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This Act is current to February 4, 2025
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force.

Vancouver Charter

[SBC 1953] CHAPTER 55

Part XXVII — Planning and Development

Division (1) — Interpretation

Definitions for this Part

559.   In this Part, or in any by-law made thereunder, unless the context otherwise requires,

"adopt", in relation to a by-law or an official development plan, includes amend or repeal;

"building" and "construction" mean "building" and "construction" as defined in section 304;

"certificate of use and occupancy" means a certificate issued by the Director of Planning or such other persons as are authorized by Council, designating the authorized use or occupancy of any land or building;

"conditional approval use" means a use of land or a building which is permitted in a district or zone at the discretion of Council or an official or board to whom the discretion is delegated;

"development" means a change in the use of any land or building, or the carrying-out of any construction, engineering or other operations in, on, over, or under land or land covered by water;

"development plan" means a plan or plans for the future physical development of the city or any part thereof, whether expressed in drawings, reports, or otherwise, and whether complete or partial;

"form of tenure" means the legal basis on which a person occupies a housing unit;

"greenhouse gas" has the same meaning as in the Climate Change Accountability Act;

"heritage conservation area" means an area designated under section 561 (2) (c) (iv) in an official development plan;

"non-conforming" as applied to a development means that such development was lawful when it took place but, by reason of a zoning by-law subsequently passed, does not conform to the uses permitted or regulations prescribed by such by-law. "Non-conformity" shall have a corresponding meaning;

"official development plan" means any development plan, whether complete or partial, which has been adopted under this Part;

"owner" shall include the agent or representative of a person owning or in possession of real property or in receipt of the rents or profits therefrom whether on the person's own account or as agent or trustee for any other person;

"residential rental tenure" means a form of tenure as such form of tenure is defined in a zoning by-law;

"strata lot" has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Strata Property Act;

"structural alteration" includes any work or construction which involves any change, modification, replacement, or repair of any supporting member of a building, including the bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders thereof;

"zoning by-law" shall include a zoning and development by-law.

1959-107-20; 1964-72-16; 1987-52-32; 1988-67-11; 2002-22-30; 2008-23-37; 2018-26-12; 2018-32-5; 2021-5-94; 2022-15-76,Sch 4; 2024-12-2.

Limits on use of this Part and Part XXVIII

559.01   The following powers must not be exercised in a manner that unreasonably prohibits or restricts the use or density of use required to be permitted under section 565.03 [zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing]:

(a) a power in relation to a by-law or permit under Division (3) [Zoning] of this Part;

(b) a power in relation to a heritage alteration permit, as defined in section 575 [definitions];

(c) a power under section 596A [designation of heritage conservation areas].


Division (1.1) — Public Hearings and Procedures for Planning and Development

Requirement for public hearing before adopting by-law

559.02   (1) Subject to this section, the Council must not adopt

(a) an official development plan by-law, or

(b) a zoning by-law

without holding a public hearing on the by-law for the purpose of allowing the public to make representations to the Council respecting matters contained in the proposed by-law.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) (b), an application for rezoning is to be treated as an application to amend a zoning by-law.

(3) Subject to this section, the Council is not required to hold a public hearing on a proposed zoning by-law if the by-law is consistent with an official development plan.

(4) The Council must not hold a public hearing on a proposed zoning by-law if

(a) the by-law is consistent with an official development plan,

(b) the sole purpose of the by-law is to permit a development that is, in whole or in part, a residential development, and

(c) the residential component of the development accounts for at least half of the gross floor area of all buildings and other structures proposed as part of the development.

(5) The Council must not hold a public hearing on a zoning by-law proposed for the sole purpose of complying with section 565.03 [zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing].


Public hearing procedures

559.03   (1) The procedures set out in this section apply to a public hearing under section 559.02 (1).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a public hearing may be conducted by means of electronic or other communication facilities.

(3) The facilities referred to in subsection (2) must enable the public hearing's participants to hear, or watch and hear, each other.

(4) All persons who consider themselves affected by a proposed by-law that is the subject of a public hearing must be provided an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing on matters contained in the proposed by-law.

(5) A public hearing may be adjourned and no further notice of the hearing is necessary if the following are stated to those in attendance at the time the hearing is adjourned:

(a) the time and date of the resumption of the hearing;

(b) the place of the resumed hearing, if applicable;

(c) the way in which the hearing is to be conducted by means of electronic or other communication facilities, if applicable.


Notice of public hearing

559.04   (1) If a public hearing referred to in section 559.02 (1) is to be held, the Council must give notice of the hearing

(a) in accordance with section 3 [requirements for public notice], and

(b) in the case of a public hearing on an official development plan that includes a schedule under section 596A (3) (b) [designation of heritage conservation areas], in accordance with section 599 [giving notice to owners and occupiers].

(2) The notice must state the following:

(a) the time and date of the hearing;

(b) the place of the hearing, if applicable;

(c) if the hearing is conducted by means of electronic or other communication facilities, the way in which the hearing is to be conducted by those means;

(d) in general terms, the purpose of the by-law;

(e) the land or lands that are the subject of the by-law;

(f) the place where and the times and dates when copies of the by-law may be inspected.

(3) If the Council has adopted a by-law under section 3.2 [by-law to provide for alternative means of publication], the notice under this section must be published by at least one of the means of publication specified in the by-law at least 7 days and not more than 14 days before the date of the public hearing.

(4) If the Council has not adopted a by-law under section 3.2, the last publication of the notice must be at least 7 days and not more than 14 days before the date of the public hearing.


Notice if public hearing not held

559.05   (1) If the Council decides not to hold, or is prohibited from holding, a public hearing referred to in section 559.02 on a proposed zoning by-law, the Council must give notice in accordance with this section.

(2) The notice must state the following:

(a) in general terms, the purpose of the by-law;

(b) the land or lands that are the subject of the by-law;

(c) the date the proposed by-law will be introduced;

(d) the place where and the times and dates when a copy of the by-law may be inspected.

(3) Section 559.04 (3) and (4) applies to a notice under this section, except that a reference in that section to a public hearing is to be read as a reference to the relevant Council meeting.


Posted notices respecting proposed by-laws

559.06   (1) Without limiting the obligations to give notice under sections 559.04 and 559.05, the Council may, by by-law,

(a) require the posting of a notice on land that is the subject of a by-law, and

(b) specify the size, form and content of the notice and the manner in which and the locations where it must be posted.

(2) Specifications under subsection (1) (b) may be different for different areas, zones, uses within a zone and parcel sizes.


Procedure after public hearing

559.07   (1) After the conclusion of a public hearing, the Council may adopt the proposed by-law in its original form or as altered to give effect to representations made at the public hearing respecting matters contained in the proposed by-law as the Council considers appropriate.

(2) A member of the Council who

(a) is entitled to vote on a proposed by-law that was the subject of a public hearing, and

(b) was not present at the public hearing

may vote on the adoption of the proposed by-law if an oral or written report of the public hearing has been given to the member by the Director of Planning or another official of the city.


Division (2) — Planning and Development

Appointment of Director of Planning

560.   The Council may appoint a Director of Planning, who shall have such duties and powers as the Council may from time to time prescribe.


Power of entry to inspect

560A.   The Director of Planning or anyone authorized by the Director of Planning shall have power to enter on to any land or into any building at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting such land or building in order to ascertain if the provisions of a zoning by-law are being or have been carried out.

1963-60-16; 2022-15-75,Sch 3.

Development plans

561.   (1) The Council may have development plans prepared or revised from time to time.

(2) A development plan under this section may

(a) relate to the whole city, or to any particular area of the city, or to a specific project or projects within the city;

(b) be altered, added to, or extended;

(c) designate

(i) land for streets, lanes and other public thoroughfares, and for the widening of streets, lanes and other public thoroughfares,

(ii) sites for parks, schools and public buildings,

(iii) areas for special projects, including projects that require development or redevelopment as a whole, and

(iv) for the purposes of heritage conservation, heritage conservation areas in accordance with section 596A.

(3) A development plan under this section must include housing policies of the Council respecting affordable housing, rental housing and special needs housing.

(3.1) The Council must consider the most recent housing needs report received by the Council under section 574.4, and the housing information on which the report is based,

(a) when developing a development plan relating to the whole city, or to any particular area of the city, that the Council intends to adopt under section 562 as an official development plan, or

(b) when amending, in relation to housing policies under subsection (3), a development plan relating to the whole city, or to any particular area of the city, that has been adopted under section 562 as an official development plan.

(3.2) When developing or amending a development plan under this section, the Council must consider applicable guidelines, if any, under section 574.61 [provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas].

(4) A development plan under this section may include the following:

(a) policies of the Council relating to social needs, social well-being and social development;

(b) policies of the Council relating to the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment, its ecosystems and biological diversity;

(c) a regional context statement, consistent with the rest of the development plan, of how matters referred to in section 429 (2) (a) to (c) of the Local Government Act, and other matters dealt with in the development plan, apply in a regional context.

(5) To the extent that a development plan under this section deals with these matters, it should work towards the purpose and goals referred to in section 428 of the Local Government Act.

1992-15-3; 1994-52-170; 1995-9-17; 1997-24-18; 1997-25-207; 2000-7-191; 2002-22-31; RS2015-1-RevSch; 2018-20-8; 2023-45-29; 2023-48-14.

Requirements for excess or extended services

561A   (1) For the purposes of this section and section 561B, "excess or extended services" means

(a) a portion of a street system that will provide access to land other than the land being subdivided or developed, and

(b) a portion of a water, sewage or drainage system that will serve land other than the land being subdivided or developed.

(2) The Council may require that the owner of land that is to be subdivided or developed provide excess or extended services.

(3) If the Council makes a requirement under subsection (2), the cost of providing the excess or extended services must be paid for

(a) by the city, or

(b) if the Council considers its costs to provide all or part of these services to be excessive, by the owner of the land being subdivided or developed.


Latecomer charges and cost recovery for excess or extended services

561B   (1) For the purposes of this section, "latecomer charge" means a charge under subsection (2) (c).

(2) If the owner is required under section 561A (3) (b) to pay all or part of the costs of excess or extended services, the city must

(a) determine the proportion of the cost of providing the street or water, sewage or drainage facilities that it considers constitutes the excess or extended services,

(b) determine which part of the excess or extended services that it considers will benefit each of the parcels of land that will be served by the excess or extended services, and

(c) impose, as a condition of an owner connecting to or using the excess or extended services, a charge related to the benefit determined under paragraph (b).

(3) If the owner pays all or part of the costs of excess or extended services, the city must pay the owner

(a) all the latecomer charges collected under subsection (2) (c), if the owner pays all the costs, or

(b) a corresponding proportion of all latecomer charges collected, if the owner pays a portion of the costs.

(4) If the city pays all or part of the costs of excess or extended services, it may recover costs

(a) by a latecomer charge under subsection (2) (c), or

(b) by a tax imposed in accordance with Part XXIV [Local Improvements], other than section 506 [process for initiating local improvements].

(5) A latecomer charge must include interest calculated annually at a rate established by bylaw, payable for the period beginning when the excess or extended services were completed, up to the date that the connection is made or the use begins.

(6) Subject to subsection (7), latecomer charges must be collected during the period beginning when the excess or extended services are completed, up to

(a) a date to be agreed on by the owner and the city, or

(b) if there is no agreement, a date determined under the Arbitration Act.

(7) No latecomer charges are payable beyond 15 years from the date the services are completed.

(8) If an owner, in accordance with a bylaw under section 292, provides a street or water, sewage or drainage facilities that serve land other than the land being subdivided or developed, this section applies.


Council powers respecting official development plan

562.   (1) The Council may, by by-law,

(a) adopt as the official development plan, or as a part of the official development plan, any development plan prepared under section 561, or

(b) revise or amend the official development plan or any part of the official development plan.

(2) to (4) [Repealed 2024-12-10.]

1995-9-18; 2002-22-32; 2008-42-138; 2018-23-53; 2021-16-22; 2024-12-10.

Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets

562.01   An official development plan under section 562 must include targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the area covered by the plan, and policies and actions of the Council proposed with respect to achieving those targets.


Planning of school facilities

562.1   The Council, if it has adopted or proposes to adopt, revise or amend an official development plan for all or any part of the city, shall, at the time of preparing, revising or amending the official development plan and, in any event, not less frequently than once in each calendar year, consult with the boards of education for the school districts that are wholly or partially included in the area to which the official development plan applies and seek their input as to

(a) the actual and anticipated needs for school facilities and support services in the school districts,

(b) the size, number and location of the sites anticipated to be required for the school facilities referred to in paragraph (a),

(c) the type of school anticipated to be required on the sites referred to in paragraph (b),

(d) when the school facilities and support services referred to in paragraph (a) are anticipated to be required, and

(e) how the existing and proposed school facilities relate to existing or proposed community facilities in the area.

1993-6-20; 2007-29-44.

Undertakings, official development plan

563.   (1) The adoption by Council of a development plan shall not commit the Council to undertake any of the developments shown on the plan.

(2) The Council shall not authorize, permit, or undertake any development contrary to or at variance with the official development plan.

(3) It shall be unlawful for any person to commence or undertake any development contrary to or at variance with the official development plan.


Acquisition and expropriation powers in relation to official development plan

564.   (1) Where a project is shown upon an official development plan, the Council may acquire any real property it considers essential to the carrying-out of the project, and in addition acquire other adjacent or neighbouring real property. Such additional real property may include

(a) the remnants of parcels, portions of which are essential to carrying out the project;

(b) any lands which may be injuriously affected by the project;

(c) any lands which, if allowed to be built upon without restriction, might become the site of buildings or structures which would prejudicially affect the full enjoyment of any building forming part of the project or the architectural effect thereof;

(d) any lands which the Council is of the opinion could be conveniently and profitably resubdivided or rearranged and developed as part of the project.

(2) The Council shall have the same right to purchase or expropriate the additional lands as it has to purchase or expropriate the lands immediately necessary for the carrying-out of the project under this Act.

(3) Any expenses incurred in acquiring additional lands shall be met as part of the project, and the proceeds of any sale or other disposition of the lands so acquired shall be applied, in so far as they are required, in reduction of the cost of carrying out the project.



564A.   [Repealed 1977-37-35, proclaimed effective September 22, 1977.]

Division (3) — Zoning

Definitions for this Division

564B.   In this Division:

"affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law" means a zoning by-law referred to in section 565.17 (1) [zoning by-laws and affordable and special needs housing];

"conditional density rule" means a density regulation established under section 565.1 (1) [zoning for amenities and affordable housing] to apply for a district or zone only on applicable conditions being met;

"density benefits zoning by-law" means a zoning by-law referred to in section 565.1 (1).


Zoning by-law

565.   (1) The Council may make by-laws

(a) dividing the city or any portion thereof into districts or zones of such number, shape, or size as Council may deem fit;

(b) regulating, within any designated district or zone, the use or occupancy of land and land covered by water for or except for such purposes as may be set out in the by-law;

(b.1) limiting the form of tenure in accordance with section 565.01;

(c) regulating, within any designated district or zone, the construction, use, or occupancy of buildings for or except for such purposes as may be set out in the by-law;

(d) regulating the height, bulk, location, size, floor area, spacing, and external design of buildings to be erected within the city or within designated districts or zones;

(e) establishing, in any district or zone, building lines and the area of yards, courts and open spaces to be maintained and the maximum percentage of the area of land that can be covered by impermeable material;

(e.1) regulating, in any district or zone, the maximum density of population or the maximum floor-space ratio permissible;

(f) designating districts or zones

(i) in which there must not be any uniform regulations,

(ii) in which any person wishing to carry out development must

(A) submit such plans and specifications as may be required by the Director of Planning, and

(B) obtain the approval of the Council to the form of development, or

(iii) in which any person wishing to carry out development must comply with regulations and guidelines set out in an official development plan;

(f.1) requiring, where it creates a zone pursuant to this section, that as a condition of approving a form of development a person provide public amenities, facilities or utilities or provide land for such purposes or require that the person retain and enhance natural physical features of a parcel being developed;

(g) delegating to the Director of Planning or such other persons as are authorized by Council the authority to certify the authorized use or occupancy of any land or building;

(h) providing for certificates of use or occupancy and providing that the use or occupancy of any land or building other than in accordance with the certificate of use or occupancy applicable to such land or building shall constitute a violation of the by-law and shall render the owner of the land or building liable to the penalties provided in the by-law;

(i) authorizing the collection of a fee for a certificate of use or occupancy, which fee may vary according to the type of use or occupancy or the value of the land or building used or occupied;

(j) describing the zones or districts by the use of maps or plans, and the information shown on such maps or plans shall form part of the by-law to the same extent as if included therein.

(1.1) The Council may, by by-law, delegate to an officer or employee of the city the authority to grant the approval referred to in subsection (1) (f) (ii) (B).

(1.2) A by-law delegating the authority to grant the approval referred to in subsection (1) (f) (ii) (B) must include

(a) guidelines the delegate must consider in deciding whether to grant approval, and

(b) any terms and conditions the Council considers appropriate.

(1.3) If the Council delegates the authority to grant the approval referred to in subsection (1) (f) (ii) (B), a person wishing to carry out development that is subject to a decision of the delegate is entitled to have the Council reconsider the matter.

(2) A by-law regulating the use or occupancy of land, land covered by water or buildings may

(a) permit uses or occupancies existing at a date specified in the by-law as outright uses, and

(b) make uses or occupancies existing at a date specified in the by-law conditional approval uses as of that date.

(3) The regulations under subsection (1) may be different for different protected heritage property, as specified in the by-law.

(4) In addition to the authority under subsection (3), a by-law under this section may make different provisions for different matters prescribed for the purposes of section 565.001.

(5) In developing or adopting a by-law under this section, the Council must consider applicable guidelines, if any, under section 574.61 [provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas].

1959-107-20; 1964-72-17; 1990-76-10; 1992-57-14; 1994-43-95; 1994-52-171; 2018-26-13; 2023-48-15; 2024-12-16.

Restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas

565.001   Despite section 565 but subject to an exemption set out in the regulations, the Council must not exercise the powers referred to in that section to prohibit or restrict a density of use, or a height, bulk, size or floor area of buildings, set out in the regulations in relation to land that is in a transit-oriented area and zoned to permit

(a) any residential use, or

(b) a prescribed use other than residential use.


Residential rental tenure

565.01   (1) A zoning by-law may limit the form of tenure to residential rental tenure within a district or zone or part of a district or zone for a location in relation to which multi-family residential use is permitted.

(2) A limit under subsection (1) may limit the form of residential rental tenure in relation to a specified number, portion or percentage of housing units in a building.


Strata rental bylaws and housing cooperative rules

565.02   If the Council adopts a zoning by-law that limits the form of tenure to residential rental tenure, the zoning by-law in relation to residential rental tenure does not affect the following:

(a) any lawful bylaw that a strata corporation may pass under Part 8 [Rentals] of the Strata Property Act;

(b) any lawful rule that a housing cooperative may adopt in relation to rental of housing.


Zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing

565.03   (1) In this section:

"manufactured home zone" means a district or zone in respect of which the only permitted residential use is for manufactured homes as defined in section 673 [definitions in relation to Part 17] of the Local Government Act;

"restricted zone" means,

(a) for the purposes of subsection (3), a district or zone in respect of which the permitted residential use would, but for this section, be restricted to detached one-family dwellings, and

(b) for the purposes of subsections (4) and (5), a district or zone in respect of which the permitted residential use would, but for this section, be restricted to

(i) detached one-family dwellings,

(ii) detached one-family dwellings with one additional housing unit located within the detached one-family dwelling or on the same parcel or parcels of land on which the detached one-family dwelling is located,

(iii) duplexes, or

(iv) duplexes with one additional housing unit located within each dwelling comprising the duplex or no more than 2 additional housing units on the same parcel or parcels of land on which the duplex is located,

but does not include a manufactured home zone.

(2) Subject to an exemption under section 565.04 or set out in the regulations, a zoning by-law adopted on or after June 30, 2024 must permit the use of land, the use of land covered by water and the use of buildings, and the density of use, required under this section to be permitted.

(3) The Council must exercise the powers referred to in section 565 [zoning by-law] to permit the use and density of use necessary to accommodate one or both of the following on land within a restricted zone:

(a) at least one additional housing unit within a detached dwelling that would otherwise be a one-family dwelling;

(b) at least one additional housing unit within another building on the same parcel or parcels of land on which a detached one-family dwelling is located.

(4) The Council must exercise the powers referred to in section 565 to permit the use and density of use necessary to accommodate at least the prescribed number of housing units on the following land within a restricted zone:

(a) each parcel of land wholly or partly within an urban containment boundary established by a regional growth strategy applicable to the city;

(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply, each parcel of land wholly or partly within an urban containment boundary established by a development plan.

(5) Despite subsection (4), the minimum number of housing units that must be permitted by the Council on a parcel of land referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (4) is the greater number prescribed for the purposes of this subsection if the parcel of land is

(a) wholly or partly within a prescribed distance from a bus stop in relation to which the prescribed requirements are met, and

(b) at least the prescribed size.

(6) If the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes regulations respecting the siting, height, bulk, location, size or type of housing unit required to be permitted under this section, the Council must exercise the powers referred to in section 565 in accordance with those regulations.

(7) In developing or adopting a zoning by-law to permit the use and density of use required under this section to be permitted, the Council must consider applicable guidelines, if any, under section 565.07 [provincial policy guidelines related to small-scale multi-family housing].


Exemptions related to small-scale multi-family housing

565.04   (1) Section 565.03 (4) and (5) does not apply in relation to any of the following land:

(a) land that is protected under section 12.1 (2) of the Heritage Conservation Act;

(b) land that is, on the date this section comes into force, designated as protected under a by-law made under section 593 [heritage designation protection] of this Act;

(c) land that is not connected to a water or sewer system provided as a service by the city or the Metro Vancouver Regional District;

(d) land within a district or zone in respect of which the minimum lot size that may be created by subdivision is 4 050 m2;

(e) a parcel of land that is larger than 4 050 m2.

(2) As soon as practicable after the Council adopts a zoning by-law in respect of which an exemption under this section or the regulations applies, the Council must give to the minister a written notice that identifies

(a) the land in respect of which the exemption applies, and

(b) the provision under which the exemption is exercised.


Density benefits related to small-scale multi-family housing

565.05   (1) [Repealed 2024-11-32.]

(2) Despite section 565.1 (1) but subject to subsection (3) of this section, a zoning by-law must not establish conditional density rules for the purpose of achieving the minimum number of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.03 (4) or (5).

(3) A zoning by-law may, under section 565.1 (1), establish conditional density rules for only one of the minimum number of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.03 (5) but, despite section 565.1 (1) (b), may establish applicable conditions in relation to that single housing unit only in accordance with section 565.1 (2) (b) and (c).

(4) This section does not prohibit a zoning by-law from establishing, under section 565.1, conditional density rules, or applicable conditions, in relation to any number of housing units in excess of the minimum number of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.03 (4) or (5).

2023-45-30; 2024-11-32.

Regulations related to small-scale multi-family housing

565.06   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) for the purposes of paragraph (b) (iii) and (iv) of the definition of "restricted zone" in section 565.03 (1) [zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing], respecting what constitutes a duplex;

(b) respecting exemptions from all or part of section 565.03;

(c) for the purposes of section 565.03 (4), respecting what constitutes an urban containment boundary;

(d) for the purposes of section 565.03 (5) (a), respecting requirements in relation to bus stops;

(e) for the purposes of section 565.03 (6), respecting the siting, height, bulk, location, size or type of housing units;

(f) respecting any other matter for which regulations are contemplated by section 565.03.


Provincial policy guidelines related to small-scale multi-family housing

565.07   The minister may, after consulting with the minister responsible for the Community Charter, establish policy guidelines regarding the following:

(a) the process of developing and adopting, by the Council, a zoning by-law, for the purpose of permitting the use or density of use required to be permitted under section 565.03 [zoning by-laws and small-scale multi-family housing] of this Act;

(b) the process of developing and adopting, by the Council, a by-law under section 306 (1) (r) [off-street parking and loading space requirements] of this Act to the extent that the by-law relates to the residential use of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.03 (5) of this Act;

(c) the content of a by-law referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.


Zoning by-laws and housing needs reports

565.08   (1) The Council must exercise the powers referred to in section 565 to permit the use and density of use necessary to accommodate at least the 20-year total number of housing units required to meet the anticipated housing needs, which total number is included in the most recent housing needs report received under section 574.4 [when and how housing needs report must be received] by the Council.

(2) The Council must, within the prescribed period after December 31 of the year in which the Council received the most recent housing needs report, review and, if necessary, amend or adopt a zoning by-law to permit the use and density of use required to be permitted under this section.

(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing a period for the purposes of subsection (2).


Density benefits and housing needs report

565.09   (1) [Not in force. Repealed 2024-11-33.]

(2) Despite section 565.1 (1), a zoning by-law must not establish conditional density rules for the purpose of achieving the minimum number of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.08 (1).

(3) This section does not prohibit a zoning by-law from establishing, under section 565.1, conditional density rules in relation to any number of housing units in excess of the minimum number of housing units required to be permitted under section 565.08 (1).

2023-45-33; 2024-11-33.

Zoning for amenities and affordable housing

565.1   (1) A zoning by-law may

(a) subject to subsections (1.1) and (1.2), establish different density regulations for a district or zone, one generally applicable for the district or zone and the other or others to apply if the applicable conditions under paragraph (b) are met, and

(b) establish conditions in accordance with subsection (2) that will entitle an owner to a higher density under paragraph (a).

(1.1) In relation to land that is in a transit-oriented area, a zoning by-law must not establish a conditional density rule that entitles an owner to a higher density under subsection (1) (a) that is less than or equal to

(a) the density of use, and

(b) the density corresponding to the height, bulk, size and floor area of buildings

set out in the regulations made under section 574.62 (e) (i) [regulations related to transit-oriented areas] in relation to that land.

(1.2) A zoning by-law must not establish a conditional density rule that entitles the owner of a development to a higher density under subsection (1) (a) that is less than or equal to any higher density provided to the development under an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law.

(2) The following are conditions that may be included under subsection (1) (b):

(a) subject to subsection (2.1), conditions relating to the conservation or provision of amenities, including the number, kind and extent of amenities;

(b) subject to subsection (2.2), conditions relating to the provision of affordable and special needs housing units, including conditions respecting either or both of the following:

(i) the ownership and management of the units;

(ii) the number of bedrooms in the units;

(c) a condition that the owner enter into a housing agreement under section 565.2 before a building permit is issued in relation to property to which the condition applies.

(2.1) A zoning by-law must not establish conditions relating to the conservation or provision of an amenity that is specified in an amenity cost charge by-law under section 523K (1) (b) [amenities receiving funding from amenity cost charge].

(2.2) If a zoning by-law imposes conditions referred to in subsection (2) (b), the zoning by-law must also impose conditions respecting the following:

(a) subject to subsection (2.3), the required portion of affordable and special needs housing units in a development;

(b) the form of tenure of the affordable and special needs housing units;

(c) the affordability of the units, including the sales price of the units or the rent to be charged for the units;

(d) the length of time during which the units are subject to conditions imposed under subsection (2) (b) and this subsection.

(2.3) The portion of affordable and special needs housing units referred to in subsection (2.2) (a) must be specified in the zoning by-law as either or both of the following:

(a) a proportion of all housing units in a development;

(b) a percentage of the gross floor area of the residential component of a development.

(2.4) If a zoning by-law imposes conditions referred to in subsection (2) (a) or (b), the zoning by-law may, as an alternative to complying with those conditions and conditions under subsection (2.2), permit, in the circumstances set out in the zoning by-law and at the option of the developer, the payment to the city of an amount of money in accordance with section 565.13 [payment of money instead of meeting conditions].

(2.5) Provisions of a zoning by-law referred to in subsection (1) may be different for one or more of the following:

(a) different forms of tenure;

(b) different areas;

(c) different parcels of land;

(d) different sizes or types of housing units;

(e) different construction materials for housing units;

(f) any other prescribed basis for difference.

(3) A zoning by-law under section 565 (1) (f) may designate an area within a zone for affordable or special needs housing, as such housing is defined in the by-law, if the owners of the property covered by the designation consent to the designation.

1993-58-5; 1994-43-96; 2023-46-12; 2024-11-34.

Consultation on density benefits zoning by-law

565.11   (1) During the development of a density benefits zoning by-law, or the development of an amendment to such a zoning by-law, the Council must provide one or more opportunities it considers appropriate for consultation with persons, public authorities and organizations that the Council considers will be affected by the zoning by-law.

(2) No consultation is required to repeal a density benefits zoning by-law.

(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting consultation under subsection (1), including regulations as follows:

(a) establishing notice requirements and the process for consultation;

(b) prescribing persons, public authorities and organizations that must be consulted;

(c) prescribing circumstances in which no consultation is required.


Analysis and considerations for density benefits zoning by-law

565.12   (1) In adopting or amending a density benefits zoning by-law, the Council must do the following:

(a) have a financial feasibility analysis undertaken in accordance with subsection (2) and consider that analysis;

(b) meet any other prescribed requirements.

(2) The financial feasibility analysis referred to in subsection (1) (a) must take into consideration any relevant matters and information, including the following:

(a) the conditions of the local housing market;

(b) the costs of residential construction;

(c) the degree to which different factors affect the feasibility of meeting the conditions imposed under section 565.1 (2) (a) and (b) and (2.2);

(d) the amount of density required to ensure the feasibility of meeting the conditions imposed under section 565.1 (2) (a) and (b) and (2.2);

(e) any other prescribed matters or information.

(3) The Council must make available to the public, on request, the considerations, information and analysis used to adopt or amend a density benefits zoning by-law, but any information respecting the contemplated acquisition costs of specific properties need not be provided.

(4) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations requiring that the financial feasibility analysis referred to in subsection (1) (a) be undertaken by an individual with a professional designation specified in the regulation.


Payment of money instead of meeting conditions

565.13   (1) In this section, "capital costs" includes

(a) planning, architectural, engineering and legal costs, and

(b) the principal and interest

directly related to meeting the conditions imposed under section 565.1 (2) (a) and (b) and (2.2).

(2) If a developer exercises the option, referred to in section 565.1 (2.4), to pay money to the city in respect of a development, the amount of money to be paid is equal to the estimated capital costs that the developer would otherwise incur to meet the conditions imposed under section 565.1 (2) (a) and (b) and (2.2) in respect of the development.

(3) The method for determining the estimated capital costs referred to in subsection (2) of this section must be specified in the density benefits zoning by-law.

(4) Money referred to in section 565.1 (2.4) is payable at the time the building permit is issued in relation to property to which the conditions imposed under section 565.1 (2) (a) and (b) and (2.2) apply.

(5) If money is received by the city under subsection (4) of this section in relation to the conservation or provision of amenities, the Council must

(a) establish a density benefits reserve fund for amenities for the purpose of conserving or providing amenities, and

(b) place the money to the credit of the density benefits reserve fund for amenities.

(6) Money in a density benefits reserve fund for amenities, together with interest on it, may be used only for the following:

(a) to pay the capital costs of conserving or providing amenities;

(b) to pay a person or public authority, pursuant to an agreement under which the person or public authority agrees to provide a service on behalf of the city, in order to pay capital costs incurred by the person or public authority to conserve or provide amenities in accordance with the density benefits zoning by-law.

(7) Payments out of a density benefits reserve fund for amenities must be authorized by a resolution of the Council, and one resolution may authorize a series of payments in respect of any amenity.

(8) If money is received by the city under subsection (4) in relation to the provision of affordable and special needs housing units, the Council must

(a) establish a density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing for the purpose of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units, and

(b) place the money to the credit of the density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing.

(9) Money in a density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing, together with interest on it, may be used only for the following:

(a) to pay the capital costs of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units;

(b) to pay any of the following for the purpose of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units:

(i) a corporation incorporated by, or in which shares have been acquired by, the city or the Metro Vancouver Regional District for a purpose that includes providing affordable housing;

(ii) a society, other than a member-funded society as defined in section 190 of the Societies Act;

(iii) a housing cooperative, within the meaning of the Cooperative Association Act, that is not for profit;

(iv) a board within the meaning of the Health Authorities Act;

(v) an agent of the government or the government of Canada;

(vi) a registered charity as defined in section 248 (1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada);

(vii) a body within a prescribed class of bodies.

(10) Payments out of a density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing must be authorized by a resolution of the Council, and one resolution may authorize a series of payments in respect of any housing project.


Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere

565.14   (1) Despite a density benefits zoning by-law, the Council may, by by-law and in accordance with this section, enter into an agreement with a person under which some or all of the affordable and special needs housing units that the person is required to provide under the zoning by-law on a parcel of land are instead provided on one or more other parcels of land.

(2) In an agreement under subsection (1), the requirements in relation to affordable and special needs housing units must meet or exceed the requirements under the density benefits zoning by-law.

(3) Without limiting the matters that may be dealt with in an agreement under subsection (1), the agreement must specify the following:

(a) the parcels of land on which the affordable and special needs housing units will be located;

(b) who is to provide the affordable and special needs housing units on each parcel of land;

(c) when the affordable and special needs housing units are to be provided on each parcel of land;

(d) how the provision of affordable and special needs housing units under the agreement will meet or exceed the requirements under the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law;

(e) any other prescribed information.


Effect of by-laws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted

565.15   (1) In this section, "in-stream" and "precursor application" have the same meaning as in section 523D (8.3) [development cost levies].

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a density benefits zoning by-law that would otherwise be applicable to the construction, alteration or extension of a building or structure has no effect with respect to that construction, alteration or extension if a precursor application to that building permit is in-stream on the date the by-law is adopted.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the applicant for that building permit agrees in writing that the density benefits zoning by-law should have effect.


Annual report respecting density benefits zoning by-law

565.16   (1) In each year, the Director of Finance must prepare and submit to Council a report that includes the following information:

(a) any amenities conserved or provided under the density benefits zoning by-law or section 565.13 (6);

(b) the number of affordable and special needs housing units that are required by the density benefits zoning by-law and for which a building permit has been issued during the previous year;

(c) in relation to a density benefits reserve fund for amenities required under section 565.13 (5),

(i) the amounts received under section 565.13 (4) in the applicable year in relation to the conservation or provision of amenities,

(ii) the expenditures from the density benefits reserve fund for amenities in the applicable year, and

(iii) the balance in the density benefits reserve fund for amenities at the start and at the end of the applicable year;

(d) in relation to a density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing required under section 565.13 (8),

(i) the amounts received under section 565.13 (4) in the applicable year in relation to the provision of affordable and special needs housing units,

(ii) the expenditures from the density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing in the applicable year, and

(iii) the balance in the density benefits reserve fund for affordable and special needs housing at the start and at the end of the applicable year;

(e) any other prescribed information.

(2) As soon as practicable after receiving the report, the Council must consider the report and make it available to the public.


Zoning by-laws and affordable and special needs housing

565.17   (1) Subject to subsection (7) and the regulations made under subsection (8), a zoning by-law may do the following:

(a) subject to subsection (2), require developments within a zone that are, in whole or in part, residential developments to include the portion of affordable and special needs housing units that is specified in the zoning by-law in accordance with subsection (3);

(b) establish requirements in relation to the affordable and special needs housing units, including requirements respecting either or both of the following:

(i) the ownership and management of the units;

(ii) the number of bedrooms in the units;

(c) provide higher density to developments that are subject to requirements under paragraphs (a) and (b) and subsection (2);

(d) as an alternative to complying with the requirements under paragraphs (a) and (b) and subsection (2), permit, in the circumstances set out in the zoning by-law and at the option of the developer, the payment to the city of an amount of money in accordance with section 565.191 [payment of money instead of providing affordable and special needs housing units].

(2) A zoning by-law referred to in subsection (1) must, in accordance with any regulations made under subsection (8), establish requirements respecting the following:

(a) the form of tenure of the affordable and special needs housing units;

(b) the affordability of the units, including the sales price of the units or the rent to be charged for the units;

(c) the length of time during which the units are subject to requirements under subsection (1) (b) and this subsection.

(3) The portion of affordable and special needs housing units referred to in subsection (1) (a) must be specified in the zoning by-law as either or both of the following:

(a) a proportion of all housing units in a development;

(b) a percentage of the gross floor area of the residential component of a development.

(4) Provisions of a zoning by-law referred to in subsection (1) may be different for one or more of the following:

(a) different forms of tenure;

(b) different areas;

(c) different parcels of land;

(d) different sizes or types of housing units;

(e) different construction materials for housing units;

(f) any other prescribed basis for difference.

(5) The Council must, before a building permit is issued in relation to property that is subject to requirements under subsections (1) and (2), enter into a housing agreement under section 565.2 with the owner of the property.

(6) In relation to land that is in a transit-oriented area, a zoning by-law may, under subsection (1) (c), provide a development with higher density that is less than, equal to or greater than

(a) the density of use, and

(b) the density corresponding to the height, bulk, size and floor area of buildings

set out in the regulations made under section 574.62 (e) (i) [regulations related to transit-oriented areas] in relation to that land.

(7) An affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law does not apply to a development in which all of the housing units will be owned by any of the following:

(a) a corporation incorporated by, or in which shares have been acquired by, the city or the Metro Vancouver Regional District for a purpose that includes providing affordable housing;

(b) a society, other than a member-funded society as defined in section 190 of the Societies Act;

(c) a housing cooperative, within the meaning of the Cooperative Association Act, that is not for profit;

(d) a board within the meaning of the Health Authorities Act;

(e) an agent of the government or the government of Canada;

(f) a registered charity as defined in section 248 (1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada);

(g) a body within a prescribed class of bodies.

(8) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting affordable and special needs housing zoning by-laws, including regulations as follows:

(a) establishing a maximum portion of affordable and special needs housing units that may be specified in zoning by-laws under subsection (1) (a);

(b) prohibiting or restricting forms of tenure of affordable and special needs housing units;

(c) establishing requirements respecting the affordability of affordable and special needs housing units, including the sales price of the units or the rent to be charged for the units;

(d) establishing requirements respecting the length of time during which affordable and special needs housing units are subject to requirements under subsections (1) (b) and (2);

(e) making provisions that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable for the purpose of preventing, minimizing or otherwise addressing any transitional difficulties encountered in relation to affordable and special needs housing zoning by-laws.


Consultation on affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law

565.18   (1) During the development of an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law, or the development of an amendment to such a zoning by-law, the Council must provide one or more opportunities it considers appropriate for consultation with persons, public authorities and organizations that the Council considers will be affected by the zoning by-law.

(2) No consultation is required to repeal an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law.

(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting consultation under subsection (1), including regulations as follows:

(a) establishing notice requirements and the process for consultation;

(b) prescribing persons, public authorities and organizations that must be consulted;

(c) prescribing circumstances in which no consultation is required.


Analysis and considerations for affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law

565.19   (1) In adopting or amending an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law, the Council must do the following:

(a) have a financial feasibility analysis undertaken in accordance with subsection (2) and consider that analysis;

(b) consider the most recent housing needs report received by the Council under section 574.4 [when and how housing needs report must be received], and the housing information on which the report is based;

(c) consider whether the zoning by-law would deter development;

(d) meet any other prescribed requirements.

(2) The financial feasibility analysis referred to in subsection (1) (a) must take into consideration any relevant matters and information, including the following:

(a) the conditions of the local housing market;

(b) the costs of residential construction;

(c) the degree to which different factors affect the feasibility of meeting the requirements under section 565.17 (1) and (2);

(d) the amount of density required to ensure the feasibility of constructing affordable and special needs housing units and not deter development;

(e) any other prescribed matters or information.

(3) The Council must make available to the public, on request, the considerations, information and analysis used to adopt or amend an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law, but any information respecting the contemplated acquisition costs of specific properties need not be provided.

(4) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations requiring that the financial feasibility analysis referred to in subsection (1) (a) be undertaken by an individual with a professional designation specified in the regulation.


Payment of money instead of providing affordable and special needs housing units

565.191   (1) In this section, "capital costs" includes

(a) planning, architectural, engineering and legal costs, and

(b) the principal and interest

directly related to providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units.

(2) If a developer exercises the option, referred to in section 565.17 (1) (d) [zoning by-laws and affordable and special needs housing], to pay money to the city in respect of a development, the amount of money to be paid is equal to the estimated capital costs that the developer would otherwise incur to comply with the requirements under section 565.17 (1) (a) and (b) and (2) in respect of the development.

(3) The method for determining the estimated capital costs referred to in subsection (2) of this section must be specified in the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law.

(4) Money referred to in section 565.17 (1) (d) is payable at the time the building permit is issued for the development.

(5) If money is received by the city under subsection (4) of this section, the Council must

(a) establish an affordable and special needs housing reserve fund for the purpose of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units, and

(b) place the money to the credit of the affordable and special needs housing reserve fund.

(6) Money in an affordable and special needs housing reserve fund, together with interest on it, may be used only for the following:

(a) to pay the capital costs of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units;

(b) to pay any of the following for the purpose of providing, constructing, altering or expanding affordable and special needs housing units:

(i) a corporation incorporated by, or in which shares have been acquired by, the city or the Metro Vancouver Regional District for a purpose that includes providing affordable housing;

(ii) a society, other than a member-funded society as defined in section 190 of the Societies Act;

(iii) a housing cooperative, within the meaning of the Cooperative Association Act, that is not for profit;

(iv) a board within the meaning of the Health Authorities Act;

(v) an agent of the government or the government of Canada;

(vi) a registered charity as defined in section 248 (1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada);

(vii) a body within a prescribed class of bodies.

(7) Payments out of an affordable and special needs housing reserve fund must be authorized by a resolution of the Council, and one resolution may authorize a series of payments in respect of any housing project.


Providing affordable and special needs housing units elsewhere

565.192   (1) Despite an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law, the Council may, by by-law and in accordance with this section, enter into an agreement with a person under which some or all of the affordable and special needs housing units that the person is required to provide under the zoning by-law on a parcel of land are instead provided on one or more other parcels of land.

(2) In an agreement under subsection (1), the requirements in relation to affordable and special needs housing units must meet or exceed the requirements under the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law.

(3) Without limiting the matters that may be dealt with in an agreement under subsection (1), the agreement must specify the following:

(a) the parcels of land on which the affordable and special needs housing units will be located;

(b) who is to provide the affordable and special needs housing units on each parcel of land;

(c) when the affordable and special needs housing units are to be provided on each parcel of land;

(d) how the provision of affordable and special needs housing units under the agreement will meet or exceed the requirements under the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law;

(e) any other prescribed information.


Effect of by-laws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted

565.193   (1) In this section, "in-stream" and "precursor application" have the same meaning as in section 523D (8.3) [development cost levies].

(2) Subject to subsection (3), an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law that would otherwise be applicable to the construction, alteration or extension of a building or structure has no effect with respect to that construction, alteration or extension if a precursor application to that building permit is in-stream on the date the by-law is adopted.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the applicant for that building permit agrees in writing that the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law should have effect.


Annual report respecting affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law

565.194   (1) In each year, the Director of Finance must prepare and submit to Council a report that includes the following information:

(a) the number of affordable and special needs housing units that are required by the affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law and for which a building permit has been issued during the previous year;

(b) in relation to an affordable and special needs housing reserve fund required under section 565.191 (5),

(i) the amounts received under section 565.191 (4) in the applicable year,

(ii) the expenditures from the affordable and special needs housing reserve fund in the applicable year, and

(iii) the balance in the affordable and special needs housing reserve fund at the start and at the end of the applicable year;

(c) any other prescribed information.

(2) As soon as practicable after receiving the report, the Council must consider the report and make it available to the public.


Information requested by minister

565.195   As requested by the minister, Council must provide the minister with any information respecting requirements established in an affordable and special needs housing zoning by-law, including information respecting the following:

(a) the setting of the portion of affordable and special needs housing units that is specified in the zoning by-law;

(b) the establishment of requirements in relation to the affordable and special needs housing units;

(c) the setting of higher density for developments that are subject to the requirements;

(d) the development of the zoning by-law and of any amendments to it, including consultations undertaken in that development.


Housing agreements for affordable and special needs housing

565.2   (1) Council may, by by-law, enter into a housing agreement under this section.

(2) A housing agreement may include terms and conditions agreed to by Council and the owner regarding the occupancy of the housing units identified in the agreement, including but not limited to terms and conditions respecting one or more of the following:

(a) the form of tenure of the housing units;

(b) the availability of the housing units to classes of persons identified in the agreement or the by-law under subsection (1) for the agreement;

(c) the administration and management of the housing units, including the manner in which the housing units will be made available to persons within a class referred to in paragraph (b);

(d) rents and lease, sale or share prices that may be charged, and the rates at which these may be increased over time, as specified in the agreement or as determined in accordance with a formula specified in the agreement.

(3) A housing agreement may not vary the use or density from that permitted in the applicable by-law.

(4) A housing agreement may only be amended by by-law adopted with the consent of the owner.

(5) If a housing agreement is entered into or amended, the city must file in the land title office a notice that the land described in the notice is subject to the housing agreement, as amended if applicable.

(6) Once a notice is filed under subsection (5), the housing agreement or the amendment to it is binding on all persons who acquire an interest in the land affected by the agreement.

(7) On filing under subsection (5), the registrar must make a note of the filing against the title to the land affected but, in the event of any omission, mistake or misfeasance by the registrar or the staff of the registrar in relation to the making of a note of the filing,

(a) the registrar is not liable and neither the Crown nor the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia is liable vicariously,

(a.1) the assurance fund or the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia as a nominal defendant is not liable under Part 19.1 of the Land Title Act, and

(b) the assurance fund or the minister charged with the administration of the Land Title Act as a nominal defendant is not liable under Part 20 of the Land Title Act.

(8) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe fees for the filing of notices under subsection (5), and section 386 of the Land Title Act applies in respect of those fees.

1993-58-5; 1999-37-327; 2004-66-167; 2019-5-25.


565A.   (1) Council may make by-laws

(a) prohibiting any person from undertaking any development without having first obtained a permit therefor. Such permit shall hereinafter be referred to as a "development permit";

(a.1) requiring that, as a condition of approving a development, a person provide public amenities, facilities or utilities or provide land for such purposes or require that the person retain and enhance natural physical features of a parcel being developed;

(b) providing that a development permit may be limited in time and subject to conditions, and making it an offence for any person to fail to comply with such conditions;

(c) providing that no building permit shall be issued for the construction of any building until a development permit has first been obtained;

(d) delegating to any official of the city or to any board composed of such officials such powers of discretion relating to zoning matters which to Council seem appropriate;

(d.1) subject to sections 578 (2) and 579 (2), delegating to the Director of Planning, or to any board composed of officials of the city, the power to refuse to issue a development permit if, in the opinion of the delegate, the proposed action would detract from the heritage value or heritage character of protected heritage property;

(d.2) providing that the failure to obtain a permit required under section 193D in relation to the same property is a basis for refusing to issue a development permit;

(e) providing for relaxation of the provisions of a zoning by-law or a by-law prescribing requirements for buildings where

(i) enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship,

(ii) Council determines that the proposed development would make a contribution to conserving heritage property,

(iii) Council determines that the proposed development makes provision for public space or activities,

(iv) Council determines that the proposed development makes provision for low cost housing for persons receiving assistance, or

(v) the proposed development is in relation to a special event, as designated by Council by by-law or resolution.

Such relaxation may be limited in time and may be subject to conditions. The by-law may authorize such relaxation by an official of the city or by any board constituted pursuant to subsection (d). The power to relax the provisions of a zoning by-law shall not be used to permit construction to provide for multiple occupancy in a one family dwelling district nor to permit the use or occupancy of a dwelling as a multiple dwelling in such district unless it was so used or occupied as at April 1, 1977;

(f) providing for the payment of a fee upon application for a development permit, which fee may vary accordingly to the value or type of development for which the permit is sought;

(g) providing that the use or occupancy of any land or building in contravention of the provisions of a zoning by-law or the conditions of a development permit shall constitute a violation of the zoning by-law and shall render the owner of the land or building liable to the penalties provided in the by-law;

(h) prohibiting the use or occupancy of any land or building on or in which a development has taken place since the eighteenth day of June, 1956, without a development permit;

(i) prohibiting the erection, use, or occupancy of any building or the use or occupancy of any land unless due provision is made for public safety and amenity, sanitary facilities, water supply, and drainage;

(j) and (k) [Repealed 1992-79-12.]

(2) A by-law under subsection (1) (a.1) must not be used to prevent the development of land to a density of use permitted under the applicable zoning by-law.

1964-72-18; 1966-69-23; 1978-41-31; 1988-67-12; 1990-77-2; 1992-79-12; 1994-43-97; 1997-44-3; 2009-22-87; 2023-45-34; 2024-11-36.


[Repealed 2023-45-35.]

Occupancy of phase out suite

565D.   (1) In this section, "phase out suite" means a suite which was in existence on October 22, 1986 and which suite or the use or occupancy thereof was on that date not permitted by by-law.

(2) Council may, by by-law, permit the retention of one or more phase out suites for a limited period of time and on such conditions as may be prescribed in the by-law.


Expiry of development permit which is limited in time

565E.   When a development permit which is limited in time expires, then notwithstanding section 568, any use permitted by such permit becomes unlawful.


Landscaping requirements

565F.   (1) The Council may, by by-law, provide that one or more of the following may include requirements as described under subsection (2):

(a) a permit for a conditional approval use;

(b) a district or zone designated under section 565 (1) (f);

(c) a condition of a development permit.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Council may include requirements as follows:

(a) respecting the provision, maintenance and retention of landscaping;

(b) respecting the submission of one or more of the following:

(i) plans showing the landscaping to be provided, maintained and retained;

(ii) information, including surveys and reports, respecting existing landscaping and the effects of proposed landscaping.

(3) Nothing in subsections (1) (c) and (2) limits any other condition of a development permit that may be imposed under this Act.


Fees for amendment of zoning by-law

566.   (1) For the purposes of this section, an application for rezoning is to be treated as an application to amend a zoning by-law.

(2) The Council may, by by-law, require every person applying for an amendment to a zoning by-law to accompany the application with a fee to be prescribed by by-law.

(3) A fee under subsection (2) may vary depending on the size of the area covered by the proposed rezoning, and the by-law establishing the fee may provide for a reduction of the fee depending upon the complexity or scope of the proposed amendment.

(4) A fee under subsection (2) must not exceed the average costs of processing, inspection, advertising and administration that are usually related to a zoning by-law amendment of the kind to which the fee relates.



566.1   [Repealed 2024-12-19.]

By-laws governing restrictions as to height of buildings, size of courts and yards

567.   Where the provisions of the zoning by-law impose requirements for a lower height of buildings, or a less percentage of a lot that may be occupied, or require wider or larger courts or deeper yards than are imposed or required by the provisions of the building by-law, the provision of the zoning by-law shall govern; but where the provisions of the building by-law impose requirements for a lower height of buildings, or a less percentage of lot that may be occupied, or require wider or larger courts or deeper yards than are required by the zoning by-law, the provisions of the building by-law shall govern.


Non-conforming use

568.   (1) Non-conformity shall be divided into two types: —

(a) Non-conformity with respect to the use which is made of the premises;

(b) Non-conformity arising out of change in the regulations governing matters other than the use which may be made of the premises.

(2) A building lawfully under construction at the time of coming into force of a zoning by-law shall for the purpose of that by-law be deemed to be a building existing at that time. For the purposes of this subsection, a building shall be deemed to be lawfully under construction if a development permit has been issued and such permit remains valid.

(3) A lawful use of premises existing at the time of coming into force of a zoning by-law, although such use is not in accordance with the provisions of the by-law, may be continued; but, if such non-conforming use is discontinued for a period of ninety days, any future use of those premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of the by-law. The Board of Variance may extend the aforesaid period of 90 days to a maximum of 180 days.

(4) No additions or structural alterations except those required by Statute or by-law shall be made to a non-conforming building without

(a) the approval of the Board of Variance if the non-conformity is in respect of use;

(b) the approval of the Director of Planning if the non-conformity is in respect of regulations only.

Fire damage to non-conforming building

(5) Where a non-conforming building is damaged or destroyed by fire to the extent of sixty per centum or more of its value above its foundations as determined by the City Building Inspector, whose decision shall be subject to review by the Board of Variance, it shall not be repaired or reconstructed without the approval of

(a) the Board of Variance if the non-conformity is in respect of use;

(b) the Director of Planning if the non-conformity is in respect of regulations only.

(6) [Repealed 1985-89-8.]

Heritage Property

(7) Despite subsection (4), additions or structural alterations to a protected heritage property may be undertaken if they are permitted or authorized in accordance with the provisions governing the heritage protection of the property.

(8) Subsection (5) does not apply to additions or structural alterations made to a protected heritage property if the additions or structural alterations are permitted or authorized in accordance with a heritage alteration permit under section 597.

1959-107-20; 1960-80-13; 1961-76-14; 1969-45-26; 1974-104-46; 1985-89-8; 1987-52-33; 1994-43-98.

Non-compliant form of tenure

568.1   (1) If, at the time a zoning by-law that limits the form of tenure to residential rental tenure is adopted, a housing unit to which the by-law applies has a form of tenure other than residential rental tenure, the other form of tenure continues as a non-compliant form of tenure.

(2) If, at the time a zoning by-law that limits the form of tenure to residential rental tenure is adopted, the Council has issued a building permit or a development permit in relation to a building that will contain housing units to which the by-law would otherwise apply, and the housing units have or may have a form of tenure other than residential rental tenure, the other form of tenure continues as a non-compliant form of tenure.


Non-compliant form of tenure: repair, extension and alteration

568.2   (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a non-compliant form of tenure is authorized, under section 568.1, to continue in relation to a housing unit in a building and the building is maintained, extended or altered, the non-compliant form of tenure continues if the repair, extension or alteration would, when completed, involve no further contravention of the by-law than that existing at the time the repair, extension or alteration was started.

(2) If the repair, extension or alteration includes the construction of additional housing units, the additional housing units are subject to the zoning by-law in relation to residential rental tenure.


Change in ownership, tenants or occupants in relation to form of tenure

568.3   For the purposes of this Division and subject to section 568.4, a change of owners, tenants or occupants of a housing unit does not, by reason only of the change, affect the authority to continue a non-compliant form of tenure of the housing unit.


Dissolution of strata corporations

568.4   If

(a) a non-compliant form of tenure is authorized to continue under section 568.1 in relation to a housing unit in a building,

(b) the building includes strata lots,

(c) the strata corporation for the owners of the strata lots is wound up under Part 16 of the Strata Property Act, and

(d) there is a disposition of all of the land and the building of that strata corporation,

the non-compliant form of tenure is no longer authorized to continue.


Zoning of transferred land — streets

568.5   (1) Despite any provision in this Part, if

(a) a street, or a part of a street, has been stopped up under an enactment, and

(b) the ownership of the street, or part of the street, that has been stopped up is transferred to the owner of an adjoining parcel of land,

the land that comprises the street, or part of the street, that has been stopped up is zoned for the same purpose for which the parcel of which it has become a part is zoned unless the Council, by resolution, directs otherwise.

(2) Despite any provision in this Part, if any land zoned under this Part has been transferred to the city for street purposes, regardless of whether the land is used for street purposes, the land is considered not to be zoned unless the Council, by resolution, directs otherwise.


Property injuriously affected

569.   (1) Where a zoning by-law is or has been adopted under this Part, or where Council or any inspector or official of the city or any board constituted under this Act exercises any of the powers contained in this Part, any property thereby affected shall be deemed as against the city not to have been taken or injuriously affected by reason of the exercise of any such powers or by reason of such zoning and no compensation shall be payable by the city or any inspector or official thereof.

(2) Notwithstanding that the Board of Variance has relaxed the provisions of a by-law enacted under this Part, in determining the compensation payable by the city for the taking of lands for the widening of a street in respect of which a building line has been fixed, the city is not liable to pay compensation for or in respect of any building erected in contravention of the by-law fixing the building line.

(3) Upon the acquisition of such lands by the city, the owner shall, upon demand by the city, remove such building or part thereof, as the case may be, and, in default thereof, the city may remove the same and the costs of such removal and any other costs incidental thereto shall be a debt due to the city payable by the owner of the property recoverable by action and shall be a charge on the balance of the land unless sooner paid to the city.

(4) Where the use of land or the siting of existing buildings and structures on the land ceases, as a result of expropriation of land, to conform to a zoning by-law under this Part, the remainder of the property is deemed to conform, unless compensation was paid to the owner or occupant of the land in an amount that is directly attributable to the loss, if any, suffered by that owner or occupant as a result of the non-conformity.

1959-107-20; 1964-72-19; 1965-68-28; 1969-45-27; 1970-54-29; 1990-76-11; 2024-12-21.

Withholding of permit pending adoption of zoning by-law

570.   (1) Before the adoption of a zoning by-law, an official development plan by-law or a by-law under section 593 designating a heritage property, the Council may cause to be withheld the issuance of any development or building permit for a period of 30 days from the date of application for such permit.

(2) Where any permit is so withheld, the application therefor shall be considered by the Council within the said period of thirty days, and, if in the opinion of the Council, the development proposed in the application would be at variance or in conflict with a development plan in the course of preparation, or with an alteration, addition, or extension to an official development plan in course of preparation, or with a zoning by-law in course of preparation, or with an amendment to a zoning by-law in course of preparation, the Council may withhold the permit for a further sixty days from the expiration of the thirty-day period hereinbefore referred to, or the Council may impose such conditions on the granting of the development permit as may appear to the Council to be in the public interest.

(3) In the event that the Council does not within the said period of sixty days adopt any such plan, alteration, addition, extension, or by-law, the owners of the land in respect of which a development permit was withheld or conditions were imposed pursuant to this section shall be entitled to compensation for damages arising from the withholding of such development permit, or the imposition of such conditions. Such compensation shall be determined by arbitration pursuant to the Arbitration Act.

(4) Despite subsection (1), an owner of property for which a permit has been withheld before the adoption of a by-law designating a heritage property may agree that a permit may be withheld for a period longer than the 30 days referred to in subsection (1) and, in that case, subsection (1) continues to apply during that longer period and subsection (2) is deemed to read as if the longer period applies.

1959-107-20; 1986-3-53, effective July 4, 1986 (B.C. Reg. 148/86); 1994-43-99; 2011-25-481; 2024-12-22.


571.   [Repealed 2006-3-30.]

Sign by-laws

571A.   (1) The Council may make by-laws for regulating the number, size, type, form, appearance and location of signs, whether projecting into a street or not, and the by-law may contain different provisions for different zones and for different uses within a zone.

(1.1) The Council may, by by-law, establish fees payable to the city for an application to initiate a change to a by-law under subsection (1).

(2) The Council may, by resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of all its members, order the removal of any sign, whether located on private or on public property which has been non-conforming for not less than five years, provided, however, that where a sign which became non-conforming prior to March 1, 1973, had, before such date, been granted a permit to make substantial modifications to such sign, the said period of five years shall be calculated from the date of such permit.

(3) The provisions of sections 324A and 324B shall, mutatis mutandis, apply with respect to the enforcement of any order made herein. No compensation shall be payable in connection with the exercise of the authority herein.

1973-93-22; 1987-52-34; 1994-52-173; 2023-16-36.

Relaxation of sign by-laws

571AA.   (1) The Council may, by by-law, provide for the relaxation of a sign by-law under section 571A in one or more of the following circumstances:

(a) enforcement of the sign by-law would result in unnecessary hardship;

(b) the sign is

(i) on heritage property, or

(ii) on property in an area identified as a historic area in an official development plan or a zoning by-law;

(c) the sign uses technology not contemplated by the sign by-law;

(d) the sign is in relation to a special event, as designated by Council by by-law or resolution.

(2) A by-law under subsection (1) may authorize such relaxations to be made by the Council, by any official of the city or by a board composed of such officials.

(3) A relaxation under this section, whether made by the Council, an official or a board, may be limited in time and may be made subject to conditions.

(4) A person whose request for a relaxation is dealt with by an official or a board is entitled to have the Council reconsider the matter.


Environmental Management Act requirements must be met

571B.   (1) In this section:

"director" has the same meaning as in the Environmental Management Act;

"registrar" has the same meaning as in section 39 of the Environmental Management Act;

"site disclosure statement" has the same meaning as in section 39 of the Environmental Management Act;

"specified building permit application" means an application for a building permit for which a site disclosure statement must be provided under section 40 (1) (b) of the Environmental Management Act;

"specified development permit application" means an application for a development permit for which a site disclosure statement must be provided under section 40 (1) (b) of the Environmental Management Act;

"specified zoning application" means an application for zoning for which a site disclosure statement must be provided under section 40 (1) (b) of the Environmental Management Act.

(2) The Council or its delegate must not approve a specified zoning application, specified development permit application or specified building permit application with respect to a site, unless both of the following are satisfied:

(a) the Council or its delegate has

(i) received the site disclosure statement required under section 40 (1) (b) of the Environmental Management Act for the application, and

(ii) in accordance with section 40 (4) of the Environmental Management Act, assessed the site disclosure statement and forwarded it to the registrar;

(b) the Council or its delegate has received one of the following:

(i) notice from a director that an investigation of the site is not required under section 40.1 (2) [investigations required with provision of site disclosure statement] or 41 [site investigations] of the Environmental Management Act;

(ii) a final determination under section 44 [determination of contaminated sites] of the Environmental Management Act that the site is not a contaminated site;

(iii) notice from a director that the Council or its delegate may approve the application because, in the opinion of the director, the site would not present a significant threat or risk if the application were approved;

(iv) notice from a director that the director has received a remediation plan supporting independent remediation of the site;

(v) notice from a director that the director has entered into a voluntary remediation agreement with respect to the site;

(vi) a valid and subsisting approval in principle or certificate of compliance under section 53 [approvals in principle and certificates of compliance] of the Environmental Management Act with respect to the site.

(3) Subsection (4) applies if a person

(a) makes a specified zoning permit application for a proposed development at a site, and

(b) makes one or both of the following applications for the same proposed development at the same site:

(i) a specified development permit application;

(ii) a specified building permit application.

(4) Despite subsection (2) and in the circumstances referred to in subsection (3), the Council or its delegate may approve the specified zoning application if the Council or its delegate has

(a) received the site disclosure statement required under section 40 (1) (b) of the Environmental Management Act for the specified development permit application or specified building permit application, as applicable, and

(b) in accordance with section 40 (4) of the Environmental Management Act, assessed the site disclosure statement and forwarded it to the registrar.


Agreements for regulating contaminated sites

571C.   The Council may by bylaw enter into and implement an agreement referred to in section 57 of the Environmental Management Act.

2003-53-173; 2020-3-9.

Approval of bylaw

571D.   A provision in a bylaw that prohibits the deposit of soil or other material and that makes reference to quality of the soil or material or to contamination, has no effect until the provision is approved by the minister with the concurrence of the minister responsible for the administration of the Environmental Management Act.

1993-25-14; B.C. Reg. 5/2010.


571E   (1) In relation to this Division, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations referred to in section 41 of the Interpretation Act.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting non-compliant forms of tenure, including, without limitation,

(a) regulations prescribing circumstances in which a non-compliant form of tenure is authorized, or is no longer authorized, to continue, and

(b) regulations in relation to when a non-compliant form of tenure is no longer authorized.

(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing the dimensions, location or number of public amenities, facilities or utilities, or land required as part of a development referred to in section 565A (1) (a.1).

(4) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting any matter for which regulations are contemplated by this Division.

2018-26-16; 2024-11-37.

Division (4) — Board of Variance

Establishment and membership of Board of Variance

572.   In this and the following section "Board" means "Board of Variance."

(1) The Council shall establish by by-law a Board, consisting of 5 members appointed by the Council.

(1.1) The members of the Board shall elect one of their number as Chair of the Board.

(1.2) The Board shall appoint a secretary and shall appoint such other officials as may be required by the Board.

(2) Subject to subsection (2.1), each member of the Board shall hold office for a term of three years or until the member's successor is appointed, but a person may be reappointed for a further term or terms.

(2.1) The Council may rescind an appointment to the Board at any time.

(3) The Council may provide, by by-law or resolution, for the remuneration of members of the Board, in such amounts as the Council thinks fit, and may also provide for the payment of a fee for the hearing of an appeal before the Board.

(4) No person who is a member of the Advisory Planning Commission or who holds any municipal office, whether appointed or elected, is eligible to be appointed or to sit as a member of the Board.

(5) Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

(6) The Chair may from time to time appoint a member of the Board as Acting Chair to preside in the absence of the Chair.

(7) If a member of the Board ceases to hold office, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as such member was appointed and, until the appointment of a successor, the remaining members shall constitute the Board.

(8) [Repealed 2003-15-20.]

(9) The by-law establishing the Board shall set out the procedure to be followed by the Board, including the manner in which appeals are to be lodged and the method of giving notices required under section 573.

1959-107-20; 1969-45-29; 2003-15-20; 2004-34-22.

Appeals to Board of Variance

573.   (1) The Board shall hear and determine appeals

(a) by any person aggrieved by a decision on a question of zoning by any official charged with the enforcement of a zoning by-law;

(b) by any person who alleges that the enforcement of a zoning by-law with regard to siting, size, shape, or design of a building would cause the person undue or unnecessary hardship arising out of peculiarities in the site or special circumstances connected with the development. In any such case the Board may, to the extent necessary to give effect to its determination, exempt the applicant from the applicable provisions of the zoning by-law;

(c) by any person who alleges that due to special circumstances or conditions the provisions of subsection (3) of section 568 will result in undue or unnecessary hardship to the person;

(d) with respect to matters arising under subsections (4) and (5) of section 568;

(e) by any person aggrieved by a decision by any board or tribunal to whom Council has delegated power to relax the provisions of a zoning by-law;

(f) by any person who, by reason of Part XXIX [Protection of Trees], is

(i) unable to obtain a permit authorizing tree cutting or removal, or

(ii) unable to comply with the requirements of a by-law or permit under that Part.

(2) The Board shall not allow any appeal solely on the ground that if allowed the land or buildings in question can be put to a more profitable use nor unless the following conditions exist: —

(a) The undue or unnecessary hardship arises from circumstances applying to the applicant's property only; and

(b) The strict application of the provisions of the by-law would impose an unreasonable restraint or unnecessary hardship on the use of the property inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the zoning by-law; and

(c) The allowance of the appeal will not disrupt the official development plan.

(2.1) The Board shall not allow an appeal that would apply to a property for which an authorization for alterations is required under Part XXVIII.

(2.2) The Board shall not allow an appeal about a zoning by-law in relation to residential rental tenure.

(3) The Board shall give notice to such owners of real property as the Board may deem to be affected by the appeal, and public notice of the hearing shall be given, if the matter is deemed by the Board to be of sufficient importance. For the purpose of determining the names of the owners deemed to be affected, reference shall be made to the records kept by the Assessor.

(4) Hearings of the Board must be open to the public.

(5) The decision of a majority of the members of the Board present at a hearing shall constitute the decision of the Board, which shall be rendered in open meeting and shall be recorded in writing by the secretary. In the event of the members of the Board being equally divided, the appeal shall be disallowed.

(6) No appeal shall lie from a decision of the Board.

(7) In allowing an appeal, the Board may impose such restrictions, limitations, or conditions as may seem to it to be desirable and proper in the circumstances.

(8) Council may by by-law provide that failure to comply with any restrictions, limitations, or conditions imposed by the Board pursuant to subsection (7) shall constitute an offence against the by-law.

1959-107-20; 1960-80-14; 1964-72-20,21; 1990-77-3; 1993-59-52; 1994-43-100; 1997-25-209; 2000-7-191; 2003-52-515; 2018-26-17; 2022-15-72; 2022-15-75,Sch 3.

Division (5) — Advisory Planning Commission

Personnel and powers of Commission

574.   (1) The Council may by by-law create a Commission to advise the Council on planning matters.

(2) The Commission shall comprise such personnel and have such powers and duties as the Council may by by-law prescribe.

(3) [Repealed 1997-25-210.]

1959-107-20; 1997-25-210.

Division (6) — Housing Needs Reports

Housing needs reports

574.1   The Council must prepare housing needs reports in accordance with this Division.


Collection of housing information

574.2   (1) Subject to the regulations, the Council must collect information in relation to the demand for and supply of housing for the city for the purpose of preparing a housing needs report.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the Council must collect

(a) statistical information about current and projected population;

(b) statistical information about household income;

(c) information about significant economic sectors;

(d) information about currently available housing units and housing units that are anticipated to be available, including information about types of housing units;

(e) any other prescribed information.


Content of housing needs report

574.3   A housing needs report must

(a) be in a format prescribed by regulation, if any,

(b) be based on the information collected under section 574.2, and

(c) include the following, subject to the regulations, in relation to the city:

(i) the total number of housing units required to meet anticipated housing needs for the next 5 years;

(ii) the total number of housing units required to meet anticipated housing needs for the next 20 years;

(iii) any other prescribed information.

2018-20-12; 2023-45-38.

When and how housing needs report must be received

574.4   (1) The Council must, by resolution, receive housing needs reports in accordance with this section.

(2) The Council must receive a housing needs report at a meeting that is open to the public.

(3) The Council must receive a housing needs report on or before December 31, 2028 and on or before December 31 in every fifth year after that date.

(4) [Repealed 2023-45-39.]

2018-20-12; 2023-45-39.

Publication of housing needs report

574.5   As soon as practicable after the Council receives a housing needs report, the Council must publish the housing needs report on an internet site that is publicly and freely accessible.



574.6   (1) In relation to this Division, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations referred to in section 41 of the Interpretation Act, including regulations respecting any matter for which regulations are contemplated by this Division.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) respecting information that must be collected under section 574.2, including, without limitation, in relation to the nature, level of detail and type of information that must be collected and prescribing the periods of time for which the information must be collected;

(b) prescribing types of housing units;

(c) prescribing the format of a housing needs report;

(d) respecting the information that must be included in a housing needs report;

(e) respecting the methods for calculating a number of housing units, including, without limitation, establishing formulas, rules or principles for the calculation, and respecting criteria on which the methods are based;

(f) requiring the Council to use a method established under paragraph (e).

2018-20-12; 2023-45-40.

Division (7) — Transit-Oriented Areas

Provincial policy guidelines related to transit-oriented areas

574.61   The minister may, after consulting with the minister responsible for the administration of the Community Charter, establish policy guidelines regarding the following:

(a) the process of developing and adopting, by the Council, a by-law under section 306 (1) (r) [off-street parking and loading space requirements] of this Act to the extent the by-law relates to parking in transit-oriented areas;

(b) the process of developing and adopting, by the Council, a development plan or zoning by-law that applies to a transit-oriented area;

(c) the process of developing and adopting, by the Council, a by-law under section 574.63 of this Act;

(d) the content of a development plan or by-law referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this section.


Regulations related to transit-oriented areas

574.62   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:

(a) respecting transit-oriented areas, including, without limitation, prescribing distances for the purposes of the definition of "transit-oriented area" in section 2 [interpretation];

(b) respecting transit stations, including, without limitation, prescribing bus stops, bus exchanges, passenger rail stations and other transit facilities for the purposes of the definition of "transit station" in section 2;

(c) requiring an owner or occupier of any land or building in a transit-oriented area to provide off-street parking spaces for the residential use of the land or building;

(d) respecting exemptions from all or part of section 565.001 [restrictions on zoning authority in relation to transit-oriented areas];

(e) for the purposes of section 565.001,

(i) respecting, within a transit-oriented area, density of use of land and buildings and the height, bulk, size and floor area of buildings, including, without limitation, respecting an amount of development, a number of storeys and a floor-space ratio, and

(ii) prescribing a use.


Council designation of transit-oriented areas

574.63   (1) The Council must, by by-law, designate each transit-oriented area within the city.

(2) A designation under subsection (1) must

(a) be made by incorporating in the by-law a map or plan, and

(b) include any land designated in respect of the city by a regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council under this Act.

(3) In developing or adopting a by-law under this section, the Council must consider applicable guidelines, if any, under section 574.61.

(4) As soon as practicable after adopting a by-law under subsection (1), the Council must give written notice to the minister, together with a copy of the by-law.


Lieutenant Governor in Council designation of transit-oriented areas

574.64   (1) On the recommendation of the minister, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make an order designating a transit-oriented area in respect of the city.

(2) The minister may make a recommendation under subsection (1) only if

(a) the minister is satisfied that

(i) the Council has failed to designate the transit-oriented area, or

(ii) the transit-oriented area designated by the Council does not meet the requirements under this Act,

(b) the minister has given notice to the Council of the minister's proposed recommendation, and

(c) the Council does not designate the transit-oriented area in accordance with the notice.

(3) A notice under subsection (2) (b) must

(a) identify the transit-oriented area in respect of which the minister proposes to make a recommendation,

(b) state the reason for the minister's proposed recommendation, and

(c) advise the Council that it must, within 90 days after receipt of the notice or by a later date set out in the notice, designate the transit-oriented area in accordance with the notice.

(4) A designation under subsection (1) must be made by incorporating in the order a map or plan.

(5) If a designation under subsection (1) is made for a reason referred to in subsection (2) (a) (ii), the by-law by which the Council designated the transit-oriented area is conclusively deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to reflect the transit-oriented area designated under subsection (1).

2023-48-20; 2023-48-21.

Contents | Preamble | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXIV-A | Part XXIV-B | Part XXV | Part XXVI | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI