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This archived statute consolidation is current to November 5, 2001 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here. |
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1 In this Act:
"rental unit" includes all or part of a cabin, cottage, house, kitchen, office, administration building, apartment, room, lodge, hut, tent and structure maintained for public use;
"tourist accommodation" means
(a) land on which rental units are located, or
(b) land used by the public as a camping ground or trailer park,
whether or not a charge is made for its rental or use;
"trailer" means a vehicle
(a) constructed so that it may be drawn or propelled by a motor vehicle, and
(b) used for human occupancy.
2 The Lieutenant Governor in Council may do one or more of the following:
(a) establish standards for the classification of tourist accommodation;
(b) classify tourist accommodation according to those standards;
(c) vary classifications;
(d) establish signs or symbols to indicate standards of classification and prescribe that they must be used only as authorized by the minister.
3 If there is conflict between this Act or the regulations and a municipal bylaw, this Act or the regulations prevail.
4 Every municipality must enforce this Act and the regulations.
5 (1) For the purposes of this Act, the minister may establish a council to be called the Provincial Tourist Advisory Council, consisting of not more than 50 members, to be appointed by the minister and to hold office during pleasure.
(2) The members of the council are to include the following persons:
(a) not more than 7 members of the public service of British Columbia whose administrative duties involve matters affecting the tourist traffic, one of whom must be appointed vice chair by the minister;
(b) representatives of organized bodies whose main purpose is to stimulate the tourist traffic;
(c) other persons with special experience or knowledge in connection with the tourist traffic.
(3) The minister must appoint one of the members of the council who is not a member of the public service of British Columbia as chair of the council, to hold office for a period of 2 years or until a successor is appointed.
(4) No remuneration is payable to any member of the council in connection with services rendered as a member, but members are entitled to receive travelling and other personal expenses authorized by the minister.
6 The duties of the council are to do all of the following:
(a) stimulate and coordinate the activities of all associations, or other public or private organizations, engaged in developing the tourist traffic of British Columbia, and generally to facilitate the development of a unified tourist policy;
(b) encourage the formation of tourist bureaus;
(c) collaborate with all organizations interested in the stimulation of the tourist traffic, and generally to seek the most favourable representation of British Columbia to the public for tourist purposes.
7 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations referred to in section 41 of the Interpretation Act.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows:
(a) governing the licensing, registration and supervision of tourist accommodation;
(b) governing the conduct of persons who operate, use or avail themselves of the facilities of tourist accommodation;
(c) governing enforcement of the regulations;
(d) requiring the operator of tourist accommodation to maintain a register of guests who use or stay at the tourist accommodation;
(e) providing for licensing or registration of tourist accommodation and prescribe fees to be paid for licences or registration;
(f) providing for the inspection of tourist accommodation;
(g) providing for the exemption from this Act of tourist accommodation not operated primarily for gain.
(3) A regulation may be made applicable to all or specified municipalities, or may exclude a municipality from its application.
Copyright (c) 2001: Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada