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This Act is current to February 11, 2025
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force.

Despite the above date, the Schedule to the Act, including the Map of Nisg̱a'a Lands and the Appendices, is current to May 11, 2000. See "Amending Agreements" for amendments to the Schedule.

Nisg̱a'a Final Agreement Act

[SBC 1999] CHAPTER 2


Appendix D-1Map of Category A and B Lands
Appendix D-2Category A Lands
Appendix D-3Sketches of Category A Lands
Appendix D-4List of estates, interests, charges, mineral claims, encumbrances, licences, and permits located on Category A Lands
Appendix D-5Sketches showing the location of active mineral claims on Category A Lands
Appendix D-6Category B Lands
Appendix D-7Sketches of Category B Lands
Appendix D-8List of estates, interests, charges, mineral claims, encumbrances, licences and permits located on Category B Lands

Appendix D-1

Link to Large Map

Appendix D-2

listing of former Nisg̱a'a Indian reserves outside of Nisg̱a'a Lands, and extensions, the extensions of which after survey will have an aggregate area of not less than 1250 hectares, together with assigned District Lot designations and metes and bounds descriptions.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
Extension of 4 +/- ha
District Lot 8067,
Range 5, Coast District
(the former I.R. and extension are to be one parcel)

Extension site description:

Commencing at the southeast corner of former Kinnamax I.R. 15, with said southeast corner being a point on the northerly natural boundary of Kwinamass Bay;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of former Kinnamax I.R. 15 a distance of 54 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 104°00'00" a distance of 315 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 77°00'00" a distance of 240 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 166°00'00" a distance of 70 +/- metres to the northerly natural boundary of Kwinamass Bay;

thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the northerly natural boundary of Kwinamass Bay to the point of commencement.

The total area for this extension is to be 4 +/- hectares.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
Extension of 46 +/- ha
District Lot 8068,
Range 5, Coast District
District Lot 8073,
Range 5, Coast District

Extension site description:

Commencing at the northwest corner of former Talahaat I.R. No. 16;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said former I.R. to the northeast corner of District Lot 3970, being Knames I.R. No. 45;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 3970 produced to the right natural boundary of Kwinamass River;

thence in a general westerly direction along the right natural boundary of Kwinamass River to a point thereon, with said point lying due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 3970, a distance of 1300 +/- metres; thence due West, a distance of 144 +/- metres;

thence due North a distance of 419 +/- metres to the southerly boundary of the road; thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the road, including the works, to the northerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of former Talahaat I.R. No. 16;

thence southerly to and along the westerly boundary of former Talahaat I.R. 16 to the point of commencement.

The total area for this extension is to be 46 +/- hectares.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
District Lot 7221,
Cassiar District
District Lot 7222,
Cassiar District
District Lot 7223,
Cassiar District
District Lot 7224,
Cassiar District
(Ksi Xts'at'kw)
Extension of 8 +/- ha
District Lot 7226,
Cassiar District
District Lot 7247,
Cassiar District

Extension site description:

Commencing at the northeast corner of former Staqoo I.R. No. 22;

thence northerly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of said former I.R., a distance of 345 +/- metres;

thence westerly a distance of 239 +/- metres along a line that runs parallel to the northerly boundary of said former I.R. to the easterly natural boundary of Observatory Inlet;

thence southerly along the easterly natural boundary of Observatory Inlet to the northwest corner of former Staqoo I.R. No. 22, being a point thereon,

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said former Staqoo I.R. No. 22 to the point of commencement.

The total area of this extension is to be 8+/- hectares.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
Extensions consisting
of 3 parcels of
158 +/-ha in total
District Lot 7227,
Cassiar District
District Lots 7228 to 7230
(inclusive), Cassiar District

Extension site descriptions:

Firstly: Commencing at the southwest corner of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said former I.R. a distance of 450 +/- metres;

thence southerly along a line drawn perpendicular to said southerly boundary for a distance of 220 +/- metres;

thence westerly a distance of 360 +/- metres along a line drawn parallel to said southerly boundary to the easterly natural boundary of Paddy Passage;

thence northerly along the easterly natural boundary of Paddy Passage to the point of commencement;

Secondly: That part of Perry Peninsula lying to the south of the westerly prolongation of the most northerly boundary of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23 and to the north and west of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23, excepting thereout Perry Spit; and

Thirdly: Commencing at the northeast corner of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23;

thence due East a distance of 226 +/- metres;

thence due North a distance of 1566 +/- metres; thence due East a distance of 373 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 43°43'00" a distance of 500 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 6°54'00" a distance of 220 +/- metres, more or less to the southeasterly natural boundary of Bessie Lake;

thence southwesterly, westerly and northeasterly along southerly and westerly natural boundaries of Bessie Lake to a point on said westerly natural boundary lying 200 metres due North of the most southerly point of Bessie Lake;

thence due West to the easterly natural boundary of Observatory Inlet;

thence in a general southerly direction along the easterly natural boundary of Observatory Inlet to the northwest corner of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23, being a point thereon;

thence easterly along the most northerly boundary of former Ktsinet I.R. No. 23 to the northeast corner thereof, being also the point of commencement.

The total area for the three sites is 154 +/- hectares, comprised of 8 hectares, 23 hectares, and 123 hectares, respectively.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
Firstly: Assigned Parcel "A" of Lot 14 (Explanatory Plan 1554) Block 1 of Lot 931, Cassiar District, Plan 1515;
   Secondly: Those portions of Lots 16 and 17 of Block 1 of Lot 931, Cassiar District, Plan 1515 lying and being to the West of the lane on said Plan 1515;
   Thirdly: Lots 14, 15 and Lot 18 of Block 1; Lot 2 of Block 2; Lots 1 to 3 (inclusive) of Block 3; Lots 1 to 6 (inclusive) of Block 4; Lot 8 of Block 5; Lots 2 to 8 (inclusive) and Lot 16 of Block 6; Lots 6 to 11 (inclusive) of Block 7; Lots 1 to 7 (inclusive) of Block 9; Lot 2 of Block 10; Blocks 11 to 24 (inclusive); Lots 1 to 11 (inclusive) of Block 25; Lots 1 to 22 (inclusive) of Block 26; Lots 1 to 22 (inclusive) of Block 27; Lots 1 to 11 (inclusive) of Block 28; Blocks 30 to 44 (inclusive); all of Lot 931, Cassiar District, Plan 1515, except thereout from said Lot 14 of Block 1 Explanatory Plan 1554; and
   Fourthly: Block A of Lot 931, Cassiar District, being the bed of the Kitsault River
Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
(T'ak'uwaan) Extensions consisting
of 2 parcels of
68 +/- ha in total
District Lot 7231,
Cassiar District;
District Lots 7232 and 7233,
Cassiar District

Extension site descriptions:

Firstly: Commencing at the southeast corner of former Tackuan I.R. No. 26, being a point on the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence westerly along the southerly boundary of former Tachuan I.R. No. 26, a distance of 190 +/- metres;

thence southerly along a line drawn perpendicular to the southerly boundary of former Tachuan I.R. No. 26 for a distance of 393 +/- metres;

thence easterly along a line drawn parallel to the southerly boundary of former Tachuan I.R. No. 26 a distance of 100 +/- metres, more or less to the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence northerly along the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm to the point of commencement; and

Secondly: Commencing at the northeast corner of former Tackuan I.R. No. 26, being a point on the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of former Tackuan I.R. No. 26 a distance of 590 +/- metres;

thence northerly along a line drawn perpendicular to said northerly boundary for a distance of 1118 +/- metres;

thence easterly for a distance of 340 +/- metres along a line drawn parallel to the northerly boundary of former Tackuan I.R. No. 26 to the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence in a general southerly direction along said natural boundary to the northeast corner of former Tackuan I.R. No. 26, being a point thereon, and also being the point of commencement.

The total area for the two sites is 68 +/- hectares, comprised of 5 +/- hectares and 63 +/- hectares, respectively.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
District Lot 5433,
Cassiar District
(Ks wan)
Extensions consisting
of 2 parcels of
165 +/- ha in total
District Lot 7225,
Cassiar District
District Lots 7252 and 7253,
Cassiar District

Extension site descriptions:

Firstly: Commencing at the most westerly southwest corner of former Kshwan I.R. No. 27;

thence southerly along the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of former Kshwan I.R. No. 27 a distance of 972 +/- metres;

thence easterly along a line drawn perpendicular to the previously described course for a distance of 45 +/- metres to the westerly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence northerly along said natural boundary to the southerly boundary of former Kshwan I.R. No. 27;

thence in a general westerly direction along the southerly boundary of former Kshwan I.R. No. 27 to the most westerly southwest corner thereof, being also the point of commencement; and

Secondly: Commencing at the northeast corner of District 4075, being former Kshwan I.R. No. 27 A;

thence easterly along the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of said District Lot 4075, a distance of 320 +/- metres;

thence southerly a distance of 1766 +/- metres along a line drawn parallel to the easterly boundary of District Lot 4075;

thence easterly a distance of 348 +/- metres along a line drawn perpendicular to the previously described course;

thence southerly a distance of 1709+/- metres along a line drawn parallel to the easterly boundary of District Lot 4075;

thence westerly a distance of 338 +/- metres along a line drawn perpendicular to the previously described course to the easterly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;

thence in a general northerly direction along said natural boundary to the southerly boundary of District Lot 4075;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of District Lot 4075 to the northeast corner thereof, being also the point of commencement.

The total area for the two sites is 162 +/- hectares, comprised of 11 +/- hectares and 151 +/- hectares, respectively.

(Note: This site is subject to a Statutory right of way.)

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
(Ks wan)
District Lot 4075,
Cassiar District
(Lax Bilak)
District Lot 6453,
Range 5 Coast District
103I.08239Lakbelak Creek
(Lax Bilak)
District Lot 6455,
Range 5 Coast District
103I.07240Lakbelak Lake
(Lax Bilak)
District Lot 6454,
Range 5 Coast District
103O/1E42Dogfish Bay
Extension consisting of
3 parcels of 700 +/- ha
in total
District Lots 628A and 5432,
Cassiar District
District Lots 627, 628, and 7234, all
Cassiar District

Extension site descriptions:

Firstly: District Lots 627 and 628, Cassiar District; and

Secondly: Commencing at a point on the northerly boundary of District Lot 5432, Cassiar District, being the former Dogfish Bay I.R. No. 42, 1273 +/- metres of District Lot 5432) from the northeast corner of said District Lot;

thence due North a distance of 1600 +/- metres;

thence due East a distance of 1484 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 31°15'00" 1629 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 91°20'00" a distance of 989 +/- metres;

thence on a bearing of 179°20'00" a distance of 497 +/-metres;

thence on a bearing of 212°28'00" a distance of 3902 +/- metres to the easterly boundary of District Lot 5432, Cassiar District;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 5432 to the point of commencement.

The total area of the two sites is 700 +/- hectares, comprised of 98 +/- hectares and 602 +/- hectares, respectively.

Map Ref:I.R. #I.R. NameDistrict Lot Designations
(assigned or existing)
103O/1E43Pearse Island
(Wil Milit)
Extension of 108 +/- ha
District Lot 5431,
Cassiar District
District Lot 7235,
Cassiar District

Extension site description:

Commencing at a point on the westerly boundary of District Lot 5431, Cassiar District, being former Pearse Island I.R. No. 43, 900 +/- metres from the southwest corner of District Lot 5431;

thence on a bearing of 265°24'00" a distance of 1638 +/- metres;

thence due North a distance of 100 +/- metres, more or less, to the natural boundary of Pearse Canal;

thence in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Pearse Canal to Tree Point;

thence in a general southerly direction along the westerly natural boundary of Wiskey Bay to the northwest corner of District Lot 5431, being a point thereon;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 5431, Cassiar District to the point of commencement.

The total area of the site is 108 +/- hectares.

Appendix D-3

Sketch 1 Former Indian Reserve No. 15 "Kinnamax" (X'anmas) and extension

Sketch 2 Former Indian Reserve No. 16 "Talahaat" (Txaalaxhatkw) and extension

Sketch 3 Former Indian Reserve No. 17 "Georgie" (X'uji)

Sketch 4 Former Indian Reserve No. 19 "Scamakounst" (Sgamagunt)

Sketch 5 Former Indian Reserve No. 20 "Kinmelit" (Gwinmilit)

Sketch 6 Former Indian Reserve No. 21 "Slooks" (Xlukwskw)

Sketch 7 Former Indian Reserve No. 22 "Staqoo" (Ksi Xts'at'kw)

Sketch 8 Former Indian Reserve No. 23 "Ktsinet" (Xts'init) and extensions

Sketch 9 Former Indian Reserve No. 24 "Gitzault" (Gits'oohl)

Sketch 10 Former Indian Reserves No. 26 and 26A "Tackuan" (T'ak'uwaan) and extensions

Sketch 11 Former Indian Reserves No. 27 and 27A "Kshwan" (Ks wan) and extensions

Sketch 12 Former Indian Reserve No. 38 "Lakbelak" (Lax Bilak)

Sketch 13 Former Indian Reserve No. 39 "Lakbelak Creek" (Lax Bilak)

Sketch 14 Former Indian Reserve No. 40 "Lakbelak Lake" (Lax Bilak)

Sketch 15 Former Indian Reserve No. 42 "Dogfish Bay" (Xmaat'in) and extension

Sketch 16 Former Indian Reserve No. 43 "Pearse Island" (Wil Milit) and extension

Appendix D-4

Map Ref:SiteEncumbrance
103P.042Extensions to former Tackuan
I.R. No. 26 to be surveyed as
District Lots 7232 and 7233,
Cassiar District.
Mineral Claims
(as listed below)
Tenure No.        Tenure Name        Tenure Type
252013CAR 315 unit claim (3N x E)
252033ANY 312 unit claim (4S x 3E)
252035ANY 515 unit claim (5S x 2E)
Map Ref:SiteEncumbrance
103P.061, 062Former Kshwan I.R. No. 27 and
former Kshwan I.R. No. 27A, being
surveyed as District Lots 7225 and
4075, Cassiar District, respectively.
Extension to Former Kshwan I.R.
No. 27A to be surveyed as District
Lot 7252, Cassiar District.
Statutory Right of Way under
Section 218 of the Land Title Act
Mineral Claims
(as listed below)
Tenure No.        Tenure Name        Tenure Type
323599MAST 1Two post claim
323600MAST 2Two post claim
323601MAST 3Two post claim
323602MAST 4Two post claim
All within Cassiar Land District and Skeena Mining Division.

Appendix D-5

Sketch 1 Mineral Claims in vicinity of former Indian Reserve No.s 26 and 26A "Tackuan"; and

Sketch 2 Mineral Claims in vicinity of former Indian Reserve No.s 27 and 27A "Kshwan".

Appendix D-6

listing of parcels of unsurveyed Crown land outside of Nisg̱a'a Lands, which after survey will have an aggregate area of not less than 250 hectares, together with assigned District Lot designations and metes and bounds descriptions. (See Appendix D-1 for general location of sites.)

1)Hattie Island
Described as being:
District Lot 7236, Cassiar District.
All of Hattie Island.
The total area of this site is to be 11+/- hectares.
(Note: The survey of District Lot 3829, Cassiar District, is to be canceled.)
2)Fords Cove
Described as
District Lot 7237, Cassiar District.
Firstly: Commencing at a post which is placed on the natural boundary of Fords Cove at its northerly limits;
thence due East a distance of 77 +/- metres;
thence due South a distance of 453 +/- metres;
thence due West a distance of 505 +/- metres, more or less, to the easterly natural boundary of Portland Canal;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the easterly natural boundary of Portland Canal to the point of commencement; and
Secondly: Green Islets.
The total area of this site is to be 9 +/- hectares.
3)Winter Inlet
Described as
District Lot 8069, Range 5 Coast District.
Commencing at a point on the southwesterly natural boundary of Winter Inlet marked by a blazed tree with flagging (approximate latitude 54°48'53" and longitude 130°26'45");
thence on a bearing of 243°00'00" a distance of 100 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 330°00'00" a distance of 970.+/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 63°00'00" a distance of 285 +/- metres, more or less, to the southwesterly natural boundary of Winter Inlet;
thence in a general southeasterly direction along said natural boundary of Winter Inlet to the point of commencement.
The total area of this site is to be 10.5 +/- hectares.
4)Nasoga Gulf
Described as being
District Lot 104, Range 5 Coast District.
that portion of District Lot 104, Range 5 Coast District, which lies to the south of a line drawn parallel to and 87 metres perpendicularly distant southerly from the northerly boundary of said district lot.
The total area of this site is to be 6 +/- hectares.
(This is to be a resurvey of District Lot 104; the two creeks passing through this parcel are subject to riparian corridors.)
5)Echo Cove
Described as
Block A of District Lots 3 and 14, Range 5 Coast District.
Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 3, Range 5 Coast District, being a point on the westerly natural boundary of Nass Harbour;
thence southerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 3 a distance of 714 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 250°08'00" a distance of 352 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 183°16'00" a distance of 100 +/- metres, more or less, to the northerly natural boundary of Echo Cove;
thence easterly and in a general southwesterly direction along the northerly and southeasterly natural boundaries of Echo Cove to the northwest corner of District Lot 15, being a point on said natural boundary;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 15 and continuing easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 3 a total distance of 326 +/- metres;
thence northeasterly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 3, being a point on the natural boundary of Nass Bay;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the natural boundary of Nass Bay following the general trend of the natural boundary of Nass Bay for a distance of 340 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 273°30'00" a distance of 140 +/- metres
thence on a bearing of 3°15'00" a distance of 322 +/- metres, more or less, to the easterly natural boundary of Nass Harbour;
thence in general southerly, westerly and northerly directions along the easterly, southerly and westerly natural boundaries of Nass Harbour to the northwest corner of District Lot 3, being a point on the westerly natural boundary of Nass Harbour, and being also the point of commencement.
The total area of this site is to be 40 +/- hectares.
(This site is subject to riparian corridors.)
6)Kinskuch Lake
Described as
District Lot 7238, Cassiar District.
Commencing at a post which is flagged and blazed set on the westerly natural boundary of Kinskuch Lake (approximate latitude 55°40'15" and 129°23'16";
thence on a bearing of 239°50'00" a distance of 195 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 200°00'00" a distance of 487 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 181°41'00" a distance of 107 +/- metres, more or less, to the westerly natural boundary of Kinskuch Lake;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the westerly natural boundary of Kinskuch Lake to the point of commencement.
The total area of this site is to be 7 +/- hectares.
7)Jade Lake
Described as
District Lot 7239, Cassiar District.
Commencing at a point on the southerly natural boundary of Jade Lake marked by a blazed tree (approximate latitude 55°44'14" and longitude 129°24'33");
thence due South a distance of 140 +/- metres;
thence due West a distance of 100 +/- metres;
thence due North a distance of 109 +/- metres, more or less, to the southerly natural boundary of Jade Lake;
thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly natural boundary of Jade Lake to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 1 +/- hectare.
8)Kitsault Lake
Described as
District Lot 7240, Cassiar District.
Commencing at a point on the easterly natural boundary of Kitsault Lake marked by a blazed tree (approximate latitude 55°45'34" and longitude 129°28'48");
thence southwesterly in a straight line a distance of 224 +/- metres to the easterly natural boundary of Kitsault Lake;
thence westerly, northeasterly and easterly along said easterly natural boundary of Kitsault Lake to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 2 +/- hectares.
9)Kwinageese Lake
Described as being
District Lots 7245 and 7246, Cassiar District
Two islands in Kwinageese lake: the first being 5.2 +/- hectares in size; and the second being 0.5 +/- hectares in size.
The total area for this site is to be 6+/- hectares.
10)Ohl Creek
Described as
District Lot 7241, Cassiar District.
Commencing at a point on the right natural boundary of Ohl Creek a distance of 170 +/- metres northeasterly along said natural boundary from the intersection of said natural boundary with the easterly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;
thence due North a distance of 76 +/- metres;
thence due West a distance of 161 +/- metres, more or less, to the easterly natural boundary of Hastings Arm;
thence southerly along the easterly natural boundary of Hastings Arm to the right natural boundary of Ohl Creek;
thence northeasterly along said natural boundary to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 2 +/- hectares.
(This site is subject to a riparian corridor.)
11)Meziadin Junction
Described as
District Lot 7242, Cassiar District.
Commencing at the intersection of the northerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway with the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of District Lot 1100, Cassiar District;
thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway a distance of 120 +/- metres;
thence northerly along a line drawn perpendicular to the northerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway a distance of 100 +/- metres;
thence westerly along a line drawn parallel to the northerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway a distance of 230 +/- metres;
thence southerly along a line drawn perpendicular to the previously described course a distance of 70 +/- metres;
thence easterly along a line drawn parallel to the Stewart-Cassiar Highway a distance of 110 +/- metres;
thence southerly in a straight line to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 2+/- hectares.
12)Meziadin Lake
Described as
District Lot 7244, Cassiar District.
Firstly: Commencing at a post which is flagged and blazed on the easterly natural boundary of Meziadin Lake (approximate latitude 56°02'04" and longitude 129°13'00");
thence due East a distance of 177 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 150°53' 00" a distance of 2001 +/- metres;
thence due South a distance of 647 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 150°53'00" a distance of 610 +/- metres;
thence due South a distance of 760 +/- metres
thence on a bearing of 150°53'00" a distance of 927 +/- metres;
thence due West a distance of 584 +/- metres;
thence on a bearing of 330°47'00" a distance of 1186 +/- metres;
thence due East a distance of 130 +/- metres, more or less, to the southwesterly natural boundary of Meziadin Lake;
thence southeasterly and in a general northerly direction along the southwesterly and easterly natural boundaries of Meziadin Lake to the point of commencement; and
Secondly: The small island 1 +/- hectare in size in the vicinity of the northwest corner of District Lot 2447, Cassiar District.
The total area for this site is to be 137.5 hectares, comprised of 136.5 +/- hectares and 1 +/- hectares, respectively.
(Note: Existing District Lots will be canceled.)
13)Amoth Lake
Described as
District Lot 8070, Range 5 Coast District.
Commencing at the most northerly point on the natural boundary of Amoth Lake;
thence due East a distance of 140 +/- metres;
thence due South a distance of 540 +/- metres, more or less, to the easterly natural boundary of Amoth Lake;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the natural boundary of Amoth Lake to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 7 +/- hectares.
(This site is subject to a riparian corridor.)
14)Amoth Headwaters Lake  
Described as
District Lot 8071, Range 5, Coast District.
Commencing at the intersection of the left natural boundary of Amoth Creek with the northerly natural boundary of Amoth Headwaters Lake;
thence due North a distance of 100 +/- metres;
thence due East a distance of 273 +/- metres;
thence due South a distance of 276 +/- metres;
thence due West a distance of 100 +/- metres, more or less to the easterly natural boundary of Amoth Headwaters Lake;
thence in a general northwesterly direction along the easterly and northerly natural boundaries of Amoth Headwaters Lake to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 4 +/- hectares.
(This site is subject to a riparian corridor.)
15)Grizzly Bear Lake
Described as
District Lot 7243, Cassiar District
Commencing at the intersection of the left natural boundary of an unnamed creek with the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway;
thence southerly along the left natural boundary of said unnamed creek a distance of 60 +/- metres
thence on a bearing of 123°00'00" a distance of 360 +/- metres to the westerly natural boundary of Grizzly Bear Lake;
thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly natural boundaries of Grizzly Bear Lake to the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway;
thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Stewart-Cassiar Highway to the point of commencement.
The total area for this site is to be 5 +/- hectares.

Appendix D-7

Sketch 1 Hattie Island

Sketch 2 Fords Cove

Sketch 3 Winter Inlet

Sketch 4 Nasoga Gulf

Sketch 5 Echo Cove

Sketch 6 Kinskuch Lake

Sketch 7 Jade Lake

Sketch 8 Kitsault Lake

Sketch 9 Kwinageese Lake

Sketch 10 Ohl Creek Site

Sketch 11 Meziadin Junction

Sketch 12 Meziadin Lake

Sketch 13 Amoth Lake

Sketch 14 Amoth Headwaters Lake

Sketch 15 Grizzly Bear Lake

Appendix D-8

Map Ref:SiteEncumbrance
103P. 021Hattie IslandLicence of Occupation for a Navigation Light
103J. 090Nasoga Gulf Section 219 of the Land Title Act covenant.
103I. 091Echo Cove Section 219 of the Land Title Act covenant.
103P. 052Ohl Creek Section 219 of the Land Title Act covenant.
103I. 072,073Amoth Lake Section 219 of the Land Title Act covenant and a health covenant.
103I. 072Amoth Lake Headwaters Section 219 of the Land Title Act covenant and a health covenant.

Contents | Sections 1-70 | Schedule - Table of Contents | Preamble | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Schedule - Map of Nisg̱a'a Lands | Appendix - Contents | Appendix - Introduction | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Appendix E | Appendix F | Appendix G | Appendix H | Appendix I | Appendix J | Appendix K | Appendix L | Appendix M