Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | Licence Disclaimer |
B.C. Reg. 97/2013 O.C. 130/2013 | Deposited March 1, 2013 effective April 1, 2013 |
[Last amended July 1, 2024 by B.C. Reg. 146/2024 and includes
amendments by B.C. Regs. 147/2024, 149/2024 and 233/2024]
[am. B.C. Reg. 216/2013, App. 1, s. 28.]
(sections 1, 66 and 130)
Fishing Equipment for Commercial Fishing Purpose
Item | Fishing equipment |
1 | Aeration equipment |
2 | Anchors, anchor chain, links and shackles |
3 | Bait |
4 | Barometers |
5 | Batteries obtained for use for boats, gill net lights, radios and radio equipment |
6 | Bilge pumps obtained for use for pumping out water resulting from ice used for freezing or cooling fish |
7 | Black trawl anchors |
8 | Bluestone |
9 | Boat fenders |
10 | Boat hand bailers |
11 | Boathooks |
12 | Bolts obtained for use for attachment to a boat |
13 | Buoys obtained for use for indicating location of nets |
14 | Chain |
15 | Charts and navigating instruments |
16 | Chocks obtained for use for attachment to a boat for guiding lines |
17 | Compression fittings obtained for use on a boat |
18 | Connectors obtained for use as part of fishing gear |
19 | Depth sounders |
20 | Dinghies |
21 | Direction finders |
22 | Electronic monitoring equipment designed for use for monitoring fishing activities, and software designed for use on such equipment |
23 | Engines obtained for use with boats, including outboard motors |
24 | Fast eye blocks |
25 | Fasteners made of galvanized steel, stainless steel, brass or galvanized brass |
26 | Fibreglass cloth and resin obtained for use for boat repairs |
27 | Fish hooks, sinkers, jigs, plugs, lures, spoons and spoon metal |
28 | Fish lines |
29 | Fish tags and tagging equipment |
30 | Floats obtained for use with fishing nets |
31 | Fog bells and horns |
32 | Fuel pumps |
33 | Gaffs |
34 | Galvanized steering blocks |
35 | Gill net lights |
36 | Gurdies |
37 | Heat-shield insulation blankets obtained for use for boat engines |
38 | Ice blankets |
39 | Loose hook blocks |
40 | Marine electrolysis eliminators |
41 | Marine paint |
42 | Metal shapes obtained for use on a boat to designate the type of boat or the direction in which fishing gear is set |
43 | Navigation lights |
44 | Net covers |
45 | Net dye |
46 | Oar locks and row locks |
47 | Oars |
48 | Otter trawl net leather |
48.1 | Pet food obtained for use as bait for shrimp |
49 | Plastic wood and putty |
50 | Plumbing fittings obtained for use on a boat |
51 | Portlights |
52 | Propellers |
53 | Quadrants designed for rudders |
54 | Radar reflectors |
55 | Radios and radio equipment |
56 | Recorder paper |
57 | Refrigeration equipment designed for installation on boats |
58 | Rocking stabilizers |
59 | Rope obtained for use on a boat or with a fishing net |
60 | Safety-at-sea equipment, including the following: (a) buoyancy equipment; (b) clock stations and supplies; (c) fire axes and hatchets; (d) fire extinguishers and refills; (e) fire-fighting equipment; (f) flares and rockets; (g) immersion survival suits; (h) life rafts; (i) lifeboats and contents; (j) public address systems; (k) sprinkler systems |
61 | Sails |
62 | Ship clocks obtained for use on a boat |
63 | Ship-to-shore radio telephones, but not including cellular telephones |
64 | Signal bells |
65 | Sinks and toilets obtained for use on a boat |
66 | Snatch blocks obtained for use for holding fishing net lines |
67 | Steering wheels |
68 | Stoves and oil burners |
69 | Tarpaulins and hatch covers |
70 | Tide tables |
71 | Traps |
72 | Trolling bells |
73 | Trolling blocks obtained for use to guide fishing lines |
74 | Trolling springs and swivels obtained for use as part of fishing lines |
75 | Turnbuckles obtained for use to tighten wires on a mast |
76 | Underwater viewing scopes |
77 | Water pumps |
78 | Winches |
79 | Wood manufactured for marine use if obtained for use for boat repairs |
80 | Zinc plates |
81 | 6-volt, 12-volt and 32-volt lamps |
82 | 20-amp and 30-amp electric cord ends obtained for use for moorage power |
Contents | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 5.1 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 | Schedule 3 | Schedule 4 | Schedule 5 | Schedule 6
Copyright © King's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada