This archived statute consolidation is current to November 5, 2001 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here.


[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 261




Special commissioner


Advisory committee


Functional period




Appointment of staff




Report to Legislative Assembly



Special commissioner

1 (1) The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is appointed, and subject to this Act continues to act as a special commissioner to investigate, inquire into and, if considered advisable, make recommendations to the Legislative Assembly respecting the usages, customs, practices and procedures of the Legislative Assembly, the rules, Standing Orders and the conduct of business of the Legislative Assembly, the Parliaments of the United Kingdom and of Canada and other legislative bodies the Speaker considers advisable.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Speaker may investigate, inquire into and make recommendations respecting any or all of the following:

(a) public access to and attendance at the Legislative Assembly;

(b) broadcast by radio or television of proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees;

(c) recording and reporting of debates and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees;

(d) use of closed circuit television or sound systems to relay proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees;

(e) a review of the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly relating to the following:

(i) the days and hours of sittings of the Legislative Assembly;

(ii) an oral question period and the rules respecting it;

(iii) private members' privileges, including private members' bills and motions;

(iv) standing committees of the Legislative Assembly, and their duties and responsibilities;

(v) special committees of the Legislative Assembly to carry out special inquiries, functions and duties and the rules of those committees;

(vi) publication of the orders and decisions of the Speaker;

(f) the accommodations of the Legislative Assembly and its committees including the following:

(i) accommodations and staff for members within the legislative precincts and in the constituencies of the members, and the necessary communications relating to them;

(ii) accommodations and staff for committees of the Legislative Assembly;

(iii) library and research facilities for the members;

(iv) restaurant and lounge facilities during sessions of the Legislative Assembly for the members, their constituents and guests;

(g) the provision of officers and staff of the Legislative Assembly and accommodations for them;

(h) facilities and accommodations for representatives of the press, radio and television media in the Legislative Assembly, in its committees and in the legislative buildings;

(i) conduct of the members of the Legislature in the Legislative Assembly and its committees and the privileges of members;

(j) the appointment of delegates and observers to meetings and conferences of the Canadian Parliamentary Association, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and similar conferences relating to the legislative process;

(k) other matters the Speaker may consider advisable to inquire into respecting the conduct and government of the Legislative Assembly.

Advisory committee

2 (1) The Speaker may appoint persons, including members of the Legislative Assembly, as the Speaker considers advisable to advise or assist the Speaker in carrying out powers and duties under this Act.

(2) The persons appointed, whether acting alone or as members of a committee, have the duties specified by the Speaker.

Functional period

3 The Speaker or a person appointed under section 2 may carry on the duties and functions under this Act both during and between sessions of the Legislative Assembly.


4 (1) A person appointed under section 2 must be paid a reasonable allowance for each day during which the person is carrying out duties under this Act as certified and approved by the Speaker.

(2) The Speaker and persons appointed under section 2 must be paid necessary and reasonable travelling and living expenses incurred in carrying out their duties under this Act on approval of the expenses by the Comptroller General.

(3) Despite the Constitution Act, the Speaker, or a member of the Legislative Assembly appointed under section 2, may accept the payments provided under subsections (1) and (2), and acceptance of the payments does not make that person ineligible as a member of the Legislature or disqualify that person to sit and vote in the Legislative Assembly.

Appointment of staff

5 The Speaker may employ counsel, clerks, reporters and employees required to carry out the Speaker's powers and duties under this Act.


6 The Speaker or a person appointed under section 2, whether acting alone or as a member of a committee,

(a) has the powers of a select standing committee of the Legislative Assembly, and the usages and customs of the Legislative Assembly and the Standing Orders of it that apply to a select standing committee apply to the person or committee, and

(b) has the powers of a commissioner under sections 12, 15 and 16 of the Inquiry Act.

Report to Legislative Assembly

7 The Speaker must report the progress of investigations and inquiries under this Act to the Legislative Assembly within 15 days of the commencement of each session together with the Speaker's recommendations.


8 Money required for the purposes of this Act must be paid from the consolidated revenue fund, with money authorized by act of the Legislature to be paid and applied.

Copyright (c) 2001: Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada