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[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 254






Commission continued


Function of commission


Legal research




Report by commission


Report to Legislative Assembly


1 In this Act, "commission" means the Law Reform Commission of British Columbia.

Commission continued

2 (1) The commission is continued.

(2) The commission is composed of at least 3 members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for a period of 5 years, and for an additional period as the Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints.

(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council must designate one of the members as the chair.

(4) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may set the remuneration of the members of the commission and may authorize the payment of travelling and out of pocket expenses incurred by the members in carrying out their duties as members of the commission.

(5) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a secretary, counsel and officers, clerks and employees required for the proper conduct of the business of the commission and provide for payment of their salaries and expenses.

(6) Officers, clerks and employees required for the proper conduct of the business of the commission and who are not appointed under subsection (5) may be appointed by the commission under the Public Service Act with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Function of commission

3 The commission is to take and keep under review all the law of British Columbia, including statute law, common law and judicial decisions, with a view to its systematic development and reform, including the codification, elimination of anomalies, repeal of obsolete and unnecessary enactments, reduction in the number of separate enactments and generally the simplification and modernization of the law, and for that purpose to do the following:

(a) receive and consider any proposals for the reform of the law that may be made to the commission;

(b) prepare and submit to the Attorney General programs for the examination of different branches of the law with a view to reform, and recommend an agency, whether the commission, or a committee or other body, to carry out the examination;

(c) undertake, at the request of the Attorney General, or under a recommendation of the commission approved by the Attorney General, the examination of particular branches of the law, and the formulation, by means of draft bills or otherwise, of proposals for reform;

(d) provide advice and information to government ministries and, at the request of the Attorney General, to other authorities or bodies concerned with proposals for the reform or amendment of any branch of the law.

Legal research

4 The commission may institute and direct legal research to carry out its functions.


5 (1) The commission may appoint committees, the members of which need not be members of the commission, and may refer any matter to committees for consideration and report to the commission.

(2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may authorize the payment of travelling and out of pocket expenses incurred by the members of a committee in carrying out their duties.

Report by commission

6 (1) The commission may report to the Attorney General, and must report to the Attorney General at any time on the request of the Attorney General.

(2) The Attorney General may authorize the commission to publish the report.

Report to Legislative Assembly

7 The Attorney General must lay before the Legislative Assembly, if it is then in session, and if not, then within 15 days of the commencement of the next session,

(a) any programs prepared by the commission and approved by the Attorney General, and

(b) any proposals for reform formulated by the commission under those programs.

Copyright (c) 2001: Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada