Part 1 – Purposes and Principles |
1 |
Purposes of this Act |
2 |
Purposes of local governments |
3 |
Broad powers |
4 |
Principles for relationship between local governments and the Provincial government |
Part 1.1 – Definitions and Interpretation |
5 |
Definitions |
6 |
[Repealed] |
6.1 |
References to local government officer |
6.2 |
Special rule for Mountain Time Zone |
6.3 |
[Repealed] |
6.4 |
How notices must be published in a newspaper |
6.5 |
Giving notice to localgovernments
6.6 |
Power to make regulations |
6.7 |
Interim regulations |
Part 2 – Incorporation of Municipalities |
7 |
Incorporation of a new municipality |
8 |
Vote required for the incorporation of a new municipality |
9 |
Procedure and costs for vote on incorporation |
10 |
Incorporation of municipality in conjunction with resource development |
11 |
Incorporation of a mountain resort municipality |
11.1 |
Incorporation of island municipality in Islands Trust area |
12 |
Incorporation of reserve residents as village |
13 |
What must and may be included in letters patent |
14 |
Exceptions for industrial plants |
15 |
Publication of letters patent |
16 |
[Repealed] |
17 |
Classification of municipalities |
18 |
Change of municipal classification |
19 |
Size of council |
20 |
Extension of boundaries |
21 |
Redefinition of boundaries |
22 |
Collection of taxes |
23 |
Transfer of Provincial tax money if rural land included in municipality |
24 |
Bylaws extend to additional area |
25 |
Phased farm property tax exemption |
26 |
Reduction of municipal area |
27 |
Redefinition of adjoining municipalities |
28 |
Conditions on extension or reduction |
29 |
Disincorporation of a municipality |
30 |
Dissolution of improvement district |
31 |
Rights and liabilities not affected by surrender or revocation of letters patent |
32 | Existing licences preserved |
Part 3 – Electors and Elections |
Division 1 – Interpretation |
33 |
Definitions |
34 |
Time not extended for voting days |
35 |
This Act prevails in relation to use of information |
Division 2 – Arrangements for Elections |
36 |
General local elections every 3 years |
36.1 |
Municipal elections at large unless on a neighbourhood constituency basis |
37 |
By-elections |
38 | Minister's order for election to be conducted |
39 | Election bylaws |
40 | Costs of elections |
41 | Appointment of election officials |
42 | Chief election officer duties and powers |
43 | Presiding election official duties and powers |
Division 3 – Election Proceedings Generally |
44 |
Public notices |
45 |
Solemn declarations |
46 |
Keeping order at election proceedings |
47 |
Adjournment of election proceedings |
48 |
Exceptional assistance in election proceedings |
Division 4 – Electors |
49 |
Who may vote at an election |
50 |
Resident electors |
51 |
Non-resident property electors |
52 |
Rules for determining residence |
53 |
When a person may register as an elector |
54 |
Voting day registration only |
55 |
Application for registration |
56 |
How to register in advance |
57 |
How to register as a resident elector at the time of voting |
57.1 |
How to register as a non-resident property elector at the time of voting |
58 |
Non-resident property elector certificate |
59 |
Automatic registration by inclusion on Provincial list of voters |
60 |
Effect of registration |
61 |
Register of electors |
62 |
List of registered electors |
63 |
Protection of privacy |
64 |
Objection to registration of an elector |
65 |
Resolving objections |
Division 5 – Qualifications for Office |
66 |
Who may hold elected office as a member of a local government |
67 | Disqualification of local government employees |
68 | Only one elected office at a time in the same local government |
Division 6 – Nominations and Declaration of Election |
69 |
Nomination period |
70 |
Notice of nomination |
71 |
Who may make nominations |
72 | Nomination documents |
72.1 | Nomination deposits |
73 | Nomination by delivery of nomination documents |
74 | Declaration of candidates |
75 | Challenge of nomination |
76 | Declaration of election by voting or acclamation |
77 | Notice of election by voting |
78 | Appointment if an insufficient number of candidates are elected |
Division 7 – Candidates and Representatives |
79 | Ballot showing candidate endorsement by elector organization |
80 | Withdrawal, death or incapacity of candidate |
81 | Appointment of candidate representatives |
82 | Presence of candidate representatives at election proceedings |
Division 8 – Campaign Financing |
83 | Definitions |
84 | Election campaign |
85 | Appointment of financial agent |
85.1 | Campaign accounts |
86 | Restrictions on accepting contributions and incurring expenses |
87 | Restrictions on making campaign contributions |
88 | Financial agent must record contributions and expenses |
89 | Valuation of campaign contributions and election expenses |
89.1 | Transfer of candidate's surplus campaign funds |
90 | Duty to file disclosure statement |
90.1 | Duty to file supplementary reports |
90.2 | Late filing of disclosure statements |
91 | Court order for relief from filing obligations |
92 | Candidate disqualification for failure to file disclosure statement |
92.1 | Elector organization disqualification for failure to file disclosure statement |
92.2 | Public notice of failure to file |
92.3 | Disqualification list |
92.4 | Candidate disqualification for false or incomplete reports |
92.5 | Elector organization disqualification for false or incomplete reports |
93 | Disclosure statements and supplementary reports to be available for public inspection |
Division 9 – Voting Opportunities |
94 | Voting opportunities for electors |
95 | Required general voting opportunities |
96 | Additional general voting opportunities |
97 | Required advance voting opportunities |
98 | Additional advance voting opportunities |
99 | Special voting opportunities |
100 | Mail ballot voting |
Division 10 – Arrangements for Voting |
101 | Voting places |
102 | Use of voting machines |
103 | Municipal voting divisions |
104 | Form of ballots |
105 | What must and must not be included on a ballot |
106 | Order of names on ballot |
107 | Order of names on ballot determined by lot |
108 | Ballot boxes |
Division 11 – Conduct of Voting Proceedings |
109 | Persons who must be present at voting places |
110 | Persons who may be present at voting places |
111 | Sealing of ballot boxes containing ballots |
112 | Time for voting extended |
Division 12 – Voting |
113 | Voting to be by secret ballot |
114 | Each elector may vote only once |
115 | Requirements before elector may be given a ballot to vote |
116 | Challenge of elector |
117 | If another person has already voted under an elector's name |
118 | Replacement of spoiled ballot |
119 | How to vote by ballot |
120 | One person to a voting compartment |
121 | Persons needing assistance to mark their ballots |
122 | Persons unable to enter a voting place |
Division 13 – Counting of the Vote |
123 | When and where counting is to be done |
124 | Who may be present at counting |
125 | Who does the counting |
126 | Opening of ballot boxes |
127 | Combination of ballots for counting |
128 | Procedures for counting |
129 | Rules for accepting votes and rejecting ballots |
130 | Objections to the acceptance of a vote or the rejection of a ballot |
131 | Ballot account |
132 | Packaging of ballots |
133 | Delivery of election materials to chief election officer |
134 | Preliminary election results |
135 | Determination of official election results |
136 | Declaration of official election results |
137 | When elected candidates may take office |
Division 14 – Judicial Recount |
138 | Application for judicial recount |
139 | Judicial recount procedure |
140 | Results of judicial recount and orders as to costs |
141 | Determination of results by lot if tie vote after judicial recount |
142 | Runoff election if tie vote after a judicial recount |
Division 15 – Declaration of Invalid Election |
143 | Application to court |
144 | Hearing of the application |
145 | Power of the court on an application |
146 | Costs of an application |
147 | Status of an elected candidate |
Division 16 – Final Proceedings |
148 | Report of election results |
149 | Publication of election results |
150 | Retention and destruction of election materials |
Division 17 – Election Offences |
151 | Vote buying |
152 | Intimidation |
152.1 | Prohibition against certain election advertising on general voting day |
153 | Other election offences |
153.1 | Prosecution of organizations and their directors and agents |
154 | Penalties |
Division 18 – General |
155 | Powers of minister in relation to elections |
156 | Regulations |
Part 4 – Other Voting and Counter Petitions |
Division 1 – Interpretation |
157 | Definitions |
158 | Other voting to be conducted in same manner as an election |
Division 2 – Assent of the Electors |
159 | How assent is obtained |
160 | Each bylaw to be voted on must be for a distinct purpose |
Division 3 – Other Voting Proceedings |
161 | Who may vote at other voting |
162 | General voting day for other voting |
163 | Arrangements for other voting |
164 | Notice of other voting |
165 | Ballots for other voting |
166 | When counting for other voting is to be done |
167 | Special procedures if voting is conducted by more than one jurisdiction |
168 | Other general matters |
Division 4 – Scrutineers |
169 | Scrutineers for other voting |
170 | Notice of applications to volunteer as a scrutineer |
171 | Applications to volunteer to act as scrutineer for other voting |
172 |
Appointment of scrutineers for other voting |
Division 5 – Counter Petition Opportunities |
172.1 |
Application |
172.2 |
Process choice for local governments
172.3 |
Deadline for submitting counter petitions
172.4 |
Notice of counter petition opportunity
172.5 |
Counter petition forms |
172.6 |
Requirements for signing a counter petition
172.7 |
Effect of counter petition
172.8 |
Prohibition against false statements
172.9 |
Offences |
172.91 |
Regulations |
Part 5 – Corporate Powers and Their Use |
Division 1 – Corporate Status and Governing Bodies |
173 | Corporations created |
174 | Governing bodies |
175 | Local government jurisdiction |
Division 2 – General Corporate Powers |
176 | Corporate powers of local governments |
Division 3 – Agreements |
177 | Disclosure of information relating to agreements |
178 | Requirements for electors' assent or counter petition opportunities |
179 | Amendment of agreements |
180 | Approval for out-of-Province and out-of-country agreements with public authorities |
Division 4 – Assistance |
181 | Definition of "assistance" |
182 | Prohibition against assistance to business |
183 | Exception for assistance under partnering agreements |
183.1 | Exception for heritage conservation purposes |
184 | Limitation on assistance by means of tax exemption |
185 | Publication of intention to provide certain kinds of assistance |
Division 5 – Disposing of Land and Improvements |
186 | Disposition of land and improvements |
187 | Notice of proposed disposition |
188 | Use of money from sale of land or improvements |
189 | Disposal of assets acquired with Provincial grants |
190 | Disposal of utilities and water and sewer systems |
Division 6 – Delegation of Local Government Authority |
191 | Limitations on delegation authority |
192 | How delegation must occur |
193 | Delegation of hearings |
194 | Reconsideration of delegate's decisions |
Division 7 – Incorporation of Corporations |
195 | Incorporation of corporations |
Part 5.1 – Local Government Officers and Employees |
Division 1 – Officer Positions |
196 | Officer positions |
197 | Chief administrative officer |
198 | Corporate administration |
199 | Financial administration |
Division 2 – Officers and Employees Generally |
200 | Appointment of officers and employees |
201 | Oath of office for officers |
202 | Termination of officer |
203 | Employers' organization |
Division 3 – Certification of Senior Officials |
204 | Board of examiners |
205 | Powers of board |
206 | Board may make regulations |
Part 5.2 – Municipal Councils and Their Proceedings |
Division 1 – Council Members |
207 | Size of council |
208 | Quorum of council |
209 | Term of office for council members |
210 | Oath of office for council members |
211 | Disqualification from office for failure to make oath or attend meetings |
212 | Resignation from office |
213 | Application to court to declare council member disqualified |
214 | Resolution declaring council member disqualified |
215 – 217 |
[Repealed] |
Division 2 – Mayor |
218 | Powers and duties of mayor |
219 | Mayor may return bylaw for reconsideration by council |
220 | Acting mayor and deputy mayor |
221 | Intermunicipal questions |
Division 3 – Council Meetings |
222 | First council meeting after general local election |
222.1 | Regular and special council meetings |
223 | Notice of special meeting |
224 | Council members may request special meeting |
225 – 226 |
[Repealed] |
227 | Mayor to preside at council meetings |
228 | Points of order |
229 | Appeal from decision of mayor or member presiding |
230 | Voting at council meetings |
231 | Council member declaration if not entitled to vote |
Division 4 – Council Proceedings |
232 | Exercise of powers by bylaw or resolution |
233 | General rule that matters be decided by majority of members present |
234 | Requirement for 2/3 majority |
235 | Procedure bylaw |
236 | Minutes of council meetings |
237 | Minutes of council committee meetings |
238 | Appointment of select committee |
239 | Appointment of standing committees |
240 | Witnesses at council or committee meetings |
241 | Petitions to council |
242 | [Repealed] |
Division 4.1 – Public Access to Municipal Meetings |
242.1 | General rule: meetings must be open to the public |
242.2 | Meetings that may or must be closed |
242.3 | Resolution required before meeting closed |
242.4 | No bylaw votes in a closed meeting |
242.5 | Expulsion from meeting for improper conduct |
242.6 | Application to council committee meetings |
242.7 | Application to other municipal bodies |
242.8 | Regulations respecting open meetings |
Division 5 – Additional Powers |
243 | Persons may be honoured with freedom of the municipality |
244 | Municipal holidays |
245 | Referendums to obtain electors' opinion |
246 | Joint exercise of powers with other municipalities |
247 | Incidental powers |
248 | Further powers in relation to municipal assets |
249 | Further powers for public good |
250 | Emergency powers |
251 | Additional powers and exceptions may be granted to municipalities |
252 – 256 |
[Repealed] |
Part 6 – Bylaws |
Division 1 – General |
257 | Requirements for adopting bylaws |
258 | Establishment of procedures for adopting bylaws |
258.1 | Power to amend or repeal |
259 | When a bylaw comes into force |
259.1 | Exercise of powers through municipal code |
259.2 | Evidence of bylaw |
259.3 | Bylaws must be available for public inspections |
Division 2 – Challenge of Bylaws |
260 | Extended definition of "bylaw" |
261 | Validity of council proceedings |
262 | Application to court to set aside bylaw |
263 | Assessment or rate stands unless bylaw set aside |
264 | Declaratory orders |
265 | Right of action on illegal bylaw |
Division 3 – Enforcement of Bylaws |
266 | Fines and penalties |
267 | Bylaw contraventions – offences and penalties |
268 | Inspections to determine whether bylaws are being followed |
269 | Municipal action at defaulter's expense |
270 | [Repealed] |
Division 4 – Ticketing for Bylaw Offences |
271 | Definition of person who is a "justice" |
272 | Ticket offences |
273 | Laying information and serving ticket |
274 | Choice of paying fine or disputing ticket |
275 | Effect of paying fine |
276 | Hearing of dispute |
277 | Failure to appear at hearing |
278 | Failure to respond to ticket |
279 | Time extensions if person not at fault in failing to respond or appear |
280 | Regulations in relation to ticket offences |
Division 5 – Consolidation and Revision of Bylaws |
280.1 | Consolidation of bylaws |
280.2 | Revision of bylaws |
280.3 | Revision may consolidate existing bylaws into municipal code |
280.4 | Bylaw required to adopt revision |
280.5 | Effect of revised bylaws |
280.6 | Correction of revision errors |
Part 7 – Legal Proceedings |
Division 1 – Proceedings by Municipality |
281 | Actions by municipality |
282 | Municipality may restrain breach of Act or bylaw |
283 | Recovery of utility rates by legal remedy of distress |
284 | Scale of costs on distress |
Division 2 – Proceedings against Municipality |
285 | Limitation period for actions against municipality |
286 | Immunity unless notice given to municipality after damage |
287 | Immunity for individual municipal public officers |
287.1 | Defence for local government financial administrator |
287.2 | Indemnification against proceedings |
288 | Immunity against certain nuisance actions |
289 | Immunity in relation to failure to enforce building bylaws |
290 | Limitation on municipal liability regarding building plan approval |
291 | Proceedings against municipality in relation to actions of others |
292 | [Repealed] |
Division 3 – Enforcement of Orders against Municipality |
293 | Writ of execution against municipality |
294 | Copy of writ to be left with municipal officer |
295 | Tax to be imposed if amount not paid |
296 | Payment of amount levied |
297 | Officers of municipality as officers of court |
298 | Certain municipal property exempt from seizure |
Division 4 – Miscellaneous |
299 | Municipalities may join in litigation |
300 | Self insurance by local governments |
301 | Appeal from decision of registrar of land titles |
301.1 | Nisga'a Final Agreement |
301.11 | Orders and awards respecting drainage or reclamation works |
Part 8 – Special Municipal Powers Relating to Property |
Division 1 – Reservation and Dedication of Real Property |
302 | Power to reserve municipal land for public purpose |
303 | Power to dedicate municipal land for public purpose |
304 | Power to cancel the dedication of a highway |
305 | Effect of reservation and dedication |
305.1 | Control of Crown land parks dedicated by subdivision |
305.2 | Exchange of dedicated land |
Division 2 – Municipal Forest Reserves |
306 | Establishment of municipal forest reserve |
307 | Sale or lease of municipal forest reserve |
308 | Cutting and removal of timber |
Division 3 – Expropriation and Compensation |
309 | Expropriation power |
309.1 | Authority in relation to services |
310 | Power to expropriate water diversion licences and related works |
311 | Entry on land to mitigate damage that may be caused by municipality |
312 | Compensation for non-expropriation actions |
313 | Funding for expropriation and mitigation |
Division 4 – Other Powers |
314 | Power to accept property on trust |
315 | Power to convey land to school board in trust |
316 – 326 |
[Repealed] |
Part 9 – Financial Management |
Division 1 – Financial Planning |
327 | Financial plan |
327.1 | Public process |
Division 2 – Financial Reporting |
328 | Annual financial statements |
329 | Annual reporting on municipal finances |
329.1 | Reporting of remuneration and expenses |
330 | Right of elector to complain about accounting |
Division 3 – Audit |
331 | Appointment of auditor |
331.1 | Auditor may appeal termination |
331.2 | Audit committee |
331.3 | Auditor's reports |
331.4 | Access to information by auditors |
Division 4 – Expenditures, Liabilities and Investments |
332 | General revenue sources |
333 | Limit on expenditures |
334 | Limit on borrowing and other liabilities |
334.1 | Liabilities under agreements |
334.2 | Authority to incur prescribed liabilities |
334.3 | Revenue anticipation borrowing |
334.4 | Short term capital borrowing |
335 | Loan authorization bylaws |
335.1 | Counter petition opportunity required for borrowings |
335.2 | Temporary borrowing under loan authorization bylaw |
335.3 | Security issuing bylaws |
335.4 | Regional district financing of municipal undertaking |
335.5 | Appeal from inspector's decision regarding borrowing bylaws |
336 | Investment of municipal funds |
Division 5 – Restrictions on Use of Municipal Funds |
337 | Purposes for which money may be used |
338 | Liabilities for use of money contrary to Act |
Part 10 – Assessment and Taxation |
Division 1 – Exemptions |
339 | General exemptions from taxation |
340 | Qualifications and exceptions to the general exemptions |
341 | Exemptions by council |
342 | Exemptions for heritage properties |
343 | Repayment requirement in relation to heritage exemptions |
343.1 | Exemptions for riparian property |
343.2 | Repayment requirement in relation to riparian exemptions |
344 | Qualifications to the exemptions under sections 341, 342 or 343.1 |
344.1 | Tax exemptions under a partnering agreement |
345 | Exemptions for industrial or business property |
346 | Exemptions for community ports and airports |
Division 2 – Golf Course and Cemetery Valuation Agreements |
347 | Definitions |
348 | Agreements for valuation of golf course or cemetery land |
349 | Covenants required for valuation agreements |
350 | Further liability for 10 years after end of valuation agreement |
351 | Operational details of valuation agreements |
Division 3 – Special Cases |
352 | Forest land |
353 | Taxation of certain utility company property |
354 | [Repealed] |
Division 4 – Tax Liability of Occupiers of Land |
355 | Definition of "occupier" |
356 | Taxation of Crown land used by others |
357 | Taxation of municipal land used by others |
358 | Taxation of occupier of exempt land |
Part 10.1 – Taxes, Fees and Charges |
Division 1 – Property Value Taxes |
359 | Annual property tax bylaw |
359.1 | Assessment averaging and phasing option |
359.2 | Regulations respecting property tax rates |
359.3 | Grouping of parcels |
Division 2 – Parcel Taxes |
360 | Parcel tax bylaw |
360.1 | Assessment roll bylaw |
361 | Assessment rolls for parcel taxes |
361.1 | Local court of revision required for parcel tax |
361.2 | Notice of sitting by local court of revision |
361.3 | Local court of revision to hear complaints and make corrections |
361.4 | Application of Assessment Act provisions |
361.5 | Authentication of assessment roll |
361.6 | Notice of decision |
361.7 | Appeal to Supreme Court from local court of revision |
361.8 | Updating the assessment roll |
361.9 | Validity of assessment roll |
362 | Grouping of parcels |
Division 3 – Fees and Charges |
363 | Imposition of fees and charges |
364 | Special fees and charges that are liens against property |
Part 11 – Tax Collection |
Division 1 – Due Dates and Tax Notices |
365 | Options for tax due dates |
366 | General tax collection scheme |
367 | Alternative municipal tax collection scheme |
368 | Owner may elect which scheme to use |
369 | General tax notices |
370 | Copies of tax notice to be sent to persons who have requested this |
Division 2 – Adjustments to Taxes |
371 | Interest on overpayment of taxes |
372 | Adjustments required if assessments are set aside or varied |
373 | Taxation based on supplementary roll |
374 | Apportionment of property value taxes if land subdivided |
375 | Apportionment of parcel taxes if land subdivided |
376 | Special fees and charges that are to be collected as taxes |
377 | Charge for irrigation water rights |
Division 3 – Payment of Taxes |
378 | Application of tax payments |
379 | Taxes in arrear |
380 | Delinquent taxes |
381 | Treatment of taxes on subdivision or cancellation of subdivision |
382 | Statements of taxes in arrear or delinquent |
383 | Certificate of taxes outstanding |
Divisions 4 to 6 |
384 – 395 |
[Repealed] |
Division 7 – Recovery of Taxes |
396 | Taxes are a special charge on the land |
397 | Liability of assessed owner and recovery by court action |
398 | Recovery of taxes by the legal remedy known as "distress" |
399 | Power to accept real property in place of taxes |
400 | Notice of delinquent taxes on Crown land |
401 | Recovery of taxes on Crown land subject to an agreement for sale |
402 | Recovery of taxes on Crown land held under lease or licence |
Division 8 – Annual Tax Sale |
403 | Annual tax sale |
404 | Exemption of Crown land from tax sale |
405 | Notice of tax sale |
406 | Municipality may bid at tax sale |
407 | Upset price and conduct of tax sale |
408 | Purchaser to give authority to register tax sale title |
409 | Collector to provide certificate of sale |
410 | Tax sale of Crown land subject to an agreement to purchase |
411 | Provincial government may accept tax sale purchaser |
412 | Resale of land purchased by municipality at tax sale |
413 | Notice of tax sale must be filed in land title office |
414 | Owners must be given notice of tax sale and redemption period |
415 | Assessment and taxes during redemption period |
416 | Application of surplus from tax sale |
417 | Redemption by owner |
418 | Redemption payments by instalments |
419 | Notice of redemption must be filed in land title office |
420 | Registration of purchaser |
421 | Effect of tax sale on rights of owner |
422 | Action by owner to have tax sale set aside |
423 | Reinstatement of taxes if sale set aside |
424 | Restrictions on legal actions in relation to tax sale |
425 | Repossessed tax sale land |
426 | Procedure on default of purchaser under agreement |
427 | Redemption by municipality of land sold for Provincial taxes |
428 | Power to agree with other taxing authority |
429 – 447 |
[Repealed] |
Part 12 |
448 – 479 |
[Repealed] |
Part 13 – Special Funds |
Division 1 – Sinking Funds |
480 | Requirement for separate accounts |
481 | [Repealed] |
482 | Savings institution account for sinking fund money |
483 | Application of securities held as investments from sinking funds |
484 | [Repealed] |
485 | Pledging sinking fund securities for municipal borrowing |
486 | [Repealed] |
487 | Directions from minister as to use of sinking fund |
488 | Reduction of sinking fund rates or levy |
489 | Surplus in sinking fund |
490 | Deficiency in sinking fund |
491 | Inspector may require report on sinking fund |
492 | Transfer of administration to Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations |
Division 2 – Debt Retirement Funds |
493 | Municipal financial officer must keep accounts |
494 | Debt retirement funds advance |
495 | Investment of debt retirement fund |
Division 3 – Reserve Funds |
496 | Capital works reserve funds |
497 | Reserve funds for municipal enterprises |
498 | Reserve fund from tax sale money |
499 | Special reserve fund |
Division 4 – Local Improvement Fund |
500 | Local improvement fund |
Division 5 – General |
501 | Transfer between funds |
502 | Use of money if original purpose has failed |
503 | [Repealed] |
504 | Limits on use of funds |
505 – 506 |
[Repealed] |
Part 14 |
507 – 516 |
[Repealed] |
Part 15 – Municipal Services |
Division 1 – Service Powers |
517 | General authority for services |
517.1 | Establishing bylaws required for most services |
518 | Consent required for services outside municipality |
518.1 | General authorities in relation to services |
519 | Regulation of works and facilities outside the municipality |
Division 2 – Police Services |
520 | Municipal law enforcement |
521 | Disposal of property in police possession |
Division 3 – Fire Protection |
522 | Special fire protection powers |
Division 4 – Health |
523 | Health protection authority |
Division 5 – Highways |
524 | Possession of highways |
525 | Title to highways |
526 | Agreements to reserve land for highway purposes |
527 | Establishing and closing highways |
528 | Naming and numbering of highways |
529 | Works to protect highways from water damage |
530 | Special authority in relation to highways and related matters |
531 | Regulation of extraordinary traffic |
532 | Uses of highways and public places |
533 | Wires, poles and structures on highways |
534 | Gates across highway |
535 | Intermunicipal boundary highways |
536 | Bylaws respecting intermunicipal boundary highways |
537 | Disputes respecting boundary highways |
538 | Disputes respecting transecting highways |
539 | Intermunicipal bridges |
Division 6 – Sewers, Storm Drains and Drainage |
540 | Special drainage and sewerage authority |
541 | Watercourse may be included in drainage system |
542 | Requirements respecting drainage works |
543 | Appropriation of stream channel or bed |
544 | Control of drainage |
545 | Appeal to minister if unable to reach agreement on construction of drains |
546 | Liability for damage to works or watercourse |
547 | Highway construction and dikes |
548 | Intermunicipal watercourses |
549 | District municipality drainage works |
Division 7 – Waste and Recycling |
550 | Authority in relation to waste disposal and recycling services |
Division 8 – Miscellaneous |
551 | Regulation of signs and advertising |
552 | Use of highways or municipal rights of way |
553 | Irrigation services |
554 | Charges for cleaning and clearing highways |
555 | Authority subject to Water Act |
Part 16 |
556 – 584 |
[Repealed] |
Part 17 – Utilities |
Divisions 1 and 2 |
585 – 606 |
[Repealed] |
Division 3 – Franchises |
607 | Granting of franchises |
608 | Establishing routes and other terms |
609 | Enforcement of franchise |
Part 18 |
610 – 619 |
[Repealed] |
Part 19 – Local Improvements and Specified Areas |
Division 1 – Local Improvements |
620 | Definitions |
621 | Land that is exempt from taxation |
622 | Municipal policy that works must be undertaken as local improvements |
623 | Works that may be undertaken as local improvements |
624 | Sidewalk canopies as local improvements |
625 | Sewer, water and gas connections in relation to street paving |
626 | Sidewalk crossings and driveways provided at owner's request |
627 | Time limit on effect of construction bylaw |
628 | General rule of separate bylaws for distinct work |
629 | Local improvement proposed on council's initiative |
630 | Petition against work proposed on council's initiative |
631 | Petition to council for local improvement |
632 | Determining whether a petition is sufficient |
633 | Items that may be included in the cost of a work |
634 | Charges for work must be established in advance |
635 | Requirements for adoption of construction bylaw |
636 | Commuting special charges |
637 | Borrowing for works |
638 | Payment of costs in accordance with financial plan |
639 | Payment of costs from local improvement fund |
640 | Assessment must be revised if scope of work reduced |
641 | Duty of municipality to repair completed works |
642 | Procedure to compel municipality to repair |
643 | Current assessment of special charges is not an encumbrance |
644 | Cost of work that is replaced, removed or destroyed |
645 | Commission may be appointed to investigate assessment roll |
Division 2 – Specified Areas |
646 | Services for specified areas |
647 | Off-street parking facilities |
648 | Borrowing for specified area |
649 | Enlargement or reduction of specified area |
650 | Merging of specified areas |
650.1 | Transfer or discontinuation of joint services |
651 | Application of Municipal Services Part to specified areas |
Division 3 – Special Improvement Areas |
651.1 | Business improvement areas |
651.2 | Mountain resort business improvement areas |
Part 20 – Business Regulation and Licensing |
Division 1 – General Authority |
652 | Definition of "business" |
653 | Authority to regulate business |
654 | Regulation of business hours |
655 | Restriction on authority in relation to rental accommodations |
656 | Limitation on authority to require examination or certification |
657 | Regulation of carriers |
Division 2 – Business Licensing |
658 | Authority to require business licences |
659 | Refusal of business licence |
660 | Suspension or cancellation of business licence |
661 | Right to reconsideration of delegated decisions |
662 | Intermunicipal business licences |
663 | Offence to carry on business without a licence |
Division 3 – Licensing of Commercial Vehicles |
664 | Definitions |
665 | Application of Division |
666 | Commercial vehicle licensing bylaw |
667 | Exemptions from licensing requirements |
668 | Licence plate must be displayed |
669 | Issue and transfer of licence plates |
670 | Term of licences |
671 | Fees to be paid to UBCM |
672 | Offences |
673 – 679 |
[Repealed] |
680 | Specific regulatory powers |
681 – 691 |
[Repealed] |
Part 21 – Building Regulations |
Division 1 – Building Code and Other Building Regulations |
692 | Provincial building code and regulations |
693 | Building Code Appeal Board |
Division 2 – Municipal Building Regulations |
694 | Municipal building regulations |
694.1 | Requirement for security |
695 | Requirement for certification by engineer or architect |
696 | Regulating doors and emergency exits |
697 | Municipality may adopt national codes |
Division 3 – Specific Municipal Actions |
698 | Demolition or repair of unsafe buildings, structures and excavations |
699 | Building inspector may require engineering report |
700 | Note against land title that building regulations contravened |
701 | Cancellation of note against land title |
Part 22 – Miscellaneous Powers |
702 | [Repealed] |
Division 1 – Regulation of Animals |
703 | Keeping of animals |
704 | Regulation of animal nuisances |
705 | Dog licences |
706 | Compensation for injuries to livestock |
707 | Animal pounds |
707.1 | Dangerous dogs |
Division 2 – Protection of Trees |
708 | General protection of trees |
709 | Regulation of tree cutting and removal |
710 | Significant trees |
711 | Hazardous trees and shrubs |
712 | Removal or replacement of trees at owner's expense |
713 | Assessment and inspection of trees |
714 | Limits on powers under this Division |
715 | Reconsideration of delegate's decision |
Division 3 – Sundry Powers |
716 | Bylaws regarding cemeteries |
717 | [Repealed] |
718 | Night patrols |
719 | [Repealed] |
720 | Bicycle licences |
721 | Land rehabilitation assistance |
722 | Wild flowers, auctions and athletic contests |
722.1 | Athletic commissions |
723 | Removal and deposit of sand, gravel and other soil |
724 | Noise control |
725 | Nuisances and disturbances |
725.1 | Protection of waterways |
726 | Fire and security alarm systems |
727 | Removal of dangerous buildings and other structures |
727.1 | Authority to require unsanitary conditions to be remedied |
728 | Firearms, explosives and fireworks |
Part 23 – Improvement Districts |
Division 1 – General |
729 | Definitions |
730 | [Repealed] |
731 | Incorporation by letters patent |
732 | Incorporation of mountain resort improvement districts |
733 | Notation on title of land in a mountain improvement district |
734 | Amendment or recall of letters patent |
735 | Dissolution of improvement districts |
736 | Improvement district trustees |
737 | Election of improvement district trustees |
738 | Chair |
738.1 | Officer positions |
738.2 | Corporate administration |
738.3 | Financial administration |
738.4 | Officers and employees |
738.5 | Giving notice to improvement districts |
739 | Meeting procedure |
740 | First meeting of trustees in each year |
740.1 | Appointment of select and standing committees |
741 | Annual general meeting |
741.1 | Annual financial statements |
741.2 | Appointment of auditor |
742 | Appointment of receiver |
743 | Protection from legal proceedings |
743.1 | Indemnification against proceedings |
744 | Improvement district property exempt from taxation |
Division 2 – Powers and Operations |
745 | General powers |
746 | Powers that must be exercised by bylaw |
747 | Requirements for bylaws |
747.1 | Subdivision servicing requirements |
747.2 | Excess or extended services and latecomer payments |
748 | Power to exercise rights under certain water licences |
749 | Power to expropriate water diversion licences and related works |
750 | General power to expropriate land and works |
751 | Renewal of works |
752 | Appeal if improvement district refuses to provide services |
Division 3 – Taxes and Cost Recovery |
753 | Assessment roll |
754 | Notice of assessment |
755 | Revision of assessments |
756 | Tax collection on behalf of improvement district |
756.1 | Municipal collection of improvement district taxes |
756.2 | Payments to improvement districts |
757 | Levying of taxes by improvement district |
758 | Tax notices |
759 | Lien for taxes and tolls |
760 | Interest on taxes |
Division 4 – Tax Sales |
761 | Definitions |
762 | Tax sale for recovery of taxes |
763 | Conduct of tax sale |
764 | Disposal of surplus from tax sale |
765 | Improvement district as purchaser of tax sale land |
766 | Tax sale deed |
767 | Sale of Crown land held under a mortgage or agreement for sale |
768 | Disposal of tax sale land by trustees |
Division 5 – Borrowing and Securities |
769 | Provision of sinking funds |
770 | Provincial guarantee of improvement district securities |
771 | Form of securities |
772 | Registration of securities |
Part 24 – Regional Districts |
Division 1 – Interpretation |
773 | Definitions |
774 | Application of other provisions |
Division 1.1 – Continuation of Regional Districts and Services |
774.1 | Continuation of regional districts |
774.2 | Continuation of regional district services |
Division 2 – Corporate Structure |
775 | [Repealed] |
776 | Incorporation of regional districts |
777 | Letters patent of regional districts |
778 – 779.3 |
[Repealed] |
780 | Amalgamation and division of regional districts and alteration of boundaries |
781 | Dissolution of improvement districts and local areas |
782 | Creation or restructure of municipalities |
Division 3 – Government and Procedure |
783 | Composition and voting rights |
784 | Appointment and term of office of municipal directors |
785 | Election and term of office of electoral area directors |
786 | Alternate municipal directors |
787 | Alternate electoral area directors |
788 | Remuneration and expenses of directors and committee members |
789 | Director benefits |
790 | [Repealed] |
791 | Voting on resolutions and bylaws |
792 | Chair and vice chair of board |
793 | Calling and conduct of meetings |
794 | Procedure, bylaws and enforcement |
795 | Appointment of select and standing committees |
Division 4 – Services and Powers |
796 | General authority for services |
796.1 | Consent required for services outside regional district |
796.2 | General authorities in relation to services |
796.3 | Regulation authority in relation to previous bylaws |
797 | Part 15 powers equivalent to municipalities |
797.1 | Specific regulatory and other powers |
797.2 | General authority for fees, charges and recovery of amounts owed |
797.3 | Referendums regarding services |
797.4 | Petition for services |
798 | General powers equivalent to municipalities |
798.1 | Emergency powers |
799 | Additional powers and exceptions |
Division 4.1 – Establishing Bylaws |
800 | Establishing bylaws required for most services |
800.1 | Required content for establishing bylaws |
800.2 | Special options for establishing bylaws |
801 | Approval of establishing bylaws |
801.1 | Responsibility for obtaining approval |
801.2 | Approval of the electors by voting |
801.3 | Approval of electors by counter petition opportunity |
801.4 | Consent on behalf of municipal electors |
801.5 | Consent on behalf of electoral area electors |
801.6 | Other procedural rules |
802 | Amendment or repeal of establishing bylaws |
802.1 | Changes to participating and service areas |
802.2 | Amending bylaws that are needed for authority to borrow |
802.3 | Special provisions respecting service withdrawal |
Division 4.2
– Cost Recovery for Services |
803 | Options for cost recovery |
803.1 | Costs of services |
804 | Apportionment of costs |
804.1 | Cost sharing for Part 26 services |
804.2 | Valuation information and apportionment adjustments |
804.3 | Tax base for property value taxes |
Division 4.3
– Requisition and Tax Collection |
805 | Requisition of funds from municipalities |
805.1 | Collection in municipalities |
806 | Requisition of funds for electoral areas |
806.1 | Collection in electoral areas |
807 | Amounts to be paid over to regional district |
Division 4.4
– Tax Rates and Exemptions |
808 | Variable tax rate system |
809 | Property tax exemptions |
810 | Exemptions for heritage properties |
810.1 | Repayment requirement in relation to heritage exemptions |
811 | Exemptions for riparian property |
811.1 | Repayment requirement in relation to riparian exemptions |
812 | Tax exemptions under a partnering agreement |
Division 4.5 – Dispute Resolution in Relation to Services |
813 | Definitions |
813.01 | Minister may appoint facilitators |
813.02 | Parties to a service review or service withdrawal |
813.03 | Costs of service review or service withdrawal |
813.04 | Initiating a service review |
813.05 | Other issues and services may be dealt with in one service review |
813.06 | Preliminary meeting |
813.07 | Negotiations to resolve issues |
813.08 | Initiating service withdrawal |
813.09 | Minister's direction on process |
813.10 | Addition of further initiating participants or further services |
813.11 | Early termination of process |
813.12 | Mediation |
813.13 | Arbitration |
813.14 | Initiating participant must respond to final resolution |
813.15 | Direction to further arbitration in certain cases |
813.16 | When final resolution becomes binding |
813.17 | Implementation of final resolution by bylaw |
813.18 | Failure to adopt required bylaws |
813.19 | Regulations respecting arbitrations |
Division 5 – Financial Operations |
814 | Accounting |
815 – 818 |
[Repealed] |
819 | Annual budget |
819.1 | Capital expenditure program |
820 – 825 |
[Repealed] |
826 | Special funds |
827 | [Repealed] |
828 | Liabilities beyond the current year |
829 | Revenue anticipation borrowing |
830 | Short term capital borrowing |
831 | Loan authorization bylaws |
831.1 | Borrowing to cover judgments and awards in legal proceedings |
832 | Information that must be stated in borrowing bylaw |
833 | Security issuing bylaw |
834 | Provisions applicable to loan and security bylaws |
835 | Financing municipal undertakings |
836 | Borrowing on credit |
Division 6 – General |
837 | Services to public authorities |
838 | Local community commissions |
839 | [Repealed] |
840 | Restriction on authority in relation to firearms |
841 | Default on payment by municipality |
842 – 845.3 |
[Repealed] |
846 | Inspection of regional districts |
847 | Legal proceedings |
Part 25 – Regional Growth Strategies |
848 | Definitions |
Division 1 – Application and Content of Regional Growth Strategy |
849 | Purpose of regional growth strategy |
850 | Content of regional growth strategy |
851 | Area to which regional growth strategy applies |
852 | Requirement to adopt regional growth strategy |
Division 2 – Preparation and Adoption Procedures |
853 | Requirements for adoption |
854 | Initiation of regional growth strategy process |
855 | Consultation during development of regional growth strategy |
856 | Facilitation of agreement during development of regional growth strategy |
857 | Acceptance by affected local governments required |
858 | Resolution of anticipated objections |
859 | Resolution of refusal to accept |
860 | Settlement of regional growth strategy |
861 | Options for settlement process |
862 | General provisions regarding settlement process |
863 | Adoption of regional growth strategy |
864 | Requirement to adopt finalized regional growth strategy |
Division 3 – Effect of Regional Growth Strategy |
865 | Regional district must conform with regional growth strategy |
866 | Requirement for regional context statements in municipal official community plans |
Division 4 – General |
867 | Intergovernmental advisory committees |
868 | Implementation agreements |
869 | Regular reports and review of regional growth strategy |
870 | Provincial policy guidelines |
871 | Minister may require official community plans and land use bylaws |
Part 26 – Planning and Land Use Management |
Division 1 – General |
872 | Definitions |
873 | Authority under Part |
873.1 | Rural land use bylaws |
874 | Ministerial orders |
Division 2 – Official Community Plans |
875 | Purposes of official community plans |
876 | Authority to adopt by bylaw |
877 | Required content |
878 | Policy statements in community plans |
879 | Consultation during OCP development |
879.1 and 880 |
Repealed |
881 | Planning of school facilities |
882 | Adoption procedures |
883 | Repealed |
884 | Effect of official community plans |
885 | Repealed |
Division 3 |
886 – 889 |
[Repealed] |
Division 4 – Public Hearings on Bylaws |
890 | Public hearings |
891 | Delegating the holding of public hearings |
892 | Notice of public hearing |
893 | Notice if public hearing waived |
894 | Procedure after a public hearing |
Division 5 – Public Information and Advisory Commission |
895 | Development approval procedures |
896 | Information that must be available to the public |
897 | Procedures manual |
898 | Advisory planning commission |
Division 6 – Board of Variance |
899 | Establishment of board of variance |
900 | Chair and procedures |
901 | Variance or exemption to relieve hardship |
902 | Extent of damage preventing reconstruction as non-conforming use |
Division 7 – Zoning and Other Development Regulation |
903 | Zoning bylaws |
904 | Zoning for amenities and affordable housing |
905 | Housing agreements for affordable and special needs housing |
906 | Parking space requirements |
907 | Runoff control requirement |
908 | Regulation of signs |
909 | Screening and landscaping to mask or separate uses |
910 | Construction requirements in relation to flood plain areas |
911 | Non-conforming uses and siting |
912 | Effect of expropriation in relation to non-conforming use and subdivision |
913 | Approval of regional district bylaws by minister |
914 | No compensation in relation to adoption of bylaw or issuance of permit |
Division 8 – Use of Land for Agricultural Operations |
915 | Intensive agriculture |
916 | Provincial standards for farm bylaws |
917 | Farm bylaws |
918 | Application |
919 | Three year review of bylaws affecting farming areas |
Division 9 – Permits and Fees |
919.1 | Designation of development permit areas |
920 | Development permits |
920.1 | Development approval information |
920.2 | Designation of temporary commercial and industrial use permit areas |
921 | Temporary commercial and industrial permits |
922 | Development variance permits |
923 | Tree cutting permits |
924 | Approval required for development near controlled access highway |
925 | Requirement for security |
926 | Lapse of permit |
927 | Notice of permit on land title |
928 | General matters |
929 | Withholding of permits and licences that conflict with bylaws in preparation |
930 | Amendment and discharge of land use contracts |
931 | Fees related to applications and inspections |
Division 10 – Development Costs Recovery |
932 | Definitions |
933 | Development cost charges generally |
934 | Amount of development cost charges |
935 | Use of development cost charges |
936 | Acquisition and development of park land |
937 | Adoption procedures for development cost charge bylaw |
937.1 | Development works agreements with private developers |
Division 10.1 – School Site Acquisition Charges |
937.2 | Definitions |
937.3 | School site acquisition charge payable |
937.4 | Eligible school site requirements |
937.5 | Setting school site acquisition charges |
937.6 | Provision of land for school sites |
937.7 | No subdivision or building permit unless charge paid |
937.8 | Credit for previous contributions |
937.9 | Transfer to school board |
937.91 | Regulations for this Division |
Division 11 – Subdivision and Development Requirements |
938 | Subdivision servicing requirements |
939 | Excess or extended services and latecomer payments |
940 | Completion of works and services |
941 | Provision of park land |
942 | [Repealed] |
943 | Bylaws adopted after application for subdivision submitted |
944 | Parcel frontage on highway |
945 | Highway provision and widening |
946 | Subdivision to provide residence for a relative |
Division 12 – Contaminated Sites |
946.1 | Assessment of site profiles |
946.2 | Waste Management Act requirements must be met |
946.3 | [Repealed] |
Part 27 – Heritage Conservation |
Division 1 – General |
947 | Definitions |
948 | Limits on the use of this Part |
949 | Limit on compensation |
950 | Bylaw and permit procedures |
951 | [Repealed] |
952 | Ombudsman review of local government decisions |
Division 2 – Heritage Review |
953 | Community heritage commissions |
954 | Community heritage register |
955 | Heritage recognition |
956 | Heritage inspection may be ordered |
957 | Entry authority for a heritage inspection |
958 | Impact assessment may be required |
959 | Local government requests for Provincial protection |
Division 3 – Temporary Protection |
960 | Withholding of approvals |
961 | Withholding of demolition permits until other approvals issued |
962 | Orders for temporary protection |
963 | Temporary protection by introduction of a continuing protection bylaw |
964 | Heritage control periods for temporary protection |
965 | Temporary protection |
Division 4 – Continuing Protection |
966 | Heritage revitalization agreements |
967 | Heritage designation protection |
968 | Heritage designation procedure |
969 | Compensation for heritage designation |
970 | Heritage site maintenance standards |
970.1 | Designation of heritage conservation areas |
971 | Heritage conservation areas |
Division 5 – Heritage Alteration Permits |
972 | Heritage alteration permits |
973 | Requirements and conditions in a heritage alteration permit |
Division 6 – Notices under this Part |
974 | Giving notice to owners and occupiers |
975 | Posting notice on protected heritage property |
976 | Notice on land titles |
977 | Notice to minister responsible for the Heritage Conservation Act |
978 | Regulations regarding notices |
Division 7 – Remedies and Offences |
979 | Civil remedies in relation to heritage property |
980 | Notice of contravention may be filed in land title office |
981 | Offences and penalties |
Part 28 – Replotting Schemes |
Division 1 – Interpretation |
982 | Definitions |
983 | Application of Part |
Division 2 – Preparation and Initiation of Scheme |
984 | Preliminary definition of district |
985 | Information included in scheme |
986 | General principles of replotting |
987 | Reallotment of parcels |
988 | Municipality may acquire charges |
989 | Notice requirements for initiation of a scheme |
990 | General consent of owners to scheme |
991 | Consents binding on owners once given |
992 | Alterations to scheme may require new consents |
993 | Initiation of scheme by registration of resolution |
994 | Effect of initiation |
995 | Resolution to complete or discontinue scheme |
Division 3 – Implementation and Completion of Scheme |
996 | Registration of common mass |
997 | Effect of deposit of reference plan |
998 | Registration for owners of new parcels |
999 | Rights of ownership and charges transferred |
Division 4 – Complaints Regarding Compensation |
1000 | Allotments binding, although owners may complain regarding compensation |
1001 | Compensation for loss and damage |
1002 | Appointment of commissioner |
1003 | Replacement of commissioner |
1004 | Notice to owners who do not consent |
1005 | Time and place to hear complaints |
1006 | Hearing by commissioner |
1007 | Commissioner's powers and report |
1008 | Appeal to Supreme Court |
1009 | Payment of compensation |
Division 5 – General |
1010 | Removal of buildings |
1011 | Accounts and apportionment |
1012 | Former highways to be maintained |
1013 | Limitation of claims |
1014 | Disposal of municipal parcels |
1015 | Taxation during proceedings |
1016 | List of owners must be provided to municipality |
1017 | Land title fees |
1018 | Questions may be referred to Supreme Court |
Part 29 – Inspector of Municipalities |
1019 | Inspector of municipalities |
1020 | Official seal and documents |
1021 | Inquiries into local government matters |
1022 | Certificate of approval for money bylaws |
1023 | Inquiry into application for certificate |
1024 | Appeal from inspector's decision to withhold or refuse certificate |
1025 | Certificate conclusive of validity |
Part 30 – Administration Commissioner |
1026 | Definitions |
1027 | Appointment of administrative commissioner |
1028 | Substitution of commissioner |
1029 | Acting commissioner |
1030 | Powers transferred to commissioner |
1031 | Power of commissioner to make bylaws |
1032 | Powers of commissioner to borrow |
1033 | Taxes for sinking fund |
1034 | Assessment rolls |
1035 | Limits on complaints against assessment |
1036 | Differences between commissioner and school board |
1037 | Reports to minister |
1038 | Election after commissioner appointed |
1039 | Restriction on legal proceedings |
1040 | Power to make regulations |