This is part of an archived statute consolidation that is current to February 13, 2006 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date.

"Point in Time" Act Content



NOTE: Links below go to act content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date.
11 January 17, 2005
11.1 and 11.2 January 17, 2005
14 March 24, 2004

Section 11(1) BEFORE renumbered to (1.1) by 2004-38-8(a) effective January 17, 2005 (BC Reg 535/04).

(1) The objects and powers of the association must be carried out and exercised under bylaws and resolutions passed by the board, but every bylaw, unless in the meantime confirmed at a special meeting called for the purpose of considering it, has force only until the next general meeting, and in default of confirmation at that time ceases to have force.

Section 11(1) was added by 2004-38-8(a) effective January 17, 2005 (BC Reg 535/04).

Section 11(3)(t.1) and (t.2) were added by 2004-38-8(b) effective January 17, 2005 (BC Reg 535/04).

Sections 11.1 and 11.2 were added by 2004-38-9 effective January 17, 2005 (BC Reg 535/04).

Section 14 BEFORE re-enacted by 2003-67-18 effective March 24, 2004 (BC Reg 87/04).

Right to use name C.G.A.

14 (1) A member of the association may use the designation certified general accountant, and may use after the member's name the initials C.G.A., indicating that the member is a certified general accountant.

(2) A person must not

(a) use or display either of the designations certified general accountant or C.G.A., alone or in combination with any other word, name, title, initial, letter or description, or

(b) imply, suggest or hold out that the person is a certified general accountant unless the person is a registered member in good standing of the association.

(3) A person must not display or use in British Columbia any of the designations certified public accountant, certified public auditor or accredited public accountant alone or in combination with any other word, name, title, initial, letter or description.

(4) A person must not, by the use of the initials C.P.A. or A.P.A., or in any other manner, imply, suggest or hold out that the person is a certified public accountant, certified public auditor or accredited public accountant.

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