Contents |
Part 1 — Purposes and Interpretation |
| 1 | Purposes of this Act |
| 2 | Definitions and other interpretation rules |
Part 2 — Incorporation of Municipalities and Regional Districts |
| Division 1 — Municipal Incorporation Process |
| 3 | Incorporation of new municipality |
| 4 | Vote required for incorporation of new municipality |
| 5 | Procedure and costs for vote on incorporation |
| 6 | Incorporation of island municipality in Islands Trust area |
| 7 | Incorporation of municipality in conjunction with resource development |
| 8 | Incorporation of mountain resort municipality |
| 9 | Incorporation of reserve residents as village |
| Division 2 — Classification of Municipalities |
| 10 | Classification of municipalities |
| 11 | Change of municipal classification |
| Division 3 — Municipal Boundary Changes |
| 12 | Extension of municipal area |
| 13 | Reduction of municipal area |
| 14 | Reduction of municipal area in relation to final agreement respecting treaty lands |
| 15 | Redefinition of adjoining municipalities |
| 16 | Other redefinition of boundaries |
| Division 4 — Specific Powers in Relation to Municipal Letters Patent |
| 17 | What must be included in letters patent incorporating a municipality |
| 18 | First election for municipality |
| 19 | First council and neighbourhood constituencies |
| 20 | First regular council meeting |
| 21 | Letters patent incorporating a municipality: other general powers |
| 22 | Additional powers where former municipality dissolved when new municipality incorporated |
| 23 | Letters patent for island municipality: additional powers |
| 24 | Letters patent for resource development municipality: additional powers |
| 25 | Letters patent for mountain resort municipality: additional powers |
| 26 | Letters patent for reserve village: additional powers |
| 27 | Authority for variation of proposed boundaries |
| 28 | Appointment of additional councillors if boundary extended |
| 29 | Establishment of property tax rate limits |
| 30 | Municipal revenue sharing |
| 31 | Establishment of local area service |
| 32 | Advisory body for municipality |
| 33 | Letters patent for municipality: additional powers |
| Division 5 — Municipal Incorporation or Boundary Changes: Related Matters |
| 34 | Bylaws that apply to new municipality or extend to additional area |
| 35 | Interim corporate officer |
| 36 | Collection of taxes in relation to municipal boundary changes |
| 37 | Transfer of Provincial property tax money if rural land included in municipality |
| 38 | Dissolution of municipality |
| 39 | Rights and liabilities not affected by reissue of letters patent |
| 40 | Existing licences preserved |
| Division 6 — Regional District Incorporation and Related Matters |
| 41 | Incorporation of new regional district |
| 42 | Extension of regional district boundaries |
| 43 | Regional district amalgamation, division and reorganization |
| 44 | Creation or restructure of municipality in regional district |
| 45 | Dissolution of community planning area or improvement district in regional district |
| 46 | Regional district letters patent and orders: additional powers |
Part 3 — Electors and Elections |
| Division 1 — General |
| 47 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 48 | Time not extended for voting days |
| 49 | This Act prevails in relation to use of information |
| 50 | Public notice requirements |
| 51 | Solemn declarations |
| Division 2 — Arrangements for Elections |
| 52 | General local elections every 4 years |
| 53 | Municipal elections at large unless neighbourhood constituency established |
| 54 | By-elections |
| 55 | Minister may arrange for election to be conducted |
| 56 | Election bylaws |
| 57 | Costs of elections |
| Division 3 — Election Officials Appointment and Authority |
| 58 | Appointment of election officials |
| 59 | Chief election officer duties and powers |
| 60 | Presiding election official duties and powers |
| 61 | Keeping order at election proceedings |
| 62 | Adjournment of election proceedings |
| 63 | Exceptional assistance in election proceedings |
| Division 4 — Electors and Registration of Electors |
| 64 | Who may vote at an election |
| 65 | Resident electors |
| 66 | Non-resident property electors |
| 67 | Rules for determining residence |
| 68 | When a person may register as an elector |
| 69 | Voting day registration only |
| 70 | Application for registration |
| 71 | How to register in advance |
| 72 | How to register as a resident elector at the time of voting |
| 73 | How to register as a non-resident property elector at the time of voting |
| 74 | Effect of registration |
| 75 | Register of electors |
| 76 | Provincial list of voters as register of resident electors |
| 77 | List of registered electors |
| 78 | Protection of privacy |
| 79 | Objection to elector registration |
| 80 | Resolving objections to registration |
| Division 5 — Qualifications for Office |
| 81 | Who may hold office on a local government |
| 82 | Disqualification of local government employees |
| 82.1 | Disqualification — indictable offence |
| 83 | Only one elected office at a time in the same local government |
| Division 6 — Nomination of Candidates |
| 84 | Nomination period |
| 85 | Notice of nomination |
| 86 | Nomination of candidates |
| 87 | Nomination documents |
| 88 | Nomination deposits |
| 89 | Nomination by delivery of nomination documents |
| 90 | Other information to be provided by candidate |
| 91 | Challenge of nomination |
| Division 7 — Candidate Endorsement by Elector Organization |
| 92 | Candidate endorsement by elector organization may be included on ballot |
| 93 | Endorsement documents |
| 94 | Repealed |
| 95 | Withdrawal of endorsement on ballot |
| 96 | Repealed |
| Division 8 — Declaration of Candidates |
| 97 | Declaration of candidates |
| 98 | Declaration of election by voting or acclamation |
| 99 | Notice of election by voting |
| 100 | Appointment if insufficient number of candidates are elected |
| Division 9 — Candidates and Representatives |
| 101 | Withdrawal, death or incapacity of candidate |
| 102 | Appointment of candidate representatives |
| 103 | Presence of candidate representatives at election proceedings |
| Division 10 — Voting Opportunities |
| 104 | Voting opportunities for electors |
| 105 | Required general voting opportunities |
| 106 | Additional general voting opportunities |
| 107 | Required advance voting opportunities |
| 108 | Additional advance voting opportunities |
| 109 | Special voting opportunities |
| 110 | Mail ballot voting |
| Division 11 — Arrangements for Voting |
| 111 | Voting places |
| 112 | Use of voting machines |
| 113 | Municipal voting divisions |
| 114 | Form of ballots |
| 115 | What must and must not be included on a ballot |
| 116 | Order of names on ballot |
| 117 | Order of names on ballot determined by lot |
| 118 | Ballot boxes |
| Division 12 — Conduct of Voting Proceedings |
| 119 | Persons who must be present at voting places |
| 120 | Persons who may be present at voting places |
| 121 | Sealing of ballot boxes containing ballots |
| 122 | Time for voting extended |
| Division 13 — Voting |
| 123 | Voting to be by secret ballot |
| 124 | Each elector may vote only once |
| 125 | Requirements before elector may be given a ballot |
| 126 | Challenge of elector |
| 127 | If another person has already voted under an elector's name |
| 128 | Replacement of spoiled ballot |
| 129 | How to vote by ballot |
| 130 | One person to a voting compartment |
| 131 | Persons needing assistance to mark their ballots |
| 132 | Persons unable to enter a voting place |
| Division 14 — Counting of the Votes |
| 133 | When and where counting is to be done |
| 134 | Who may be present at counting |
| 135 | Who does the counting |
| 136 | Opening of ballot boxes |
| 137 | Combination of ballots for counting |
| 138 | Procedures for counting |
| 139 | Rules for accepting votes and rejecting ballots |
| 140 | Objections to the acceptance of a vote or the rejection of a ballot |
| 141 | Ballot account |
| 142 | Packaging of ballots |
| 143 | Delivery of election materials to chief election officer |
| 144 | Preliminary election results |
| 145 | Determination of official election results |
| 146 | Declaration of official election results |
| 147 | When elected candidates may take office |
| Division 15 — Judicial Recount |
| 148 | Application for judicial recount |
| 149 | Judicial recount procedure |
| 150 | Results of judicial recount and orders as to costs |
| 151 | Determination of results by lot if tie vote after judicial recount |
| 152 | Runoff election if tie vote after judicial recount |
| Division 16 — Declaration of Invalid Election |
| 153 | Application to court respecting validity of election |
| 154 | Hearing of application |
| 155 | Power of court on application |
| 156 | Legal costs of application |
| 157 | Status of elected candidate |
| Division 17 — Final Proceedings |
| 158 | Report of election results |
| 159 | Publication of election results |
| 160 | Retention and destruction of election materials |
| Division 17.1 — Canvassing |
| 160.1 | Canvassing in housing cooperative, strata and rental properties |
| Division 18 — Election Offences |
| 161 | Vote buying |
| 162 | Intimidation |
| 163 | Other election offences |
| 164 | Prosecution of organizations and their directors and agents |
| 165 | Time limit for starting prosecution |
| 166 | Penalties |
| Division 19 — Orders and Regulations |
| 167 | Ministerial orders in special circumstances |
| 167.1 | Regulations respecting elections in special circumstances |
| 168 | Election regulations |
Part 4 — Assent Voting |
| Division 1 — General |
| 169 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 170 | Assent voting to be conducted in same manner as election |
| 171 | How assent of the electors is obtained |
| Division 2 — Proceedings for Assent Voting |
| 172 | Who may vote at assent voting |
| 173 | Person may vote only once |
| 174 | General voting day for assent voting |
| 175 | Arrangements for assent voting |
| 176 | Notice of assent voting |
| 177 | Ballots for assent voting |
| 178 | When counting for assent voting is to be done |
| 179 | Special procedures if voting is conducted by more than one local government |
| 180 | Other general matters |
| Division 3 — Scrutineers for Assent Voting |
| 181 | Scrutineers for the question and scrutineers against the question |
| 182 | Notice of applications to volunteer as scrutineer |
| 183 | Applications to volunteer to act as scrutineer for assent voting |
| 184 | Appointment of scrutineers for assent voting |
Part 5 — Regional Districts: Purposes, Principles and Interpretation |
| 185 | Purposes of regional districts |
| 186 | Principles for regional district-provincial relations |
| 187 | Broad interpretation |
| 188 | Application of municipal provisions to regional districts |
| 189 | References to regional district officers |
| 190 | Continuation of regional districts |
| 191 | Continuation of regional parks and trails |
| 192 | Continuation of regulatory authority restrictions in relation to previous bylaws |
Part 6 — Regional Districts: Governance and Procedures |
| Division 1 — Regional Districts and Their Boards |
| 193 | Regional district corporations |
| 194 | Board as governing body |
| 195 | Area of jurisdiction |
| Division 2 — Board Members |
| 196 | Composition and voting rights |
| 197 | Municipal directors: number of directors and assignment of votes |
| 198 | Appointment and term of office for municipal directors |
| 199 | Election and term of office for electoral area directors |
| 200 | Alternate directors: municipalities |
| 201 | Alternate directors: electoral areas |
| 202 | Oath or affirmation of office for board members |
| 203 | Resignation from office |
| 204 | Director disqualification for failure to attend meetings |
| 205 | Regional district directors: application of Community Charter |
| Division 3 — Voting and Voting Rights |
| 206 | Voting to be in accordance with this Division unless other rules apply |
| 207 | General rules: voting on resolutions and bylaws |
| 208 | General rule: each director has one vote |
| 209 | Special rule: weighted voting on the administration and operation of services |
| 210 | Special rule: weighted voting on financial matters |
| 211 | Special rule: weighted voting for Metro Vancouver |
| 212 | Special rules in relation to Part 13 [Regional Growth Strategies] |
| 213 | Special rules in relation to Part 14 [Planning and Land Use Management] |
| 214 | Other special voting rules |
| Division 4 — Board Chair and Committees |
| 215 | Chair and vice chair of board |
| 216 | Responsibilities of chair |
| 217 | Chair may require board reconsideration of a matter |
| 218 | Appointment of select and standing committees |
| Division 5 — Board Proceedings |
| 219 | Regular and special board meetings |
| 220 | Calling of special board meetings |
| 221 | Electronic meetings and participation by members |
| 222 | Regulations establishing special rules for dealing with urgent issues |
| 223 | Minutes of board meetings and committee meetings |
| 224 | Meetings and hearings outside regional district |
| 225 | Procedure bylaws |
| 226 | Board proceedings: application of Community Charter |
| Division 5.1 — Proceedings of Other Bodies |
| 226.1 | Electronic meetings of other bodies |
| 226.2 | Electronic participation of members of other bodies |
| Division 6 — Bylaw Procedures |
| 227 | Bylaw procedures: application of Community Charter |
| 228 | Bylaw adoption at same meeting as third reading |
| Division 7 — Delegation of Board Authority |
| 229 | Delegation of board authority |
| 230 | Bylaw required for delegation |
| 231 | Delegation of hearings |
| 232 | Reconsideration of delegate's decisions |
| Division 8 — Officers and Employees |
| 233 | Officers and employees for regional district |
| 234 | Officer positions |
| 235 | Chief administrative officer |
| 236 | Corporate administration |
| 237 | Financial administration |
| 238 | Oath of office for officers |
| 239 | Chair to direct and inspect officers and employees |
| 240 | Suspension of officers and employees |
| 241 | Termination of officer |
| 242 | Prohibition against interfering with regional district officials |
| Division 9 — Local Community Commissions |
| 243 | Establishment of local community commissions |
| 244 | Requirement for assent of electors and inspector approval |
| 245 | Commission membership |
| Division 10 — Other Matters |
| 246 | Giving notice to regional districts |
| 247 | Notice by regional district: obligation satisfied if reasonable effort made |
| 248 | Regional district records: application of Community Charter |
| 249 | Regulations to provide exemptions from Provincial approval requirements |
Part 7 — Regional Districts: Treaty First Nation Membership and Services |
| 250 | Treaty first nation membership in regional district |
| 251 | Interpretation rules for applying this Act and the Community Charter in relation to treaty first nation membership |
| 252 | Regional district letters patent and treaty lands |
| 253 | Treaty first nation directors |
| 254 | Term of office of treaty first nation director |
| 255 | Alternate treaty first nation director |
| 256 | Treaty first nation electors for regional district services |
| 257 | Repealed |
| 258 | Tax base, requisition and collection of funds for treaty lands of treaty first nations |
| 259 | Treaty first nations and regional district financing |
| 260 | Services to treaty first nation members |
| 261 | Services to treaty lands outside regional district |
| 262 | Non-member treaty first nation participation in regional district elections |
Part 8 — Regional Districts: General Powers and Responsibilities |
| Division 1 — General Powers |
| 263 | Corporate powers |
| 264 | Minister approval required for certain out-of-Province or out-of-country agreements |
| 265 | Inspector approval required for incorporation or acquisition of corporations |
| Division 2 — Public Access to Records |
| 266 | Public access to regional district records |
| 267 | Disclosure of information relating to agreements that require elector approval or assent |
| 268 | Other public access requirements: application of Community Charter |
| Division 3 — Approval of the Electors |
| 269 | Processes for obtaining approval of the electors |
| 270 | Approval of the electors: applicable rules |
| Division 4 — Providing Assistance |
| 271 | Definition of "assistance" |
| 272 | Publication of intention to provide certain kinds of assistance |
| 273 | General prohibition against assistance to business |
| 274 | Exception for assistance under partnering agreements |
| 275 | Exception for assistance in relation to utilities, mountain resorts or high-speed internet services |
| 276 | Exception for heritage conservation purposes |
| 277 | Limitation on assistance by means of tax exemption |
| Division 5 — General Property Powers |
| 278 | Reservation and dedication of land for public purpose: application of Community Charter |
| 279 | Control of Crown land parks dedicated by subdivision |
| 280 | Disposition of regional parks and trails |
| 281 | Exchange of park land: application of Community Charter |
| 282 | Power to accept property on trust |
| 283 | Plans respecting use of local government right of way |
| 284 | Authority to enter on or into property: application of Community Charter |
| Division 6 — Disposing of Land and Improvements |
| 285 | Disposition of land and improvements |
| 286 | Notice of proposed disposition |
| 287 | Use of money from sale of land or improvements |
| 288 | Disposal of water systems, sewer systems and utilities |
| Division 7 — Expropriation and Compensation |
| 289 | Expropriation power |
| 290 | Authority in relation to services |
| 291 | Entry on land to mitigate damage |
| 292 | Compensation for expropriation and other actions |
| Division 8 — Other Powers |
| 293 | Board may seek regional district opinion |
| 294 | Incidental powers |
| 295 | Emergency powers |
| 296 | Additional powers and exceptions provided by regulation |
Part 9 — Regional Districts: Specific Service Powers |
| Division 1 — Building Regulation |
| 297 | Authority requires regional district service |
| 298 | Building regulation bylaws |
| 299 | Regional district may adopt national codes |
| 300 | Requirement for security |
| 301 | Regulating doors and emergency exits in public buildings |
| 302 | Building regulation: application of Community Charter |
| Division 2 — Fire, Health and Hazard Protection |
| 303 | Special fire protection powers |
| 304 | Health protection authority |
| 305 | Remedial authority in relation to hazardous conditions |
| Division 3 — Drainage, Sewerage and Related Matters |
| 306 | Special drainage and sewerage authority |
| 307 | Watercourse may be included in drainage system |
| 308 | Works for controlling drainage |
| 309 | Remedial authority in relation to drainage and dikes |
| 310 | Highway construction and dikes |
| 311 | Watercourse agreements between neighbouring jurisdictions |
| 312 | Requirements respecting drainage works |
| 313 | Appropriation of stream channel or bed |
| 314 | Authority subject to Water Sustainability Act |
| Division 4 — Waste Management |
| 315 | Management of solid waste and recyclable material |
| 316 | Authority in relation to waste disposal and recycling |
| Division 5 — Regulation of Animals |
| 317 | Authority requires animal control service |
| 318 | General animal control powers |
| 319 | Dog licensing requirements |
| 320 | Animal pounds |
| 321 | Dangerous dogs |
| 322 | Peace officer authority in relation to dangerous dogs |
| Division 6 — Noise, Nuisances and Disturbances |
| 323 | Authority requires regional district service |
| 324 | Noise control |
| 325 | Nuisances and disturbances |
| 326 | Fireworks restrictions |
| Division 6.1 — Business Regulation |
| 326.1 | Bylaw authority in relation to business regulation |
| Division 7 — Other Specific Service Powers |
| 327 | Removal and deposit of sand, gravel and other soil |
| 328 | Fire and security alarm systems |
| 329 | House numbering |
| 330 | Regulation of signs and advertising |
| 331 | Regional district irrigation services |
Part 10 — Regional Districts: Service Structure and Establishing Bylaws |
| Division 1 — General Service Powers |
| 332 | General authority for services |
| 333 | Consent required for services outside regional district |
| 334 | Services to public authorities |
| 335 | Authorities in relation to services other than regulatory services |
| Division 2 — Referendums and Petitions for Services |
| 336 | Referendums regarding services |
| 337 | Petitions for electoral area services |
| Division 3 — Establishing Bylaws for Services |
| 338 | Establishing bylaws required for most services |
| 339 | Required content for establishing bylaws |
| 340 | Special options for establishing bylaws |
| 341 | Special rules in relation to continuation of older services |
| Division 4 — Approval of Establishing Bylaws |
| 342 | Approval of establishing bylaws |
| 343 | Responsibility for obtaining approval |
| 344 | Approval by assent of the electors |
| 345 | Approval by alternative approval process |
| 346 | Consent on behalf of municipal participating area |
| 347 | Consent on behalf of electoral participating area |
| 348 | Other procedural rules |
| Division 5 — Changes to Establishing Bylaws |
| 349 | Amendment or repeal of establishing bylaws |
| 350 | Changes to participating and service areas |
| 351 | Amending bylaws that are needed for authority to borrow |
| 352 | Special provisions respecting service withdrawal |
| Division 6 — Dispute Resolution in Relation to Services |
| 353 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| 354 | Minister may appoint facilitators |
| 355 | Parties to a service review or service withdrawal |
| 356 | Costs of service review or service withdrawal |
| 357 | Initiating a service review |
| 358 | Other issues and services may be dealt with in one service review |
| 359 | Preliminary meeting |
| 360 | Negotiations to resolve issues |
| 361 | Initiating service withdrawal |
| 362 | Minister's direction on process |
| 363 | Addition of further initiating participants or further services |
| 364 | Early termination of process |
| 365 | Mediation in relation to service withdrawal |
| 366 | Arbitration in relation to service withdrawal |
| 367 | Initiating participant must respond to final resolution |
| 368 | Direction to further arbitration in certain cases |
| 369 | When final resolution becomes binding |
| 370 | Implementation of final resolution by bylaw |
| 371 | Failure to adopt required bylaws |
| 372 | Regulations respecting arbitrations |
Part 11 — Regional Districts: Financial Management |
| Division 1 — Financial Planning and Accountability |
| 373 | Fiscal year and accounting for services |
| 374 | Annual financial plan |
| 375 | Public process for development of financial plan |
| 376 | Annual reporting on regional district finances |
| 377 | Financial management: application of Community Charter |
| Division 2 — Cost Recovery for Services |
| 378 | Options for cost recovery |
| 379 | Costs of services |
| 380 | Apportionment of costs |
| 381 | Cost sharing for services under Part 14 [Planning and Land Use Management] |
| 382 | Property under creditor protection may be excluded from apportionment |
| 383 | Valuation information and apportionment adjustments |
| 384 | Tax base for property value taxes |
| Division 3 — Requisition and Tax Collection |
| 385 | Requisition of funds from municipalities |
| 386 | Collection in municipalities |
| 387 | Requisition of funds for electoral areas |
| 388 | Collection in electoral areas |
| 389 | Grants in place of taxes to be paid over to regional district |
| Division 4 — Tax Rates and Exemptions |
| 390 | Variable tax rate system |
| 391 | Property tax exemptions |
| 392 | Exemptions for heritage properties |
| 393 | Repayment requirement in relation to heritage exemptions |
| 394 | Exemptions for riparian property |
| 395 | Repayment requirement in relation to riparian exemptions |
| 396 | Tax exemptions under partnering agreement |
| Division 5 — Fees, Charges and Interest |
| 397 | Imposition of fees and charges |
| 398 | Interest calculation |
| 399 | Special fees and charges that are to be collected as taxes |
| 400 | Special fees and charges that are liens against property |
| Division 6 — Expenditures and Liabilities |
| 401 | Limit on expenditures |
| 402 | Limit on borrowing and other liabilities |
| 403 | Borrowing and liability: application of Community Charter |
| 404 | Revenue anticipation borrowing |
| 405 | Short-term capital borrowing in relation to general administration |
| 406 | Regional district loan authorization bylaws |
| 407 | Participating area approval required for some loan authorization bylaws |
| 408 | Electoral participating area petition for borrowing |
| 409 | Temporary borrowing under loan authorization bylaw |
| 410 | Financing municipal undertakings |
| 411 | Security issuing bylaws |
| 412 | General liability provisions |
Part 12 — Regional Districts: Bylaw Enforcement and Challenge of Bylaws |
| Division 1 — Bylaw Enforcement and Related Matters |
| 413 | Bylaw enforcement: fines and other penalties |
| 414 | Ticketing for bylaw offences: application of Community Charter |
| 415 | Bylaw notices: application of Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act |
| 416 | Bylaw contraventions — offences and prosecutions |
| 417 | Additional sentencing powers in relation to Offence Act prosecutions |
| 418 | Authority to fulfill requirements at defaulter's expense |
| 419 | Inspections to determine whether bylaws are being followed |
| 420 | Enforcement by civil proceedings: application of Community Charter |
| 421 | Recovery of utility rates by legal remedy of distress |
| 422 | Scale of costs in relation to legal remedy of distress |
| 423 | Enforcement of bylaws in relation to discharge of firearms |
| 424 | Entry warrants: application of Community Charter |
| Division 2 — Challenge of Bylaws and Other Regional District Instruments |
| 425 | Challenge of bylaws and other regional district instruments |
Part 13 — Regional Growth Strategies |
| Division 1 — Interpretation |
| 426 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 427 | Part also applies to amendment and repeal of regional growth strategy |
| Division 2 — Application and Content of Regional Growth Strategy |
| 428 | Purpose of regional growth strategy |
| 429 | Content of regional growth strategy |
| 430 | Area to which regional growth strategy applies |
| 431 | Regulation requiring regional growth strategy |
| Division 3 — Preparation and Adoption Procedures |
| 432 | Requirements for adoption |
| 433 | Initiation of regional growth strategy process |
| 434 | Consultation during development of regional growth strategy |
| 435 | Facilitation of agreement during development of regional growth strategy |
| 436 | Acceptance by affected local governments |
| 437 | Minor amendments to regional growth strategies |
| 438 | Resolution of anticipated objections |
| 439 | Resolution of refusal to accept |
| 440 | Settlement of regional growth strategy if acceptance not otherwise reached |
| 441 | Options for settlement process |
| 442 | General provisions regarding settlement process |
| 443 | Adoption of regional growth strategy |
| 444 | Requirement to adopt finalized regional growth strategy |
| Division 4 — Effect of Regional Growth Strategy |
| 445 | Regional district must conform with regional growth strategy |
| Division 5 — Regional Context Statements |
| 446 | Requirement for regional context statements in municipal official community plans |
| 447 | Content of regional context statement |
| 448 | Board acceptance of proposed regional context statement |
| 449 | Settlement of proposed regional context statement |
| Division 6 — General |
| 450 | Intergovernmental advisory committees |
| 451 | Implementation agreements |
| 452 | Regular reports and review of regional growth strategy |
| 453 | Provincial policy guidelines |
| 454 | Minister may require official community plans and land use bylaws |
Part 14 — Planning and Land Use Management |
| Division 1 — General |
| 455 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 456 | Area of authority for municipalities and regional districts |
| 457 | Rural land use bylaws |
| 457.1 | Limits on use of this Part and Part 15 |
| 458 | Limit on compensation |
| Division 2 — Responsibilities, Procedures and Authorities |
| 459 | Information that must be available to the public |
| 460 | Development approval procedures |
| 461 | Advisory planning commission |
| 462 | Fees related to applications and inspections |
| 463 | Withholding building permits and business licences that conflict with bylaws in preparation |
| Division 3 — Public Hearings on Planning and Land Use Bylaws |
| 464 | When public hearing is required |
| 465 | Public hearing procedures |
| 466 | Notice of public hearing |
| 467 | Notice if public hearing not held |
| 468 | Posted notices respecting proposed bylaws |
| 469 | Delegation of public hearings |
| 470 | Procedure after public hearing |
| Division 4 — Official Community Plans |
| 471 | Purposes of official community plan |
| 472 | Bylaw to adopt official community plan |
| 473 | Content and process requirements |
| 473.1 | Official community plan and housing needs report |
| 474 | Policy statements that may be included |
| 475 | Consultation during development of official community plan |
| 476 | Consultation on planning for school facilities |
| 477 | Adoption procedures for official community plan |
| 478 | Effect of official community plan |
| Division 5 — Zoning Bylaws |
| 478.1 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| 479 | Zoning bylaws |
| 480 | Adoption of municipal zoning bylaw |
| 481 | Restrictions on zoning authority in relation to farming |
| 481.01 | Restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas |
| 481.1 | Residential rental tenure |
| 481.2 | Strata rental bylaws and housing cooperative rules |
| 481.3 | Zoning bylaws and small-scale multi-family housing |
| 481.4 | Exemptions related to small-scale multi-family housing |
| 481.5 | Density benefits related to small-scale multi-family housing |
| 481.6 | Regulations related to small-scale multi-family housing |
| 481.7 | Zoning bylaws and housing needs report |
| 481.8 | Density benefits and housing needs report |
| 482 | Density benefits for amenities, affordable housing and special needs housing |
| 482.1 | Consultation on density benefits zoning bylaw |
| 482.2 | Analysis and considerations for density benefits zoning bylaw |
| 482.3 | Payment of money instead of meeting conditions |
| 482.4 | Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere |
| 482.5 | Effect of bylaws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted |
| 482.6 | Annual report respecting density benefits zoning bylaw |
| 482.7 | Zoning bylaws and affordable and special needs housing |
| 482.8 | Consultation on affordable and special needs housing zoning bylaw |
| 482.9 | Analysis and considerations for affordable and special needs housing zoning bylaw |
| 482.91 | Payment of money instead of providing affordable and special needs housing units |
| 482.92 | Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere |
| 482.93 | Effect of bylaws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted |
| 482.94 | Annual report respecting affordable and special needs housing zoning bylaw |
| 482.95 | Information requested by inspector |
| 483 | Housing agreements for affordable housing and special needs housing |
| Division 6 — Development Approval Information Requirements |
| 484 | Development approval information |
| 485 | Development approval information areas or circumstances |
| 486 | Bylaw authority in relation to development approval information |
| 487 | Requirement to provide development approval information |
| Division 7 — Development Permits |
| 488 | Designation of development permit areas |
| 489 | Activities that require a development permit |
| 490 | Development permits: general authority |
| 491 | Development permits: specific authorities |
| Division 8 — Temporary Use Permits |
| 492 | Designation of temporary use permit areas |
| 493 | Temporary use permits for designated areas and other areas |
| 494 | Public notice and hearing requirements |
| 495 | Permit conditions: undertakings respecting land |
| 496 | Permit conditions: additional security requirements |
| 497 | Term of permit and renewal of permit |
| Division 9 — Development Variance Permits |
| 498 | Development variance permits |
| 498.1 | Delegation of power to issue development variance permit |
| 499 | Notice to affected property owners and tenants |
| Division 10 — Other Permits and Permit Matters |
| 500 | Tree cutting permits in relation to areas affected by flooding or other hazards |
| 501 | General land use permit matters |
| 502 | Requirement for security as condition of land use permit |
| 503 | Notice of permit on land title |
| 504 | Permit lapses if relevant construction not substantially started |
| 505 | Transportation Act: permits in relation to development near controlled access highway |
| Division 11 — Subdivision and Development: Requirements and Related Matters |
| 506 | Works and services requirements |
| 506.01 | Required approval for certain bylaws |
| 506.02 | Requirements in respect of certain systems |
| 506.03 | Conditions for subdivision and building permits |
| 507 | Requirements for excess or extended services |
| 508 | Latecomer charges and cost recovery for excess or extended services |
| 509 | Completion of required works and services |
| 510 | Requirement for provision of park land or payment for parks purposes |
| 511 | Bylaws adopted after application for subdivision submitted |
| 512 | Minimum parcel frontage on highway |
| 513 | Requirement to provide land for new highway or widening existing highway in respect of subdivisions |
| 513.1 | Requirement to provide land for alternative forms of transportation in respect of subdivisions |
| 513.2 | Requirement to provide land for new highway or widening existing highway in respect of building permits |
| 513.3 | Requirement to provide land for alternative forms of transportation in respect of building permits |
| 514 | Subdivision to provide residence for a relative |
| Division 12 — Phased Development Agreements |
| 515 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| 516 | Phased development agreements |
| 517 | Term and assignment of phased development agreement |
| 518 | Process for phased development agreement bylaw |
| 519 | Amendments to phased development agreement |
| 520 | Subdivision approval for land subject to phased development agreement |
| 521 | Notice of phased development agreement on land title |
| 522 | Phased development agreement and other information that must be available for public inspection |
| Division 13 — Other Land Use Regulation Powers |
| 523 | Runoff control requirements |
| 524 | Requirements in relation to flood plain areas |
| 525 | Off-street parking and loading space requirements |
| 525.1 | Off-street parking in transit-oriented areas |
| 526 | Regulation of signs |
| 527 | Screening and landscaping to mask or separate uses |
| 527.1 | Transportation demand management |
| Division 14 — Non-conforming Use and Other Continuations |
| 528 | Non-conforming uses: authority to continue use |
| 529 | Non-conforming structures: restrictions on maintenance, extension and alteration |
| 530 | Restrictions on increasing non-conforming use of land |
| 531 | Restrictions on alteration or addition to building or other structure |
| 532 | Restrictions on repair or reconstruction of non-conforming structures |
| 533 | Non-conforming uses in relation to terminated land use contracts |
| 534 | Change in ownership, tenants or occupants in relation to use |
| 535 | Non-conforming use and subdivision in relation to expropriation of land |
| Division 14.1 — Non-conforming Form of Tenure |
| 535.1 | Non-conforming form of tenure: authority to continue tenure |
| 535.2 | Non-conforming form of tenure: repair, extension and alteration |
| 535.3 | Change in ownership, tenants or occupants in relation to form of tenure |
| 535.4 | Dissolution of strata corporations |
| 535.5 | Regulation-making powers |
| Division 15 — Board of Variance |
| 536 | Requirement for board of variance |
| 537 | Board of variance for municipality or regional district |
| 538 | Joint board of variance |
| 539 | Chair and procedures for board of variance |
| 540 | Application for variance or exemption to relieve hardship |
| 541 | Notice of application for variance |
| 542 | Board powers on application |
| 543 | Exemption to relieve hardship from early termination of land use contract |
| 544 | Extent of damage to non-conforming use property |
| Division 16 — Discharge and Termination of Land Use Contracts |
| 545 | Application to land use contracts under previous legislation |
| 546 | Amendment and discharge of land use contract |
| 547 | Termination of all land use contracts in 2024 |
| 548 | Process for early termination of land use contract |
| 549 | Notice of termination |
| 550 | Discharge of terminated land use contract |
| Division 17 — Regulation of Farm Businesses in Farming Areas |
| 551 | Agriculture minister may set standards for farm bylaws |
| 552 | Farming area bylaws |
| 553 | Authority and restrictions apply as declared by regulation |
| 554 | Three year review of zoning bylaws affecting farming areas |
| 555 | Intensive agriculture |
| Division 18 — Contaminated Sites |
| 556 | Repealed |
| 557 | Environmental Management Act requirements |
| Division 19 — Development Costs Recovery |
| 558 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| 559 | Development cost charges: imposition and collection |
| 560 | Inspector approval required for development cost charge bylaw |
| 561 | Circumstances in which development cost charges are not payable |
| 562 | General prohibition against waiving or reducing charges |
| 563 | Development for which charges may be waived or reduced |
| 564 | Amount of development cost charges to be specified in bylaw |
| 565 | Deductions from development cost charges |
| 566 | Use of development cost charges |
| 567 | Provision of park land in place of all or part of charge |
| 568 | Effect of bylaws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted |
| 569 | Annual development cost charges report |
| 570 | Municipal development works agreements with private developers |
| Division 19.1 — Amenity Costs Recovery |
| 570.1 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| | |
| 570.2 | Amenity cost charges: imposition and collection |
| 570.3 | Consultation required for amenity cost charge bylaw |
| 570.4 | Circumstances in which amenity cost charges are not payable |
| 570.5 | General prohibition against waiving or reducing charges |
| 570.6 | Development for which charges may be waived or reduced |
| 570.7 | Amenity cost charge bylaw: specifying amenities and setting charges |
| 570.8 | Use of amenity cost charges |
| 570.9 | Provision of amenity instead of all or part of charge |
| 570.91 | Effect of bylaws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted |
| 570.92 | Annual amenity cost charges report |
| 570.93 | Information requested by inspector |
| 570.94 | Regulations made for purposes of this Division |
| 570.95 | Division does not restrict other powers |
| Division 20 — School Site Acquisition Charges |
| 571 | Definitions in relation to this Division |
| 572 | School site acquisition charge payable |
| 573 | Circumstances in which charge is not payable or is waived or reduced |
| 574 | Determination of eligible school site requirements |
| 575 | Setting school site acquisition charges |
| 576 | Application of charge or increase to in-process development |
| 577 | Provision of land in place of all or part of charge |
| 578 | No subdivision approval or building permit unless charge paid |
| 579 | Credit for previous contributions |
| 580 | Transfer of money and land to board of education |
| 581 | Regulations for this Division |
| Division 21 — Provincial Authority |
| 582 | Provincial policy guidelines |
| 582.1 | Provincial policy guidelines related to small-scale multi-family housing |
| 583 | Designation of resort regions |
| 584 | Ministerial override orders in the public interest |
| 585 | Ministerial regulations requiring bylaw approval |
| Division 22 — Housing Needs Reports |
| 585.1 | Definitions for this Division |
| 585.11 | Application of this Division |
| 585.2 | Housing needs reports |
| 585.21 | Collection of housing information |
| 585.3 | Content of housing needs report |
| 585.31 | When and how housing needs report must be received |
| 585.4 | Publication of housing needs report |
| 585.41 | Regulation-making powers |
| Division 23 — Transit-Oriented Areas |
| 585.5 | Provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas |
| 585.51 | Regulations related to transit-oriented areas |
| 585.52 | Local government designation of transit-oriented areas |
| 585.53 | Lieutenant Governor in Council designation of transit-oriented areas |
Part 15 — Heritage Conservation |
| Division 1 — General |
| 586 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 587 | Regional district authority requires service |
| 588 | Limits on use of this Part |
| 589 | Limit on compensation |
| 590 | Bylaw and permit procedures |
| 591 | Ombudsperson review of local government decisions |
| Division 2 — Notices under this Part |
| 592 | Giving notice to owners and occupiers |
| 593 | Posting notice on protected heritage property |
| 594 | Notice on land titles |
| 595 | Notice to heritage minister |
| 596 | Regulations regarding notices |
| Division 3 — Heritage Review |
| 597 | Community heritage commissions |
| 598 | Community heritage register |
| 599 | Heritage recognition |
| 600 | Heritage inspection may be ordered |
| 601 | Entry authority for a heritage inspection |
| 602 | Impact assessment may be required |
| 603 | Local government requests for Provincial protection |
| Division 4 — Temporary Protection |
| 604 | Withholding of approvals |
| 605 | Withholding of demolition permits until other approvals issued |
| 606 | Orders for temporary protection |
| 607 | Temporary protection by introduction of a continuing protection bylaw |
| 608 | Heritage control periods for temporary protection |
| 609 | Temporary protection |
| Division 5 — Continuing Protection |
| 610 | Heritage revitalization agreements |
| 611 | Heritage designation protection |
| 612 | Heritage designation procedure |
| 613 | Compensation for heritage designation |
| 614 | Designation of heritage conservation areas |
| 615 | Permit requirements in relation to heritage conservation areas |
| 616 | Heritage site maintenance standards |
| Division 6 — Heritage Alteration Permits |
| 617 | Heritage alteration permits |
| 618 | Terms, requirements and conditions in a heritage alteration permit |
| Division 7 — Remedies and Offences |
| 619 | Civil remedies in relation to heritage property |
| 620 | Notice of contravention may be filed in land title office |
| 621 | Offences and penalties |
Part 16 — Municipal Provisions |
| Division 1 — Challenge of Municipal Bylaws and Other Municipal Instruments |
| 622 | Definition of "municipal instrument" |
| 623 | Court application to set aside bylaw or other instrument |
| 624 | Limitation period on application for declaratory order |
| 625 | Time restriction in relation to right of action on illegal instrument |
| 626 | Assessment or rate stands unless instrument set aside |
| 627 | Validity of council proceedings |
| Division 2 |
| 628-636 | Repealed |
| Division 3 — Regulation of Carriers |
| 637 | Regulation of carriers |
| Division 3.1 — Restrictions in Relation to the Passenger Transportation Act |
| 637.1 | Definitions |
| 637.2 | Restrictions on authority to regulate |
| Division 4 — Municipal Irrigation Services and Drainage Works |
| 638 | Municipal irrigation services |
| 639 | District municipality drainage works |
| Division 5 — Municipal Forest Reserves |
| 640 | Establishment of municipal forest reserve |
| 641 | Sale or lease of municipal forest reserve |
| 642 | Cutting and removal of timber from municipal forest reserve |
| Division 6 — Municipal Taxation: Special Cases |
| 643 | Taxation of forest land |
| 644 | Taxation of utility company property |
| Division 7 — Annual Municipal Tax Sale |
| 645 | Annual tax sale |
| 646 | Council may exempt Crown land from annual tax sale |
| 647 | Notice of annual tax sale |
| 648 | Municipality may bid at annual tax sale |
| 649 | Upset price for tax sale |
| 650 | Purchaser at annual tax sale |
| 651 | Purchaser to give authority to register tax sale title |
| 652 | Collector to provide certificate of sale |
| 653 | Tax sale of Crown land subject to an agreement to purchase |
| 654 | Provincial government may accept tax sale purchaser |
| 655 | Resale of land purchased by municipality at annual tax sale |
| 656 | Notice of tax sale must be filed in land title office |
| 657 | Owners must be given notice of tax sale and redemption period |
| 658 | Assessment and taxes during redemption period |
| 659 | Application of surplus from tax sale |
| 660 | Redemption by owner |
| 661 | Redemption payments by instalments |
| 662 | Notice of redemption to be filed in land title office |
| 663 | Registration of tax sale purchaser as owner |
| 664 | Refusal of registration |
| 665 | Effect of tax sale on rights of owners |
| 666 | Action by owner to have tax sale set aside |
| 667 | Court may reinstate taxes if sale set aside |
| 668 | Council authority to cancel sale in case of error |
| 669 | Restrictions on legal actions in relation to tax sale |
| 670 | Repossessed tax sale land |
| 671 | Procedure if purchaser under agreement for sale defaults |
| 672 | Redemption by municipality of land sold for Provincial taxes |
Part 17 — Improvement Districts |
| Division 1 — General |
| 673 | Definitions in relation to this Part |
| 674 | Giving notice to improvement districts |
| Division 2 — Incorporation of Improvement Districts |
| 675 | Incorporation of improvement district: general rules |
| 676 | Incorporation of mountain resort improvement district |
| 677 | Notation on title of land in a mountain resort improvement district |
| 678 | Dissolution of water user's community or development district |
| 679 | Amendment of letters patent and reissue of letters patent |
| 680 | Dissolution of improvement district |
| 681 | Transition rules: dissolution, change in area, change in object |
| 682 | Additional letters patent and order powers |
| Division 3 — Governance and Organization |
| 683 | Improvement district board of trustees |
| 684 | Election of improvement district trustees |
| 685 | Chair of improvement district board |
| 686 | Meeting procedure |
| 687 | Regulations in relation to improvement district meetings |
| 688 | First meeting of board in each year |
| 689 | Appointment of select and standing committees |
| 690 | Annual general meeting |
| 691 | Annual financial statements |
| 692 | Appointment of auditor |
| 693 | Officers and employees |
| 694 | Officer positions |
| 695 | Corporate administration |
| 696 | Financial administration |
| Division 4 — Powers and Operations |
| 697 | General powers |
| 698 | Powers that must be exercised by bylaw |
| 699 | Process and registration requirements for bylaws |
| 700 | Subdivision servicing requirements |
| 701 | Requirements for excess or extended services |
| 702 | Latecomer charges and cost recovery for excess or extended services |
| 703 | Power to exercise rights under certain water licences |
| 704 | Power to expropriate water diversion licences and related works |
| 705 | General power to expropriate land and works |
| 706 | Renewal of works and related reserve funds |
| 707 | Appeal if improvement district refuses to provide services |
| Division 5 — Taxes and Cost Recovery |
| 708 | Preparation of assessment roll |
| 709 | Notice of assessment |
| 710 | Court of revision for assessments |
| 711 | Tax collection on behalf of improvement district |
| 712 | Municipal collection of improvement district taxes |
| 713 | Payments to improvement district |
| 714 | Tax levy by improvement district |
| 715 | Tax notices |
| 715.1 | Requisition of funds from treaty first nations |
| 716 | Lien for taxes and tolls |
| 717 | Interest on taxes and requisitions |
| Division 6 — Tax Sales |
| 718 | Tax sale for recovery of taxes |
| 719 | Board powers in relation to tax sale |
| 720 | Tax sale notice to affected owners and charge holders |
| 721 | Conduct of tax sale |
| 722 | Authority to register tax sale title |
| 723 | Registration of tax sale purchaser as owner |
| 724 | Application of surplus from tax sale |
| 725 | Tax sale of Crown land held under a mortgage or agreement for sale |
| 726 | Disposal of tax sale land by improvement district board |
| Division 7 — Borrowing and Securities |
| 727 | Provision of sinking funds |
| 728 | Provincial guarantee of improvement district securities |
| 729 | Form of securities |
| 730 | Registration of securities |
| Division 8 — Other Improvement District Matters |
| 731 | Improvement district property exempt from taxation |
| 732 | Protection from legal proceedings |
| 733 | Indemnification against proceedings |
| 734 | Appointment of receiver |
Part 18 — Legal Proceedings in Relation to Local Governments and Other Authorities |
| Division 1 — Legal Proceedings Against Municipality or Regional District |
| 735 | Limitation period for certain actions |
| 736 | Notice requirement respecting damages |
| 737 | Proceedings against municipality or regional district in relation to damages caused by others |
| Division 2 — Immunities and Indemnities |
| 738 | Immunity for individual local public officers |
| 739 | Warning as defence for local government financial officer |
| 740 | Indemnification against proceedings for local government officials |
| 741 | Indemnification against proceedings for other local public officers |
| 742 | Immunity in relation to building bylaw enforcement |
| 743 | Immunity in relation to approval of certified building plans |
| 744 | Immunity in relation to certain nuisance actions |
| Division 3 — Enforcement of Court Orders Against Municipality or Regional District |
| 745 | Writ of execution against municipality or regional district |
| 746 | Copy of writ of execution to be left with corporate officer |
| 747 | Local government officers as officers of the court for purposes of execution |
| 748 | Certain local government property exempt from seizure |
| 749 | Tax to be imposed if amount not paid by municipality |
| 750 | Payment of municipal amount levied |
| Division 4 — Other Matters |
| 751 | Self-insurance by local authorities |
| 752 | Application of this Part in relation to the Nisg̱a'a Final Agreement |
| 753 | Application of this Part to treaty first nations |
Part 19 — General Matters and Provincial Authorities |
| Division 1 — Certification of Senior Officials |
| 754 | Board of examiners |
| 755 | Powers of board |
| 756 | Board may make regulations |
| 757 | Application to City of Vancouver |
| Division 2 — Inspector of Municipalities |
| 758 | Inspector of municipalities |
| 759 | Official seal and records |
| 760 | Certificate of approval for money bylaws |
| 761 | Inquiry into application for certificate |
| 762 | Appeal from inspector's decisions in relation to borrowing |
| 763 | Certificate conclusive of validity |
| 764 | Inquiries into local government matters |
| 765 | Additional inquiry authority in relation to regional districts |
| Division 3 — Administrative Commissioner |
| 766 | Definitions |
| 767 | Appointment of administrative commissioner |
| 768 | Substitution of commissioner |
| 769 | Acting commissioner |
| 770 | Powers transferred to commissioner |
| 771 | Power of commissioner to make bylaws |
| 772 | Powers of commissioner to borrow |
| 773 | Taxes for sinking fund purposes |
| 774 | Parcel tax rolls |
| 775 | Differences between commissioner and board of education |
| 776 | Commissioner reports to minister |
| 777 | Election after commissioner appointed |
| 778 | Restriction on legal proceedings |
| 779 | Regulations for purposes of this Division |
| Division 4 — Other Provincial Authorities |
| 780 | Publication of letters patent |
| 781 | Further powers in relation to assets |
| 782 | Appeal to minister respecting construction of drains |
| 783 | Power to make regulations |
Part 20 — Transitional and Interim Provisions |
| Division 1 — Public Hearings |
| 784 | Transition — public hearings |
| Division 2 — Small-Scale Multi-Family Housing |
| 785 | Transition — extended compliance period for small-scale multi-family housing |
| 786 | Transition — extension process for small-scale multi-family housing |
| 787 | Transition — ministerial order related to small-scale multi-family housing |
| 788 | Transition — effect of official community plan |
| 789 | Transition — heritage revitalization agreements |
| Division 3 — Interim Report on Housing Needs |
| 790 | Transition — interim report on housing needs |
| Division 4 — Transit-Oriented Areas |
| 791 | Transition — definition in relation to this Division |
| 792 | Transition — interim designation of transit-oriented areas |
| 793 | Transition — provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas |
| 794 | Transition — effect of official community plan |
| 795 | Transition — restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas |
| 796 | Transition — off-street parking |
| Division 5 — Density Benefits |
| 797 | Transition — density benefits zoning bylaws |
Schedule — Definitions and Other Interpretation Matters |
Revision Schedule |