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This Act is current to December 31, 2024
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force.

Vancouver Charter

[SBC 1953] CHAPTER 55

1.Short title
2.1Application of specified local government enactments
2.2Variation authority
3.Requirements for public notice
3.1Default publication requirements
3.2Bylaw to provide for alternative means of publication
4.Deputies may be appointed
5.Procedure if no deputy
6.City of Vancouver — corporation and boundaries
Part I — Electors and Elections
Division (1) — Interpretation
8.Time not extended for voting days
8.1This Act applies
Division (2) — Arrangements for Elections
9.General local election
11.Minister's order for election to be conducted
12.Election by-laws
13.Costs of elections
14.Appointment of election officials
15.Chief election officer duties and powers
16.Presiding election official duties and powers
Division (3) — Election Proceedings Generally
17.Public notices
18.Solemn declarations
19.Keeping order at election proceedings
20.Adjournment of election proceedings
21.Exceptional assistance in election proceedings
Division (4) — Electors
22.Who may vote at an election
23.Resident electors
24.Non-resident property electors
25.Rules for determining residence
26.When a person may register as an elector
27.Voting day registration only
28.Application for registration
29.How to register in advance
30.How to register as a resident elector at the time of voting
30.1How to register as a non-resident property elector at the time of voting
32.Automatic registration by inclusion on Provincial list of voters
33.Effect of registration
34.Register of electors
35.List of registered electors
36.Objection to registration of an elector
37.Resolving objections
Division (5) — Qualifications for Office
38.Who may hold office on Council or Park Board
39.Disqualification of Council and regional district employees
39.1Disqualification — indictable offence
40.Only one elected office at a time on Council
Division (6) — Nomination of Candidates
41.Nomination period
42.Notice of nomination
43.Nomination of candidates
44.Nomination documents
44.1Nomination deposits
45.Nomination by delivery of nomination documents
45.1Other information to be provided by candidate
45.2Challenge of nomination
Division (6.1) — Candidate Endorsement by Elector Organization
45.3Candidate endorsement by elector organization may be included on ballot
45.4Endorsement documents
45.6Withdrawal of endorsement on ballot
Division (6.2) — Declaration of Candidates
46.Declaration of candidates
48.Declaration of election by voting or acclamation
49.Notice of election by voting
50.Appointment if an insufficient number of candidates are elected
Division (7) — Candidates and Representatives
52.Withdrawal, death or incapacity of candidate
53.Appointment of candidate representatives
54.Presence of candidate representatives at election proceedings
Division (8)
Division (9) — Voting Opportunities
66.Voting opportunities for electors
67.Required general voting opportunities
68.Additional general voting opportunities
69.Required advance voting opportunities
70.Additional advance voting opportunities
71.Special voting opportunities
72.Mail ballot voting
Division (10) — Arrangements for Voting
73.Voting places
74.Use of voting machines
75.Voting divisions
76.Form of ballots
77.What must and must not be included on a ballot
78.Order of names on ballot
79.Order of names on ballot determined by lot
80.Ballot boxes
Division (11) — Conduct of Voting Proceedings
81.Persons who must be present at voting places
82.Persons who may be present at voting places
83.Sealing of ballot boxes containing ballots
84.Time for voting extended
Division (12) — Voting
85.Voting to be by secret ballot
86.Each elector may vote only once
87.Requirements before elector may be given a ballot to vote
88.Challenge of elector
89.If another person has already voted under an elector's name
90.Replacement of spoiled ballot
91.How to vote by ballot
92.One person to a voting compartment
93.Persons needing assistance to mark their ballots
94.Persons unable to enter a voting place
Division (13) — Counting of the Vote
95.When and where counting is to be done
96.Who may be present at counting
97.Who does the counting
98.Opening of ballot boxes
99.Combination of ballots for counting
100.Procedures for counting
101.Rules for accepting votes and rejecting ballots
102.Objections to the acceptance of a vote or the rejection of a ballot
103.Ballot account
104.Packaging of ballots
105.Delivery of election materials to chief election officer
106.Preliminary election results
107.Determination of official election results
108.Declaration of official election results
109.When elected candidates may take office
Division (14) — Judicial Recount
110.Application for judicial recount
111.Judicial recount procedure
112.Results of judicial recount and orders as to costs
113.Determination of results by lot if tie vote after judicial recount
114.Runoff election if tie vote after a judicial recount
Division (15) — Declaration of Invalid Election
115.Application to court
116.Hearing of the application
117.Power of the court on an application
118.Costs of an application
119.Status of an elected candidate
Division (16) — Final Proceedings
120.Report of election results
121.Publication of election results
122.Retention and destruction of election materials
Division (16.1) — Canvassing
122.1Canvassing in housing cooperative, strata and rental properties
Division (17) — Election Offences
123.Vote buying
125.Other election offences
125.1Prosecution of organizations and their directors and agents
125.2Time limit for starting prosecution
Division (18) — General
127.Powers of minister in relation to elections
Part II — Assent Voting
Division (1) — Interpretation
130.Assent voting to be conducted in same manner as an election
Division (2) — Assent of the Electors
131.How assent is obtained
132.Each by-law to be voted on must be for a distinct purpose
Division (3) — Proceedings for Assent Voting
133.Who may vote at assent voting
134.General voting day for assent voting
135.Arrangements for assent voting
136.Notice of assent voting
136.1Ballots for assent voting
136.2When counting for assent voting is to be done
136.3Other general matters
Division (4) — Scrutineers
136.4Scrutineers for assent voting
136.5Notice of applications to volunteer as a scrutineer
136.6Applications to volunteer to act as scrutineer for assent voting
136.7Appointment of scrutineers for assent voting
Part III — The Council and Its General Powers
137.Size and quorum of Council
138.Councillor elections: at large unless on a neighbourhood constituency basis
139.Term of office for Mayor and Councillors
140.Oath or affirmation of office
142.Resignation from office
142.1Application to court for declaration of disqualification
142.2Status of person subject to an application
142.3Costs of an application
143.Time of Council meetings
144.Validity of Council proceedings
145.City's powers exercisable by Council generally
145.1Voting at Council meetings
145.2Disclosure of conflict
145.3Restrictions on participation if in conflict
145.4 Restrictions on inside influence
145.5Restrictions on outside influence
145.6Exceptions from conflict restrictions
145.7Restrictions on accepting gifts
145.8Disclosure of gifts
145.9Disclosure of contracts with council members and former council members
145.91Restrictions on use of insider information
145.911Disqualification from office for contravening conflict rules
145.92Court order for person to give up financial gain
145.93Requirement to consider code of conduct
145.94Reconsideration of decision respecting code of conduct
145.95Regulations in relation to code of conduct
145.97Disclosure of charge
145.98Mandatory leave of absence
146.Quorum for conducting business
147.Continuing bodies
148.Unreasonableness no bar
149.Time within which by-laws may be questioned
150.Good faith test of sales
151.Exercise of Council powers by by-law and resolution
152.Power to accept property
153.Exceptional grants only upon assent of electors
153A.Franchise for telegraph, steam-heat, or hot-water service
155.Settlement of claims
156.Witnesses may be required to attend
157.Declaratory judgments may be sought
158.Recovery of costs in certain cases
159.Council may set up committees
160.Discharge of committees
161.Delegation of powers
161A.Permits and delegation of authority to issue permits
161B.Suspension, revocation, etc., of permits
162.Departments and employees for city
162A.To appoint a Board of Administration
163.Termination on one month's notice
164.Provision for bonding
164.1Meeting procedures
165.By-laws respecting Council proceedings and other administrative matters
165.1General rule that meetings must be open to the public
165.2Meetings that may or must be closed to the public
165.21Other persons attending closed meetings
165.3Requirements respecting closed meetings
165.5Expulsion from meetings
165.7Application to other city bodies
165.8Regulations respecting open meetings
165.9Electronic meetings of city bodies
165.91Electronic participation of members in meetings of city bodies
166.Special vote
167.How by-law to be completed
168.Inspection by public of records
169.Execution of contracts
170.Signing of cheques
171.By-law provable by production
172.Taxes, etc., are a debt due the city
173.Emergency powers
175.Labour organizations — union labels, collective agreements
175A.City may join employers' organization
176.Inquiry by barrister
177.Barrister's powers
177.1Contempt proceeding for uncooperative person
178.Barrister's fees
179.Acquisition of parks, etc.
180.Indemnification of employees
181.Metric regulations
184.Questions may be submitted for the opinion of the electors
185.Council to provide for upkeep of city property
186.Power to watch legislation
187.City may be represented before Boards, etc.
188.Intermunicipal bridges
189.Good rule and government
190.Council acquisition and disposal of property
190.1Financing in relation to Southeast False Creek development
192.City may enter into agreements pursuant to Statutes
192.1Joint exercise of powers with other municipalities
193.Power to undertake housing development
193A.Power to acquire property for commercial or industrial development
193B.Power to acquire property for improvement or rehabilitation
193C.Power to achieve heritage purposes
193D.Single room accommodation permits
194.Daylight saving
195.Insurance may be contracted for
195A.Employee and officer expenses
196.Council members' remuneration and expenses
196A.Reporting of remuneration and expenses
197.By-laws may be revised
198.Provision for civic holiday
199.Added powers of Council
199.01City fees
199.02City fees — specific
200.Expenditures to be kept within estimates
201.Investment of city funds
201A.Property acquisition fund
202.Expenditures prior to adoption of estimates
202A.Social planning
203.Powers of Council re businesses, trades, etc.
204.Authorized expenditures
204A.Operation of public auditorium or museum
205.Freedom of the city may be bestowed
206.Council may make grants and provide assistance
206A.Sunday sport
206B.Further relief from provisions of Lord's Day Act (Canada)
206C.Pensions for Council members
Part IV — Duties of Mayor, Director of Finance, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Auditors
207.Status of Mayor
208.Responsibilities of Mayor
209.Acting Mayor
Director of Finance
210.Director of Finance
211.Duty to advise Council
212.Director of Finance responsibilities
213.How money disbursed
214.Examination of accounts before warrant issued
215.Council to authorize disbursements
216.Provision for advance authorization
217.Deduction where payee indebted to city
218.Fund to be adequate
219.Director of Finance to report on revenue and expenditure
City Clerk
220.City Clerk
221.Making and custody of records
222.And of by-laws
223.To attend meetings
224.Proof of documents in Court
225.Seal in custody of City Clerk
City Treasurer
226.City Treasurer
227.Receives and disburses all moneys
228.Duty to keep complete accounts
229.Duty to hold sinking fund securities
230.Appointment of auditors
231.Duties and powers of auditors
232.Duty to report in certain cases
233.Added duties
234.Duty of Council and officers to assist auditors
235.Powers of auditors, call for books and documents
235A.Restriction on removal of records, books, and other documents from city office
235B.Rights of electors
Part V — By-laws for Contracting Debts
236.Limit of borrowing power
237.When by-law takes effect
238.When debt repayable
239.Issue of securities to cover debt
239A.Borrowing from Metro Vancouver Regional District
240.Recitals in money by-laws
241.Debt may be callable
242.What borrowing to be submitted to electors
243.Valid after expiration of month
244.Provision for amendment or diversion
245.Borrowing over a period of years
245A.Expenditure for providing information to electors
246.Conditions of borrowing
247.Issue of debentures to repurchase or redeem earlier debentures
247A.Debt repayment fund
248.How executed
248A.Issue and servicing of debentures
250.How payable
251.Payable in full
252.Provision for registration
253.How authorized
254.Effect of endorsement
255.Provision for cancellation
256.City not concerned with trusts
257.Lost debenture may be replaced
258.Sale of debenture
259.Expenditure may be delayed
260.Application of securities held as investments from sinking funds
261.Sinking fund accounts
262.Provision for transfer of surplus to sinking fund
263.Borrowing pending collection of real-property taxes
264.Borrowing pending sale of debentures
Part VI — Licences
269.Chief Licence Inspector
270.Powers of inspection
271.Duty to give access and information
272.By-laws respecting business regulation and licensing
272.1Restrictions on authority to regulate in relation to passenger directed vehicles
273.Terms and conditions of a licence
274.Payable in advance
275.Powers discretionary
276.Licence for each place of business
277.Power to suspend licences
277.1Delegation of Council hearings and appeals
278.Procedure where suspension or revocation recommended
278A.Procedures for dog licence suspensions and revocations
279.Certain provisions of Liquor Control and Licensing Act not to apply
279A.Shops regulation
279A.1Hours of business: licensed establishments and prescribed business premises
279B.Regulation of "burglar alarms"
279C.Regulation of fire alarm systems
Part VII — Business Tax
279AA.Government activities
280.By-laws respecting business tax
281.Access and information to be given
282.Interest on unpaid taxes
283.Status of owner-occupier
284.Tax a debt
285.Services included
286.Basis of assessment
287.Certain companies liable for tax
Part VIII — Public Works
288.City Engineer's status
289.Streets and parks vested in city
289A.Use of streets and adjacent property
290.Protection of streets
291.Council powers in relation to streets and other matters
291A.Access to property and right to purchase
291B.Appeal against decision of Registrar
292.Subdivision control
293.Appeal and procedure
294.Limitation of actions
295.Remedy over
296.Third-party procedure
297.If claim paid by city
298.When validity of judgment applies
299.Condition of recovery
300.Council powers in relation to water
Energy Utility System
300.1Establishment and operation of energy utility system
301.Provision of wharves
Sewers and Drains
302.Council powers in relation to sewers, drains and watercourses
Solid Waste
303.Council powers in relation to solid waste
Part IX — Buildings
305.City Building Inspector
306.By-laws respecting building regulation
306.01Off-street parking in transit-oriented areas
306B.Building Board of Appeal
307.Eviction of tenants may be effected
308.Taxes may be remitted
308A.Regulated by by-law
Part X — Fire Prevention and Control
309.Fire Department established
310.Council powers in relation to Fire Department
311.By-laws respecting fire prevention and control
Part XI — Electrical and Gas Works
312.City Electrician
313.City Electrician's powers of entry for inspection
314.Powers of Council
315.Water powers
316.Saving clause
Part XII — Street Traffic
317.By-laws respecting streets, traffic, carriers, parking and other matters
317.1Restrictions on authority to regulate in relation to passenger directed vehicles
318.Council powers in relation to traffic control
319.By-laws respecting other use of streets
319.1Relaxation of advertising by-laws
319.2Temporary traffic restriction and traffic control
320.Street names and signs
321.Filings to be made
Part XIII — Airport
322.Airport operations
Part XIV — Nuisances
323.By-laws respecting nuisances, noise and other matters
324.By-laws respecting impoundment and keeping of animals
324.1Dangerous dogs
324ARemedial action to address nuisance or danger
324BRecovery of city's costs
324CRemedial action to address dilapidated or unclean building, structure or erection
324DShorter time limit in urgent circumstances
Part XV — Health
325.Health Department
329.Access to be permitted
330.By-laws respecting health protection
Part XVI — Cemeteries or Related Property
331.Council powers in relation to cemeteries and related property
Part XVII — Penalties
333.Fines and penalties
333B.Enforcement of bylaws
333C.Additional sentencing powers in relation to Offence Act prosecutions
334.Civil proceedings by city
335.Powers of Justice of the Peace
336.City action at defaulter's expense
336A.Delegation of power to board or tribunal
336B.Violation of by-law
336C.Responsibility for by-law violation in building
336D.Note on title about building that is unsafe or contravenes by-law
Part XVIII — Department of Industrial Development
337.Department of Industrial Development may be established
Part XIX — Professional Contests and Exhibitions
338.Power to prohibit professional contests and exhibitions
Part XX — Real-Property Taxation
349.Contiguous parcels
351.Apportionment of taxes on subdivision
Estimates and Rating By-law
372.Annual estimates
373.Annual rating by-law
374.Levy on net taxable value
374.2Variable property tax rate system
374.3Limits on variable tax rate system
374.4Assessment averaging and phasing in by-laws
374.6Development potential relief
375.Pending appeals, how dealt with
376.Rebates or penalties
376.1Preparation and revision of residential flat rate tax roll
Appeals from Real-Property Court of Revision
395A.Assessment for golf courses
Taxation of Real Property
396.Property tax exemptions
396A.Exemptions for heritage property
396B.Repayment requirement in relation to heritage exemptions
396C.Exemptions for riparian property
396D.Repayment requirement in relation to riparian exemptions
396E.Revitalization tax exemptions
396F.Exemptions for not for profit property
397.Extent of property tax exemptions
398.Taxation of utility property
399.Exemption from business tax
Collection of Real-Property Taxes
400.Tax roll
401.Content of tax roll
401A.Supplementary roll
402.Collector to have custody
403.Mailing and content of tax statements
404.Date of mailing to be recorded
405.Request for copies of tax statement
406.Warning of tax sale
407.Further warning of tax sale
409.Special charges that are to be collected as real-property taxes
409.1Appeal against special charge
410.Taxes deemed due at beginning of year
411.When delinquent
412.Payment of taxes in advance
413.Persons liable for taxes
413A.Taxes to be first charge against lands
414.Constitute special lien
416.Payment by instalments
417.Application of term payments
418.Memo, showing taxes to be had
419.Taxes deemed legal after one year
420.Tax roll prima facie proof of debt
421.Apportionment where boundaries changed
Collection of School Taxes
421A.Agent of board of education
421B.Council to pay school taxes
421C.Taxes in arrear
Sale of Real Property for Delinquent Taxes Thereon
422.Tax sale each year
423.Status of Crown lands
424.Notice of sale
425.Collector to be auctioneer
426.Withdrawal of parcel from sale
427.Price to be paid
428.Reoffer of parcel
429.Amount to be paid at sale
430.Balance within a year
431.Certificate of purchase
432.Its contents
433.Copy of sections included
434.Mode of transfer
435.Notice by Collector to interested parties
436.Status of parcel so sold
437.Mode of redemption
438.Right to complain
439.Demand to be sent
440.Purchaser to be registered
441.Forfeiture if purchaser defaults
442.Status of parcel upon such default
443.Status of former owner after sale
444.Status of sale set aside
445.Cancellation of sale for manifest error
446.Protection against actions
447.Notice vitiates claim
448.City may acquire possession of parcel sold
449.Person redeeming may pay by instalments
450.Sale by city of parcels acquired at sale
451.Mode of recovering parcel from defaulting owner
452.Surplus in hands of Collector
453.Action may be taken
454.Period of limitation
Part XXI — Business Improvement Areas
455.Business improvement areas
456.Grants of money
457.Application and recovery of money
458.Alteration of boundaries
459.Levies for business improvement areas
461.Part XX to apply
462.Expiry of by-law
Part XXII — Police Magistrates
481.Enforcement of laws
482.Ticket offences under procedure of previous Offence Act provisions
482.1Ticket offences
482.2Penalties in relation to ticket offences
482.3Laying information and serving ticket
482.4Choice of paying fine or disputing ticket
482.5Effect of paying fine
482.6Hearing of dispute
482.7Failure to appear at hearing
482.8Failure to respond to ticket
482.9Time extensions if person not at fault in failing to respond or appear
482.91Regulations in relation to ticket offences
483.Disposal of property by police
Part XXIII — Parks
485.Park Board established
486.Elections for Park Board
486A.Application of conflict of interest and other disqualification provisions
486B.Application of code of conduct provisions
486C.Power of minister to make order or appoint acting members
488.Parks in care of Board
489.Park Board powers in relation to parks
489A.Power of Board to perform works
489B.Payments to members of the Board
490.Board's power of leasing, etc.
491.Park Board by-laws in relation to parks
491.1Relaxation of advertising and sign by-laws
491A.Meetings of the Board
492.Board's estimates to be submitted each year
493.Adopted estimates not to be exceeded
494.Enforcement of by-laws
495.Special meetings of the Board
495A.Electronic meetings of the Board
496.Certain employees to have special powers
497.Power to make agreements with other municipalities
497A.Board's jurisdiction outside city
Part XXIV — Local Improvements
499.Mailing of notices
500.Local improvement projects
501.Property-owner's share of the cost
502.City's share of the cost
503.Crown, how dealt with
504.Property otherwise exempt may be taxed
505.Borrowing for project
506.Process for initiating local improvements
506A.Collective parking project
506B.Maintenance of local improvements
507.Local improvements on Council initiative
508.By-law making regulations
509.How joint owners dealt with
510.Preparation of special assessment roll before local improvement by-law passed
511.Its powers and duties
512.Provision for additions to roll
513.Further appeal
513.1Complaints about averaging and phasing in by-laws
514.Roll not to be questioned
515.Costs to be apportioned
516.Local improvement by-law
517.Amounts to go in tax roll
518.Council responsibilities and powers if special assessment by-law inoperative
519.Project may be reduced in scope
520.Part V to apply
521.Effect on city's debt
522.Shortage, how dealt with
523.Excess, how dealt with
523A.Resolution cancelling local improvement or work
523B.Special rates levy
523C.Council may defer levies
523C.1Council may assume levies
Part XXIV-A — Development Cost Levies
523D.Development cost levies
Part XXIV-B — Amenity Cost Charges
523F.Power to undertake projects
523G.Imposition and collection of amenity cost charge
523H.Consultation required for amenity cost charge by-law
523I.Circumstances in which amenity cost charges are not payable
523J.Development for which charges may be waived or reduced
523K.Amenity cost charge by-law — specifying amenities and setting charges
523L.Use of amenity cost charges
523M.Provision of amenity instead of all or part of charge
523N.Effect of by-laws adopted or amended after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted
523O.Annual report by Director of Finance
523P.Information requested by minister
523R.Part does not restrict other powers
Part XXV — Quashing By-laws and Resolutions
524.Illegal by-law or resolution may be quashed
525.Notice and security
526.Service on city within one month
527.Particulars to be given
529.Applies to corrupt practices, etc.
530.Procedure on application alleging corrupt practices, etc.
Part XXVI — Compensation for Real Property Expropriated or Injured
532.Power to expropriate
538.Additional area may be acquired
540.1Power to expropriate personal property
Injurious Affection
541.Compensation for injurious affection
542.Power to enter other property
543.Claim to be filed
544.How damage ascertained
551.Change of street grade
552.Traffic powers
Part XXVII — Planning and Development
Division (1) — Interpretation
559.Definitions for this Part
559.01Limits on use of this Part and Part XXVIII
Division (1.1) — Public Hearings and Procedures for Planning and Development
559.02Requirement for public hearing before adopting by-law
559.03Public hearing procedures
559.04Notice of public hearing
559.05Notice if public hearing not held
559.06Posted notices respecting proposed by-laws
559.07Procedure after public hearing
Division (2) — Planning and Development
560.Appointment of Director of Planning
560A.Power of entry to inspect
561.Development plans
561ARequirements for excess or extended services
561BLatecomer charges and cost recovery for excess or extended services
562.Council powers respecting official development plan
562.01Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets
562.1Planning of school facilities
563.Undertakings, official development plan
564.Acquisition and expropriation powers in relation to official development plan
Division (3) — Zoning
564B.Definitions for this Division
565.Zoning by-law
565.001Restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas
565.01Residential rental tenure
565.02Strata rental bylaws and housing cooperative rules
565.03Zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing
565.04Exemptions related to small-scale multi-family housing
565.05Density benefits related to small-scale multi-family housing
565.06Regulations related to small-scale multi-family housing
565.07Provincial policy guidelines related to small-scale multi-family housing
565.08Zoning by-laws and housing needs reports
565.09Density benefits and housing needs report
565.1Zoning for amenities and affordable housing
565.11Consultation on density benefits zoning by-law
565.12Analysis and considerations for density benefits zoning by-law
565.13Payment of money instead of meeting conditions
565.14Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere
565.15Effect of by-laws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted
565.16Annual report respecting density benefits zoning by-law
565.17Zoning by-laws and affordable and special needs housing
565.18Consultation on affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law
565.19Analysis and considerations for affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law
565.191Payment of money instead of providing affordable and special needs housing units
565.192Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere
565.193Effect of by-laws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted
565.194Annual report respecting affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law
565.195Information requested by minister
565.2Housing agreements for affordable and special needs housing
565D.Occupancy of phase out suite
565E.Expiry of development permit which is limited in time
565F.Landscaping requirements
566.Fees for amendment of zoning by-law
567.By-laws governing restrictions as to height of buildings, size of courts and yards
568.Non-conforming use
568.1Non-compliant form of tenure
568.2Non-compliant form of tenure: repair, extension and alteration
568.3Change in ownership, tenants or occupants in relation to form of tenure
568.4Dissolution of strata corporations
568.5Zoning of transferred land — streets
569.Property injuriously affected
570.Withholding of permit pending adoption of zoning by-law
571A.Sign by-laws
571AA.Relaxation of sign by-laws
571B.Environmental Management Act requirements must be met
571C.Agreements for regulating contaminated sites
571D.Approval of bylaw
Division (4) — Board of Variance
572.Establishment and membership of Board of Variance
573.Appeals to Board of Variance
Division (5) — Advisory Planning Commission
574.Personnel and powers of Commission
Division (6) — Housing Needs Reports
574.1Housing needs reports
574.2Collection of housing information
574.3Content of housing needs report
574.4When and how housing needs report must be received
574.5Publication of housing needs report
Division (7) — Transit-Oriented Areas
574.61Provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas
574.62Regulations related to transit-oriented areas
574.63Council designation of transit-oriented areas
574.64Lieutenant Governor in Council designation of transit-oriented areas
Part XXVIII — Heritage Conservation
Division (1) — General
576.Limits on the use of this Part
577.Limit on compensation
578.By-law and permit procedures
579.Delegation of Council authority
580.Ombudsperson review of Council decisions
Division (2) — Heritage Review
581.Heritage commissions
582.Heritage register
583.Heritage inspection may be ordered
584.Entry authority for a heritage inspection
585.Impact assessment may be required
586.Requests for Provincial protection
Division (3) — Temporary Protection
587.Withholding of approvals
588.Withholding of demolition permits pending other approvals
589.Orders for temporary protection
589A.Temporary protection by introduction of a continuing protection by-law
590.Heritage control periods for temporary protection
591.Temporary protection
Division (4) — Continuing Protection
592.Heritage revitalization agreements
593.Heritage designation protection
594.Heritage designation procedure
595.Compensation for heritage designation
595A.Transfer of increased density provided as compensation for heritage designation
596.Heritage site maintenance standards
596A.Designation of heritage conservation areas
596B.Heritage conservation areas
Division (5) — Heritage Alteration Permits
597.Heritage alteration permits
598.Requirements and conditions in a heritage alteration permit
Division (6) — Notices under this Part
599.Giving notice to owners and occupiers
600.Posting notice on protected heritage property
601.Notice on land titles
602.Notice to minister responsible for the Heritage Conservation Act
603.Regulations regarding notices
Division (7) — Remedies and Offences
604.Civil remedies in relation to heritage property
605.Notice of contravention may be filed in land title office
606.Offences and penalties
Part XXIX — Protection of Trees
607.General protection of trees
608.Regulation of tree cutting and removal
609.Significant trees
610.Hazardous trees and shrubs
611.Removal or replacement of trees at owner's expense
612.Assessment and inspection of trees
613.Limits on powers under this division
614.Reconsideration of delegate's decision
Part XXX — Vacancy Tax
615.Definitions for this Part
616.Vacancy tax
617.Required vacancy tax by-law provisions
618.Permissive vacancy tax by-law powers
619.Vacancy tax by-law variation power
620.Property status declarations
621.Entering onto residential property
Part XXXI — Transitional and Interim Provisions
Division (1) — Interpretation
623.Transition — definition for this Part
Division (2) — Small-Scale Multi-Family Housing
624.Transition — extended compliance period for small-scale multi-family housing
625.Transition — extension process for small-scale multi-family housing
626.Transition — ministerial order related to small-scale multi-family housing
627.Transition — heritage revitalization agreements
Division (3) — Interim Report on Housing Needs
628.Transition — interim report on housing needs
Division (4) — Transit-Oriented Areas
629.Definitions for this Division
630.Transition — interim designation of transit-oriented areas
631.Transition — provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas
632.Transition — restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas
633.Transition — off-street parking
Division (5) — Density Benefits
634Transition — density benefits zoning by-laws