2)Driver fail to record required information in ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.40 (3)Carrier fail to require driver to record complete and accurate information in ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.40 (4)Driver fail to record complete and accurate information in ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.40 (5)Fail to enter or verify required information in ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.40 (6)Fail to configure ELD for yard moves$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.41Fail to equip commercial motor vehicle with information packet$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.43Fail to ensure ELD is in good working order and calibrated$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.44 (1)Fail to notify carrier of ELD malfunction$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.44 (2)Fail to record information related to ELD malfunction$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.44 (3)Fail to record code of ELD malfunction$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.44 (4)Fail to repair or replace ELD$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.44 (5)Fail to maintain register of ELD malfunction$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.44 (6)Fail to keep malfunction information for 6 months$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.45 (a)Fail to maintain system of accounts for ELDs with distinct driver accounts$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.45 (b)Fail to maintain system of accounts for ELDs with unidentified driver$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.46Fail to certify record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.47 (2)Fail to fill out record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.48 (1)Fail to fill out record of duty status at beginning of day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.48 (2)Fail to record hours for each duty status during day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.48 (4)Fail to enter names and addresses of carriers in record of duty status$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.48 (6)Fail to enter required information in record of duty status at end of day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.48 (7)Fail to certify accuracy of record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.50 (2) (a)Fail to possess record of duty status for current day$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.50 (2) (b)Fail to possess record of duty status for previous days$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.50 (2) (c)Fail to possess supporting records$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (1)Fail to provide record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (1)Fail to provide supporting records$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (2)Fail to provide record of duty status to all carriers$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (2)Fail to provide supporting records to carrier$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (3) (a)Fail to deposit record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (3) (a)Fail to deposit supporting records$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (3) (b)Fail to keep record of duty status for 6 months$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.51 (3) (b)Fail to keep supporting records for 6 months$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.52 (1)Fail to verify accuracy of certified record of duty status$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.52 (2)Fail to complete record of duty status if change required$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.53 (1)Fail to monitor compliance$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.53 (2)Fail to take immediate remedial action for non-compliance$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.53 (3)Fail to make record$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.54 (1)Maintain more than one record of duty status$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.54 (2)Fail to maintain accurate record of duty status$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.54 (5)Tamper with an ELD$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.56 (2) (a)Fail to produce record of duty status for current day$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.56 (2) (b) Fail to produce records of duty status for previous 14 days$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.56 (2) (c)Fail to produce supporting records for current trip$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.56 (2) (d)Fail to produce exemption or permit$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.56 (3) (a)Fail to produce electronic records or transmit in required format$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.57 (1) (a)Fail to make records of duty status or supporting records available$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.57 (1) (b)Fail to make unidentified driver records available$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.59Obstruct or hinder director or peace officer$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.60 (1)Fail to comply with trip inspection requirements$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.60 (2)Fail to ensure vehicle in safe operating condition$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.60 (6) (a)Fail to complete post-trip inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.60 (6) (b)Fail to complete post-trip inspection report at final stops$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.61 (2)Fail to require completed trip inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.61 (2)Fail to prepare trip inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.61 (3)Driver — no trip inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.61 (5)Fail to possess current trip inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.61 (6)Fail to produce inspection report$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.63Fail to deliver inspection report to carrier$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.64 (a)Fail to repair or correct defects$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.64 (b)Fail to certify correction unnecessary$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.65 (1)Fail to place trip inspection report at approved location$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.65 (2)Fail to retain trip inspection report for 3 months$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.65 (2)Fail to provide trip inspection report for inspection$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.67 (1) (a)Fail to maintain driving record$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (b) (i)Fail to maintain trip inspection reports$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (b) (i)Fail to maintain hours of service records$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (b) (ii)Fail to maintain records of violations$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (b) (ii)Fail to maintain records of convictions$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (c) (i)Fail to maintain records of inspection$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (c) (ii)Fail to maintain records of defects and corrections$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (1) (c) (iii)Fail to maintain records of accidents$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.67 (2)Driver fails to deliver records$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.68Fail to maintain records for specified time$120$95$18$138$113
section 37.70 (2)Obstruct inspector in compliance review$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.70 (2)Obstruct inspector in audit$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.73Operate unsafe commercial motor vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.74 (1)Alter record$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.74 (1)Deface record$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.74 (1)Destroy record$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.74 (2) (a)Make false statement$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.74 (2) (a)Make deceptive statement$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.74 (2) (b)Omit entry in record$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.75 (a)Operating commercial motor vehicle while safety certificate suspended$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.75 (b)Operating commercial motor vehicle while safety certificate cancelled$520$495$78$598$573
section 37.80 (1)Fail to carry bill of lading or exemption$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.80 (2)Fail to produce bill of lading or exemption$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.80 (3)Fail to deliver bill of lading or exemption$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.86 (1) (a)Fail to secure and maintain cargo insurance$270$245$41$311$286
section 37.86 (1) (b)Fail to produce proof of cargo insurance$270$245$41$311$286
section 39.01 (a)Fail to remain seated$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.01 (b)Fail to be only occupant of seat$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.02 (a)Operate vehicle while person riding on vehicle$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.02 (b)Operate vehicle while more than one person in seat$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.02 (c)Operate vehicle while person not seated$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.02 (d)Operate vehicle with too many seats$145$120$22$167$142
section 39.02 (e)Operate vehicle with too many persons in vehicle$270$245$41$311$286
section 39.021 (a)Require or allow vehicle to be operated with too many persons in vehicle$520$495$78$598$573
section 39.021 (b)Require or allow vehicle to be operated with inoperative seat belts$520$495$78$598$573
section 39.021 (c)Require or allow vehicle to be operated with too many seats$520$495$78$598$573
section 47.02Fail to slow down or move over near stopped official vehicle$150$125$23$173$148

Regulations under the Motor Vehicle Act
Every provision of the regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act, the contravention of which constitutes an offence, other than the following:
(a) the sections or Divisions specifically enumerated in this Schedule;
(b) the provisions in Division 30 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, B.C. Reg. 26/58;
(c) sections 27.10 (4) and 37.54 (3) and (4) of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, B.C. Reg. 26/58.

Contents | Sections 1 to 6 | Schedule 1 | Schedule 1.1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4